TRIURSIDAY, NOV. Sth, 1953 THIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARZO_ h in energy value to ô u iL Umd ttecu ,,X arold Gully Delighis Durham Club sugar. Silverwoods ccaver20u4 re-Ir s y e y W A e r d r s md ttec ,Ilrod G ll Deig ts ur am lu tail routes, each milkman serv- rs y eyw.i e r u r s key banquet heb evey 1 miute. Popl su- U iteated annuaily f With "Tribulations of a Nqilkma e" ing 3mi285 s.peoope a u-OnmUnited Nations at Fali Neeling teil' ro i gest that ail miik companies Nusicians Also Exceptionally Fineljagernent and delivery in the Mrs. William Marjoribanks, Harmonv W.A. conducted the such that hie c ___________te__uche ad as president of the Women's worship service, and the Rev- out af a possible (B Aen kd) Ireligiaus denominations work Section of the United Nations erend J. X. Moffat celebrated therilt family hi (By Aeen ked)hand In hand and everyone at- in Canada, and U.N. chairman, Communion with the assistance noted for their e The Durham County Club of' tends anc church then will be of the Toronto Local Council of1 of the eiders of the church. craps and it isj Toronto successfuily opened an- the time for anc big dairy or- Women, addressed the after- Members of Simcae Street W. ago since Earl's fi other season on Thursday, Oct. ganization." noon session of the Oshawa ý A. served lunch. During the 30- ton Weatherilt, 22nd at I.O.D.E. Headquarters, The mllk cow Io much more Presbytery Woman's Associa- 'cial houri Mrs. T. A. Norton coveted award. where aid frlends met and new value than the teer in produc- tion which -met iast week in presided of the Oshawa Presby- Th Bean ~ er elomd -. ing food as the steer can only Simncoe Street United Church, terial Woman's Missianary Sa- Luck Orange Le %PakMr ald nM.aduced byh produce its own weight once but Oshawa. ciety, and Mrs. A. A. Crawle, ed members af *wuien>OaJker a induesanas the cow continues for years pro- Introduced by Mrs. A. A. president of the Conference and Millbrook1 ducing much mare than #ts own Crawle Mrs. Marjoribanks sadBac o Bya une goodiy nuqber "being Bowmanvilie barn, a weight. tt-e United Nations was the only brought greetings. Mrs. F. Ba- Light members friend and neighbaur of George *~.Big business is ralied Up likeineatolornitonsr-krwic edto ew ra- took the Scarlet James and Diractor qf Public a bal af yarn; the small garage ing for peace and should have ization.s, Shiioh and Harmony. was put on by ]Relations for Silverwaod Dai man or business man has morethsupr ial A short business session and ladies. Right Wc ries Ltd., Toronto, who wouldfreo;tew kledorme "The League af Nations fail-th rolcifoowd it aJhntnaJae speka n.t"Tiuaona a- power than the large syndicate, ad because of lack of support," onemiuerpt om ac Worshipfui Sister Mi1a. explained Mr. Guliy. The dairy she said. "Let us not make the W.A. The aiternoon devotional brook each spolk "The dairy business is ane business is surrounded by con- saine mistake agaîn." period was taken by Biackstock gratulating the1 with a noble past and a tricky trois - financial Govt. state- She described the three build- with "Friendship" as the theme. bers. Lunch was p1reseTt," said Mr. Guily, "the ments; Govt. Contrai Board ings in New York and the work Mrs. John McNab was saioist To add ta their Iiiran' muat have a common . tests for cleanliness, miik value, done there: the Economic and for the day and her message in dies are spansori tauch and ba a Mortimer Snerd milk collections and cash secur- Social Council which is the fam- sang was deepiy appreciated. Ready Made Far rather than Charlie McCarthy. ity for the farmer's payments ily doctor for "sick nations"; Mrs. Fallaise reported for the i the T...ofn St. Ha must be more stupid than and is sideswiped between the Speciaiized Heaith Organiza- courtesy committee, thanking i h anHl his customers even though they Unions and the housewife.. tion which fights T.B., choIera ail for the spring meeting from 6. have aniy twelve year-old Illustrating iabour's viewvs1 and social diseases; U.N. child- Trinity 'United Church, Bow- Previaus ta tht rninds, ha must be polite, res-________________ was the story af the man who ren's Fund which heips child manville, was accepted. ladies had staged pect ather's views and be nice aiways came late, ta whamn the vîctims of war; education; dis- of the Ladge Ro( ever thy dosadhi, Mre milk Harold M. GuIIy forman said "What late again- tribution o!fafod ta needy ucaeanh: evrte ot iMr ikdon't you know what time we countries and assistance in mak- puHNYfrcthed andowhu trucks and fewer wagons with the farmer gets 12% cents, em- start work?" and received theI ing those countries self-support- uhtteat horses are now seen an Toron- pîoyees 5, depreciation 41,' an repîy "Nope, everybody's at it ing for food; refugee organiza-_____th anteHatl. tc's streets five days a week iii- profit % cent," continued -Mr.I when I get here." tion. In ail there are 15 special- Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Among those fr Lgtadofsevn-heonl tmea Gly Cc oacs4 cents Mr. Guiiy cancluded with a lzed arganizations. Milton Wright during the week- who attended th( horse gets scared In today's a quart, beer fifty cents. The piece af poety which his wife "The United Nations, only end *vere Mr. and Mrs. Gregory vice af the iate trafic is when he sees anath,?r average Canadian works 9 min-r had found in the paper and eight years aid, is ail that is Colmer, Miss Donaita Calmer Fîack were Dr. horsell'utes ta buy a quart ai miik. In which seemed ta fit her hus- between us and a third world ai Bradebridge; Mr. and Mrs. Bowmanviiie; Hz "Mllk has increased in price naurishment value milk con-ý band-"Fumigate, spray, dou- war, and we must support it ta William Mailey and Mr. Oran Tweîve Mile Lake oyly 75% sinca the start ai war tains more than any other food. che if yau wili-tha charm ai the limit," the speaker conclud- M«aliey of Orono.EretAan B and should be 30 cents a quart In calcium i quart is equivalent J the country boy sticks ta you ed. Mrs. Ross Hall and daughter and Mrs. Frank1 in comparisan ta other food in- ta 20 quarts ai beans; in phas-, stili," Mrs. W. C. Ives af Bowman- Lynda, af Whitby, were week- vale; Mrs.i Rone creasas. Out of the 22 cent quart, phorous ta 2 pounds ai meat and Mr. Jim Lovekin prasentad ville presided and the Reverend end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay; Mr. and his regular Durham historicai J. K. Moffat walcomed the as Carl Smith. Wilson, Mrs. Ed comment saying "it was usually saciation anid expressed appre- Miss Lottie McKinnon, wha Yelvertan; Mr. Fr; dry but gaad for yau." Ha told ciation ai the work dane by the spent the past month with rela- Mrs. W. Dawson, how the firat rai iway ta ba built women ai the church. He said tives in the village, lait on Sun- Harkness, Ida; Iý Troalithe FamilIola a... in this raglan was the Part Hope a strong W.A. gave strength ta day for her home in Camrose, Harry Muckieana Peterboroughr Railway; char- the minister in his work. The Alta. Muckle, Uxbridga; tered in 1846 and taken aver by theme for the day was "Unity Mr. and Mrs. Haig Bothwell Gardon Staples, Whlsm!the Grand Trunk in 1893 when ai Purpose". and family of Peterborough, Winnifred Fltzgeri 472 miles ai track were in use; Mrs. H. F. Fallaise speaking visîtad with Mr. and Mrs. John augh. eliias!how Part Hope made a bld for an devotions said, "We mustj White on Sunday. Deiin!bath the raiiway and harbor at plan aur devotional periods,us A number fram the villagte HOLIDAY BRAND in the district. Recantly the lina ion Council and enîarging on nuai deer hunt. Messrs. Harry wasclse. t. e ee fodfor thought" JohnstoFrnells Ens EIf fl U ELask, ciîznso, members cf the Dollar S e e o cc sal tAn ieen n argasearprs ingthrs.gW.J. Lak i te Dnh' lBidgen Cuda o r thir:nampasle clpragrara was presented by canvener, spaka of the resolu nrth estlub g ing on th camp U11 Dan ICI L IAN B IC Miss Helen Spicer, soioist at tion sent ta Oshawa City Ca n- nrhws iLrn nV Rosedae Unitd shurh, uhoPickerel River, Bruce Ryley, @nl 2 st m.Puner;~>'MrcGergehahad omethîng tad sortwi oth PeterCornrstuadeT a homs lanvslle rono Dunklay, pianlat, w herranthough sedbain nd h e don. h e ravePeaaoyShotttrtalrdie ony f ure n an n Oa w o s o a a " ol fi n shp nçL k î Calagiate student in already as- the Unitd Nations and said weed, wats homentsor . the ker atea onsaenwa the sistant oganist at St. Thomas "We are working for the bro- and Mrs. J. T.Cbungaolisin a thewi Anglican Church; by Mr. Louis therhood ai man under the collision at tCeilhe Nll - . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Train, vioiinist. and aiso an therhood of God." Fa r adMsCd MGi Friday night, A ~~~~~iaurani Midss pta' hamdgenne y r.M.Pggwo Tae Horontoand Misemboanmoughspet Mr. Glanville a: Oakwood student.aim The parsonaga report wsgiv-nus. in training from Civic llck wame stoppad BOW MA N VI L L E n cf singing and lovely voice that much could be accomplish- the weakend with Mr. andMrs. etrnc t assalow made it a pleasure ta li ta dwteh c-prtoni h ae cKno.tul. aps ho "Blasa this Housa," "I Knaw eopwithe opeainfth JmsMeno were hit fram bE _______________________________________Where inmGaing" "Smoke Gats pol in the local church. She Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Neals truck driven by M~ in Your Eyas" and "Road ta the sîieta certain amount. should and daughtar Shirley, Toronto, Mr. Frohlick fe bestasidefo repair each visited wthMr. and Mrs. Clar- adaclrtdt IPJ *muslM. Gog ullygv year. ence Neals drn the waekend. The truck dîd t! S am Gkbererformeyance a Mrs. Mv. J. Tamblyn raportîng - Word was raceivad hama af Frohllck's car wa lu aa frgt h ws si. visiting, stessad visits in the the death of,Mrs. Charlotte Wi eodtm n oneE h ghl as h pl a y me ofthe church. "Be chaeer- son at har home in Califomnia the wall oi the sut M O NY hgh chol tudnt s e pay-ful ad felhavayo hahlp- on Sunday. 1&s. Wilson, the eh ofa h r YOU CAN Fuel bis, medical buils, emrece ain n Itouto n die.tam ai the lata Mr. and Mrs, the subway. Mr.I SORROW AT HFC clothing for the chfldren, Fugato" by Hri.Than he a- lU.JMckniitrueRortLac was weli known here and the truck waî FORTHSE7~ reaia orcarorhoecompanied his friend, Mr. Lows secretary spoka ai new books whera she livad prior ta moving agad ta -the extent REASONS ep hs-n mn oda Tran, wPaew Czaras" b available, also "Twenty Ques- ta the United States. expesesandman mor! Mnte Paara s Minuet ' tions" as prapamed by the Dom- Congratulations ta Mm. Eari the "Allegro Brillianta" and tha inion Council. Weatherilt wbo won the $100 A tart temper n( $80 TO $1000 e YOUR OWN SIGNATURE e NO BANKABLE "Waitzing D)oîl." on his violn- Mrs. F. Baker and Mrs. M. J. gold watch for the highest num- with age; and a ahz SECURITY REQUIRED a UP TO 24 MONTHS TO REPAY an excellent performance irom a mln egastohec-brofpisgowgptte henyeddtc ON HE LA Y SLEFrto St. ay s, ame Mr W ference Branch at Peterborough, in the Durham County 500 Bu- keener and sharpE J (BilSy, Milîs, aer, nhus gava reports af the meeting. shel Club. The presantation was stant use.-Washin îastic supporter ai the Durbar OUSEROL FI CEClub, (87 years young) whopu 25d y- Unc.,.~________________________in his annual appearance and explained that the ony ITI.APPENED IN 1½ SI w. StSv hse on lo r, ph no O. «~ 5 11 9 that kept hm from attanding Nv 1 1 S n é c e S t S o u h , e c o n f l o r , h o n O s o w e - 1 3 9 e v e r y m e e t i n g w a s t h e fa s t t h a t OSHAWA, ONT. ha had ta leava home et 4 in the PORT NOPE B&RANCHIs 71 Walton St., 2nd Ceeu', phoneo3050aitarnoan and didn't get back __________________________________home by train until 4 a.m. 0s Ayu NAYDN ________________________________________________ The performers were thanked by Mr. A. A. Martin who said "Ha knew it was a sign of ap- pj preciatian when you gat chilis h i up the spine, sinking in thef bal stamach and choking in the 1throat." "Might ha the flu!"- Alak VOU ý 1 suggasted Mr. Milîs. The raireshmant hour was or- ganized by Miss Gladys Jacksoni ______ assisted by Group 1. Mrs. Rus- " ______ Ker ~~pouedcofe. yha lies 1 oROAn). te ON FIRSTIMTL OTEI PND17 BFREA ib'u annual tur- 1d in Miilbrook Swatch is don- for the hlghest yand Mr. Waa- eldad 520 bush- with the quaiity ored 171 points 200. The Waa- .ave long been excellent patato just four years father, Mr. Mil- won the sama Ladies Good ,dge entertain- the Janetville lodgas with a in attandance. from. Bethany tDagmea which the Millbrook orshipiul Sister :villa and Right ýLunn of Mill- :e briefly con- Bathany mem- iserved. ir funds, the la- Lng a play "A nily" given by Mary's' Church Ion Novembar ai meeting the a claaningbaa oms end h ve ung naw drapes is which adds xactivanass af Irom a distance e itinei'eiser- ;eMr. Arthur Elmo aSisson, larmy Hannah, e; Mm. and Mrs. 3rampton; Mr. Hannah, Eim- ild Barkwall, d Mrs. George dith Henders, rank Hamknass, iMm. Thomas Mtr. and Mmd. id Miss Doris eMm. and Mrs. Cavan; Mrs. raid, Peterbor- '% % Instailia CIIRYSIEII zrAI RTE MP <'Su per-Fire"l CONVERSION OIL BURNER ad your furnace will purr likea kte.eWith a Crse-itm 'Super-Fire' Conversion QOÙ Burner % you cen sit back and enjoy hearing comfort as you want àt. .. when you - wan it ... automatically. Your present fu.nace cen ha quickly converted to a zompletely automatic, fuel-saving heating system . .. NOW. Cal us lod*-aboa:Cbryslr-Airtemp Assomatic Hratingler your home la Cunâ. ,TNERM-O..RITE PROOUCIS, Lime4, Trfof S.Blain Elliott 11EATING and PLUMBING 55 King St. W. rKlSJYAUNCE F1ARM FlIORUIM The forum mat at tire home ai Mr. and Mms. Earla Osborne w'ith twanty mambers present. The subjçct under discussion wîas "The Agricultural Rapres-1 entative and tha Fermer". We feel fortunate in having an agricultural representativa who is so activa in leading and training young femmers in 4-HI Club work. Ha kaaps an unîim- ited suppiy ai usaful literature whjeh can be obtainad by piecK- ing it up at bis office. Many farmers meke use ai Jhi!n by asking hum ta send sain- pies aisaili for tasting sa they xiii know which type aifartili- zar ta usa on variaus fields. He also gives us information on w1here we can obtain good seed for planting. Saine ai aur forum membars' faci that it would ha advisabie ta start e carnpaign making vac- cinaion f hefercalves coin- nDulsomy as is naw the T.B. test. XVe would suggest that, if pas- sie, aur represantative visit the young farmers just sterting trîcir career and give mare help ta fammers with smaller acre- age. Some ai aur fruit fermez-s who are consideming planting new orcherd or replacing aid trees would like advice on var- ietias suiteble for this district. We axtend ta our own egri-' culturel representative or bis' assistant an invitation ta attendi aur forum meetings as oiten asj possible and bring litemature or slides af interest ta the fermr. Our forum will meet on Nov. 9th at the home ai Mm. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg.1 LONG SAULT The Long Sauit Home and School Club sponsored a Hal- lowe'an party et the school on Friday night, Oct. 30, which was weli attended by Amabs, Indiens, sceme-cmows and witches and just about evamything imagin- able. Wlth Mrs. Art Youngmen at the piano and the judgas, Mmi. Dameen Park, Mmi. . Gibbs and Miss Gwen McCullough afi W- mone saated, the dressed-up char- acters paradad amound the reain. The wlners: best dmessad girl -Jean Baker, Sandra Gibson, Margaret Theisburgar; b es t dmessad boy-Monica Schlingan- siepen; best dmassed coupla (childrn)- Allen Youngman anid Joyce Davey; hast comie gim-Linda Devey; hast comlc boy-Johnny Vaneyk and Joyce Vivan Chamberlain, best draks- ad iady-Mms. N. Waodiey; bast dmessed men-Mms. George Ail- draad and Mms. Art Richards,- best dressed couple-Mm. and Mms. Rye Gibson, hast comic woman-Mms. Walter Vanayk, hast camic man-Mrs. Paul Vanavk and Mm. Tam Pleasance. Mm. F. G. Smith, the chairman, thankad the judgas and ail who had helped ta make the evening, a great sucdëss. Lunch was than served by the ladies. Chumch service, with 18 pras- ant, was held at Mm. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk's Sundey evening oni account ai the windows being abway cideni riaged )Y William J. )and C. L. ), and a trac' by Lewis Bar- received dam- ay rear end qewcastle sub- ýOct. 24th. nd ?&f. Froh- don the west an eastbound ugh when they )hind by the Mr. Barker. elt the bump to pull away. rie saine. and as struck the jammed into ibway. Part of ailer was also the wall of Frohlick's car re both dam- of $1,000. -ever mellows iarp tongue is il that grows )er with con- Lgton Irving. Mm. and Mrs. R. Donath, Osh- awa, visitad with Mr. and Mmm. Walter Vanayk. Mm. and Mm,. W. Vaneyk and! Johny with Mm. and Mns. R. Donath were Sunday evening supper guests wtth Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk. Mr. and Mms. Roy Penwarden, Mm. and Mrs. Bob Camaran were Sunday visitors with Mm. and Mms. W. Penwardan. Mm. Fred Ruttan, Hampton, and Miss Ilsavada Ruttan, Toron- ta, at Mr. and Mrm Gordon Bakem's. Mrs. Fred Baker, Gordon's mothar, has been visit- ing with them. Mm. and Mmi. Harvey Pamtner and family with Mm. and Mrs. Archia Hoy, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Gable and boys wara Saturday evaning visitors ai Mm. and Mmi. Sidney Martin, Oshawa. Mm. and Mms. Faed Partner visitad friands in Cobourg and Mms. Jin Damch raturned with thein for a faw days. Mr. and Mms. Harold Macklin visitp-d with Mm. and Mrs. Robt. Sim. Vemy sorry ta report that Mr. D. B. Farrell suffered a sllght stroka last Thursday but is some bettr now. We wish hlm bettar health. It must ha close ta Christmnas as the Christmnas treas ara belng cut and hauled away, but on Sunday afternaon, October 25th, noticed the wild stawberris aut in bloom so aur seasons are broken at the church. a bit mixad. '11000H m HOW EASY IT LOOKS"' Yes ... Painting your home with our quality Paints is easy to do. You'll love the way these wonderful paints add a touch of spring to your rooms during the dark, gloomy winter month . . . love the way they dress up your furnitur. j Stop in - Ask to see our Colos, Charts Diai 2130 Bowmanviiis or 3-4661 Oshawa YOUR SATISFACTION 15 OM SUCCEZSS Oshawa W ood Products Mt. Yard and Mili ai Courtiçe K UAY UsA -mur 57 GOLF 'FIRST PUBLIC OPEN O~~~~ISRC OFIS«M LATGKEDIN PRONEOF CANADA NO.2 CANADIAN4 STATIONAIZY p-J-w'DCT A HOSPTAL- l5t CANADIAN4 EVERY SON OF A KIN6SMN BOMBARDED BUY A POPPY FIRSTGAMEATMAPLE LEAF 70RON4T07ECUJMSEHS M ONKREAL, 1849 UNIT TCOAR PIVE INTRAN4CE, LOYALIST GRAMITED BY AMERICANS, GARDEN(CHiÇAGO GEAT REPLACE RENFREW IN r TWENTY FIRE PLUGS INSURGENT5 IN WINDMILL OTT-AWA ROUGHRIDERS EAT CA(ADA ADPT SYISTEM uE B rvRi IPLY CAUADIEN5 DEFMA BR1JINS PO TOPONTO 10 SARN A ALrrORIU-1 FO IDON , A7 PLA FOT GRPiD IONT OAACOLMLEP 02F TRES RrM OC FF'FBCO E5HWLGE T0CLLATI iRST N L GU, N .IA ILA0 A O84ZRPLCD Y ~19838M ClNINÂrAj, 19021 883 os 9 9 ILL~r,cp927 OVERQU E S e-o 1928 FR 18,5uPTc3 R 017 0RECALL FOR CANADIANS TODAY SOME 0F THE .0 INTERESTING EVENTS, BOTH GRAVE AND GAY. BIRTHSTOME, C~ANAN MOV'E FROM GFZOUND BROKEN FORZrseî. CAM POBASSO 1 7>4E £ANGRC T>4E WELLANJD CANAL rrALY 124.3 1824 Phone 3348 9 1 rjLjmý v mie PAGE ELEVEN