PAGE TWELVE TRI CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA"MILE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOV. Sth, 1953 by DON 8SRAI BASKETBALL a new one to this column. Jus, The local bail club is work- the same it will take place at the Arena on Friday, Decem- ing out each Thursday evenlIg ber 4th, at 8 p.m. Members of ln the High School gym anid the Bowmanville and Oshawa Coach Jake Brown tells me that skating Clubs will take part they've really got class. They and demonstrate how it is done. are trying to get into a league composed of Port Perry, Whitby, PEE WEE HOCKEY Ajax, Port Hope, Cobourg andl The Bruins and the Hawks Bowmanvilie which should went at it last Saturday in the inake a good group. first game with the Bruins edg- Sixteen men turned out last ing the Hawks 2-0. The Bruins Thursday night, s0 there's lots first goal was scored by Terry of talent to choose from and' Black on an assist by Bill Os- Jake thinks' he can came up. borne in the first period'. The with a top team. second goal slithered by goalie Ben Thompson of the Hawks SKATING CLUB from a corner shot by Antoney A Pops concert on skates is Molioy at 15.10 of the seconc DUFFERIN PARK. TORONTO IPuma EVERY WEEK DAY OCT. 24 to NOV. 9 . . 11 Chiîdren under 16 Not Admitted Lunch Counter Meals from 75e Bowmanville Memorial AREN'A ACTI VIllES SATURDAT, NOVEMBER 7- PUBLIC SKATING 3 - 5 p.rn. ADMISSION - Adults 35e Children 20c INTEBR DIATE À"A"ÀF HOCKEY PORT HOPE DO WNAN VILLE Camne Turne 8:30 p.rn. A D M1S S10N - Aduits, reserved (Sides) -- -- -- ---5e Aduits, reserved (Ends) ____50c General Admission .-- ---50c Children, reserved or otherwise -- 25c TUESDAYI NOVEMBER 10- INTERMEDIATE "A" HOCKEY LAKEFIELD VS., BOMANVILLE Gamne Turne 8:30 p.rn. AD MIS SIO N - Aduits, reserved (Sides) -___ 75e Aduits, reserved (Ends) 50___ SC General Admission -- ----__ 50Sc Children, reserved or otherwise 25c WDNESDà%Y, NOVEMBER Il- PUBLIC SKATING 8 - 10 Children 20e Recreation Revues Have thal ... DOOR GLASS OR WINDSHIELD JInstalled Naw While You Waii JOE CGOPER'S Service Station BOWMANVILLE 218 King St. E. PI!ONE 3432 EVERY DAY 1$ A PERFECT DRYINS DAY There's no work, no weather worries on washday with the new 'Westing- house Clothes Dryer! You simpiy drop your clothes in the Dryer, set the autoniatic Dry-DiaI and forget k ~" it. Clothes are gently turnbled in warrn, dry air - corne out soft and wrinkle-free, requiring littie effort to press smooth! Dries everything fromn bedspreads to handkerchiefs -colors stay brilliantl tqlg 18 TODAy FoeMOST 4~Y FURNITURE and APPLIANCE STORE BOW MA N VILL E 47 KING ST. W. PHONE 811 j flriodt edte crig tDois Jo- TII ng Ruth Johnson ______951 was aneasy oal buLeadethng 1Vel. Miler -----____ 95 less counted and Molloy racked Wln Duaine Palmer ______97 hmefup 2 points. Ladies' MajorB wig Joyce Major _____97 In the second game, it was 0 Geta Brown 99 Ithe Rangers against the Leafs Av erages Over 20 Alyce Hodgson ----------99 Iwhich wasa tightly fought bat-____ The Lemons jumped frorn 14 Itle and the Leafs had the Ran- jgers 3-1 up until the îast 10 Name Ave. Games to 20. Corne on now gais that's minutes of the game. Piper fromn Doris Jol____ 206 18 Far Too Many! Wallace got the first goal for Vi. Coole 204 18 Doris Jo11 also had a nice the Leafs at 5.15. Brian Hughes Hilda Brock 200 18 triple of 655. Viv. Pickard *came back for the Rangers at Bernice Budal - 195 18 showed us ail how it's done by 10.20 ta make it one ail. Brother Kay Beauprie - 194 18 roiling 308. Good going Viv. -Brenton Hughes hit the mark Anita Nickerson - 192 18 Other 200 games were quite a unassisted at 12:30 to make it Onie Etcher ----- 191 18 e.LdaBts21Hln 2-1 at the end of the first. The Lola Wright ---- 186 9 Dfew. 76Lyi Bate 2, Hele tteams no sooner changed ends Sylvia Buckneil 183 18 Dunn 26, ALita Hoperso262,V. thaii Brenton Hughes again hitl i Phillips 179 18 Con a20, A na Nickern250, pay dirt at 1.55 making it 3-1 Sadie Bucknell ---178 18 AnGa25,daDeer36 for the Leafs. The Rangers Bni- Lydia Bates ------- 176 18 Jean Pattrick 234, Sadie Buck- an Hghe as f ht b higtnig Ema Bommil - 17 18 neli 230, Hilda Brock 227, Emma * a Huhesas f it y lghtin Ema Bommll 174 18 Brommell 227, Jean Fairey 220, *flashed two by Goalie Mike 1 Dorc. Mutton-----14 8 Eleanor Larmer 218, Bernice Murphy and helped Bill Crossey Lor. McFarlane- 173 14 Bua 27,DlVisn 16 on another, ahl within five min- Ede. Marlowe -- 171 18 ua 21,DlVisn 16 utes with Brenton Hughes of Lii. Hooper -------171 18 21R eva Park rde121ni SCourica the Leafs edging one past AI Eleanor Larmer -- 171 15 21, eenCrn20,Svi Cale during the same interval. Ena Etcher ------- -171 12, Bucknell 209, Onie Etcher 208, eThe final score 4-4. There'hl be Ev. Sweetman - 170 18 Dorc. Mutton 201, Kay Beaùprie'l S. campetition between these two Helen Moore 170 18 24 teams before the year's out. Viv. Pickard - 169 18 In the third game, the Wings Helen Piper 168 18 *edged the Canadians 2-0 Bon Reva Parker 168 I Two Jack, Jili Teaims goals by Don Bagneli andBo Ruth Barclay 18 1 Burgess from. John James at Toots Wisemnan 168 1 jîU dfae 5.30 and 10.45 of the second per- Mel. McNulty 167 SilU dfae iad. Helen Dunn . 166 Il As Third Week P se Next week the teamis go out Helen Carden - 165 Pase on the ice for a practice ses- Norma Gay 161 18 ____ sion with the variaus coaches Molly Badger 161 12 I h hr eko oln trying ta remember the thingas'Anna Strike--------- 160 18 nDtethir ad week of bolng they have forgatten ta instill in Lil. Connors -------127 12 D. erkisey's tndeM.oarrisoans the youngsters in the variaus Bannie Cowle ----126 15 tassettebad gî art ofthetrae. ll eam ar Rea Bthgte ------125bath netting 5 points. These art ofthetrae. il eas ae Rna athate -- 25 18 twvo teams have not lost a game ta treat this session and the Audrey Fletcher -- 125 15 and the fur should fly when other practice sessions as if they Elsie Morris---- 122 418 they meet each other. 1were games by wearing your Olive Moffatt .---.-- 119 18 sweaters while in practice. Marie Mason ----- 118 15 The standings now are: BANTAM HOCKEY jDot. Mutton .- ---117 18 Ça. M ' ts-.---- Pins74 In hefirt ame te Hs esRuth Johnson 100 14 D eke 5 54 Inth frs gm, heHukisM. Harrison 15 5055 overpowered the Cubs by a Aeae C. Breen-------------- 5 4743 score of 8-2 on goals by Archie ig Average- -- 26E, Hansen -- --- 5 4706 Crossey (6) Don McGregor and Hg vrg 0 T. Miller ----------- 5 4653 iTed Cramp. McKnight, C ramp,Hi Doris JlC. Hockîn ----------O 4494 Bagneli and McGregor got cre- Trpe - --65 H. Akey had a nice 244 gameý dit for the assists. Don Osbarnel Anita Nickerson (Reynolds) and Don Welsh High Single -- --------------- 308; followed byi H. Calmer with (Reynolds) tagged up for the Viv. Pickard - 225, S. McMurter 223, R. Stacey. loses. Gry agnel drw a220, O. Plummer 202, B. Bur- plaser.fGry Bneil dew Team Standings gess 214, R. Walters 209. penaty or neeng.The high Jili was M. Waiters; The second game was a dloser Team Pts. Pins 190, followed by V. Miller 189. faught battle between the Ti- McNulty --- --31 1511 D. Akcy 178, J. Bragg 162. gers and Comets with the Com- Jol--------30 150951 The eight high averages to ets edging the Tigers 1-0 on a Phillips--- 28 15687' date are: goal by Hartley Lewis from Etcher --- 24 15159; Maurice Richards. Beauprie----- 24 148621 Jacks Ave. Gamest MIlD. AND JUVENILE Coole ---- 23 15743ý L. Preston ------ 215 4 HOCKEY Courtice -- 18 14841, S. Trewin -- 210 4 Budai ---------------- 17 15331 H Calmer ---------- 205 6 Last Thursday saw the sec- Wisemnan.- -------- 17 14770 G' White ----------- 197 6 and gamne in the current Midget Piper ------------_14 1478' D* Goddard ------ 187 4 and Juvenile Town League ser- Major --------------- 13 14558 G. Thompson ----- 172 4 ies which are played each Tues- Nickerson -- --------- 13 14125 ê'Hakn 5 day and Thursday marnings at. okn.--------15 5 7.30 a.m. The game was fought Lernon League C. Breen-------«.. 154 6 between the "Statesmen" and Jean Pattrick ---------- 65 ilis Ave. Gamnest the "Browns Imps" with the1 Dot Edmondson 65-A--tr-e-160i Imps winning a high scoring 6Helen ockhart-67 V -i--er-16 6 game 10-8. For the Imps, the V.oiy aderille79 rwn----156 high scarer was Ted Fairey Mare aso.8 A Reichards ------150 3 racking up a total of five goals Dot. Mutton --------- 82,J Bragg ------------- 149 4 and four assists for a total of 14 Elsie Morris-------- 86 D Akey --------- 139 4 points. Tom Gould got 3 goals, Bannie Cowle -----87 E Maguire--------- 132 6 and 3 assists and Allan Terry E.ryFece 8 rg 3 racked up two goals. Other as- Betty Westiake 91 __________ sists were from Leask, and Edna Kerr ----------. 92 Bikl. en Bthat - 1 Give a little lave ta a child,1 The Statesmen had "Wicked Babe Brown----------- 93 and you get a great deal back.1 Shot" Richards mark the card Dot. Crombie 941I -John Ruskin. for six goals and ane assist with Don Farder getting theý other twa. In the game last Tuesday morning (Nov. 3rd) the Hawks met the Statesmen and the (3),; . Fairy. CarergColing Hawks nased the "Men" 7-5. For the Hawks it was« Fowlerr and Clarke. Assists were given ta Fawler, Cowiing (2) and Clarke (2). Jim Clarke received a nastv ySkô crack on the head fram one of Richards shots which required some stitches. For the lasers it was Richards (4) and Kelly. Crockett, Kelly and Staintan were credited with T TH assists. SWIMMIUNG CLASS Thursday nights are swim, nights in Bowmanville out at the B.T.S. Pool and under theJ direction of "Bill" Bagneil, the group is swarming with acti- R I L1 vity. Notice Miss Gardener out again this year. She must bec training for the Ladies swim at the "Ex." corne summer. CAMERA CLUBE The Instructor Ernie Rehder E has had a feIisotneVu fat ha e wrenched nehis back T Lyle, while George Piper spoil- ed Richardson's dream of a shutout with a beautiful goal in the dying minutes of the game. Final score: Office 4, Mats 1. Fan Beits Win Second The second game was a dif- ferent story with Don Masters apening the scoring at the four minute mark on a pass froni Danny Girardi. Ted Bagnell again blînked the red light be- hind Peter Stacey nine minutes later to make the score 2-0 in favaur of the Fan Belts. The Hase were stili very much in the running until one of their strong defencè pair, namely Ah Woodward, was injured by al flying puck and had ta leave' the game for some stitching on his upper lip. Shorthanded ta begin with, this seemed ta take the steam out of the Hase, and the Fan Belts ran out easy winners ta the tune of 10-2. This does not detract in any way fromn the fine performance of the Fan Beits wha are stiil phaying the best positional hockey in the league. Belts' goals by Masters 5, Gir- ardi 2, Bagneil, Stainton, Ellis; Assists: Girardi 3, Ellis 2, Mas- ters, Bagneil, Stainton. For the Hase: Goal: Richards 2; Assists: B. Perfect and George Sellers. League Standings Team WLT FAPts Fan Belts ----4 10 2513 8 Office --------4 10 2213 8 Mats--------- 1 31 816 3 Hase ------------ 0 41 922 1 Leading Scorers Player Team G A Pts. D. Masters, F. Behts --- 12 2 14 D. Girardi, F. Beits -- 7 7 14 W. - Lyle, Office ----- 9 4 13 J. Levett, Office ---- 6 2 8 Schedule for Sunday, Nov. 8th: 1:00 p.m.------- Hase at Office, 2:00 p.m. - ---- Fan Belts at Mats We would like ta remind al players that the heague mem- bership fee of one dollar 's still in effect and only those players wha are paid up are eligible for benefits in case of injury. [Iigh Triffle Honors Go to Bill Hearle In Durham Bowling Standing A. & P. Foundry McNulty Tyrone --- C. 0 . F --------- - Biackstock ----- Palmer's--------- Enniskillen Il Enniskilhen I ----- Mvapie Grave ----- L.O.L. No. 2384 H{ampton -- ---- Pins 18151 h18675 18570 17522 18360 16995 17691 h17509 17390 16039 16483 15223 Averages J. Levitt --- B. Hearle- K. Yeo ------- - ---- J. Stacey.---- J. Coombes --- T'. McLaughiin M.* Larmer --___ H. McLaughin B. Enghey G. White---- G .Potter G. Brown K. McGill G. Blythe Lemon League 223 219 214 214 211 210 210 209 208 204 201 201 201 201 T. Wray ------------------ -------99 L.McDougal _.-- ------- --98 F. Griffin -----------------73 96 High Triple-B. Hearle ---757 High Single-B. Hearle -----325 Town Hockey League Playing Thursdays Four Teams in Action The Town Hockey League go' under way for the 1953-54 sea- son on October 22 with four teams entered in the loap this winter. A strang team from Courtice has taken the place of the Goodyear team this year. In the first game the Front Street squad defeated Courtice 6-3. C. Kiipatrick sniped two goals for the Front Streeters, assisted on the first by Lemon and on the second by Burgess. Other goals for Front Street were scored by Ron Burgess, Frank Burns from NichoIs anîd Rundle, T. Masters and R. Mc- Mullen. For Courtice, the marksmen were R. Johnson with two and Sobil with a singleton. Millers Taxi edged the Can- adian (Irder of Fui e-te-s5-4 i.n the second gamne on October 22, Office Defeats Mats Fan Beits Take Hose In Goodyear League (By Ab Mavin) The first game -' played hast Sunday in the Goodyear Hockey League saw the Office defeat the Mats in a fast clean game, with the Office getting three penalties ta the Mats one, but ahi were for minor infractions. The Office opened the scoring on a goal by Jim Levett, assist- ed by Bill Lyhe, at the 14 min- ute mark and this was follow- ed by another for the Office from the stickof Bihl Lyle with the assist going ta Carl Raby. Play was very even for the next 15 minutes but the Mats fritter- ed away what opportunities they had with some very poor shooting. George Richardson in the nets for the Office took care of anything that came close. The Office took command of the play in the last ten minutes and goahie Jim Bedford had a busy time, but made quite a creditable showing for a fel- low who had neyer played goal before. Further goals for the Office were scored by Bond with Gord Sturrock accounting for three of the taîhies. Ferguson and Luxton got one goal apiece. Lunney marked up two of the Foresters goals, with Ron Haynes and Craig accounting for the other two. Front Street Win Again In the first game last Thurs- day night, Front Street won their second straight game by defeating Foresters 7-5. The goals were divided among seven players with Larmer, Rundie, Bob Williams, Don Bishop, Ronj Burgess, Kilpatrick and FrankI Burns all notching one goal.1 Burgess and Bishop also had one assist each. Don Masters notched three goals in the Foresters' losing cause, with Deweil and Girardi sniping one apiece. Miller's Taxi and Courtice faught to a 6-6 draw in the second game. Cowle and Childs were the top scorers for the Taximen with two apiece and Perfect and Childs notched the other two counters. Pickell and Nemis each fired two goals for Courtice and C. Heron and Muir pulled the trig- ger on the other two. Town League games are play- ed every Thursday night and a silver collection is taken to help defray the cost of referees. i Statesman Classifieds. Pre-packaged -Boneiess ]ROASTS Sirloin BUTT ROAST ONE PRICE 59Ç PEAMEAL Colline Roll Chuck Rol BEEF POUND BUTT Roasi Pork Swit'sor Maple Leaf Try Greenspan's SALAMI CHUBS 69b.GC POLISH RINGS* Lb.- 55c BEEF WIENERS Lb. «C BOLOGNA CHURS -Lbl. 44C Lb .49Ç California - Cello carton RIPE TONATOES Sweet Juicy Size 252 FLORIDA ORANGES Yellow, firm RIPE BANANAS Ea. 19C Doz. 29C m Lb. 19C Forida Seedless - Size 96 No.1 GRAPEFRUIT 10OFr49c Canada No.1 Easy to peel N. B. POTATOES BC. Extra Fancy - Sweet - Jumbo ANJOU PEARS 50 Lb. 99C Coloured - Fully Matured - Midget OLD CANADIAN Stilton CHEESIE59 Whole or pieces5 9 Approx. weights 10 Ibs., 5 Ibs., 3 lbs. per pound Is New - It's a Spread - 8 oz. jar CHEEZ PLEEZ F a. 33c Size 90 For 33C Delicio - Choice - 20 ozti PINEAPPLE SLICES F-.28 FrePkg. Chopped Nuts 15 oz. pkg. 4 CHIPIT -COOKIE MIX 34c Gilchrist - Fresh ICED LAYER CAKE Iga.25C) Especially for Sandwiches EXTRA THIN ~1 SLICED BREAD loaf Square Style Loaf Exclusively by General Bakers Dominion Stores Ltd. BO0W MANS V 11,L E Rundle's Team Leads Legion Bowling Group . McKnight's Second Teams Pts. Pins Rundle 25 h17052 McKnight - 23 17417 Taylor - --. 21 17183 Fair -- .--- -21 16631 Bates ---- - ------ 20 17288 jEhiott ------------------- 16 16427 Averages G. Eliiott ------235 R. McKnight -.-----223 B. Bates ---------- 221 E. Perfect ---- D. Little ~-~20"A. J. Woodward -------202 D. Taylor--------- - ----- --201 J. Fair ---------- - ---- ---- 198 T. Adey ------195 T. Grahamn-------- 194 E. Rundle --------------------192 G. Elliott is stihl knocking the pins for hîs usuai, 785. Others, B. Bates 771, E. Perfect 750, D. Taylor 754, P. Bathgate 714, T. Graham 702, R. McKnight 727. Let them work for you-The Admission (including Tax) Firs siClass Full Course ADMISSION - Aduits 35e I i i m m