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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1953, p. 13

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* Worid's smoothest, Most depondlable Six Cylinder Engin. with lncroased Compression Ratio f-or greoiter eff iciency *New Aluminum dipped heat troated valves * Autamatic ail- weather Engins Temperature Contral * Auto- motic Choke* Amazinq new Resonant-toee muffler on Pathfinder end Laurentian Seii.. * 100%7 fuit pressure meterod flow lubrication, fullflow buit-in permanent oit clooiner * Scotch Misf Manifold * Rifle driltod connecting rods *Also the Famous Pontiac Elght Cylinder Engin. with increased Horsepower * Three separate chassis with three different wheelbases * Introducing a briltiant new »eries: "Star Chief" * Famous newly styled 9.334ÀA Color-keyed upholstery fabrics. WIDEST SILECTION of OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT* aTWO AUTOMATIC Transmissions, lmproved Powerglide end Duail-Range flydra-Matie a New Pontiac Power Irake. a Pontioc's famous Power Steering a New Pontiac Air.- Conditioninq on the Star Chlef a New Comfort Contrai Sont end Electric Front Window-Lifts an Chioffain end Star Chief Series a New Electrlc Seat Controi end Front Wndow LIRsz on Pathfinder Deluxe and Lourentianb Serges * AutronicElys for nlght-time safety a Shade- Lite Safety Glass wlth graidueted-tlnt windshield. Pontine bas a wonderfil measure of out.of-thls.werld beauty and féatures for 1954. Trulv, it is motordom's shining star-the star that wiIl rime higher and higher in public favor ag its masterfual performance beeomes known-as its sleek beauty becomes seen in thée ity and on the highiway. BItCA US§E... If yoîî want to be thé proudesi driver in thé neighbos'. hood, vou rmn be wîth 1954 Ponuine'& exquisite styling and dramatie colors. If you want big rar prestige, ,ron con have il with the famous Pontinererputation, the powerful 19534 six- or Pight-c3'inder L-head engines, and tasteful, Iuxurioum appojîsîments. If you want econarnical driving, you con have thttoa with 1954 Pontiac's low pr ice-its amazing engin. effi. *ciency, and its forthright dependability. Whatever van look for in a car, youà'll find your beart's delight in one or more of 1954~ Pontjace's 31 brilliant models in six great aérie-- . Pathfinder, Pathfind., Deluxe, Lriurentian, Chinftain Special, Chief tain Dolus. and thé great new Star L'hief. Monéy, money, money - I'm haunted by lt-at least my China cabinets are! In our dining-room are two corner cupboards and, naturally enough, thérein repose a numbér of dishes. Now, using thèse, hubby has déviséd a most intricate systém of bookkeeping with wbich I, most unhàppily, arn not conversant. Church treasury, shed money, monéy for a newhy-wed. Red Cross money, Durham County Médi- cal monéy, thé silver casserole, this téapot, that téapot, a créamn jug, thé crystal canoé! To my absohute horror, on W.A. day, I b.d the tea in thé silver teapot and was about ta add thé watér when 1 spied (yau guessed it) a twénty-dohhar bill péeking up at me! Dam néar-mnighty-dear-tea! 1Thé reason I appéaréd at church on Sunday, although it was my -tdearly belovéd spouse's turn, -(you've guéssed it again!) a lit- tlé matter ai a china cabinet and some money ta get ready for banking. Another in the very auccess- fui séries ai crokeinole parties sponsoréd by thé Velverton Familv Club was held at thé Robinson home on Wednesday niglit. Eight tables played and a steady chack ai buttons punc- tuated by yélps of excitément a nd much laughter testitied ta thé enjoyrnent ai ail. Young Lorraine McGihi coppéd thé honors for the girls while Davé Wilson was thé best man. Thé sincère sympathy ai the *community is exténded ta thé E family ai thé taté Willis White- *side who died in Taranto Gén- - éal Hospital lest Wédnesday. A large crowd atténded the fun- eral on Sunday aiternoon at thé bouse. Intérment was at St. Marys Cernétery. Rex'. L. Nor- man, Bethany. officiated. Miss Em Hénders and thé -Jack Wilson's viewéd thé Sun- ta Claus paradé in Port Perry on Saturduy and b.d tea with the Gea. Ctarke's. Mrs. B. Moore and Nency vis- ited in Whitby Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. S. Sédman. Mr. Reg, Ruskin, Toronto, wes a week-end visitor ai Mr. and tMrs. Géo. Heaslip. Mr. and Mrs. easlip and Reg. spent Sunday jwî th Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Nés- bitt and Trévor at Nestieton. Mr. and Mrs. K. Thorndyke. Toranto, visited Mr. and Mrs. lloyd Stinson on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson; and Mr. and M1rs. Gea. Wilson alicd on Mis. Mabél Fahlis, Lallyduff, on Sunday. Nir. Elwin Dickie. Oshawa, qpent thé week-end wîth Don and Noreen Jolinston. Mr. and; Mrs. R. Gino, Burketon,' were visitorm et thé Johnston home through thé week. A number ai neighbours have been out to visit Mrs. Stanley jMcCabe and baby, Stanley Alex- ander, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Taylor, Blackstock, visited Mr. and Mrs. iWilbert Malcolmn. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal- coIni spent an evening with thé Néil Malcolm's, B]ackstock. *Mrs. Wm. Wérry and Donald, Kedron spént Saturday with the *Art Rowun's. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan vis- ited in Toronto on Thursda:v with thé relatives oi thé taté Mr. Wm. Walter. ROBSON ST. E. Pontiac lm Iuick Cars PROIE 585 -. .- ..-... * Takes a Loi of Planinug and Work To Operate Ninor Hockey Leagues kI Najor ProjectiniiiRecreation The Bowmanville Recreatio'i Turner Frank Jamieson, Sam Department'b, minor hockey J Black, Dr. Keîth Siemon, Les leagues started October 17. 1953. Smale, George Vinish, Morley It s expected they wil finish "Bill" Oke. George Piper mdà their pliyoff games near the end Chas. Vanstone. of Match 1954. Bantam League - AI Clarke, The leagues consist of three Cliff Trewin, Murray Tighe, lasSifications namely Pee W"~, Larry Chant, Don Hendry, Pat *or boys under 12 Aug. lst: Ban- Corneil, Tom Gatcheli and Mur- tam. fP)r boys under 14 Aug. lst; ray MtKnigh-c. and a Mid.-et and Juvenile Four local boys have consent- IL494 which combines boys in ed to act as referees for the sea- kwMidget and Juvenile age son in the Pee Wee and Ban- uKOPs, and consists of boys un- tam Leagues. Frank Mohun and dr 16 Aug. lst and under 18 jim Richards work the Ban- Sug. lst of di~e current year. tam games. while Don Stutt and Thesc clasifications are tak-1 Glen Fry keep the Pee Wees in en from the O.M.H.A. rulingsijorder. Which 15 the officiai Minor Hoc - jBob Kennett consented to I<eY Qrganizajtion in Ontario. look after the scoring of the The Pee Wee League consists Pee Wee teams and is usually Of 6 teams which 15 boy^s ona on deck checking the time and team. giving a total of .90 boys 'keeping tab of the goals, an ahl playing Pee Wee town league1 important job with flot mucli hockey.1 glory or recognition. Stili he's The Bantarn League consists ifl there gix'ing the boys a hand. Of 4 teamns w ith 12 on a tearn Sweaters Provided gix'ing a total of 48 boys pIayi119 Ail camns have their own BF11aian tOwjn1l ague hockey. sweaters which are returnable -he M,/id-Ju\,eiiie League con- to the Recrcation Departrnent 8; s of 4 tean with 12 players for cleaning and storing at the ona týarn. ýiing a total of 43 'end of the season. The sweaters boys plavin-g Midget and Ju- were made possible by miany venile 'own league hockey. contributors who have an in- List of Coaches terest in the boys Here's where Aftei an appeal for coaches the sweaters came from. through the paper and notice' Pee Xees--JewellFs Big "20",i boards, it is encouraging to note Carterb, Jamiesons Tire Shop,' that 23 men were xilling to give Drs. Sv and Keith Slemnon, Yeo Up sorni, of their spare time _n Grocer:-., Bihl Mutton. order to show these kids not Bantamns - Met Dale. Lions énly how to piav better hockey Club, Elliott's Bowling, Crystal but to encourage sportsman- Dairy'. ship, fair play team copea Midget-Juvenile - Canadian tion and tean- spirit which un- Statesman, Brown's Implements, iloubtedly they are now doing. and two sets owned by the Re- Unfortunatery, only 20 of the creation Department. Ien who signified their willing- Free lice Tinte ness t3 act as coaches could The Arena Management Com- be used as there were 10 teams mittee are providing six hours needing coaches and it was de- free ice for the Minor Hockcy cjded to put two men on a team.I Leagues. Bantams and Pee Wees The following are the men play from 7.30 arn. to 11.30 a.m. now actively engaged as coach - Saturday mornings. Midgets- es. Juvenile League play each Tues- Pee Wee League - Ted Bag-i day and Tbursday rnornings iiell, Bud Oke, Walt. Goode, Tom '7.30-8.30 a.m. This early morn- Reservations Now Beiàmg Accepted for S p e clal CHRISTNAS DINNER nt the Balmoral Hatel BO0WM AN V1LL E Froin 4:30 te 1:30) pi. Phonie 3 32 2 M O N EYteay? YOU CAN Ik BORROW AT HFC, FOR THESE' REASN Fued b&,h, médical bis, emerncie. ciothing for the chulren, repairs fSr cart or homer, hoiiday upoese-adm n" mt $30 TO $1000 0 YOUR OWNl SIGNATURE 0 NO BANKABLE SECURITY REQUIRED e UP TO 24 MAON>THS TO REPAY ON THE PLAN YOtJ SELECT ~~HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 11 V SimcesSt.South, secondfoor, phommo Oshawa &-il139 OSHAWA, ONT. FORT HOPE BRANCHS Y71 Walfon St., 2%d fl..,, phone 3030 EIXTRA Ma W"8 rntme> CêV6Atmna Puddings, pies, cakes and cookies. creani gravies and soups, rich sauces, egg nogs what a happy host of good things you're planning for your family and friands and 50 niany of them cali for lots and lots of wholesome. farm-fresh milk! Ordér f EXTRA milk now! IGben Rae Uairy rELEPHONE 444 BOWNIANVlUfE TNE CANADIAN STA'rESMAN, BOWMANTE, ONTARIO ing time has its drawbacks butI you wauld neyer know it by 'boys at the games. For the first time lest year,Ga g t elsD ry ar Std three trephies were presented We are indebted to Col. John cows in the shelter at any givq for aulmpeiion . ip The Pé H. Fox, Toronto, a well known timne. Wee hamionhip ropy w s ummer resident of The Cové, The ingenious system, worki donate~i by Reg Harding and West Beach, Bowmanvilie, for otb xet fteBon1 Tom Gatchell. The Bantam Tro- sending us the following article. otuyexets vsiof e ronn phy %vas donatéd by Miller*s In reading this article you wil ostum es Division oMinn ITaxi, and the Midget-Juvenilé find it indicates somée of the polis-Honéywell Regatrov "Memo-ial Park" trophy was wondérful trends of sciéntific pany, tonseristpfasnarr ofv donated by Bill Mutton. development in that portion of tibulanto pmtopasgel o irci Bowinanvil'e Recréation Dept. our agricultural living which cas nd twopht-cea circu h set up the variaus leagues pro- bas to do with the counting of *EltniKgecoercard ch vides al goal equipment, and cattie and livestock. The article LicrnK eodradot presénts the championship teams follows: joînipn roi. n slà and league winnérs with suit- An lectonic circit f able crests. A lcrn icutfr Although the counting circu Hoà'd Minor Hockey Night counting cows and obtaining re- functions perféctly, somé of ti cords of cow occupancy ini an péculiaritiés of cow behavîci As 1-st year. it is expected expérimental sheltér is béing hadi to bé overcome before da that a ,hampionship minor hoc- used in connection with studies free of error was obtained.J key night wili be held in the of thé effects of méchanically first it was found that son, aréna Juring the latter part of cooled shelters on dairy cattie times two cows would pi IMarch when thé top teams in performance. through the vestibule acW each of the three classifications will play off for the champion- Animal 'physiologists have together that théy were countE ships. found milk production is *at a as one. Occasionally a co maximum when thé environ- would stand in the vestibule et Thé season Is officially closed mental température is around joy ing the cool blast of air, an on Trophy Night when- aIl tro- 50 or 55 dégrées Fahrenheit. At by means of héad-nodding an plies, crests and prhise is given Oklahoma Institute of Téchno- tail-switching, got herséif court ahI th tam ario eenretaned logy a' mechanically cooled éd as several cows. ail he eam areentrtanedstructure bas been built for the An interesting feature of tt by movies, speeches and food. gurpose of conducting research equipment is that the countin Four Ail Star Teams fo determine wliether or not a circuit, in combination witha Ali Star Teams operate as wvell cool shelter of this type cao ElectroniK recording potenti( as the town leagues with thé dii- overcorne thé production costlv Meter. will not on]j' record th ference that the Ail Star Téams depressing effects of hot suin- time of entry and exit of eau pla -y out of town teams ini or- mer weather on a dairy herci. Of as many as 10 cows, but wi ganized O.M.H.A. groupings. The shelter is so constructed also indicate the number of cow A juvénile Al Star Téam is that the cows have fre acce,-s- in the shelter at ariv one tin- operating with Norm Bothwell from surrounding pasture. The An important féature of th as manager and Bob Gallagher animais corne and oa they1 counter is that it counts and in as coach. piease. It was necessaryasto de- terprets direction of passagec A rJidget Ali Star Team i vise some method of recordingi cows througli a single passagE operating wrth Jack McNulty the tirne at which cows enteredi way. as manager-coach. It is expeet- the shelter and the number of Observations have led ta th ed one of the Truckmen will help in putting this teamn through their paces. Chas. Vanstone has whipped a group of boys together to farm a Bantam Ali Stai Téam and he is also conteémplating a Pee Wee group ta enter in the Little N. H.L. The co-operatian that bas béen shown througli coaches, players - and parents bas been outstand- ing andi it looks like a good year for Minor Hockey in Bowman- ville. YELVERTON COME IN AND SUE TIIESE GREAT PONTIACSQ # p/ v iv< In the Edior's Mail 8 Oriohe Garden5. Tarontu 12. v ilI hope that next time tiisrenewal af aur subscrip- lion is made, wé can just walk ioto \ our office and have a féw. Wordàs of greetings for y-ou aIl. In lhe meantin)c,. we hope y ou1 1 a .r-\ Chiî"tîîsa; t wb*iuh ta off ., s I and a Pi ost lf ýZ Sa hJ. ven In- aes- ýhe lits, ,art ,her ad- cuit the >ur ita At Iass [se Ied end ind mt- the ing an ho- th- icîl vws lie. of ge- lie Name. ~A~U OBITUARY OTTO SPENCER After a long illnéss, Ottoi Spen- cer, 69, of Bethany, died Dec. 12, jat his home in thé village. Mr. Spencer was born in Man- vers Township, the onhy son of! thé late Mr. and Mrs. George Spencer. He farmd on thé out- skirts of Béthany all bis lufe, Iuntil last March. when ill-health causéd him ta move ta thé vil- lage. Hé leaves hisý widow. thé for- mer Winnifréd Lowes. Théy bave no children. Also leit is a sistér, Mrs. Floyd Kennedy (Beria), also of Betbany. Mr. Spencer was a member oi Béthanv United Cburch whére hé served. at one timé or an- other, as élder, steward, trustée, and as a mémber of thé cern- étery board. When a younger nman hp held various offices in thé Sunday Schooh, and hé sang in thé choir. He wa-, alsa a member ai L.. L. 1022, the Bethany lodge. Thé funéral was héld Monday at Béthpny United Church, with Rev. Lawrence Norman officiat- ing. Bu'rial was i Ylverton cemeter7. belief that this typé of counting circuit cao have application in many other types of research wvhere animal shelters are béing studied because it is often im- portant to know when thé shel- ter is occupiéd so that thé ef- fects of the shélter can hé ti- télligéntly evaluated. *Correct Spélling cf Tradé Taxing ihe Friendly Goose By Joseph Lister Rutledge Every Finance Minister who dréams up what hé thinks is some néw method of taxation spéaks of it as a step toward "a fairer and widér diffusion" of' thé tax burden, or sonie such phrase. Thé minister quotéd is Mr. Einar Gunderson of thé Social Crédit Government of British Columibia. His new gim- tmick, to méet thé rising cost of éducation, is an 'Assessment Equalîzation Act", which exc- tends taxation ta include indus- trial and commercial machinés and fixtures. "lWe tax thé in-~ comes of people," says Mr. Gun- derson, "and now we shall taxi thé machines that are built to replace themn." There is no doubt Mr. Gunder- son considéréd that a very sound idea, and very neatly éxpressed. No doubt soMe of bis hearers thought so too. For ourselve$, we. would have likéd it bétter had hé used the word *'displace" instead of ."replace." Replace suggests that machines have heit the worker very much out in thé cold, wheréas displaced sug- gésts thé obvious truth that thé worker bas not becomg useléssi but lias béen reieased for other j effort and '2 so expanding the éconorn.y.1 The business friend who sent thé clipping on which this com- ment is hased was not so surej that Mr. Gunderson's gimmick was a good one or one likély ta result as thé Finance Ministér1 éxpected. He pointed out that1 thé idea wasn't réally néw. At Cléanérs Institute (Ontarjo) Ltd. best it was a doublmng up ai taxation. The product of imack. ines is now taxed by wIy et a» impost on corporation earnings, so that taxing the machine, which bas no value unless di- réctly or indirectly it produces éarnings, is tantamount to dou- ble taxation, or triple taxation if we reniember that the mach- iines that produce the machinés are also taxed. Thé neat trick turns 6ut to be the taxing te death of the 10080 that laya the golden egg. Thé net result ta flot iikely te hé the création of new revenue for more and béttér schools. The more likely outcome is ta let old and inadéquate machines do, or to léave hands to do the. workc machines can do better and more economically. Theré wihl b. ne "displacéd" workeru ta help créate new jobs to employ more earners who quickly ibecome Rd- ditional taxpayers. "Lét's ail move to China," camnients our disgruntled friend, "where there are iew machines and million%~ o! unemiployed workers, and véry little production and hence no tax revenues and few -if any schools. We might as well go the wvay w.e're'heading." he con-e çLuded. When business ia gond it paye to advertise; when business is bad you've got ta advertise. CLEAN1NG COMMENT§ Ctéaning kilîs germs. Bacter- icidal effect or dry cléaninig shows ail gerrns killed in garm- ents freshly' cleaned. Play site. Help your Cleanér to servey ou better. Lakeshore Division, Dryv 3/MoLzs v 6 R1241FSERtEd S I MOTORS - GNC Trucks Body by Fisher * j Multiple coler preference * *Ai ..4- -4 1 1 PAGE c lqInbvm PHONE 585

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