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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1953, p. 5

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TRUBSDAY DEC. Io, 1953 PI B~arbara Flintoff, Olivia Bel le- D L 1 .1 Large Audience Marvel ai Clever B ~~e~Dna.elayv.A Ou GoudJoye eLenCarol Ab-_ Electiof of Oficers bott, Judy Jeffery, Marilyn Wil- Skating of YouîhfperPermarmersMrs. FinneyPresideni Atth " op " o cet i re awere given in solo _______. b AI he #Po s##Con ertai ren Caoly Joesof Orono and Bethany: December meeting _________Ealmne Richards of Oshawa. The of the United Church Women' theindvidal x- ion, ntrnce th auienelatter was also scheduled t0 Association was held at the home Featuringth niiule-pos nrne th adec, skate lier comedy "Grandmav" of Mrs. Milton Wright with 24 eellence of solo skaters, the as did the polished perfection Ofi number, but was unable to do members present. Mrs. Manseli Polished precision of the Cana-jthrsoon besTh ad-socueofapnulnke1l Finney presided for the devo- dia JuiorPai Chmpinsandence awarded just as much ap-juy inladbsespro. dinJuir ar hmposadplause, however, to the scintl- Cjury.Baleional and bipusinlessonwp erid With group and comedy nuin- Iating performance of young Cmd altPlae citr lso a edt bers included for good measure, Don Jackson of Oshawa. This The amnusing "ballet' num- by Mrs. Lloyd Kennedy. Lesson the' first Pops Concert of the young boy of only 14 performs ber, "The Red Shoes", brought thought given by Mrs. Isabel Eeason staged by the Bowman- with the aplomb of a veteran clown the house as a group of Fallis was: -God's Gift ta the 'Ville and Oshawa Skating Clubs many years older, and his whirls, Oshawa senior men skaters World Was His Son. In His O at the Memorial Arena Friday twists and jumps are executed complete with red, blonde and mnemorv love ye one another. 0 light Was an outstanding suc- with a nimbleness and agility black wigs and ballerina cos- Mrs. Milton Wright toldth cess. that must be seen to be appre- tumes cavorted through a satire Christmas story. A crowd of slightly over 1,000 ciated. of a classical ballet numbers. Mrs. Wellington Fallis report- Whih amos file th setin 1Base Fgurs erronsratil James -Jane" Reid, the "prima ed a profit frorn the recent "c a l o tf e the e a ti g asc F g re e ontae ballerina" indulged in such ex- fowl supper of $179.52 and a capaîtyof he ren gae the The programi began with sen- tra-curricular activities as smok- bank balance of $388.9.Smo The rogrni nclued ý. 1ing a cigar, adjusting lier stock- $40 was donated ta the Mission- Th pogaminluedpolished ing club demonstrating the ba- ings and flirting with male spec- ary and Maintenance Fund, and performers from Orono and1 sic figures and jumps of figure tators, and the act provided a mernbers decided to purchase Maple Grove as well as Bow-! skating. This fine demonstra- great deal of mirth. a stove for the church kitchen mTail and Oshawa, and ijion wvas staged by Dawn Steck- Gold Medallist skate Len The olwn were elected to Ebowed the great headwav ley, David Lowery, Toby - er - office for 1954: President, Mis . miade in figure skating in this er, Elaine Richards, Don Jack- Club gavemary ofinhe dOn-ansl iny is ie ditie. hefwyer ha soloand ugerSmiKee l- bgv afo in eon a lloîng PRIstvie Ms disric i th fw yarstht i sn ad HghSmih.stration of solo skating and a Herb Coppins; second vice, Mrs. has become an important pas- It was followed by several competent solo performance by Frank Bigelow, secretary, Mrs. time. 1 soo numbersby very younig skia- Car'ol Klapow of Oshawa Walter Rowland; treasurer, Mrs. The brilliant precision skat- ters of the Oshawa and Bow- brougbt the first portion of eh Wellington Fallis; pianist, Mrs.* ing of Dawn Stecklev land De- 1'manville Clubs who have been cnertoh loe Ross Carr, auditors, Mrs. L.* *~ A vi oeyo s w.15!figure sktn o nytoorcoer als. Norman and Mrs. W. L. Rovwen I N* C i n L unieryPo irOs ha m- 1953 sk Th caatig fr o le mtwo - Following the intermnission sick and visiting om., M s. Er- IM u u Ca a i n Ju i r P ir C a tr ein'vears. Thes c be an j ive pairs of senior skate s nest St cey and M rs, W . L. U- .I TEF erfoin nwich theesyoungther fromn the Oshawa club gave an Rowan, flower coin., Miss L. *~~~~ s efrmte will be fnwesutres infture excellent demonstretion of pre- Thompson and Mrs. G. N. Long- years. These young skaters who csion skating in a formation ten field. Rev. Lawrence Norman pleased the audience lihteijtp. .R . "Dick" McLaugh- presiedfo the election and ~ MI1 i E fhf fI V graceful performances were iprsdnt of the Osbawa held a brief installation service. El Donna Herne, Maple Grove; Ma- Skating Club, called on AIder- Lunch was served by the host- ry Jane Found, Orono, and Ka- mai Gordon Attersley of Osb- ess assisted by Mrs. James Mc- 40' thyLearmen and Sadra Marawa to present the City Council Kinnon adMs sblFli. Hn-rnesrn eitn tin yo Oe a w na . d Sa d e a - A w ards to C an adian Ju n ior P air a d M s s b l F l î a u f a e , s m n e î t n ti f saw.evnsChampions Dawn Stecklev and 5 9I-oîdinod~ck ~ o 0 Oneof te mos poplar eentSDavid Lowery. and Canadien l-oldanodscs yo of the evening wa.s the "Snow Junior Dance Champions Glen Ne sieton Station M White and the Seven Dwarfs"SueadGeaieFno.____ reinforcied. Sizes 101"2-Il -I1'20 number feeturing Bowmanville Dawn Steckley in a solo num- Mî's. Jos. Forder visited Sun- skaters. Lynne Bagnell as the ber demonstrated the sintillat - day at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc-_ Queen. Darla-Marie Palmer as ing skating formn whichbhas won' Laugblin's. Snow White, Gail Bagneli as the lier ntoa oos n uh MsGog ebtOila Queen-Witch and Faye Piper as Smitha of tlheOnswandCugh Ms.GoreNsbt, rlla the shaa Cub lsovisited Mrs. John Proutt and * Prince Charming all skated in gave a brîlliant performance in Miss Ruth Proutt. brilliant fashion in solo parts. a solo number. Two Orono ska- MrDoadPutwh went NEN S LEIED GLOVES! Paler nd er, Adele Cooper and Douglas by Harvester's Excursion ta A- Miss Piper gave a very polished Lycette showed nimble-footed berta for the summer returnecd Men's Fleece Iined leather-faced perorane n satngdut.grace and great promise in a home Tbursday. Mms. . Brownî, black or grev. The seven dwarfs, who wcrre pair skating exhibition. Mr. Clifford Hyland, Toronto, ~goe deslgte heow d wvith ter Dvd oer he$oo1heF8H8nd mosigtv Be ownvi tdder Canadian Champion Perform visited bis parents, Mr. and Ms Sizes 8 to 11. Reguler $2.29. attractive costumes and cute an- ice in a solo number, skating Mr. and Mrs. Russel Sonle 0 sYORM NY tics. Thev weme Donna Wilcox, to a medley încluding "Falling Port Perry, spent Sunday with REDUCED TO __-------- IS OU MO EY 1 Petyer Karen Mulholland, in love is Wionderful" anid "I Got Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris. PtrBuckler, Gregory Homni- The Sun in the Morning", and Mm. and Mrs. K. Lamb, Por gold, Kenneth Wiseman and showed the polislîed sketiîîg per- Credit. visited Sunday with M r. OUT OF W O i Penny Jeffery. cl1rfli o fection whicb bas won him high an Mrsecil Wiso.î a-~ M N S~C A S 1 Sowig aclverflar or onos.Wanda esyofte M.ad r.SanyMl If ou ouxelfwee ot o wok- comedy, Doni Jackson gave an 1 siawaeClub pleased the audi- colin, Bowmanville, and Mr. and EN S TA I M CT ! not making any money, you d musing skating performance ence so greetîy in a solo num- Mrs. Edgar Homne, Oshawa, consider yourself somethîng of a with a life size reg doIltot the ber that she was celled back for spent Sunday with Mm. and Mrs. Hip-Iength popin or satin faluewold'tyou? By thej apt music of Jolinny Ray's "Glad an encore, and Toby Keeler Mervin Nesbitt. Ciats. Quilted linings. Al sanetke-ONYshould be1 Rag- Doîl", and ýhe spectators also gave e brilliant exhibition. MmI. Andrew Holmes issed- aon beit. Mouton collars.$ workngtoimakng oremony clle bil bck ore repeet The very popular Don Jackson ing the winter with Mr. and Mrs. and making it safely. performance. then brought- down the house Larmen Hyland. s Zipper fastener. 8 i% Guaranteed Trust Certificates Excellent Solo Numbers witb his graceful, whirls, jumo-s Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Laiîgfeld Regular $19.95 and $22.95. * ncstitonll garnteda Mary Anne Armstmong of Or and figures. Dawn Steckley and and Mr. and Mms. B. R. Knigt~ REDUCED TO 1 4 0 Uconitinaly garatee as ono, gave a sparkling performlr- David Lowery brougbt a very were visitors in Toronto tbis ta principal and interest. ance in a solo number and Joan excellent program ta a close past week. Mr. and Mrs. Kniglît e Pay 4%, payable holf-yearly. Kelly of Oshawa, wbo was des- with an exhibition of the flaw- remained with friends for a visit. Shot trm- yers.cmîbed by the aîîîounced as ea less skating wlîich brought them Mm. Robert Ridddll left b Shot trm- yers.very ard worker, demonstrat- the 1953 Canadin Junior Pairs train ta visit his sister in Cli- a e Authorized investment for trust 'ed that hem work lias borne fruit Championsbip. cago, Mms. Dewbermy, whose ~ft * . 2 v e funds. No fluctuation in in a vemy fine solo skating num-- husbend is vemy ill. . . AAàAII dAuVIE S M vEing prnia.ber ta the music of the beauti- Mm. and Mrs. Sendy Dawson f principal.ful '.Lilousie'. A ft tFk*, and daugbter, Windsor, and Mrs., IN 5 YEARS $411.18 ACCUPMULATES 10O$50.0l The always pleasiîîg Dul hi YO IeMlU D iNuPON Fred Beîley, Blackstock, visitéd) Carrying one of Canada's Most Waltz iinîbem was skated byý Wen kdneys failto witb Mrs. Jas. Farder. YTHE Juirrmesfo h o-nenloveaexes baidsMran s.InPotn unormebesfrm be~i ~ e ck- 1Mm ndMm.1va 1ot 1nc ~manufacturers label. Sold f rom cc S E LN TR S SMary Janie Found, Karen Clarke' ifolldetoftDoddletsiTrne ML.inds Dnan ,at $69.50 and $79.50. 1Katby Leerment, Julia Allin',Kbdnev Pilla a imu- John, spent Suuîday with their C 0 R P 0 R A T 1 0 N: Pemela Meadows, Chîristine Wat late kidneya to grandniother and Miss Ruth R D C D T HIAO OFFICE BRANCH OFFICEî son, Bannie Gaynom, Carolyn feed better-sleep Proutt. 372 ay t. 13 DnlopSt.Mason, Faitb Brockman, Donna better. work hetter.. Mrs. Chas. Emerton lias tiot ____________________________ TorntoBarie ern. Drat YeanLnd3been wel this pst week. Miss ______________________________ - Yo caàMev Noon eaîd Mr. and Mrs.Toot are 2aHeîeJ.-e e, yd egsoeYo a ..,, Rackham, Sandra Martinî. Di- r dcpend on Dodd's. Toinkins visited theni on Sun I ee Gbee, Wlen Wison j ___day anîd found lier mucb m ______________________________________- Men's Grand Mlere Sweaters! Mrs. Roydon Corrne, Bradford, is st a in g w itb h lem b ro th e r, M r .G uhmt l l - o l p l o e Grant Thompson and Mrs acosyeal-olploe ' JTlîompson, wbile training Miss sweaters. Long or short sleeves. Freeland of Lindsay as chief op- ~Ail sizes and colours. 8 erator in the Blackstock Telle- Re lr pbone Exchange. eua 7.95 and 8.95. M . and M rs. B ruce H easlip R E D U C E D T O - ---------- .... ....a n d M is. Irv in e v s ite d S u rd a Il r home Wediesday afternoon for W ITHthe Christmas nmeeting of Nes- WIHt1lon W. . cnventin reports Ai1-Wool STADIUM COATS! son and Mrs. H. Vine. Mms. H. Bright plaid alI-wool inelli's 1) ~'~"~ av.bee tii BettyspeialY for 50 years. They gie The Sialesman Sold $ 2. O E K ~(- YOU dean.f,,whit., Clotho$ ini o hae iir. m tFlown trsBOYS' SATIN WINIDB KEftKL AIL HIS ITH IIE BEATTY WRINGS DRIER 9rl' trCutc Kas.iia lined. Knitted collar, cuffs and BecttY Giant PPiots Wringer Fias neyer been, equolfed Stmong's Store, Part Hope % waistband. Full length zipper fasten. frg.ttinq water out of ttie clothes. HS Boloon Roi, Reg. Edmuîîd's Store, Betliany Sizes 26 to 32---------- 3 .8 *osyshit lver nd resure ontci.Johnson's Dmug Store, Newcastle osi ropuîar *~-~ ~'»* T.S. Brown. Newtonville rOP N U TL 9 P. BEATTY LASTS LONGER C. Petbick, Enniskilhenr WTh.inCnd M. Shemon, EnniskilhenOPNU TL9 l W ar i a a a Sturdy, simple, ball-b.orinq mechann,îm. DirectDrv F. L. B\-anî, Tyrone (no bolts) runs more imfflhty ond quieily cari foi G. A. Beiion. Hampton For more thon 50 yeors the leader. More sold oudosh t, 16 types. J. Riddell, Burketon à in C«Ondo eO"ry Yom' thon onty ouiéïr moke. H. T. Saywell, Bleckstock DECEMBER il-12 -1 Keith Bradlev. Pontypool C. B.' Tyrell, Orono ~ UN iH K. Reynolds, Kendal ~ ____ Gilbert Food Market, Millbrook -Bowmanville -- Phone 408J. W.Jewel1' 36 King Si. E. Poe48W. J.Berry M Howes Smnoke Shops 5~jJuLH\& L4J\t-il MUSI Elgie Haimdens ,;Hanéî 'Stor Ta stat*.man Qfc PAG Pi VU p FE UCED mORCHRISTMAS FIRST GUALITY NYLOI Normadene hose of first quelity 30 denier nylon. New Wine shades. Sizes 9 to il11 __ LJNED CAPESKIN GLOVI Soft pliable, warmly lined ladies' capeskin gloves. Black or brown. C Sîzes 6% to 81/à Reg. $2.98. REDUCED TO - --- Misses" Grand Mere Sweati Clearing of long sleeve all-wool pullovers by Grand Mere. Re.$ ta $7.95. Sizes 14 to 20.2 REDUCED TO -3 _1__ on Mený's Overcoats! outstanding 5 - ast - to -coast $4 9 50 MISSES' POLO PYJAMA% Fine interlock cotton pyjamas.A Made ini England. AIl sizes. 4 j Regular $4.95. REDUCED TO ------------- - 3 LADIES' NYLON SLIPS Our regular $3.98 nylon tricotA slips. Lace trimiued. Ai sizes. $4q White only. - REDUCED T2 - - . LADIES' RAYON GOWNS Fancy rayon tricoit ladies' gowns. 9 Lace trimmed. Pink, bine, niaiie. ~ Sizes smail, medium and large.E I Chýildren's CORDUROY OVERALL With bib and braces or boxer style- longs. Suzes 2 to 612. CHILDREN'S LINED JEANS! IE -30j Sanforized blue denm. Boxer style. FuIIy lined. S 2 te yeaS - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 17 -18 -19 -21 -22 -23 S BOWMANVILL, WRITDY THE CÀNADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE. ONTARM v ---E I i i I M 'r f NS! M Içi I ES! f 381 * M M i ~rs! J81 * M i M S! M M M 81 * f i M i M 81 * I I M ~! M M M S M M I M $12

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