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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1953, p. 14

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PAG FOURTWÇ THE CANADIAN STAT~SMAN, EOWMANVTLLE, ONTARTO TmJRsD~ BY, NOV. 11, 1950 Who Could Vote, Who Could Not M» 1820 At Remarkable Durham Polling Station By Mrs. Gerald Marryat ! their number, at least, Jol Samuel Street Wilmot of! Deyeli, was a hopeful sign. Clarke township was elected to On January 3ist, 1821, 1Y the Legisiative Assembly as theý Wilmot took his seat and w first member for Durham Coun-!:sxvorn in. But immediate]y ty in the 1820 election.* Andi petition was presented, sigi great was the rejoicing. North- I by John David Smith of Pc uniberland had been represent-1 Hope and 81 others, includi ed by a local man, Zaccheuis: charles Fothergilh, John Willia Burnhani. since 1817. Beforep Bannister, John Williams, Jo that the Newcastle District wàs I Taylor, and Jeremiah Butto administered fromn York. declaring the ehection of M INI. Burnham had promipily Wilmot iliegal, and urging th mnoved for the reading of a îpeti- the defeated candidate. Geori tion. signe(f hy Davîd MeIGregor' Strange Boulton, be considerE Rogers and 74 others, statxng the victor in what had been thzot for waiit of a road fron, hlively and bitter fight. lhe settled townships of Hope The question was whether andI Hamilton to the îîew town- settler could or could flot vo ships of Cavan and Mýoîaghan. on his Location Ticket, and fie inhahitants of those andi hroupht up some knotty legî a(aetstt~et tv-ere fore- probiems that were finally foi eci to suffer a great man,ý harch- warded b * Governor Maitlan shtps and privations. The ' a-k- to the Home Office for the ed ihiat ther oad shoiîld follow, ruhin.g. But in the meantirr the line la;d out bhv the first James Crooks of Flamborougl survey or, v.Iit had, apparentlv,, who was give his naine1 heeiî the îîewiy eiected rnno-, Crooks. Rapids (Hastings), me- ho:ý .\,I. Wilmiot, rd tihat the petition be read. ai 1;unes we re flot od1vh li Assemhblv constitîîted itse Cal-ai, s(ttîcis and jolle 0f ihetaj' , a courit of trial, xvherein th Rt')r.IcCaiocis. rc in iila- Sol ci tor-Cencral1 J. J. Bouito t'r %ea-iithat in i182o\h(l !w tf cidthe defeaIed Georp httd taketi wheat Io Port hoxStrinue Pitlton and Georg hole a told it was a d: Lg n <î h t do'i t, Mc.W'lnoî rnar!-ýe! and that nierchaiîts l'honia ' 'ard of Port Hop could not exchangeit l'or tI 1770-1861 ). Reistrar of Deed and grocertes. ;nd'ta nh iîh lv respeuted man wa So. aitogether. the cloution cof Itettîrnit g Officer. The poll1h a mnan who had SLIrý'el C\ cdtheir pac xas at Port Hope. The poi towvnship. assisted by un(- of opeîned on Monday, Jul.v 3, 182 THURS.- FR1. SAT. - NOV. 19-20 -21 SATURDAY -2:00 P. M. ALL CARTOON MATINEE MONDAY - TUSE, AY - NOV. 23 - 24 "EATOF SUMATRN - CARTOON WED. - THURS. NOIVEMBER 25 -26 SOLOD... BLISTERING...BRUTALLY OUTSPOKENI JURY WALD & #DINAN ASAIl ... BARBARA STAN WYCK PAUL DOUGLAS ROBERT RYAN MARILYN MONROE CLi'Myq n NIGHT ~ hn at ten o'clock, and ciosedc Saturday, Juiy 8, at two o'cloc Mvr. In that time only 246 vote &as showed up. It was said that tl i a Boultons were so sure of vi ned tory that they did not get ci bort ail the vote. ing However it was stated at tl amn trial by James Boulston that1 'hn was présent on Monday whE ýon, 160 men from Cavan and tl Nr. back to townships came to th hat hustiings, piayîng "God Sav 'ge the King" and hurra'ing for th ed King (George III). They went1 1a Mr. Boulton's house, except fc a few who remained in the Po. a Room with Mr. Fotherghli. ote Thomas Ward, the RO, wa it next cailed as a witness and h ga i was asked about the near-ric or- that broke out, and how he hi nd ruled for or against voters wit eir oniy their Location Tickets. me He feared violence and ha gh, entered the names of every vo te ter., but not on the voters' Lis V_ proper, and had declared Wiimo rid elected \vith 73 votes and Boul elf ton with 49 votes. Had the Lo ýhe cation Ticket voters been iistei ,on the vote wouhd have been 17 .ge for Boulton and î4 for' Wilrnot. ge Under the system of opei ii voting a mnan's choice wa pes known te aIl. Mr. Word, a hav ds er, elaxmed that the Cavar asmen could not vote unless the) had possession of their land b* nl virtue of a deed from the Crowr 20or from some individual, regi: Stered. He also allowed that. man might vote upon an estatE iin a fee of his wife. and thosE holding lands in fief or in ccý tuce, or by a cectifîcate derivec under the authority of the Gov- ernor and Council of the Prov- ince of Quebec. and being of thi. yearly value of forty shiIhingý sterling or upwaî'ds. over anc above ahi rents and charges pay- able out of or in respect of the sa me. Therefore he did not a] low settiers to vote on location tick- ets as not being in possession of a freehohd. And had entered their names to prevent a diot. The Poli Clerk, Marquis Fay- ette Whitehead, testified that il was not s0 much the conduet oe the people themnselves as of Charles Fothergili who had en- tered the hustings with the Ca- van men and attacked Mr. Wii- mot with violent language, say- ing that he had read the sta- tute. He told the men that as British subjects they hada right to vote, and advised then to insist upon it. To the Poll i Cerk "the people appeared vecy much in liquor". The Ca- van people then crowded about the house in tumnuhtuous man- nec and to quiet them thei votes were ailowed but flot ce- corded as legal votes. Mr. Whitehead added that there was actuahhy a riot at the close o! the poli between the Cavar people and the old inhabitants. This bcought up another angle so common in those days: that Iof U.E. Loyalists versus the set- tIers from Great Britain. The Court wanted to know if those who had wished to vote fox Boulton were U. E. Loyalists or imigrants. The answer was that they were principally im- igrants and that flot one Loy- alist had voted on location tick- ets. One voter-James Joly- camé to vote and it was sup- posed he had a deed: later his name was struck off when it was found he had net. The lobe Prof. John Squair, Uni v. of Toronto a Durham mni, in his "Townships of Darling- ton and Clarke", Univ. of To- ronto Press, 1927, thought (page 151) that it was not easy te appreciate properhy what took place at the Durham election of 1820. To hlm Mr. Boulton seem- ed the officiai Govecnment can- didate: but if se, what was Mc. W i1 m o t? His famihy were staunch Reformers in ater years. but did that party exist in 1820? Net ikehy. He quotes another authority, W. Stewart Wal lace in "The Family Com- pact," at p. 1l who spoke of stxch men as David MeGregor Rogers, Phillip Dorland, the Quaker, as earhy Reformex's but found Wiimot liarder te place unless with miodecate men like Dr. Baldwin and James Crooks. T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtenvîhle C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Shemon, Enniskillen F. L. Bvam, TYrone G. A. Barron. Hampton J. Riddell. Burketon H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Keith Bradhev. Pontypool C. B. Tyrrýel, Orono H. K. Re,-vxîoldz, Kendal Gibert Food Market, Millbrook: - Bownanville J. W. Jewell W. J. Berry Howes Smoke Shops Jury & Lovel Elgie Harnýden's Hondv Store The Statesman Office or ok hE hui the :e rie 1e th o-l iot .1- o0- 72 an ais vT- n -y 7n a e e v, le 's id ie w ýd it ts a South Ward Fire' Brigade Dress Up Back in the 80's The picture above, which m'ust be at Ieast 70 years old, shows the old Bowmanville South Ward Fire Brigade in their dress uniforms. It was brought te The Statesman office by Mrs. L. Barrabali, Orono, whose fath- er, Tom Tucker, is shown at the extreme left by the herses' heads. Various lifelong residents cf Bowmanville have identified ail those in the picture except two men. In the front row, sitting and kneeling, lef t te right. are: George IRoss, Georg#ý Maynard, Charles Cox, Tom Bottreli and Billy Lyle, the only member of the gx'oup believed stili alîve, who is now living in Orillia. Middle row, left to right, are: Tom Tueker, Bill Edger, "Pompy" Bottreli, Alex Hume, Billy Todgham, George Joli, "Tight" Branton, Billy MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown Bill and Betty Ann Brown Hamilton, Miss Marion Snow den, Toronto, with their parents Mr. and Mrs. C; H. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Castie, sor Paul and Rogers, Peterborough visited at Mrs. L. C. Snowden' Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munda: Mary Lou, with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Matthews Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mundaý were Sunday visitors with theii son, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mur day, Oshawa. Mr. Jack Munday, O.C.E. Toronto, spent weekend ai home. Courtice Circuit Y'oung Peo. pie had charge of the servicE on Suriday. The choir loft wai fiiled with members of the Un- ion. Mr. Johin Medland, Brook- lin, President of the Oshawa Young People Presbyterial, gave the address. Those assisting al the service were Miss Greta Snowden, Mr. Ron Brooks and Mr. Ross Metcalf at the orgar, The young people will be wel- comed again any time. The service on Sunday wil be a recording of an address by Rev. James Robinson, B.D., L. II.D., delivered in Toronto in May. me sympatny et tis corn munity is extended to our eschooi teacher, Mrs. H. Phip t in the sudden passing e! he: brother. s BLACKSTOCK Annual Remenîbrance Day -service foc the Cartwright Cern .munity was beld at the Hall or -Wednesday morning. Nov. 11, -with à good attendance. The lo- s cal ministers, Rev. George Nich- 3olson. Rex'. C. W. Hutton and Mc. Herbert McComb, wece in charge. Mc. McConib gave the address; at the cenotopb the wceath was placed by Mrs. J. A. Jehnston. On Sunday, Mr. Sanders of the Bible Society was at St. John's Anglican Cbucch Ser- vice in the mocning and at Ne,i- leton Pcesbyterian Chucch in the evenîng. He was entertain- ed ai the home of Mc. and Mrs, Eacl Dorreil. A lovehy basket of 'mums was -placed inl the United Church on Suniday by Mrs. Robert Forci and family in memocy of Mc. Ford. Cartwright High School Cm mencement Exercises were welhi attended at the Cornmunity Centre on Fciday night. (an ac- cont wiil follow). Valedictory address was well given by Har- vey Gcahiam. Congratulations te Howard Trewin who was on the Durhamn County Junior Farmers top team in the inter-county vivesteck .iudging competitien at the IRoyal Winter Fair. Local chihdren enjoved the Santa Clous Parade Saturday on the tehevision sets. There wece 22 happy ittie cnes at bbe home cf Mc. and Mcs. Gordon Strong. Last Tuesday morning a fire broke out at the High Scbool from an overheated furnace. The first bus load o! pupils dis- coveced it. The Principal and other members o! the staff were soon at the scene and ahi work- ed bard to put the fire eut with a poil brigade. We are very thankfui that ittie damage was done, thanks ta the qîîick action e! the first enes there. Mcs. Gacnet Murcav and chiidcen. Kathcyn and CarolvNn,i visîted Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ta-y-ý 1cr at Oakvihhe. They have purcclased a home at Port Cre- dit. Miss Shirley Hamilton, Ryer- son Institute, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton. Congratulations te Mc. Rahph Sadler who won manv prîzes an his horses at the Royal Winter Fai r. Mr. Gordon Metcalfe drove, 0ne of the school buses ta take a Ioad cf pupils to the Royal on Saturdav. Mr. and Mcs. Lewis Henry and Lor-raine were Sonda' guests %viîh Mr. and Mcs. Joseph Brad- burn. Mc. and Mrs. George Ruther- ford and Allan, and Mrs. Ray Blair, Oshawa, and Miss Kath- erine Baîhey were with Mrs. Geerge Fowler and Diane on Siiiidavý and ceebrated Alhan's birchhdax .j Mr. an2d Mrm. Ray MoGPW Tueker and an unidentified f ireman. Back row, Ieft to right, are Tom Spry, John Thickson, Archie Matthews, an unidentif ied f ireman, Dave Lockhart and Walter Todg- ham. One cf the men who are flot f iremen standing in the rear is Michael Lockhart. It was considered a ceai honor te be a member of the South Ward Fire Brigade in those days, and they prided themselves in often getting to a fire ahead cf the uptown brigade. The-fire hall xvas on Durham Street and when it was demolished the fire bell was taken to the West Side Beach and late'ifod its resting place on the fire hall at Orono where it still renders service to the citizens cf that enterprising and with Mr. and Mrs. Howacd IT R N PousonatFenelon Falls,.YR N Mr. Vincent Archer, Bowman- fi, ville; Mc. and Mrs. Ehmer Ar- Heartfelt sympathy is extenc ncher, Mariîyn, Ronald and ed t 1 Mrs. Howard Philp on th. v-Janmes Vineent, Whitby, wixh sudden possing of ber brothe: s, Mc. and Mcs. W. Archer. Mc. Ahex Cross, Brampton, ali Mc. and Mrs. Herman Hooey. te Mrs. T. McRoherts on th, is Mc. and Mrs. Grant Thompsoný, passing cf hec mother, Mrs. Joh: h, with Mc. and Mrs. Foster Fer- Cochrane. s. guson, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs Y, Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne George, Grace and Patsy, Mr r, Smith and Marilyn, Sandford, and Mcs. A. Harv'ey and Mar. s, with Mr. and Mrs. George goret attended the Santa Ciaui Wolfe. Parade and Royal Wintec Fair. lv Congratulations te Mr. and Mc. and Mrs. F. L. Byanr irMcs. Ivan Cochrane who cele- visited Mc. and Mrs. J. Murdoci, brated their 2th w'edding ani- and Alan, Bowmanvilhe. niversary on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jones, To. The United Church bazaar xronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J was well attended on Friday af- A. Rosevear. tronat the chucch. Rex'. R., Mr. and Mcs. George Alh ,e M. Seymoeur, Enniskiihen, was! dread. Mc. and Mrs. Eari Pres- s guest speaker and bis very in-ý cott. Mc. James Aldread at- tecesting subject, was "Self-1 tended the Royal Winter Fair, -knowledge, Self-respect, Self-1 Sattxrday. ,a Central". Miss Vivian Sadie',l A large number o! childcen 'e Bowmanvilie, accompanried by i and grownups visited the Tele- it ber mother, gave two iovely' visions at W. Parks and H. Philp ,a solos. Mrs. Gardon Strang play-!I on Saturday te see the Santa ,d ed a wondecfui medley of oid Clous Parade. songs on the organ. Mvrs. Hec- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue anc -toc Shortridge. President of bhe John, Milton Victue and Mrs. W.A., pcesided for the progron.' Elva Beckett spent Sunday with The sale of Bazaar goods Was Mrs. N. Moncrief and Dori's, well patconized and afternooný Peterborough. tea was served. Mx'. and Mrs. Arthur Harvey, nt Congratulations ta Mc. and Margaret and Grace Gibbs, were Mrs. Russell Lacmer w~ho cele- Sunday visitors of Mrs. Annie ï- brated their 25th wedding ani- Henderson, Peterborough. ,r versacy at Devitt's Hall on Sat- Lax'ry Rosevear is attending 3,urday evening.th 4HCu inTrteti ýr Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drink- wek4anClubisnIsTsoong bis water, Ottawa, andi Miss Helen wcainteen' aloshoGuna Cs Van Camp. Oshawa, with Mr' . ot Royal Wînr Fair. las Wm. Van Camp. S tRylWne ar Mr. Joseph Avery is visiting Mrs. Joe Ricdile and childcen, friends in London. Barriefield Village, is visiting hiec mother, Mrs. L. Young. Jryar es lnMr. andi Mrs. P. Murdoch, Dan and Priscîlla, Bowrnanvihhe, Miss n Jr Far ers lanGrace Murdoch, Toronto, Bihl Banqet nd Dnce Murdoch, RCAF. Vancouver, Tahb. Everycce is wehcome bo the Mr. and Mcs. T. Janczyn and iturkey banquet and dance in fanîîlY, visxted Mr. and Mrs. Eh- N ewcastle Hall on Friday. Nov,' nier Flore, Markham. 227. ai P:30 p.m.. sponisoceci hi' iMxs. R. Hatcherhy visited Mr. the Durham County Jr. Forrn- and Mrs. J. Hatherly, Newton- ers. ville. f Durham's winning livestock Mrs. W. T. Worden visited .îudging team at the Royal Win- xx.nh friends in Oshawa. ter Fair and four Provincial 4-H-IMc. and Mrs. W. Rahm visit- Club champions will be hioror- ed Mrs. W. H. Rahrn, Burketon. e d at the banquet. A public Mrs. Ace Abbott, Oshawa, speaking competition wihl alsu visiteci hec sisters, Mrs. K. Har- be hehd. dx'yand Mcs. E. Prescott. Rouxîd and square dancinig Me. W. Miller and Douglas to Jack Minifie andi bis RiceJ Miller visited Mc. and Mrs. C. Lake lshanders wilh stact sooîî1 Englîsh, Peterborough. aftecxiineo'ciock. Thxs looks I Miss Bessie Hilîs,Laeew like a gooti evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hihis and Car-] oil, Sohîna, visited Mc, and Mrs.' A. HuIls. BURKETONMr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard,! Vîvian and Jay, visited Mc. and, iMrs. H. Wood, Oshawa, and also Bazaar and tea held in the Joe Wood wbo is in the Oshawa chucch, Nov. 12 was lox'gehy ai- 1 Hospital. tended with mony useful arti- Mr-. and Mcs. A. H. Brent. Mr. cles made by W.A. mem becs an d and Mcs. Gordyn Brent, Gloria facmn prodoce sold. Mrs. R. M. and David. were dinner guests Seymnour was speciah speaker.1 of Mrs. Ed Sykes, Campbelhford, Mcs. Godfrey Bowman gave ai and tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. nice instrumental; Duet by Missl George Sykes, Warkworth, on Gwen Dean and Beth Dean; solo1 Sunday. by Mcs. Floyd Beckett; cead- Mr. and Mrs. W. Reoker and ings by Mrs. Ted McLaughlîn i son, Hamilton, Mc. W. Gibbs and and Mrs. Francis Wercv,. Ennis- Mi.. and Mrs. W. Elliott, Osh- killen. Mrs. Seymour thankd aiea, wece guests of Mr. and ail foc their help ond sîiccess of Mrs.' J. Gibbs and Michael. Janother bazoar, the proceeds, Mir. and Mrs. W. Park and> over $150. chilciren, visited relatives in Pe- On Friday evening a dancel bexboroogh.1 and presentation was heid ot Mc. Everton White, Mrs. J. C. the Enniskillerî hall in honor of' Cook, Mrs. Harold Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Ross, a recent Mî's. Walter Rahm attended the bride and groom, wîth over 1(W(1 uneral af the late Mr. Ahex friends present. Mc. Roy St in-, Cross, Brampton, on Tuesday. son was chairman and read the i Mc. and Mcs. Ken Maynard, addcess when two end tabl,-s i andi farnilv, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. and two lamps, a smoker's; Sîd Walkec and farîl.v, Bow- stand and purse cf moiiey %veie manvilie; Miss Giadys Maynard, given te Ross and Irene wîth Oshawa: Mc. and Mrs. Stan gead wishes froni their friencis. J Hall ond famiix with Mr. and' Music was provided by locali Nhrs. Horace Hall. talent foc the dancinîg. Lunch JMc. and Mrs. W. Clark, Lea- was served. si de. visited Mc. and Mrs. J. C. Mr. Nelson Hudson receîved Cook. word of the death of bis sister- în-haw, Mcs. Taimage Henry ot Lindsay. We extend sympathy te the rnany relatives. Nesilefon Sfaiion Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hobbacd were dinner guests with Mr. and Mc. and Mrs. Frances Gist, Mrs. Ross Hubbard, Oshîawa. Sisan. Kathcvn and Mary of Mc. and Mcs. H. Mun. Holiand, laing, with Mr. and Mrs. Char- and Rita, with Mc. and Mrs. J les Gîsi. Riddell. r&ndMs m ilTo Mc. and Mcs. Staiîîe',MeCul. ci Mc. and r s WofMr. a d Te iough, Lotus, with Mrs. Granît M rs. Jas, Haris. welcome them te Nestieton. Mr. and Mcs. Arnold DeRoon (nee Annie Bisschopl are en- jeying o honeymeen to Holhand te visit his parents and other relatives. Ail were pleased te see Doug- las Davison able te attend Comn- mencement exercises te receive bis special Grade 9 priZe gvl by the Cartwright High Schooi staff. Douglas has continued bis studies with the heip of bis teachers and hopes to join thie classmates before Christmas. Grade 7 and 8 Pupils were out of school last week while re. pairs were made to their clas.s,ý room following the fire in twt High Sehool. Her many friends are sorry to learn that Mrs. W. E. Beacocac is not well and wish for her a quick recovery. Mr. Saunders of the Bible So- ciety gave an interesting address in the Preshyterian Church on Sunday evening. At the close of the service election of offi. cers for the coming year in the Cartwright Bible Society was hehd. Rev. G. Nicholson, Rev. C. W. Hutton, Mr. H. McComb and Mr. H. Sayweih also assisted with the service. Miss Gwen Wilson attended a reunion in Toronto of those..- who enjoyed the "Too Good' Tours" hast summer. Messrs. A. McComb, Elmer Nes. bitt and Marvin Nesbitt attend. ed the funeral of Rev. Charles Elliott in Toronto on Thursday. Nestleton Ladies' Aid met Thursday afternoon at the Manse. Mrs. Gilbank occupied the chair. Mrs. Hooey read the scripture and Mrs. Thompson the explanation. Two minutes of silence were ohserved for a de. parted member, Mrs. olive Brown. Blocks for two quilhs are in the process of completion. Duc to the hateness of the year it w~as decided to canicel the Hot Pie Supper indefinitelyv as Ladies' Aid funds are ample for present needs. Meinbers ce- sponded to the roil cal ith jars of fruit and jam for Port Perry hospital. Mrs. Wm. Hooey read a tribute to a friend of Martin Luther; Mrs. Wolfe "The End of the Year"; Mrs. Thomp- son "Some Go To Church"; Mrs. Dickey "Gettirig Old" and Miss R. Proutt a passage frorn "The Record". Mrs. McComb and her assistants, Mrs. J. Dickey and Mrs. Harris served lunch. Fol- lowing a vote of thanks the meeting adjourned to meet in December at the home of Mrs. George Wolfe for the annual* meeting. WANT MORE FOR LESS? TEST SHOP Dukery Speclals ieinz Cook 'd DATE & SPAGHETTI 2mi-ozis31c NUT LOAFHILI SAUCE W'h-o>z b693 9c 29C< Heinz Baby ~e.3c-av6c FOODS 2l5-oz tms 19C Heinz Tomnata KETCHUP fl-oz bd 2Sc H-einz Tomato SOUP 3 10-ozfis 3 7c ANN'IPAGE RYE BREAD 1 5 Reg t7c - Save 2c Ann Page KETCHUP A&P Fancy Red Sockeye SALMON A&P Evaporated MILK2 A&P Tomato JUICE 41 Hoinz Vegetarian BEANS 215 Meinz Red Kudney BEANS M4L0 & MELLOW 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE y,9.5c 3-lE, bag 2.79 Cestom G round 0 Sunnyfld Grade "A» LARGE EGGS mron iz64Ç FOOD$ Heinz Baby CEREALS Henz Tomato JUICE Heinz Vegetable SOUP 11-oz bt 1 9c /2,s tin3 le tail tins 21Sc 86-oz fin 25c 5-oz tin33 c PRODI/CE SPECIALS! Florida New Crop, No. 1, Tender Stringless - GREEN DEANS I2 29Ç California Fanicy Valencia, ORANGES -54 cel$ob.g 49Ç California No. 1 Firm Ripe, TOMRATOES eeHo plg 25Ç California No.1 Enmperot, GIRAPES 2. q».29Ç California Santa Clara, Fancy PRUNES 2-fb .M pk3 9Ç 2 5-oz tins 19Cj 8-oz pdcg 22c l22-oz bins29c leO-oz si .c MTS Nfw 1 DATED DAI'LY JanpePap4i, WHITE BREAD 24-oz loaf l 5c E"troc ew orormulac MEAT SPECIALS Siade A Oven Ready, 2 to 3 H). average OUT UP CHICKEN, GRADE A lETIGES 8 DS& REASTS à>% WINCS à, 371 NECKS & Bcs2i,â Extra Lean BouneI.ss Plate POT EOAST Siqoked Ptcnic Style, Maplp- Leaf Beand, IPORE SHOULDER8 Lake Erie Frein SELECT Oysytas R, 29C , 29C m,47e e'p<69C Prie« Eff octive ,, ê set., Nov. 24it, "563. PAGE POMTEM 1 THE CANADI« STATESMM, BOWIL&NvmLLP, ONTAIUO TEILMSD) ýAT. 1 Heinz Jurlior Strained 47,

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