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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1953, p. 3

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TrUSD)AY NOV. .th. 1053 First Instalment On June 28 1 started out take a trip up the Saguena then after on to Newfoundlan I went by bus to Montreal.C -this trip Up the Saguenay yc bye the privilege of boardir M'boat the night befare tI !~se, wîth an extra char, neot more than a hotel woul elarge. Yeu get your bed, sul Per and breakfast and a chan( tj et settled in your cabin bt fore the rush the next moi ing. Several took advantage( this privilege. I would adv:5 ariybody taking this trip to this as it- leaves you free fI any ot-her activit-y You wish1 take part in-getting acquair ed vM ith t-be ship, its differer decks, its launge, sun deck, dir ng-roomn, washrooms, st-ores an aIso wat-ching others checkin in with their tons of baggag * and eacb being distribut-edt their different cabins. When ail are st-owed away th ship's shrill whist-le blaws; t-h pier hands loosen t-be hawser and the deck hands start t-] miacbinery of the boat pullin them in and we are off on ou * cruise down the St. LawrencE passing Sorel, Three River. Cap Rouge and stop for a shor time at Quebec City t-o take ci * Passengers, then on again. He:, t-le St-. Lawrence widens ari we skirt t-be saut-b shore, pass ing Ri'viere du Loup, Cacouna Trois Pistoles, down past ti Saguenay River for a numbe of miles. I believe t-hey do t-is t-o ei Up some of the nigbt-, seO could enter the Saguenay Rivi in daylight- as the last part o car trip, before we entered ft Saguenay, was night. We wer( in bed slumbering our wai along in a dream ship, or l seemed like that-t-o me. Morr. ing came, just- broke in withoui a sound. Yet- something waken, ed me and many ot-hers t-oo, foi soon the decks were alive witt people. Some looking at t-h sunrise, some at t-be shore line others at one anot-ber, wonder- ing who should speak first-. Crulse Up The Saguenay Then our cruise up t-be Sag- uenay. This is wonderful, ever turn of t-be boat- on the bends of the river brings somet-hing dfferent-here a lone home on the shore, there a small fish- ing village wit-h its lit-tle wharf, bere mountains and his cov- ered wit-h evergreens and un- derbrush, sometimes rocks tow- ering above you hundreds of feet high, especially Cape Trin- * t-y and Cape Eternit-y. SThse Bay of Many Echoes At one place there is a smal] ay where t-he ship enters andi blows its whist-le. When you hear t-be echoes, re-echoes, and re-re-echoes of t-bat- wbîstle,,you would almost thik here were Have a Coke ý _zeqr'N )FU;I "«Cd. d. -C U HAMBSLY'S BEVERAGES Oshawa, Ont. Phone 3-2733 Take tirne t-o keep your wateh ON time! Lot our Service.Department Cive your wateh a thorough checkup mow. The littie time it takes is more than paid for in future savings and service. Drop in todayl SA R R'S We use only genviJne factory-approved part-a in uervicing ail fine Swiss watehos. dozens of ships near by or at à t-o distance answering it-s caîl. It yalmost made you t-hink there td. 'vas samet-hing uncanny iurking On &round by t-be answeming and 'ou re-answering of t-bat whistle un- ng t-il it died in t-be distance. It the tbrilled me and is somct-hing I rge, xviii not soon forges. uld On we went, wat-ching t-be up- beaut-iful shore uine go by, wit-h nce ail its varied inlets, and aut-lets,1 be- lt-s ever varying shore line, eacb rn- bend seeming t-o add new and of different beauty t-ot-be scenes [se t-bat were continually passing do by. At last we reacbcd Chicou- for timi, t-be end of aur jaumney uip t-o t-be river. ,- Now, sbartly aft-er st-art-ing on ent this t-rip, ail t-be passengers, n- t-brougb t-be loud speaker sys- tn tem, were called t-a t-be h ing cbef's office t-a arrange aur sit- Ige ting for dinner and luncb; you ta could go wbere yau wisbed for breakfast. I was placcd at a ýh table witb just raom for t-wo.' the I bad t-wo or t-bree meals alone. rs and my wait-ress not-icing t-bis, tewas mare fricndly and gave me Igbpt-ter service on t-bat account, >rShe saîd I looked lanesome. ce, A Shlp-side Romance * .i, However, t-be next momning a rt lady came t-o cat att-he same on table and we had breakfastt- ýre g. ,t-hem. The waitmess made out nd t-bat it was she Who arranged s- for ber t-a came. I found out a, aft-er t-bat it was ber t-able, only he art t-be opposite shift from me. )r We st-art-ed talking and sparring back and fartb, but did nat get at very far. The next momning t-be we same again, st-iil sparring, but rr ive found out eacb bad a weak- of ness for travel. I faund out tbat he she bad travelled a great deal 'e more t-ban I, sa we became quite av friendly and weme t-oget-ber a it goad deal. Now, t-bis lady was n- flot too old and not tao young, it not t-o soiemn, not t-o frivolous, 1 r- flot too reserved and nott-oo or aggressive. We gat alang nicely bh toget-her. The waitresses, for .e there were two ot-bers near by, c, and 1 ohmn whacked witb eacb r- other; t-bey were devils for fun. Gettina' Serions The next time I came for my 9- dinner,, t-bey joliied me about ýy t-be romance on t-be boat, and s nat t-o be out-done, 1 said sure, ig and t-aid t-bem it was gctting' )n seriaus. They wanted ta know' a- if t-be date had been set. I said f, not exact-iy and asked if there - was a preacher an t-be boat. One - of t-hem said t-bat would not i- make any difference as t-be Cap- )f tain wauid do t-be job. Tbey ail i- want-ed an invitation. I t-aIdr t-hem t-bey wauld get specialc ones. We ail had a good laugb ,lover it, butarn afmaid at t-be dexpense of the lady, for sbe uknew not-hing about it. She dwould be surpmised, wouldn't ushe, if she knew bow close sbe e was t-o get-ting t-led up? I wili bave t-o send ber t-bis paper and surprise ber. A Fascinating Bus Trip At Chicoutimi, if you wisbed, you could take a bus t-rip (wbicb ,we did) t-brougb t-be surmound- ing count-ry, passing French settiements and t-owns; a large aluminium plant, over a bridge made ent-ireiy of aluminium and visit-ing t-be Sbipshaw Eiect-ric Pawer deveiopment, wbich I was t-old gives mare power t-ban t-be Boulder Dam. In comparing t-be t-wo, it seem-s t-o me t-bat t-be Boulder Dam is t-be great-er achievement as it is built en- t-irely under t-be ground level, hLndreds af feet down in t-be canyon Of t-be turbulent Colo- rada River; divert-ing its course bY driihing tbrough t-bousands Of feet of salid rock, wbereas, the Sbîpshaw, as I saw it, is built cnt-irely above ground. P'Žrbaps bad there been some of- ficiai t-o expiain the irtricacy of t-be building, I migbt t-ink d ' fferentiy. Botb are wondcrful achievements ai man's ingen- Luty. Mislonary Knew Dr. Jury The lady I ment-ioned above, was on t-bis t-rip t-ao and she t-old me she was talking t- aa lady misiîionamy Wbo bad been in Burma, India. That set me t-binking and I t-aId t-be lady I would like t-a sec ber and ask seeing the scenery at a differ- 'it angle did nat lessen its beau- ty, in fact, in same places, made t more beaut-iful, especially Cape Trinity and Cape Et-ernit-y, as W. were ciaser t- t-hem. Bat-b up and down t-be river, them, were amusements of dii- ferent kinds-a good orchestra Which did nat spare their mui- îc, an amateur- concert of mu- iiL singing and st-amy teliing. Out He Goes-.-Hot Or CoId Here is anc stors- I rcmemi- xx-Mrs. Murphy'ï husband. By W. J. Berry PHJONE 451 I TR CANADIAN STA.TESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. Pat bad died and she was hav- raining, wbich was disappoin'.- ing a wake for him and t-h e ir g, as ail wanted t-o see t-be &EWTO NV beverage she had for the occa- afeat Manoir Richelieu. It soon sion was st-ronger t-han water. cleared, then my frîend and 1 Mr. Irwin Viison In t-be course of the evening and rmany others took cabs ta wit-b Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Finnigan came over syr- see t-is wonderful hotel. As we Mr. Ray Lott- an. pathizing with ber, t-elling ber got in t-be cab, t-be driver asked spending a few da, hcw oneomeshe oul beandu- if we would like to see t-he and Mrs William 1' wvhat a good man Pat was and town; of course t-bis was t-o Miss Alice Nesbit laid her band on Pat's forehead. niake a few extra dollars. We t-o, spent t-be weekei Then she jerked it off quickly said yes. On this drive, upbill sister, Miss Annie J1' and said "Why he's warm' . and down, we saw t-be principal Mrs. Agnes Da tthon sympat-bizing witb her places of int-erest. Bowmanvilie, with again, saying how she wauld The town bas ordinarily aboat Langstaff. mss him, t-hen placed her hand 6,000 people, but lat-er on t-hou- Mr. ibetHa 1on his brow again, and again sands of t-ourists swell its popu- terborougb, with l\i -1jcŽrked it off quickly, sayingj lation t-o nearly double. We fi- Thompson. Wilbert t why he's flot cold". "That rally reacbed t-be Manoir Riche- [doesn't make any difference," lieu which was very luxurioîs terlrebuhs said Mrs. Murphy, "It doesnt - beaut-iful antique furnit-ure hilagbrsei ruatter whether e is ot or beside the most- modern, seemed ers and started t-o cold, be's going to get t-obell blended toget-her sa well t-bat dean up t-be track out of here in the morning any- t-bey looked as t-bougb t-hey were Men, act-ing as horse 4 meantt-o be part of each ot-ber.ig.Tebsrt-o 1 Captain Gives Adviee It just- made you wonder why 'tanly made a lot of ; ourists need such ext-ravagance.~ for t-be spectators. The boat went on t-o tic up at 'Ien t-here was the beated sait was singing, dancing Tadoussac t-bat nigbt. Some- wat-er swîmming pool, golf wisbed a drink of time before t-bis, at one of the course, borseback riding, arcb- or softlqis hr conersthesmlig, enalery and many at-ber at-tract-ions.cls by. It was an and friendly Captain was called If you had from $15 t-o $25 a pleasure and the en upon t-o say a few words. He day t-o spend, you could enjay a commit-tee did a woi greeted us ahl kindly and bop- %vonderful summer bere. Disgustcd With ed we were alI enjoying aur- We akebcktatbshp Tisws-els-n selves. He said t-bat be, bis crew ewle aktthsip Tisa heatn and every last afficer and belp- il was down bill and dry now, and wben we awoli er would do their bestt-o make an~d got ready for dinner and inrîoning wc weî'e ba our ripenjyabe ad aus-before we were finished, t-be treal wbere we st-art our t-rip enjayabslehandaamth- boat bad unt-ied and was bead- early breakfast anc botes tber migt- e sme ng up t-be St. Lawrence for tipping, whicb I tbit rest-ricted areas regarding dress, 1 Quebec, wbich we reacbed u abe. I bate t-o see y7oi f 5 o'clock. good young people actions, et-c., and t-bat it would ortes t-ao, living on be advisable t-a keep wit-hin t-be 1Tbe evening was free, you wht eone iet- rides. I would not bave you like viculd cit-ber stroîl up around wa-pol îetb t-be young lady wbo was on a t-be city or enjay t-be comforts ing their ser-vices ani very rest-ricted beach wbere oniy of t-be easy chairs on t-be decks ityfrl r2 et one piece bat-bing suits wPre witb your friends, then t-o bed' htvri a e worn. Tbis lady was dressed in for a quiet nigbt's sleep, as there Why does not mc a fluffy bandkerchief-like twa was noa quivcring of t-be boat charge more for t-be piece suit, wit-b nat-ing on ber wben its macbinery and pro- or goods and pay rnidriff. As she was walking Pellers were flot in motion, more? It cornes out c along t-be beach, she mett-be Visit St. Anne de Beaupre bave pnaid $000 o inspectar and he said "Lady, The next day, Sat-urdayhYavt-rp, sot-e0be0p oi you re vry ucb ut f orer ad t-o yourself. In t-le morning if t-bey were flot pa bere on t-bis beach, as aniy a a t-rip t-o St-e.-Anne-de-Beaupre t-ban t-o band out a dc one piece bat-bing suit must be if you wisbed. Quebcc is a very wben leavîng. Why c v-arn." The lady looked rat-ber int-erest-ing city and bas many taeswocrei confsed ta tooed donsp ove places af int-erest - hist-oricai, leave a t-ip t-o t-be b,~sel, henat t-e nspctr- rivic and religious and also hbaswiton-hm Te suit." be sady"Jus-a acmpiee a fine shopping centre. A t-rip as reasonabie as t-be souit."Th adyv looked r around t-be city in lts large t-our- 1 was on a plane h conuedtbver refaan looed ing buses is wortb *h'ile, as t-bebat, t-be st-ewardess c dçw ovr brsli gai, tenconductor or guide explains and with a smile to( back att-be insP'ectar and said, înany t-bings af interest t-bat you me and put it on t-h( "bWell inspector, wbîch piece would miss ot-berwise. tipn br n wil It a off". tlmen Head UP The St. Lawrence cvery gesture. Anoti Oldct Cnadin Sttieent Five p.m. arrived. Tbe Riche- xvas in a botel, going We arrived at Tadoussac and tieul once more beaded up t-be ing room with my 1 there a pragram bad been ar- St Lawrence and t-bis was t-be band. A bat cbeck girl ranged for t-be evening-a mile last nigbt of t-be cruise and a lao take it and when I walk, a large bonefire, singing, special ent-ert-ainment was pre- I paid to get it out of p. and dancing-a full evening for pared. Horse racing was very a difference! After t t-base wbo wisbed t-o take part. popular and in one of t-be races it in my room. I t-bu Here there is a fine bot-el, golf six or seven men wcre cbosen is a vicious custom a course and private fisbing lakes, t-a act as barses and t-led t-ails: be abolisbed. Yes, I st ,a good beach-a fine place t-o on eacb and set t-hem on their wît-b a smnile too. M st-ay and somet-bing for every- course. As their numbers were hypocrite I arn! I vent body. Tadoussac bas t-be dis- cailed t-o go abead, t-be announ- there are t-housands tinction af being t-be aldest set- cer explained and, got excitad The Cruise is over; tlement in Canada, as one horse passed anot-ber. the goodbyes, somne si Reach Famous Murray Bay You t-bougbt it was a steeple lingering and t-be gai At one o'clock Tbursday, we chase race. 0f course, t-bere was get-ber of our baggage set sail again up t-be St. Law- a lot of bett-ing too. I believe 25e of us sorry t-bat t-be rence and in t-be evening we was t-be bigbest bet yau could corne, It was a wonde reacbed Murray. Bay, bad din- mlake. and I wouid recomni rier and evening activities as At t-be end oi t-be race t-be Richelieu Cruise up t uual, then t-o slumber land stable boys came out dressed fiay t-o old and youni again. In tbe moning it was in their stable unifomms, writh (To be Continu cKiisS of Pc wa tand Miss Bowmanville Branch 178 Canadian Legion HREMEMIBRANCE DAY SERVICES Mormgan of Bowmanville, ad- dressed t-be congregation. Rev. L. M. Somerville, of Caurtice, an aid college classmate of Rev. S. J. Pike, was t-be next speaker and Rev. L. H. Turner complet- cd t-be Induction cememony. Aff- ter wbicb aIl repaimed t-o t-be Srnday Scbooi bail for a social baif boum. Tbe ladies af Kendal chumcb scrvcd lunch. Rev. S. J. Pike's son and daugbt-er-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Pike. of Part Hope, were present for t-be cer.- rnony. On Sunday, Nov. 8 at- 2,30 and triat- run. t-brougb t-be body ai 7.;30 p.m. Newt-onville Unit-ed îl.-Joseph Addison. TH EAL RY LYR SHAEPEAREGFETIPLACOMPRN SHAK OPEAROTAOMPA will present the romantie comedy, "AàS YOU LIKE IV' Town Hall, Bowmanville, Saturday, November 141h at- 8:15 p.m. Sponsored in Bowmanville by t-he SMm. and Mrs. Mlviile Jones' 1were in Toronto last week for t-be annual Telephone Conven- tion beld alt-e Royal York. Mm. and Mrs. Eami Waikey and Mm. aind Mrs. Fred Henderson at-- tended t-be banquet Tbumsday evening. Mrs. Bruce Leut-y ai Port Hope, st-ayed witb ber inot-ber, Mrs. Lane, while Mrs. Joncs was away. Mr.Sid Lancaster, Mrs. Rossi Hallowell and Mrs. Arnold 'Wade, at-tended t-be fali maliy ai t-be Oshawa Preshytemiai beld al- Enniskilien on Wednesday, Several of t-be maIe members of ou.r communit-y are away in the nomlb count-ry deer bunting. Mrs. Wiiiis Jones attended al conference of t-be Fedemat-cd Women's Teachers' Association heid at Trenton on Sat-umday. Mi-. and Mrs. Garwood Day- nard of Kit-chener and M'r. and MmIs. Clarence Daynard ai Osb- awa, wit-h Mm. and Mms. James Daynard. Mr. Allan Joncs of Toronto, spcnt t-be week-end xvit-b fricnds' at Newcast-le and Newt-onvilc I a nd to in thbe Anniversary service at- Sbilob. The Induction service ai Rev. S. J. Pike eld at- Kendai last- Friday evening was well attend- cd. Rev. John Kit-chen, Orono, NORNING SERVICE Ail Veterans are requested to gather at t-be Legion Hall, Queen St., at 10 a.m. Parade will fail in at 10:15 and move off at 10:30 a.m. Service att-be Cenotaph at 10:45 followed by Divine Worsbip at Trinity United Churcb, EVENINC SERVICE Evening Service at Orono Unit-ed Cburcb. Parade will fali in at thbe Loyal Orange Lodge Hall at 7 p.ni. and parade t-o service at Orono Unit-ed Church at 7:30 p.rn. Legion Pipe Band will be in at-tendance at bot-h services. ~t/cdhe'~ Sto4eJ, Lmd4 BOTANY WOOL YARN Qualit-y 3-ply Bot-any Wool Yarn with nylon reinforcing in c]g different- colours. Just in tim your wint-er knit-ting needs. An Importer Going Out of Business Sacrificed These Four Special Lots of Marchandis'e ai Terrific Savings leven e for oz. 80 x 100 ImotdBEDPRKEADS Beautiful rayon Jacquard Bed-. spreods cr an crutstanding saving, (normally 6.99). Colours are Rose, Blue, Green, Gond and White. Sec this rich, hondsome-Iooking Spread ond select your colour. Italian workmonship on this Spread is out- standing. *59 Eacli 17 x 28' Ailms Linherdo TEA eTO WEL Anr airst- qunheor-of ineetody fornmthin p-y uar 17y li28n. Net hemmed [n poiepul 17 x428csite 49c yr:gualortrie wthe 45c tah v-c yard; soe the stonvng for $v 00 rirhase thm o on élv ftor $1l 00. hesnentmoan indlit o supoly of oll-fineni towels. Pr)r-1,1dar kitchen colours 3 for avo i lob le 1.00 AnunsulCLOTHladSesg made up into a fine usefulc Luncheon Clot-b. You'îj love t-be varlous colouî- combinations fea- tured that- will flatter and brighte'n your fall and wint-er t-able. Note t-he saving-51c on each Clot-h. Be TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F WALKER'S LAY-AWAY PLAN BOWMANVILLE KING ST. EAST I M 1 Cburch are holding their annual Tbankoffering service. Our own minister, Rev. S. J. Pike, w.Ihl be t-be speaker. The choir will be assist-ed by Mr. Ross Met- calfe, soioist, af Courtice. 1 consider an buman soul wit-bout education like marbie ini t-be quamry, which shows hane of its inherent beauties t-ll t-be skili of t-be polisher fet-ches aut t-be colours, makes t-be surface shine, and discovers every or- nament-al cloud, spot and vein IT'S WATCH INSPECTION TIMI 50 x 50 IMPORT Wd/~e4 Sto4e42~rnig«i ""Truly a Pleasant Place to Shop" ILLEOlive Johnston were down on per Johnston. iof Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wray Soules of Len Barton.1 Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Jack id bride are; El1iott. ys with Mr.1 Mrs. Beedham of Baltimore, Milligan. witl her daughter, Mrs. Harry ýt- of Toron-j Worrall. rd with lier! Mr. George Holman of Co- Nesbitt. bourg, a former Newtonville rlington of boy, was one of the lucky win- Mrs Mbelflrin -e rs Sweepstake,0 tminghe Aduits $1.00 - Students 50e - No reserved seats Tickets on sale at J. W. Jewell, S. Blain Elljott from members, or at the door Nov. 14 Pi >AGE THREM m SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8th TEA TOWEL CLOTHS KING ST. EAST

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