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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1953, p. 2

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PAM T"G imm-u *temi Fatabizhed 1854 with which in încorporctd àowmanvill.Nowa, The Newcastle Independent and The Orono News Years' Ccntinuous Service Io the Town of Bowmanvlle and Durham County AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER 1, C 0 0 4ý SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Year, strictiy in advance $5.00 a Yectr in the United States Publiabed by THE JAMES PIJBLISHING COMPANY Authorized as Second Clciss Mai] Post Office.Department, Ottawa Bowmanvilie, Ontario GEO. W. JAMES, EDITOP Municipal Taxation Places Too Heavy Burden on Property More and mure manv Canadian mu- nicipalities are having ditficultv in main- taining an economie balance. Discussing this subject, The Peterborough Examiner rnakes these pointed observations: "The overwhelming problemn is f in- À ancial. The revenue resources allocatcd 4to the municipalities are flot based on Ilhe !r> economic and social objectives of the 09 present, but on the conditions of a century tj ago. 'The municipalities are now expected by the central provincial governmcnt and <by) the citizens of the community, to pro- lir,,.vide ail sorts of new services -- from ees,ýDa\ement to baby clinies and traffic toi X.,1brjquads - and yet have the taxing resourc- àt tes of buggy and corduroy days, nameiy the inc property tax. "In the other two spheres of go-vern- ernent in Canada, the provincial and fed- its 4bral, taxation methods and revenues have to cept abreast of the limes, if flot ahead of hohem. "The very large increase in the 'gross niational produet' (the miarket value of al goods and services, încluding wages, prof- its, farm and manufacturing income) lias been acc.ompanied by corresponding in- creases in provincial and federal tax revenues. "The story for the municipalities is different; their problems have multiplied, so have their responsibilities. but their tax revenues have not kept Up." A Shameful Record Serious criticismn of Canadian youth RNsreport that of 14,000 young men àwvhi ried to join the Navy during the year ending September 30, about 9,000 werle turned down. One applicant ini three was rejected as "downrigbt unsuitable." Annotincing these figures ai a Toronto r meeting, Rear-Admîral H. F. Pullen, Chiel of Naval Personnel, said "It is lime to look j at our homes, our sehools and our church- es." Toronto Globe and Mail suggests such a scrutiny should include "our comm- ercial and industrial life, and flot least the conduct of our political affairs." Toronto paper correctly remarks "What we can expeci to see is a general decline of standards-standards of hion- esty, standards of responsibilitv, standards of manners and morals . . . T'he billions we pour oui on social services of one kind or another may be making us tougher in body-though there is no great evidence of it. But neither they, nor anvîhi ng else, seemn to be making us tougher in mind and spirit." What Has Become of the Afler a few years in ion,. bbc t farmer rnicht feel the need of still more activitv-, and frequently he wvas to be found as a member of bbe local scbool board or the town council. Then the voice of prejudicc be'ran to be heard abroad. firsi whisper- ing, then proclaîming thai retired farmers were no good te a town. The source of the prejudîce %vas us- ualiy to be found arnong some wily citîzens who had been balked in plans for raidin 'L the town or school board- treasurv. Rural mnembers of these boards max' have(,been s]ow-thinking. and they- refused io be rushi- ed into schemnes that cost monev. If ai pliii appeared to be realIv for the henefît of the town, after thev had considered l on ail sides, they wou]d vote it througb. but. as trustees or councillors. ibev knoxv that they had a.dutv to prev cnt misuse of publie funds, for the protection of all S taxpayers, including themsel ves. A wbrthmade nocihat ha becme c*d worthwhima e oint athaicioe of THE CrANA1DIAN SrA1TUMAN. UOWMANVMI7r. ONT'ATRO s. the old-time retired farmer. Has inflation -V'JI, improved. We hope he continues' c', Holy City". We made retirement impossible? Has his i e _ _ipoe n il onb e s hak n thes ee orptdb rbnies home agaîn. appi Mr. Doggett for reais ben oruped y rbnIneathle i?'f Mrs. Neva Luitte who has Mr n Vr.LaeBre a4 Mrs. J. his grand mani- Or i themode far suc a cmforablebeen in Chicago with her broth- visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass i ne".a, eh " BIuckin 1 place that he sees no advantage now in aner~, Dr. Ross Lang, has returned Saturday evening. rs e'ewl e changing his way of life? a dt her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Colleit Jan4 M Teadiewi e' parialanwertotheinuir i thtPaul Jackson and Delberti and daughters. and Mr. and Mrs. and Mr ýNorman Gerov Lgtff from Novrwr;Ryod Woodward, Port Cre ad-md Mrs. Raiph Ger- when the retired farmer's farm has beeii j D is tant [ast anstoroma.a i , as hMon .me-dan 1dNo ditwitcMmtan Mr. Nrman: 0w. d~ciosed their service near to a larg it ilis now sub-divided Fo h tte uflsMrs. Bray. Port Hope, has been, Kennedy. station and-.«one south for three mbt expensive building lots. and the rif 'o h ttsa visiting her sister, Mrs. Hattie Misses Inez and Ruth Gordon iweeks. is hitling tbe high spots of Florîda or Martineil. and John, visited Mr. and Mms. Mr. and Mr,& Harry Traver, California. But these lucky boys are a 49 YEARS AGO 25 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Russel Sutcliffe, Leskard, Sun- Fenwick, with', their daughter very small minority group. :or RaN' and Marie, visited Sunday day. and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. TonCouncil spent $3,20 1-721 Hast A. J. Wadhams Of the in 'Peterboro with Mr. and Mrs.' Mr. William Curtis. Bull and Chas. Raby. an heroas nd tretsduxn Bamoal otl t avetising Alvin Lawes. Argus, with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Vk. J. MeCilough 1904. That amount would only, Christmas and New Year's dia- Minister of Education Favors caver about a month's expendi- ners with turkey and ail the Roy Sleep with his sisters, Spence Gordon and family. with Mr. and bits. Geo. McCul- Bak o th "heeR'" ture in 1953. Wetrtimmings for a$1H00.n Mrs. N. Thertell and Mrs. Gien Televisiori seems to be getting lough. 1 Rereenatve Egee . eehKirb.y, Toranto. very popular around. Sortie of Misses A d.r nd Shirley ___________Durham at Counties Cauncil for' a student at Queen*s Univest, r n r.NdFse ndItoegtignwst ntied Tufford ha e X turnedt ~ 190 ae W J Bagg Pul re bs henchoen~ amiyspei hrstmas anda recently are Roy and Ned Fas- terboro aft r spending Chris~ We go right along with Ontario s bilcock, Thos. Baker and Anson Kh aingsto, eam ta meet a' few days, holidays at Teetervilie ter, Wm. Mercer, Wm. Jackson, mas ai hom. th eatnvitb relatives. David remained! Bill Turansky, Eddie Couroux, Arthum ell pntSt Education Minister Dunlop on his overaîl Taylor. Milwaukee University team tofoa longer visit.* .o n NrmtKe'dsen St views on education. Speaking recentlv he Arthur Morris of the Dental debate: "Resaîved that ths Mr. and Mrs. J Turansky and )m_________i ~x deplored the removal of hard work'and College, Chicago, is home for bouse is in favor af full gavera-ý family, Whitby, c elieb ra te d competition from schools and said there is Yuletide holidays. Pnigo ment contrai of water power.' Christmas at the home of their %9Misses Winnie Pnigo Reeve C. A. Wight of Dar- so i n rs ua y ZION moveenthac tothe"thee 's"andand Olive Varcoe, wbo are at- lington Township Counrii obser- r M. and Mrs. Joe Jilisen werejPr ra wibbout them none of us can really navi- tending Central Business Cal- ved the hn'nored custom of en- ,w',ih Mm. and Mrs. Bill Avery,' Zion W.A. held their meeting Porm ai triiiy gate. ieges.Tootaehm o terbaining council and township Bowmanville. Dec. 17at the church. There There's a lot of money being spent on Thsbaigpronter- officiais aI a banquet at bhe Mr. and Mms. Wm. Jackson i was a goad attendance. Thej Evening Àuxibiary education these days. Young peopetra ude the aupies ofTi- home of Mr. and Mrs. S, Mount- and famiiy, Mrs. A. Jackson, Mm. president, Mrs. R. Martin, was eda ood pe art of Yoirniveseaqulrigraty CngertegasicloChur - joy, Hampton. and Mrs. Wm. Honey and Mary,! in charge. The meeting opened spnda oo prtofthirliesacuiin it Cngegtina Curh n- Miss Helen McGregor -as on and Phyllis Jackson, Milliken, wt ryr fe hc h The Christmas meetùîàg%ie. tÉ the education ta belp fit tbemn for the place uddMisseneMcerte inngdbigteam aof Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Peacock, r secrebary, Mrs. C. Irwin, read EeigAxlay0 rnt bbe ar tatak inth wold.In ostA. Mitchell, E. A. Allin, M. Queen's University which de- Atikokan, and Mm. and Mrs. AI-! the minutes. Treasurer, Mrs, K. United Chumch was held on De- thev are tsingle in h o .I t A.n Lena Mason and A. L. Ar- fealed Toronto University teamin an Peacock and JohnnBare Whitney, read the financial me- cember 15. The pmogmam was in comuniiesW.h bgeskmo r Mesdrs. Cha. Alun, . on the subjeet: -Resolved that were guesis af Mm. and Mis.1 port. As this was a special charge of Mrs. W. Bell's and the tax bill is for educational purposes. .PcadadA Sic. an open door policy immigra- Vernon Peacock.l Christmas meeting only busi- Mms. S. McMurtem's group. Fif- We know we're asking for trouble and an Kirby-Wiil Henderson wbo lion is conducive ta lbhe mast, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson ness that required immediaeite itegrsfo h x argmen. ut lt o vry veagetax wnt a oisvan, an ,ï u desirable development af a newv were guests of Mr. and Mrs. attention was dealt with. Elec- j plorers' group, wbose leaders rgruet u o fvr vrg a-gust lias now sent for biS Wie country."' Lorne Paeden. tion of officers was put off tln are Miss Marion Bellman and pavers aie asking quietly if they are gebt- and famnily to loin him. An edîtorial contends that crc ' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes andj the Januamy meetingjMsM.E adspeenda in- their money's wor h in aur present ed of bis pholagm ahy buis s- chntste t surive lo tal he- Gloria were guests ai Mr. and The devotional and progmam progrM dai redis, r amn t he day sysbem of education. tdofh Statma ybucktaness chants aetorvieitn tcae Mrs. John Thompson. commitbee gave a beautiful can- Christmas story and carols. Mrs. inteSaemnBokt .cain tr optto ah Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ther- die service, ligbting candies for R. Oke and Mms. L. Van Driel subWear nt reard o etino heA. Smith of Colingwood and isj system being adopted. - tel and family and Miss Sele- faith, hope, joy, peace, and so sang carols ai the beginning iind sjeci boa deep because we are frank ta going ta open a studio in To- Manager C. T. Ross af tbc na Therteli wibh Mm. and Mrs. forth, fiiiing in with Christmas end af this part ai the progrém. admit %we bave not bad time to read Ibat onta. IRayai Theatre gave his annuai Walter Therteli, Bowmanville. camais and poems. Mrs. D. Park, the president of book entitled "The Hope Report" which Pianists at the B.H.S. Coni- treat of a free entertainment ta Mr. and Mrs. AI Stevens and Tbe rail cali was an exclbange the Auxihiary. presided aver the basn't proved a big seller in the book rrencemnent exercises weme Miss- the cbildren ai the conimunity. jsons, weme in Toronto, with bis of gis. Meeting clased wibh the business part of the meeting es Nellie Hall, Edna King and Reeve W. A. (Billy) Tom aif mather. Mipah after wbich a delicicua hntefnnsirpr n sitrsh ep e Ho r e anlp.Btwoldaoneook eMarl n twlbecn- Cahingwood and a former black- rMrs. Luxon, Mfs. Hattie Mar- lunch was served, and enjoyed the reprla of all the secrear- lik ih Hn. i'.Dulop Bu w doloo Myorltycotes wii e cn-smibb ai Solina, has complebed tinell. Mrs. Bray and Mr. and by ail. ies weme given. Mrs. H. Jeffery back with interest an the days when il lested by Counciliors J. J. Ma- 16 years as a member of iown Mrs. Ray Martineli, ceiebraied Mrs. Del Whitney kindiy of- presented the report ai the nom- \vas as big an honor lu be chosen for aso and Arcbie Tait. Reeve counicil af that Georgian Bay wibh Mr. and Mrs. 'Lame Mar- femed hem home for the January inating cômmibtee. ailRichard Pascoe was ehected town. a inell, Port Hope. meeting. Thumsday, Jan. i1t. spelling match and stay tup longesta t Reeve af Dariington b acclama- Ms m n r.RyMreD- Terglrcuc evc xvas ta \vin a champ ionsbi p on field day.r tion. iypewriting contest beld in Osn- via and Donnie. wei'e with'Rev. was beld Sunday, Dec. 20. There Perhaps he tua can remember the campe- Among aur local boys working a wa won imst place in tbc no- and Mrs. Murdo McInnis and was a good attendance. Rev. litions in "Mental Arithmebic" and when in Toronto wbo were home for vice chass Mrs. McKay ai Barrie. Hamding gave a grand descrip- vow u* the copy books gave examples of good the Christmas boiidays were T. H. Knight has leased his IGuests with Mr. and Mma. Per- tion and expianation of the: ee ànt writing.Fred and Paul Trebiicock, Ed. gmacery store. effective Feb I -t c y Bumley were Mm. and MrE. Christimas stomv. One couid wriin. Bsstt Bro Hdd, ymn citbe well known A. à& P. Eaî'I Burley and daugbters, Mrs. 1cieariy picture tbe events thal If compebition is good in field sports,; Vansione, W. Prower, Ed Weeks, Stores who aperate the largest Xfanatto and Cecil, and Mm. and' took place that boly nîght i in ugy ndhoceyan hs t b mt.Fred Patiiason, Frank Knight, chain ai gracemy and meat stores' Mrs. Len Ougbtred and Donna. Bethlehem. wn vugby and girleyandoesotlbre ie ' d Johaston, Jim Kelman, Er- inîthe U. 'S. and are now estah- Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer, Mr. Roaald Doggett of Wel- whenevey bo an gir gos ou tomakenieSmith and Alex Luttrel. lisbing stores across Canada Mm. and Mms. George Mercer a living, il would seem Ithal compebîlion Caunty Councillors McMiilan Markus L. Roenigk, son' ai and family and Mr. and Mrs. miglit bring some improvemenl in spell- and Pawers are atrongiy advo- Jule Roenigk ai Ibis town. bas i Vance Allen and iamiiy, wîtil ing îeain. riin ad rihmti. er (ating separation ai Durham been promated ta Assistant Mm. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux I bn a ng some f yo o drars eme m er County irom Nortumberland Manager of the Royal Bank aI ,Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher FosterIY U EQa dI when bbc firsi six students for the monlh Cut.Aeadr Vancouver. B.C. G et visited relatives aI Teetervihle. Rev. J. Lambert Aeadr Blacksiock - Chas. G.esîs Ache nd Ceî in ech rad ha thir nmesandmars BA.,Berln, is. naiveof Vision in achgrae bd Iei naes nd ark BA, erln, is. naiveaining. eturned soidier, bas been' Blodgett, Roseneatb witb Mi. pubiished in the paper. We would like la Bowmanviîîe, bas been appoint- appointed postmasber heme, tu and Mrs. Gardon Martineil and -Re-written confide ta you that it wasn'b the news- edpso1iTiit ogîg-rfi vacancy caused by tbe death Kenny. Mr.Mlo oe roîmCoe tional Chumch bere, auce ingo Edwamd Montgomery. Mm. and Mr.Mlo Ie reiu oe hre paprs vhih soppd tis omptitan n Rv. . S Prtchrd.Courtice - James HanL'ock, as! and Ronnie, Mm. and Mms. Alvin copyrights Cag scbool studies. Wonder if some of aur 0f ahi the merchants whose member for West Durham, is Luwes, Gardon and Joan and ai older beachers would care ta scnd in their i advts. appeared in The States- atiending the session ai the Boy'Mm. and Mms. Rass Patton and ~ ~ .To, ATRalr aae viw nthis important subjeci for publi- 1 mani issue of Dec. 28, 1904, the PrimeC.ig edinT-tmîvHe. ibthi arnsO Tomtit orhoe ouI .ae viewsmnt ean h son and grandsan wih tei pofntC.TE M.irCaamg- cation?! kemonan r tbeon o CMr . stih in onta. IMr'. and Mrs. Nomman Patton. poers orhmyuI i ae ____ ____are____ tbsiess 1953 stllinMr. and Mrs. John Sweep and Disney Bldg. with bills for rpbuilding, re- 'tinesas in 15 witb the excep- family. Bowmanvillc, visited 31 King E., pairing, refurnishit. tin fcourse, ai The States- The viciaus count the"' yeam.sý: Soinday, witb Mm. and Mrs. Mikeop... Observations and Opinions ma being stihl run by' the des- virtuous, their acta. - Samueli Bosanac. cdants ai Editor M. A. James. Johnson. j Mm.and r. e oahi OSHAWA - Phone 5-6143 Where wiII yen zet thé Mr. nd rs.Ted oatainMoney? and dlaugbters, vîsited Sunday' 242. The condoning by the gavcrnment of rr f i a glU r d. and Ms. GWm.geMer-' e Asathe rsm f e a ll ic FomyoureaU orn u fo lawlessness and violence in labot' disputes îGodyea r resident ulves HiitsM. nd rs Gore e;'- As the nime as fbelh, Prf o o u aon *sol is the principal cause of the rapid increase he. ave stmong bearing upon the 1eîaepoeeintdy in vrh ~uravc,~.~ ,... ~ l.. D.........m. fua... 1..I.-.. l- --i nr i Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vanires ' ý, . M 'uul étie ____b t -lun DusinRss uuitGUK ior y ear 1534' A good union can belp the workcr1R.C eknhwPrsdt in bis struggle for' beiter' wages and work- and General Manager, ai thîe Work Less, Gel More ing. conditions. But no union can create Goodyear Tire & Rubbem Ca. af jobs or keep jobs in existence wben il is Canada, Limited, gave the fol- no longer profitable for anc man ta employ lowing views in The Finaîncial Secretary' ai State Dulles in a anoter. oston the business outiook forr recent address gave the Amer anoter.1954: ican Federation af Labor ttîs compamison ai a workcr's earn- IThe sales outloak would seemn ings in New York and Moscow: The new Ontario leader of the C.C. F. ta i odicate a good average year. "Fraore'abyapun proposes thal Canada shouid be dividcd Unit sales on passengex' tiresya on int bw plitcalpatie, "hesa-dmy be slîghtty lower, due ta the ai butter in New Yomk. il lakes aedfact that tbey wci'e unusualîy 2 iue iwm:frasm free enterprise party" and the socialisi i bigb in 19.53. Total sales ofîmckihar womker in Moscow, il lakes partaad tires wilmre pe'abablyanincrease. ver six boums ai work." .artytiWes no'r be moî'e rcalisbic "For a pound ai sugar, .3 cal tbembbce Persona] iRights Party and The tr'end towamd mare effi- minutes in New York; 84 min- the Totalitarian Party? dient production methods ta ta- Utes in Mosco w. dusti'y aad cantinued devclop- "Fraqrtn iksen i meal ai natumal r'esaurces imdi- Fraqato ik ee The most alarming thing about bbc ' cae that sales of industrial r'ub- minutes in New Yomk; 42 miii- present situation in Canada is the smugj betr poducts wilemain at a utes in Moscow. comlacncywit whch ur ureucrts ighlevr. For a dazen eggs, 25 minutes complacenc witb wbib au:' buraucrafsrbgh level.in New York; neamly bhmee hours assure us that wc nced have no fear of Teatoki odfi pca in Moscow. another depression. because thcy bave 1 producis sucb as foam rubbcr, "For a catton shirt. neamly one chemicals and packaging mater- boum in New York; 22 bouma in things so well undex' contraI that lbcy can ial. A "suit spot" in bbc rubber Moscow. keep tbc economy of the country function- indusîî'y may develop in the "For a man's suit. three davs ing at any desired speed by the judiciaus iaotwear division due ta impor- in New York; 47 days in Mos- use of bbc public cr'edit. WVhose credit mi 'tations imam cauntries witb low- cow. it thaithtey contemplate using and how? cm cosîs af production. "For a woman's waol suit. 22 _________Labor casts wiii emain the boums in New Yark: 22 days in prime factor in bbc price trend. Moscaw. In the last five years ove:' 100,000 newI Any reduction la sales and cx- "For a cake af soap, tbmee facbory osbv en pndu o cise taxes would be a weiconie minutes in New York; 30 min- Caridian. Te inestent n nw eqip-relief and bave a beneficial cf- ubes in Moscow." Canaians Th invsimet i newe q ip-fect on the sales of î'ubbem pro- ment went up fî'om $1,230,000,000 in 1948 ducts. to $1,859,000,000 in 1952, and probably 75 Employmcnt in the industmy Food For Thought pet' ceai of it was for manufacturing. There will, af course. iollow sales, but is Ibis interesiing conclusion, the average 1 expcct wilh remain elaively F1ire Chie! Luctus Hooper, cost of pr'oviding anc new job was around constant. The credit situation wham the editox' recails in bts $6,00,andin he ggegae tat ean awihl be cansiderably tigblem. achool days alwavs could se sOOO, nd n bc ggîegac hatmeas i The innate growbb factors in tbc bumomous side'ai tbings and lot of capital. Wben placed industrially. ' bbce Canadian economy based on wasn't averse ta phaying bbc it is sur'ely an insurance for' cmployment1 an incmease in the population, accasional trick on bis school- in the future. brglier pi'oductivity and utihiza- mates, bmaugbt the inhhowirîg ________tian af nalural resources will poem ta bbc Editor's Sanclum provide a strong stimulus tn the which he tbougbi would hing Tber'e is probably no persan vbo re-j expansion ai the market ftbm a chuckie ta Statesman readers. ceives more ananvmous leters during the ir îubber pi'oducls. 'Ham", as the Chief was nick- yeai' than an editor', and we speak fromI Judging from the most com- come n he pvouthcadecrtse exper'ience. As fumibe:' proof of ibis state- monly used yamdslicks by wbieh meîhod ai "tncreasing" the pr'a- ment here's an editorial note clipped from bbecocunitt'ys praspemity may be ductivity and itfe ai farm stock. The Bar'r'ie Examiner: "The Examiner has 'ude-asavncpial The horse and mule lîve 30 vears r'eciveda It be sined nly'A Sbsc i învestments. grass national pro- And natbing know o! wine and recivd aletersine onv A Sbsrib dctand empoymeni-alh mndi- beers. <'r' xitb bbc postscript, 'l woader if you cale a favorable outlook for The goat and sbcep at 201 die bave the courage to print ibis on bbc front194 And neyer tasted Scotch or Ryc. page wbherc il will be scen and î'ead.' Develapments î'unning contra-, Obviouslv bbhe\vr'îem did not bave couragej ry la bbc trend are tbc redîu- The <'0w drinks waleî' by the ton lion ia expomt radte, inci'eased And at 18 i8 ainîost donc. enoLgh o sgn te ltte. Nesapersimports, the possibiliby af a re- The cal in milk and watrî soaks witbout exception absolutelv refuse ta ad.rustment in bbc economv of' And then in 12 short ycams it print anion *\-mous letbers. This anc had the U.nited Stabes, substanitiah, croaks: - to gointothe astebaslet."car"v -aver ai grains in bbc West 1The modeat. sober-. bone-dr\ lien ta o m ib waîe askt."and the ladt thal many strategic Laya eggs for 'noggs then dies materials are more phentififl at 10. MNagisti'ate M. H. Gai-ton. Winnipeg, ihan the'v weme a year ago. Al] animaIs are stricthI' dr'x had bwo affenders before himn. Bobh A summai'v ai the favorable They sinleas lîve and sinlessa die, xverc soldiers. He tld tbem bath ihat and unfavorable conditions ta- But' sinful, gînful, rum-saaked "t be wer a digrac ta te Quen ~dicate.à Ibal there will be a moremc unifr'm andsboud b jaled or ix ntensive damestic and iomcîgn Survive for tbree score er campetîlion for the purcbasem's and 10. months". Then he zave tbem a chance dollar. Tbe 'ear abead wili be to catch the huai for Germany wherc a peî'iod ai consolidatian ai econ- thevxvii lin bc anaianBriade oJic ~gains and a îesting lime aofrsbould be welcomed by ahi huai- the' vwil 'joi th Caadan rigde. iausiness strengtb wbien sellingi nessmen. Wben the csue \v'as the second lime during tbc same ' rather Ibat production will bel can state bis preicrence and can week., that tbec Magistrale made such a' the ruîîng factor in oum econ-ý enforce il. wiib bis dollar. aur decision. The Winnipeg Tribune quibe' omN -;ecan amy is strong and aur- pro- rightlx' dociares that the two men, char- The consumer bas bbe means gress sound. acberized as theY were. a disgrace la their j and îs wthing ta buy'. but h- uniorm soul ' ha '- en allowed mus be wooed, This îa a nat- Gnaw flot tby naîls in the unifrm, houd C1, 1ural and bcalthy business cli- presence ai others. nom bite tbcm to poedove-- t 11Clu"_ s male t, vicb 10 aperale. The witb tby teetb.-Francis Hawk- against the gp' me eturn' af the bî;yer's market ins, 1663. j IJ--uIpeso'svision. Ixoeî vision, and Bobby. arc spendiag a feiv poor vision in the child's devel- days in Oshawa. 1 opment depend to a very great Mm. and Mms. Lloyd Glass and extent upon proper nourishment. Ronnie witb ber sister, Mm. andi proper mesi. proper exercise, and Mrs. Naî'ay Cobeen and fami iy,~ proper came ta foîbowing thîe Part Hope. laws of nature. Faihume in the Mm. and Mms. Milton Robin- abave in loweming the vitaliby son were witb Mrs. Cecil Ghass: wilI have a strang bearing upon and Ray' . Tbev visited Cecil 'oui' vision and wheme the same is Glass in Bowmanvihle Hospital 1 defective the condition will be- and faund tbid bc was sligbtly 1'came mare effective. STUART IR. JAMES ilnsurance Real Estate 1Phones: Office 681; les. 493 Kinx' Street Bowmanvle Mm h EIGHT REASONS Why Local Merchants and Manufacturers should advertise in the Home Town Paper 1. Newspaper rcading is a univcî'sal babil; newspapcr advertising there- fore î'eaches virîually ail who buy. 2. Newspaper advei'îising is bhc life-blood of local trade because At touches al] consumer sour'ces in every opportunity for eomplete consumer' appeal in any locality. 3. Newspaper advcî'tising cuts sclling costs because il entarîs nn wasbe in locality of circulation. Manufactuî'ers use it ta caver markets whcre il is profitable ta do business. 4. Ncwspaper advertising assures quick. thorough and commercial dealer distribution and dealer goodwill because retailers are willing la sdIl products advertised direct ta their own consumers. 5. Newspapcr advertrsing enables manufacturera ta tell where their products may be bought. 6. Ncwspapei' adx'ertising cari be started tir stopped overnighb, can be prepared la meet sudden devclopmenls and la obtain immediate results. 7. .N wspaper adverbising enables manufactureî's t check advertising esults and cosis, in every market which tbev enter. 8. Newspaper advertisrng costs les& than any other kind. nieQùùmt 0=rmm "DURHAM COUNTY'Si GREAT FAMIL URNAL» READ BY OVER 12,M)4> iPROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS EVERY WEEK IN THE YEAR. ii~~ri/~< * g'-M

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