YUrIISIAY, OCT. 8th. 1953 Pa*J. deP. Wright Preaches ai BUHKETONJ YELVERTON 'lfth-Call Perry. t.~ .. Mrs. T. G. Breck with Mr. and This wepk's issue marks the Mrs. Annie Lei ýO n" ar e etia S r ice~ r J. Gray at Keene, ta ad",ent a* Yelverton News in Island, New Yor _________ sît Mrs. Bill Breck and Ian Thc Canadian Statesman. To the Geo. Wilson iRev. J DeP iWho are flying back ta England VYP din4I ~ 3(, those of you who are saying: Wilson visited Wright, L.S.T, a ley during the season of fIood.'this week. g "Where in the world is Yelver- Fallis, Baliyduff, former Rtor of St. John's An- As the water receded the seed! Mrs. A. C. Shacklady, Mrs. tiiton" atnse on st7A Pamela gi -~'Bun ch tn?" an 8nswerusthbevgiven. Mrs. Floyd Stii gc*r ýhuh.and at present of camne to est on the fértile land.I en ubbrds sister, wo onsit Highway Pml are expeci and Mrs. Ross Hubbard, left by chief andmark is the he Peterborough thi: ""~ guest preacher at St. vest was reaped. "You have ta ?ln for ber home in Los.8 miles onta e thl ihny a Mr niMsC J' for the Evening Thanks- give in order to get," he main- Angeles, Calif. we g .clbadit91 pres, Renfrew, g service on- October 4th. we g eerae t ltMr. and Mrs. Ra l Wrgt h a etrtained "This principle holds Mr. and Mrs. Henry Demili knonray evro s !Yr andMs h' 'om 1946-1949 and made good in aIl the laws of life," and baby Craig, Oshawa, wïth konhraut.s aiaert Mr a -)ýo red uighsM.Wia elrd eteithe Hubbards. Mr. and Mrs. community of young-marrieds,ý Mr. and Mrs. Ge a iJS ffrnd duighsM.WgtdeardHetn Walter Oke were Sunday guests.I and' since ta 'heir" is buman, Mrs. Lewkowîcy th1nl.Yeer incumbency, was' proceedecl to illustrate this re- r n r.SPdaT- JOHNSTON - SELLERS mitts and carried roses and children. Walter Henry in r s? elcmet.c i ference ta the ol of business, ronto, and Mrs. L. Cochrane with St Paul's Unitd Çurch chrysanthemums in contrasting This correspondent has two onl Fridav. Sw _ad at olrli dvring s.J.Ram, hues. Their jewelery was rhine- cildrpcneunl f" Seaking from the text Ec-in tiepartcaryof dveritisingM rs H ah.Bowmanville, was tescene ofstone necklaces, the gift of the get drpnofft.>n sequently if" in the s f1:1,s4of theyBritishaE m .H.Rahm attended the' a wedding on Saturday after- bride. dw f htse to! your Mrs.i H.sonl caratI or "Oh, my shattered vase or T eQusib clOne at~ers for Gast bread pire adtnh e ronalchracer swedding of her graridson, Mr. noWet.2,whnBabra MsPSaonliiiyrilisihul t enevs" peasi fin c iter anv daxprs" the love. J i ived oréotaersn' Mr. and Mrs. Adams were in!: and Mrs. Thomas Sellers of ter of the bride, and Miss Karen the midst of a news item youll ilCuc i PIV sicher be n b exresin hereid ed the congregation IBowmanvýille was united in mar- Suddard, niece of the bride- understand why!r h . pl a ur t ei g ba k in I T da ~ s s lives, and lives, P t r o o n ggih K e n t h rle pein , w ere flow er girls dress- A t r t i r e r f c h 13C(ý.vmanville and in noting the' in milýiùrs of lives" Then he Mrs. Robert Carter and Wayne' ig ihKnehCals fe hsbifpéaeteR cefo Eîý-s Of continued pragress in pointed out that the principle are.staying bere while Mr. Cart- Murray Johinston, son of Mr. and ithMr 'ig hlo ad wit r" th0 chcrch here. l o apply to the Christian er is working in Sudbury with Msghre ohso fOh ioe.th eymatchihalos andw -comadMr n rs(ur Y ,elverton Cor 'hen h ettnt xli hrh h brhflourshsthe Bell Télephone Ca. awa. give. he crreaaidfshMradMs. iMbrtrai- he wnt n t exlainchuch.Thechurh uishs 1ioned nosegays of pink roses and Malcolm are expected home Yelverton: As the text with reference ta sow- as hier mejnbers give themselves Mrs. E. Caughill and Mrs. J. The double ring ceremonichysanthemums. They wore from Detroit tbis week. They Yeiverton United Jng practices along the Nile ni-, away. Carter with friends in Toronto. was conducted by Rev. H. A ony h-- tegf f h aeber oiavn ihMr efnshc f ver in Egypî where the grain The Harvest Lesson, he con- Rev. Mr. Lackey, Claremont, Turner Mrs. Reta Dudley pA. gordoe ts.h it0 h;hv er oiaigwt r efnse f wa',,ld be cast upon the waters ciuded is that we get onîy as will be guest preacher at our sided aL the organtan accare bridem and A rsJm hilprM. Nraforin ad a cmun Whch lind ove_________theval-_1_________ Thankoffering on Oct. il. panied Mr. Roland Coombs w ho adteuhr eeM.Nr ri hrabri l rb eteýhtee sang "O Perfect Love' and hseswreM.NrBe-mTonsug i i rb enr htee Best wse oM.adMs as" man Irvire, brother of thei abiiity wîlj begin work on this routine W.A. meE Norman McKeen (nee Marlon, îiegrooin adM.Bre e Haines), on the birth of a Given in marriage by hier fa- Lo n r odnM- charge scion. Such- was the1 the repercussions daughter in Lindsay Hospital, ther the bride wore a gown of Led uncie of the bride, décision Plf the Pastoral Rela-1 plosive o)n Thursè Oct. 4tb. white net and lace over satin ! A. recnption wvas held in the' tions Coanmittee meeting on many* dissenting Thusda eenig flm.ofthefahioed vîh atuip op o.Sunday School room af the Friday night in Bethany. Mr. heard :n the preli ouan rtcpcue dice of the lace complemented Church where the bride's moth- HowardVacomws evr- fdiuso. iRoalTor ndArcicpitueswith a matcbing jacket having et- receivea wearing mauve lace, ton's representative.' Mrs. A Rowan, 7 ~ ~ s / /~ ~ ~ Swill be show at the col a turn over collar at the highr over taffeta. The bridegroom's: A meeting of the teachers of colmn and Mrs. R. 1 Chester Hoskins and Edgar necline and long sheath sleeves. mother wilo assisted was in navy Manver- Tuwnship was held in appointedt asa Strtt ereinTorntowit Te boufentforlngt kr blue and white. Bath wore black Yelverton Schaol the past week. ascertq.in what au ______________ was enhaiiced with lace panels. accessories and corsages of ros- Mondav was immunization be neces'ýary ta c; A juliet cap held ber finger-tip 1es. day at the schaol. a proj"ýct. vefi of tuile illusion, and she! Lat-r Mr. and Mrs. Irvine ieft Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson The meýeting wa BLACKSTOCK carried a bouquet of red roses foi a wedding trip ta Niagara, and family motored to Toronto haome of Mis. DayE _____with steplianotis. Her je wellerv Buifalo and New York city and Sundav t.' visit Mr and Mrs. pre.;ident Mrs. H. wa14tilesradaipars on their return wil ive in Osh- Gordon Henderson. the ch«ir. Mrs., J Miss Doris Hamilton. gradu- awa. For travelling the bride - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and ducted the devotic t7t M I atte nurse Toronto Western! Miss Wilma Johinston of Osh- wore o grav suit with black ac- faniily v'ýited Mr. J Evans at The elher main Hospital, ii home for holidays. awa, sister of the bridegroam,. cessantcs and a corsage of Am-ý Ragla. discus.sion was th, Mr. ana Mrs. Arthur Ander- was maid of honor wearing alenican beatîty rases. Mrs. E. Lane and Miss Em ing Turkey Sup son, Chillicothe, Ohio, who are' balleriia length gown af mauve, The bride's bouquet was plac- Henders ivere in Port Penny wer<" heard fron t] Flria rensviiedMr adnet over taffeta. A matchîng ed on thc grave af the late Mr. with Mr-. aoid Mrs. Roy Henders. gram inc Organý Mrs. Artll ur Bailey. stole ndmtescmliet Alfred Irvine. The bride and Mr and Mrs. Bert Gibson and mittee'I. Canned 1ed the strapless bodice, and the brideg, ooin exchanged persan-' Ray and Myrtie McGili enjayed Mrs. Art Rawi ane .oz. New Pack ' Congratulations ta Mn. and, bilîawùng skirt fell in handker- al crifts The bridegroom present- a moton trip ta Algonquin Park Ralph Maicolm w( Fancy Coc Mrs. Donald Pargeter, nee Gracel chief points. Mauve flowersedtebimaanusrswhSnavabu folort the N nifel N huham w oen ard at tnimmed her white juliet cap. ,,.,,a.aianred wallets. Mr. and Mrs. Genald McGill the Durham Coun P U N IK )gby Rev. C". W. Huttan. Mrs. Har- The bidesmaids weîe Miss aid Kyte was soloist and Mrs. Shirley Piper of Bowmanville STOKELY CUL VERHOUSE i Lamne Thumpson arganist. 1 and Miss Ruth Stone of Oshawa: __ r ndMs ale alybath in slirimp net aven taffeta 1 Ik r St ie F or 3cM.an dIklYCr e igedwith fîtted bodices andW a k r S o e lOM.ancr. aod wi. soit folds ta bailerina length,E ME -vr ndMs Merrili Van1 with which they wore a match- PM Cam were bonored on Frîday i ing bo!emo jacket with lily point U lq .I E ? E TeveninCi in the Community Hall mittens and matching flowen __ r MAPLE L wsnsfo hi red.M.cridnsgy fwieadEAFCLR' with a shower af gifts and god headdresses. Al the attendants F___I ~3 c ~ ~ 3 c for a very interestmng prograrn 1 eweleryvwas the bride's gift a - w - EA -1and dancing. We are glad ta Miss Linda Sayers was juniorl Rose- Pue2oz r have Nornia back in the coiaurm-oz a bridesmaid wearing mauve and,~J L ~ a munity and extend best wishes i Miss Gai Seler weaingret j' ta the happy young couple. tuce green was flower girl. Their Mrs. Frank Sayweil, Oshawa, gwsxer ahand wt CR N L IEI A CE~spent two weeks with Mr. How-i short bý.dices and lîoped skits. arLido 'adfail. They wore matching headdress- ~ ~ , Lido Biscuits1 pound Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rader es and their flawers were white and Wencly, Oshawa, were Sun- and yellaw chrysanthemums. ~ ~. "~. CHOCOLATEday guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Master J'hn Lyle was ring bear-5~' C O O A Ethur Baiiey. en and carried the rings ona IT E q ç Bîshap and Mrs. Wells were white satin and lace cushion. NAà%RSHNIALLOwYS hast and hastess at a receptionl Mr. William Wiils of Oshawa thcy gave last Wednesday even-' was best man. The ushers weîe îng at the Parish Hall for the Mn. George Sellers. brother aiof FRE - YR X D WL - F EE cangregation af St. John's An- the bride, Toronto, and Mn. E2 4 FIREEPYREX BOWL REE 1glican Church. They leave this, ward (Tedi) Church ai Whitby. WITH EACH GIANT SIZE week ta return ta Taronto as The rereption was heid at the Rev. .ind Mrs. George Nichai- borne of the bride s parents, son are expected home. Hunt Street. The bride's math-U oo il]RlfCESSMn. and Ivrs. Fred Brock, er received the guests wearing1J Both Port Perry, visited friends in the black crepe with a black biat.' S A L K S fr 6village Sunday. The bridegroom's mothen, who . eyLie SOAP LARE 6 3 ÇMn. ana Mrs. Anson Taylor, assisted chose a navy blue sheer Tayor.j wresmtha in cessaties nd . A Low! Low Price ou AiI-Wool Win ___________________________________ Tsalo wthMnrad.rs Ry res wtchawine hat. Bath andfull intenlining for plenty of warmithp Mnpoga aDugal, To-cosgsachsnteus Winter styles froin whîch to choose. Produce Sp cirosto. i ihî 1rs. E. Dancy and, For th- boneymoon trip ta .i rodu e Sp cias ot-erfrieds.points North and Niagara Falls, LARGE SNOW WHITE ~~~~~Mrs. Levi McGill, Peterbor- bu aadn ut n o- I T oug, wthMm. ancd Mrs. James I T I Par,. sage ai red roses and stephano-' Mnln r.Asi ecc is. On thc'ir return Mn . and Mrs. Ail wool mitts and gloves, infants', Wo Mr.andMrs AutinBeaockJohnston wili live in Bawman- MmI. and Mrs. Norman Green Pnion ta ber manniage, the Cide' ___with frienos at Omemee. brdCahaoe ya hwn < '. itt adrGen s FOR Miss Marilyn Archer, Whit- at the home ai Mns. Thomas MtsadGoe by, with hem granoparents, Mm. Wright, Chuncbi St., when Mns. and Mrs. W. Archer. Bruce Lister and Miss Shirley59 Io $ Glad ta report Allan Rahm is Piper were hostesses. A party 5c b $ TOK Y Clifrni Swetimpmoving in health and is home was heid at the Grand Cafe by: frein Port Penny Hospital. girl friends af the bride who ýG-PEL2 b.19- Miss Mildned Archer retumin- presented ber with pensonai N E S U Sunday guests tivý Medical Services at which McGill's, Part thc W.A. will cater. Novemr'er meeting at the awkowic3, Long: hoine of Mrs. Geo. Clarke, Port rk, a visitor at' Penny. home, and Mn. Mrs. Mabel an Sunday. The Staiesmai Sold inson and baby eted home îrom At Foliowing Stores is w eek._ _ _ Campbell Hum- Tnull's Store, Courtîce .are guests ai Strang's Store, Part Hope ay Robinson. Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Dave Wilson, Jahîison's Drug Store, Newcastle eo. Wilson and T. Enwright, Newcastle yvisited Mns. S. Brown. Newtonville n-Peterborough C. Pethick, Enniskillen Peareal eanMrs.Harv Mcaughin re te. hite nylon net aven satin. Long Penini - ea ~godpanentk -.Aiten the service, 1Pa;nted sieeves ai Chantillv lace COTTà M~r. atid Mns. George Wolfe en-! stYled the badice which was de- e c CO T GE ROLL 55Ç tertained their friends at their signed with a yok o ate Mrs. Ro)bert Sadien was hast-1 peanis. Panels of lace lent in-' I 'irloin - RoIled ess ta the United. Church W.A. terest ta the bouffant skirt BE F OA T - Lb 6 ~ at ber h3e in Bowrnanville which ended in a train. A hala Take advantage of this tremnendous savings. Wool Cardigans in many BEEF BOAS Lh 6 5Ç las Tuedayaftenoon asiste heddres hlrl eriingertip styles and in just about every colaur under the sun fromn which ta choase. by Miss Vivian Sadler. Mrs.1 veil and she caried a cascade Cslcin Hector Shortridge, president,; ai red roses and buvardia ted Somne are 10" nylon and 90V wool. Camne in early fr the best slcin 3urns - Tender - Jiticy presided Mns. Harold Kyte 1 with white ribbon. Hen jewel- M N T ST A S - 4 Çsang "Came Ye Thankîul People lery was a rietn ekae Sizes 12 to 20 and 40 to 44 MINUTE STEAK 4 9Ç orne" Mrs. Neil Malcolm gavel Miss Lorma Taite wha was sple,.daia devotional talk oni maîd-of-honon fan ber sîstený in a package Thinksgiing and ledI in praver. wore f]oor-length gald satin. A A Mrs. C. W. Hutton gave a i«er. lace baIera styled the shirred' interesting accounit ai hen necent bodice and the flaned skirt was trio ta the Peace River District worn aven a crnroline. The ather and Bniti3h Columbia and show-, attendants were Mrs. Keîth P o m i n i o n S t o r e s L td e sa~~~ ng verv beautîfully "Spiit bride, ana Miss Lorraine M - "T il l a a t P a e t h Divine D e s c e n d Upon My Gregor, Bath wene gowned in B ,Heant" Mrs. SadIen and Vivian ice blue satin styled identically1 PHONE 451 BTOlWaPla ant Pleto S T.-. M.-:iemon, Ennikce G. A. Barron, Hampton J. Riddell, Burketon H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrrel, Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal - Bowmanville - J. W. Jewel! W. J. Berry Howes Smoke Shops Jury & Loveli Elgie Harnden's Handy Store The Statesman Office FREE PYREX BOWL a is Asked: SShed Be Centre? nrespondent) suggestion the. iChunch Shed vith insulation, uase ceiing ta ity recreation the quiet of a Bting with ail aio a bigh ex- iay. Not tao vaîces wene îimiîîary round ,Mrs. H. Mal- Robinson were committee ta uthanity wauld arry out such as held at the ie Wilson with 1.Malcolm ini J.Wilson con- in ai. n topic undei he Thanksgiv- pper. Reports the Fowl, Pro- izatian Coro- 7an and Mns. ýere appointed he banquet af URES chase!1 NOTHING TO SEMD FOR! A pasteI blue Pyrex Bowlis1 now packed inside es'eryv Giapit Size package ni Princess Soap Flakes. This smart utility bowI is guaranteed heat-resistant. Collect a comupiete set. BowI offered free so you'I! try Princess- the pre sop flakes that wash your clothes B fuffy-white, yet are so mild they can actualy be used in a baby's bath! Today, get the Giant Size Prmncess Flakes with the free Pyrex BowI inside. .1~ KING ST. EAST M Ai/ * A 1~. COAT.S Laiest 'Styles Sizes lOtIo 20 iter Coats. Full sateen lininz and plus the v'ery Iatest in new Fail and Shop nowv for your best choice. GLOVES )mnen's and children's sizes in many ýasonable prices, Women's Mitts and GIov'es 89CcIo $1.19 SLIPPER SOUKS Ladies' fancy slipper socks, leather sales with afl-waol tops. Sizes small, medium and large $2.98 pro 8ùndecl op m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROWMANVTLM ONTARIO PAGE THREZ 1 [395 KING ST. EAST 1