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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1953, p. 12

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*.............t..~ ~ I PAGE TWECLVE Wed in Chrisfian Reformed Church Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Vandermeulen are pictured following their wedding in the Christian Reformed Church, l3owmanville, on Friday, November 6th. The bride is the former Alice Vanderschaaf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vanderschaaf, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Vandermeulen of Holland, who are at present visiting in Canada. The bride and groom will znake their home in Streetsville, Ont. -Photo by Alpha Studio Fan saine weeks the RCAF has been using some equipinent in thei~r training programme, placed an Barrowclough's beach. Whatever was being done, ne- cording or broadcaSting has been completed and ahl the ina- chinery removed. There were 47 at Sunday School and the superintendent's ambition ta top the hall bun- Pldred, seems likely to be realiz- ted. Mr. Harding's fine sermon at nîght on "He Must Wax and I Must Wane" was inspiring and very timely to think over at the end of the 'year when offi- cens in vamiaus organizations are being changed. Flowers in the church were in memory of two whn nrmiÂi uripp --er Mr. John Wooiacott and Mn. Barnowciaugh. Juasi Arrived'e 0 a e Larry Ashby af Port Bitain, spent several days in haspital least week but i home now anc ilimi'flu.Mrs.Howard Payne has Mriftv'-3fl" Iecv rainro a painlul illness, and we are glad ta say Mr. RI ID I E ir. L.Dunbar,Haitn FRIG DAIR wit Mr.and Mrs. C. Beighton; Reg Bee and family and Mr. and Mns. F. O'Neill, Port Hope, with ELECTR CE. Barrowciough's; R. Hill and ELLLIF IIUPort Hope, Mn.hand anilyMr Po r. rt o e villA F lett, Fenelon Falls, with Mn. RANGE J A. V. Tonye Lake Shore, Clarke Synpathy is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams and fani- ___ iiy on the loss oI Mrs. Adamns' mother. ,~ .~Lake Shore Ladies K. S. & C. s~îs~ <.Club, met at the home aI Mrs. Bill Lake. Next meetinà at Mns. P. H. Van Leuven's. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak, Mn. and Mms. Dwîght Webb and Iamly Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow and famnily and Mr. Stan Bowen, Newtonville, Miss E. M. Holmes, Oshawa, Mrs. Jin Tamblyn, Jean and Thisbran new eLux 30- Marilyn and Mr. H. Rowland, inch model, pluS a whole HaInes.t M.ad r.W new senues of wonderfully oe. excîtîng electric range iod- Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskemville ei. that's what's Just arniv- and famiiy were in Toronto with cd at aur store. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson DeLuxe "Thnifty-30"1 and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Johns and faiy with Mn. and Mrs. ELECTRIC RANGE W. Baskerville. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Aildrcad and faniily spent Friday even- Here for thue first turne - a ing with Mr. and Mrs. Tommy fully de luxe automatic edec- Wilson, Bown's. trie range in a compact 30- inch nodel! Smiart high back Mr. and Mrs. Alf Holdaway, Panel wvith full-%width Cook- Port Britain, with Mr. and Mrs. ing Top Lamp and bui lt-mn Sam Powell. de luxe Cook-Mastcr Ovenl Mr. and Mrs. W. Adanms spent Clock Contrai. Tinie sig- Saturdav evening with Mr. and nal. Surface Unit Signal Mrs. L . Souch, Bowmanville. Lights. Automatie Appliance Mrs. Arthur Gibson spent the Outlets. Oven Interior Light. weekend with Mm. and Mrs. W.1 Full-width Storage Drawer Adams. -evcrything and more you'd A number of students attend-E expect In a beautiful de luxe ing high school in Newcastler range! from Lake Shore. attendedi IShakespeare',, "As You Like It',s i& S 0 1in Bownanville, Saturday even- aing. r Mn. and Mrs. Ken Dean and M a~ Nfamiiy visited in Oshawa Sun-r & EdaMr. and Mrs. E. Brown, and famil\-, Orono, visited Mr. and & D A LE Mrs. -bihl Lake, ntfniy HA D A ELotus. Mr. ad Mrs. Harold0 Phone 408 36 King St. E. spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin.V Bownianvjlle Mrs. Paul Hotson spent the r weekend visiting in Simcoe and e pecibi. t tc THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,_EOWMAI(VniL, ONTAPTO A number af guests were present from Port Hope, Co- bourg, Oshawa, Pickering and Toronto. Following the ceremonles de- ,ious refreshments were serv- ed by the committee under the convenorship of Mrs. Greta Brown. Farm Forums S. S. NO. 4 FORUM S. S. No. 4 Farin Forum met 0at Mr, and Mrs. Carl Dawn's with 30 present. Among those present were the two student teachers ât No. 4. The topic for discussion was "The Challenge of Dairy Substitutes". A slump in dairying would mean dairy farmers would switch to saine other branch of agriculture and prabably result in aven-production with an ad- verse effect on prices. When you cansider that the combîned value af milk, beef and veal from dairy herds ex- ceeds in value the largest and highest priced crop af wheat ever grown, anything that de- creases the buying power af this industry wlll certainly be feit by the urban consumer. Group favored (1) More ad- vertising; <2) Cut production costs; (3) Improve quqality of product. Solina Çommunity Hall Basement Completed Order Eastern Star Elecis Ifs Officers For Coming Year The annual Installation of Of- ficers of Durham Chapter No. 181 O.E.S. took place in the I.O.O.F. hall on Tuesday even- ing Nov. 10. The Installation ceremonies were introduced by Mrs. Pearl Balsdon D.D.G.M., and conduct- ed by Mrs. Olive Moffatt P.M., and Mr. Gordon Moffatt P.P, assisted by Mrs. Edna Anderson, Assoc. Gr. Conductress; Mrs. Emma Ruthven P.M., Mis: Beth Teeple P.M.; Mrs. Victoria Frank P.M.; Mrs. Florence Northcutt P.M.; Mrs. Reta Dud- ley P.-M.; Miss Mary Alldread; Mr. Wm. Found P.P., and other past officers and inembers of Durham Chapter. Those Installed into office were Worthy Matron Mrs. Vel- ima Sutton; Worthy Patron Mr. Allen Moffatt; Associate Matron Mrs. Duaine Palmer; Associate Patron Mr. Arthur Frank; Sec- retary Mrs. Ruby Cox; Treasurer Mrs. Lola Freeman; Conductress Mrs. Vivian Pickard; Assoc. Conductress Mrs. Anne Steph- enson; Chaplain Mrs. Minnie Deeley; Marshall Mrs. Meta Moffatt; Organist Mrs. Elsie Ail- dread; Adah Mrs. Eva Warren; Ruth Mrs. Edna Phllp; Esther Mrs. Ethel Mutton; Martha Mrs. Edna Shaw; Electa Mrs. Flor- ence Ferguson; Warder Miss Edith Joint; Sentinel Mr. Wil- bert Teeple. GIRL GUIDE AND BROWNIE NEWS Girl Guide and Brownie meetings are in full swing again and we are now happy ta in- troduce aur new Guiders: lst Girl Guide Company - Miss Dorothy Evans, Mrs. K. Stocker. 2nd Girl Guide Company - Mrs. W. Bothwell, Mrs, Wm. Slaght, Jr., Miss Eleanor Hutch- inson. lst Pack Brownies-Mrs. Ken Nicks, Mrs. Aubrey Smith, 2nd Pack Brownies -Mrs. Harold Bennett, Mrs. Ernest Lunn. Gold Cord Group-Mrs. Alan Strike. Many new Brownies and Girl Guides will be enralled into our Packs and Companies this flu. A sincere expression of appreciation is due these very busy people for their willing- ness to provide leadership and thus assist in carrying on a worthwhile training prograin. Girls, please remember your registration fee of 5OC. It is due now and must be sent into the Provincial office in Toronto be- fore the end of the year. BLACKSTOCK Margarine is here to stay but WM..mtath hoef legislation is right in prevent- Mrs. Cecil Hill Nov, il with 17 ingothr diryimiatins.As ladies and seven children pre- long as other industries are pro- sn.TePeietoee tected, dairying should be too. set.hve reofsipturoeaned Tax imported vegetable ailswprhayeMrse o AroldTuealo "and subsidize dairy andustry pgaerthe devotiol adrTeadoa withthisreveue.paper, "Elessed Are The Peace Lunch was served by the host- Makers" and offered prayer. ess. Meeting next week at Mr. Roll caîl proved very interest- and Mrs. G. Peterson's. ing and was well answered by the name of some one promin- PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM ent in the United Church, each miember telling somethiig of "The Challenge of the Dairy the one they chose to name. Substitutes" was the topic dis- Treasurer's report sounded quite cussed by aur forum at the favorable. Mrs. Ernest Larmer home of Mr. and Mrs. Clare AI- very ably presented the chap- lin on Monday night. There were ter "Christ is the Answer" of 17 members present. the study book "Wherge e're the S The first question dealt with Sun." Mrs. Gordon Strong play- the effect dairy substitutes1 ed a beautiful rendition of would have in other branches "Rock of Ages." Mrs. Roy Tay- of Canadian Agriculture such as lor, Mrs. E. Dorrell, Mrs. E. grain growîng, pouîtry raîsîng Larmer and Mrs. Johnston gave and fruit farming. Owing to the some highlights of the sectional fact that there is a surplus of rally. President gave a talk on grain already on the market we Peace. Mrs. Hutton led in feel if the dairy industry were prayer. Lunch was served by injured by imitation dairy pro- the group and a social hall hour ducts there would be more cer- enjoyed, eal grains on the market and _______________ Stil lower prices would re- suit. The dairy farmer would have to turn to other lines of E V !5 ,. production and soon would A RE à 1 A IS cause over production and low- er prices for those products. Dairying is the backbone of Canadian economy so we would be injured by imitation pro- ducts to any greater extent than at present. Vegetable ails are no equal for whole milk. At the Minne- sota Agricultural Experiment Stations experiments were car- ried out on calves. Some were fed milk in which vegetable oils were substituted for milk fat' and the calves fed this milk died wîthîn a few weeks. We feel although our city friends can buy this imitation milk at a lower price they should think F[or Christmas more of the nutritional value of whole milk than the few cents saved. M gzn To meet the challenge of milk M gzn products the dairy organizations must advertise more for the u srni st greater consumption of whole usrpin milk. They must also package The perfect gift that cornes a their products to compete with their competitors. ail year. ' The third question asks aur V opinion on the legisiation gov- 1 v erning these products. We are1 Aluminum Ware unanimously agreed that pro-, viding the law is eniforced and Trays - Fruit Bowls - and M~ no more substitutes are allow-M d to injure the dairy industry Handled Plates the dairy farier wiUl be able tda(o raln o xrs to carry on. ga o miigo epes t Next Monday is rve night ir t the Bragg home. We have n, discussion period, but the re- Bosd creation committee have an! vening of good entertaininent. For Young and old bi Ilan tai h. there. A ril t that lasts. t CLEANING COMMENTS N Cleaning kilîs germs. Bac- lm~ w ricidal effect oi dry cleaning l* W K a hows ail germs killed in garni- E. JE ELL ls freshly cleaned. Play sale. 4%18 20"g S le4p Your Cleaner to serve you 27 King St. W., Bowmanville C. eter. Lakeshore Div'ision, DryK leanpris Institut. (Ontario) PHONE 556 K mat.d. wî Banish Yulellde Financial Problems The first nation-wide Chnîsi mas Club plan in Canada, in tended to help banish Yuletid financial problems, was an nounced today by The Canadiai Bank of Commerce. Bank officials said that th, plan, which goes into elfec Nov. l6th in preparation fo Christmas, 1954, had been de signed to suit any budgel "After choosing a suitabb plan," a spokesman said, "yct simply make a small deposi once every two weeks through out the year. At the end of M weeks - or 25 deposits -i cheque is mailed to you in timE for Christmas." In the United States lasi year, Christmnas Clubs organized in banks and other savings in. stitutions paid out $l,023,0OO,OOC t o approximately 11,7 12,00C "members." Christmas Club memnbers, Bank of Commerce officiais said, receive special coupon books which serve as a passbooI and receipt, and paymènt-ne- minder record. The Christmas Club is divid- ed into five plans. Twenty- five semni-monthly deposits of $1 ensure a cheque for $25 in November, 1954. Two-dollar deposits provide a cheque for $50. $5 a cheque for $125, $10 a cheque for $250, and $20a cheque for $500. Mrs.' George Johnson wi ber daughter, Mrs. Thompsi Taylor in Bownanville. Miss Bertie Follis was hon for the week-end. Miss Nina Johnson, Oshaw was home for the weekend. Joan and Robent Arinstron Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. .Fee. Miss Barbara Armstrong staying with Mr. and Mrs. Cha lie Fee. Mn. Don Henry spent ti' weekend with Mn. Calvin ME Kee. Mr. and Mrs. Clillord Swei and Donna, Toronto, with M and Mrs. Wes. Sweet, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gibson vis ited Mrs. Fallis and Miss Berti FaIlis in Oshawa. Friends and neighbours ga thered at Devitt's Hall on Sal urday evening on the accasia: aI the 25th wedding anniversar of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larme] They were presented with chest af silver by their famil and a studio couch by the]. friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibsoi visited et Mn. Charles Gibson'sý Mr. Gibson returned ta Toront with them. Mn. and Mrs. Les Johnson vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wen doyen at Lakehurst. , . Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Patter son and family, Mr. and Mrs Williams and Mr. Frank Golff Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Sic Golf. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Vivian anc family. Bowmanville; Mm. anc Mrs. Jack Hanna and familv Janetville; Miss Marie Hanna and Mn. and Mrs. Russell Welsh and Paul, Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs. Hanna. Mr. Andrew Haines spent the weekend in Oshawa. S TARIKVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Farrow wre Sunday dinner gucsts oI Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid, Orono. Mrs. Clarence Gilmer visited her mother, who is in a Toron- to hospital. Mm. and Mizs. Bill Trin, Osh- awa, with Mn. and Mrs. H. L. 'rm. This is National 4-H Club week and Maurice Hailowell, with the ather members oI the winning teains, attended the Royal Winter Faim on Monday xhile iudging. The rest oI the week they take educational :urs ta Nýiagama Falls, Hamil- ýn and Ottawa. They are luests at the Royal York while i the city.' Mrs. A. Dobson spent Thurs- lay in Toronto, hast week. Friends from Alabama have )en visiting Mms. Westheuser. Mm. and Mrs. C. HoIt, Toron- cvisited Mrs. F. Stone. Mn. and Mrs. H. Ormiston, Tewtonvile. were guests aI 4r. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Mr. and Mrs, W. Carson and miv visited in Peterbora on mnday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Knox and arni. Sohiria. MIr. and Mrs. (ith Rowe and son and Miss (rrainr Farrow.Bounnv]l lth Mr. and Mra. Howard Far- de 'n ýct t. le ;it h- a it !d Ol )o )' Is ýn ber' 10, 1953, Simon Barrow- CASE B AN -clough passed away at bis home -in Wesleyville. Born June 2-,, Aylmer - Choice - 24 tins - 20 oz. ~ A ) 1867, be was youngest and iast n surviving of the children of rn n r r John Barrowclough and. AnnP&EAS & C R T CASE $ m4 r Lumley. He had spent bis en- Stire hife, except two years, in Devon - Std. - 24 tins - 28 oz. a hssame home.,T In March, 1894, he married CASE farmed for two seasons in that vgtbeo oao - 1 z township. eealorTra 1oz last, was a storehouse af in- C A I' Tins $5 90 formation about people and events in this district since Clarks - Fancy - 20 oz. Confederation. Al af his young- er lIfe was losely connected 24 with the church next door taoyTONATO JUICE Tins $ 0 his home, and he served mn years as caretaker and member af its choir. He served hisW community also as sch.olutArvd tc p N trustee, but be will be remein- bered mostly for his cheerful A BER No.1 ness and happy outlook on lîfe, His voice, singing at bis even- 4 lb1 . - Low ing chores, was familiar taai Tn6 9Pic George's Chapel, Port Hope, on Thursday with Rev. A. W. Hard- First of the Season - Ripe - Sweet ing aI Welcome, conducting the C!fffl~f lV w u Large service. 24'srA LA rL Interment was in Wesleyville Cenetery where lie his parents Firm - Golden Yello w and four of his adult brothers Lb. N A e19C and sisters. RIPEr AA NAS - b He is survived by two sons, Edgar and Harold, bath of Wes- Ontario Fancy - Red - Cnisp - Eating of New Westminster; Helene of A'cA ITOS A P PL E Basket IJ Scarbora; Bill at home, and two great - grandchildren, Johnnie G uie - rown ini Spain - Mild and Frances of New Westmin-N S o ~ ster; also by two who grew up PAN SR 01 10 ' 3Fr25c in bis home and still caîl him father, Mrs. Jens Jensen of Juicy California - Large size 300' Oshawa, and George Knott af SUNKJST LAlbOrta. For Pali bearers were: Roy Nich- U N S 9 olis, Percy Snell, Will Mason, Sweet - Tasty Arnold Thomndyke, Len Ought- ned and Wiîfred Bee.WAE TU N S - Many Iniends at the funeralW X D TU I N 1PS and the beautiful flowems were - - a tnibute ta the life af one whom it was good ta know.ST C P N W O __ BYPOTATrOES row. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Jim, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Les Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tnim, spent the weekend at their cot- tage. Mrs. Ewart Robinson and Mrs. Harold Souch are on the sick list. Some of Shiloh ladies attend-: ed the bazaar in Newtonville., Sunday School was held at Mrs. Westheuser's. Church ser- vice was well attended and the choir assisted with special mu- sic. John Logan, Bethany, was guest of his sister, Mrs. John Stark. W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Orme Falls with 15 ladies and two guests present. Report af bazaar was given. Lunch was served and Mrs. A. Dobson in- vîted the ladies to her home for December meeting. UDbiIUAflI THURSDAY Mrs. Bill Wannan an d Ross. James Ard and James Ruth- erford have returned from deer huntîng and their party were very successful. We are glad to report that Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Perrin, Bowmanville Hospital, are, in- proving. We wish thein a speedy recovery. Mrs. Jennie Hooey. Orono, spent Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Wannan and Jean. WEDDING MOFFAI#-COLLINSON Yellow and white 'muins formed the backgronnd in Christ Church, Markdale, on Saturday, Oct. 3lst, for the marriage of Marion Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. Collinson and the late John Franklin Collinson, Ceylon, and Francis Moffat, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Scott Moffat, Or- ono, Ont. Rev. C. O. Pherrill, Woodstock, a former Rector, performed the double ring cere- mony. Given in marriage by Mr. John Zaple of Clînton, the bride wore a floor-length gown of white satin and French lace. Her fingertip veil was arranged -Mencius. frôin a cap of the saine mater. ials, and she carried Talisman roses. Miss Betty Swan, Toron- to, was bridesmaid and littîs Judith Piper, Clarksburg, niece af the bride, was junior bri4Eý. maid. Each ware identical floor. length gowns of two-tone green taffeta with satin and feather bandeau on their hair, and car- ried yellow 'muins. Mr. Donald Graham, port Hope. was groomnsman, and the ushers were Jack Moffat of Or. ono and Mack Duncan, Flesher. ton. A reception followed at the bride'.s home, Mrs. Collinson, receiving with the bridai party. In the dining room, the bride'SA table was centred with the tra.I ditional cake set in misty tulle and flanked by candles. 'Muins were used on the table anci fireplace. Assisting in servîrý,q the guests were: Miss Jean Dun-. can of Toronto; Mrs. Normam Martin of Canoe Lake and M'r G. H. Comly of Shanty Bay. For a motor trip to the State'., the bride chose a sinail brown hat. suit and fur jacket. They will reside in Toronto at 127 Glenwood Terrace. Benevolence is man 's mird, and righteousness is man's'path. 6~fo ra 2ve DUY BY THE CASE STOCK UP AT THESE LOW PRICES Lynn Valley - Std. - 24 tins - 20 oz. CRNC ORN CAS - nCiiSue-24tn 0o.69 I W.M.S. held its autumn tThankoffering Nov. 1lth with Iriends Irarn Newcastle and Or- ana auxiliamies as guests. Mrs. H. Lowery opened the meeting with an argan prelude. The la- dies had a 2-minute silence in everence of aur war casual- tics. Mms. Bryson wclcomed aur guests, Mrs. Wm. Wannan gave a devotional based an Renein- brance Day stressing that we, must loster only those remen- brances that make possible the divine purpose and in simple trust upon God commit aur fu- ture ta Him. Mrs. Raymond Chapman Iavoured with a love- ly vocal solo. Mrs. Reid, Hamp- ton, gave a nost înspiring talk on the lIfe and work of the Chinese wonan. She denon- strated hem talk with nany ar- ticles illustrating the ciothes, lunniture and handiwork of thc Chinese. A very fine vocal trio was rendered by Mms. Drum- mond, Mns. Carsoni and Mis. Lowery with Mrs. M. H. Sta- pies at the piano. A bountitul lunch and social time was ee- joyed. Mrs. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan and Ross with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Wilson and family visited Mm: and Mis. Lawrence Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Milford DaVies, Lakefield, visited Mn. and Mrs. Ard. Guests with Mi and -Mi, .Ktii; Henderson were Mr. aid M iý. George Henderson. A;ax and; Mn,. Pattenson and Mr. andj New Brunswick 10-lb. bag 10-lb. Ontario 101.bag 75-lb. bl-'V PRE-PACKAGED - FRESH - LOW PRICED MEAT#S COTTAGE ROLL ONE pKU$, CHUCK ROLL BEEF A PORK BUTT ROAST I Per SPARE *UUS Lb59 Cut Meat Cest FRONT ROLL VEAL h39C Pre-Dressedi YOUNG CHCKENS -l 9 Dominion Stores Ltd. B O W MA N V IL LE Jusl__rrived ... Large Shipment of Wallpaper Corne ini and look over our tremendous stock of New Wallpapers. You wiIl be amazed at the niany new patterns in several price ranges. àibernààylsPaints and L5W~A8~MI~SWallpapers ,85 ING ST. WEST PHONE 431 THuRsDAY, The Solina Community Hall since its renovation and opening last year bas been going great guns. They now havé the basement completely reffiodelled and painted ta give community projects more room for their affairs. To help open this new basement and at the same time defray some of the expenses of remodelling, the Sauina citizens are holding a grand turkey dinner in the hall on Wednesday, November 25 from 4:30 until all are filled. To help your own waistline and the corn- munity hall, be sure to attend this dinner. i "t c ej Ir e t t 1 NOV. 19, 1053 LSE Il $2m69 CADMUS

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