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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1955, p. 7

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PUll I I Il Il I "r '---.~--'-"'~ ~ THUIMSAY, JAN. 27th, 1951 13 THE CfAN1AfIAN STATESMAN. ÈOWMANVILLP. ONTARIO soii -esni Ellis Shoe Str sHe PhneMA3-3303 Now in New Location Or George A. Kennedy, Sania, their aunt, Miss Criee Modem Sho E was a business visitor ta Bow- Mrs. Nyen is a daughter of Mr. or manville an Monday. and Mrs. Harry Lamne Martyn, The Elli Shoe Store re-op- his large stocks of footwear of who Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Rogers Shaunavon, Sask., formerly oi ened for business today in ail types, and the large repair M and family were at Brooklin Bowmanville. large, modern new premises shop at the rear gives this de- ter Sunday visitmng relatives. Maurice Breslin, proprietar of at 49 King St. W., only a few partment increased . workmng due Breslin's Men's and Ladies' doors west af its former loca- space. cialA Mrs. D. Buttonshaw left Sun- tion. The new store is much Mr. Ellis enlarged his store new day by plane ta visit relatives Wear stores in Bowmanville, larger than the aid, being 60 space several times at his aid Wei ~and friends in England. has been wondering if 5aIfe feet long and 21 feet wîde. In location but thia' is the largest -yô. lMr. and Mrs. Gerald Cox andBo anleyugsrhdhb addition there is a stock room expansion he has made ta date. son, Dean, spent the weekend iaith in Santa Claus shattered runnn ln h duc fteWhnh is tatdi ui with Mr. and Mrs. Don Cox, atew itmswere.Alodeaivere new store on the west side, a ness here ini August, 1947, he shai Dawnsview, Ont,.lage socktooms5 b 20 eet id soe epai wor anl an by the jovial gente.s the parcel lresokro 5b 0fe i herpi okol n Mr. and Mrs. John M. James cot.igte a eni at the rear af the store, and a it was not until a year later wen Il cntaningthe hasbee inScct attended "Open House" af the Mr. Breslin's Ladies' Wear repair %hop 20 feet by 16 ieet that he began ta seli shoes as bory B lliott Ca. af Canada in Port store since shortîy iefore at the back ai this. welî. Lon Hope on Tuesday. Christmas. The awner ai this The front, rear and west side In the years since then lie Albert Badger, Woodstock, parcel may dlaini it by calling aitenwsoei trcieyhas added many popular lines edl and son David visited his par- at the store. finished in Silvapiy woad pan- ai shaes and his business had inte ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Bad- elling in a natural fir finish. grown tai the point. where a , ger over the week-end.Theat alisperdwh larger location was needed. His corn Mr.andMrs Stnle Ml- iinste ,vai'eS dùsky rose wallpaper in a îig- wife, the former Trudy Nich- colm leit some time ago onEa Pan ured design and has a large osn n isMme ilt e their annual trip ta spend thefo number ai sheives for îoatwear help hlmi with shae sales and shsi Erly Pan o display. The ceiing is ai white he has twa. repairmen. sa winte monhs i Floida.tie squares, and new fluares- Mr. Ellis enlisted in the ty Mr. and Mrs. Alan Greville Flis Ketirement cent iighting bas been inLstall- Rayai Canadian Navy at the gier and daugbters Dawn and Vikki, ed. The iloor covering wili be autbreak ai World War II and La:t Toronto, visited their parents, Rev. Harold Stainton, a battleship linoleum. served until 1945, being dis- shE, M.adMsK.E. Cax on Sun. omretee n eae charged with the ..rank ai Chief bhet Mry.fomrete d and Mrs. K. Greatly Increased Space Petty Officer. He is a member ba day.pastor ai the Caurtice Circuit al Winnrs f te Lins lub(Mape Goveand benzer The two stock rooms Wili ai the Bowmanville Kinsmen'sa Hockey Draw are: Wednesday, United Churcb), wbo has been 1give praprietar Lloyd Ellis a Club and the Chamber ai1 Jan. 26-Don Gilhooley, Peter minister ai Wesley United great deal more roam ta store, Coi*merce. the Bathgate; Saturday, Jan. 29- Church, Mimico, since 1943, be- - Iand Mrs Waso, JckGedes. livesingiv>ighi cogrgatonroci Congratulations ta Miss Joyce plenty ai notice. He has an- ioCs.IIIr n Purdy an carnpleting ber three nounced he intends ta retire in Lio s Cid e~n s ig t it year apprenticeship at Wanda's June, 1956, according ta a news 1was Beauty Shop and passing bier release appearing in Saturday's six Government examination ta Toronto Teiegram. e receive hem diploma. Mr. Stainton bas big plans for tnjoyed by ail. A gesL Termy and Janice, were in his iamily, be expects ta live in An excellent pragram af en- was also received irom Dis- den Campbelliord for the weelkend England for some time and then tertafniment, which was enjay- trict Govemnar Nostrand Spra- ed1 attending the Sth Wedding evisit India, wbere he spent a ed by the Bawmanville Lians gue thanking the club for the takg Annjversamy ai Mr. Biack's year with the Y.M.C. during just as much as their affspring, presentatian made ta hinm on ta parents. Mm. and Mrs. James World Wam II. was the feature ai the Child- bis visit two weeks aga. His day Black. ren's Night meeting ai tbe letter stated that be bad fieyer wh( Mrs. Muriel Dunn has raised club beld Monday night. visited a club where tbe busi- are another $25 contribution ta tbe Harry Freemnan Each Lion braught alang ness was conducted mare effi- Bowmanville Barons Hockey their sans and daugbters or a ciently. The executive meeting Clu thaug hodin euhreIs uri ritenent yaung guest and total attend- minutes disciosed that tbe club parbties t be homdne. T hes Iuericon- r ance at'the event was 151. Pre- will back Past President Hem- ;pibutions are greatly appre- kA.I Grv ident Jimi Marr welcomed the bert "Deac" Goddard ta the $jL iated by the team manage- ivapie Grove S.. young guests and Lion Clar- fuilest extent in bis caming ment. ence Hockin, Chairman ai tbe campaign for election as Depu- 'Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nyen, Pen- The annual Maple Grave Boys and Girls Committee, was ty District Governar. tictan, B.C., are guests ot their Sunday School meeting was in charge ai the entertainment Elmer Banting distributed co usns r. nd rs.Frakbeld ini the basement on Tues- and arrangements. 200 tickets for the Lions Mi- cuns M and Mrvs. Fgprnk day evening, Jan. 4, with a Lion John Watson led the strel Show on Marcb 17, 13 eraus ather relatives including fairly gaad attendance. Meeting sing sang, getting same assist- and 19 ta each ai the six teamn _____________________opened with prayer by our pas-. ance from Judy Jeifery, daugb- captains wbo are bandiing tick- tam Rev. L. M. Somerville. The ter ai Lion Howard Jeffemy. et sales. He stated that. at the minutes ai last meeting were Tailtwister Laurence "Deac" next meeting the sales ai the read by Sec.-Treas, Mm. Ken Goddard aiso pressed bis son, variaus teams wiil be posted St John's Church Sumersiord; H. G., Freeman Teddy, into helping himi with on a blackboard and the nea was again elected Supt. for bis chomes. A draw for a cam- bers ai the lowest teami will be (Anglican) this year. ema was won by Janice Black, fined. At the end ai the con- 125 Years ai Christian The failowing is the îist of daugbter ai Sam Black, and test the winning teami mem- Woshp officers and teachers for this special lucky prizes went ta bers will be given a free din- Witness and osi yeam: Jr. Supt., Mm. Wmn (Jake) 1 Peter Vanstone, son ai Barney ner at a club meeting.r Laird,, Sec.-treas., Ken 'Brooks; Vanstane, and James Fergusan, Howard Gibson annaunced SERVICES AT Ass't-Sec't. Ken Sumersiard; son ai Dr. Howard Fergusan. that a bus bas been hired ta 8 a.m., il a.m. and 7 p.m. Pianist, Jean Flintoif; Organist, Enjoy Magielairs Tricks take Bowmanville and New- Jim Cryderman; Ass't., L. Col- A vemy fine performance ai castle Lions ta the Past Presi- lacutt; Teachers: Nursery, Mrs. magic and sieight-of-hand was dents Nigbt in Peterborough Rev. Warren Turner, K. Flint, Assistant, Mrs. M. staged for the yaungsters by January 31. B.A., B.D. Flintofi; Beginners, Jean Flin- Jack Bateman ai Toronto, Glenn Lander stated that tafi; Primamy A, Mms. H. Brad- with the appearance ai a live there weme stili fine tickets ley; assistant, Mrs. . H. rabbit and tbe antics ai bis available for the Lions-Rotaryr ______________________Brown; Primary B, Shirley magic flower being the big dinner and eliminatian draw ___________________Cryderman; assistant, Mms. bits ai tbe show. on January 27. Steve Doyle; Jr. A, Mms. Lloyd Tbree colared "Donald Duck" Stu James expressed, the anwden; assistant, Mrs. K. and "Mickey House" cartoons thanks ai the club and the SumersforTAI Jr. B, Marilyn ilso pleased the children. AI cbildren ta 'Chairman Clarence PE TCO T L Hearne; assistant, Greta Snow-Ctbeto acted as poiec- Hockin for arranging the H R Hden; Intermediate Girls, Mrs. R. tionist. On leaving the hall children's nîglit and ta AI CHURCHGimblett; assistant ta be sup- eacb youngster also received a Cutbbertsan for acting as pro- Rev. F. B. Fifieid, Pastar plied; Intermediate boys, Miss present ai a game, tay or novel- jectianist. Susie Laird; assistant, Mm. Win. t y. 30 Laird. Birtbdays were ceiebrated SudyJn udtr-.C Wie ly by Lion.- Jack Bough, on G est S.Ju s Jan. AditorsL. C.WhiteLloydVan Driel, George Vinish and G e oS.Jd' Snowden; Trail Rangers-Ran Wilfrid Carruthers. David Rev. Canon R. J. Shires Brooks; Tyro-Wm. Laird; C. G. O'Rourke, son ai Lion Nommi A formem esteemed rectar ai SUNDAY SCHOOL, 10 a-m. I.T., Mrs. T. McGuirk, Mrs. O'Raurke, alsa was inciuded St. John's Anglican Cburch, Meli Edwards, Mrs. C. Milis; on the birthday list.Bwmnieadsce13 SERVICES: 11 a.m., 7 p.m. xlrr r.H de. Camnival Chairman Dav'ý rector af St. Jude Chumch, Preston announced that bis Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto, bas EVENINO SERVICE "II didn't think you had a committee and the Lions Exe- been appainted bonarary assis- ilag in Aberdeen," said the cutive were recommending ta tant at St. Jobn's Anglican "1JUDGMENTS 0F GOD"l Englishman. tbe membership that a twa-car CucNra.CnnSie "Is that why you came here'!" draw be beld in connectianrChurch, orwayt. JCeaote n de _______________________inquired the faim seller sweetîy. with the Lions Canival this ai Februamy fallawing a most _____________________________________________summer, and it be preceded by successful ministry in whîch he same sort ai sparts eventTe led bis parish in the liquidating members feit that this mattet' ai debts and the cansecration ai should be discussed furthem, the cbumcb. howevem. and a special meeting was called for February 1, for Trinity United Church tbis tapBeoreYouBu Secretary Norm O'Roumke read ý. letter fromn Lions head- Bfr o u Minstr, ev T.ArhurMogan BA.quarters annauncing thatto MinstrRe. . rthr oran BA.tal contributions ta Huxrricane Give Se a r Being a former residentai terms as îIw as $500 down Bowmnvile, ur itizns ill and 30 months on balance. atment in the daily press an Tues- le Wrh atn F" atday that Farm Superintendent "elWrhWllgFr 7:45 .M.ao the Ontario Reiommatomy, - ~ Guephfor 13 years, EmersonS e ar Pcultral b as resigned. PACAL r Ad ai ofthe Ontario Ag- SMw ar FEATURE served six er as Deputy Min- M tor Sales Gueit alentBrunswick; seven years as Agri- Guest alentcultural Representative ai Dun- das County, and 16 years as farm Mrs. Evon Hedley directar and Assistant Supein- ~tendent ai the Bays' Training Schoal in Bowmanville. Soutstanding soprano tramn Many ai aur citizens wiil have à 0' Brantford, Ont. pleasant memories ai M. and www-Mrs. Badt, daugliters Marjarie Ais. topreent he ilm wil be he eginal and Dorothy and son Oliver, Also to resnt te flm wll b th Regona when they lived here. It would Director of Youth for Christ, Evon Hedley. b$le elcame news ta their friends SALES and SERVICE bere who would extend the NEWCASTLE PHONE 2871 Be sure and attend this outstanding film and rally welcome band ta them should i Always Open 4they decide ta came back. bere 1 Sand retire. iaws H.&S. Club ear Travelogue ýn Great britain The January meeting of Àws' H. & S. Club was well ýnded and vemy interesting. ss Prout acted as chairman rthe program committee ose canvenar was Mrs. Rabb. Mrs. Otto Bragg and daugli- SRuth, mendered two piano ets which were much appre- ted. In keeping witb thé w year theme Mrs. Kennetn ermy sang "My. Task" and 'u Can Smile". Mrs. Charlie Dawney intro- ced Mr. and Mrs. J. Cruick- .nk ai Sauina who last spring Ot on a trip by plane ta otland, Mm. Cruicksbank's ne, and then by motar ta Sdon, England and on ta ales. Mm. Cruickshank show- .pictures taken on this trip terspersed by an interesting nmentary. Landing at Prestwick tbey nt immediately ta Aber- en, the home ai Mm. Cruick- Lnk's only sister. The beau- ai Scotland found in the ens, winding moads, famous sties. tbe home ai the late )rd Tweedsmuim, mountainz, eep and shepherd's cottages, îutiful lakes and ivers, were 1 enhanced by Mm. Cruick- ank's delightful accent. MIr. J. T. Brown expressed eappreciation ai tbe Club id introduced bis son Gerald's om mate from Guelph O.A. ,wbo bad spent a week at eir home. This student wba as irom Engiand baving spent Kmontbs in Clinada, enjoy- [pictures ai bis bomeland. Lunch was served by Mrs. J. Bmown's graup. The presi- rit, Kennetb Werry announc- that tbe next meeting would ke the form ai a card party be beid in tbe schooi on Fmi- iy, February 4, ta wbicb al ho enjoy a gaod game ai 500 e invited. What to Do If Fire Breaks -Out A leading cause ai the more than 500 deaths by tire which occur in Canada annually is ignorance ai what ta do when fire breaks out, according ta the Ail Canada Insurance Fed- eraâion. Off icials ai the Federatian, which represents _more than ane in the hanse at ail tinies. (4) Neyer delay in turning in a tire alamm; it hs the iirst tew minutes that count mast. (5) Ail windows and doors, exoept thase used for escape, should be closed at first sign af fire. (6 I\Tfsmoke ~isee g1. eveun I.D.A. Camphoraied 01 '_ - - - 33c1 3 oz. - reg. 40c Idaphedrin Aqueous Nose Draps - 65e Brama Quinine Cold Tablets - 49c, 79e Hankscrait Automatie Electria Vaporizer - 9.95 Vicks Va-Tro-Nol --53e Dr. Chase Brand Tablets ------ -59e, 1.49 Pinex Cough Syrup- Frepared 50c, 85e Concentrate 75c Vicks Vape Rub - 53c, 98e Vicks Cough Syrup - 59e Jaek and JUIi Cough Syrup and Rub Speclal- 1.09 value for -- 89e Pertussin 69c, 1.19 Ben Gay Analgesie Balm _____- 75e Buckley's Mixture 50c, 85c Iodizcd Throat Gargie .0ec I.D.A. Brand COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO 330 - 490 I.DA. Brand COLD CREAM SOAP Bath size cakes 2 for,25o NOW ONLY 35o FILTER TIF CIGARETTES Du Maurier Vlceroy Expert A , etc. In packs of 20 I.DA. Brand WAX FAFER 100 It moll 12" wlde ln box wlth cutting edge 29o rol Examiner 200 lire, automobile and cas- "~' - ualty insurance companies, said tog ofr sserpr t rameior ai etetionandta lire department immediate- alarm is ai the utmagt import-ly ance if tire breaks out. They ()I ~dwahr o' recommended the tollowingstpa msebdmn eoe measures:-getting them out ai the bouse; ' (1)Knw heloctin i ou wrap them quickly in a blan- (1) nowthelocaionof ourket if necessary. nearest lire alarm box, and (8) Make sure%.there is at how ta operate it. îeast one exit in case ai tire (2) Keep the telephone num- that is not bolted or barred by ber ai tbe flire depatment near boxes or fumniture. the telephone at ail times. (9) Leaye baby sitters with John Hodglns (3) Know how ta use a tire complete instructions on what member ai the faculty ai the extinguisher-and keep at ieast ta do if tire breaks out. Royal Conservatory ai Music ai I ed. about $4,683.00 for ail pur- Toronto, wvlll conduct current M a ie Gr ve poses. Also a motion ai appre- examinations for the Conserva- M api G ro e cition waspassed ta Mr. Ross tory in Bowmanville on Fcb- Stevens for bis very timeiy ruary 8th and 9th. Chu rch H as gft by having the cbumch in-___________ G ~ ~ iAfter reviewingth efos I~L1I the varlous boards and co-i On Tbursday evening, Jan. mittees were then appointe d ., .~and plans made for the coming MonlumfentliWGrks 20, the annual congregationai year. Two ai tbe highiights meeting ai Maple Grave Unit- wiîî be aur Tbank-offering :) Phone Whltby ed church was beld in the Sun- Sunday, Feb. 27, and Sunday MOhawk 8-3552 day School raom, a goodly Scboi Anniversamy on Sun- 318 Dundas Si. E., Whitby numberi enjoyed an excellent day and Wednesday, June 19th FINE QUALITY pot luck supper. By 8 p.m. the and 23md. MONUMENTS AND number was increased cansid -______________ erabiy and aur pastor opened MARKERS the business session with a short1 T 1 C K E T 8 Precise workmanship and womship and remembrance ser-1, TO EVERYWHERE careful attention ta detail vice for the anc who bad pass- are your assurance when ed away during the past yeam, Air, Rail or Steamshlp you choose froni the widc Mm. Alymer Beech Consult selection ai imported and Saisacor rpotswee e- JURY & LOVELL domestic Granites and Saifatryrpot wr m-3owmanvillle abeinsok ccived fram ail depatmentsl 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778Mabsintok showing the total amount rais- 1______________ Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service BRYLCRE E M ~ THEPERFECT A IR DRISSINO, 'I1 G FAST RELIEF with GIN PILLS FOR THE ý KIDNEYS S Special Values and Reminders effective ail this week EVELYN HOWARD HAND and BODY LOTION 12 oz.98C Special ! A.S.A. TABLETS Give fast relief .S.A general 100'0 300's ; i 19C 49C Special! I.DA. Brand "'Uiiliiy" Hot Waier Boilles 2-year guarantee Regular 1.79 1.29 "Safe Heat" Heating Pad The modern way ta warmr4h and com- fort - "Safe-Heat" Heating Pad. Soft blanket cover. Three-heat switch. t uLýý1-year guarantee Special . 3.99 MÂCLEÂNS PEROXIDEJ TOOTH PASTE Balanced Fitness a PLEAANT TAlSàtING Dru gs Phone MA 3-57921 REMEIIES FOR Cough -& Cold BOTH Baby or Children's Cough Syrup 39c I.D.A. - 3 oz., reg. 50c I.D.A. BRAND Saccharin,,- Tableis In effervescent torm '/i Grain 10' 500'3 1,00's 20c 55c 79c 34Grain 10. 500'8 1,000'3 23c 65c 98c I.DA. Brand TOOTH FASTE Whltens the teeth Sweetens the breath 32o - 57o PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MeGregor, Your Local IDA. Drug Store ou PAGE SZTM

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