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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1953, p. 3

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¶'!IUR DAY, EC. 10 1953TffE CA KADIAN STATESM AN, EOW M ANV HJZ. ONTA RO A ! NESTLETON Successful Bazaar Readkg ith uthThe Nestieton W. 1. met at Held ai Si. Paul's Take Tinie to Read - It is the Foundation of Wisdom the home of Mrs. H. McComb, 4 -An Old Irish Prayer meeting with 20 ladies, Mr. Mc-___ ent Te mtt wa ch i n pet A very successtul tea and ba- NOWadays when a boy carrnes ronte the other night and see c. Temtaws"a fo zaar was held on Saturday af- & giel'8 books homne from sehool, "The Robe". Sa many people in thinigs but in us" was taken ternoon, Dec. 5, ti St. Paul's he'm Probably Iookîng for the have asked how much the show care of by Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Sunday School auditorium by 8flawers te his arithnietlc prob- diverges fromn the book, that Mrs. M. Emerson and Mrs. H. the Evening W.A. A large crowd lImS.-Homer Phillipi. I dug the baok aut and read it Vine gave good reports on the a prsn fo th oeig again. Thought I couid just skip .raCnetin eea ceremony performed by Rey. Thi fist ararap i stict ovr te sor bu its to godChristmas carals were sung; Mr,. Harald Turner at 3 p.m. and I frst paragr andh s trit-averothk fory t s t oo OOd e H. McCamb gave us a fine ad- continucd ta came thraughaut 13' fSor yor guysan isatHw a a o t;ra d eerydress. 'Keep Christ in Christ- the afternoan. Patrons were Righ ch real o re y ole iHw odagimas". Ral cali was exchange weicomed by Mrs. Victor Jef- the a)Don you o ingh In the book there are thee of Christmas gifts. AU rceived fery, president. ~1 ~th orareyoulik th f veThis is much toa complex a put on a sang contest which Th botsrenedae- aid hor th ought a phesaninsituation far a movie, of course; was won by Mrs. George Johns. tive appearance, decorated with 1p wal h togt ero s i calland greenuettey.ersG ift S lip siz a iibraryseuenly they settie for the Ladies have twa qulits ta quittre and gensraes n sare ofays? Do y as nal RmaeEpeorbt daiwih.sae seulgit.Mr. as Hdg Equsîel fshond thme29 le" bookie? last ane, Caligula and Marcellus, but decided te wait until after hbi trae , as ocat h Sizs 2 the Roman Tribune, is orderad the new yaar ta finish tnem. A toeradntabeerppla, a ar cun-usteyfshoedgf Slips i 0f course it's nice ta be Pret- ta Palestine, nat because ha out- dainty lunch was served by Mrs. ptr an th oe er-ppua are- tY Patsy the Pet-of -theParty, bid Caligula on the Greek slave McCamb and helpers. Ail were pot.Mnyaloe9ayda1e or Bab-theBasketball Boy, and Demetrîus, but because ha had given a vote of thanks and clap liciaus tea. Miss M. Hutchinson zc ev rp aihdwt yo no one wants ta ho a Book- laughed upraariously at a ban- for anather splendid meeting presided at the tea table which wormBetsy, but there is a hap- quet when an endless speech and well spent few hours in Mr. was centred with a basket of lace.Lae'nyo ep blusata el PY medium. Besides yau'il neyer was being made in praise of and Mrs. McCamb's home. The vari-calored 'mums. Lde yo f beatyif ave reoad a go at that Caligula, and he saw that Cali- next meeting Jan. 6th at the Members of the C.G.I.T., ai Pandy we' wae r e aguood book gula and nearly every ne csc home of Mrs. Marvin N sbitt in h aded by Mrs. Turner. ne of s v g. She'l lov e y u f ro e ft es adw'lwgrtegyor doli were sleeping. Demctrius had charge of Mrs. John Haayer's the leaders, kept littie tats busy Each $.98 batflboss who does a little reading on been prcsented ta Marcellus on graup. and happy whiie their mothers the side neyer has to warry the occasion of his l7th birth- RxHarAkisnMs t-patronized the bazaar. '1batulloes Re $36t.$98 about his grades: buiids up a, day. Re.ryAkinsonan ai , shawaAtMr. v'acabulary, yau know, and'nd agivOhaw; M.qA l'u hegeerl nfrmtin e- In bath Marcellus crucifies and Mrs. George Johns, spent ~ui Cessar ta develop a theme in hrist, wins his robe casting Manday evening with Mr. and IALJeLeI eU VUUUali)Lâ 11nglish History. Bet yau '11 ac- dice and touching it, temparar- Mrs. L. Joblin. TL.UG cluire a better undcrstandîng af y loses his sanity. In the* mavie Mr and Mrs. Victar Malcolm okn for Leader Adlgtul eiiegf hc Pepe hi rbesadm-t h pn*a few days wîth f For Choîr . wGOWlove tPYJAM ASe Ilves, too, robe and while Marcellus ispnetBrantford. * FrenrsMunicipal Chheoirllov torecive What t beginwithlaaking for him he becames a ____ Whatto bgin ithcanvert ta Christianity. Mrs. L. Joblin spent Tuesday' Begin with anything, just IAtal uh 5fo h aeevening with Mrs. W. Vancamp, A graup of people afixiaus ta read. You'll get tired of Maysic Marcellus and Demetrius are Blackstock. raise their vaîces in sang met at Strai lit eut style with double seanis Greig and the eternal triangle tagether and have the robe in Mr. and Mrs. Elma Archer the Lions Cammunity Centre for long wear. Fashioned with fitted$39 and pass on ta the next stage. their possession until the end called on Mr. and Mrs. George an Nov. 30 ta discuss ways, Assuming you've read L, M. of the book. Marcellus is cam- Johns. means and possibiities. The idea batp yo emnn lae Montgomery, ("'Rilla af Inge- missiancd bv the Emperor ta Miss Cara Crazier and Mrs. of a Municipal Choir for Bow- lined cup with contoured enibroid- A ~-~f hsf sida" was always my favaurite); return ta Palestine and find out Walter Lawrence visited Mrs. manvîlle has been in the back eAnyonti.Ajutbeshudr exciting r e niwar Grace Livingstone Hill's not ail he can about this new sect. H. Vine. of Recreation Director Donadnln ti.A sa l t hud buhdrynpl n ioe tl bad, and by then yau'Il be The dramatic sword fight in the Mr. and Mrs, VictoMaci Shay's mind for some time, but stras ad nyonaermaentpea ready for Philip Gibbs and mavie where Marcellus defends and three children spent Satur- onceied itsofithedbiateprk r hem. White. Sizes 32 to 40. pyaa. Mockedan pligon n Lloyd C. Douglas with bis the Christians against the day cvening with Mr. and Mrs. oB uehafy h. ulc rmM yaa "Green lîghts", "White Ban- Roman saîdiers ismisingin heGeorge Black, Cadmus. Bale Bucklrose flers", FriéU Ou rsbokHede ih ntr The ten people present at thîs pl le oe av n ik Pse"Fargl ie s ur Tres- Roak. I he o itan othe Mrs. H. Vine spent Thursday initial meeting were very en- pas es . Y u'l w n u pea i g R m n."t e b o , i n , t evening w ith M r. and M rs. L. thusiastic, and it is exp cted a---- - - -- John Gunther's "Inside uoe becames a fugitive from Cali- Joblin. and "Inside Asia" by the tirme gula. Marcellus and Diane do good-sized group wiil form as you're ti fourth forai. And yau'll manage ta get marrîed in the Mrs. L. Malcolm and Mrs. M. organization proceeds. Types of kkll find time for dancing and novai (for which inm thankful!) Emerson are busy practising the music which might be sung and IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS bowling. I know I did. and Marcellus is arrested as he children for the Sunday School passible rehearsal nights wera 'Y How about it? Gbt a iibrary returns to Rame witbhar. Christmas trac concert. discussed,. but main item on the NEWER, SMARTER tard? Vacation's caming up and IT h ai aciuta Mrs M. Emerson cailed on agenda at present in securmng I moaedtasldeuptaTo I ais ehriItnfghthie M. ilre WllamMarrancellusgesdan aatheha you can't skate ahl the tima! Imaster, is captured as ha re- Mrs. Herman Sameils. a leader. A number of persans rp cn ______________________________________________ f5.Ralph Sadier, Gloria and îng contactad by Bill Buckiey.A anice, visited Mr. and Mrs. Eai-l Another meeting of those ti- r p cn Trawin, Enniskillen. terestad is beîng held this Sun- Mr. nd rs. arvn Mont-day aftcrooon, Dec. 13, at 3 p.m DECO ÀTýE NOWMr. nd rs. ervn Mont-in the Counicil Chambers when DE O A E N W OoH y, Hampton, and Mr. and Mrs. oecnrt ln r xe F RFed Toms, Enniskillen, wcre mecnrtplsaeapc- THE ~~supper guasts with Mr. Wilfred cd ta be mrade.Dre ss FESTIVE SEASON ~~~~Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Raph Szs1 o2 6 o2' FETVE SÀSNMr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm ZION and Mitzi, Yeivcrton, were sup- par gucsts on Sunday with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William Dart$4 8 and Mrs. Victor Malcolm. Sr., Mr. and Mrs. R. Dart and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Vine Judy, Scarboro Jct., visîted at$4 9 We eu do your work on short notice. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart's. iH. Vine. Mr. and Mrs. Jimn Stainton ful lie o WALPAERSte hooe fomMr.ouga kn r 's Rs aweat Walker Stores are again featuring handsome, wash- fuillim of ALLAPER tochooe fomDemetrius, the slave, escapes. Hans Geissberger's and will stay able (unconditionally guaranteed washable) dresses. .t including hnported papers. Dametrius escapes ta carry the1 while Mr. and Mrs. Geissberger Th paersadtysaeaine.Coefon Gospel ta Greece. The trial of - go one aatetspanhomeestar Swl tzer- .i4.rom 1,Also the Choicest PAINTING MATERIALS. Maclu samatvrai and latr r the mnth. ïV ~nîne patterns in shades of navy, green, blue, tan, "4 I tram ointhe book, cxcept that Sa- M. n rs FedWad n I~ ~ ~ ~ ieu cal have been on the left of Cali - 1 Ross, Mr. Charles Taylor, Port au rllc h illv h tln n o ~ie s CAI glaan hbb darsas he*Hope, at Wes Cameron's. wl love the s te prîce". gul didn' hwhb ear y te Mr. and Mrs. Russel Stamnton didn't sow lier!attendad the funenal of Mr.------ Y y~m u But thesa are, af ter ail, only George Harding, Oshawa, on ~ t i.. nu mruaIrwNn u~, dtais. The essential thema; Friday. J DKA Ka fI the conversian of Marcellus ta M an d~~; Mrs. R. C. Stainton.0 L- Chritianty a d hi reaines and Laurl we e ALLerW OOst It ta ive and dia for it is there. at H.F. Stcphen's, Oshawa on 85 Kig St. W. Phone 431 A gripping mavie basad on on: Sunday. suppar gue t of the most powerful books of Mr. and Mrs. Christian StarC E I L our ime.Bruc andJacqueline, Islington, If you haven't read "The ware Sunday visitons at Hans Robe" there is likely a capy in Geissbarger's. gîu e3w' ufr 10- your public library or I'il lend Mrs. Chare Allen and Wayne, *. ~ lyou min! Bowmanville, visitd at Frank N O U E C OT S 1.5 y0o IJR W t.is L an cnmascroi cenel~so irs. Grant Jack, St. John's, tjnmatched for beauty o oot o inhreath-taking beauty. But I Newfoundhand, caled home by cntsay that I cared for close- the dcath of ber mother, Mrs. J.er long lasting value.Inaleyrag ups filmed in it. The faces tend W. McMaster, bas returned ta o~9 fhm eoaigsae itt 1 ta become monstrous! bm St. John's. *' last th e year thankful Jean Simmons (Diane) Mr. Jack Monaghan had theOtro h didn't have a wart on the end misfortuna ta get two f ingers i Iof her iio>e& crushad in a cement mixed while $5- 398- $6 398 * . *working onhis newbouse.an to st ck u pI stil.l have ta' chucklc ta my- Stanley, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs.1 crs desé-;criptin oýf 1be firs--par- cy Down, Ehenezar. at Par- ÉÏ ~ ~ . MVr- and Mrs. Earl Walkev ta s uet pes- - pesr ow with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pal- Other Chenille Spreads in solid ny$.8OhrBbD hdrd, Courtice. colours and whites $8.99 ta $16.95 iI '.erBb i'ess - Mr. and Mrs. RoN Hall. Whît- v I hv, and Mns. William Milligan,- iand Bernice. mnotorad ta Min- den on Sunday ta visît the lat- CH IS M S TO E HO We are plcased ta have Mrs. George Stapleton take the Bible Cls tSunday School durngOpnAlWde ay Mrs. Cecil Bunley's illness.OenAlW d sd s Ms. Fred Smith and son Sam, Bawmanville, visited Mrs. Wiî- Open Eveningi mntl 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday Dec. Il and 12 adfo liam Lana. Sunday. M.and Mrs. Jim Gardo XIIAS TR ES l.?L GS Oshawa spn Snday with ir Friday, December 181h Io Thursday, December 241h inclusie ana, with ber parents, Mn. and ADD-ON CONNECTOR$15 .4 Mrs. Dave Denault. Mr. John Gardon, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. William Sta-fl instalad. wâ L ander H3ardw anre Leona Souch of Teronto, wllbe "Truly a Pleasant Place to Shop" r *KN T fag SI. E BwLai.Phonle 774 ticaîondita itereet HONE451BOWMANVILLEE &truckdown ya pstreet car.~r..

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