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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1955, p. 14

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- -' i ,-.w ~,, - - -r----'- -- - --.-- .~- - ---.~.---... - THE CMiADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMXANVILLE, ONTARIO qTTDINAV.YA% -,Jiuem BIRTHS FOWLER--Mrs. Grace Curtiis, Saint John, formerly of Bow- manville, is happy to announce the arrivai of her grandson, David Foster. weight 8 lbs., on Jan. 6, son of Garfield and Charlotte Fowler (nee Hoffman) of Cambridge, Queens Co., N.B. Both fine. 2-1* McKNIGHT-Wallace and Jean (nee Robinson) wisb ta an- nounce the birth of their son, Ronald Wallace, at the Oshawa General Hospital, on Thursday, Jan. 6tb. A baby brother for Karen. 2-1 * DEATUS BLANCHARD, Rosena W.-At Solina on Tuesday, January 11, 1955, Rosena W. Ashton, belov- ed wife of the late Charles A. Blanchard and dear mother of Arthur, in ber 76th year. Rest- ing at Northcutt & Smith Fun- eral Home, 53 Division St., Bow- manville. Service on Friday, January l4th at 2:30 p.m. In- terment Bowmanville Cemetery. 2-1 STARK, Minnie-At Oshawa Gencral Hospital, on Tuesday, Jan. llth, 1955, Minnie Stark, widow of William Stark and aunt of Arthur E. McGregor, Bowmanville. Resting at North- cutt & Smith Funcral Home, 53 Division Street, Bowmanville. Service on Thursday, January 13tb, at 1:30 p.m. Interment Brunswick Hill Cemetery, Green River, upon arrivai about 3:30 P.m. 2-i IN MEMORIAM FALLS-In loving memory of our father and grandfather, Thomas A. Falls, who passed away one year ago today, Jan. 13, 1954. -Ever remcmbered by Bella, Art and family. 2-1* FALLS-In loving mcmory of a dear father and busband, Thos. Falls, who passed away, Jan. l3th, 1954. Dear father, you are flot for- gotten Tbaugb an earth you are no more, Stijl in memory you are with us, As you always were before. --Sadly missed by mother and and family. 2-i* FARRELL-In loving memory of our dear father, David Byron Farrell, who passed away Jan. 14, 1954. His weary bours and days of pain, His troubled nigbts are past, And in our acbing hearts we know He bas found swcet rest at last. -Ever rcmembercd by the famiiy. 2-1 MILLSON-In loving memory of a dear father and grandfatb- er, Edward O. Milîson, wbo pass- ed away, Jan. 14, 1954. Notbing can ever take away The love a beart bolds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. -Lovingly remembercd by the family. 2-1* PERIGOE-In loving memory cf a dear busband and father, Thomas E. Perigoe, wbo passed away on Jan. 13, 1953. Sweet memories will linger forever, Time cannot change them it's truc, Years that may came cannot sever Our ]oving remembrance of you. -Sadly misscd by wife AIma and Vernon, Clare, Joy and Mvarilyn. 2-1 Cards of Thanks We wish ta extend aur beart- felt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympatby and beautiful floral offerings. received fromn neigh- bours, relatives a n d many friends, also thanking Dr. Aust- in, the palîbearers and Rev. Warren Turner for their belp in aur sad bereavement of a loy- IN the vicinity of the Arena Saturday, Jan. 8, lady's red wal- let containing sum of maney and personal papers. Reward. Find- er please leave at Statesman Office. 2-1 Stolen TWO hounds, stolen from my home, one fox bound, white wmith two brown spots on bead; one beagle, black and tan. Re- ward for information leading ta their recovery. George Leman, 20 Second St, Bowmanvile. 2-1* Art-icles For Sale USED kitchen sink, white por- celaîn enaml,"size 18" x 30", $6. 89 Scugog St. 2-1* ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanviile. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf SPY apples. Apply Leslie Coombes, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-2581. 2-1 SAVE on lumber, direct fromn mil to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17rl 1. 13-tf DRY bardwood, $18.00 a cord, sawed and delivered. Telephone Newcastle 3776 instead of 2146. 48-tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf ONE gas wasbing machine, one Renfrew cream separator, $45 each. Telephone Orono 14 r 5. 2-1 SQUARE timber building, 28' by 40' by 16', steel roof. Colin Smith, Orono telephone 56 r 6. 2-l* SPY, Bellflower and Tolman Sweet apples by the bushel, de- livered in Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-2365.. 2-1 250 BALES good oat straw, also space heater, used very little. Brenton Darch, R.R. 4, Bow- manville. 2-1* 120 BASS Hohner piano accord- ion and case, $75.00. Terms. M. Camber, 61 East Beach, Bow- manville. 2-1* INSULATION, blowing method, witb rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf ONE black coat with mink col- lar, size 42-44; grayish-blue coat, excellent material, size 42; 1 navy blue suit. Phone MA 3- 2551. 2-1 HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf TOOTH brushes special. Stand- ard, nylon filled, British made, assorted colors. Special offer, send $1 for 6, postpaîd. Collins- Lowe Co., 3417D Bathurst' St., Toronto. 2-1 PRINTS of photos of public events appearing in this paper taken by Carson Studio may be obtained for $1.00 on 8x10 inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, Port Hope. 48-tf DRAPERIES and venetian blinds customn made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will caîl at your home any time with a complete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- ville. 48-tf ONE Cocksbutt 30 tractor, 1 double unit milker, 1 electrie separator, 1 pail beater. These items are in first class condition. Terms can be arranged to re- sponsible persons. Owner bas given up farming. Apply Box 280, c/o Canadian Statesman. 2-1 * TRADE-INS-1/ h.p. motors, wa s he rs, rangettes, kitchen tables, beds, and springs, radios, buffets, space beaters. New cbesterfields, bedroom suites, rangettes, springs, mattresses, chrome and wrought iron kitch- en sets, end tables, coffee tables, automatic washers, ranges, re- frigerators at Murphy's, 47 King St. W., Bowmanville. 2-1* Singer Sewing Cenfre For Used or New Sewing Machines RentaIs or Repair Phone OSHAWA 5-5443 for Prompt Service 44-tf DO IT YOUHSELF 1MA 3-5912 MA 3-37011 44-tf Help Wanted WANTED-Man for steady trav- ci among consumers in Bow- manville. Permanent connec- tian with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustier considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept.- A-140-1 131- Montreal, P.Q.2- MAKE 1955 yaur best year! Be yaur own boss! Seli houscbol1d necessities witb bigh commis-* sion. Na experience necessary. Small capital ncedcd. Opcnings in your surroundings. Write for free catalogue and details. Fani- ilex, 1600 Deloimier, Dept. A., Montreal. 2-1 COMING EVENTS "Feci Like Dancing?" Came ta dance ta the musit. of Reed's Orchestra at Sauina Comrnunity Hall on Wcdnesday, Jan. 19, from 9 p.m. ta 1 a.m. Admission: Gentlemen 75c, ladies 50c. 2-i The Salvation Army Home League will be holdijng a Valen- tine Tea and home "baking sale, Friday, Feb. litb, 3:00 p.m., in the Sa lvation Army Hall, Divis- ion Street. 2-1 A Travelogue - A ncw Tol Travelogue ta be presented by Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Toli in Trin- îty United Cburch on Friday, January 21, at 8:15, sponsored by Woman's Association. Admis- sion 50c. 52-4 A dance will be held in the new Odd Fellows Hall, Orona, Friday, Jan. l4th. Ruth Wil- son's Orchestra will furnisb the music. Admission 50c, lunch extra. Procceds for the build- ing -lund. 1-2* Plan ta attend the Burns' Night, Saturday, January 29tb, at 6:30 p.m. at the Canadian Legion Hall. Supper, entertain- ment, modern and ald time dancing. Admission $2.00 per persan. 1-4 Annual Meeting Bowmanville Public Library The annual meeting af the members of the Bowmanville Public Library will take place an Tuesday, January 25, in the Reading Room of the Library at 7 p.m., for the purpose of re- ceiving the report of the Board for the year 1954, and ta clect the Board members for 1955. AIl adult subscribers are mem- bers of the Library and are ask- cd ta attend this meeting. Glenholme Hughes, Se'y-Treas. 2-2 Work Wanted HOUSEWORK by Dutcb girl. Phone Orono 58 r 6. 2-2* HOUSEWORK by the day. Mrs. J. Van Dyk, 23 Temperance St. 1-2* DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone MA 3-3243. 32-tf MARRIED man, age 32, phys- ically fit, would appreciate steady work as labourer witb factory or other concern. Phone MA 3-5742. 2-1* TIME ta repair your brakes, check your car, overbaul jobs donc, any kind of repair work; also, arders taken for cement building blocks. F. S. Allen. Phone MA 3-2833. R.R. 3, Bow- manvilie. 1-2 GENERAL CONCRETE AND MASONRY Construction or Repair Estimates Free L. TURNER P.O. BOX 177, BOWMANVILLE 52-tf SAVE MONEY AT D A V E.' S 5110E REPAIR Skates Sharpened 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 46-tf BULLD OZING EXCAVATING TRENCHING - LGADING DRAGLINE - CLAM WORR Trucks and Loader for Gravel and FuI Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Construction PORT FERRY 392W 32tf A. E. (SAMMY) COLE Plumbing and Heaiing AGENT FOR Mor-Sun The Furnace wlth the 10-year guarantee 26 Ontario St., Phone MA 3-3473 BOWMANVILLE (Formerly Bothwell & Cole) 30-tf Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lorne Doreen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf Personal HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber goods) mailcd postpaid in plain scaled envelape with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Ham- ilton, Ont. 1-52 Notices Notice ta rabbit hunters. $1.00 wili be paid for each rabbit. Please be careful when hunting on nursery property. Broakdaie Kingsway Nurseries. 51-tf *eare now maîîufacturing cement blocks, bath interlocking and standard, and would be plcased ta serve you with a good produet at a reasonable price. Tripp Construction. Phone 392W, Port Perry. 40-tf Annual Meeting Bowmanville Public Llbrary The annual meeting of the members of the Bowmanvillc Public Library will take place on Tucsday, January 25, in the Reading Room o! the Library at 7 p.m., for the purpose o! re- cciving the report of the Board for the ycar 1954, and ta eleet the Board members for 1955. All adult subscribers are mcm- bers of the Library and are ask- cd ta attend this meeting. Glenholme Hughes, Sec'y-Treas. 2-2 NOTICE is bereby given that the Corporation of the United Counties af Northumberland and Durham will make an applica- tion ta the Legislative Assembly o! the Province of Ontario at its next session for the Passing o! an Act: 1. To repeal Sections 12 and 13, Chapter 72 of the 1859 Statutes o! the Dominion o! Canada passed in the 22nd year of the Reign of Qucen Victoria establisbing the Town Hall at Cobourg as the Court House for the Corporation o! the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, sa that the Corporation of the United Counties o! North- umberland and Durham may establish a Court House in ac- cordance witb the provisions o! the Public Statutes of the Prov- ince of Ontario. DATED at Cobourg this Seventb day a! December, A.D. 1954. The Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. By its Solicitor, Harvey M. Brent, 17 King Street East, Cobourg, Ontario. 50-6 For Rent FOUR-room cottage. Phone MA 3-5935. 2-1* APARTMENT ta ent, 4 rooms, central location. Phone MA 3- 5897. 2-1 TWO rooms and batbroom, child welcome; two miles east oif Bow- manville. Apply Box 282, c/o The Canadian Statesman. 2-1* TWO roams at 143 Duke St. Apply ta Brookdale Kingsway Nurseries. Phone MA 3-3345. 51-tf TWO large roomed beated apartment, private entrance and toilet, bot and cold water and tubs, $25 a montb. Phone MA 3-5813. 1-2 HEATED, seif-contained apart- ment, 4 rooms and bath, private entrances, good location, avail- able Feb. 15. Phone MA 3-3867. 2-1* ONE 3-roomed heatcd apart- ment, newly decorated, sink and cupboards in kitchen, ail con- veniences, use of telephane, reasonable rent. Phone MA 3- 5813. 1-2 SIX-roomed bouse with auto- matic oil beat, batbroom; 50 acres a! land optionai, in New- tonville. Available April lst. Apply Lciand -Payne, Newton- ville, after 7 o'clock. 23 Pets For Sale COLLIE pups, heelers, 8 weeks aid. Phone MA 3-2685. 2-id' SIX Labrador Retrievers, male, black; Il weeks old, egistercd. Phone MA 3-2571. Mrs. L. Wood, Tyrone 1. 1-3* Wanted To Rent FURNISHED ar unfurnisbed 3-roomn apartment with bath- room, by February lst. Write Box 283, c/o The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie. 2-1 Wanted To Buy GOOD used piano bench.- Apply1 Stan Allin, Orono. 4 r S. 2-1* LOT wanted - for - nice brick home. Cash immcdiately. Write particulars ta Box 246, Bowman- ville. 1-2* REGISTERED certified and com- mercial aats and barlcy for seed. Apply Swain Seed Cleaners. Phone Blackstock 89 r 11. 49-6 BEFORE seiling your live poul- try. try us. Our prices are bigh- er. M. F]att, R.R. 1, Betbany. Phone 7 r 13. Reverse charges. 51-tf WANTED-Live paultry. goase feathers, feather ticks, scrap iran, rags and metals. Raw furs and deerskins. Phone 3-2043 Oshawa. colleet. 46-tf For Expori Firsi Caîf, HOLSTEIN HEIFERS DUE IN FEBRUARY AND VACCINATED SCHWARZ BROS. WE BUY - SELL - TRADE Credit can be arrangcd PHONE MA 3-2895 or MA 3-5935 21 iiei tstate I-or Sale J. VAN NEST REAL ESTATE NEEDS LISTINGS Let Us Sell Your Home, Farm or Business Calin and talk ht over 118 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE Phone MA 3-3230 42-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold,. Rented. Managed and Appraised L. M. A L L I S O N Real Estate Broker Phone 2566. - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal, Newcastle. 20-tf Pedwell Real Estie rarms and ilother properties, businesses, etc., for sale. H. C. Pedwell, Broker Newcastle Phono 38-SSL 25-tf LEASK REAL ESTATE New bungalow, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors. In good lo- cation. Payments under N.H.A. $1,550 cash with $50.40 per montb. We bave lots, bouses, farms and businesses in Bowmanville and surrounding district. M. E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontario St.- Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5919 2-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE We need listings. Tbree unfinished bungalows, water and sewer available. Priced for quick sale. Several nice homes in Bow- manville and surrounding dist- rict. Buying or selling a bouse, farm or business, contact Art Fuleher 246 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Pbone MA 3-3966 2-i NIXON REAL ESTATE Beautiful brick dwelling an good street, kitchen, dining and living-room, 4 bedrooms, clothes closets, oak floors, fireplace, 4- pc. bath, bot water heating with ail, brick garage, many extras. $12,000, terms. 5 acres and frame bouse wîth living and dining-room, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, insulated, basement, barn, ben bouse, colony bouse, garage, well, cistern, apples, pears, small fruit. Close ta churcb, school and stores. $9,000, terms. Pos- session arranged. James Nixon, Broker 60 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Dial MA 3-5682 2-1 Pedwell Real Esie 12,500. 110 acres finest wbcat land available. Last year this farmn produced 3,000 bushels of grain and 175 loads of bay be- sides carrying 30 head of'cattle. Large 2-storey frame bouse, furnace, water inside. Barn 40'xlOO', roomn for 50 bead of cattle, pig pen, drive shed, al bave steel roofs. This farm is divided into large level fields, no stane. Situated close ta scbool and bigbway near a goadi town. Owner retiring,. requires baîf cash. Wanted-A good 100 acre farmn North-West of Bowman- ville, with good buildings. We have a cash buycr waiting. H. C. Pedwell, Broker Newcastle Phone 38-SSL 2-1 De WITH REAL ESTATE 110 acre farm, approximately 90 acres workable, with creek, large barn, some wood, 7 room- cd frame bouse, silo, close ta village. Price $8,000. Terms. 150 acre farm, 10 miles from Oshawa, wbercof 100 acres workable dlay loam, 3 acres of wood, creck, wells, 50'x80' and 50'x32' bank barn; 9 roomed frame bouse. Close ta sebool. Asking price $15,000. Terms. 100 acre farm on Highway No. 2, nearly ail workable dlay loam land, witb creek, wells, good barn in excellent repair; 8 roomed brick bouse witb bydro, beavy wircd. Price $16,000. Terms. 100 acre farm, 45 acres work- able sandy loam,. witb 82'x42' bank barn, implement shed, garage, 8 roomed insul-brick bouse, beavy wircd. Price $7,500, haîf cash. 5 roomed bungalow, New- castle, insulatcd, with garage, fireplace, built-in cupboards, combination doors and screens, heavy wired, batbroom. Price $4,800, $1,250 down. 4 roomcd frame bouse plus batbroom with 2-car garage, heavy duty wired, well, built-in cupboards. Price $2,500. 6 roomed stucco bouse, (3 bcdrooms>, with 3-piece bath- room, furnace, full basement, running water, clectric beater, heavy duty wiring. Price $6,500. Terms. 24'x38' unfinisbcd ranch style clapboard btingaiow, with pic- turc window,, sewer and wateri available. Price $4,200. 4 roomed insulatcd, insul- brick bouse wîth garage, heavy Auclion Sales Auciion Sale Why do more farmers every week feel it pays to seil their Livestock ai the DURHAM COUNTY SALE ARENA? Because they have the privilege of selling it either by the Pound or by the dollar. Sale every Monday ai 2 p.m. Owned and operated by JACK REID, Auctioneer. For plekup PHONE 5 r 18 ORONO The place where buyer and seller meet 51-tf Livestock For Sale HOLSTEIN cow, 6 years old, freshened two weeks. Phone 15 r 13, Orono. 2-1* 560 RHODE Island and Leghorn hens, 8 months old, layîng 65- 70%. Phone MA 3-2549. 2-2* TWO purebred Hoisteins, first calf and third caif, bred art- ificially, due end of January, ac- credited and vaccinated. S. W. Brooks. Phone MA 3-2227.e 2-1 SOpportunîties BE a book-keeper, stenographer, typist. Lessons 50c. Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. 2-1* Wanted ROTO-Tiller, 21½ to 5 h.p., a garden plow in good shape. K. Waversveld, 96 Liberty, Street South, Bowmanville. 2-1* DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposai. Telephone collect: Co- bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3636. Gordon Young Limited. 60-tf MIDDLE-aged widow requires 3-roomed, self-contajned ground floor apartment in Bowmanville, reasonable rent. Phone MA 3- 2577. 2-1* SOWS to farrow in February and March. Would you board these sows in warm stable to share the pigs? Young, healthy stock. Apply Box 281, c/o Thc Canadian Statesman. 2-1 FURNISHED room with partial or without board. Phone priv- ileges essential, steady tenant, conditions suitable. Write Box 286, c/o Canadian Statesman. 2-1 Help Wanted STENOGRAPHER for local bus- iness office, some experience preferred. Write, stating qual- ifications, to Box 285, c/o The Canadian Statesman. 2-1 ASSISTANT office manager to look after local office. Typing and knowledge of book-keeping essential. Apply Box 284, c/o The Canadian Statesman. 2-1 77 Dundurn St. S., Hamilton. Ontario Dear Mr. James: Enclosed you wili find a subseription ta your fine paper. We reccived a gift subscrip- tion a few years ago. As I bave lived in Cartwright, and my wife came front there, wc con- sider The Statesman aur "Home-town" paper. We enjoy Ed Youngman's column each week. That grass roots columnist front the pine ridge knows bow to wax idi- culous and then turn ta the sublime witbout extra effort. I have ead witb interest the ar- ticle about the IDutch people and their separate sehoal ideas. I agmee with "Ed", that sucb sepamate sehools wouid anly tend ta bing more "bypbcnated Canadians." Allow me ta give a sequel ta this front a small centre out- side this mountain city. A sep- arate scbool has been built for public school children. In the final analysis, it was discrim- ination against the splendid sehoal system inaugurated by the Ontario Department o! Edu- cation. Now tbey do not bave a means of transportation for their childmen. The resuit; tbey arc cying d is cr i min at io n against the High Sehool boardi whieh bas refused ta carry their public sebool cbildren on a bigh sebool bus. Had these people been con- tent ta accept the educational 1 facilities provided by aur prov- ince, this grief would not bave arisen. If these people desira more religious instruction than the one boum a week granted by the Depatment, thenwh not have extra classes autid sehool time? We bave "~Happy Hour" periods, Young People's Societies, Daiiy Vacation Bible Sebool, etc., ta furtber the me- ligious training of voung lives in otir cliumuher, why is it soi absurci for thcsc other groups, ta do the ~nc Wishing '-oLI thc best for you and youms l'or 1955, I am, Yoýjrçssincercly, Rcv. W. E. Midgley 'The part of Montreal is 300> miles 1!c-2,rer Liverpool than is the port of XNew.'York. 4H-IClub w o. 1k 1 nov, a largec international mnovemient with rural youth in 44 cauntries par- ticipating. Youth for Christ RaIIy HeId Watch Night Service A large crowd gathered in the in addition ta its unusual set"ln Town Hall, Friday, Dec. 3lst, for and story, the sangs of Helen an early Watchnight and Youth McAlerny Barth. Together With for Christ rally. ber husband Reinhold Barth, The rally started with a veteran evangelist among the1 hearty sing sang led by Archie German people o! Europe. She' Campbell. Everyone enjoyed proclaims tbe message of salva. the singing and chorus time. tinss. Hle ahsi ngs li Prayer time was led by Rev.ns Hl Brh ig ei Fifield, tbainking God for the song, "Precious Lord," plus .a past blessings af 1954 and trust- beautiful German hymn, "Er ing for continued and greater in bat Micb sa Geliebt". Reinhold1 1955. Barth lays bare the soul o! young Kari Ludwig as the Ger-, The special feature of the man youtb, hungry for some- cvening, the sbowing of the thing ta satisfy the deep long. film "The Great Ligbt", told ing of bis soul, attends a gospel against the backdrop of bomb- tent meeting wbere Barth and' riddled Nuremburg, Germany. bis wife appear, and in the end It is the story of Karl Ludwig, accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as in wbose beart lay the acrid bis own personal Saviaur. frustrations faced by modern The next and first rally of European youth. 1955 will feature Rev. Donald "The Great Ligbt" features, Shepsan as special speaker. Sunday on the Farm Or Home on the Range (Yclverton Ca1 respondent) Wake up at nine-tbirty, Took anc squint at the dlock Slipped on shirt, socks and trousers Head for barn at a running walk. Let calves out ta suekie The caws get their chop, To horses their hay, The pigs we now slap. To stili their lusty squeals Is aur intent, Wc helter and we skelter Hither, thither, bell bent! At last eacb is ±ed and silence reig S, We bead lor the bouse wîth bunger pains; Aitho' we're too late, we'll nat blaw a fuse Way past 10 o'clock, missed "Neighbarly News" Choke down the cold breakfast cercal Slurp bat coffec till aur innards quail, Cook bumns the toast, Babe sets up a wail. Now past ten-thirty, I fly to other place, Hope neigbbors don't sec me and add ta the disgracc; Claw straw out o! mangers as bossies eyc me askance One projects bis sharp horn thru the seat o! my pants! We water the bovines, ihere's stables ta dlean, As sometimes does happen, bit my head on a bcam, Only got kicked at twice this morning At this I smile, Tho, anc misscd by scarce an inch, T'otber missed by a mile. Finish up ail the fecdîng, ta the nannies tbrow hay Now since Imtbrough bere, wbo hame I tear away, Repeat ail past procedure, cats stroli up for a pat, Boss, stili in a hurry, sa mutters only-"Scat?" Marning chomes are concluded and this înay not seem truc But already tbe cdock scz it's bal! past twa! Retire ta the reading raom, "Statesman" under my arm To cnjoy an hour's reading ta learn bow ta famm. Wbcn up the lane I bear a car rattle And then downstairs bear some kiddies prattle, Company's came! My brain gives a jump! Heme cames belp ta f ix that cansarned pump. Sa after a little sales talk, reluctant guest in taw, Again out in the cold wherc the white snow dotb blow. Wc fix and we frig, irregard- less of weather Ta provide that pump witb a brand-ncw leather Job at last is completed, wet tbru from head ta toc Hot at the top, but feet feel two below. Time already past four; Eve'n chores time ta start, The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RAITS ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCX FOR SALE FOR RElIT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOST - FOUND - ETC. Cash Rate - - Sc per word with a minimum cf 30C Must b. poid by date of insertion Il charged, un odditional 25c will bo odded. A charge of 2Sc will be mode toi ail replies directed to, this office. NOTICES .COMfl«.Ù EVENTS AND CARDS 0F TXANXS 3c a word with a ininimum 01 $ 1.00 for 33 words or Ioes. BIRTHS . ENGAGEMEMT MARRIAGES . DEATIIS $1.00 pet insertion IN MEMORIAMS $1.00 Plus loc a lino toi ver»e COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS Includes cil odvertertxg foi perlions or rMs sellin seivîces. idecis or goods of any descriptioï -3c pet word; m:nimurn charge 75c cash w.th order. To regulai adv erùsers' payable monthly. Display Classifîed at il-SO pet inch wth a minimnum of one inch. Addit.onal insertions at the.igme rates Ali Clas:i±ted Ada must be in th.s office flot Inter thon 12 o'clock noon. Wednesday Sexxd cash. stamnps or money order cnd soaeMoney. Clip this out for handy refeorence An bour later for home we depart. Wonder wby I'm s0 bungry and feel sa much thinner, Recaîl o! a suddcn, mîsscd aut an my dinner. Pulled chairs up to table, so hungry I feit Start ta staw it away, anly pause ta slacken MY belt! Soon visitors go, again 1 ho dý for the barn Seems ta be here I spend my time an the farm. At last ail is donc, animais al fed and content, Head for the bouse, draopy « shouldered, back bent, Glance at the dlock-bal! past eigbt, For my favourite pragram, again Fra too late. The next couple o! bourse we phone and peruse For this is the nigbt we write up the news. At long last we bit the hay, alas, I must confess, I'm danged near bushed by this weekly "Day o! Rest!" Richard Snowden, a member Ï3 ofawell known and bigbly rcspected pioncer family o! Maple Grove passed away in Oshawa General Hospital on ~ January 8th in bis 88tb year. He bad been in poor bealtb for severai years. A son a! the late Mm. and Mrs. Samuel Snowden o! Ma- pIe Grave, the deceased was born in Bowmanville on Fcb- ~ ruary 17. 1867. For a numbrj o! years be cponducted a graceyj business in Bowmanville, and 36 years aga he and bis fani- ily taok up residence in Osh- awa wbere lie contînued opeý- ating a grocery store for a.num. ber o! years, Mr. Snawdcn was a mecm- ber o! Simcoe Street United Cburcb, Oshawa, and was a former member of! Jemusaleni Lodge, A.F. & A.M., Bowman- ville. He had a genial persan. ality, was a gaad ncigbbor and always willing ta give a help- ing band ta anc in nced or as- sist in any mavement for the goad a! bis cammunity. He was married in Bowmý> ville in 1891 ta Amelia Brimai. combe who predeceased hlmn in 1949. Surviving are two sons,'.Fos- ter o! Kedron and Ronald of Oshawa. Also sumviving are three brothers, Sam of Osh- awa and William and Charles o! Mapie Grave. Two brothers, Thomas and John Snowden, and two sisters, Mrs. John Sanders and Mms. John Munday, predccased him. Rev. John K. Moffat, minis- ter a! Simcoe Street United Cburch, conducted the funeral service at Luke-McIntosb Fun- eral Home, Osbawa an January lltb. Interment was in Bow- manville Cemetemy. Palîbearers were Eber, Lloyd, Joe and Bill Snowden, Harvey Moyer and Harry Tmew. LONG SAULT Mm. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk weme Satumday supper guests o! Mr. and Mms. Robt. Sim. Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Baker and family, Cookstown visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Master Teddy Milîson re- turned to Orillia an Sunday iha time for seool, Mr. Stanley Fletcher, To- ronta, spent the weekend witli bis parents, Mm. and Mmu. Gor- don Fletcher. t ~ Mr. and Mrs. John Johns't- entcrtained a number o! th i; neighburs and !riends at a eucbre party Saturday nigbt. High prizes weme won by Mrs. F. Partner and Mr. J. Mlte while Mms. A. Milison capuei the boaby prize. Mr. and Mms. Robert Sim were Sttnday dinner guests ai Mm. and Mlrs. Wm. Miller, Or- ana. Mm. and Mrs. S. G. Harmer, PAGE 7 IRTEEN 1 &y -JLC - - - . " - --l T«b-A - - VI 9-Y 1 . -«ÀNM 1 qwmmnAv- -infi, -um-1

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