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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1955, p. 3

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__________________________ jfriVis ~ -'*~*¶ ~ ____________ I - ?EUNSAT, :TAN. «th, 1058 AI. (S&creec/i (9wL Imm By Ron Turner The ýed and white volleyball pennants wene presented in Assémfbly Monday monning ta Grades 13 and 10C, the Senior and Junior Vlleyball Cham- pionship forms. We shaîl not lattempt ta overlook the remnark -~~by a certain staff member that h le thought ail championship tearns get a pennant. But in explanation let us stant at the beginning. We shall first dispose af the Junior playoffs for they are riot directhy invoived with the story. 10A and 10B defeated 9D and 10C, respectively, tu advance inta the semi-finals ini wbîch l0B won the 1 o'clock championship. On the 4 o'clack side 10A and 9C wene defeated by 10B and 10C, respectively, and of these two teamns lOC won the 4 o'clock champion- ship. The 1 o'clock and 4 'clock champs played off and lOC was proclaimed the Junior Champion. Senior Division In the Senior division intense rivalny was displayed «between grades 12 and 13. bath cantend- ing for the top position. In the 1 o'clock division 13 and 12 ad- vanced inta the semi-finals by defeating 11A and Sr. C and in the finals grade 12 fonged fromn behind ta mark up an excitin.g (veny exciting) ývictary aven 13. In the 4 o'clock playoffs 131 placed anather bid for thel champianship by defeating Sr. C while grade 12 hst to lic who were also the only team able ta defeat grade 12 during the regulan sehedul. Interest was immensely heigbtened when grade 13 de- feated 1I C in the finals and now entered the Senior finals against the same grade 12 teamn which had previously conquen- ed the grade 13 f o'clock team. Grade 13 took an early lead in ~the game but grade 12, spunred 1ýon by the (fantastic) cheers of their supporters fought back ta create a 19-19 deadlock in a game whicb was ta be won by the first team ta neach 21 points or as many points aver 21 as wene necessary ta attain a two point lead aven their op- panent.. Bediam Broke toose When grade 12 tied the score ail Bedlarn broke loase and the roof, aften claimed ta be to ow, was adjusted ta a mare than adequate height by the cheers which arose. It was probably the gneatest 'Christ- mias Chee' that ever existedl in the school's histony. How- ever grade 13, notbing daunt- ed, (it says here) gained two znore points winning the game a nd the Senior Championship. 1Aften such an exhibition of enthusiasmn it can then be well imagined with what eagerness the caming senies between grade 13 and the staff. would be anticipated. For this annual match wauld featune the Sen- ior Champs against the teach- ing staff who by this time nursed a two-yean gievance aven losing ta the pupils. The last yea's lasers, in this case tbe staff, banded a stinr- ing challenge ta grade 13 in assembly as Miss MeGinnis ap- peared on stage decked in a rugby unifonm, helmet and alI. wbile Mn. Ras. entened in a rugby sweater and des grandes pieds and Messrs. Withenspaan and Sheridan appeared in bad- minton clothes and hockey ne- galia. The challenge, a volley- baîl with a painted face and sbredding bain was 'tossed' at fifth farm in the general di- rection of Sir Joseph Mankie's head). Christmas Party At the Christmas panty, Whene fifth form was hast, the big seies took place follawing a full-length -mavie, a variety show 'composed of students from other schools, and lunch. The events of the senies (best out of tbree games, each game ta 15 point,) are too gruesome ta mention. However, it may be stated tbat the staff did very well and took the match in the first two games. Non did they' seem at any time in danger of being defeated. A nesulting comment on the game might be that there wene taa many nit-wits an one team and too many net-wit.s on the other. Howeven we will leave that point ta popular opinion. As ta the volleyball used for the challenge, it still remains in a canner of grade 13's cas.- noom, some distance from a listless Senior Cbarnpionship pennant, ta remind fifth form- ens of a glory that might have been; and ance in a while one of them wililaok at it and ne- member tbat famous speech in Shakespeare when Hamhet picks up Yorick's skull, re- gards it briefly, and exclaims, "Alas, tbere's samething rat- ten in Denmark". Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week Dec. '27-Jan. 2: Admissions................--------50 Binths. 1 male, 2 female ----3 Discharges -- --------- 43 Major operations ----- 4 Minan openations --------- 17 Emergency tneatments ------- 2 These facts are pubiished weekly in an effort to acquaint this cammunity with the ser- vices of aur hospital. There are now more than 50 diffenent household electrical appliances to use in Canada ta- day, compared ta only 19 in 1930. S Office Supplies f or 19 5 5 CASH BOOKS - JOURNALS - LEDGERS CARBON PAPER - COPY PAPER SDATE STAMPS - MINUTE BOOKS CALENDAR PADS AND STANDS STAPLING MACHINES î end ail the small items that are so necessary at this time. RUBBER STAMPS- Made-to-order I. BIG 20" SPECIAL! Clearance Sale 0F SKATES We are overstocked with Skates and have decided ta reduce aur stock. ALL SKATES REDUCED 20% Corne ini and see our large stock of Hockey and Figure Skates in sizes ta fit al members of the family. Mason & Dale HARDWARE Phone MA 3-5408 Bowmanville 36 King St. E. TUE CANADIAK STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO STARKVILLE Couple Wed in Oshawa Mr. and Mn.. Lawrence Sav- ery, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mn. Ewart Robinson's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.~ Ruthven, Zion, were Sunday 'guests at Mn. A. Dobson's.. Mn. Delbent Hallowell, Toron- ta, visited his fathen, Mn. Jakel Hallowell, Sunday. Mr. and Mn.. Howand Farrow and sons visited Mn. and Mns. George Knox, Sauina. Mn. and Mrs. Zeke Adams and sons have netunned afteri spending hoiidays with their panerfts, Virginia. Mr. and Mm.. Gardon Power and famiiy, Clarke Union; Mn. and Mns. Carias Tamblyn and family, Orono: Mn. and Mn.. Jim Stark and family wene New Year's Day guests at Mn. John Stark's. Mns. Thos. Falls, Kendai; Mn. and Mrs. Harold Little and sons, BnaeC Falls; Mn. and Mns. Bra aswell, Port Hope; Miss- es Norma and Beulah Halloweil, Mn. and Mn.. Llew Hailowell, Maurice and Jim, were enter-1 tained at Mn. Orme Falls', New Year's Day. Mrs. Ralph Baughen and sons, Newtonville; Mn. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson and family, Mn. and Mns. Adam Stoc and daugh- ters, Miss Helen Hallowell andi Mr. Arthur McKay spent New[ Yean's at Mn. Morley Robin- son's.. Sebool meeting was beld at the schaol Wednesday evenîng last week. Trustees fan the year are Russel Savery, Leonard Falls and Harold Souch. TYRONE Mr. and Mns. A. Hîlls ahd Bessie spent New Year's with Rev. and Mns. J. W. Wilkinson, Oakwood. Mr. and Mrs. E. Doonan, Osha- wa; Mn. and Mns. Robent Penk- ins, Mn. G. Noble with Mn. and Mrs. K. Coibany. Mn. and Mn,. W. Jeweli and Boyd, Mn. S. Jewell with Mn. and Mrs. R. Wright. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Hector, Ras. and Everett, Osha- wa; Miss Carnie Hayden, Port Hope, with Mn. and Mrs. J. Wilson. Mn. and Mn.. Fred Bigneli and Linda, Toronto; Mn.. G. Bickie, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. L. Annis. Mn. and Mn.. A. Hilîs and Bessie visited Mns. H. Couch, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. H. Brent with Mn. and Mn,. R. Wright on Sun- day. Mn. and Mn.. R. Fernandez and Debbie, Toronto; Mn,. G. Niddery and Mary, Hampton, visited Mn. and Mrs. Walter Rabm. Mn. and Mn,. H. Brackenridge and family, South Monaghan, visited Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Rose- vean. Mn. J. T. Sleeman, Miss Hilda Sleeman, Mn. Wilfred Janes, Oshawa, were tea guests on New Yean's of Mn. and Mns. H. Brent. Mn. and Mn,. R. Camenon and Raymond, Mn. and Mns. H. Cam- enon, Tyrane: Mn. and Mns. L. Webb and girls, Pontypool, with Mn. and Mn.. A. Wood. Mn. aîd Mrs. Rass Pooley, Oshawa; Mn. and Mn,. A. H. Brent, Mn. and Mn.. H. Brent, Mn.. G. Phare and Lance, Jim Colwill spent New Yean's with Mn. and Mn,. Lamne Phare. Mn. and Mn,. O. Beckett, Mn. Fred Page with Mn. and Mn,. D. Beckett, Oshawa. Mn. and Mn, K. Kandra, Tononto, spent the weekend w*th Mr. and Mn.. S. Nonnish and also visited Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Rab- bins. Mn. Fred Moore, Miss Leta Jackson, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mn.. Leon Moore and family with Mn. and. Mn,. Russell Vintue. -Mn. and Mn,. O. Beckett visit- ed Mn. and Mn,. R. Palmer, En- niskilien. Mr. and Mn,. Harris Little, West Hill, Mn. and Mn,. Fred Sewell and Murray, Cedar Grave, visited Mn. and Mn. Lamne Phare. Mr. and Mn,. Walter Park,I Ceeule and Douglas with Mn.1 Michael -were -dinn'en guests--of Mn. and Mn.. R. Perfect, Bow- manville. Miss Arlene Rosevear i. tak- ing a week's course in Toronto, thi, week. Tynone Mission Band met on Sunday manning with Presidenti Launaine Cook and Shirley Coombes taking the worshipi period. Mn.. F. Jackson tald a stary about a little "Indian boy.. Mn,. W. Rabm read a stany on "~Making Hard Decisions". Canali Yellowlees and Esthen Anne Rasevear had charge of, pro- gram: neadings by Shelagb Murphy. Kenneth Rogevear, Donna Yellowlee, and Lynne Stainton, Kenneth Murphy sang. Closed with the Lord'. Pnayen. Mr, and Mn.. W. Rahm and CIem, Mr. and Mn.. Ronald i Rahni and girls, Mn. and Mn. Kenneth Rahm and boys with Mn. and Mrs. Ceci Rahm,I Burketan. . - Pictured following their marriage in North- minster United Church on Dec. 16, are Mr. and Mrs. John Samuel Hawkshaw. Mrs. Hawkshaw is the former Verna Stepensof owmavile.-Photo by Ray Johnson, Oshawa E NFIELDand Mrs. 0. J. McCulloch, Col- Christmas and New Year's Toronto; Mrs. F. Smith, Brook-I Visitors lin; Mrs. E. Cryderman and' Keith, Bradley's; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. Prescott andi Wilbcrt Smith, Clifford and Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. D. Pres- Dorothy, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. cott, Marvin and Marion,, Mr. Earl Prescott, Mrs. Ken Hardy, Murray Prescott, Toronto, at J. Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris'. Samis, Toronto; Mrs. M. Samis Mr. and Mrs. T. Bowman, and Mrs. Walter Beith. Blackstock; Mr. A. J. Tamblyn,1 Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Taylor Orono; Miss Myrtie Tamblyn,, at Mr. W. Bridgette's, Bowrman- Toronto, at W. Bowman's. 1 ville. Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith, Teresa Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor, and Beverly at Mr. H. Barry's, Donald, Keith, Alan and Ross Scugog, and with Mrs. Fred were wîth Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith and Grant, Brooklin. Smith, Scarbaro. Mr. and Mrs. R. Parr and Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephenson family with Mr. D. MeLean's. and Honnie at Mr. Howard Blackstock, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Caxling's, Whitby. Parr. Mr. Morley Oke and Jack, Napanee, at R. Oke's. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gray and O RS Patsy, Oshawa; Mr. ana Mrs. Irvin Puckrin, Whitby; Mr. and On Tuesday atfernoon, Dec. Mrs. Ivan Ormiston and Bannie 28th the children of the Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ormiston. Sehoal were entertaîned to a AC2 Albert Vos, St. Johns, Christmas party by the Superin- P.Q.; Miss Marjarie Hanthorne, tendent and teachers. A« short Burketon, at J. Vos'.1 pragram of carols, hymns and Mrs. W. Pascoe with MViss readings was followed by games Evelyn Cunningham, Brantford. and cantests and when the tiny Miss Marion Stinson spent a tots were beginnîng ta tire of the few days with friends in Toron- somewhat baisterous games h to. welcome call ta lunch came. Miss Marjorie McLean, Black- Everyane perked up ta enjoy stock; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Eddy- and sample thp many dainty vean, Clarke Union, at A. W. edibles provided. Prescott's.. The party came ta an end Mr. and Mrs. Dan Samis, with hearty cheers for teachers Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. F. Aber- and friends. Before departing nethy, Miss Joyce and Alex for home each child was given Abernethy, Miss Shirley Hub- a bag af candy and an orange. bard. Manilla; Miss Corsina As there were several absentees Samis, Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Haines and Mrs. H. Os- Fred Samis and family with Mr.1 borne kindly delivered oranges and Mrs. M. Samis and Miss and candy ta the homes af these Elsie Samis. children so that no child was Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee and forga tten. family at Mr. Howard Cowling's, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Me- Whitby. Holm and Jinmmy entertained ta Mr. Frank McCullach, Ponty- dinner on New Year's Day: Mr. pool, at the Stinson home. and Mrs. C. Best, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. Beaton and Harold Payne, ail of Part Hope: Ian, Mrs. L. Pascae, Miss Bessie Mrs. Wm. McHolm, Marrish, and Pascoe, Oshawa; Mr. W. Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. M. McHolm and Misses Marion and Evely'n at fml fWloe G. Bowman's. fml fWloe Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman and Overheard an Walton Street, family at Mr. I. Tamblyn's, Port Hope, Friday afternoon: Orono. Fîrst lady-"Gee, but inm tired! Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Oke,1 What with all these parcels, Kathie, Karen and Jiimmie with slush and ice and aur car park- Mr. and Mrs. Morley Morrisan, ed away down by the Town Toronto. Hall and Tom goadness knows Mr. and Mrs. D. McLean. Miss where,- I don't know what I Marjorie MeLean and Heber, am goiîîg ta do. Parking meters Blackstock, at R. Parr's. aIl over the place!" Second Mr. and Mrs. D. Prescott, lady-"Yott'Il just have ta take Marvin and Marion at Mr. H. a taxi ta get ta yaur car!" And Smith's, Hampton. that*s just what the lady did. Mrs. A, W. Prescott enter- A niew club bas been formedJ tained these callers recentlY: Mr. in connection with the chiîrch Time for a Check-Up! Don't let spring planting time catch you with your farm niachinery down! Better have aur skilled mechanics check-up on it NOW and make any necessary repairs. That way, you'11 be ready to rol RIGHT on time! WeHe DROWN DEALER FOR Case Farni Machinery Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers andi Separators Beatty Bros. Sta1l1e Equipment KNG ST W. MA 3-5497 called "The Willing Workers' Club". The work? Anything from quilting, snow shovelling, cutting the church lawn, weed- ing, in fact anything where help would be appreciated, even the loan of a room for a social even- ing. Ail success ta, this new club. Mns. M. J. Osborne had a family gathering on New Year's Day, including Mn. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan and family, of Ononio; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Os- borne, Allen and Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne and daughter Karen, and Mrs. D. Haines. Mr. Neil Anderson returned to Brantford on Sunday ta re- sume teaching. On New Year's Day Mns. F. Anderson and Neil wene dinner guests of Mr. and Mn.. Howard Berry. School opened on Monday for ariother terni. Our teacher, Ms. E. Wilson, returned oh Sunday evening after a pleasant vaca- tion with friends in Toronto. Master Donnie Beckett who was taken ta Port Hope bas- pital with pneumonia a week ago, has now retunned home but wil6 have ta remain in bed for a week or more yet. Latest reports are Donnie is doing very nicely. Teen Town Has New Records for Friday's Dance (By AI Richards) Teen Town members are in for a treat at the dance in the Lions Community Centre ta-j monrow (Friday) at 8.30. At an executîve meeting last Tuesday, the group voted ta be- gin a collection of records, ta be awned by the Teen Town Club, and succeeding clubs. The best records avallable have been obtained, some new, some aid, some you like, somne I like, some everybady likes, (none that nobody likes), fast music, slow music, baliads, Instru- mentais, vocals, rhythm and blues, . . . and almost eveny type of gaad music you enjoy dancing to. 0f course, lt is a new collec- tion. and represents what a cammittee of three members of the executive thaught Bow- mnanville teenagers would want ta dance ta, so naturally thene will be some numbers missing wbich you think should be iný cluded in the collection. For thîs reasan, a certain amount will be set aside from the pro- ceeds of each dance for newv records, chosen by you, the members of the club. A book will be open at the door, or in- side the dance hall, where sug- gested recards may be named. The executive will attempt ta and buy as many as their bud- get will allow for each dance. All present members of the Teen Town club will be able ta renew their membership at this dance, or any of those fol- ]awing, and new members may join the club at any time. Mem- bership i. open toa a teenagers who are interested. and entitles them ta reduced rates for dan- ces and special functians of the Teen Town Club of Bowman- ville. Tuesday, Jan, 18, bas been set as the date for the next meeting of the executive, sa if yau are intenested in the Teen Town Club, why not drap in and take part. Yýou are always welcome. The meeting is held in the Lions Community Centre at 7:30. Tomorrow's dance is not bard-time, it is nat a "sock hop", a '"bunny hop"'. a "musk- rat ramble"', or even a Friday Frolic. It i. just an ondinary. once -every - nat - often - enougli dance. Some of the girls have asked that it be a "dress-up" type, so the executive is sug- gesting that nobody wear blue jeans or dinty T-shirts ta thi.s dance. You wili not be nefused admission for nat dressing smartly, but yau will probably feel out of place. Remember, Friday, Jan. 7, (tomarraw at 8.30, in the ' Lions Community Centre on SALEM There was a fair attendance! nt the social evening held by the Sunday School last Thuns- day. A vanied prognam was given. Rev. F. Jackson delight- ed his audience with bis magie tricks. Mn. and Mns. Ross Lane and family, Mn. and Mrs. K. Wenrv and family, Shaws, with Mn. and Mrs. W. Werry. Mn. and Mrs. R. G. Colla- cott and family with Mn. and Mrs. Len Jackson, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Little and family, Agincaunt; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allin, Mn. Johr Allin. Kinby; Mr. and Mns. R. Shackleton, Mn. G. Shackleton and Fred, Hampton, with Mn. and Mns. K. Shackleton. Mn. and Mrs. G. Shackleton and famiiy with Miss Stella Blackburn and Mrs. Nettie Cale, Town. Mn. and Mrs. W. Craig and family, Mn. and Mrs. S. But- tery with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cnaig. Mn. and Mns. L. Savery, Mn. and Mrs. E. Saveny, Oshawa; Mns. E. Sayer, Mn. and Mrs. L. Welsh and family wîth Mn. and Mrs. F. Blackburn. A number of people are sick with colds and flu. LONG SAULT Mn. and Mrs. Orme Miller wene New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. Manseli Wright, Bethany. Mn. and Mrs., Tom Turner,l Bruce, Elaine and Miss Bar- bara Harper, Toronto, with their parents, Mn. and Mrs.1 Ernest Harper and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. M. Faulkneri and family are haidaying with friends in the United States. Mn. and Mrs. Allyn Baker PAGE TM and family, Mr. and Mru. Har- old Julien and Michael, Caaks- town, with Mr. and Mrs. Gar- don Baker. Mr. Valentine Toth with Mr. and Mrs. G. KQi'acs and Gab- riel on New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sirn at- tended the Sim gathering -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Alexander, Bowmanville on New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook, John and Lauraine were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith and Grace. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evers, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sini. Plan to attend the first Home & School Club meeting Friday, Jan. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gable, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and Willie with Mr. and Mrm. Bert Johnson. Mr. and Mns. Jack Jones, Hayden, were Sunday visitons at the Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson and Sandra were Sunday sup- per guests of Mr. and Mns. Gardon Bentley, Port Penny. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and John with Mr. and Mrs. H. De;- Mille Bunketon on New Year's. They were also Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Der Linden. Master Teddy Milîsan, Oril- lia, is vi.siting bis parents, Mr. and Mns. A. Milîson. Mr. and Mrs. F. Partner were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mallette, Tyrone, and Sunday evening guests at the Millson home. Club 50 meets at the home ofMrs. Mary Penwarden on Tedvevening. Jan. 18 with IM rs.. Penwarden and Mrs. Bessie Vaneyk as 'programn convenons. START THE New Year Right 'with a beautiful COLDD WAVE $ 6.50 Our Special for the month of January -. BIG REDUCTION on MACHINE PERMANENTS for a limited time onlyJ Joan'ps Beauty Centre 38 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Phone MA 3-5455 for appointmnent WALKER STORES CLEARANCE SAL-E Kiddies' Snowsuits .Hait -Price A 'wide selection matenials. Sizes 7 to 12. Regular of colours and 3 te, 6X and $8.95 to $18.95. Clearance Am a . s Ad Ladies Auxiliary ta the Can-' 4 0> U3V to Y B Y ~ adian Legion held thein meet- ing on Jan. 3, 1955 the retir- ing president Rundle in the chair. Members of the Auxiliary 1were honoured ta have as Clearance of Ladies i guests Pres. R. McKnight and the Padre of the branch, Rev. iOn the occasion of the visitB e er I es e Pres. McKnight pnesented a beautiful silk band embroider- ed standard on behaîf of the A large selection of better quality Men's Branch ta the Ladi.es' rse nwo;jrecee n IAuxiliary. 1Dessi oljrecee n After neceiving same Pres. afts Rundle extenzicd sincene thanks tfets ta the men on behaîf of theI Auxiliary. In turn the stand- ard was presented ta ReV. Kit- chen for dedication. gentlemen netined and the' meeting continued. Com. A. Anaerson and Com.'1 A. Bate were installed and 1 Sizes 12 ta 20 and 18% to 24% four membership applications i Rg 89 o$59 Sec. D, Richards nead the minutes of the last genenali meeting and the conrespon- dence whicb included manyCla nc cards of t~~ithan s an aI 6 7 ficen, gave their annual reports. . 3 to 11.9 6 Pres. Rundle called on Zone! Cam. Bate ta install the new officers for 1955. Past Pre- sident Palmer axni Zone Camnade Bate Presentedi ..Ib the re t ii ng President and Md ~ 4 ~ 4 d ist Vice Com. Perris with giftsklU 4- J',£ 4%#A on their retirement of office. Pres. Knlght brought the PHONE MA 3-5451 BOWMAN VILLE KING ST. L. meeting to a close. Luinch wvas served and the usual draw was "TRULY A PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP" danated by Com. McKnight and won by Coni. Perris. MI e, ;-« -m

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