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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1953, p. 8

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., ('-'~ I r PAGE _ETGHT .....Jns Club.Hear Interesting Talk I&Y Rev. T. Arthur Norgan on ?'hysical Aspects of Alberta A moat interestiag picture of ta the border le Alberta's cattle the P'vqical aspects of Alberta nanching district, whilc north arîd the characteristjcs of its Of Calgary is the Parkiand dis- peoiDle drawn tram bhis five trict which is rolling, fertile Years' experience in that west- country. erii rprovince as a minister was North nf Edmonton the thick 9iven ta the Bowmanviîîe Lions bush country begins, and in the1 Club at lheir meeting Monday arn'tis the fertile Peace ight by Rev. T. Arthur Mor- River district where a great em- gan, Ministen a! Trinity United pire is building. C.hurch. Famed For Folklore Th-a s-.;uthern part of the prov- l'bet sfmu fo s ince, he said, is known as the cAlbrertdi s faouskor",tse Palliscr Triangle and this ex- speakractec ane di olloe" heo 1 tend& tram the United Statesispealklrde canernd hefmuo borldes edicineaay.Let-Chinor-k v inds". He toid of driv- Ildeqardthe eHat and et ing home one evening with the bordeas.this tanl es actemperatuire 65 degrees bclow. boudares.Thi trange i a JrI the nkeht the warm Chinook tu= ,yan extension o! the great winds sw.,ept in over the mouna- î meca. desert and was tao tains, and in the morning he dry for successful farming un- was awakened by the sound o! tii thc advent of irrigation. Moast the water tram meiting snaw of the grain cnop failures in AI- nushing tram the roof. He went berta during the depression outside and iooked at the ther- years took place in Ihis trian- momerer and found that it ne-- gle, he said. gistered 7(j degrees a bave. Out- West of Lethbridge and south side, the znow had vanished and 'DARLNG! T14E WA.FFLE IRON'S FINALLV GETTING HOT/P COME BACK AND GET VOUR BREAKFAST/" V..'t @vrlood your eloctrie circuits. Whon yoy, b.Itld or modernite provide ADEQUATE WlIRING. HIOOON ELECTRic ELECTRIC WIRING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION 42 KING STE.EERAL@0 ELECTRIC ox31 ~h@lO HOME APPLIANCE DEALER Onfario ~RR~J~RIJ RTPvIi 1j THE CAMADIAN STATESM BWA I.OW, ONARI the grounci was a sea of mud. One of the well-known Ai- berta atoies, Mr. Morgan said, concerp.s the farmer wha was driving home fromn Calgary when a Chinook struck. The man wvhipped hia team into a gallop amd the Chinook follow- ed sa fa,;t behind that his front runners were on snow while his rear runners were kicking up a cioud ni dust. Due ta the wide-open spaces and laerk of trees in the West, many Wcsterners teed hemmed in when they move ta the East. These v'ast open reaches witli mountai!1s if the background make it difficuit ta judge dis tances. Mr. Morgan told o! the Eng *lishman staying in Calgary whI saw the Rockies tram his hote windov. They iooked s0 nei at hand that he decided ta tak( a walk ta them. Two days later a native met the same English man mils out on the prairi( taking off his clothes ta swirr across, a littie stream oniy abai. six feet wide. 'Whatever arE yau doing that for?" the nativE Iasked. "Weli, 1 got foaled twc days ago. and I don't plan tc be foolý-d again", the English- man repiied. 1Terrifie Winds Th tecspeaker also told ofthe terfewinds wihaefn fneled thnough the Crows Nest Pass. Thcse are sa strong that they once blew two freight cars off the track. Incivded among the fabulous chararter, af the West, Mn. Mon. gan said, was a newspaper cdi- ton named Bob Edwards. He calied one o! his papers the Wataskewan "Bottleworks", be. cause, as he exphained, "it's a corking goad paper." The Alberta parks system is anc of the finest in any country. Watertu)n, Banff and Jasper -Parks are the fineàt in the Un- ited States or Canada. You can l stay ver-v reasanably at Jasper in a ýourist cabin, or camp out at an excellent campsite. The scener y is very grand and, beau- The speaker pointed out that anc (,f trie autstanding charac- tenisties o! the people o! Alber- ta is their willingness ta take a garnbe-to try anything new. Thi.s stens, he said, tram the tact thlat the farmers there take a terrific gamble cvcry yeari with th&r-i wheat cnaps. They May bave a vahuable crop on they may flot get any crop at ail. Ione town irn which he preached. he said, there was suggestecd that they purc equiome"' tot show a weE movie.In a fcw days the tom peopletlad accepted thei anditw more days they1 sold enough shares at $2r shIre tao get the project un way. This was only ond'exar of their willingncss ta tak( chance and ta try someth VMa L U Ail ;rA J.Mlb 1L i ne.N*ew Educatjon Schenie The AiMberta people have t WINTER AIR CONDITIONING trn and ofe schc-ls edai Some of these, such as For only a few dollars a month, you large-r qchool district, had wo can en cd out very well. Others hiadj an ed back-breaking "furnace worked sa weli, but at le drudgery" and enjoy the work-free, they Lad given them a try, -arereecomfrt f aUon-aticoilstated. "are ree co m f art of uto m tic cil T hýý Social C redit G vei j heat by Chrysier Airtemp. Make ment has given Alberta a go this change now sYsterr of goverfiment with go ro-ads and a modemn system Chryler irtep, ngineredandbuit ta educatior:. The Alberta tarmE ChrylerAircmp enineredandare cternahhy grateful ta Soc, the high standards of the Chrysier Cor-por- Credit, the speaker said, ford ation.claring a moratorium on mci gages diuring the depressl We guarantee expert Installation and whsicghkept famns!thmt Maintenance Service - eaul us today! g reothe smailen towng lu an da Th r m O- jtc Pr du ts im te , T no to A lbera had been w itho la Cnada Thrm-0Rit Prouct Limted Tornto churches, he stateti, and conc tions in these towns had be, very dry When the chunch w; 1 0 tt establishcd in them the imm( S. B ain EIIott alitv ind drinking whicihéh IIEATING and PLUMBING "Aayone who has seen a tow Phoo 348'55 ingSt.w. whene there was fia churel Phone______3348_____,__55___King_____St.__ can quickly appreciate the va! di!fere'nce that the church ca t, Edifor Receives Donation of $1.0 For the Nemorial Hospital Iii Nemory of Carrie Cherry, R.N. o Through the yeas the editor The naine of the donor (my ofThe? Statesman has always name) must be kept, a secret sbecn happy ta act as an inter- and and no mention of the city mediary in neceiving donations tram which it camne be publish- tram people at home and ed. If nccessary ta record the abroad for aur hospital, These donation in yaun papen simply amounts would total many state from an anonymous thousands o! dollars which we source. have gladly acknowledged la Wlshing y.au good healtb and these cDlumns and passed onl to with kind regards. the Hospital Board. Many of Yours sincerely. these gifts have corne from folks who formerly iived la Bowman-- vill orDuram Cuat, wich Many olden citizens of the proves that in this age of speed -at 5MssCannie Cherry will-ne- and mate-rialism sentiment stihial ta h aiyivd piays an important part in the .CrryCtaeua h ot liv.os of many Durhami Old Boys west corner o! Cburch and and Girls. Geog tet.Sesre As ýurthen proof o! this coin- ereist arse inhe se jmendable spirit the editor ne- oemeesas a nurse nth aFrs i cei e t folowi g leter utfiend s in the services. She pas- wcek tram an out-of-town sub- cd away this spring and was scriber of The Statesman who burled in the, family plot ini reuests that bis naine be net Bowmanville cemetery.t given r.,ublicity: Although it was many years Sept. 22, 1953 since ihe iived here she often8 Friend George, visited here and neyer lost in- I Enclosed !ind money order terest ini her native town andv for $100 payable ta Bowman- her manv oId fniends. It was ville Merrorial Hosipital. therefore most appropriate that "In memory o! Carnie L. this tribute sauid be paid ta Cherr',, R.N. She scnved her the± memnnry o! one who had tru- e Th lis e n ers ta k et fo m h rlcol . H uc*s n, g a ; W "Wl oe"clothes. He also has a small echThursda ttefhowing Daly haîf backs; M. Rice, R. broken bone in the pelvis and times: 9.1g p.m. NST; 8.45 pam. Croîl, A. ]?unn, J. Gilchrist and a badly bruised hip. - AST; 7.45 p.m. EST; 9.30 p.m. J. Caldwell forwa'-ds. Subs: J. Maritimes Man Mr. Laymb's burns have naw CST; 9,o0 p.m. MST; 8.00 p.m. Dibble C. Hoyle, T. Hammill, D. healed but he still cannot move .'PST. Downer. KilIed on Highway thainiu mayh. ocedto is y Nea Ne caslehome mn Enniskillen in a few The Financlal Worid Today Relies on the 1 A 56-year-old man, George William Lorete, a transint Newcasfle Breeder from New wasuAtwLckdsay Lin- stantly klled when struck by a Hed lti hwC a t r d A c u t n trailer truck of Husband Trans-H asH lti Sh wC r e ed Aou an port near Newcastle an Thurs- Rayoferla eneuv o Mn-AI egeeLinA"cadssaetyrstge Faasursrh treal, driver of the transport. James T. Brown, Newcastle, hle farsosbeadwl-adpsto told O P.P. Constable Ron Chit- was the Premier Breeder and hle farsosbeadwI-adpsto tim. that he was driving east a Premier Exhibitor of Hoîsteins short distance east of Newcas- at Lindsay Exhibition on Sept. tle when he saw the man walk.. 24, with Sherman J. Moore, NORMAN F. W. PRAGNELL igon the south soldrof h Lindsay, as runner-up. F. Roy road. Ormiston, Brooklin, showed the Chartered Accountant As he carne close the man ap- Grand Champion Cow, and Den- PR OE NAI proached ta make a move ta trat Durham Bull Club, Orono, PR OE. NAI cross thec raad. Villeneuve swung the Grand Champion Bull. This his truck to the soutn but could was the Iargest show in recent bas a limited number of vacancles for Fai registrattons as flot miss hîtting him. The body ye ars with outstanding quality. students-in-accoiinis. Minimum educational qualifications, feil in such a position that the The nîîmber of animais exhibit- whole wright of the truck ed war up 25 head over last Senior Matriculation, not less than three Mathemnatics. passed aver it. year, tataling 82 head brought Students wilI be given the experlence necessary for exam- Mr. Lorette was buried in the out by fine exhibîtors from the Orono Cemetery on Saturday counties of Victoria, Durham,' mations leading to the degree of C. A. by the F. F. Morris Funeral and Ontario and from the Dis- Company. trict af Haliburton. Write or phone for an appointment If you wish to Fast results at low cost, from1 Let themn work for you-The qaiyfrti rfsin Statesman Classifieds. Statesmnan Classifieds. loivman.' ' Nine Children Baptized.$unday at STrinity United Church el ______ ar Nine children were baptized e by Rev. T. A. Morgan at Sunday r, morning service in Trinity Unit- ?- ed Church. They wene: Eliza- e beth Ami Mfaguire, daughtcr o! TIn M1r. and Mrts. John Maguine, 28 it BonS. Deborah Yvanne re Snowden, daughter of Mn. and le Mrs. Henry T. Snowden, 164 10 Liberty St.; Dianne Elizabeth bO Stacey, daughter o! Mr. and Mns. 1Raymond Stacey, 242 King St. E.; Robert Herman Van De Belt, son o! Mr. and Mns. Herman Van ýe De Belt, Waverley Rd.; Wayne 1- Thomas Hanness, son o! Mr. and ;t Mrs. T. E. Harness, 12 Flett St.: dPatricia Louise Bell, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell, 137 Liberty St. N.; Steven John Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack s Dunn, 40 Beech Ave.; Daniel *John Chittim, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Ren Chittim, 17 Division eSt.; Edward George Symons, son ao! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Symens, à lIondale Heights, Scarboro. .Motor Accidents rOn the Increase In DurhamCounty Terp was a startiing increase inmTh vehicle accidents in District 8, which includes Dur- ham County, in the period froni January te June o! thia year as cornpared with the sanie periad last year. î In 1isfrict 8, which is mnade' Up o! Durham, Northumber-j land, Victoria, Peterborough and Haliburtoni Counties, there wene 925 accidenta ini this period if 1953 as compared with 745 in 1952-an merease o! 24.2 per cent. This was a 9 per cent grýýatîr increase than the gen- er,1 Ontario increase o! 15.2 per hase The925 accidents ln Durham d ekly dui ing the periad were 3.2 per wns- cent of the Ontario total. idea ________________ had mean ta a community", he said. rder Introduced By Lion Cryderman npie Mr. Morgan was Introduced .e a by Lion Harry Crydermnan who hing pointed L'ut that he was born in Hamilt,.,n and educated there, attendting McMaster University. He graduated from Emmanuel. ried Collelge, Toronto, then Vent ta uca- Alberta %vhere he remained for. tiof. five ytar.- before being called » th oStGog's Church, Toron- eatcuc for four years before aatcoming tc Bowmanviile. he The Ppeaker was thanked by iLion 1-calph McIntyre who de- rn- clared, "After listening ta Mr. aod Morgan speak I amn sure we al ýood tagree his reputation as an ara- ~ lof tr .s ,,l ounded". ers There w1ere two guests at the lail meeting. Raiph Carruthers, New de- York, brother of Lion Wilf Car- rt- rutherr and Clarence -Hockin, àon Bowmanviile. They were wel-t a n comedl by President Barney . Vanstone. r n The foilowing Lions received otpins from Secretary Norm ,di O'Rourke: Andy Thompson, 10 Ie years; Lau Dewell, 5 years; va Glen Martyn, 5 years. o- Lion Joe Cooper announced Unly Ch.evrofi iad that th~e 5th annual Lions Min- iad, strel Sh-'w wiIl be held Dec. 3rd offer ili thoe ed. an d 4th nd asked members ta wn turn out &Zr practices. POUR GREAT VA h,j Junior classes of Trinity Unit- greater power per ast ed Sunday Schooi were grant- EFFIC1ENCY COM ,an ed permission ta use the Lions fronel.' DIArn.X Comrnunity Centre until their actiofegg. et own cias3rooms are finished. ato naeet Decide on Dance for fast, smooth ahif >ý The club will hold a Ladies' pefldability and Ioni SNight dp..ice aý the Centre o on fl hght-duty andr New Year's Eve. REAR BRAKES - Lion Elmer Banting reported PARKING BRAKE > that tat> lawn at the Lions Cen- duty niodels. CAB SE tre ha. been seeded for the for complete riding r -second tirne and asked for vol- cab ventilation. Wll unteers on Saturday morning ta ileage. RECIRCUL iay a sitdewalk on the north handhing. BATTLES] mýiside of the building. waiied, all-steel un Lion AI Cuthbertson announc- ADVANCE-DESIGb ed th&t thîe first hockey ticket and modern appearaE draw wouid be held on October 6. jBirthdays were celA~rated by Lions Jack Parker and Don Williams. INext mteting would be held -Tuesday, Oct. 20, at the Lions ECentre. This will be an inter- club meeting with Bowmanvillc Kinsms"n Club as hasts, thel Lions rplig n ne a O URETIaC E Enniskillen Man Seriously Injured Serîousiy injured when his truck was struck by a train at Uxbridge on Tuesday morniag of iast week,' Lame Lamb, En- niskillen, is recavering in Part Perry hospital. 'The accident took place when Mn. Lamb was leaving Uxbridge driving toward Whitby on his way ho~me. The railway track is at the foot of!Ea long bill lincd with cpdars on either side which abscured his view o! the ap- proaching train. His truck was bit on the right qide and carried 30 Io 40 feeýt along the track, overturned and crumpled. Mr. Lamb was trapped in the corner of the vehicle and gas froni the tank under the seat flowed aven his face, neck, arma and back. The train crew came an the scenq immediatîaiy ai-d held bis face tram the leaking gas until Dr. Lerinox of Uxbridge arrived on the scene same time later. After giving the injured man a hypodermic injection Dr. Len- nox ptilled him from the truck with the help of the train crew. He was taken ta Part Penny hospital where he was found ta have severe burns on the Àt stands to reason.. Chevrolet tru---cks iust bee bey 1-' f ,/~ -- ..-. . I i .:.... 'J - ~ "NI t- Big truck users, small truck users, aill truck users buy more Chevrolet trucks than any other make. It stands* fa reason Chevrolet trucks must offer et Aclvance-Design Trucks more of what you want. Be features . . . FALVE-YN-HEAD ENGINES - give. you rgallon, lower cost per load. HIGH- rIBUSTION-squeezes aIl available power IRAGM SPRING CLUTCH - for easy- SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSION - ifting. HYPOID REAR AXLE - for de- ng lufe. TORQUE-ACTION BRAKES - niedium-duty niodels. TWIN-ACTION -on heavy-duty models. DUAL-SHOE, E- for greaten holding ability on heavy- MAT WITH DOUBLE DECK SPRINGS cortifort. VENTI-PANES - for improved 'DE-BASE RIMS - for increased tire iLATING BALL STEERING-for casier SHIP CAB CONSTRUCTION double. mit of great strength and durability. IN STYLING - for increased comfort W. NICHOLS BO WMAN VILLE A GENERAL MOTORI fi n Mani r ln a es When you stop ta think about it, the best proof of autstanding value in any product ýS VALUE is continued public prefcrcncc. For when folks discover a "gaod thing" the word travels fast, and sales go up and stay up. That's the way it is with Chevrolet trucks. ~7 Year after year Chevrolet trucks outsell ail other makes. And thev're the top sdil- ing trucks in Canada today. This is a mighty important fact ta consider before you buy your next truck. You'Il also want ta consider that, whilc Chevrolet ruks give you more features yoo want, their price is onmatched for value. Whatcver your hauling or delivery need, think it aver, when you're thinking of a MORE trEOPLTEn YCmEVinLand TRCKS ae ith A s.OHE MK w I - , -$top e" 1 ?HRURSDAY, OCT. ftri, ?53 Citizens Forum Soccer Ail-Stars Refurns to CABC. From Darlingion One of the best-known discus-1Win in Peterborough si3fl programs on the air, Citi- is zens' Forum returns ta the A te-un of ail-stars trrm. l- ItCCsTrans-Canada ewr Darlington Football Le ýg on Oct. 15 with the topic "la journeyea± ta Peterborough S k- Professianalisrn Ruining Cana- urday Sept. 26, and came hor .dian Sports?". with P. 4-3 win over the Petc Members of the panei will be borough Scots. nClarenc'e Campbell of Montreal, Pickcd f rom ail the teams ow epresident of the National Hoc- the Leagiie, the Drin nAll- ýkey League; Jim Coleman, well- Stars went after bload early, kknown Toronto sports writer; andi J. Venning side-tapped a1 jand Bernie Hodgetts, coach of cross froin the right wing into the Trinity College Sehool hoc- the net. Peterborough came back *key team at Port Hope, Ont., with two goals by R. Croîl ta go and for-mer University of Toron- ahcŽad 2-1 to.football1 player. The chairman In the second haîf the Dar- will. be Bernard Trotter of the îington centre brokp through 1CBC. ta tap the al back ta Venning 9 This first-night panel will be who quickiy connected from a >guests at the opening meeting scrimmage in front of goal ta of the Dpnforth East York Sa- make it iead two-all. J. Baker Ed Club in Toronto. Specicially scored the third Darlington invited guests from Toronto goal and Croîl tied it up again. sports circles will join mem- With five minutes ta go Dar- bers of the club asking ques- iington registered ta gain the tions from the floor during the win. course of the meeting. Dariington: M. Yeo, goal; J. Citizens' Forum, now in its Baker anBcd R. Sharp full back; eleventh season, is a joint pro- A.LobB Muir and B. Cover- ject of the CBC and the Can- iey h%.],f backs; L. Phillips, G. ainAssociation for AdultCanR. Johnson, J. Venriîng Education. During the broad- adJMunday forwards. Subs: casts, speakers are completeîy R. Griffin. 7G. Gilroy, H. Balson, free ',o say what they believe.1 T. Graham. vý *- à. wp- 1 1 iy earneu me encomium nf j - ý- 1 ý- 1 1

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