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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1953, p. 7

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,.~ e... - * TmJIRSDAY, OCT 8th. 1953 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL PHONE 3303 &Id Mrs. Robert Kent are Mr. Dauglas B. Nichais, Kings- %- ho1icv"ing in the United States. ton, is vistting his parents, Mr. ti 4Fred Sandersan, Barrie, and Mrs. L. B. Nichois. n Wtrisitor last weekend with Mrs. C. A. Wight, Mrs. F. S. e ~~ Mrs. Gardon Badger. Phillips, Mrs. Mebourne Wight n r.John Kent attended the! and Mrs. Irwin Bragg enjoyed a n ý>mionaI Directors' Cofrneweekend motar trip ta the AI- a 0f Pstmstes i Taonto îast Iganquin Park and Muskoka dist- il Week.icts ta view the beautiful aut- p Wek.umn toliage.a Miss F. M. Galbraith bas re- Ms d udeadMs I hure cousian, nh' Mis .SitaîkerFletcher, representing Ladies' t] Waer osn, isM Sak Auxilary ta the Canadian Le- Makr and . EdYonm gian, and Miss Rase Bate, Zone 0 Pr ntypaol, were supper guests 1Cornrn:tndinrteentaraioasro- cf Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Graham,I vincial Command Convention. f Jr onyudlyrtrndhoe Word has been received by fr. RayEuropey Wened homearrv- iends in Bowmanville of the 1n7( n Muonteai Tuesday, on the death on October 3rd in Santa in resin f ontl uand. n heBarbara, Calif., of Mrs. Clarences Ei iressof cotlnd.Graff (nee Flora Rrimson). A .\r. Arnold Varcoe, Cleveland, number of aider citizens wilI Oh'io, is visiting Miss Irene remember ber from her girlhoadi Brookham and Mr. Thomas days spent in Bowmanville. r Brookham, Queen St. Memorial Hospital, Bowman-r Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James ville, reports 52 admissions dur- 1 $pont the weekend with their ing the week ending Oct. 3rd.1 daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fourteen babies were born, eighti Hrffman at Burlington. 1 boys and six grIs. Eigbt major M\r. and Mrs. E. W. Foley were and 13 minor operations were1 guests at the Dunford-James performed and 12 emergency 2 w~edding at King St. United cases cared for. Discharges Chureh, Oshawa, on Saturday, numbercd 54. Oct. 3rd. Bowmanville firemen were Mn. and Mrs. Clarke R. called out at 3 p.m. Monday ta (Shine) Mornison, Tononto, were extinguish a f ire in a field of in his native 'town on Tuésday grain stubble on the farm of Wes ard favored the editor with A Fice, Waverly Road. The flire- fr 'ndly cait. men spent about 25 minutes ex- ir. and Mrs. Rupert G. Ham- tinguishing the blaze ta make I: Ottawu, were in town this certain it did not spread ta any v completing plans ta take farmi buildings. ti -esidence in his hometawn Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Venton 0 )ctober 20th. have returned after a pleusant Ir. and Mrs. Raymond Cale, holiday spent at Glenverdean, IÇicehener, visited his sisten, Mr. Hall's Lake. While there, they and, Mrs. C. H. Dudley and at- had as weekend guests, Mrs.1 tended the funeral af their Marian Bond of Waodstack; Miss uncle, Mr. Esiie Oke. Elaine White, R.N., and Miss MissMilredDowny sentAudrey Ventan, R.N., Toronto, MissMilredDowny sentand Mr. Donald Venton, B.A.Sc., Monday in Toronto attending the Prof. of Eng., Ottawa. funer ai of her aunt, Mrs. W. S. Cameron, (Mubel Haumlyn), for- Miss Tanya Goddard hus been menly of Bowmanville. informed that she tied for first Guess o Mr andMrs Arhurplace in Oshawu District in the un ndElunooer Mr. and .Atu 1953 Conservatony Examinations Mrs. admeWilon und dMraugtd for Grade X piano. She studied Mrs Lone ilsn ad dugherGrade X with Mrs. W. E. C. Nancy of Stirling, and Mn. and Workman. There is ta be a re- >Mrs. Frank Fiee, Oshawa. citai in Oshawa in the near Mn. Gardon Bradley and Mrs. future when Tanya wili be tak- Annie Bradley, Bond Head, are ing part and will be awarded guests of Mesdames Mina and ber pnize. Hilda Coiwell while attending In many towns and cities in the International Plowing Match Ontario men have received the at Cobourg. Cononation medal minted ta The Septemben dnaw for a commemorate the cnawning of suit; sponsoned by the Kinsmen Queen Elizabeth II an June 2nd. Club, was won by Mrs. Ted If anyone in Bowmanville or Clarke, Queen St. Second prize West Durham has received this of a topcout was won by Mns. P. honor we wouid appreciate it if Gorham, Horsey St. they wauld let The Statesman Floyd Forsey suffered a brok- know sa that publicity muy be en bane in bis ankie when given same. rtruck by a puck during a Good- The initial meeting of Trinity yean Hockey League game on C.G.I.T. was held Sept. 30 in the Sunduy. His many friends wish form of a campf ire suppen ut him a speedy necovery. Cream of Barley Camp. After Miss Margaret Purdon and enjoying hot dogs and ice creamn, Mrs. Roy Lunney were guests the worship service followed, on Saturday ut a trousseau tea led by Miss Dora Purdon and for Miss Glenna Wilson ut the Mrs. Cliff Tnewin, the girls mak- home of ber aunt, Mrs. R. A. jing the response in the fornm of Weilman. 122 Lauder Rd., Osha- a bymn. A sing-song with which wa. 1 Shirley Pollock assisted, was en- Mn. and Mrs. T. W. Cawke> joyed by ail. About 24 members have been visiting their son, Mr.weepsnt and Mrs. Chas. Cawker ut Belle- Mr. P. M. Franklin, Toronto, ville whene Mr. Cawker hus been and Dr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Sod- recupex'ating after bis operution erstram, Modesto, Culif., were in in Memarial Hospital, Bowman- town Monday and were partic- ville. uiarly înterested in visiting the Franklin bomstead which is now __________________known as the Franklin Park on Squa t. It was on this rp Iery thein venerabie gruath IAUVI@er, John C. Franklin, died at ST. 10 the remarkable age of 109 years, and is buried in Bowmanviile I ~ IIYfl iEl' Cemeteny. In a conversation witb tbe editor, M.Faki n CRURCHtimated that some day he may ý'Anglican) build a bouse on tbis property when he is ready ta retire as a Rev. Warren Turner, building contracton. B.A., B.D. Mrs. Arthur Sime, Brockport, N.Y., and ber daughter, Mrs. ________John Moore, Holley, N.Y., were weekend guests of Mrs. W. J. Leask. Older itzens will ne- 8 A.M.- caîl before the turn of the cent- HOLY COMM1UNION ury when the NZiebolls family of tbree daughters, Harriet, May il A.M.- and -Annie and son Charlie lived MATIP r with thein mother on Centre St. und later on Ontario St. Mrs. Sermon: Sime is the former May Nicholis and in a neminiscent chat with Honour v Father Ithe editor they reealled many and Thy ,iother. interesting and amusing incidents when tbey were next door neighbors. Mrs. Sime recalled 7 P.M.- the many occasions bow with 7:00 P.31. - "The Providence of God" SUNDAYI OCTOBER 181h ANNIVERSARY THANKOFFERING SERVICES 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Special Speaker-Dr. Charles Leslie of Enimanuel College, Toronto Mr. D. C. Peters, Phyllis Challis Barrett, [1.T.C' M.. Director of Mvusic. A.T.C.M., Organist. New Bridge i (Continued from Page One) trtick drivers dniving over these newiy laid sidewa!ks smasbîng tbh-în up. People awning such lots snoî;Id take steps ta lay plunks to protect the sidewalks s0 that these heavy vebicles would flot break them up. A mntion was passed that the Roads andL Streets committee in- vestigate this matter and bning in a necommendation. Coun. Scott meported that a Dept. of Highways grader had been bired, and for anly $41.33 had d-)ie considenable grading and diggiiag of ditches on sev- erai streets inciuding Wuvenly Roud, Martin Road, Cemetery Road and Wharf Road. He asked couneil for permis- sion ta spend $174 for drainage tule ta be laid on the Base Line east of Simpson Avenue, and this was granted. Reeve Little stated that be had rereived a equest tram Bob Watt, Chaimman of the Anena MRnagement Committee, asking if some posts and fencing could noý be put in an the bunk an the west side of tbe Amena ta elim- mate the danger posed by the sharp 100-foot drap into the ra- vine. Reeve Little stated tbat he bad 4 eigbt by eigbts and could secune more, and alsa posts, if the wonkmen of the Roads and Streets committee could do the work. Arena Opening PAGE SEVETN Only Four Permils In Sepiember Only four penmits were tuk- en out in tbe Town Clerk's of- fice during September as the tempo of building activity slowed for the fuli akid. winter months. William R. Mutton obtained a permit for a brick dwelling ta be buiît on the est side of On- tar.o St. between Nelson St. and Park St. ut an estimated cost of $12,000. J. J. Flett is in charge of cons-truiction. Louis Laskaris took out a per- mil fan a frume addition ta bis premises ut the rear of the store Vpealue f thiadtin aes-ty Viau t a dii$n250.s timo erits wretaenou for f rm ga rag en oJuR Vioiaforagarageon e westR sidea of oagaSt.geonthweS gag o S nd giiSt. bean oe b NormtandTaylrfor angaagonb lhe south side of Church St. be- tween Onlario St. and Brown St. WANT À%» (Continued from Page One) Law 879. rZoads and Streets Committee wiii meet with the P.U.C. ta liscuss this matter funther, with he latter ta set the, date of neeting. on ecarrmendatian of Chair- nar. Fred Cale of Fine Com- nittee, William T. Slagbt was added ta Fine Brigade ta bring ts strength ta 18 membens. Ap- plication of Howard Davey tor a similar position was held in abeyance since be lives outside bhe fine alanm, district. Council autborized purchase of a fog nozzle for figbting fines at a cost*uf $72. By-Law xvas passed pnoviding for a nomination meeting on Nov. 27 fon candidates fan Town Couancil, Public School Board and Public Utilîties Commis- sion, and for a civie electian on Dec.57t"., Anothen by-law was passed authanizing P.U.C. ta borrow rnoney from tbe bank in con- ne.3tion with tbe $350,000 Lake Dntariô waterwonks prai e ct pending the issuing of debent- uri-s. Penmsýion was granted ta Boy ScoutŽ ta hold a Boy Scout Apple Tale Day this Satunday. Police Car Il COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Largest Group The law~yers are the langesti group represented in the new v House, accountîng fon nearly a, third of ail membens. Eveny province bas ut least onc iaw- yen, but the bulk of tbem are tram Ontario and QuelSec. The two central provincesi eacb bave 30 lawyers; New-1 foundland, Prince Edwurd Is-1 Island and Alberta one each;l Nova Scatia, Manitoba und Bni- tish Columbia tbnee eucb: Newi Brunswick four and Saskatche- wan two. Thene -xviii be a butcen in the Commons. He is Charles Yuill Social Credit memben for Jas- per-Edson. He defeuted John Welbourn. Libenal memben in the lasi Panliament. Colin -Camenon is a pipefitten tram Nar.aimo, B.C. He is the new memben fan the Nanaimo constitucncy beld in the last Parliamert by Maj.-Gen. G. R. Peankes, listed as a netined sol- dier, Gen Peankes was elected in the new British Columbia riding of Esquimuit-Saanich. The Heuse's four gentlemen members are Leonard T. StickC (L - Trinity -Conception); Jas- eph Lafontaine (L-Megantic); J. W. Murphy (PC-Lambton- West), and G. K. Fraser PC- Peterborough) (. Thein nomina- tion papens list their.occupation as "gentleman." 25 Farmers Farmers are tXe second lang- est gnoup. Theme are 25, repres- enting cll provinces except New- foundiand and Nova Scotia. Two thirds of the farmers e- presentatives came tram On- tanio and Saskatchewan. Onturio bas nine and the wbeat prov- ince eight. There are two tram Prince Edwand Island, anc tram New Brunswick, anc tram Que- bec, two trom Manitoba, anc from Aiberta and anc tram Bnit- Enloy Insiant bImgi chanulng, sMd show. inq cemf.,t end do I.. g.du *coflomy. EMULSION The Higi, En.rgy Yer-Round Formily Tonlc-. -uRich ln Vitamin A, end Sunshine 73Ç - $133 Modess ITs SOFTER, SAFER REGULAR, SUPER JUNIOR box of'12 4 'k 4." '-'a. c- I w- c--j New Nembers of 1 To Neet iNovez Ail Walks ofi Lue A survc~y of nomination pa- pers of the new members of the House af Commons discloses that the men and wamen elect- ed in the Aug. 10 election rep- resent almost every walk of life, job on profession. There are 10 who bave retired tram the business or professionai wonld anai four wbo describe tbemselve. as gentlemen. The pumauits of tbe 265 mem- bers are so varîed that the gov- ernment will not lack advice on any problem arising during the next four or f ive years. For legal help the goven- ment can rely cn the abilities of 77 men ind ane woman, muny of them distinguisbed members of the bar. The womun lawyen is Sybil Bennett, Progressive Consenvative member for Hal- ton. S t r o n g repiesentation. His Parliament spokesmen are mechants of vaniaus tN pes, lumben operatars, fa garage oxvners and one jeweier, iberneprseni J. C. Na'3on (L-Gatineau). sher epresnt gThe wcSking man is alsa weii :aL nepresented. Besides tbe but- Wih 77 a y r cher und the pipe fitter, there are two miners, Clurie Gillis (COF-Cape Breton south), and came next witb 21. They are J. A. Bynne (L - Kootenay followdd by agents, salesmen, East); one fisherman, A. Wesley and brokens vwith 18, teachersi Stuart (L - Charlotte); a miii- with 14, and editors, publishers, worker. Thomas Barnett (CCF jaunnalists and advertising exe- - Comnox-Aiberni); an electri- cutives %'ith 13. cian, Harold Winch (CCP-Van- The re.-nainilig members ne- couver East), and a street-can present just about every other motormanl, Angus Maclnnis walk of if e, including that of (CCF-Vancouvýer-Kingsway) . the housewife. The women's And the House membensbip viewpoint will be injected into even includes a hockey coach, parliamnentary debate by four W. K. (Bueko) McDonald (- Ontario membens - Miss Ben- Purny Sound-Muskoka). Mr. nctt; Mrs. Ellen Fairclough McDoni.ldi is a former National (PC - Hamilton West), an ac- Hockey League star. countan; Mrs. Ann Shipley (L -Timiskaming), a secretary, Ps fieE tro and Margaret Aitken (PC -Ps fieE tro York-Hur.iber), a journalist. Mea r ihtcr trm oneG TFc Lfe of them hcing Revenue MinistBoa Dcrlr tcarioFthree fom ebec a nd __Locl_____ fo tanco th rmMaioba.A omlee enoatonofth one ree DMntitxtob.Acm en oaion of thuile Th etalrof esntis repre- Po ofce thch viii ve n seen x'tree rembo erW- Posethffie pint ig f e et - liam enanan (Le eCaerei-, teonthe dock is ngowteileg lion Nonnan ViCra); .B.e-îi eo te oui y te irm of S.nG. Po otidVommrriLs a); adW. L. cPreto t & th Son.o S G Maommerl (LL - V),ancou.L.er Teo oieng. ie w Baluna). (Lhr - is nove- ero f gisteing dark green S. R Balomone of the two paint and the windows are be- Lbrlniembers from Halifax ing paintcd green with cream r iding I sashes. The wrought iran fence Besides teachers, the world of along the west side of the build- ieanning 13 nepresented by four ing was ivclded and repaired by professons, two educationists in- Dave Pothwell and it wilI also cluding, Labon Ministen Gregg, r eccive a coat of green paint. and four clergy men. In the pro-j The outer rings of the clark fessional field there are engin- face will be painted in gold and enrs, an architcct, brokers, two the hands and numbers wiI1 be civil servants, ane sunveyor and paintcd black. an agnonomist in addition to New 48-inch oak venenr pan- doctors, dentists and lawycns. els wihl be placed on the lower The agronomist, a professional sections of the Post Office agriculturist, is Lcpold Demens, doors. This work is being donc (L--Montreal Lavai). bv R. Bothwell. Any necessary The business wcrld bas sent cavestrough nepains wili be managers. directors, contractons, made by Selby Grant. industnialists and manufactur- Davc Preston estimutes thut ers ta he Hou.,e. The white col- the coniplete renovation job will lar worker is representcd by nequire about 23 gallons of (lcrks, accountants, stenognaph- paint.* It is about five yeans ens andt salesmen. since the Post Office was last The smali business man has paintecQ. _______ FR EE! SHANDY, VALUABLE DASEBALL BOOK WITH PURCHASE 0F Gillette DE LUXE ROCKET ONE-PIECE RAZOR SET INCLUDES lo-LADE GILLETTE DISPENSER. AND STYRENE ~ TRAVEL CASE Merchunts and business men (Continued tram Page One) Bowmanville Loses Nicks tbanked Kin Stan Duinn ut that time for bis excellent Public Snirited Citizen work as ci irman of the daw. Game a Rugged Affaîr Moving bo Dunnville The garnie was a siam-bang,____ nugged aifain since the yaung- Bn.Ktow frheps sters on *he St. Catharines and BnKtawofrteps Ma -oossudswn stil, eigbt veai s bas been a patner fighting for permanent positions with bis brother Wilfred in the an the teams and us a esuit Bowmi.mvj1le Fr.gid Locker were giving everything tbey System l'ere, bas sold bis hail had. of the business ta bis brother The arîonoslos no imeand accepted, a position à~ Man- Theig n arly oslead non a eager of the Frozen Locken Divi- f sot tn eagoals an a sion of the Dunnville Dainy. He couple of otgasadhd and bis famiiy wil move ta stnetched their margîn ta 5-0 Dunnviiie the middle of this by the end of the first peniod. montb. Reid, star centre and Captain Mn. Kil.son will be gneatly Wully Maxwell, Harris, Mc- missed in Bowmanville whenc Canthy and Eiik wene the Mari- be lbas tuken an actve part ini bonos scc':ers in the finst periad. comrmunity activities. He bas Reid udded bis second goal on been a memnber of the Bowman- a pass tram iMuxwell ut 4.11 of ville Public Scbool Board for the second trame ta put the the past tbree years and is this Marîbonos ahead 6-0. The Tee yean Chairman of the Pnopenty Pees got ilieir finst goal of the Committee of the Board. Three garne ut the 12.59 mark when yeans ugo be was the Boand's ne- Polîyan passed ta Barlow ut the presentative on the Bowmnan- Maniboro blue line and Barlowv ville Recreation Commission naced in alone. ta biink the iigbt (now tht Department of Recrea- on a nice low shot. tion). Burns got the seventh and He bas been Treasurer of St. last Manîboro goal ut 13.39 on Andrew's Presbyterian Church pàsîes from Mykoiuk and Mc- for the past six yeams and bas Neil. Ciesia made the second been a very active and valued period score 7-2 wben he sconed memben of the Bowmanvllie on a pa!is tram Hockstra only Rotary Club. tivc seconds before the end of Ben Nitson operated a netail the stanza. butcher business in Little Bnît- The Tee Pees camne on stnong ain ton several yeans before in the tiird peniod ta notcb caming to Bowmanvilie, and twa goals xviie holding the prion to thut was empioyed ton Mariboros sconeless. Hines got 10 years at the General Matons the first oniy 13 seconds atter plant in Oshawa. In 1944 be and the periad started ànd Ciesla bis brother puncbased the aid went in alane ut 3.17 ta pick the Bowman House hene and lie corner of the Mamîboro goal on moved ta Bowmanville in the a shot that neyer left the ice. spring oi 1945 witb bis tamily. 20 Penalties Given The ground floor of the botel The ~me us vny nugbwas trunsfanmed into a frigid iThetwa fmgbts nemay mor hlo,.Liýer plant witb 500 lockcrs, withtwofighs ad may mnorand thf- business opened in Au- pushing aliairs. A total of 20 gust, 1945. The business expand- penatie %v.re andd ou. I edSO ,lrepiy that in 1947 it was anc of the pushing bouts a necessary ta add 210 mare lock- Muniboro playen pushed anc of es rnigte-aaiyo h the Tee Pees igbt aven the îow pes ninglang the71cupacty f t boars bythe t. Ctharnes Mn. Kitson bas three children, box and then tumbled aven on Jack, 23, Betty Anne, 6, and top of him, much ta the amuse- jimmy, nine months. Jack is a mient ct the tans. j 2nd Lieutenant in the P.P.C.L.1. Maiars -gol ibnand is pnesently serving in the ipHrding. defence. Bionda, Sun- Caiîadicn Army in Hiro, Japan. Idenson,_ McNeil. Duncan, Bond, He was wotinded in action .while Onotsky; forwands, Maxwell, servine with bis regiment in the jRe:d, McCatby, Burns, Myko- front lines in Korea in Apnil of luk, Snedaon, Garner, Gloven, this yeun.. Mn. Kitson's wifc is Harris, Larose, Eiik, Kennedy. the former Kay Seeley of Little St. Catharines - goal, Ed- Britain. wurds, Truax, Senior; defence,' In spite of the many demands Cu3benan, Bullock. Maxwell, made uran Mn. Kitson bY bis Hie;fonwards, Hoc k s t rua, busine-s and cammunity activi- Ci -la, ia, Cullen. Mc- tics, lhe lus found time fan ne- Clean. Koval, Barlow, Warcbol, creation. He is un ardent fisher- Robert,ý, mari and hias spent bis summen I efere" Mo,,ier: linesmnen, vacations fan manxv years at Walsh, C rombie.' Crow- Lake nean Marmora. H uL-.so ges alter geese and ducks eadxh fall and usually succeeds Miore tlîan hall of the bard- in bagging bis quota. He also Iw'aod fioorîng produccd in Can- enîoys curling us a mnember of ada is made tronm birch. the Osnawa Curling Club'. Since 1925 output of poducts Mn. Kitson's wide circle of of Carada's papen-using indus- friends will be extnemely sorry tr;es r a- jurnpcd 10 times in ta sec hini ]eax' Baxvmanviile va1ue. Thc figure for 1950. la- but w' h him cveny success in itest avail-ble, was $297,006,474. tuis new position. Am~ple Free Parking ini the rear. M p UTVS HERE! f abulous new I.D.A. BRAND SPECIALS Sold on a Money-back Guarantee Baby Cream R ec39 c ( L4 oz., Cherry iough yu eg b 9 Friar's Balsam Reg19cc33c Li 16 az., > Flaxseed, wîîol eg 35ce2c Linseed Meal reg. 35e 29c Wax Paper l00-ft. rol Regular price 34e SPECIA] b I.D.A. ]%rand ECONOMY ENVELOPES Alex. We Deliver ~'1 29c A.B.S. & C. Tableis for relief of constipation 100 tablets- Regular 23e SPECIAL --- .19C - - - - -- - 2------elopes- reg. 2/i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILILE, ONTARIO j {V14 I '~ F R E E 'Tua Tired' ta Live? $1.00 Gem Razor Rybutol May HeIP and blades FREE Schick Injector 1.98 RYBUTOL Free wt RAZOR KIT Buy the 100 unit wt Value ----- $1 .25 size Rybutol for 5.95 MENNEN and get your free SHAVE CREAM You can obtain $1.98 trial size. Ask full particulars your I.D.A. druzgst $1.59 value from your I.D.A. far fuit particulars. druggist ____________for -59e lapo 53 Get 2 oz. Buy VICKS Rub for 5C Vcugs rP FREE VITAMINS BUILU ENERGY Mead's Olcum Ayerst Aiphamettes. 1.00. Percoinorphuni 1.10 1.85, 3.50, 15.00 2.95, 4.60 Mead's Ascorbic Alphamettes Aqueous - 1.45, Acid ------60c, 2.40 2.65, 4.85 Mead's Mulcin . 1.50, 2.75 Frasst's Nea-Chemical Food Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver Fluid-- 1.55, 3.35, 5.90 Oit 1.00, 2.25 Capsules. 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 1Ostoca Drps 1.45, 2.40. 4.25 Vitamin E 100's One-A-Day Multiple GELUCAPS, 30 1.11.-- 2.95 VITAMINS- 1.25, 2.50, 4.25 I.D.A. Vitamin BI Tablets, Squi> 10-D Cod 100's, 300's ----37c, 79e Liver 011- 1.00, 2.25 I.D.A. Ilallbui Liver OlS011 linCd ie Capsules. 75c, 1.29. 4.'79 Sub li o ie Cre-O-Tone Reconstructive Oit 75c, 1.59 Tonic, 16 oz. 1.25 Squibb Special Formula Lederle Vi-l)elta Emulsion 1.25, 4.001 1.68, 2.92 Waterbury's Compouxid 1.25 Allenbury's Haliborange 1.00. 1.75, 3.25 Vita Diet Multiple I.D.A. Cod Liver Oil Vitamins - ----- 1.15, 2.70 C'apsules. 100's --.1.19 Ida Malt - Malt and Cod %Vampole's Extract----1.25 Liver Extract 75c, 1.29, 2.29 I.D.A. Famous Coukh Remnedy BRONCHIDA Relmpt 8 oz. _ 5 PRESCRIPTIONS, A SPECIALTY Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store A New.. À ~ MILLINERY SH P has been opened in Qs.havya at 139 Ring Street East (Next to King Street United Chuirch) TH AoBj% Connected with this salon is a Specialty Shop with a large variety of cashmeres, tartans, skirts, blouses and 1lingerie. 1

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