T"M CANADIAN STATESMA,EOWMANYfLE ONTAflO (Intmnded for Iast week) anyhow, hie finaliy struggled MUNICIPAL CHOIR into it a-la-girdie style and was O.K. for the rest ocf the night. *At a general meeting Monday! It took his face awhile tai get night in the Lions Centre, thel back ta normal color. idea of a town choir was dis- The beginners' group is start- cussed under the chairmanship ing to realy move now, accord-, of Bill Buckiey with Misses Le- ntaM.Bgelheisrc Purdao, Barar AbransdDon- tor, and 95 percent can swim Purdn, arbra Arhas, on-over a width of the pool and. nie Cressar, Arlene Ayre, Jim that' s in seven lessons. Mrs. Barnes, O.K. Osborne, Mel Dean Hodgson, a late entrant, Dale and the Directon of Re- is reported to be catching on creation in attendance. vr at Discussion developed into a'vr at 1Ivan Hobbs and Miss Gardiner two sided affair with somne aei hi hr osct wantng ta sng secular rmusic 1sae i Csy.Shddbo andothrs ot ishng a wsteand Hlarry Cllacutt in their their timne on such music. and scod on]v interested if -good" musisecond was rehearsed. This was quietly There is a wide variety of in- dropped when someone said .:j 1 terest in the membersh Ip rang- think a good mixture would be ing from Bill Mitchell's consist- flI(~*ent diving practice, Doug Hey- Ailer fees, rehearsal room, ]ans and onRheusgte membrshi an leaers erefinsanddiving goggles, ta MrE. Memes 1 n laeswr Barbara Terino (C.N.E. mars- thoroughlv gone over, it was de-to wm etr)adsse cîde tha nohing conceteShirley Elliott, interested in div- could be accomplished until a! ing and distance swm ng leader xvas sought and willng Te r oig4 egt---or to conduct the grouip. hey armie doing 44enthso Arrangements were made t aîfaml tpeet contact various irîdividuals who Fo the past three weeks aven- nugt b inereted BiI Bck-age attendance has been 42 per ]ey is to cal] the next meeting ngt when these arrangements have LAHRRF been cornpleted in order ta stant .A ER AF rehearsa]. The Oshawa people were quite S favourablv impressed with the ~WIMMNING CLUB work of Mrs. Dilling and Wal- We'v imgine thngs iketer Cole who were dernonstrat- We'vebitagine thogtings lk ing leaiher-work at t he recent thi bu neer hoghtit oul IOshawa demonstration and dis- happen here. Thunsdav night i plaito encourage arts andi crafts the Pooil, a chap by 'the nameinMercmuty of Bill McTavish who joined the~i ~i cmuiy club from Oshawa. took a front Man.v of the demonstrators flip off the diving board and hit were from Toronto and other the water with such resondin large centres and the Bowman- force fhat he ripped hi ah ville Recreation Department feel ing suit up the back and was venv proud of the fact that their left stranded in the water with eather craft instructor was ask- nothing ta hold on to but the ed to and did provide her ser-a trough.1 vices for this cause. Mrs. Diil- Bil] Bagneil and the nest of ing does excellent work and any- t Y o ne interested in this type oifV teboys franticalîs' tossed him hbyaeecuae ose towels and extra bathing sIJItSselfhobexressio in tseft to help hini in his plight. buit selfexprssioin_______ft have you ever tried ta put a9 bahigsut nunder water The Mint at Ottawa bas. pro-c with about fifty people of the duceti ail Canadian coinage mixed varietv looking on? Wel. since 1908.N Se. the Great New j a t( i G fi Refrigerator by INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 26 O F International Harvester ]REFRIGERATORS ONLY TWO LEFT 9.4 cubir Feet Regtilan $488.75 $344.50 10.3 cubie feetfr$30O Regular $399.95 ....fo$300 12 cu. fi. HOME FREEER Holds 400 Ibs. of Frozen Foods. Regular $525 for --------- --$ 0 $10-00 Will HoId Any Refrigeralor Until Christmas. 24 Months fo Pay - No Down Payment Farm Equipment and Automoive TOM COWAN, Proprietor 134 King St. East Bownîanville Phone 689 IfENNISIKILLEN Mission Band met on Sunday with 40 present. Assistant presi- dent Gloria Wright, conducet the Worship. Garth McGill read Badminton Players From Local Club Do Well in Toronto the minutes nd roll cail._ Rut h Players of the Bowmanville Lamb took up the collection. A BditnCu i eywi very intenesting story was read Badminoono arton Club'rywl fnom the study book by Mrs..A. fifth anluai invitation tourna- Boyd "World Frienti," wene giv- ment on Friday, SatundBy and en out and closed with Mission, Sunday. Gary Tighe andi Bill Bandi prayer.. Burgess went to the finals in Mn. anti Mns. L. Stainton and'the mens' doubles but lost out family visiteti Mr. and Mrs. A. to John Hantman anti Gino Short, Seagrave. i Gonnelia, Sudbury, 15'2, 9-15, Miss Ruby Virtue, Tonoto, 1'5-8. with Mn. and Mn.E. Masters I mixeti doubles, Bob Galla- and Raiph Vintue. gher anti Doneen Retidock scon- Mr. anti Mr. John E. Griffim 1et an upset Friday night b>' de- and famiiy wene Suiay teaj feating Chaire Fuller anti John guests with Mn. and Mns. John Pick, High Park, but lost in the Kinby, Meatiowvale, cahieti un semi-finals to Roberta Arm- Mn. anti Mn.. Wilfned Banks, stnong an d Bud Johnston, Christ Weston. Church, Toronto. 5-15; 15-11, 15- For your Admirai Television 10. Set for Christmas see "Hap" Ini the ladies' doubles Ruth Phihp. Phone 2620, Bowmanville. Thompson anti Doneen Redi- Mns. Will Wright is spentiing dock host in the semi-finals ta the winten witli Mr. and Mn.. N. Roberta Armstrong anti Helen E. Wright. Caîhoun, Christ Chunch, Toron- Mns. N. Wilson anti baby ae- to, 15-10, 5-15. 15-13. niveti home from hospital. Ruth Thompson hast in the Mn. anti Mns. W. Bragg antid ladies' singles semi-finals ta Allan, Providence, at Mn. anti Barbara Bell of the Toronto Mmc. H. Ashton's. Badminton anti Racquet Club, Mn. anti Mrs. Ivan Parnott anti 11-2y 6-11 anti 12-h0. Jean. Oshawa, wene Saturtiay, visitons with Mn. anti Mn.. A. L. Wearn. T R N Mn. anti Mns. Ross Page antiYR N family, Newcastle, Mn. anti Mns. Howardi Bradley anti Bnian, The sale of the late Mrs. H.. Maple Grove, with Mn. anti Mrs. Hilîs was very well attended -an Arthun Brunt. Saturday. The hot coffee anti Mr. anti Mrs. C. Milîs, Port tea was quite welcomed. Pie anti Penny, are with Mn. anti Mrs. sandwiches were also solti by L. Stainton1 Club 49. Appnoximately $11.00 Mmc. E. Masters, Gail and Dan- was reahizeti. lene, visited in Toronto, on Sat- Mission Banti met Sunday unday. rnorning with an attendance of Mn. anti Mn,. A. M. Wearn, 27 children. Mrs. W. Rahm gave Claremont, Mn. Fred Stannard,th deoinlaipayrb Bowmanville, wene Sunday vis- Lauraine Cook. Readings were htors at Mn. anti Mn,. A . L. given by Lynn Stainton, Mrs. Wearn's. W. Murphy anti Audrey Wood, Mn. anti Mrs. Doug Moore anti piano solo by Carol McRoberts. Beverhy Ann, Oshawa, Miss K. Worîd Frientis anti a treat of Moone, Bowmanville, Mr. anti candy cane, wene given out. Mns. Tom Wilson anti family, For your Admiral Television Hampton. at Mn. anti Mn,. P. Set for Christmas cee "Hap" Ellis. Philp. Phone 2620, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mn,. John Shemon The White Gift service is be- anti Robent, visiteti Mn. anti Mms. ing helti Sunday momning at Il R. Weaving, Thornhihl. a.m. Note there will be no Sun- Annual G.G.I.T. Vespers anti day School. Try ta attend this White Gift Services will be helti hitassriean rn on Sunday. Dec. 13 at 7.30 Guest Crsmssrieat nn speaker will be Mrc. T. A. Mon- .. gan, Tninity Unitedi Chunch, Bowmanville. Music will include C.G.I.T. anthem-,tiuet by Nancy Wood anti Carol Wight; gifts are for Olti Peopie's Home at Cobourg. Visiting guests fnor-n Hlampton anti Biackstock are iaining us. C.G.I.T. met in the basement of the chunch on Satuntiay af- ternoon. Meeting was in charge of Nancy Wood anti Reva Mc- Gil1. Tliese anti caîl to wor- ship xvas neatib>' Nancy Wood. VIns. O. C. Ashton welcometi a new member, Phyhhis Howell, to our group. Pragnam consisteti of a veny interesting story from oun Stuti> Book b>' Marýy Gril- in, neading b>' Cannoll Wright, piano solo by Nancy Wood, reading b>' borna Wearn, anti a game b>' Mrs. Seymour. A de- icious lunch was enjayeti. Next meeting at the pansonage in the form of a Christmas party, Dec. 6. Service Club was heiti at the ore of Ms. H. Ashton on Dec. It with 15 present. Duning the vening Mrs. R. Mitchell wd5 pnesenteti with a matching hinestone neckiace andi ear- ring set anti a linen hantiker- ýhief as she anti her famil>' ave movedti t Bowmanville. Re are sorny to ]ose ber fnom )u midst. Remainden of even- ig was spent saciailly. Lunch vas senveti by Mn,. H. Mille, b [nrs. W. Howells, Mmm. L. Wean ind hostess. Next meeting, hristmas part>' Dec. 15 at Mn,. a Mn. anti Mn.. Howard Oke rin Ganny, Mn. anti Mns. John ke, Oshawa. with their par- for 3 its, Mn. anti Mn,. Walter Oke. i Mn. anti Mrs. R. J. Ormiston,J ith Mn. anti Mn,. Gordon Wen- CRJSTMAS y. Toronto, s Mn. anti Mm.. A. Sharp visiteti Yugadai lk il F nr. an M. WHirllin saye, love tis Christmas present! id Metn.aniM.WilaStee Here Is a package of enter- 6 Msr.etnd. i.Sale unr talament for vears ta corne 6 Mm.~~~ aniMr.Sa.e'Tunrentertainment ta suit n nd Helen, Oshawa, with Mr. every taste . . . brought nd Mrs. Frank Dorlanti. rigt into the home BETTER h Mrs. Vern Scheil. South Ri- THAN EVER b>' ELECTRO- P er. with Mr. anti Mmc. E. Mc- HOME Eye-tested TV! si ~ VIES, both your turs and your jewellery are worth plenty. Could you afford te bpy them Ni over &gain if thev m'ere acidentally lest or damaged. stolen, burned? A Hartford Jewellery-Fr policy guard.. Yeu against thesesand a long list of other perdls. Ask us &bout 1< today! STUART -IL JAMES ýinsurance Real Estatel Phones: Office 681; Rem. 493 King Street BowManville1 21 " Television, canvenient ,)pen-face styling, beautifull>' finished in Walnut, Mahog- San>' anti Limeti Oak. Easy rolling casters on ahi cab- inets. Sure ta bring charm ta v'our home. Powenful 22-tube chassis, phono jîack, 1 0"' speaker. $499.00 (Convenient Ternie Arranged The ]Radio Shop 38 KING ST E, PHONE 573 BROWN'S (Intended for last week) Mn. and Mrs. W. Bennett, Miss H{elen Post and Mr. John Statton of Bowmanviiie, spent the week- end with Mr. andi Mns. W. Mfoynes, Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Couch andi Linda, and Mns. James Curson visited in Toronto on Sunday vith Mr. and Mrs. H. Sinclair and famiiy andi Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hartwick and famihy. This week Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brown and family visited with Mr. and tIrs. James Cunson and Jimmy Friday evening. Mr. andi Mrs. Harry Sinclair,i John and Larry, Toronto, vis- ied Sunday with Mr. andi Mrs. ames Curson. For your Admirai Television Set for Christmas see *'Hap" Philp. Phone 2620, Bowmanville. Mrs. Bob Watson helti a party >ec. I st in honour of Donna', Sth birthday and entertained mlie of Donna's girl friends. Mr, andi Mrs. Harry Mcllroy, %laureen and Donna, Mr. Russell 'owell, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wat- ;n, Donna and Diane and Mr. ind Mrs. H. Pitt, Judy andi Jim- ny attendeti the Graham-Mc- lean wedding in Toronto on aturtiay and also visiteti with [r. and Mrs. W. Kelly, Mrs. J. 9elly and M. andi Mrs. Pitt. The Super-Effieîent OILO - MAGIC OiliHeathng MAKLES rouit pRESENT BEATING EQUIPMENVT TWICE AS tGOOD gaves You Mone>' en Your Fuel coste Phone or consui JACK BROUGH PLUMBING - REATI flivieln Sta'..t fi. DOWMANVILLIE New Phone - office 613 House Phone 2384 Miss Williams, Toronto, spent the weekenti with Mn. anti Mrs. Fred Totit. Mr. anti Mrs. John Stark anti sons with Mn. anti Mns. Logan, Bethan>'. Mn. anti Mrs. Spilchen, Toron- to, visiteti Mr. anti Mns. Victor Farrow. Miss Norma Halloweil, Toron- ta. spent the weekenti with Mn. andi Mn.. Llew Hallowell. Mr. anti Mmc. W. Adams, Lake- shore, hati dinner with Mn. anti Orme Falls, Saturda 'v evening. Miss Donna Stark visiteti Miss Mary Hal1oweIl on SuntiaY. Mn. anti Mmc. Ew~art Robinson have television in their home. Mns. Llew Hallowell visiteti hem parents, Mn. anti Mmc. Thos. Falls, Kendal. Mr. Falls isn't quite as welI necentlv. Mr. anti Mns. George Morton, Onono, and Mrs. Plum. Toronto, with Mr. Arthur McKay, Sun- day. For your Admirai Television Set for Christmas see "Hap" Philp. Phone 2620, Bowmanville. Mr. Maurice Hallowehl attend- eti the annual railly by Durham 'I white gitt. Mn. andi Mr.. Murray Tabl and Kenneth, moved on Saturý day ta thein new homne whic Murray has bult in Bowman. ville. Mr. and Mrs. M. Duby) andi granddaughter from R.R. 1 Enniskilhen, moveti into theil new residence here formerlj owned by Munray Tabb. Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Griffmn and chiltiren were tea guests of Mr Land Mrs. W. Rahm. 1 Mns. Chas Shaw and Ralpi, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mra E. A. Virtue and John. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread and Maxine, with Mr. and Mn. Clarence Bradley, Bowman- ville. Mn. and Mn.. A. Youngmar andi boys, with Mr. and Mrn Norman Leach, Taunton. Visitons of Mr. and Mm. Ar- thur Harvey and Margaret, were Mrs. Anne Henderson, Mr, and Mirs. Cecil Howson. Linda, IBeth and Rotiger, Peterbor- ough, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rose- vean, Jasqqueline, Lorraine, Kenneth andi Esther Anne. M. K. Steele and Roniie, Bert Jeeves andi Miss Jean Fra- ser, Peterborough, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Wal- ter Park. Robert and Irwin, H4amilton, visited David Lute. Mn. andi Mn,. Sidney Noar, Mr. andi Mrs. Albert Hilis, visit- ed Mn.. H. Curtis, Orono. Suzanne Lute visited Lau- raine Cook. Mr. anti Mrs. R. Glaspeil and chiltinen with Mn. and Mns. John Genry, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Aif Bnown and Jack, Newcastle, with Mn. andi Mn,. H. Skinner andi Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner. Donald Shreave, Oshawa, and Arnold Urbus. Toronto, were Normal students at Bethesda schooi hast week. Mr. anti Mrs. B. Montlock, Ot- tawa; Mn. and Mrs. J. Gibbs andi Michael, visited Mr. and Mn,. T. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Camer- on and Raymond, Mn. andi Mrs. Henb Cameron, with Mn. anti Mrs. Lloyd Webb, Poritypool. Mr. and Mns. Russeil Vintue visiteti Mr. and Mns. Theo Down, Lakefielti. Mn. anti Mrs. F. L. Byam vis- iteti Mns. John Lihicnapp, Can- nington. Mrs. Aima Yellowlees and girls, Miss Allie Wood, wene tea guests of Mr. and Mns. John Rundie, Hampton. Mn. Warren Cross, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mns. Howard Philp. Gail and Garny Scott enter- taineti Lynne Stainton on their binthtiay. Visitons of Mns. Otto Vintue were Mr. and Mrs. T. Findlay, sIn. and Mnc. Gordon Wahker, Gail and Arlene, Thornhill. Mn. and Mns. Wesley Hilîs and Carol, Solina, wene tea guests of Mn. anti Mrs. W. Jew- eh]. Mn. and Mrs. W. McKnight, and daughter. Bowmanvilie, with Mn. and Mrs. Earl Dbonan. Mn. and Mn,. Harvey Strong, Salem; Mn. Ceci] Alidread, Bow- manville, with Mn. and Mns. George Alîtireati. bÀ & P Bowles 'Three Points A.head kAs Schedule Ends YDurham Bowling League final standing: d A &P -- 25 8 33986 58 MNulty'.. 23 10 33489 55 Fonr 22 il 34172 53 Tyrone 20 13 31998 46 "C. O. F.- 20 .13 33961 45 Blackstock 19 14 32223 43 Enniskillen 1- 17 16 320,55 43 d Enniskillen 11 17 16 32596 39 gPalmers' __ 16 17 32424 38 t- Maple Grave 9 24 29691 20 L. 0. b. 6 27 30487 12 SHampton . 4 29 28301 9 Average« ,J. Le v it U - ___---- __220 -H. Mca ghlin 220 ,B. Hearle _____219 K. Yeo - _____218 J. Coombes _______214 T. McLaughlin -____212 -N. Henning 209 K. MeGml ____. 208 B. Engley 207 J. Stacey --206 E. King ----205 J. Thompson 205 G. White -----203 G. Blyt __ 203 F. Smith 202 J. Siemon ------------- 200 Lemon League 1. Muniay--------------- 71 R. Bnock--------------------- 88 B. Staphes ---------- ------ 89 High Triple K. Yea -------- ------ ---- 822 High Single *H. Mcbaughlin ------ --318 Playoffs Start Frida>', Dec. Il 7 p.m .-Fimst six teams. 9p.m.-Lact six teams. Friday, Dec. 18 1 7 p.m.-Last six teams. 9 p.m.-First six tearns. Cllizenship Theme At Backstock W. I. December Meeting Mrs. Ivan Thompson was hast- ess for the December meeting of the Blackstock Women's Insti- tute which featuneti Citizenship as its main theme. Folhowing the Institute Ode anti the Col- hect, Mns. Leith Byens neati the Christmas stony from the second chapter of St. Luke's Gospel. An account of the Pont Pen- ny Auxiliar>' meeting was given by Mns. Roy Taylor, whose has- pital report showed a splendid amount of pmogness. Mmc. Leith Byers, Mmc. Norman Mountjoy anti Mmc. W. Hutton, weme givers a vote of thanks for thein wonk in diressing a doll for hospital funtis. Mis. J. Manlow nepanteti that two foodi parcels hati been forwantied ta the adopteti Insti- tute in Bnitain. The collection for the day w'as given to the- Penny Round-Up. Roll cal was answereti by a to>' or a dona- tion of money. both of which wene given to the Salvation An- My. Mmc. Roy Turner gave an ex- cellent talk on Citizenship in which che traceti the life of Hon. Lester B. Pearson anti umg- ed citizenchip training in the homes as an important contribu- tion to aur country. Mrs. G. Manlow neati "Christmas Shop- [ping, Saturday Style" anti "Gol- den Wontis". Mmc. borne Thomp- son gave a piano solo anti Christmas canols wene enjayeti b>' ail. Mn,. Menvin Graham anti ber group were in charge of the splendid pnogram anti the dehiciaus lunch that fahlowed. Singing of Goti Save The Queen closeti the pmognam. <',. SParj Uurriff's Fruit SPECIAL PUDDING fl-On 29c ^MN PAGE Swist Gruyere (12 portions) SPECIAL SPANISH CHEESE 8-onZ pkg 35Sc 8. AR lona SPECIAL CAK AI Popular Brands in ctn of 10pkgs REG. 33e SAVE 6c IARTE pkg 2.99 ANE PRKEfi A&P Fancy Red Sockeye J A I A * flS A L M O N /2,' li n3 1 C Rye Bread Sutam eau 13UTTER 16-or iar 29c 24-ozkl8af1 ( Ann Page REG. WC - SAVE ac KETCHUP fl-c>z bti 19C A&P Uvaporateti MILK A&P Choie Ce. CORN lana Wax Cleanse CIAAX Ove" MITTS Scouring Pads S.O.S. Nap Rite Plain SER VIETTIES A&P Speciai Biend TEA PEA LOUP Aylmer CLt Mixed MUL She lIed ALMONDS 2 taï tins 25c iamed i 20-oz tns5c 215-on tins 27c 2 tins 17c 2 pksof 427c pkg1 Sic 2.28-oz tins2.9c '/-fb 17c PRODUCE SPECIALS jane PaJ WHITE BREAD 24oz lafl13Sc IT'S DATED DAR.Y Vigorous & Wif.g Bokcar Coffee f98c 3-M* bac $2.88 CUSTOM GROUND Californie Fancy Navel, New Crop, Seediess ORANES No. 1 Christmas Stock, Buy T4ýom " Tod.y Golden Ripe, No. 1 D3ANANAVàS____ A41 Varieties, "963 Crop MÉAT SPECIALS A&P'S HIGH SUPER RIGHT STANDARDS OF OOALIYY' GUARANTEE VOU EXTRA GOOO EATING WHENEVER VOU SERVE ONE OF THESE DELICIOUS ROASTS, AND ALP's PO>LiCV 0F KEEPING PRICES AS LOW AS MARKET COSYS PERMIT GUARANTEES EXTRA BIG VALUE. BEEF ROAST SAL.E R£D or BLUE BRAND BEEF 5-* cek 6" 49 %>19Ç SHORT RIB ROAST Very Meaty BLADE ROAST Extra Short Cut-Red or Blue Brand Beef PRIM RIB ROAST So4id. Moat--PEAMEALED COMTAE]MOI" Saper'Right Rindiess SMOEDSIDE BACON Fres4 Caught Lake Erie PER ILT Pftoe. effective un«l set., 1 A Dec. 12,m '953.. TÉ7 ..r Cul Fia wers iL 37Ç1 P, 49e ib 79c I-fb 12-ai tin $3.19 p,,57e GREAT A'LANYKl & PAIKTE COMPUMY T LI. African Violets Potted PlantsI g il IL il v Funeral Designs Flo ïr Corsages Let us show you aur selection of Vases, Planter, Cups and Saucers - Without obligation. Choose from aur finest specirnens of CHRISTMAS PLANTS AND CUT FLOWERS for the p.rson on your li.qt "WHO HAS EVERYTHING" Open Friday and Saiurday Evenings uniil Christmas Bowmanville Flower Shop 35 KING ST. W. PHONE 474 Il, t .~'.--*-. - - , '. t a -. - - i--..1. -, - - -1 . - -~w w-WW--w - - Federation of Agriculture i A. Dobson; Flower Committee... Newcastle last Thursday at Mrs. Lorne Todd, Mrs. Perey which time the 4-H members Farrw r.GrdnTitPr were presented with silver trays. s ow; ComteMrs. odo rmar Miss Elien Wilkins, Port Hopesng omtteMs r~ was guest at Mr. Percy Farrow's F ails, Mrs. G. Etwell, Mrs. Joan on Sunday. Stark; Pianist-Mrs. Westheus. Service at Shiloh was well: er. Mrs. Pike told the Christ. attended on SundaY and Mrs.'mas Story, with the ladies sing. Morley Robinson assisted with ing Christmas hymns. Mms. a beautiful selection. Westheuser played a beautifui Shiloh W. A. met at the home selection after she read the of Mrs. A. Dobson last week Christmas words for it. Ex. with the President, Mrs. John change gifts were distributed Stark in charge. After the from Mrs. Dobson's well-lighted business. Rev. Pike took charge tree and lunch was served. Mrs. of the election of officers which Etwrell invited the ladies to meeï resulted as follows: President- atwher home next month. Mrs. Llew Hallowell: Vice-Pres. Mr. Jake Hailoweil visited Mr.,4 -Mrs. Carl Todd: See'y-Mrs. and Mrs. Sid Halowell lsiý Harold Souch: Corr. Sec'y- week and aiso Mr. WillHerv Miss A. Hallowell; Treas.-Mrs. Newcastle. THMqSDAY. DLFC. ie. ion LVU CHRISTMAS WILL COST LES IF YOU SHOP ait A&P 8-oz ceno37e 1 PHONE 474 35 KING ST. W. b-4 s - It 4 le, « .1 -- ' -* * * * . PAGE SIXTZM