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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1953, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMAT'flTTtLW~ ON"T'ARTfl ening. In the parade were many fine costumes. Miss Joyce Ab- ernethy and her pupils pre. sented a good programi and Mis. George Knox conducted tw gamnes. Lunch %vas served. Nine-tenths of Canada's nma. pie syrup is produced In Quc. bec. WESLEY VILLEan Austin atded UcPe~efor Cartwright Election banquet for the Vegetable Grow- Monday afternoon, oct. 26, ers' Marketing Board at Orono N m n to e Gloria Nichols entertained her On Wednesday night. He hasD yN v. LI friends on the occasion of her been appointed one of the sixNo i a on D y S tf v,2 h sixth birthday. Local visitors directors on the board. were ail littie folk of Gloria's, Many of his former neigh- Council met on Monday, Nov. Howard Forder, age group, and out-of-town bours attended Mr. John Woola- 2nd at 8 p.m. Members ail pres- Councillor 150.00) guests were Barbara Garnet, cott's funeral in Port Hope Wed- ent. Minutes of previous meet- Bruce Ashton, Mount Pleasant, and Dorella nesday afternooi, to offer their ing read and adopted. Councillor -------- _ 150.cl0 - sympathy to his bereaved fam- ily, and to pay respect to one Deputation from William's H. Thompson, Clerk wo leaves behiind hlmn perhaps Point present re, havîng road Treas. -------- --- 125.00 it'sSiler, he est eriage f te comontaken over by Township. By- Geo. Black, Selecting j f' le r mhneat heritageantheovmmnlaw for this to be ready for next EJurors--_.-----------_ 2.00 J b l e Y r m em ories to those dear to h m et n .E u s eet n No special date has been more Ivan Thompson and Roy Tur- jurors - ------------ - 2.00 ceiebrated in recent weeks than ner o! Curling Club re, havirig H. Thompson, Seiecting Hallowe'en. The teacher and curling three nights a weck. jurors---------------------- 2.0(1 e t chiidren had a party on Friday Tenders for caretaker to be eall- E. Sues, postage ----------- 1.60 afternoon to which parents and ed, to close nov. 30. Reg. Office, Registra- * friends were invited, and in the For the balaînce o! the year tions ------- .... 5.90 * evening the recreation commit- the Recreation Centre to be used County Treas., Hos- THlE ROYAL tee sponsored a party in the for ail dances, showers, etc., in- pitalization------------ - 148.00 scholhose Tos wo adstead of Community Hall. S. R. Hart & Co. Ben- Agrcultural the happicst time were in MrTunro ase d- drfrA.&CRll2.5 costume, beautiful and ridic- M.RureeogCesra is e for . & C.Ri 2.5 ulous. Little Cheryl Clarke was cussed the assessments and gar- Rg ebtsryn W INTERa dolin bride's costume, Bar- bage collection, tax with Couni- sals-------- --- 5. W N EbaaDneinorange and black cil. Lorne Griffin, spraing was real Halloween. Linda By-law No. 975 passed nain- stables ---- -- -- - 50.00 weeaiso among the dressed up ing Officers and Clerks in case 1 ---a-- 16.51 FA ! Rpre-schoolers. The cigarette girl, of a Municipal Election on Mon. . Marîow Co., lime for popcorn man, oid bobo, beauti- Dec. 7th. Hours of polling to be spraying ----------_ 4., fui ladies, who in everydav lite 10 a.rn* to 7 pa. . Orma Hyland,' 5 lambs, are husky boys, ail wcre there, Div. No. i Orange Hall, Pur- 1 sheep killed ------- 127~.00 making it a difficult task indeed pie Hill, Russell Spinks, D.RO., Laverne Suggitt, 2 sheep for Mrs. P. Snell and Mr. E. Courtney Graham, poili clerk. ---i------------ 50.00 Bowen to decide on prize win- Div. No. 2, Recreation Centre, R. Wall, valuator ------- 10.00 ners. Blackstock, Lewis Swaîn, D.R. Board of Education Games suitable for the oc- O., Cecil Hill Poil clerk. Mun. Grant --- -------- 00o.00 casion were arrangcd by Mrs. Div. No. 3, Gordon Mctcalf's High School. Part Trus- Ken Dinner and Mrs. A. Clarke. residence. Wiifred Wiiliams, D. tee Rate-------_ - .-- 2000.00 ITruman Austin xvas master of R.O.. Milton Fisher, Poili cerk. H hmsn otg 00 ceremonies and conducted a Div. No. 4, John Ncsbitt's re- G. Black, Telephoîîe Friday, Nov. 13tIi to hearty sing-song. sidence, Len Joblin, D.R.O., Rcg. Expenses ---------- - 2.900 StraNov. 21st, 1953 A short business period wvas Nesbitt, Poil clerk. CoN elajundt oay Saudaconducted by Mrs. Clarke to re- Div. No. 5, Devitt's orange November 30 at 8 pa.. view the work of the past year, Hall, Orma Hyland, D.R.O.,Rs N - and announced the courses, sell Larmer, PoilI clerk. ' 8 B I G UMTS availabi: at the "Y" in Port Nomination to be hcld at Re- CU RTICEL~ Prize horses, ivestock, fruits and Hope. creation Centre Hall on Friday,_____ VOgtLbes . woid hamionhip As ellas il heorganlzedNo.2t 1pm vegtcie .. wri c~mfuni A the children of the Nov 2that1 .m Thank-offering services at soed, grain and hy ... and scores funi- Curiers to have rink three Courtice United Church werc bourhood called, often in enà nights a week for $150 for sea-wllatnd.RvR.LM- ofailier feaitures ta thriIi rural vistorm tirely different outfits, just to son, Monday, Tuesday and Telavish 0f Wcstmoun. U.ite- *D Spectacular Horse Show sec if there might be any candy, Thursdav. Chuch, shawas theUiest Afterncons ani Evenings Jauso plshny h Bill Ferguson - a Grant for says spirites do net walk? We. JuirFres$5prnc. reacher, xvho gave an inspiîr- " Worid-Famnous R.C.M.P. saw Simon Lcgre and Robin Junaroidartyn s ap.pontd Seia m sc by thie chai n- Musical Ride Hood just to show that jet HaSt ret Service ane pca ui h hi n planes are amateurs in annihil-StetLg erie an der the direction of Mr. Frank " Lorgest Poultry Show In ating time and space. Hal- Accounts passed as follows: Walter and Miss Leah Garrow, North Americca lowe'en masquerades scem to be Geo. Black Reeve ----- $ 200.00 soloist, of Oshawa, addcd great- 0 Fascinatlng FIower Show taking on some o! the appear- Ivan Cochrane, Deputy - ly to the service. Building fui-d ance o! Mardi Gras. Reeve --------------------- 175.00 collection in aid o! our church te yeur local agent about reduc.d rail fores Service was withdrawn here Allan Suggitt, Coun- amounted to about $350. CS.MKEon Sunday so that the congrega- cillor --- 150.00 A large crowd attcnded the CS.MKEtion might attend Wcicome An- hot turkey supper at Courtice Gentral Manager niversary, but Sunday School UntdCuceWdcdyee nîng.I proved to be a decided ROYAL COLISEUM s~en datsulwt 4 -. success. The ladies began ev r ORONTOClarence Nicholis had securcd *i ng Just hefore 4 o'clock and TRNOfilms to be shown. The arrange- contînued until ail were servcd. ment, description and photo- The committenc arg iud grahy n te ictre Gase lîke to thank ail for the wonder- seemed perfect. fui co-operation which made ~. Wc are sorry to report Mrs. the supper so succcssful. The Tutt bas been jîl since last Wed- " amount clear to be added to our I nesday night. She is stili con- fincd to bcd, and in lber home building fund was over $477. 7* s are the makings for another bale < .. Sunday School held at the 4Do! clothing to be packed for usual hour at il arn., a J %,.. nccdy people. This has been a ',~ agaîn well attended and do hope splendid work donc for some .- the attendance will continue to time by Mrs. Tutt, and she is in crease. looking forward to superintend- J '4 Plans have been made for tha ing this latest parcel, as soon l ayîng of the corner stone of as she is able. Courtice United Church Satur- Arnold and Harold Austin day, November l4th at 2 p.m. le!t on Saturday for their annual U.adMs i efud It says: You get th est deal in hunting trip in the Sudbury' A DUIRO PUM«P Mark and Tod, also Mr., and town at Robson Motors!" district. Little Jackie Soble, three ycars MeasBte iig! r,. Clarence Penfound, spent. old, Port Brîtain, suffered severe MasBteLinghe wceken d at -the'home o! Mr.j Dont lot tire troubles burns on his legs, Sunday, U ROWtrSs and Mrs. Rufus. Clarke, Brant- i. u uwhen hie tipped an electrie 'OUR D gîves t r sb, ford, t0 bld farewell to Bill tepoil youru foishapur sp i o rhoia s ettlc on himsel!. water whcn and where we dClarke and famiiy prier ta their Mesdames Reeve, Bcighton, K. necd it .. .. adds to aur con- departure for Los Angeles, Cali- See us NOW for Ashby, Barrowclough and Ber- venience and comfort of daily fornia. niece Best attended the Cobourg 1f c. Miss PbyUlis Adams spent R Presbytery Woman's Association audyiTontateig G 01>t& tea hcld ln Port Hope United DURO Pumps are avail- aturdaylaTrot atndn G O O D/~Ei~ Church on Friday afternoon. able in al sizes to meet in-an Mr.N E NFJELD for ful information or write hourSuna with Mr. and Mrs.0 Before you icave fo_______ , 'Rnin H corgie and !amily. I on your vacation, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bellervy, Water, the Farm Necessity". Mrs. Ctene Pfou. nd eau- S let us equip your Toronto, at W. Pascoc's. cd t e heno! Mn. atyndMs car with new, long- Mr. and M-ns. Orvilie Ellis, . orne efon, htbo mileage, depend- Onnoa;rs, a Ms. . BrphensnOn Friday evening !riends I able Goodycare. Cnos Mr. arr Stephenson, ib and neighbours gathered at Then you'il travel Mr atL. Stephenson,by the home o! Mrs. T. Giadmai, 1p free froin tire Mrs. E. Prescott attended an -t rsn ineDracî troubles. a!tennoon tea given by Mrs. G. -uR daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. 1 Camela tdayt TreailTaunon.Horban, whose marriage take's Webaveyoursizel Mrs. Evelyn Whillier, Toronto, place in Albert Street United with Mrs. H. Stinson and Nor- ..Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, ii man Stinson. Nov. 7th, with a miscellancous t LOOK FOR THIS _0 iI11g1iý Mn. and Mrs. R. Nichols, PortI shower and good wishes. Dianne s l'HIOHSN iow' e Carling, with Mr. M. Samis. was presented with a corsget OF QUALITY MLaom, Miss Lois Ormiston is visiting o e ssathe hich s heeas std1: 1n!-60 with ber sister, Mrs. Stan Gnaypqntp 7ih l -f Attention Housewives! Now is the time to buy good quality DEEF for your Iocker or home f reezer. N. Stinson. PHOUNE 615 BOWMANV ILLE ir AFTER A FIRE, you may i~ t' bc staggered by the nealîz- i -~- ~ ation that the amnount o! your insurance only pantîally *,, covens your ioss. fias Your insurance cov en aekePt Pace with yu values? Make sure now.. and be safe financialli3 Stuart R. James [NSURANCE REAL ESTATE 16Z R O S3Phone. Office 681 Res. 493 VILLE 2895 or 935 King Street - Bowmauville qioierien, Ont. Dean Donald: Nothing exciting gaini hard wonk. Mulnila away at hunting up north whiie Peg, Ai busy and the home fîres burni Gucas yau don't knc Dutch boy who has béen woi Says hc's not the boy who pl [s ready ta Plug up any coal bî famous Reading Anthracite. We have just suppliei ciad barn from foundation ta galvanlzed mron siding, aluminu even windows and doons. J another barn because custom, Pediar praduets. Not a heck c aur service and we likç the bu! ta heavy work and llght profit! The wcathcr has beci asphaît siding and raafiag! Morgan, acrass the stnmct froni of Marine Blue, and Lamne B saw miii with rail stone. our la maOving out wcil and we ha Swansea for anothen load of fli Ncxt week 1. hope ta bush hunting with Un 'ice Ilar: office, 50 You may not gef a let, wiii have samething mare inter( fuel ail ta write abou~t. W'ish us SE] wihwsladen witb gifts. loNYP O d, the following officers wr Mrs. . Glecof!, a aunt, assist- PO TY OO elected: Pres.-Wes. Hiîls. Vice ed Dianne in opening and ar- rs-ëog Iwi; et'. ranging many lovely and use- Hallowe'en la past and gonePs.-Gog Iri;Scy- fui gîfts. and no report o! the former Trcas.-Mrs. H. Milîson. The Dianne. in her very graciais destruction and foolishness that meetings will be held tmn the mneex p r e s s e d sincere occured in former years. third Friday evening o! the thanks to al. Several god parties Were Bo t raey tsheomm nty Cl The remainder of the eveninghclinlasehools and halls. Bally- Ballowc en maquerade wasua was spent la contests and a few'du!! Sehool was filied to cap- enaleevent on rd a ea- of the ladies reeiving prizes acity on Friday night and many noalevtonFiye- were, Mrs. Herb Hutton, Mrs. people aid and young were la J. Willis and Mrs. George1 John-. costume and a good time was son and the iueky cup, Mns.- W-1 had by ail. King o! Oshawa. The hostess1 The masquenade sponsored by served a very dainty lunch, as-! L.O.L. 82 on Saturday night was sisted by ber sisten, Mrs. George~ largeiy attendcd and the judges Thompson. prizes with so many in various The Courtice Circuit Young costumes. During the presenta- Peoplc's Union heid their meet- tono ries Mrand Mrs. an - rg ing at Ebenezer Church Mon- oid Poresbiand oMr.an M-ns. TO PS INU day evening in the form of a were given an ovation and pre-N Q Hallowe'en party which all sentation as they were celebrat- greatly enjoyed. ing their 42nd and l9th wedding The Courtice Homne and anniversaries on Sunday.- Sehool Association will hold a SunetRetaran I bs euchre in the new school Friday ustRtarn i by evening, Nov. 6th at 8 p.m.! these days with tree buyers and truekers from Canada and the Everyone welcome and lunchl U.S.A. who are cutfing and Fi Up NI will be served. transporting Christmas trees. Courtîce Wonian's Association Large transports are faking out The October meeting of Cour- thousands of trees each day and___ tice Woman's Association was Amnerican licenses are common. T h e R held at Courtice Church. The Many local mca are employed pre.sident opened the meeting and good wcather la heiping a by ail singing the Theme Song, speedy cut o! the produet. The foiiowed with a Thanksgsiving C.P.R. yard is full of trees that Famous ]Readji Prayer. The sccrefary bein'g un-, imaketh ri o mria able to attend, Mrs. Carl Adams' akt yri.Fl orbnnwfýw acted and read the minutes o! We are glad ta report that F1 orbnnwfrw last meeting and roll au.Re Mrs. Sam Manetta as improved thîs il plans of comits eegv. sufficient ta retunta ber home portsswregien aften her recent severe bearf SEE US ALSO ABOI Paswcre umade for bazaar, attack.HADC L and a donation ta the Victon I L.OL., 82, hcld a well attend- ADCA home for girls. c d meeting recentiy when the A duet was given by Mrs. officers wcne elected and 'a- Ceeil Adams and M-ns. R. Bar-i stailed. The Instaliing Officer ber, &ssisted by Miss Phyllis W. Bro. T. Staples, P.C.M., was Book. "Wherc"er The Sun" was and W. Bro. Rennie, P.M. V given by Mrs. L. Sommerville, The following officers were ini-E. IE- which ahl enjoyed. Bible reading ,s.stalled: W.M.-Bro. Lloyd Webb;E.V Mk was given by M-ns. W. Parkes. D.M.-Bro. Lloyd Brown; Chap. UVp-town Off ice Mrs. R. Barber, Mrs. George -Bro. Lloyd Clarke; R.S.W.- 2 igS.E Reynolds, Mrs. C. Shutron and Bro. John Payne; F.S.W.-Bro. 2 KigS.E Mrs. M. Robinson were chosen Lorne Bowins; Treas.-Bno. Cli!! Phone 897 lunch committee for following Curtis; 1sf Lect.-W. Bro. Del- meeting which wiii be an after- bent Bowins; 2nd Lect.-Bro. îîoon meeting on Novemben 19. Albert Bowins; Marshall-Bro. The W. A. chain o! teas have Gerald Fisk; 1sf Com.-Bro. ail been completcd. They were Russell Kerr. held at the home o! Mrs. Rob- After short speeches by the ert Barber, assisted by M-ns. F. new officers and visitons lunch> Balson. M-ns. Shipmnan, Mrs. Es- was served and a social evening sery, Mrs. S. Penfound and M-ns. was bad. Win.Welh o Oshwa.Dorthy Don't fonget aur Anniversary Wm. WJasn o!t haarb, DautrsoyServices on Sunday, Nov. lStb, and ane Barber, aght ers o! with our tunkey supper on Wed- M-ns Baber assstc sevin ncscay, Nov. l8tb. the ladies and ail the teas have M-r. and M-rs. Roy Penwarden added a nice amount ta the have moved ta M-r. Keitb Brad- treasury. ley's f arm east o! M-cCrae's The Young Pcoplc's Union o! Church. This home bas been the Courtice Circuit met la M-a- rccenfly renovated and wired S oo ra r pie Grave Chunch and opened by its awner. their meeting with ail repeating A lange number attended the the Young Pcoplc's Purpose. banquet o! the 500 Bushel Po- O U L T Minutes o! iast meeting werc tata Club beld in the United rcad and approved. A short Chuneh, Millbrook. business period during whieh fime they discussed and decided to have a Bible study at cdi S LN meeting; also mentioned that a S LN Young Peaple's library couid be starfed which would be prof- A program of lnteresting and itable to each member. Secre- educational films was enjoyed1> tary ta write ta United Church la the hall on Tuesday evening. Eist o! the vaniaus books avaîl- Davis gave ber speech, "Dan- able. Young People's Week wiil lington and Its Growing'Pains",o' be Nov. 15 ta 22. A short recre- which she gave in the public ation period was enjoyed and, spcaking cantest. the meeting ciased. For a brie! peniod -of xomi- M-r. and M-ns. George Rey- munity singing and the Qucen, nolds visited recently with M-r. M-ns. E. Cryderman was af the and M-ns. Homer Sibbett, Ton- piano. onto. Solina's Home & School club Deepest sympathy of the opening meeting of the season TEEE OUA community is extended f0 M-ns. was ln the fonm o! a Hallow- TEEE OUA A. Wilkins la the loss o! ber c'en parfy, Fniday night. M-r, sister, the late M-ns. L. Crago, and M-rs. Frank Gilbert and M-r.DR S E who passed away recentîy. and M-ns. Bruce Tink were in Mrs. R. Adams and daughfer charge o! the program. M-ns. Is-ET Janet o! Huntsville are visiting aac Hardy presided at the pianoSETS with M-r. and M-ns. D. 'W ilson for the parade. and -family for a week. The judges wene M-ns. W. In a wlde range of styles Misses -Dorothy Somerville, Lycett, M-ns. Bruce Tink, M-ns. Marjorie Somerville and Greta R. Davis and M-r. B. G. Stevens. and ail in attractive cases Snowden, also Jack Biekie and From among the many welrd Wesley Down, represented the and colourful costumes, the fol-f,.~ ll Courtice Circuit Young People's lowing wcre awarded pnizes: LVIII $15.00 Union af the Young People's Joan Westlake, Ken Vance, Convention in Peterborough Sharon Spires, Carol Stainton, last week end. Ken Spires, Ronnie Baker, Di-Io $75 anne Tink, Phyllis Westiake, The difference batween ris- Glern Werry, Anne Werny, Da- ng at five and seven o'clock in maris Thompson, Lynn Brad- nhe morning, for forty years, ley, Patsy Davis, Barbara Hoo- supposing a man fa go ta bcd at ey and Deanna Vance, and the the same hour at night, is near- adulis, Mrs. Tom Baker, M-ns. Iv equivalent ta the addition o! R. Penkins and Mn. E. Vance. eén vears fa a man's lîfe -Dad- Musical sciections were pro- i "î 3.é urm roof and roof ventilafors, LOW RAIL FARES rust missed inctal roof for TO ner didn't know we handie of a lot in If but rounds out ROYAL siness. Anyhow, we're used A RC L U A n fine beyond precedent sa o stili being appiied. Ilarv IT F R n us, is applying a new roof TORONTO, NOV. 13 - 21 Bowins la siding up the ai'! FARE AND ONE-HALF rbig stock af chimney brick FrteRudTi avc ta make a quick trip ta ooh on n lue lining and file. Good Going--Thursday, No- vember 12 ta Saturday, be sa darn far back in the November 21sf inclusive. * that there ivill be no post Retunn-Leave Toronto not tten. By the !oilowing weck hater than midnight, No- csting than coal, lumber and vemben 22nd. i luck.any agent. E MeLARENÇ, EL 48 r 16, Orono. 6- 'AT...a IALITY..m. NO MORE!e ioW with Bd Coal ng Anthracite ,rm, economical comfort nter. ýUT OUR FAMOUS BRIQUETS Coal Co. e" Osborne Coal Yards C.N.R. Freight Yards Phone 410 A L ARM CLOCKS iular as a gift at any tume Sec aur wide selection. $2.95 As iilustrated, $5.95 S PECIAL! Ladies' 15-Jewel CERBTIN A W A TCH ES Regular $29.25 $24.95 tRtS LERY r t t I t Look at these Iow prices Front Quarter, lb.- 25c Hind Quarter, lb. 35c Haif or whole, lb,--30c 4 Free Delivery 5CR WAR PHONE BOWMANM 1 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO --JIN L THURSDAY, NOV. 5th, 1953

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