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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1955, p. 15

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IUURDAY, ZAN. @th, 195 THE! ýTMA&N, BOWMANVILL, ONTARIO Decision on toMeadowview yn o Clouncil, rhnthe mat* ne F br further stu mlttee will *mendations ai-> Mayoq Nlo benefit of the n- bers and poin irnated cost la said, only amprti* can be charged- property owner . - route. Praposcd *' i cont Is $11,000 fo e ~de~ *owners under Ircal Amprove. ment levies and "24;000ofat thg * town. t Also, Mayor Osborne pointe( oUt, due ta the fýict that Libert) St. froi- Iiberty' Place ta Con cession St . iS--I'ncady served b: a service sewen, nesidents alanI this short stnetch should not b( charged at aIl. The reason tha a trunk scwer was proposed fa: the whole section, nather thar k gmnallen service sewer, is be * causc additional growtb is ex pected along -iberty St. N. narth of Concesion St. Thf .Alexander sub-Civisian in thi: 7Before You Buy Givé Stew a Tr.y Ince J '- fie for retreading, provideielr«tltie'a cUtlerYýkaded .at the saine in the thus rel~ rectorsk Perhaps im amounts ,ý>out retreadint or how mu# .prîces oni any tire mnade on-ihî4 to 3000x33. was coary rijl, the aIl aizes and the BuYix.Zen ai attractive Two f>discounts. sheeti K'ued tube.s$1.2$ y paaaeflger mize wart w r Sales SALES and SE)aVICE NEWCASTLE PH4UNE 2871' AIwayu Open' te Le !d ýy ig it )r W. wilI launder Fi Shirt wilh each $ Free Pickul GILJ _'Cleanit 0 King St. E. Pl t 7 F , auto *s offer subject to ava-a 'the mev t.o b e.'p Theve 't- are expected ta nemain firm. Prospects for the sales ofA I~ agnicultural products in t955 DA C -, are good. Sustained consumer D/1 incoes per capita should in- crease food consumption in Can- OLD TIME AND MODERN ada and the agnicultunal expont t r . c ,situation should improve. t It is probable that farmeni' B.C.A. VICTOR .... 0E0o cash receipts i 1955 abe RCDIGATS WU?<IEUL 010RG A large part of the 1954-55 wes . 1.2 ofDiy Ceaning De1î~ryIf You're Ti RED La ndvy p and ALL IH lIMThe New Brunswick M L avTHEadd, Nd ab. e Lumberjaek L oeay Wlngdm& ratepa.f" ng Aa nJan. i 2th ~~f'DMUUIm...vut asta.laV1he ~te etek* Dddaà wihdaalwî? ntce Get Dodds Kidney Pilla now. LooL for O SHAWA 1 withrawlý ithot nti. ebl'e bol withedm eM band at ad dé YeTu Cauâpod MDo"'& 32 iB C EPORS -40 EARSOF X7 Werry's, Oshawa. Mrs. Wes. Werry an, ,en spent New Year's r >Ir. and Mrs. N. Metca' were tea guests o ès M ~uest Raise Icy Streets Early Fn . 'me SOLINA Dya r ap TeC.G.I.T. met on Wednes- faMîly, Mr. and Sc ne of Fo r ar ftrnoan with Barbara Knox and 'Dean, Mr, , the chair. Follawing George Knox and Far Less SeeofFurCargi+h,ïporr rupNwYarsDy éiio~ Ic-cveedstees aueda One, asoness period %ve were Russell and Eldon Slo" four-car accident at the corner gog St., was u to h et-KnPso's ruhm ope R ates of Scugog and King Streeta at ontoKing St.and into he pathe 1. snoKie n thead îcy hpa M _ or m o ae Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellow 'Vý7:45 Friday morning Which re- of Leonard Dodds, Bowmanville, teachei.I' ore Harold and Murray spentN il-eahas areadybeen pprov suledonnconsiératludymng Whowas'ily :ît- Now Year's Day at Mr. Chas. Allin'e 'e haaraybenapa-ute incnieaedaaewo asdrivin.g west o ig tdi Wo Bowmanville. eCI he said. ta the vehicles. st. men's Training Schôuý -on- Ail Residents Would Pay A car drîven by Tom Dancey, Mr. Dodds' car suffered ex- to, Betty will, in severarmonths, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask, Coun. Jack Brough asked i fna address given, had stapped tensive damage ta thé grille and be among the graduates for full Ewart and Eunice were recent teuidents along this proposed at the corner of King and hood while Mr. Kovac's. left timne service in the church. The guests at Mr. C. Hamer's. 'swe ouewoldhvet pyScugog when a panel truck front fender, grille and hood girls enjoyed her informai talk Mrs. Ethel Couch, Misses Jiocl imrotement lehvies for i driven by Hendrik Kobes, R.R. were'smashed. The Dancey car when she told many interesting Marjorie and Eileen Couch, if t4yhda.ed nsaid~ BowmanviJ.le, struck it in the suffered rear-end damage and incidents of her mission work Bowmanville; Misses Helen Bak- veptic tanks on their properties rear. At the same time a car Kobe's, truck suffered damage ta in Saskatchewan this past sum- er, Verna Glebe and Muriel 41ayor Osborne replied that driven by Gabriel Kayacs, Ty- the left front fender and grille. m~er, and shpgwed snapshots of Sleger, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. they would, but they would not several churches and groups of Maurice Baker, Janice, Grantl lý ave ta pay a sewer rental A Â AI'I IL people among whom she work- and Mary, Georgetown; Mr. and chare i ther hmes erenotM r. M r. W .Hoo er C leb ate ed. Additional programme in- Mrs. Jim Smales and David,1 Chare ifteoir He stawere t rs v.1lo D r . ie r cluded piano solos by Evelyn Hampton, were New Year's Dayi1 cenneilcd t. t tdvthatonHkaday Dianne Tink and guests at Messrs. J. and Tom' :the~M resn11seooial o t v a i g ~ n ie s r Patsy Davis. a Christmas story Baker's. :tenson t cont the sewerAh ive sar read by Doreen Hamer and a Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hilîs and I or else give the by-law asking OnDcme24h194Mrrtie tambsesin 93 humorous reading "The Night daughters spent New Year's Day1 ear authorization ta canstruct it O eebr2t,15,M.rtrdfo uiesi 93Alter Christmas" by Jean Tay- with Mr. and Mrs. M. McCar-11 -under the local improvements and Mns. W. H. Hooper abserv- and moved ta Peterborough. lor. The Rail caîl was answer- reli's at Omemee and on Sun-, )* act first and second readings ed their -sixtieth wedding anni- Joining in the celébration ed with a New Year's Resolu-1 day visited at Mrs. Ethel, e and send it ta the Municipal versary at the home of their were his brother David and tion. The worship service was Couch's, Bawmanville.11 DBoard for approval. He pointed daughter and son-in-law, Rev. wife, and sister, Mrs. Charles presented by Jean Taylor and i Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor,' rout, however, that the original and Mrs. T. W. F. G. Andrews, Awde of Orotia, also a sister, Marie Flett. Sandwiches and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor, Mr.l petition for its construction was 20 Watford Ave., Toronto, Mrs. Frank Werry of Bowman- cookies were served by the girls. Donald Taylor, Miss Evelyn sufficiently signed and in order. where they now reside. ville, and a life long friend of Attendance 18. The next meet- Taylor, Peterborough; Mrs. Mr. Hooper was born in Ty- the family, Mrs. Herb Argue ing will be on January 15 with Harvey Yellowlees and daugh-1 Reeve Little stated that in2 rafe and Mrs. Hooper in Pan- of Toronto. Mrs. Hooper is the Patsy Davis in charge of the ters spent New Year's Day at view of the fact some contra- typool. The former attended only surviving member of the programme. Roll cali "My Fav- Mr. E. Larmer's. versy has arisen aver the pro- Bowmanville High School, Port William Mclndoo family. orite Pastime". Mr. and Mrs. Bruce mont- ject, he was not in favor of giv- Hope Model and Ottawa Nor- Messages were- neceived from Members of the Women's gomnery, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce1 ing it any readings until it has mal Schools, and taught school a brother Victor, now visiting Institute will entertain their Taylor were New Year's Day -been futher studied. The mo- for many years. He then farm- mn Ohio, US.A., and two Ls ubnsa oileeigi usso r.Gri egsn tionre was the Fase tha it e d for a time, and later aper- ters, Mrs. Clifford May Of the hall on Friday night, Jan. Oshawa. reerdt h FnneCm ated a genenal store and Post Windsor and Mrs. George San- 14. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and *ite.Office in Pantypool. derson of Regina. Communion service will be children, Hampton; Mrs. A. 1 A by-law asking for author- They were bath active mem- During the day many cards, observed next Sunday at the Beech, Mapie Grove; Mr. and iation to construct three water- bers of the Méthodist and later letters, flowers and telephonc church service at 2:45 o'clock. Mrs. Rod Simpson and Mark misin town under local im- the United Church. Mn. Hoop- cails were received, including a We extend sincere sympathy were New Year's Day guests atý provements was given two: read- er held positions of .Recording letter from the Prime Minis- ta Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hancock Mns. H. Hanris'. ings, however, and forwarded ta Steward, Tnustee, Supeninten- ter and a cablegram tram the on the passing of their baby son, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Bowen, the Municipal Board for ap- dent of Sunday School, Bible Queen -at Buckinghamn Palace, Brian. Orono, visited at Mr. A. J. Bal- proval. These proposed water- Class Teacher, and Mrs. Hoop- ail of which helped ta make it a Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome sof's. mains are on Edsall Ave. fnom er took her part in the Wom- happy and memorable occasion. and sons visited at Mr. Ron Mc- Mr. and Mrs. C. Vice and 637 feet west of Scugog St. to en's Association and Women's They enjoy The Statesman each Donald's, Bowmanville, and at Donna were New Yean's Day 937 feet west of Scugog, on Missionary Society. Mn. Hoaper week. Mr. Wallace Munday's, MVaple guests at Mr. M. Hepburn's. Frederick Ave. fnom Scugog St. Grave. Mn. and Mrs. M. Gilroy, Mr. ta 400 feet west of Scugog, and mMr. and Mns. Bruce Tink and and Mrs. David Beath and on CncesionSt.fromLibrtyfamily, Mns. Addie Tink were daughters, Columbus; Mr. and St. o 3556fee eat ofLiSessOtton New Yean's Day guests at Mr. Mns. Bill Gilroy and George, * irmn ek ase ~Clarence Tink's, Hamnpton. Oshawa, were us a Mr Fiee *ee Rra;rc UuloKte Misses Etta and Mildred Wil- Murray Vice's on New Year's * ln application by Frank Pr dits O u iok fo 1 5 mott, Mrs. L. A. MacDougal and Day. * rs ta join the Bowmanville Gary, Dr. and Mrs.» L.B. XViî- Miss Donna Vice entertained *Qunteer Fire Department was The annual Agricultural Con- tern wheat deliveries will like- liams, Bowmanville, were vis- several couples following the rred ta the Fie Committee. ference was held in Ottawa, ]y take place during the first itors at Mr. N. C. Wotteni's. New Year's Eve party in Sa- oreferred ta this committee December 6 and 7, 1954. Re- seven months of 1955. This, ta- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Larngmaid lina Community Hall. 'der Coun. Robson was a ne- presentatives of Fedenal anl gethen with faîl delivenies and Mn. Chas. Langmaid spent Mr. and Mrs. J. Leger, Miss est by Fire Chief C. L. Hoop- Provincial Governments and above the record low-level de- *New Years Day at Mr. Roy Jean Cryderman, Miss Elma tIat the pay of the firemen. dielegates from farmens' argan- livenies of the 1954 faîl seasoni, McGill's, Enniskillen. Cryderman and Mr. Helmer creased in 1955. Salaries- izations reviewed the agnicul- would raise the netunns from Mrs. N. C. Wotten and grand- Fneitag, Oshawa, were at Mn. #uete ae $00pe yan ortualsituation and discussed this source next year. Present son Annot visited at Mr. Sam E. Cryderman's. en, $350 for the deputy the outlaok fan 1955. Some of indications suggest there will Dewell's, Hampton. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cryden- fand $ý40 for the chief. the highlights of- the outlook be no significant change in Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell man and Ellen were with Mns. e are the rates in Part are presented as an aid ta farm- livestock cash receipts during *and childnen, Hampton, visited S. Rundle and Jean, Bowman- ~,Chief Hooper's request. ers in planning their opérations 1955. Increased marketings are an Sunday at Mr. Bruce Tink's. ville, on New Yean's Day. te.It was pointed out that for 1955. likely ta offset any prospective, Mr. Gardon Pascoe, Kingston, Miss Judith Drynan, Osh- ent rates are $120 for tire- General Outloak pnice declines. Income from spent the week-end at home and, awa, enjoyed holidays with 1$185 for the deputy chief The present international other pnoducts is expected ta with bis parents spent New Helen and Patsy Knox. :$235 for the chief. economic outîaok is more ne- remain at an about the 1954 le- Year's Day at Mn. Clifford'Nay- Mn. and Mrs. Stan Milîsan, *4 letter was received fram assuning in a numben of res- vel. lor's, Columbus. Glenn and Grant spent New Oshawa General Hospital pects than it was a year ago. In 1955, farm net incarne is Mn. and Mrs. Clare Allun, Yean's Day with Mrs. E. M. ing for a grant fram Town B siness .activity in North Arn- expected ta be about the same Robent and John, Mr. and Mrs. Carr. ,rci1 amounting ta the dif- eMia, although samewhat below as that of 1954. Farm operating Alf Allun -and sons, Bowman- IMn,. and Mrs. Victor Wilson, ce between provincial.rates the high level of 1953, is now expenses are not likely ta vary ville, visited at Mr. Wes. Yel-I Peterborough, were New Year's twô indigent patients fnom stable or slightly' ising and in significantly tram those of lawlees'. 1 Day guests of Mn. and Mrs. 1. ow~anville and actual cost of the United Kingdom, rnost of 1954. On the basis of an aven- Mn. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, Hardy and Stanley. r ng for these patients during Western Europe and some Corn- age cnop, estimated higher de. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Mn. and Mrs. S. E. Weir .ir stay. Coun. Carruthers mnonwealth countries, an ex- livenies and smaîîen carryover Marilyn and Peter, Oshawa, spent se veral days at Dr. Gea. ed out that this is a new pansion of employment and stocks at, July 31, 1955, fanm in- êlopment which lie would output is unden way. ventonies of grain at the end ta enquire inta funthen, and g-j ondtaecon- of 1955 wiil be belaW,.the 1954,- * natter was turned over ta tinues at a high level, and in year-end levels. This continuing e Yjnauncilendosdmtion b genenal, the fareign exchange decrease in yean-end farm in- ý'rt ArthuenrsCity Concilas position of overseas countries ventanies of grain would, how- Ïithe Ontario Govennment ta is strongen than at any timeevrbeoftbyhexpcd ~ri e cang inth Wok-since the war. There seems gain in cash incarne. *men's Compensation Act where- little arnona eason ta expect a by ' incneased payments ta reversai in the substantial pro- If *widows effective Apnil 2, 1953, gress which, has been imade -in y Br w - would alsa apply ta those ne- the nernoval of import restrîc- JaBr w ceiving payments pnian ta that tians against dollar goods. The time. import of agricuiturai products L a e o Pay December Bills howeven, by contrais remaining Coun. Carnuthens presentcd in effect in the important Un- Me December bills amaunting ta ited Kingdom and United States O.A. C.. Studies $4,568, inciuding $585 for fine- markets. Lange surplus dispo- men's pay, $323 tram Allun & sai pragrams are also 'aeing in- Popular assistant agicultural Hetherington for epaiing stais itiated in the United States, and représentative in Durham for M . A D C ~ me leading ta the Town Hall aud- the manner in which these pro- the past twro years, James "Jay"]K.A ]B C oH itorium, and $110 for relief. Ail gramfs are carried out could i- Brown left last week-end for accounts Weri passed fan pay- fluence the regular flow of agni- Guelph whene he will continue ment. cultural trade. his studies at the Ontario Agni- Chainman Rehder of the Police World agicutural produc- cultural College. 1 Committee reponted that "No tion has increased in recent He will be joining the staff of ' le Parking" signs wili be enected yasb erytrepncn the Animal Husbandry Départ- Il is one *1 i?'week on the other side of ynnall y, coanheepewi tha ment and plans ta take a MasterofteA Queens Ave. leading ta the increaseofSinedgen in population of 1.5 o cecedgetngiutre ae Goodyear plant, making ît illeg-prcn.Te rsuto -- Jay was born in Bruce County ae al te park on cither side of this pce epe s dcinhsu fre- 25 years ago. He '. Mr. A. B. srt:camne less pronounced. though do rwno xatn the iains in production have donron leofrulto fiv yers henat aways been in the negians Tvet. Ae .cicul M last of that war, so we rnight just as well know something about the Koreani war, too. Squadron-leaden Andy MacKen- zie, the Canadian ace who spent two years as a prisonen of the Reds, lias been appraach- ed by several publishers ta write the story of bis expen- iences. He shauld by ail means accept. One doesn't have to be a writen ta write a book, and this ane ishauld be interesting. In Februany, W. J. Gage Ca., Tor-onto publishers, will camne out with a new anthology of Canadian prose and paetny, MJor ks for our Advertisek [ of the experienced circulation auditors on the staff adit Bureau of Circulations.* Just as a bank examiner periodic check of the records of your bank-sa dees .C. visit our office at regular intervals to niake an i nspection and audit of aur circulation records. The on facts thus obtained are condensed in easy-to-read ports which tell aur advertisers: How much circu- ehave; whene it goes; how it was obtained; and many ACTS that tell advertisens what they get for their 'hen they advertise in this newspaper. A' I Cg"FI DI G A D * ,RE ORI4 - ,- - *- -- A ~ I '4- I.~1~~~ I , -->I and Mns. Lamne tan,ý were Sun( at Mi. Ralph D nd Mrs. Harolc Large, Rab Parrinden's o wene NeW * '-Day at Mn. J. W. Osh Mrs. J. Ye1h ber sisterMi Toronto. The Sundày Sc., was held at the h. and Mrs. E. R. Tay officers for 195,5 are: tendent-Mn. E. R. Assistant-Mn. J. Knox; retary-Bruce Taylor; At, ant-Lloyd Broorne; Treasuý -Murray Vice: Pianists-Mi Ray Pascoe, Patsy Davis an-, Helen Knox; Supenjntendent of the Nunsery Rall-MIMrs. Bruce 1 Tink. Teachers will be naniedà,'. later. During 1954 12 children, it bad a perfect attendance and MI- 12 people wene present aven 40 witlh Sundays. Sunday School was ing t held 46 Sundays. Lunch was n t served at the close of the meet- pose. ing. lad Mis, ___________________ cussed, z, be heldc f levationa I The op S elf Shirley Ai The Tp Shl ar. A An item tram Britain says I cd wi givet. that the final volume in Hilar v d ih pi-a St. George Saundens' histary of morraxv Isk the RA.F. in Wanld \Var II as read bySi been published. neadîng \Vas crietian \vî, The late officiaI war histor- led by Mari ian wrote such documentarv books as "The Red Benet", and "The Greenl Beret", the last of written by bis wonks, "The Fight is Won" University describes tlhe air force'ý Klink of thé' achievements in the year prior tenn Ontario. ta the Normandy landings and ful, addition through ail the operations cey's histony leadings ta victany in 1945. As ature. the United States air fonce played an integral part in this Ini New 'Y magnificent' era, Mir. Saunders in World Jr surveys the combined efforts of lished. It the air forces. cnt Hebre, "The Fight is Won" may be- obtained for $3.15 tram theUn- Private, ited Kingdom Information 0f- about p fice in Ottawa. dollars * * * licence WiT're rn+ flonl ? +f 1-,,n-the 1

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