¶'RUR8DAT, OCT. 15. îos: I TRZ CANADIAN SATI~SMAN. WWMAMVUJLE, ONTAMO PAGE TR~T~EN Mlon Tigers and Truckmeu IVi Coole Walks id Un* Good Brand of Hockey OfWt he o __ -__ ýVr 1R11qVýwm fl»11wýw ' cores ln b.owling tuarday Righi; Ended ini Draw 3.13 Hey! Hey! Hô! Hô! lgo Thé! Hampilton Tîgers of the 1 er the 9.48 mark. when McBeth Tops the averages, n'ior -A, O.HA. League wal-f was chased for tripping, Colvin Tops singly, 8qed a 3-3 tie in their exhibi- made one tremendous save off Then goeu right on end Tops lôn game with the Oshawa Anslow of the Tàbbies who was High Three. enior "B"l Smith Truckmen et' n on him &lune.1 Beaupries ltamis ahéad B he Menorial Arena Saturday Fraser Stores Foer Tlgerg ight but they were fôrced 1 1ier *r!tot~ ~h Joli's not fer behind, il e ro bhrd 3 edficitTdeige hwereand Fraseia Then cornes McNulty's a] e fr thtckin atho e sect;nd 0 hoev, adFasr F ollowed by the othér Nine. t: ndthd tri od tesecndirough-house Hamilton defence- j u th gaprni ids beor man, flashed the light on passez Thé Lemons have been cut Th@uat e, payoesd edon-54 fropm Anslow and Hammnond just f rom eustôm asth ia oeride thonh- as McB3eth stepped out of the Sixteen to Tan. est din an the play. id w The penalty box. He fired from Good stuff Gais. hl Twab d owage play.uc hee about 14 feet out to beat Col-! Let's do it again. si rbndemfhocey ain th eedvin cleaniy. Gerry Scott of the' dvda Aeae la rad Ofs ey i the sehi d.,er Truckers hit a post on a break- Idvds Prg aod s tô make thee more iter- away seconds béfore the period: Name Ave. Joistô aeng. or ine-endeed. IVi Cool@e---------------.-.-214 fc et nir eangroidd The Tabbies came on stronger. orsJIi2 l Th Smiothr, te-assîg raddthan ever in the third 10 notch o 18Jf 23i àf hmockthan bteJusnior"A"d the only two goals of the pér- Kay Beauprie 204 0 éf hokey thanthe Jnior*'A"iod. Busch got the firqt one on Bernice Budai------------.. 202 n quads which have showed aI a assfr McKay et 9.53 when. Hilda Brock 200 f the Arena this season. They he was .left uncovered by the Oi thr -----.-.198pf Ilso refrained from a good deal Oh dfne nfon fth een Mre----------- l cf te "nvtinggoe" rughnet. Thé second goal which tied, stuff that the Juniors thrive on. the game at 3-3 camne Ônlv alI Ede Marlowe ----------183 ui Playing coach Ernie Dickens, minuta and 25 seconds balore1 Anita Nickerson--------------- 182 s' got the Truckmien off on thc the end of the garne from the, Ena Etcher-.--- 181 o right foot -et 10.1.5 of the first ttwk of Buchanan, who was fed Li.Pilp--------7 period when he took a pass froni by Taylor and Dinning. JPhli -- ----_17 Jed Wilson and shot at a fairlv Just Notes Emma Brommel - ------175 ni Oharp'7angle from a few fecit Big Fraser of the Tigers was Ruth Barclay-----_-- 17te Out. The puck went through a the badman of the gameé dra»'-I Sylvia Buckneill -- ------__173 pe Maze of defending Hamiltonians! ing penalties for tripping and Viv. Pickard ----------173 in tô get by Bennett in the Tiger's interference and rousing the ire Toots Wisemnan ... 172 cage. Busch of Hamiltonws of the crowd for his genaral Ev. Sweetman -------------- 172 h( nerviU. an elbowig penalty oug atc ai rh Dorc. Mutton ----- ----_ 172 *rhenthe goal was scored. roand Fr s . ank Son YHopr, 1Lydie Bates --- ...------171 je 900ore On Long Rhot ando Fank-iîî plyrswihoteLorraine McFarlane----170 DO* McBeth put OshaNa two Truckmen, were not drassed for Betty Wcstlakc ---------------- 170 UP abOUt ix minutes lter on the game as thev did not arriva Moliy Badger,------------ 1681_ 1riguie from the Hamilton fo h aealgm nLs Ollie Patfie]d --------------------------------------- --------- ------------------- 167 blUeline. Bennett didn'î look t owel iu tima ta take part.. Mel. McNulty ... 166fi good on the long shot, whîch The crowd seemed ta be about Helen Lockhart 1---- 66 béat hlmi coYpletcly. __i6 Thé Truckmen coniud1 equaliy dîvided between Bow- Eleanor Larmer ---- __14 oninedtomanville and Oshawa fans.. Reva Parker.-----------163I force the Play early in the sec- Jim "Ticker" Crombie was one Anna Strike -------------- 162' ond frame and the "Production of t he referees . .. It waq a buex- Hazel Davis--- _------- ----- 16? Line" of Wilson, Scott and Sam- a for Ticker as he arriv&cl Helen Corden---------------16 a ýp' I fgre n h tid from Listowel, where he had Lemon Leagueg and last Oshawa goal et 2.28.f beau coaching the Bowmnanvilleý Bonfnie Cowle -------- ----9-9' e Wilss fon a tetrg ,r Roses in their basebaîl gamec, Lii. Connors ---------------- 94 onpse rmJed Scott and barely in time ta don his white Lena Geddes ---------- 93 Sammny Sàmolenko. 1 sweater and skates . . . Dot. Mutton . 89~ The Tigers carne to life about1 Hamilton - Goal, Bennett; Elsie Morris ----- __ qudat e waythouh th ie prdefence, Berklowich. Kemp, Joan Engiey --------------- 86 lad Osand kcpt the puck nsea Fraser. McGinn, Dinning; for- Molly Badger_----- ----85 1Yte minwue tune foraear-,swarids, Taylor, Buchanan. Com- Vi. O'Rourke ----- ---------7.5 Colvin, the sîarry Oshawa goal Harthug, Anslow, Hammond, Ruth Johnson ----53 keeper muade some really sensa- Denneny, Rohmer. V oi-ihaeae -2 tiDnal saves, kicking nul rubber Oshaw'a - Goal, Colvin; de- Vi Coole-high avinge---2. frôm ail angles. With hi'- tran fence, McBeth, Sinden, Dickens, Vi Cooe-high tigle-----78 ahorhaned fr to miute afPeters; forwards. Scott, Wilson, Samolenko, Williams, Thaler, Team Standingsi Jago, Etcher, Berwick, Halden. Pts. Pins: Référées - Moe Walsh, Jîru Beauprie ------------------ 17 7581 TAECrombie. Joli --------_ ----- 4 7542 TAEMeNuity - 13---7-5--31 TM -Wiseman --- ---------12 71 TO KEEP B.T.S. Siudent Makes ých)Olle-------------12 7850 Echer--------- ----12 ô7308 YOUR WATrCH rasi Time in Mjor - ----------R---- 7280 ONThree-mile Road Race Budai -------- -- - 7 7. TIEjPiper 7 3_ HIE . Paters af Centre bouse aet Brown (Courtice) 4 7 4 the Boys Training School -won i ~thé sixth annual running of theC Ballance Thanksgiving Three-Milp Road taaaN lBgM a wh.ei traveio Race on the schooi track Mon-I nuaN 1gM a nany 4000 day with a time of 18 minute.: iProduction Countr y mils ear a nd 26 seconds-31 second, yery short of the record.M Pétars started in front and any Canadians, who thini D on'twlttl hald his strong pace through- thei r country is one of world. I on'twaittillout the race of 12 laps of the great méat producers. will b' ymouar watch gos wrong! quarter-mile track ta lead the surprised ta learn Ihis is flot th, A wtehchekuptaks field. Sixt5y boys fram the ver- case. In its latesî bulletin, In À wach heekp tkes ious houses took part in the dustriai and Development Cour mc little time-and race and 48 finishéd. The first Cil of Canadian Meat Packe' ~t c maa yu mnay 15 boys will receive marathon n otes that while Canada tu ( by prevantingjfuture îabs and PterIillbe awr- puns f e two bye.hio bekwn.The boys wr ngo hp world's total. U.K.. with 3. Service Departrnent for thé three-mile race a fIer a per cent, pî-oducéd néarly ha] anpctyur uîafck *nAay, monthsg solid trainingý and two as mucb again. ~espct14~track meets. Twelve boys ware Chief Méat Producers la- selected from each bouse tao take vear were US. 29.8 per ce.il part in the évent et the final Èsi and Eastern Europe, 16.; trials run off on Saturdav-. per cent; Argentins, 6.2' pe The record for the évent was cent: France and Garmany, 5.; set by' Roy Beaumont in 1949 I per cent eacb. W. ue eIl' genuin. fo.tiy- - Canadien contribution ta worl ,ev.?sd ports in sarriîng cih fine St 1.521à. Beaumont has also1 méat suppîv is not onîy emalý swm ol returned here ta take the openbuisdcnigsnc 196, _______________mile in the Junior Police Games btisdciig ic 96 three vears in a rOW average was .1.1 per cent. Treri seemns unwise, in view of pro- bahility that worîd demand for méat wiii continue strong. Goodyear Hoke 1 League Gels Underwa" ________ ilh fficpTPM Tnn1 LONG BRANCH Jusi Off Oneen Elizabeth Way and Highway 27 WEST 0F " TORONTO r! 1:30 P.M. m Oeta 23 Admission (Including Tax) -$1.15 CHILDREN UNDER SIXTEEN NOT ADMITTED Ample Parking Space FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT FuIl course muais from 75e Goodyear Hockey League i-e .-t:medi opérations for thé 195: .4 ýeason at the Memorial Arer' ort Sundav.. October, 4, with th Office and Fan Belts meeting ;, 1 p.m. The Office squad too tbis gaine 4-0 and ini thé secon( game Mats and Hose battled L; a scorcless drami. Last Sunday thé Office de- ieatcd Mats 6-3, and in thé sec- ond gaine Fan Bélts hung a 5-2 deleat on thé Hose teamn. The teams have béen jugglecl around Ibis season ta trv anci make thé ieagué as close a possible. The results oailh first two weeks sem nta indical Ihat thé respective captait. have donc a good job of chaos ing thé teams. Although énough gaines ha'.ý not béen played to pubhish leaci i ng scorérs, it is évident tha IBill Lvle is making a strong bio for thé tille wîth séven goal, in twa games. Vour raportei axpecîs ta ha able ta attend the games from now on and hope- ta have a regular columun in1 The Statesî-nan eacb week. Leagrue Standings Office Fan Béits H ose Mats PW L T Pt. 20 0 4 20 011 jWANTIADS I EVENING CLASSÉS 1 Wee Leaigue couchée and man- The evening classes of the! Égers had their initial meeting Bowmanivllle Recreation De- ta uine up the téams for thé coru- partméent are now under w y!iiigseason. See the bulletin nd a list af thé varlous mdli-i board at Pott Office for a Iine ies are ta be found elsewhara up of téama. ýn this paper. To-night thé Baritaru Leeguie THANKSOIVINO DAY Il ià doubtful if Eowmanville as avrer seen mn overlap in phy- demi activity as was in'avidenca [st Monday aflernoon. The .fàmous .Brookdale Roses tught a tille battie against the Interredlate "B" Champions from Listowel -10 becoma thé Ontario Intermediate "B" run-- ers-up. In thé arene, the Ice was fast rr t he numerous enîhusasts of ublic skating, At thé Lions Centre Ibère was ndaubtediy a couple of hearty guls knocking the last gut out )f their racquets with a tennis Nat ta mention of course thé umerous individuals who mn- ored la Iheir summér resort s ta )arlake in thç "physical'- clos- îg up cérémonies. Then Ibère were thé stay-at-; amas, "The faw with the fit who flew". Talk about your: MItOR yfHOCKEY LasI Tucsday night the Pee managers ana coacnes geltIna galber for the sae purpose and each player will be infarrrid by thair manager or caach seta when thay play. MINOR HOCKEY START Saturday. Oct. 17th at 8 &.m. the minor teams wil be sterl- ing their first schéduléd games. If there are any men available who wauld lika to reéree these gamés Saturdày roarnings wé wouid appreciete hearing fromi yau. REGISTRATIONS Registratians for thé variôus activity classeA are now being acceptéd and you can register at thé cleAs or by phanlng 728 be- tween 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. TEEN TOWN The next téen tawn dance is being schaduled for Oct. 23rd in thé Lions Centre end thé exé- cutive are planning an extra attraction tn the forru af food. Yes. for the regular prîce of admls*ion. aIl members will re- cAive a dog on a bun and a ré- a l freshing drink of apple rcider. Haî'd limes is the mode of dres and thé dance will be "spiked" with a féw squar-e dances and god ol' Virginia reels. Bcing close la Hallowe'en the î-egular dance programme will probahiy be augmented by the "ducking for thé apple" contest and other such féals of appetité. There's bound ta hé a few kiss- ès floating aî-ound, done up in paper that is! tmnger third - all showing ter- rifie speed and skill, as in fact did ail the drivers. In the C Service cIasýs, Jim McGregoi from Almonte, Ontario. ekcý out a first from "Hap" Palmer. Bowmanvulle, who was forced to take second place by a slight difference in lapsed time in th-ý two heats. (both boys having a first and a second.) Bill Craw- lord from Niagara Falls, Ont,, Hap Palmer Awarded Silver Service Sel for Besi Sportsman The Port Perry Yacht Club and the Port Perry Lions Club were blessed with good weather, gond attendance and a splendid turnout of drivers fromn ail over Southern Ontario and northern New York State for the Can- adian National Championship Regatta. Ken Wolff, Buffalo, was the' high point winner with 1327 as against Chett Webb of NI agara Falls, N.Y., with 1300 points for second place and John Derting- er of London, Ont., third wvith 1019 points. The A Hydro event was also won by Ken Wolff with Ray DeClopper, 'Buffalo, second and Jim O'Con- nor, also of Buffalo, comning in third. In the B Hydro event, Chet. Webb of Niagara Falls, N.Y.. placed first just ahead of the high point winner Kenniv Wolff. with John Dertinger close behind for third position. The C Hydro honours go to Vic. Bieda. Buffalo. N.Y., first. Chet. Webb second and John Der- When friends drop in serve Coke and snacks AI 497,761 dozen. toothibrush mianulacture iin Canada during 1952 was considerablv up from 19.51 - I Our Animal SPOT-LIGHT Àm-SALE! 2111 Some Time Ago W. Purchased a Quantity cf The Above 1953 Admirai Television Sets at a Greatiy Reduced Price. Now We are Ready ta Pass This Saving on to You I SALE STARTS AT 9:00 O'CLOCK THURSDAY Regular Price of this set $429-95 Special for this sale $ 299,9@9 (A Savinq of $130-00 to You) lu A deposit will hoid one of these sets tili your bond cornes due. ID These are Beautiful Wooden Cabinets in Wainut .. Mahogany - Limed Oak 10 These are Ail New Sets with Full Warranty 10 This la the Largest 21" Screen on the Markt-252 sq. in. 10 Our Regular 30-f t., 3-Channel Antenna is Availabie for $60.00 i i 'f .4 .4 .4 .4 e. r< s $ .4 COKE EARLY! DGN'T BE DISAPPOINTEDI TO0 The 33 RING W. SHOP PHONE 321 12 "THE BUSINESS THAT GOOD SERVICE BUILT"f The Commodore of the Can- adian Basting Federation "Reg" Sparks. Toronto, donated the ç,'-- bigh point prize (a silver mugi.: also a silver service selta thfe heis sportsman for the day who, was no other than our own "Hap" Palmer. of Bowmanville, who. when tld he lost thé C Service tîrsî prize by a split second. shrugged. with 'the corn- ment: "gués 'l have ta go a litle fastér next limne." In the AZ évent, litile David I I Smith, Oshawa, show cd his heels t al]conmcrs and won! first place and the .Jackson Sup- ply troph *v, with 'Diitch" Hall - "o'"o'gso. m.m n-an, Bowmnanville. coming qcc- A'ý 5ob«" 10C- CM. -., ..C ond and Ted Gibson, Ajax, t hi -c - HAMBLYS Port Pet-rv- Yachit Club ban- quet and pî'esentation of tropli B ies w~ill be Saturda 'v. Oct. 24. ii BEVERAGES the' Scout Hall. Port Peî-rv, aitOshawa, n.Poe323 7:30 p.ni. followed bY an E.-,Ot hn -7; ening of enîcrtainment. All those wishîng to attend Ihis event, please. either write E. Suiman, Port Perry. or phone T 1 C K E T S Ed. Gresik, Oshawa 3-4013 for TO EVERYWHERE reservation. Air, Rail or Steamship Consult JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 Klng St. W. - Phone 778 Septs 30 Tu Vu ,-Wgw". -nuvgum- ý - - - - ffl «WXUMM 3 OCT. 15. 1051 Tas CARAMAN STATEBMAN.- IMOWMANvMLic, oNTAmo 1 PAGE TynitTZTN