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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1955, p. 8

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IAE USE? TEE ~AKAmA1I UTATmAX'I, ~W1UANVfljLE~ O1~TA1UO THURSDAY. JAN. lSth, 1955 Initiate New Mem ber At Lions Club Meeting Gébrge Brown of Bowman-1 ville was initiated inta mcm-i bersbip in the Bowmanville1 Lions Club at the regular meet- ing held on Manday nighf. In prcsenting Mr. Bnown for1 rnembershlp, . Lion Laurencej Goddard pointed out that be was born at Penelon Falls andj educafed in Orona, where he joincd bis fathen in the tinsmith-1 ing business. He later was a1 driver for Ganton Coach Lines1 for five years and an instructor4 at the Boys Training School for several years. He is now practie-1 ing the f insmith trade with Sel- by Grant.î Lion Andy Thompson, wbo1 prcsided for the initiation cere- mony, pointed oufta Mr. Brown that he was joining the largest and most active service club in1 existence, with 500,000 memberst in 10,000 clubs in 45 cauntries1 ai the world. The letters ai LIONS stands for loyalfy ta the community and country, individ- ual integrity, aur flag and language, new ideals, hopes and ambitions, and service founded on the Golden Rule, Mr. Thamp- son stafed. Code of Ethlcu President James Marr ouflin-1 ed ta the candidate the Lions1 Code ai Ethics which stresses1 the cultivation ai friendsbip asj an end in itseii and nat merely1 a means ta an end, and forbids1 material gain tbrough unfair business ethics. "Be careful with your critîcism and liberali with your praise", be urged the new member. '"Seek always ta buiid up, rather than ta de- stroy'". The Lions Objeccfsai promof- ing good gavernment and goodi citizenship and building up the communify were outlined ta Mr. Brown by Lion Don Williams. He was presented with bis lapel button and affendance badge by Lion Bob Kent, as well as copies af the code of ethics, Lions abjects and club consti- tutions and by-iaws. President Marr welcomed Mr. Brown into the club and each member shook hands with him. Two visitors, Lions Joe Yar- mola, Trenton, and Art Fiddler, Strathroy, were welcomed ta the meeting by President Marr. Birthdays were celebrated by Lions Glen Lander and Howard Gibson. Correspondence read by Sec- retary Norm O'Rourke included severai letters af thanks fromn blind persans in the district for the Christmas baskets af fruit sent them by the Lions Club and for taking them ta the Oshawa Christmas party. A ietter ai thanks was also receiv- ed from the Salvatipn Army for the club's $50 donation toward Christmas work. An invitation was received ta attend the Past Presidents' Night in Peterborough on January 26 and some 16 members indicated they wouid be attending. President Marr congratulated Jack Brough and bis cammittee for their fine wark in arranging for the Lions New Year's Dance. He congratuiated Lion Jack Parker on bis election ta office in Jerusaiem Lodge, A.F. & A.M. Permission bas been given ta the Newcastle Lions Club, be said, ta exten# their sale af electric ligbt bulbs inta Baw- manvilie. Plan Stag Dinner Lion Glenn Lander reminded members that tickets are still available for the Lions-Rotary stag dinner and eliminatian draw on January 27. Chaîrman John Watson af the Minstrel Show announced that the event will be held on Marcb 17 and a practice will be hgld tbis Sun- King St. W. W. Bon Sfrike, Q.C.,' Chairman. MA 3-5778 day, Janumry 15 at 2 p.m. Lion Elner Banting, wha is in charge ai ticket sales for this show, stated that the club mcm- bers wil be divided inta six teams under Lions Jae Cooper, Walter Rundie, Bill Oliver, Stu James, George White and Orv- file Osborne ta sen tickets. At each meeting the members ai the tcam with the lawest sales will be fined, and at the end ai the contcst the members ai the winning team will be freafed ta a free meal by the other club members. Tickets will be dis- trîbuted af the nexf meeting, he said. Lion Nelson Osborne tbanked bis fellow-mcmbers for attend- ing the inaugural meeting ai council at which he was inaug- urated as Mayor af Bawman- ville. Chairmnan Jack Braugh an- nounced that the Ladies' Night wiil be hcld on Pcb. 28. A draw for two hams was won by Lions Don Aluin and Harry Cryderman. The sing sang was led by Lion John Watson, accompanied by W. E. C. Workman. NEWTONVILLE The Junior Gice Club camne in for somewhat ai a neorgan- ization lasf Tbursday evening af its meeting in the United Cburch S. S. hall in that a num- ber ai the membens were pro- moted fa the Senior Choir. The present set-up afitsifsaficers ne- sulted in elecfing Sharon Mc- Donald as president, Evelyn Huggins as vice-pres., Carolyn Clysdale as secrefary, Dianne Burley, assistant secretary and John Walkey, freasurer. At its meeting next Thursday evening iurf ber arrangements will be made for activities dur- ing the year and committees appoint cd including thaf ai Social and Recreafion. At a Christmas meeting ai the Club a presentatian was made ta Mns. R. Hallowell, wha bad acted as pianisf fram the be- ginning ai their arganization. The presentatian consisted af a beaufiful cup and saucer, witb a niceiy worded address. Mrs. Hallowel bas gane ta live in Bowmanville. Mrs. F. Gilmer is the present pianisf. Wc were surpnised'and pleas- cd fa see the face ai Rev. Ployd Honey flash an TV an Sunday evening. He with twa other men wha had spent some fime in China under Communisf re- gime were infcrviewed on "This Week". Rev. S. J. Pike preached a fine sermon an Sunday evening. We were glad fa welcome the faces ai the Senior members ai the Junior Choir n the chair laft. Mrs. Isabel McPhenson (Mar- shall) passed away Priday and was buried in Mount Albert on Manday, Jan. lOfh. Older nes- idents wili remember the Alex Marshall family as former res- idents ai this village and a brother ai the late Mrs. Robent BÙirley Sr. Congratulations fa Mrs. Thos. Burkeil who celebnated ber 85th birthday on Tuesday, Jan. 4th, af the home ai ber daughfen, Mrs. Cieland Lane. -Mrs. G. W. Joncs, accompan- ied by Mrs. George Hicks, Fox- bora, leff Malt on Airporf on Sunday, flying non-stop fa Ber- muda, ta spend a few days with ber grand-daughfer, Miss Fac Joncs, R.N. Mrs. Whiffaker is visifing wifh ber daughtcr, Mrs. P. Bradley, Bowmanville.. Mr. Wayne Ellioff is under the doctor's cane. Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane and Büh are spending the week- end wif h Mrs. Lanc's sisten in Hamilton. Mrs. Bunkeli return- cd home fa Hamilton wifh them. Go. Van Bridger, Manager. Wome'n's Institute Plan Their Kopper' Karnival Despite an after holiday let- [dawn and starnly weather the manthly meeting ai Bowman- j ville Women's Instîtute, which was held December 30tb in the Union Hall, was well attended. Mrs. T. Buttery presided for the business which was brief. It was voted ta send $50 ta the Toronto Relief Fund. The Visit- ing Cammittee reparted several members iii including the sec- retary, Mrs. R. Candier. The plans for the Kapper Karnival, wiiich is ta be beld in the Lions Community Centre in March, are well under way and the conveners report a fairiy good suppiy of prizes ta date. Mrs. Jones. acting graup leader for Mrs. Shackleton, in- troduced Mrs. H. G. Shaw (nee Nellie Hughes) a native ai Bowmanville, wbo with ber husband bas taken up resid- ence here on bis retirement. Mrs. Shaw gave a very inter- esting and thought provokîng New Year's message based on the Good Samaritan. Christmas music and a delîghtful lunch were enjoyed by ail. Our neigbbors, the speaker said, are those who are in need of care and sympathy, regard- less ai creed, race or colour, for God bath made af one blood ail the nations ai the earth. A returned missianary from India tald bow a Hindoo had once said ta bim: "We feel very sorry for your race for you are so very white. Wben God created the white man he took him from the aven a littie too soon, the black man not quite soan enaugb, but the Hindoo are nice and brown, just rigbt." It is good for us ta know wbat other races tbink ai us. The Jews bad no dealing with Samaritans. The age aid race prejudices we bave even not yet overcome. Yet God caused this praud and baugbty Jew ta acknowledge that it was the hated Samaritan who had been a neighbor tinta bim q.hen those af bis own race passed by on the other side. Jesus says aur neîgbbors are ail those with wbam we came in contact. Ta have a good neighbor is life's ricbest bless- ing. To be a gaad neighbor is the path ta lasting jay. How many times during 1954 did we pass by on the other sîde wben we mîght easily bave liited a burden 'or gladdened a sad heart. For the Master bath said: "Who sa giveth a cup af coid water in my name bath done it unto me." Na service we render can be toa small. Wben Jesus was an earth He went about daing good and when He went away He leit us ta carry on for Him. Each new year is a cross- roads af time; the present, the past and the future. 1954 is past and taken witb it are aIl aur opportunities of playh*g the good Samaritan. They are iost forever, tbey are now ast history. 1955 will findGod stili waiting ta establish His Kingdom in the hearts of men. He will expect from us Loyalty, Devotion and a Cbrist-like spirit. The achievements ai the past are the foundations on which others wiil build in the future. Let us make sure aur founda- tians are strong and durable. Let it not be said ai us that we tao passed by an the other side. Tbree windows In my house ai life I Look out three different ways, one turns witb wistful longing To the road of yesterdays, And watcbes wbilc the sbadows 0f the poplars, slim and tal Point mutely at remembered days And silence covers ail. And anc looks out with eager eye Upon the street ai now, ZION Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach at John Kiveli's, Sauina, for New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sobil and r.and Mrs. Hans Geissberg- er and famiiy at Augusf Geiss-i berger's, S. Harmony, for New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Gcrry Glaspeli had the Glaspeil famiiy party New Year's Day. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Murray Halliday (Norma 'Nelson), an their recent mar-l riage, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leachý at Russell Rabbins, Bowman- ville. Al growth that is flot ta- ward Gad, is grawing ta decay. -George MacDonald. Progress is the activity aifa- day and the assurance ai ta- morrow.-Ralpn W aldo Emer- bon. - And sees the passens up and down And greets fbem with a bow. The littie street is inankly gay Wîth checkered shade and shine And busy tao, with bustling days That wait for me and mine. The other window furns away Prom yesterday and now, And flot anc single backward glance Ifs vision wilI allow. Its gaze looks ouf ta his aiar, Its dlean eyes purged from tears, Up thnaugh the deathless pines % I trace The path 0k caming ycars. And sometimes when the sun gaes down And I arn ail alone, My liffle windows becon me For tbey are ail my awn. They seem ta love me everyone At each I stand, and look And I read their little stories Like thg chaptens ai a book. The iirsf one fis and fhrills me tbrough With bappiness and pain, The next I'm drencbed with starlight, And then I'm spiasbed wifh rain. But the other window dnaws me, And I smie tbrough rainbowed tears For I see a happy ending Down the path ai coming- years. EVISCERATED BQILING FOWL LOW PRICE - Lb. *KENDAL Ted Mathesirn, Toronto, spent a few days visiting bis bro- ther Bari at Mr. and Mr&. Percy Burley's. Mrs, Wifred Roughley, Osh- awa, bas been with Mrs. Swar- brick and Mrs. L. Thorne who was 111 but is now feeling much better. Mrs. eoughley returned home Sunday wifh ber busband and sans. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reynolds and Peter were present at a family gathering at the home ai the former's brother, Mr. Lamne Reynolds, in Toronto Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Coafbam and daughters visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mer- cer. The former bas been con- iincd in under the dactor's care but is feeling better again. If was thaught wise ta defer the dedîcatian service ai the new Hammond electrie organ, which was presented ta Kendal United Church by the iamily ai the late J. S. MeLean, from the last Sunday in January until a later date when the weather and roads would be less uncertain for those com- ing from a distance. The ram aif Wednesday night put a smooth coating ai ice aven practically everything and made the aiready icy roads very dangerous. Alfbough the roads were sanded many mot- orists required a tow out ai the ditcb. The B.A. gas truck loaded with gas was the big- gest problemn Saturday after- noon. It stopped at the top ai Carsan's Hill ta let another truck came up and as it started on down suid sideways off the road above the row ai posts. It swung araund and went down thaf long steep bank Bear backwards until It came ta rest 1 Orange Hall for a happy get- at the aid roadway. When the1 together and dance on Friday, driver found he was unabie to i1 evening. After a short periàd contrai it he leaped clear but1 of dancing Mr. and Mrs. Tun- luckily it did flot rail over jf ord werc escorted to the plat- although it came to rest at ai form by Garland Catbcart. Ilie dangerous angle. Tow trucks address wvas read by Mirs. brought it up the oid raadway Cathcart and Mrs. Earl Biir- after considerable difficulty. iey's two daugbters, Barbara Many folks consider the aid and Sharon, made the present-4 roadway remodeled w o uld ation af a iaveiy purse cotr-," have made a much better and! taining a goodiy sum of money. safer road. Dancing continued to music by Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Hartweil Lowery, Teeterville, were down for the Ted Caatham, Mrs. Keith weekend and intenL, moving Woods and Stan Hoy with jIilly down this week. Mrs. Foster's Rutherford calling the squikres. mother and daughter Jane Somne Of the musicians were stayed down iast week so Jane detained by the îcy roads when could begin the school term their car slid into the ditch in ' here. the woods west af Kendal. Mr. Mr. nd rs.Lorn Padenand Mrs. Munford plan ta spend Mr. nd rs.Lam Padensome time in the U.S. on their and Jean were Sunday guests way home to McCord. Sask. with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomp- SOTuesday evening the Kendai boys' hockey team play teir first game af the season at Newcastle. Miss Anne Stapleton attend- tTriôFiRsTcLAs6, ed the short course at MacDon- AL14 AR ald Coliege from January 3 - 7 A LTEV I on Ciothing Construction wben WE DO I each girl made a bousecoat. AND WE There were pleasant social programs arranged for the GIVE evenings wbicb made it even ÇPLEJJDiD more interesting. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapleton and Mrs. N. GERVICE, Kennedy went to Guelph Fni- T00 day aiternoon ta bring Anne GE home. Friends and neighbours of- June Gardon, now Mrs. Elmer t Munford, gathered in the 4w>'4io4fRU TH GRAPEFRUIT 10 f., 49c MANNING'S SPECIAL - Pkg. of 36 CHOCOLATE OR LEMON CREAM .Sandwich Biscuitl9 LEALAND - 24 oz. Jar 39C AYLMER CATSUP il-oz. bottie 2iC du tor à ÀFc Ail merchandise sold at Your Dominion Store is unconditionally guaranteed to give you 100%/ satisfaction DOMINION STORES LUMITED, BOWMANVILLE I - e Sale eJ~Y82IeJaIU9I'3'Sa1e eJ eJaDD~ le Twln Tablets of RED ROSES SOAP by Yardiey Here's your opportunity ta try Red Roses Soap. Twin Tablets of this luxurlous soap are yours at NO EXTRA CHARGE when you buy the large hottie af Yardley Hand Cream at the regular price of $1.50 (or get one tablet of Red Roses Soap - at no extra charge - with the medium-size Hand Cream at 85c). For a limited time only Jury and Loveil Bowmanville POWER INTERRUPTION in the Town of Bowman ville FRON 3 TO 5 A. Sunday. January l6th, 1955 The eleciric power will be off ail over Bowmanville during the above hours in order thai The Ontario Hydro may repair damaged swiiches leading minthe Bowmanvil le Sub-slation Bowma nvil le Public Utilities Commissi on 49C BRAESIDE A LARGE EGGS PER ' DOZ. 39c Strawbevvy Jum Pie or Cake Shortening New Lb. Pkg. 28c Domestic Lynn Valley - Standard - 20 oz. tM Cut Wax% - --W--wv 1 la THMISDAY. JAN. 13th, 1955 TUE CANPàZnP.Iff STATIRSUEPàN. âRilv [P.11"flLjjE PAM lue"

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