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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1953, p. 4

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- ~ - S -r. w - s*. .- -.'-... M ~. .5 4. - - -. THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, EgOWMANVMLE. ONTAMO Brd fSaturdav Local iCameraEnusiasis Sed UniteduNations !S Sower iielu for batflgfsa e hwr ~C urrent Honored by Friends oy bepvung a ego all Topic ai Trinity Safurday's Bride get tedn nafwbi ndAf Many Showers E j EveningAuxiliary A surprise miscellaneous show- ds tJeoch. A popular bride-to-be ofthis Learning Technique of Pholography O usay etmbr2,fr Miss Glladst MarioniBoksg h urh t C on fidentiai 1 Satuentertand at erl barkeenhasaCh t bas..On Tuitda ,Sp ber 22,hfr Mis a ysM ron BA.rookos,,î Saudy WnaClreia ftn ftt alosmLosia the Evening Auxiliary of Trin- bride-elect of October 10, at the arcpinwlb edi BY Elsie Carrtherg LwUney dal shuwers recently. On Satur- Bo)wmnville district had a ta be photographed as a separ- meetings once more afeMteBros, 9slv ne S ctetdhyugcupewasrsd day she will marry Ross Milton thiprougîilv en joyable evening ate color photograph, and since summer manths. The president, MisEv Snwe acdasnOta . HAPL VRATRClark of Port Perry in a cere- Friday night at the Legion Hall thousands of these photographs Mrs. D. Parka, was in charge of hostess during the evening and HAPPLY VERAFTR 1ern Ontario, clad in this unbe- mony at the home of hier par- wl:->n they, viewed excellent werè necessary, the audience the meeting. The me'mbers Of Mrs. Alec Turner, Mrs. Don Onceu~o a ime lotso erylievable autumn glory, with the ents, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur J. hoine movies and colored'stf11 gained some idea of the vast the exectitive, who were respon- Brooks and Mrs. A. G. Brooks TeaeaeCnda a long agoin a town hlot sa very, Patchwork of stubble, pasture Clarkr,, Hampton. pictures by amateur photogra- emount of work and time which sible for arranging the first po poured tea. fa aaya arigewa a-and Ploughed fields about the On Sept. .18, she was surpris- phers, andi had their technical must be aLevoted ta producing a grain, chose a theme which farmaa arae a r ar hou.ses, and a blue haze1 ed with a lovely cup and sau- questions answered by these home mjvie of this type. showed the.common objectives 3 ad ahya- was charming and everyone was ce1hwrhl ttehm f eywl ulfe mtus Following the movies severa, sotdght by the United Nations very happy and al went e- Our ho;ises are filled with' Mrs. John W. Oke, 824 Grierson' The evening was arranged, by local people showed examples and Miss'ons. "lIt was the mis- rily as a marriage bell ntil the every convience, indeed lux- St., Oshawa, when Mrs. Neil Mr. and Mrs. George Thrasher, of the excellentreusteysoai wo rcaidth day of the wedding. Even then ury if considered from the point Yellowlees assisted. The bride Bowmanville, and the proceeds, have achieved in still color phoa- gosped of numan rights, who had there Was no premonition of di- af view 0! a few years back. We electt vas presented with a cor- in the form af donations, were tography Fergus Morrow, who carried the torch of freedom and saster. have plenty to eat every day sage and escorted ta a seat of given ta the Oshawa District handled the projector, showedf social justice into the dark cor- pasfrUchldy ha. and will probably overeat on honor where she opened hier Cerebral Palsy Parent Counil. several very beautiful colorêd fners af the earth, who had lift-.ul lte o h hlrn n The hrîcie, properly escorted, Thanksgiving. For what we gifla. About twelve friends af Delbert Arkless, Oshawa, Presi- stilîs ho had taken in Mexico ed the s.ghtâ ai the people, began her journey Up the aisie have, are we truly thankful? thc bride were present and dent of the Council, spoke brief- and throughout the south-west- among whom they dwelt, toa5 a$00popl nyu ta the strains af Lohengrin, * * flash pictures ai the happy ly to the gathering." It is îhrough ern United Stts hs tlshge evels ai hop@ and aspi-atHC whn udeny hestraing camn u ee taken on this occa- meetings like this that pèople1 ern Uite d States. These stilîs, ration" evc.Te aen ta an abrupt end. The arganist SUPER MARKET BOSWELLS giou.Gereswr noeadwi1beuct nth ne hci% e ht fBulr dsu fered a ert attack. With Th i. susd ta be Letter a cielicious lunch served by the for a care centre for crippledi Dam aRnd'the Grand Cahyon, Edith Laycock shared the wor- rernoved end taken ta hospital, Wriîing Wcek, we heard on the cidei hodeclared. He stat wre very beautiful and realis- ship service, which had as its and the wedding proceeded, al a 0ls Sunday. Who said sa, Mrs. Bruce Clarke, Hampton, ed that the purpose of the Par- tic. tee Agetdo n Parties now being a lîttle lit- or whv, we do not know. Per- was hostess at a linen and glass ent Councîl is ta help crippled Familiar Scenes Shown fectual us apened". tery. haps it is ta prod people like us showor held at bier home on children throughout thi.s area.. Jim Stutt showed several still A ski, about the relationship*U NSLI IIT MOEN The ceremony ve, the guests who owe letters, ta do it now. Sept. 25, when about 21 relatives The first amateur movie colored pictures taken in St. ai Missions ta the United Na-.I AP were repairing ta the church At any rate, for a long time we gathored in Wanda's hanor. shcwn was a black and white Louis, Peterborough and around tions ivas very ablyprend parlors, when the second disas- have had on aur list ai column Mrs. Clarke was assisted by Mrs film taken by C. D. Woodley of Bowrnanvlle. Such fmla by Miss H. Cryd rma n . . O U SE H OD ..II ter occurred. A wodding guest loiswihacrt sfa lrneYo h oot oi lb twsscenîes as Vanstone's Mill and Reynolis, Miss E. McKague, '5.Ym in Cana mnade a mis-step and broke ber timne '0 lime. the subject ai lot- The bride-to-be and ber a humnorous movie showing how teBwa an l, S e j ie h r a it ter writing. Sa now we have a mother 'ere each presented the efforts ai a couple ta spend an aidd leauyB nea ra deu Wasa Pa phetnwhch av i H. lm o. t. out, ecodando, Moirs.ow 5A.1 at "lhe hospilal. Feeling that the gaod excuse for it. with a lovoly corsage. Thoie a quiet Sunday aiternoon, was an oah e eu a iMigraiformation Paboults thvariaue sho wa jixed bu brvel haThere are many thngs whih was s-cated beneath an archway thwarted by a succession afoit norainaot h aiu show as ine, btbaeyhve hanged outairognition from 'v;hich were suspndd a events ranging from a runaw ay Stutt's skilled color photogra- specielized services within the OHW carigothe bridai party in the last hundred, years, and pink and white umbrella and dg ta unwelcome calers. pyHe answerd sveral ques- United Nations were later, dis- PORT Hopi BRANCN: Y1 Wat@ne . n lopee88 and gucats arrivcd at the the writing ai lettors is anc ai paper s;treamqrs which farmed Colored.. Movies Shown tinsonteal conpct o tetribution towae mmbrd ______________________________ W~il althose things had h. Tî sdemsl ateastîgfrtebiet pn J. S. Graasick ai the Toronto Several xery beautiful color- the eveniu.g's program waswthe been going an, a dog had got in încrea5:ed pace ai living-no one ber lively guifs. The evening Movie Club answered technical cd stiPs taken in Cyproas Gar- . interesting and informative re- *** and chewed the wedding cake! can find time now ta write the was spent in bingo and ather questirrns asked about Mr. dons, Florida, by Mrs. James Port given by three girls who [ "j1 ,*~I* A In spite of ail these bad omnens, long, lcistirely, discussional type gamos, concluding with a deli- Woodley's film. Two excellent Brown were shown. Also screen- had attendedteaho o however, we trust the end ai the af letters in whih people ai the cius lunch at which al were colored ho.me mvies made by ed were severaJL colord stils Leaders during July at the On- eJ ~ nUUI ii stoy wll e tatthebrie ad 9th centitry delighted, and ex- sealed ab')ut the tea table. Mr. Grassick were thon screen - laken bv Mrs. Brown at ber tario Ladies' College. These e r sY u gromill ehat thyevbridferandcîed. Atiother rason no doubt ed.. They wre "Pinoccio and hom, "F-owviow- Farm", Mest girls wee Helen Cle, Beverley They deserve ta. is the development ai other Litle Pt and Hog g e . ai Nwasle and thee beauti- Cwigad Mar Jons * * * ~formas uf communication, such How fo Avoid The first showed Mr. Grassick's fui pictures showed ta advan- v h O rB I erI nd o as the telephone; and transpor- rernarkah1e success at anima- tage the ricb lusb greens and UENTRANCED B«Y GLOWING tation such as the motor car. In- to nPaigth iue fbonso ura' rcad a u EARTH"' stead ai writing, wo 'phono, or ie an Àc dnt Pmnocchic, camne alive and go and grain fields. T i oieA pîsw + u wejump in the car and go 50 o n] ladWne through a series ai adventurea, Mrs. Thrasher thanked of e Again we approach Thanks- a hundred miles ta sec fionda. ciflau vlle much tbp same as in a proies- those who had shown their ma- 1 Ilevvarr giving. We tbink that this year, Since we are anc ai the worst sional cartoon. vies ard stilîs, Mr. Arkless ai C heWe rss ofDC le n m are tha 5 e er efo e, e h ve fie der in puting off leter- N ow is the im e ta c eck for "H odge Pndge" show ed ow the the O shaw a and D istrict Cere- T e S l e realized the gond fortune of writing, ne are gaing out on ai death and accident bazarda in animation was carnied out by brai Palsy Parent Coundil, Jack T e Sle rs tarians. Those from other coun- dline is tr be deploed. But any- Canada Insurance Fderation. ofa the putpet through a series ai equipmenî and the Canadian Oshawa and District Chap- tries have made us realize that anc w-ho bas read lettons, or They reoort that the bighest movemonts. Each mail stage Legion for use i the hall. ter, Sulver Cross Women aioTfANS Ontania's particular combination diaries, wbich many ai them n e- number ai fires and accidents Canada. Remembrance Associa- PO V NS of beauty and praspeniîy makes sembli-, viritten a hundred or, accur in the faîl and wnter ti onarewhch i ta be lcedin it one ai the best places in the more years ago knows what a monthr, causing hundireda i ti W Bo, arecomilinta emordian worll taday. Yet bore we it, perfecîly marvellous picture ai tnagic deaths and injuriés,. niche In Oshawa 's new Mun- A LDR U mnost, stkn it ail for a way of lufe and the times in i aaa hchrpeet nsd ipcue n amesi gr neW th not even a word whicb lev lived ia preservedi over 200 fire, automobile, and,' rie n f t u and e normat in oi tbankfulness that wo happen in those hamely lettens. We casualty inaurance companies, ef the ndboys wbo inforton toalive in this iavored spot. bave a fascinaling giimpse into made the foliowing suggestions of hebos wo idnotrtUr There are other beauties in the actual poopie's lives. for home safety: tram Wanid War II and were N W L M RS RE the world, but none more brath- Personal Hlstory 1. Sco Iflat Ihere are no piles lvn nýeedsrcsa h taking than the miles ai gold Ta moat people, the most in- ai beaves and rubbish bebind tivi ni n lesist icts t h and scarlet and orange covered leresting form af non-fiction is shrubhcry, near bouse, or in Thi a i oud.be grate- bluffs ai the narthiand, wîth biagraphv, and in aid letter., caves. Guard ajumat flying fui ta ».ný-mather an wiie, wba *iRAMEE dark, green spires ai apruce and you bave Juat that, wilh a gond sparks wnien burning beaves is the necîpient of the Memanial pine pointing up the colr, and deal ai hitory thrown in, es- and rubbish. Cross (Sver Cross) given by * a little lake, like a jewei nostled pecîally social bîstory, the way 2. Haveelcnc iin ad Hello Homomakers! To "live il witb a choice ai 1 cup cider, the Canadian Governmenî at theTAPR UAIO at ýhe foot. Non is theno any- people livod. Whcn you read equipn-ent cecked bc eprts.an like a king" may bave heen the pineapple or orange juice. lime of the boys' deatb, and KSOJ thing more beauliful Iban aur the lettons af praminent wniîens, 3. Chimneys and fluesexshould beight ai gond living ta the Pen- Dredge it with brown sugar. hav natas ye recived let o w ng ~ tî To li g i a u l - n dw h c h e le ncd aI le sî onc a yo r. p e. ai past generations, but w e S p inkle :t w ih grated orange ter rom Iis C hapter, if these h i l î s s t a l e s m e n i c h o l a n s b e l e v e m a n y a k i n g a i b y g o n e r i n d . L o w oe r t h e h e a t t a 3 5 0 d e - a e w m n w u d c n a t M s Have experts check ahl heating .m equipment. dy ol aebe eîh-ges ok il wiîhouî basting V. ACape, 170 Athol St., Osb- D RES VRY 1M 4. Soreinfammale iquda d ta change places with yau ior 30 minutes. For the last 15 arn will ho sent ta them D R S E RYTM 5. semell ontinrs anprepane the fonds in season. apple elices. Garnish the barri 5.disposa mefahe comntaes.o These did nat provide the wiîh tî'e ineappîe on raisins. Tius ares includes, Whitby,, Got A dsoaofahsfo uncs elhgvn odnora uhBokiBwavle Nw N ETERPRS ST 5. Wben storing summerbei-giniodnnasmc Mashed Sweet Potatoos cslClmuCutcPc (41Xclothes remave matches mcm I varietv in the menus as we can cglClmuCutcPe packets. have in iur modeat homes in Bail sweet polatoos. Put themn kering, Port Penny, Orono. New-1 On -C bi etr.7. Spark areses for chim- Canada. Little wonden the ar- through a icer or mash tem tonville and ther immediate Oné Cab netvest seascin was praciaimed with a polato masher. districts. The ladies wauld likei CN O ,T 77~ j neys are advisable il roofs are Tbanksgiving, Aud: the book ta be complote and 8. ng tohilanedram We should be truly graieful 1 labiesiaoon butter for each feel sure every Silver Cross anc danenous. Make sure there ai the modern packaged grocen- cuaiotts wesrer will appreciate the value isn agel, ai explosions on îes we buy and the sure mcth- % tepospoon sait o ut 'bo ncmeoa You'l1 ho amazed at how nmds cl Ritch naccidedns. ds ai keeping tbem. On Thanks- A litIle bot milk or cream lion af aur boys, and will be acit. yrbv gadn alging Day yaurmay plan a won- Beat Ibem witb a fark until anxiaus la have their bay's brighscr and fresher your coat pil - ~~and childrcn's lays lying about denful diriner, since moat ai it they ath re ver ngeSpinkl ae.nldd. S i an we FrI" YOUrekf frotu the alavery of a oe.e- grounds. may be prepared the day h be m ihgrtdornenid igbî now if you camne unden the' way. P*tterna, clorsand texture, lo _____________________________ ~~fore. Bi Bruasels Sprouts above category, and write Mrs. iene"ainTr usoyadle c a b n e k t c e n R e o d l n d a d e x r a c a i n ts h a v e b e e n c o ie c te d a n d p u b lis h - M E N U D in th e m w e l . P la c e th e m M__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _p ro e à o q an efficient work ceter..gasve time, stops and ed, you aiten find the world ai Rosât Ham in a buttened baking disb. Pour he adbcnsdwhs energy. We'll Show yen how ta get a Iuxury kitchen public afiairs or society prsent- Scrub a smoked ham well. over them 2 cups chicken stock cheeadbcnsdwhs athoeton re d in a bullianî picture. Place it in a ketle aof resh siî- stock substitute or bouillon' with çliced toraos and Wal- at h m t w ri ..Today, m ore le lers are writ- mnering w ater tha l barely c v os Sprinkle them with g ated or- bin ai n. C oc la cu-akes d c m ten tha ' dn a . mo a e a oa ca m-s Ion rih ever in the histary afiti. ange rind. wpruttcmeorange icing is always wel- stop in far à PREE estimate the wonid. but they are business Add: Brussis Iwih o aspcildeset u letons Buinss oui gnnd Vegelablet suilable fer soup, Bail 2 cups brussels sprauts. the top of a cantaloupe, serrated la a hait (perbapa> wilhout the 1 bay beai Drain them weil. Place lhem in fsin n hncldw ~E S S GWAS$8.o M NT - daily balh ai mail being an- 8 pppercrns a buttcred baking dish. Pur every other peak, redy ta lift qa&BlSASL W i $800ANO Tff wened. Tans af paper are uaed 6 allipice (apIional) avec tbcm 2 cups chicken stock,ou.Laehe nie ndar in yar ils big, ad et Simmer the ham. See the pro- stock substitute on bouillon. handy ta finish sonving. NO HN O Nlettere, ail tac few business lt- cool in the water in which il ed cheese. Bake the prouts in a 4.Afrsddeetorae- tons are dlean and concise, be- was caaked, drain il and stnip bot aven 400 degrees until the noon snack for the guesîs who cause ai course, the study af off tbe akin. Caver the top of cheese is melled. leave e'arly is made by using 6 Dia! 21301Bowmanvjlle or 3-4661 Oshawa EngliEh bas dwindîed ta the the hemi with: Harveat Salad inch skewers on wbich is spear- vanishing point. As ion social Brown sugar Cook for 20 minutes 2 cups ed cubes ai watormnelon, canta- lettens, there are a fcw people, A little dry mustard cranherries (l pint) in 1i cup loupe, iioney-dew, a plum and aLolA nt-HOE'L D8 W E W H E N t w o c a r s c o l l i d e , t h e e d - n g ed i en1 ,Fh e np ie i s q e y u h a e t s u mr o - o r y e e c a î a financial headaches can land sheils. Bake the pie in an elec- youesera. herana orce 5 ..fr h ai iafr a ozy u eeG o ! (-on yeu even though yol e tric aven ai 450 degrees for 15 of t md 4sen""'> '. dessert, or as minuitpe'and in a mnoderateoaven iKs high ,in. snaksciuamyaand n t i th wr n t325 degrets fo n an addi iona î phosphor as, and a good Y es, C di an u c d r a That's the bard way tafilnd 30 mit:Ulos. Makes two 7 inch source cf vitamans A and z1: / s', reaJliyecooua od ee ut that accidents cost a lot 9 S.B(rahlavan). Yes, xs more than auto insurance. Tt A A T aple truly jracked watlà ' Te.Route 1 t. security. 1. Apple juice on £<x>ppe wo âlues! Pr*r /1' ~~Se@ thîs Ageney for stron ie eîdl taîgpi *-- I l~nsuranee poetinnW! percorns 'n it will ho a delect- t;J .-'j 1 __ - fable appr-tizer. Serve with aa basket i melba toast and cheese 4__ DAR bites. O D Stuart B. James 2. ny pe ta cc:. 4fJh SRVCE UREU NSURANCE REAL ESTATE mtch ize pieces ai raw carrai *P o n ; ( « 8 ,we . 9 a n d s i n e mn u s t a r d s a u c e m i x e d ' -- - - - - - - - - - 3. WhoocPckes the Tbanksgivung --. --- -- avuus King Street - Bowmanvwle dinno is snvda w;ll no daubt be an eayseic an îgîsupper menu. Reanty i .ê. -1-illur-5LJAT, q3cT. i IWTMOMAv p.-Op Bd& ..- M. les$ p

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