TrnSDAT, »C. iM, 1958 LA PRAIRIE - CLARKE jRev. Wilfred Firth o!ficiaîed at the nuptial mass and united In1 the Holy Sacrament o! matri- v flony Calleen Cecelia, daughter o! Mr. and Mms. William Clarke Oshawa, formerly o! Bowman- ville, and Clifford Inwin, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Adolphe La Prai- rie, Toronto. in a double ring ceremony in St. Gregony's Rom- an Catholic Cburch, Oshawa. Rev. F. K. Malane o! Bowman- ville, assisted in the sanctuary. ed. John D. Driscoil presid- eai the organ and Mr. Patrick McAdam sang "On This Day Oh ]Beautiful Mother", «'Ave Maria:*' "Oh. What Couid My Jesus Do More" and "The Wedding Pray- er"l. Given in marriage by ber faih-î er, the bride wore a picture' gown a! crisp white dotted mus- lin aven net and taffeta. Forty yards o! material went into the five-skirted gown worn oven a -- - £-- A WJ.A w W UWlW"V' A , w A J crinoline. Individual lace daisies ed the deep portrait neckline the moulded bodice andp s leeves. A quaker bonnet o! ted white Swiss, edged withc sies beld ber over-the-facei o! French illusion. She w. matcbing elbow-lengib miii and carried a peani prayer b( crested with white cannati and jeweiled streamers. She was attended by hem ter, Miss Maria Clarke, m wore an original floor-lenj gown o! navy blue silk shj tung. A navy blue and wl dotted taffeta, ru!!ied inserto banced the !lared crinoline sk The bodice was styled wit1h mandarin collar and cap sleev She wore matcbing mittensa carried a navy blue and wh dotted pleated fan. Mr. George La Prairie,1 bridegroom's brother was1 best man. The ushers were J Reservations Now Being Accepted for S pe c 1a CHRISTMAS DINNER al the DBalmaral Hatel From 4:30 te 7:30 p.m. Phone 3 32 2 APPLIANCESPECIALS THOR WASHING MACHINE Se~I~145 With Pump, regular $198 Seil 145 ÙCOFF¶ELD WASHING MACHINE With Pump, regular $175 -- Special $ 139.50 ELECTRIC RANGE, 4-burner Ail porcelain, large oven, ~$4 slightly marked, regular $225 -- Snpecial 14 PHILIPS TELEVISION --- --- - --- from $299 $10 will hold any article until Christmas. Balance over 24 months. U S E DÀPP LIAÀN C ES GENERAL-ELECTRIC RADIO AND RECORD PLAYER, 4 month fr$5 Regular $269 - ---- ---------------- f r $ 5 2 only - CONSOLE RADIOS$3 Your choice----- for only$3 STROMBERG MANTEL RADIO One only ------------ Like new $22.50 USED WASHING MAHCINES - USED REFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC RANGETTES New bunners ------------------ $29.95 $75 $23.75 Farmi Equipmient and Automtoive Tomi Cowan, Prop. 134 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 689 MUSIC Of' IRVING BERLIN ---------- STRAUSS IVALTZES ----- MAN WITH THE HORN -------------- TRUMPET SOLOS -------- SENTIMENTAL SONGS ------------------ OLD REFRAINS (Organ) ------ ---- ---- MOONLIGHT PLAYING TIME (Piano) SNOW WHITE ------------ PIPE BAND (H. M. Scots Guards>----- GUY LOMBARDO ------- I THE ROBE - -- -------- MANHATTAN TOWER .---- - OKLAHOMA --- I Alse a Large Selection of CHILDREN' iThie RadioL 38 King St. E. --Y a. Vut P-ubuet, r..G.'Hap'GILL REAL ESTATE~ Peter Yorke G. F. Annis; 2nd vice pres., Mrs.85 nSt-Bo avil -HryHnikK. E. Courtice; recording and 8 econSt- omvil --e---sec.,--re- Glenn Pickell Propemiies Sold - Rented pres sec, Mr.MGen R. R. : Managed and Appraised ------Farnous Jazzmen cornespondence sec., Ms .R Memben o! the ---Rafel endz ~ Gay; irensurer, Mrs. Carl Down; Ontario Real Estate Boards - -------c-RHaymende assist. tress., Mrs. R. C. ns. are.ILG. GiIl, Realtor - Phone 3514 ----- --------- Dik Ha mesChristian stewardsbip, Mr.G - Z 6 Robinon Claver net Tubb; citizenship sec., Mn,. AR CH IT EC T RoisnCevrAlian Down; literature sec.,________________ Frank Froba -Mre. K. Hopkins; United Na- Before you build, Stions sec., Mre. L. M. Semner- cnuta rhtc Bagpine elcion ville; community friendship and HERBERT G. COLE, M.R.A.I.C. Bappes associate helpers sec., Mns. J. Bowmanvifle - Phone 3653 -Several Albums Cecil Found; assist heipers, Mrs. --Alfed NwmanA.. J. Gay; supply sec., Mns. Ed- A UD IT IN G - ----Afe emnwin Ormiston; Missionary_____________ ---Gordon Jenkins Montbly sec., Miss Louise Os MONTIETH & MONTIET13 --Oiia at borne; Mission Band leader, hree conat ---- -------OrgialCatMrs. Lloyd Down; assist. Band ChnedAc4662nt __________________ Ileaders, Miss Alice Arnold and 37 ing St. E. Oshawa RECRDSMrs. Carl Down; C.G.I.T. lead- Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., 3 EOD er, Miss Alice Arnold, assistant, resident partnem ------------ Is. Murray Osborne; pianist, Mrs(. Charles Found: finance QOP TOQME TR Y prsdn, treusurer, __________________ 5 h a p j Cortceand Mrs. Esli Otoers~ 4, Phone 573 b .lf a. z. - zfl manviue*VlA The Christmas meeting for No. Telephone 3252 4 Mission Band will be held at, Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m, 1ne school on Fridav Der. Il atl Monday to Saturday 91 , o*clock. Ail interested are' except Wednesday. 9 - 12 ý%invited.1 Evenings by Appointment L A Ian Desane and Mr. William A. MORTLOCK - MOORE DIt Clarke Jr. St. Matthias Anglican Church, _______OV Receiving the guests at her Ottawa, was the scene of the WMS etn e.2d e home, the bride's mother was marriage on Satunday, Decem- WMS etn e.2d e attired in a two-piece, floor- ber 5th, of Miss Margaret.Moone, in basement of church with the length amber taffeta dress, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Er- president Mns. S. Morton, ini matching wide-brimmed hat, a nest E. Moore of Norton, Su!- charge. Christmas worship and corsage of white carnations. Thefok ngadtoM.BHebr program. was in charge of Mns. brîegrom' moherwasin or-Mortlock, of Ottawa, formerly M. Burgess and Mns. Ross Stev- est green taffeta with winter o! Bowmanville. Thie ceremony ens. Christmas carols were white accessories and a corsage was performed by Hon. Big-sung. Mn. H. Brooks read a of bronze roses. dier th eerbeAchdeacon meiat W «Vhat Does Christ- The women of St. Joseph's C. G.tHebVen frerPrnci mas Mean To You?" thhe edibremakfalest. ve pal Protestant Chaplain of the Mrs. L. C. Snowdon recently the hoddngemonfas sen Canadian Forces. spent a weekend with her cou- in northern Ontario. For travel- The bride was attended by is r n n. .H ots ling the bride chose a black wool Mrs. J. P. Robertson as mna- Batod crepe dress. coat and hat ensem- tron of honoun, and Miàs Joan For your Adniinal Televîsion ble trimmed with "shocking" Mortlock, daughter of the groom, set for Christmas see "Hap" [ged ned, and a corsage of carnations as bridesmaîd. The best mani Philp. Phone 2620, Bowmanvilfe.s ! to match. was Flight Lieutenant W. J. P. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green- puff Guests attended from Mon- Robertson. Only members of the hami, Miss Carole Greenham, dot-I tana, Uranium, Saskatchewan; immediate family were in at- with her aunt, Mrs. H-. G.t dai- Montreal, Ottawa, Timmins tendance. Thompson, Weston. velPckrnLakeview, Buffalo: Following the ceremnony the Mr. and Mrs. Orland Hall andt ore N.Y.; Toronto, Bowmanville and wedding party attended a family, Weston, with Mn. andk ;ens Oshawa. luncheon at the Green Valley Mrs. H. R. Foley.c Sok The bride is attending St. Restaurant on the Prescott High- Mr. and Mrs. Les. Collacutt t ons Michael's College, University o! way, the bride and groom leav- were Sunday evening visitors Toronto, in second year general ing immediately aftem for a mo- with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. John- sis- course. ton trip through Ontario. Mr. ston, Courtice, when their ho Mr. and Mrs. Clîfford La Prai- and Mrs. Mortlock visited gPnsn ai Rbrsno Igrie will reside at 56 Manor Ha- fiends in Bowmanville and Ty- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johniston, (nee c ,an- yen Road, Toronto. rone oven the weekend. Pearl Collacutt) was christened. hite They will be at home to frientis Mn. and Mrs. Jim Ewing, Sev- j en- HAYES - HAMILTON at 91 Clarendon Avenue, Otta- en Islands, Que., weme SundayC cirt. waon December 29th and 30th. Visitons at hem sistem's, Mr. andC Il A quiet wedding took place at Ms m eias e ah es. St. John's Anglican Church, er's, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Snow- and Blackstock, on Nov. 2lst, when HINDMAN - DEDRICK don. Ruth Emily, younger daughter. Brotherhood meeting on Thurs- àite o r n r.Fe aitn On Saturday, Dec. 5, Orville day evening at 8 p.m. in Cour- o! .and ok bcmr.tFeHaideton, Wood Hindman, son o! Mr. 8anid tice Church, with Mn. GlennP th lcsok eaethe bieo r Douglas James Hayes, son of r. C. L. Hindman, R. R. 1, Prout. Newcastle, guest SolIl th. Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Hayes, Pont Haraptoan, okas h ridefBar- Institute meeting MondayE VI.Penny. araJed n,'auhtro! Mt. evenîng, Dec. 14, at 8 p.m. in Rev. George Nicholson per-ad Mrs. F. V. Dedrick !St basement with Christmas pro- formed the ceremony. Williams, Ont. The ceremony gram and exchange o! gifts. S The bride was lovely in a ben- wa1efrmdi t.Wlas Mm. and Mrs. Ray Snowden galine coat-dress o! wînter United Church by Rev. S. Jones visited their parents, Mr. and white, a pink feathen hat, blacko!PrRwa.Sndds f MrsR. R. Stevens and Mrs. W. r accessories and a corsage of pink white 'munis decorated the J. Snowden. roses. Miss Doris Hamilton was church and Mrs. H. Lipsitt play- MnCn r.H.G rea her sister's only attendantý ed the wedding music. Mr5. A. have*returned fnomn a pleasant wearing a dress similar to the Spera was soloist.. trip and visit with relatives and bride's in turquoise. She wore a The bride. given in marriage fniends at Brantford, Embro, black bat and accessonies with by hiem father, chose a floor Grand Bend, Godenich and Au- to a corsage o! pink roses. Mr. Pat- length gown o! white net and burn. b rick Hayes was for his lace fashioned with long sleeves Don't forget the White Gî!t- brother. and Peter Pan collar. Lace service on Sunday. Following the ceremony, the points extended into the full Evening Auxiliary met at Mrs. e happy couple left for a trip to skirt. Hem fingertip veil was Howard Bradley's. The cburch Kingston and points east. Mn. caught to a matching cap o! lace was the theme o! the meeting. and Mrs. Hayes will reside in and she carried a bouquet of Scripture was read by Mrs. Hoar Whitby. white roses and carnations. and prayen by Mrs. W. Mun- Miss Lois Dednick, Toronto, day. Chapter in the Study Book MARTYN - McFARLANE was her sister's maid-of-honon, on India was taken by Mms. W. In aquit cremny n Tin-wearing a waltz length gown o! Munday descnibing the way in In quetcermon i Trn-nylon net in shrimp pink with which they were overcoming il- ity United Parsonage on Satur- matching stole. Miss Dorothy literacy there. day aftennoon, Nov. 14, Helen Sutor and Miss Louise Meyer, Mrs. W. H. Brown gave a e- Lorraine McFanlane. eldest dau- both o! Hamilton, were brides-, port from the preshytenial at gbten o! the laie Mns. Mary maids in midnight blue gowns I Enniskillen where Mrs. W. Ma- McFarlane, was uniied in mar-1 fashioned similanly to the maid- .ijoribanks asked for members for ~ nae wth oben Glnn ar-of-honor's. All wore bandeaux~ the United Nations. It wa.s de- tyn, youngem son o! Mn. and o! thn lwr in their: eîded Io have Mns. W. H. Brownî, Mrs Gln Mrtn, il ! Bw-hair and carried nosegay bou- Mrs. Howard Bradlev and Mrs. manville. The ceremnony was quets. C. Mill s as miembers. Mrs. Brad- per!ormed by Rev. T. A. Mon-~ lev thnked ail members for gan. Mr. Fred Thomas. London , a The bride wore a cocktail acted as besi man, and ushers their help at the bazaar. Group length gown o! tissue faille in, were Mr. Keith Peters, Toronto, in charge served lunch. jewel tone aquamanine, fashioni j and Mn. Ralph Simpson, Bow- B sns ed with one wide strap over the manville. 1 Buines D recory shoulder. The low-cut neckline Receiving in the Sunday was accenied by a matching vel- School auditorium o! the church, L E G A L vet band, and a brie! bolero o! the bride's moihen wore a dres _______________ matching velvet was worn over o! bnown and blue shot taffeta W. R. STRIKE, Q. the bodice. With it she wone a with wbhiebat and accessorîi Barister, Solicitor, Notary matcbing velvet Juet cap and and pink carnation corsage. The Solicitor for Bank o! MontreaI mittens, and the groom's gifi o! groom's mother assisted, wear- Money te Loan Phone 791 a rhinestone bracelet. Hem cor- îng autumn lilac beaded crepe Bowmanville, Ontario sage was o! wbite carnations with black velvet hat and ac- and red roses. cessonies. Hen corsage was o! LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. The bride and groom were ai- pink carnations.- Barnister, Solicitor, tended by Mr. and Mrs. James . For travelling by motor te Notary Public Martyn, Bowmanville, brother the United States, the bride KJig St. W. - Bowmanville and sister-in-law of the groom, chose a gold dress with grey Phones: Office 688 - Res. 553 Mrs. Mantyn chose a gown o! topcoat, black accessonies and MS PALHDI shot cinnamon taffeta wiib corsage o! white roses. On their MSSAH LHO IN matching bolero, black velvet return, the young couple wull Bamisten, Solicitor,' bat and accessories. She wore reside at R. R. 1, Hamptoni Notany Public a corsage o! yellow roses. where the groom will pursue bis Temperance St. - Bowmanville A recepiion followed at the occupation o! !anming. The bride W. F. WARD, B.A. home of the groom's parents, is a graduate o! St. Joseph's Banister, Solicitor, Nota1ry 85 High Street, the groom's Scbool o! Nursing, Hamiilton. Money te Loan moiben wearing a navy crepe 9% King Street E. dress with ned bat and ac- Bowmanville - Ontario cessonies and corsage of. creamEb eer A1irI Phones. Office 825 - House 409 roses. Assisting her in ne- E eee uiir ceiving the guests was Mrs. Les- lei lie Latimer wbo wore navy blue lc u filcers DENTAL crepe witb maiching bat and a c- cessories, and cosage of cream Lor oming er DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D-.S. rose tavlin.teso.~Y a Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Frtaelntebride don 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville ned a beige gabardine suit with Ebenezer-Christmas wiih the Office Hours: boxstye podi cith acktempbasis on Christ, was the 9 a.m. to 6 V.m. daily babaxtyl anodlaccesonies. Mm. dominating theme at the Decem- 9 a.m. te 12 noon Saiurday and Mrs, Martyn wilneside in brmeigo h bnzrA Closed Sunday Boxvmanville. tennoon Auxiliary o! the W. M. Office Phone 790 Thebrdeba ben enalS. Mrs. J. C. Found gave some House Phone - Newcastle 3551 asiTanthe officasben e nofDr.E.Cbristmas tboughis and told a assistan in ChrisfimesostoryE."Lt's rakeDR. . W. SISoN li.DnSQYD.D.SQ W. isson Bow-vile,1or his theaBesi Cris ta t.q AOfie n hm ad yu'vegot o adentie. Bh Wanan-Assitan-Mis - Tyrone Woman's Missionary Group Elecis New Officers Tyrone Women's Missionary Society held their December meeting ai the homne o! Mrs. Ralph Glaepell with an attend- ance of twenty ladies and two children, with president Mre. A. Hills presiding. Treasunen s re- port, C.G.I.T. and Mission Band reports up te date were given, a letter reçeived !mom Miss Mary Haig, Japan. Mrs. D. Lute pre- sided for pmogram and a poem. Mn.. A. Hilîs gave the devotion- ai. Mns. Rab Roy piayed twc piano solos. This was a spécial treat. Thanks te Mrs. Roy. Mrs. J. C. Cook presented a very in- teresting chapter o! the study bock. Meeting closed wiih a carol and benediction. A dain- ty lunch was served. Slate o! o! ficers for coming year 1954. are as follows: Past president, Mme. A. Hilîs; presi- dent, Mme. J. C. Cook; vice-pnesi- dent, Mme. R. Giaspeli; treasur- er, Mrs. Percy Werry; secretary, Mns. R.. Glaspeli; pianisi, Mrs. C. W. Woodley and Mns. R. Clapp; temperance secnetary, Mrs. A. Hilîs; cerr. sec., Mrs. R. Wright; Christian stewardehi;p, Mre. F. Werry; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. W. Rahm; sup- ply sec., Miss Jean Phiip; travel- ling basket, Mrs. J. Huis; Baby Band. Mrs. H. Skinner; Mission Band, Mrs. W. Rahm and Mrs. W. Murphy:; grouip leaders, Mrs. S. Hoan, Mrs. E. Doonan, Mme. K. Colbarv: auditors, Miss Jean Philp and Mrs. E. White. Mon- day afiernoon the executive met at the home of Mme. J. C. C~ook ta plan meetings for the coming year. When business is good it pays to advertise; when business is sMvqe KIRBY W. M. S. and W. A. j*ined ini a Christmas meeting Dec. 2nd. An organ prelude by Mns. H. Lowery and a cal b worshîp by Mrs. Bryson opened the meet- ing. Many carols were enjoyed and Christmas prayers were off- ered by Mns. Bryson, Mme. Lowery and Mrs. W. Allun. Scripture readings of the Christ- mnas story were taken by Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, Mns. W. Allin, Mrs. S. Chapman and Mrs. H. Lowery. Mre. Bill Wannan gave a message from Bethlehem -a Christmas message for us ail. Mrs. H. Lowery and Mrs. R. Chapman rendered a lovely Christmas duet. Mrs. R. Cbap- man gave a papen on Christian Stewardship, reminding us that we muet offer as our gifis cun very besi. not jusi our residue. Mrs. Bryson and Mrs. Bill Wann- an led in a Christmas program. W. M. S. Officers Mrs. H. Lowery acted as chairman for election o! the officers of W.M.S.: President- Mns. Wm. Allin, Vice-President -Mme. Wm. Rutherford; Record- ing and Press Sec'y-Mrs. Wm. Wannan; Christian Siewandship Sec'y-Mrs. S. Chapman; Temp- erance Sec'y-Mrs. Bryson; Sup- ply Sec'y-Mne. W. Reid; Treas. -Mrs. Wm. Rut herford; Org- anist-Mrs. H. Lowemy; Assisi- ant-Mrs. R. Chapman: Auditor -Mns. Quantrill: Representative on Visiting Com.-Mrs. Wm. Cochrane. S. S. Elects Officers On Tuesday nigbt Dec. isi the Sunday Scbool had uts annual m.eeting. Reports showed a suc- cess!ul year. Officers elected for 1954 are., Superintendent- Mre. H. Lowery, Assistant- Mr. Clarence Allun: Sec'y-Miss Valena Copping; Assistant-Miss Enla Chapman; Trea-Ms Jean Wannan; Organist Mrs.1 Lenhaven Lodge No. P. Righway Newcastle We Speclalize in STEAKS - CHOPS FRIED CHICKEN For lenervatiou. Dial Newcastle 2701 c No' hl IlFive..J DREATHTAKING NEW COLOURS!I Now you can choose one of ihese colourful ELECTROHOME Plastics ta harmonîize wiih any colour seheme . .- . a personal radio that will fit int kitchen, bedroom. den or recreation room. And ai a price within the reach of any budget! PIRATE-A 5-tube sensitive circuit OiSKYLARK-Ciever litile plastic in trasue hes ofplasat lsin- %#combination . .. tough enough for the in trasue cestof leaantlise 6younger set", but ideal too for the ing. Five gay colouns: Bright Red, summer cottage or basement recrea- Blue, Green, Walnut lion room. Plays records of any size, tye or speed . . . «5-tube radio. Five and onlv $29.95 exciting colors: Coral, Canary Yeliow, WhiteSurf Grey, Saddle Whie--------Browvn - - only $69.95 DREVEILLF-Throw away that alarm Vclocké and wake up te music! FIESTA-Smooth, clearn modern de- clock and wake up to music! Choose sign in five decomator colours: Blue, an ELECTROHOME clock radio that turns on youi- radio in the momning Green, Grey, Manoon and Walnui. A . . . turneiseif off at night afier 5-tube model with fui] rich tone. you've gone to sleep! Efficient 5-tube circuit . .. five luxurieus colours.. Phono socket for lîstenîng to Maroon, Green, your favourite ony lue, Gney and ony$4 5 THE 38King Si. E. RADIO Dowmaau1i1. SHOP Phone 573 I l es Shirley and Marilyn Quazi. triil. Teachers: Nursery-MisaJoait Waxxnan; Assistant-Miss Barb- ara Reid; Primary-Mrs Gus Wilson; Assistant-Mrs. Ken Henderson; Junior - Mra. R. Chapman: Assistant-Mr. Clar- ence Allun; Intermediate.-Mrs. Wm. Allin: Assistant-Mr,. James Lowery; Junior Bible Class- Mr. Hartwell Lowery; Assistant -Mr. Raymond Chapman, Sr. Bible Class-Mrs. Wm. Ruther- ford, Mrs. Wm. Reid, Mns. Wm. Wannan, Mrs. H. Lowery; Aud- itor-Mr. S. Chapman; Supt. of Cradie Roll-Mrs. Wm. Wannan; Pnize Com.-Mrs. Reid, Mri. W. Wannan, Miss Erla Chapman. Mr. P. J. Bigelow and chidren visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bigelow. For your Admirai Television Set for Christmas see "HapO Philp. Phone 2620, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cochrane and Reid, Mr. and Mns. Een Henderson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Patterson and Gary were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan. I YounI Enleoy EatingI - --------------------------- q MAKE IT A MERRY CHF THE CANAnTAN wr.&TMMAW lteyw"AvvwTv mumaum - .1 elow.