TI!RSDAY, OCT. th1 TM CANADIAI! BTATE5MAfl, n>w'uzu' W*La, fl 1LKALM thii aperation costa. The total N&tion$ budget i% amazingly amail at about $48 millions. Canada's Pl Reports From United Nain share iust over $5 millions.J By John M. James, M.p. 'When o consider that this city's budget for 1950-51 was a billion and a quarter, 25 times New orkCity N.., ear he realine Wht athe budget of t he UN, you will New nrkCity N.., ear he realine Wht aknow why I say it is amazingly Friday, Oct. 2, 1953. lucky break! small. Breaking it down, oneE Last n'sght, when I wrote the I shail be very sorry ta miss publication says the UN costs fir?*t draft of this article, I was the openixîg of another world eve ct8nofteUie ap'logzin t my bail playing eviŽnt, the Internationa lw tts aaaadteohr onriJ ~ fr îîot having seen even ing Match at Cobourg, next between ten and twelve cents a t rn1, ;ne of the World Serles. week. 1 do hope the affair wil year. That is flot too much ta TÔn1h., things are different. be a huge success with good preserve peace, lu it? The Dodgers won today, making weath,-r. Gradually, we are get- That ;hould b. enough about 0 fifth game necessarv on Sun- ting busier and busier as the the organization and the cost. dayý. Your humble M.P. will be:ý coinmittee work progresses and It wîlI take many more weeksy mog hoe resnt acopa-; I didn't feel I should leave. belore I understand what there ( led by his aunt, Mrs James A Those in charge of that project is tai know about the UN. Every ban fa. ~rn ewYr e o have w,rked extremely bard day I trv ta îearn more about bal anand deserve the commendationý just the buildings and I stili T-ere's how it happened. One! of Durhani and Northumberland haven't been in the Library t Of our delegation with friends citizens. building (,r toured the 39 star- In -he Anierican group, phoned But, to get baclc ta the United ey Secretariat. this afteï'noon ta see if anyone Nations and its activities. One da3 this week I was try-4 War.teet a couple of tickets. An For those who are not fully ing ta take a short eut from one Arierican delegate had them andaweoftewytiornz- conference room ta another and couldn't go afor o somea treason.za- Belîee itor note cha oho tion operates, it might be as opened an unmarked door. Ima- oricinally owned themn was Hen- weil to give you a quick out- g em upiewe on FordIl.I go t-m t i ne. Tbý- general debate bas 1 an entire corridor filled with ry Frd I. I ot tem tirdbeeén completed in the largestý seven ra0io broadcasting studios handed but arn not complaining. As-semblv roomn and committees' and a huge room where they re-s They .should he fairly good are now'dealing with individual cord and file every speech nmade1 seats, M Ford being not too itemns on the agenda. Every at the UN. One of the operatorst mernber country is represented was checking a disk recordings on these committees. which had just been made. Sud- I do't antta bre ou ithdenly, I feit very much at home d dt an ftheto oes ofeach: becaue the recorded voîce was DECO ATE drvdetals f te duiesof achthat of Lamne Greene, a Cana- commtte. Pssilya qickrundian çommentator. That's when through siîould be suffîcient I learned that the CBC sendsaa give you the picture. tape recording here of every Thbe First Committee deals program it produce. on UN af-1 NOW ai with Political and Security mat- fairs. It is transformed onto a ters. It is the spectacular one. disk and filed. JUsually, it has s0 much work Th ulctfaitesote Now ls the time to decorate. on ts program that an auxiîiary Thpbictfaitesoth Ad* Hoc Political committee is UN are tremendous. They pro- Getourprceson ny formed to share the many Items. duce thousands of publications Get ur rice onany Possibly you read of the ex- i many languages In a huge decoratlng Job you have citement we had thîs week in printing plant way down in the In mmnd. this First Committee, when the secand ba$ement. They make Russians made a concerted at- their own films, television tempt ta have the Korean ques- shows. radio programs in 25 dif- Prompt Service tion plqced first on the itMr ferent larguages and provide Vyshinsky led the attack for unhiased news releases for pub- and nearly two days and became a lications. In addition, many of bit nasty before he was through the big newspapers of the world and defeated in the vote. The have permanent offices, carres- R easonanie Prices îajority didn't want ta talk pondents, and photographers about Korea for several reasons. here. When the session is on, It nad been thoroughly discuss- there are as many as 2,000 news- ed here during the summer. A paver people accredited-from full d'-ess debate right Inter- practically avery country in the Abe net yL fere and postpone the startofwrd Ab rn i y S Korean peace conference due ta The thinklng eidtsgra Paits and Walpaper get underway by Oct. 29th. Or, publicity effort on the UN'. parte it could upset the efforts of the is that the United Nations can-1 85 King st. W. Commission now in Korea-try- not achieve the purposes for ___________________ ng to persuade unwilling pr- which it was created unless the1 -soners ta return home. Many people of the world are fully in-i compromises were brought for- formed of its aims and activities.1 ward by the non-communist You are even encouraged ta countries in an effort ta satisfy write the UN for information or H ave thai the communists, but, in the end, ta complain of some injustice in it was necessary ta vote them your own country. Each year, down. Morocco and Tunisia now they receive 25,000 letters from DOR GLASS Th Scod omitee eas eaeirdust nfrato. n witb Ecoiiomic and Financial every letter is acknowledged. OR matters such as technical assist- I think most citizens of every ance for under-developed coun- country are genuinely interest- tries. The Third gives attention ed in the United Nations. They WINSHIEnLLu ta Social, Humanitarian and show it by coming ta New York Cultural items. The Fourth ta visit the. UN wbich bas be- handies Trusteeship details. If corne the top tourist attraction a country is under administra- in the city. Tens of thousands- Installed Now tive contr .1 of some other coun- most of them witb cameras- try, anyone wbo isn't happy visît the buildings every day. about the way it operates can They either take the organized Whle Yo Wit bring bis or his group's com- tour led by a well-qualified WhileYou W plaits toibis committee.Th guide or they wander around by Fifth committee handles the UN themiselves. You can buy UN budget anci administration de- postage etamps, UN publica- JOE COOPER'S tails. At the moment, tbey are tions on a wide variety of sub- discussing the possibilities Of jects, or reasonably priced sou- cutting down the budget by over venirs from other counitries. Servce Sao $400,000 for 1954. The xt commrittee digs into the Legal Down bore, if you don't BOWMANVILLE matter:; relative ta UN activities. speak English it doesn't matter There are niany other organs in the least. One of the guides 218 King St. E. and agencies of the UN which will be 2ble ta talk ta you in I haven't mentioned in an effort your native tongue. I wish> I PHONE 3432 to be brief. Just for a moment, had paid more attention ta Ian- let's turn back to that Fifth guages in school. What an asset _____________________ Cmmiteetatei yo hw mchit would be if I could even Commtte to ellyou ow uchspeak fluant French. At a lunch- m eon yesterday, I sat beside a Belgian and across from a Latin Ameri'.an Fortunately, they spoke enough English for us ta carry on a restrained conversa- for 5 4tion. What a grand time we Sa, iuntil next week greetings from the United Nations and the l9th floor of the Beekman Tow- ..............er Hotel. I shaîl now go ta my window and gaze upon the won- ders of the colorful New York skyline. It is a fantastic sigbt. I don'yevn need anwatch ta tel PLUS ALL-NEW «WM W a Cascode chossi ... Goldea PdwuF, .. .Op#c Fiftr *Modem baud-rebb.d oi' Siôgge« 21 wW. .in o.isv6m 2.2ql. Other Nodels from $249.95 Low Down Payiuen - -24 Nonthu le Pay goBuy Where You Are Sure Io Gel Good Service" That's ai The T.V. Shop 33 King Si. W. Phono 3262 EBENEZER rhousands Aiiending rempleton Mission Final Meeting Sunday The Templeton Mission ini the Belleville Memorial Arena will conclude wîth two services on Sunday, October lltb, at 3 and B o'clock p.m. Services are con- tinuing this week each evening, except Saturday at 8 o'clock, with a special youth service on Friday night. On Friday night, October 2nd, youth night, the attendance was 2,400. On Sunday afternoan, October 4th, 3,500 were present, including 500 men who marched from the Collegiate grounds, led by the Collegiate Band. The total attendance from the begîn- ning of the Mission on Sunday, Sept. 27tb ta Sunday, Ortober 4tb, bas been over 14,000. The Mission in Belleville is for everyone regardless of cburch affiliation and is sponsor- ed by the Belleville Presbytery, United Churcb of Canada. At the conclusion of the Mis- sion in Belleville Dr. and Mrs. Templeton will go ta Frederic- ton, New Brunswick, for a Mis- sion there. BETHANY Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Wright and Mr. Bevis Wright, Waterloo, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Wright. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sanderson and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene LaFleur, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mart.- chenko and Mary Anne visited relatives in Kitchener. Mr. and* Mrs. Milton Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence of Port Credit at their summer cottage in Keswick. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Manley, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Pomeroy. Mrs. May Webb bas returned from Toronto where she visited ber son Jack Webb. Rev. A. M. Butler of Millbrook bad charge of the. service in the United Church on Sunday even- ing. Holy Communion was ob- served at the service. Next Sun- day le the annual Sunday Scbool Rally Day. Sanie improvement is reported for Mr. George Neals who I. in a Peterborough baspital as the result of injuries receîved in a fail wben filling a silo at bis farmn. Mr. Willis Wbiteside is also in hospital witb a badly lacerated band. He was working witb the. combine and in sanie way caught bis hand in the machine. Business Directory LE GA L W. R. STRIKE, Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones- Office 688 - Res. 558 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Money to Loan 9% King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phones: Office 825 - House 409 DENTAL DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. B. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowrnanville Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.rn. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Off ice 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday The Ladies' Berean Class held Phones:Ofice45-Hus55 its regi'lar'meeting in the S. S. romr with president Annie Mlt, CHIR.ni-i'..T J presiding "W'hat a Friend We G.EWNM NDC R~ave in Jesus" was sung after G.EDIN MrANND.C wbicb the minutes were read, *OCifipcct: also correspondence tram Mrs. SOffie. ,e PoucsBlg Bridger, London, Eng., whose 63peilypereS.Pr oe 0 chlrnreceive a grant from 63femrace u St. -Pon 0 our class. A commîttee. compas- Tuesday - Tbursday - Saturday ed of Mrs. Harry Worden, Mrs _______________ Maurice Bickle and Mrs. Wal- E L E T T ter Browu&, Wîll pack a Christ -__REAL______________ mës bc>x for these children. H. G. 'Hap GILL REAL ESTATE Mrs. Alan Down namned the 8 Second St. - Bowmanville nominî'ting committee as fol- Properties Sold - Rented Ioa: Mrs Edwin Ormiston, Mrs. Managed and Appraised Carl Down and Mrs. R. R. Gay. Member of the Mrs. Glenn Pickell repoi'ted $132 Ontario Real Estate Boards in treasurv. The class extended M. G. GilI, Realtor - Phone 3514 thankic te the president for a gift of 25 yards of table linen ARCHITECT for churck. use. Mns.. . Vinson conducted the Before yau build, devotions reading a paem "Live consult an Arcbitect Christ" Mrs. E. Ormiston read HERBERT G. COLE, M.R.A.I.C. Psalm 95, after wbich Mrs. Eric Bowmanville - Phone 3653 Courtire rendered a sacred pi- ano solo. Mns. Vinson closed AU D IT IN G with prayer. OTEH&MNIT Bille Wade and hl@ mother MONrtIreTH MountIEts entertained with srnie splendid C Par edAccunt62 music. This little fellow displaYs 37 King St. E. Oshawa a rare talent, as he manipulates Gardon W. Riehi. C.A., tepruininstruments. resident partner Mrs. Somerv1ie gave a very 1 - interestins' travelogue of the iO PT OM E TR Y fanàily*s trip to the. Maritimes, __ __________ wbile Mîhrjarie Somnerville as- KEITH A. BILLET? sisted by showing coloned slides Optometrist taken of same. 74 King St. W. - Bowmanville Mrs. Alan Down voiced thanks Office Hours: 9 a.m. tao 6pa. of ail present. Pumpkin pie and Monday ta Saturday te-i w as served by group in exept Wednesda.v. 9 - 12 i charge. Evenings bï Appointment There was a good attendance at the Woman's Auxiiary of St. Paul's Anglican Church held at the hom~e of Miss Winnifred Nes- bitt. Mrs. Allan Grlbble presid- ed and led the worship service, with Mrs. T. S. Gault. reading the seripture. Mrs. Roy Jarvis read the minutes and correspond- ence. Plans were made for the bazaar on Nov. 14 when a turkey supper will be served. Com- mittees were appointed ta look after details. A tea towel show- er was held to supplement the kitchen supply with each mem- ber contributing towels. Sev- eral articles of cômpleted fancy work were brought ta the meet- ing and others given otjt for work at home. Lunch was serv- ed by the hostess assisted by Mrs. H. Rayson and Mrs. J. Co- burn. The ladies were pleased ta accept the invitation of Mrs. Ina Palmer to meet at her home in November. Counties Appoint New Road Superintendeni Ai Salary of $4,600 George L. Totten of Orange- ville, 27-year-old engineer, was appointed Counties Road Super- intendent at a special session held by Northumberland and Durham Counties Council Fr1- day nigbt at Cobourg. He suc- ceeds Jack Jordan who resigned ta take a better paying job with Waterloo County. Mr. Jordan had been receiving $4,500 and asked for a $500 raise, wbicb be did not get. He later resigned. Fourteen Applicants The road committee went over 14 applicants, even one froni Dublin, liýeland, narrowed it down ta eigbt and in the final weeding out there were tbree appficants remaining and these were left ta the wbole council ta decide. The three were George Totten of Orangeville, Jack Neil who was engineer at Trenton and Angus Maclntyre who was with a construction company. All bad experience in road building. Mr. Totten i. 27 years of age, a native of Saskatchewan, grad- uating froni the University of Saskatoon in 1949. Under the ternis of bis application he is ta receive $4,600 per year for the first six'montbs, wbich will be regarded as a trial period and after that it will b. at the rate of $4,800 per year. He starts within two weeks. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Day- nard and daughter, Oshawa, spent Sunday with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Daynard. Bud Jones, from Queen's, and1 Miss Shirley Jeffs, Napane., spent the weekend with bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride and family, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. James Kendell. Mrs. Toni Sherpitis, Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs.' Andrew Reichrath. The people of this village were stunned wben they beard of the passing of Gordon McKay, only son of Mr. Wilfred McKay and the late Mrs. McKay, a young man of only 25 years. Gardon was taken ill on Wed- nesday and died at Part Hope hospital on Saturday. The fun- eral toak place from the George Funeral Parlors on Tuesday. A goodly number turned out Sunday evening to meet aur new minister and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Pike of Brownsburg, Que. Our service will b. with- drawn on Sunday. Oct. 1l. for anniversary service in the Pres- byterian Churcb wben Rev. Stu- art B. Cales of Oshawa will be guest speaker at 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. David Conbett, Toronto, with Miss Bertha Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hancock, Peterborough, called on friands bere Friday. Mrs. Willis Janes attended the Teachers' Institute at Ottawa on Friday. Miss Drury, Toron ta, with her sister, Mrs. Ernest Eley. Mr. Richard Glover returned home from Peterborough houi- pital -on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKay, Bronte, witb Mr. and Mrs. Clin- ton Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow and son Glenn with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gorrill, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Dundalk, with bis mother, Mrs. William Lane, wbo is with ber daughter, Mrs. Melville Jones. Miss Je-nnie Thompsan is hav- ing the Arnot hause wired for electric light. Little Richard Mlles. son of Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Miles, is in Port Hope bospital with a brco<- en collar bone. M.--. Ronald Gibbs, Norma Rae and Winnie Stacey visited Mrs. Mary Gowland, Garden Hill. Mr. and Mrs. R. MacNeil, Win- nipeg, Man., visited ber mother, Mrs. R. Staeey. Miss Betty Marie Gibbs, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Gibbs, returned with Mr. and Mrs. MacNeil ta make ber home witb them in Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whittak- er and family. Toronto, and Mr. Ed. Symans and bis daughter. Miss Inez Symons, Morrisb, witb Mrs. John Pearce, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce and Mrs. George McCullougb spent the weekend at Bancroft. Mr. an,ý Mrs. Otto Keiser, To- ronto, with ber father, Mr. Reu- ben Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow attended the wedding reception at Lindsay on Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ironside, (nee Doris Fouid t. Mrs. George Ovens attended the wedding in Toronto on Sat- eurday of Mr. Stewart Basset's L.datigbter. Ross Brown is in the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, for an appendix operation. ISenaoa SAVINOGS ON Mladeauto-Measure SITS OR COATS at BRESLIN'S Bownanville J. r' *GOOD CHOICE 0F FINE WORSTEDS - *YOUR CHOICE 0OF AMY STYLE - *FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED 50" NADE-TO-MEASURE BreslS jfBWHITDYL $ z -~z~~' ~ g' PAM m Whitby -'.4- - -,.k *.~: - -~ ,l 1tý k-- r IMM ~~~-Amdom -^W A qwr - --- --- a *F--*sAW