PAGE FOURTEEN TEM CANADIAN STATESMA1q. BOWMANVTLE, ONTARIO THURSDAT. OCT. 13. 195e urday, Oct. llth. Viitrswih Fsour Generations .>ut<nr fr LflL4IWg&vlfg Neil Porter for the weekend i f T li '4iono ~ews were Mrs. Oliver and Mr. Jîm The rono News Oliver, Bobcaygeon; Miss Shir- ley Porter, Oshawa. _______________________________________ -__1 Miss Jean Thompson, Black- Mr. nd rs roos Cx~anxîstedhermoterstock, is staying with her grand- Mr ad rs Boos o-anMorris and itehrmoe, mother, Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick, spent the weekend with Mr. Mrs. James Dickson at the nurs- who just returned home from and Mrs. Frank Hall at their; îng home, Newcastle. Memorial Hospital, Bowman- cottage at Apsley. Mr. and Mrs L. Hooey, Mr. ville. Mr. Newton Cobbledick re-: and Mrs J. Reid were in Mont-I Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jakeman turned to Memorial Hospital, real and district over the week- visie nSoe r n Bowmnvile, ast eekand'nd.Hamilton over the holiday Mrs. Stewart Cowan, Ottawa,! Miss Christine Kitchen. Tor-! weekend. visied er fthe ove th onto, visited with Rev. and Mrs.1 Miss Audrey Billings, Osh- weekend.1 John Kitchen. awa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. Bebbington, Congratulations to Mr. andi Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs.. Mr.s. Heber Souch wbo xill be: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Miller, A. Watson. at home to their friends on the Larry and Wayne visited Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, occasion of their 5th wedding and Mrs. C. W. Hewig, Wil- Scarboro, spent the weekend !anniversary, at Mr. and Mrs. loughby, Ohio, for Thanksgiving with Mrs. C. Powers and Mr. A. Carl Billings' Wednesday after- weekend. E. Clemence. noon and cvening, October 21st, Mr. and Mrs. V. Wilson spent Mr. and Mrs. Win. Found, To-. Little Miss Gail Wood, Lake- 'Mlanksgiving Day in Toronto. ronto, spent the weekend with! field, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Dane Found. b er grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss G. Bailey and friend, New Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper,; Chas. Wood. Toronto, visited Mns. Dorothy Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. Sulli-1 Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto, Bailey and family. 'van, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Keitn1 spent the weekend with Mrs. Several from Orono attended Wood, Harmony, visited with! Howard Linton. the Harvest Home Services on Mr. and Mrs. V. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and Sunday at St. George's Angli- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gamey,' daugliters Eileen and Caro]yn can Church, Newcastle. Mrs.Noron nd Mss imaJones xvere guests at the Best - Mrs. Fred Tamblyn visited Cutteli were in tbe Huntsville Joncs xedding at Newtonville Mr. and Mrs. B. Ferguson and district over the weekcnd. United Church, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilbur, Next Sunday will be Anni-j Mr. Jack Wilson, Buffalo, vis- 'Hampton, and Mr. and Mrs. versary Sundav at Oronio United ited bis famiily and his mother, Russell Van Horne, Whitby.. Cburch. The Rex'. V. M. Gil- Mrs. Thornton Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leamen, bert, B.A., B.D.. Camiborne. will Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Myles, Paul and Judy, Scarboro Jet.; be the guest speaker. Special Mm. LcRoY MYles spent Thanks- Mr. Henry Leamen and Miss music wil] be rendered. gixing Sundav with Mr. and Dorothy Devine, Toronto, visit- Mr. and Mrs. W. Dupius. Mr.1 Mrs. Lloyd My.les, Whitby. ed Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leamen. and Mrs. R. Dupius, Windsor, I Mrs. W. Reid. Bowmanville, Mrs. Austin Sherwin, Hamîl- visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Tolmie 'and daughter, Miss Muriel Reid, ton, visiting Mr. Robert Sher- V and family. Toronto, and Mrs. Chas. Awde, win. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGee were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Owen .Fagan and son spent the long wcekend, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Butters. and family, Owen Sound, re- vi..iting in Stittsville and Ot- Rex'. and Mrs. Cecil T. L. AI-j turned home aftem spending the ~ ta wa. 1 lin, Moro, Illinois, a former1 weekend with Mr. and Mrs. O. ~ -r îdMs. A. Saunders and i Orono bS. assisted Rev. John F opr Mrs. Geo. Butters were ln Tor- IKitchen with the Thanksgiving Mm. and Mrs. Fred Staples Ààà onto last week. service Sunday morning. His and son, Stevensville; Miss Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. sster. Miss Lqura Allin, Oshawa, Betha Staples, Toronto, visited On Thanksgiving Day the members of four generations pictured above Cecil Joncs were Mrs. Mary was also at the service. Sunday with Miss Bertha Cain. ahrda h oeo r n r.Js al .R ,Bwavle o ap O'Neil, Mr. M. ONeil. Newton- Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Milton Staintonigatheyre aute o m. e of Mr.nMrS JasHllRR5TBwayloville, foe hr 0t brtahay ville; Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Joncs,j vho bave lived with their and Clarence, Enniskillen, spen' Sept.y re-unon.theagtedis hrs. S. JTaylrwJos.clebatd o teber9t br.ha on Bowmanville. 7jdaughter, Mrs. J. Gibson and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. sept. 30. Tofthartham.sTbe daugh r MrsJianHllandconHlaefthMrsonHand' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gradv, Mr. Gibson for several years Stainton. soR adoChtm.Tewo hlre Jman Nac Hlaetesnad Hlamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. bave now moved to their own Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Allin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, Chatham. John E. Armstrong and otheri home in the north part of Gib- spent the weekend in Hamilton. -Photo by Jno. Stutt relations, i son s where the late Mr. Fuller Mm. Harry Hooper and Mrs. Mrs. Harry Mvercer spent 1lived. T. W. F. G. Andrews, Toronto, teUid hrNwon i , , Wednesday with Mrs. Chas.1 Mrs. S. Souch and Mrs. A. visited Mrs. Chas. Awde. h(ffT? Shaw, Oshàwa. Watson spent Thursday in To- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stainton .LO1flfISfl on Saturday, Oct. 10. We wel- I ESLEYVIL Miss Brenda Flegg. Oshawa; ronto. Mr.AasRoe visited their son-in-law, Mr.rodle th come them to this communitywekoOcbr4twa Mr. and Mrs. H. Snell, Toronto, Mr. and r.AasRoe Lorne Lamb, Enniskillen, who AlI od edt h Wrdswbere we hope they xill spend The ekoOcbr4twa spent the long weekend with neath, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sid js euned home fromn Port Plowing Match last week and many happy years, making new eventful for everyorie in the, Mrs. K. Gamsby and faniilv. Barrabaîl and other relativeslI jusre otalue i eiu red n njyn ntdCuteadwsn Ms avSomerville rPerryHospitahel, after thbisweserioy s inriens ndening hemay ntCon tisaaroftstno Miss ary etur- ove theweeknd..accident when his truck was hitteewecvrfw in hs social activities centred in and dif n ntî pr fi.Ms ed home on Tuesday from Mcm- Congratulations to Mm. and by a train at Uxbridge and re- neighboui-hood wlho did not at- around the chLîî*ch of Morî'isb. families attended the Plowingý orial Hospital, Bowmanx'i]le. Mrs. Norman Everett Alexander, ports Mr. Lamb was able to tend once or twice during th e M.Ni neroIfBat Match for at lcast one day, sev- 1 Mrs. H. T. Turley, Ottawa, Andrews, the former Ruth Jane walk a little with assistance. week, thc wcather waN perfect Mor. eil TAnesovn of Bran- eral of the ladies attcnded, and1 was guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Merrill, on their marriage Sat- Mrs. W. Henry. Ne.wmarket. and all report having a wonder- fori1s1-nt Tha-ksgi-i - week- resnnsih1 lefor he no- spent the long weekend with Miss Mabel Davey. Congratulations ta Mm. and Mrs. Thomas Hart, Oshawa.1 formerly Thelma Marlon AlpinI daughter of Mr. Chamles E. Bax- ter and the late Mrs. M. Baxter, of Oshawa and Orono, on theirJ marmiage Friday, October 9th,i 1953, by Rev. George Telford, D.D. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tamblyn and daughtem, of Van Nuze, Cal- ifornia, are visiting Glenn's parents, Mm. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, and Mrs. Glenn Tam- blyn's parents in Montreal, Quebec. Visifing Auxiliaries Meel Wilh Orono Aflernoon Auxiliary Orana United Church After- noon Auxiliamy held its Annual Thank Offeing meeting on Tuesday afternoon October 6th, with a splendid attendance. Guests were present fram Bowmanville, Newcastle, and Kimby Auxiliaries to share in the fellowship of the afternoon. Mms. A. A. Drummond was in charge of the meeting assisted by Mrs. R. Allin's Gi'oup and itMrs. C. Duncan acting as Re- Icording secretamy. It was repomted that the first fmeeting of the Mission Band had been hcld with an attend- ance of 45. A most suitable wor- ship pcriod was conducted by Mrs. Robt. Hancock on the Tbaniksgiving theme, especially empbasizing the importance of Ibcbng thankful for the littie- things of life. Mrs. N. Porter introduced the Ispeaker, Mrs. Bruce Gray of ronto, who in a very pleasing and effective manner brought to the meeting many interesting thoughts on "Building Bridges", taking as ber text "None of us lives ta bîmself and none of us dies to himself". Jesus but bridges from Himself to those, wbom he met in His daily life, in that way tansmitting to them His love for them and Ris inter- est in them. We can build bridges from ourselves te Christ by means of beauty, music, art and most im- portant of ail communion with Him. What kind of bridges can we buiid? (1) Bridges of love for others. Christians can trans- form the world by laving others, even tbough Love overcomes in the end, tbey might be despised by them. (2) Bridges of sympa- thyý, understanding and compas- sion, the kind of bridge the Good Samamitan built. The many ex- tras he performed made bis bridge, indeed golden bridge. The Bridge of Prayer is by far the most important for by this bridge the Christian not only gains strength for bis or hem dailv needs, but strength- ens the lives of others. 'Maî,e things are wrought bv prayer than this world dreams of." MmIs. Raymond Chapman a nd .Mrs. Hartwell Lowery of K irby. Mrs. Kenneth Werry and Mrs.> Otto Bragg of St. Paul's United iChuch, Bowmanville, rendered Ivery inspiring duets during the meeting. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn thanked ail who had brought such wonderful messages on be- haif <of the members present. A social time was spent when Mrs. R. Allin's group served af- ternoon tea. Beautiful autumn flowers in abondance added much to the Thanksgiving theme. fi imë,e and the'aftêrnoôon - uýend with bis mother, Mrs. Frank~ of ta ad coki sogenroulI Anderson. On Saturday evening given by the T. Eaton Co. was hacmpanied by Mrs. Ander- Iver y much appreciated, even the son, Mrs. Wm. McHolm and Mr. sterner sex were flot backward D. Addison, Port Hope, joined in ccetin te eer elcmewith Mr. and Mrs. C. Jones, nceptigt he e ve wlcmeOrono, Mr. and Mrs. E. Joncs. p cu tha chers.Bowmanville, Mr. Ken Calthart, Mrs. F. Cornish spentthe long Toronto, and Mrs. C. Wç?lkey in) weekend with her son, Gerald, a hirthday party at Mrs. Mary wife and family at Mille Roches. Uglow's whose birthday it was. Miss M. Beckett visited hier We hope this lady will enjoy sister, Mrs. Mary Simpson in many more happy years with Toronto over Thanksgiving hol-, friends and neighbours in New- iday. Itonville. On Monday evening, Ct. 5, There was a better number Mrs. R. J. Ashton gave a small at Sunday Schoo] than usual. party in honor of ber birthday1 Next Sundav will be Rally Day The evening was spent in eu- Service when we hope to see a chre with a dainty lunch to wind record attendance. up the eveniing. We wish this, Mrs. Wîn. Marvin is enjoyingý lady many more such happy Oc-' a visit xith her sister, Dr. G. casions.1 Staples at Glendale, Calif., We extend our hearty congra- where the temperature is around tulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold 106. We wish her a good time Best (fiee Gwen Jones) on the but the heat is Just a little too occasion of their marriage at 1i much to suit us. New COLEMAN AUTOMATIC .OIL HEATER wilh famous exclusives only $ 25 LOW Big-volume N ew warm-air TERMS AS LOW AS per week This magnificent new heater gives y n u r home healthful warmth. New 4-way radiant heat through n e w fi-ont louver design New Standard high-grade Coleman durable fin- gram at the Women's Institute, 9 and others wcme present at the Best - Joncs wcdding in New- tonville on Satumday. Mr. Car- roll Nichols attended the open- ing ceremonies of the Plowing Match and at the banquet on Friday night. On Sunday momning and ev- ening the anniversary services were held bere with Rev. E. H. Beare. of Springbrook, in charge of the service. Rev. Mm. Hard- ing was in charge of similar services at an appointment on Mr. Beames charge. The music in the mnomning was provided' by the home ladies' choir with Mrs. H. Reeve, organist. e sides a thanksgiving numbry the wholc choir, Miss Muriel Mason and Mrs. Carroll Nichols sang "Jesus Cames." and Mrs. Nichols sang "Lcad Kindlyj ILigbt." In the evening Wei- come choir led by Mrs. Camp- bell. Their two anthcms andj quartette were much appreciat- cd and their leadership in the hmnls xwas an inspiati nfr congregational singing. Most of the district flowers, wcre frozen in Iast week's cold snap but in spite of that. some of most faîl varieties had been saved. and together with chmv- santhemns from Mr. Brook- iiîg's iniade a fine showing as armanged by Mrs. A. Austin, Muriel and Mrs. Snell. Attend- ance at these anniversary ser- v'ices was verv sa tisfactory and the congregation begins another year of worsbip and service. SundaY School xvas cancelled for the day. Visitors in the comimunity bere for the Plowing Match and during the weekend ivere: Nola Holdaway, Toronto, with ber mo ther. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fer- guson, Little Britain. with their uncle, Mr. Harry Austin. Mm. and Mrs. Dan McDonald, Ormond, Mr. and Mrs. Hi. C. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie I Robinson and Mm. and Mms. E]- I win Hill, Marvelville, Mr. andi Mrs. John Hill and Beverley, Metcalfe, Mr. and Mrs. Johnî Robb and Jackie, UOsgoode, and the Robent Huis, Port Hope, ,with E. Barrowclough's. Congratulations and best wishcs are extended to Mr. and Mrs, Harold Best (Gwen Jones) whose marriage took place in Newtonville cbumch hast Satur- day. Rev. E. H. Beame was ente#- tained at the home of Mm. and Mrs. A. Austin and Mr. and Mms. P. Snell on Sunday. Their friends hope for rapidi îmrpoxement in heahth for M. S. Barrowcuugh and >M,.J. Woolacott of Port Hope. both 0f I whoin have been qoite ili this past week. YELVERTON circulatior ish-won't burn off Most of Yelverton's residents SPECI L! IMatch at Cobourg and attended Special D>eal with Power Blnwer Unit wnrtb $27.50. at, least one da.,,. Bob Atkinson regular $134 Colemnan Heating Unit coniplete with Ilook the inyîlîîcal rake -bhe at- Heater, Tank and Blower, tended threc days' No orne scem- ed to be particolarly interested S $105in the plowing; h enso Ony 11.9 became lost in the maze of ma- chinery wbîle the women view- -Corne in and see this wonderful beater cd the Tented City. Being col- lectons at beart (when the botl is free) aIl] arived home with and r H rd A i' rea motley collection of pencils, Lande Har warememo pads, leaflets and kîddie 7 King St. E. Phone 774 How close are your disb IoweIs to the stox e? Too close! UUIUUUEUUUUUUUUUEMUUUUEUMEIUEUEEIUV Take a lesson fromn the case of 'j Mrs. Ralph Malcolm, your cor- enjoyed a Thanksgiving dinï, respondent. On Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carn after warmîng t.he baby's bottle gie, Port Perty. she turned around to feed the Messrs. Bob Jx and .Jim A baby when poof! A corner Of kinson, Jack Kerr, Ray MCj one of the dish towels hanging lough and Victor Russell toc on the rack beside the stove off for Wheeling, West VYin was on the bumner and in a on Friday and retu rgtd second the towels were burn- Monday. ing. Result: One corner of the Mr. John Henderson, Buel kitchen scorched and one sad- ingham. Que., were visitors der and wiser woman! 411 of the neighbourhood. which brings up an old beef- Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan w,. fire protection in the country is guests at the wcdding of Mi at best, inadequate and for the Pat Cordi and Mm. Dougl. most part non-existent. Jackson whicb took Place Friday evenîng saw prepara-i Brooklin United Church Satu tions for the turkey supper un- dav derway. The church shed was MVr. and Mms. Gerv Bristo cleaned, dishes washed, etc. Sat- and Gai-i and Mr. and Mrs. W urday was the plucking and bert. Malcolm wvere Stlp4 stuffing bee at the home of Mrs.' evening cinner guests witb Jack Wilson when 19 tumkeys Rhoda Johnston, Ilcterbor, were prepared for the fea st. Tbanksgiving guÙy.v, wAith Sunday was truly a day of and Mrs. .jack WilIfWwerc rest after the ploughing matcb and Mrs. Vance ', ilson and before Monday's supper. family, Toronto. Church was in the evening. Rev. Mr. Reg. Ruskin. Toronto.~ Patterson, Millbmook, conduct- guest of Mm. and Mrs. Ge, ed the worship and Yelverton's Heaslip. own choir provided special mu- News this wcek "'Lst nece: sic. sarily be bl'ie f sinICe Mon-:a Mr. Bihl Whittakcr and Don- morning, usuallYev xs morno't ald and Miss Betty Whittaker. xvill be givell ovcr to ba!l. Toronto were Sunday visitors pies and cake and oaring vei at the Jas. Shackleton home. etables lor the bi 'ý Than, sgil Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGill ing Turkey Supper. I DON'T BE OUT 0F LUCK THIS YEARJ SHOP EARLY FOR A FULL ASSORTMENTj FRESH STOCKS JUST ARRIVED. Whole Peel Caps - Glaced Pineapple Seeded Raisins - Pitted Dates eedless Raisins - Glaced Cherries Cbopped Nuts- Cut Mixed Peel Crystalized Ginger Currants Two Brand New Cake Mixes Aylmer - Just Add Water FRUIT CAKE MIX 2aks 73- Monarcli - Golden - Delicious YELLOW CAKE MqIX Pkg- 5 HEALTHO TOMATO DOG FOOD JUICE Fortifed Regular Clark'. with Liver 15 oz. fin Fancy 2 F'or 21C2 For 25C Richrnello MILD CHREESE Lb 1 100 - By Nabor CHOCOLATE TEA BACS MALLOWS Pkg. Pkg. 79c of 35 9 20 35 J MEAT SPECIALS LOW PRICES ON BEEF SIRLOIN ROAST Peaineal - Lean BACK BACON Iz.' 39C SLICED BOLOGNA '"27cý Maple Leaf - Pure Pork Skinless SAUSAGE" 49e' Have You Tried Tbiem Yet? Burns - Pkg. of 4 MINUTE STEAKS 4c1 BONELES per pot IROLLED PLATEI ;s POT ROAST und , 39C FLORIDA No. 1 - SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT, 10 Size 90 Fora 49ç CARDAGE WAXED Large - Firm TURNIPS 2~ 1o 5 L.5 -COOKIiI ONIONS 31,1,. 11c B LUE Grown by A. Thompson, omnil GRAPES 1~s~ Dominion Stores Mt& BO0WM A N VIL LE I m FULLE , (w '* RUSII u uli YYIJ ýl e a For 4 9Ç