'I'I!URSDAY, NOV. 5th, 1063 TN~ CANAnTA!e m'rÂ'rumaAv UAWA18~TWV g PAGE NIN trouo isLikely Io Decome. An IncorporatedVillage Soon The Orono Police Trustees naw hase and on approval o! the met on Manday avaning, Octo- trustees. it will be shipped. In ber 26 whea the main topic fan connaction with added fine tanks discussion centred anound In- the trustees faît thcir need but corporation o! the Police Village wishad this ta be left until such o! Onono. From figures obtain- tima as the village Incorporated able at the meeting it now ap- so that definita program af con- Pears thet the defined erea o! struction could be set up ta the five hundred acres will ba In- advantage a! the catira area. A fIrporatad into the village o! new top was ondaned for the ono. Mn. R. R. Weddell in- tank et the school and a replaca- ~Wed the meeting that ana ment for a fire extinguishar on hE dred and thirty pnapenty the fine truck. Mn. Walken in- ownars had alncady signed the formed the meeting that Fine petition, out o! two hundred Chie! F. O. Cooper wished ta and sixty-nine owaens. This doas resign as chie! o! the local bri- flot amount to quite !i!ty par gede. As tha Trustees had al- cent but ta data everyona bas ready appointad Mn. Gordon flot been eppnoecbad. O! 110 Watson as acting fine chia!, they tenants only aîght hava signad faIt that this arrangement could due ta the fact that !ew bave carry on until the end o! the been eppnoached. Ovan fi!ty pan year. cent o! the total assessment bas Ia discussing Incorporation bean signad in favour o! Incor- the Township Ganeral Schoul Poration. O! the total assass- rata was bnought ta ligbt. In the nmant o! $565,054.00 on the 1953 cunnent year, 1953, Orono sec- assessmant rail $285,775.00 has tion, S.S. No. 12, paid ta the been signed in favour o! the township a sum o! $2,700 of pnoposed maya. wbich thay nacaived back only As ail petitions hava nat been $1400. In this iavy the section handed in it cari now ha judged baoses $1300 which la equivaient that the mai ority favour the Ia- ta aven 2 milîs. This grant by corporation o! the village. It is the township and which is col- expectad that bafara the pati- lected in the township is paid thons ana handad ta the caunty ta soma seventeen schools at the cauncil that at laast saventy-five rata o! $600 fon a principal and pan cent will hava placad their $400 for each assistent. It was signatures in favour o! Onono considened that Onono was pey- running its awn affains. ing an unfain shere la this parti- Pnior ta the Incorporation is- cular grant and tbnough Incor- sua some discussion was bald an poratior. would ha eliminate.d the fine fighting aquipment. The and full value o! Public Schaol fine departmant bas raquested taxes woul dgo direct ta the some naw hase, and also crac- local section. It was also dlaim- tion o! two new fine tanks. The cd that the township obtained 'village bas on order fifty feet o! $4,58 1 !rom the village for You can change your present coal furnace ta automatic oil buating with surpisinglyr littie trouble or expense. The Vortex OU1 Burner fits right in where the grate is naw. It gives you unexoelled home comfort with lowest fuel cost, and withont the dirt and bother of hand firing. Exclusive Iran Firorm autamatic contrais take the furnaoe off your mind, day and nigbt, and tura your home inta a havea of winter comfort. Phone us today for frc heating mnney iIj L. A. 'Parker & Sons King Street East Phone 651 which the village received only a few days grading on its streets. The $2,000 grant paid ta the vil- lage unden the present set-up was considered a smaller pro- ponation ta the amount paid ta the township. than the $650 paid whan the aid assessment was in force. Of the new area being added ta the present boundaries a! the village it appears that practical- ]y everyane is now in favour of being included. The trustees could think o! only two owners who had not signed, awning con- siderable acreage but bath par- ties had as yet flot been ap- praached. It was pointed out that Mr. Stephenson wishad bis buildings ta be included within the carporate limits but refer- ring ta the plan it was thought that the boundary would pass east o! his dwelling. In corporation today exists practically as a reality and with yet a numben ta be approached it is likeiy that at least seventy- five par cent o! the villagers will endorse this move. Duning the hydro meeting ac- counts wane paid ta the total of $1,640 with the greatar part be- ing made up of' a hydro bill o! aven $900 which ia the largest paymant for power in any twa nionth period. Mn. C. T. Miller informed the Commission that Mrs. E. Dent was netining by the first o! the yean as a part time secretany. A special meeting is being cailed for> Friday morn- ing ta deal with this situation Lengihy Solina Carroi Boasis 28-inch Tail From Pascoe Farm The cannots gnawn, up anound Salina, wene finmiy nooted in Gaod Durham Caunty soul dur- ing the peut growing seasan, if the ana pulled fromn a field o! Herold Pascoe is a typical ex- ample. This lange canrot, which was brought ta The Canadian Statesman by Mn. Pascoe's f a- then, A. L. Pascoa o! Sauina, a former Reave a! Danlingtoîi Township had a siendan noot 28 inches long, whlch should car- tainly have pravîded it with a firmn hold and an ample supply o! nourishmeat. The moat ramankable thing about this unusual carnat is that the very long slendan root ne- mined intact when the vegat- able was pulled from the soil. OBITUARY ARTHUR FLACK Mn. Arthur Flack agad 88 yeaas died at bis home in Bath- any an Satunday, Octoben 24 following a brie! ilîness. Born in Enghand ha came ta Canada as e young boy and farmad in the Fleetwood dis- trict, nanth o! the village. He wes a faithful mamban o! St. Many's Anglican Church and Sunday Scbool end was a valu- ad memban o! the choin for rnany years. Sînca moving into the village some 25 yaars ega he ettended St. Paul's Chunch. Ha wes a memben o! the Loyal Or- ange Ladge No. 1022 anxd o! the Indapendent Order of For- esters. A cheary, kindly Christian gentleman and a good naighbor, ha will be missed by a hast o! friands. There ana na immadi- ate surviving nelatives except- Ing numaraus niecas and naphaws. Mis wi!a, the former Dorothy Sisson pnadeceasad hlm about 17 yaars aga. The funenel service was held On Monday afternaon fram St. Paul's Anglican Church in change a! the Rev. T. S. Gault with Robert Sisson et the organ and the chair in attandence. Pelîbearars wene William Hennah, Marny Mannah, Wîl- Liam Marks, Alban Sisson, Fred Gnay and Ross Carr. Bunial was in St. Mary's Cemetery. Thi- fliest protective tariffs fan the purposa o! fostcning manu!acturing in Canada ware intraducad in 1859. SPENCER CORSETIERE (Registerad since 1931) Mrs. J. E. Richards BOX 33, ORONO Telephone 27-r-16 SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES TO THE ROYAL AGRICULTU RAL WINTER FAIR TORONTO, NOV. 13 -21 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP G.od Golng-November 12 to November 15 inclusive Retum -Leave Toronto not liter thau mîdaight, November 22nd. Pin àjmd'*". fma a dég#"l eýlÀ 1 Red Cross Needs More Dlood To Supply Gamma Glohulin Projeci The Canadian Red Cross Sa- ciety has announced that addi- tianal blood donors will be re- quired ta supply blood for the gamma globulln project o! the, Department o! National Haalth. The Ministan o! National Heaith has raquested the Cana- dian Red Cross ta undertake the collection o! blood for the pro- cessing o! gamma globulîn. This is in addition ta the Society's present commitment to supply whola blood for civilian hospi- tals and blood products for em- ergency stock-piling purposes. The responsibility ar the Cari- adian Red Cross is limitad ta the collection o! blaod. The procasa- ing wili be undentaken by the Connaught medical Research Labanatories, University o! To- ronto, with financial assistance from the Fadenal Govennmant. The total quantity a! gamma globulin pnoducad by the labon- &tonies will be allocated and dis- tributed by the Depantmant uf National Haalth, on the advice o! an Advisory Committea, ta Santa's Chargîn' For 'Eus Tcny Richardson, of Ponty- pool, has a couple of live wire sons, one of whoma is schoal age, the othen younger. They have always thought that catalogues containing pictures of toys were scnt ta them by Santa Claus. When a new catalogua arriv- cd at the Richardson home, re- cently, the boys gave the toy pages some pnetty close scnu- tiny. Suddenly,Immie, Whio bas just started school, tunned ta his youngar brother, Ronnie, and said, «'I sec he's changing for them this time'". Johnny Morris Ras Gone Johnny Morris has gone, and don't think he won't be niissed on the back concessions o! Clarke Township when the talc- phones go on the blink. He had been around the phone systein so long his name could have been Mr. Phone Line. People have grumbled about the service they receivad, but they would flot have been more conscientiaus in the perform- ance of'their duty than aur old friand, had thcy been in his place. Our last chat with hlm took place about a month ago, when ha came ta fix, aur line, and change aur phone. We discuss- ed people suddenly stepping off inta eternity. We both aged it wauld ba nice ta go suddenly, without warnîng; without pain; without bathering anyonc. Well, that's just how Johnny went, Le., whilc ha was out on the line, giving his best service ta the paying custamers. Although past man's allotted span of, three score, plus taen yeans, ha was stili activcly en- gagad as a phone trouble shoot- er, and, in addition, was build- .ng a bouse in Orono. Someone else will have ta fin- ish the house, someane aise will mýake it their home. Thene shiould be a special reward for people who spend most of thein iLdult lives running at the beck and caîl o! othans. Others, who often don't know just what they want, but feel they are entitied ta super service because they are paying the shot. 'Johnny didn't get a chance ta bang up his beit and spurs, and put his toals away, because ha died in harness, a tnibute ta bis industry and philosophy, when he answered bis last amengency cail, which came from the office o! the Chie! Operaton, aboya. Everything Happens To Me WIiy doas everything have ta happen ta me? There I was, standing at the corner o! King and Simcoe, in Oshawa, when along cames Garnet Goheen to distract my attention from my faourita pastime, ogling the passersby. That was bad anaugh, But was made wonse by Norm Green sPotting me and anchoring along sida. Aftar they vamoosed, a chun- ky famale, waiting for a bus, bewailad the fact that we have too many foraignans in this part cf Canada, who are stealing aur obs, and taking the bread right -ut of native Canadian's nauths. In answar ta my ques- ions,- she admitted that many of hese immigrants are mare in- dustriaus, more ambitiaus, mare hrifty, better educated than orne native born- just th-an th bus arrived and away she vent, with har beer laden breath. It startad ta nain, so 1 punchas- d a copy of "Hush", and dacid- d ta while away the time, naad- Ig in aur Austin. Suddenly, the door was open- ýd and a nice female vaice ask- ýd "What are you doing hare?"t 7x]ancing up fnom the papar, I )bserved a nicely dressed, nice- y' built 35-year-ald, blue-eyedt Dlande. 6 As it was raining I suggested le came on in. You neyer saw 1 ich an embarnassed lady. f When har confusion died 0 fown, sha explained that her I )rother-in-law, who worked in- tneanby store, had an Austin <actly like ours; that ha often arked it whare ours was», that ir father-in-law wora glasses Provincial public health authoni- tics and will not in any way ba the responsibility o! the Cana- dian Red Cross Society. Gamma globulin is that part o! human blood which cantains protective antibodies against certain diseases and is believed to be effective in the prevention or lessenlng the sevenity o! pan- alysis in poliomyelitis. It takes appnoximataly ana pint o! bhood ta mnaka an average dose o! gamma globulin. Gammpa globulin is not a cura for Polio non is it a vaccine and anc dose protects a child only for a peniod up ta fiva weeks faliowing injection. Only a small quantity o! gam- ma giobulin was rnanufactured prior ta the summer o! 1953 avpn with the pnocessing labonatonies working at maximum capacity. It is hoped additional blood andl incraasad pnocessing facilit les will assure sufficient quantitias of gamma globulin ta combat polio in Canada during the 1954 Ed Youngman 's Column The Statesman's Grass Roots Columnist z- - 1 mark "Honest lady, 1 wasn't trying to get fresh with your Ihusband." No, boys, 1 did not do a stretch in the dog house because of this proof incidt. Jstip our afe ittle incien.Jt.ip o a fe a few bucks, and turn her loase to buy herseif a new hat. In that way, you can get away with inurder-I think! Smart Installation Staff Orville Boe, one time resident of Bowmanville, and Goodyear worker, but currently, success- fui store owner in Seagrave, nhust be quite proud of his wife, Who happens to be D.D.P., No. 8 District, of the Rebekah Assem- biy, and Who has a pretty smart Installation Staff. We had the pleasure of wit- nessing this talented graup in action during the evening of Oct. 27, when they installed the off icers of Heather Lodge No. 334, Orono. It was a delight ta hear each member of the team deliver the prescribed charges to recipients Who could flot have failed to be impressed with the flawless English used. The Chaplain, Orville Boa, used a style that was nothing short of electrifying. The entire audience was deeply apprecia- tive of the quiet dignity and sincerity of aur Port Perry as- soclates. We were treated to some rat- tling good piano playing by a couple of ladies who could real- ly massage the ivories. Last, but not least, was the tasty. ample lunch provided. They Really Enjoy Themmcives At this tirne your scribe wish- as to gratefully acknowledge his invitation to spend the evening, ai% guest, of the Goodyear Super- vision Club, Oct. 24, whan the boys enjoyad a dinner fit for a king at the Elmhurst Motel, Newcastle. These chaps have the faculty of really enjoying themselves. It is a pity more people did nat' hear Allen Moffatt's lyrical ef- fort. Hanceforth, ha should be known as the poat laureate of Bowmanville. My Abject Apologies On Oct. 22, I imagine there were three angry ladies -i Southern Ontario, Mrs. Fred Bcwan and Mrs. Reg. Lovekin, whom had promised to drive back from Toronto, and Mrs. Ed. Youngman, whom I had prom- ised ta take ta the Durhamn County Club's first seasonal meeting. Befora you start throwinÈ the diches girls, or wielding the rall- ing pin, hear my lame excuse. Circumstances over which I had little cantrol upset the jolly old applacart. I didn't reach home tii; six p.m. giving me littie tima ta cat, wash, shave, dress and be in Toronto by 8.15 p.m. And just ta clînch matters, a pea soup fog descendad, which helpad ta wash out the trip. So ladies, my abject apologies. YouI Enjoy Eating Lenhaven Lodge Ne. 2 Hlghway Newcastle We Specialze lu STEAKS - CHOPS FRIED CHICKEN For Resenvations Dial Newcastle 2701 PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 'I ________________________________________________________________________________ 0-11 . . . - . See ForYourself How Much Botter Our SANITONE Service Troats Clothos " Spots Gone Like Magie " Stubborn Soils Gently Remov.d " Colors Are Radiantly New-Looklng Again " Careful Finishlng Restores Drape Wby put up with ordinany dry cleaning when Sanitone gets youn clothes cleaner. .. at no extra coat. We challenge yon to try our better kind of dry cleaing ; i. the results wiil àpeak for themselves and for us. Local Agent:- HOOPER'S LADIES* WEAR TRAIE NOV FOI lEST TIUCI( IAIWII$ RtOBSON riOTO VLU PONTIAC ANlDIJUICK CARS G. M. C. TRUCKS ,66 Ring si. E. Phono 585 strcndtk ta fr onfj mv eration c9LVCS (t clarm. Zhe J-buse of Se a9ram. Men cwho think of tomorrow practice moderalion today m- ýDAY, NOV. Sth, 1983 la TEM CANADIAN STATZSMAN. %ôWMkfm".lP etwAwrm