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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1955, p. 13

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THURSDAY, TEE. l7th, 1055 T~E CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANV!LLE, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEE?< L Mrs. D. L. Bennett and Miss Jane Bennett recently attended the yearly apen meeting of the Woman's Canadian Historical SSociety of Toronto. Guest speak- jer was Mr. Warren Forrester of the Geadetie Survey af Canada, Ottawa. A very interestîng lecture with Kadachrome slides Was given on Canada's Arctic region, and Miss Bennett sang a group of Canadian Folk Sangs wbicb included an Eskimo Lulla- by. Barlier in the evening Mrs. Bennett ànd Jane and Mr. For- rester were dinner guests at the home af Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Guillet. Mr. Guillet is ane af Canada's leading authors af bis- torical books wbose most recent Work published is "Pioneer Inns and Taverns". Mrs. Bennett is very keenly interested in pur- suing this study ai Canadian pianeer lufe and has been a recent contributor ta the Globe and Mail. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Finley had a surprise visit fram friends froni Oshawa and Toronto on Saturday evening on the oc- casion af Mr. Finley's birtbday. A nice evening was enjoyed by all. Friends of Mrs. Stella Ander- son will be pleased ta know that she bas recovered sufficiently ta allaw ber ta return ta ber home from hospital. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew, Mr. E. G. Broak and daugbter Susan af Peterborough, were wekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Agnew.1 Dr. and Mrs. W. H. MacDon- ald ai Toronto were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton. Two exhibitions ai contem- porary Canadian art by John Bennett are featured at the "Coach House" Studio, Toronto. Mr. Bennett, rising yaung Can- adian artist is a nephew ai Major D. L. Bennett, "The Hol]ows", Newcastle, and follows in the family's tradition af artistic in- terest. Positions as art teacbers are beld by bath Mr. Paul Ben- nett and bis cousin John, and during the following week some art prajects from~ Paul's class will be telecast on the "Hobby Worksbop" program on CBLT, Toranto. Ratepayers' Meeting Is Planned To Discuss Several Local Pro jects Aiter several weeks ai plan- tiing and seeking information lpon whicb ta base a prograni oi local projects, a graup ai local 1atepayers have decided ta cal] an open meeting ta wbicb ahl 1atepayers are invited, ta belp fonm an arganizatian, elect of- ficers and discuss prajects ta be presented by the group. The mneeting is scbeduled for the Council Chamber on Thursday evening, February 24, at 8 p.m. Starting with five men dis- cussing local problems, this group bas now grown ta 20 on mrore interested citizens wbo have decided ta caîl a general public meeting ta form a Rate- payers' Association with a view ta helping tbe council and rate- payers individually in avercam- ing some ai the problenis be- isetting aur village, such as assessment and taxation, bing- ing in new industry, avercom- ing the local water pollution probleni, etc. Two of the matters afi m- J mediate cancern are tbe turning ilback ta tbe village ai North 8treet (Higbway 35) by the De- patment ai Highways, and the proposed by-pass ai the village of Highwhy 401. Regarding Nortb Street, the construction ai 1-lighway 115 bas caused the routing oi beavy vebicles alang this street, putting it into very bad condition, and it is tbe feel- ai, o the cammunity tbat pres- sure should be brougbt ta bean lapon the Highways Dept. ta im- prove tbis street befare it be- cames the respansibility oi the 'Village ta maintain it. It is also U.nderstood that according ta present plant, the village will be cut in two by Highw'ty 401, with iia plans for a cloverleai witbin the village. Notbing but a bridge wbere the bighway cross- es Mill Street. It is boped thnough a Rate- payers' Association ta be able ta, FAST REIEF F OR HEAD COLOS WE DI' NO J& PI4 . * 6ROE bring pressure upon the High- ways Dept. ta allaw citizens ta know wbat their plans are so that they can wark toward changes .whicb will be beneficial ta Newcastle. For this reason, every rate- payer interested in the aifairs ai the village is unged ta attend the meeting in the council chamber next Tbursday evening, February 24tb at 8 p.m, and in so doing prove their loyalty ta their awn community. 'St. George's W.A. Evening Branch Regular Meeting The Evcning Branch ai St. Geonge's Waman's Auxiliary met at the Parisb Hall an Wed- nesday, February 9tb. The meeting opened with Prayens, reading ai the minutes af the hast meeting and the raIl cai aten which the treasurer's re- port was prçsented. Tbank you letters were rcad from Mrs. Gwen Barchard and Mns. Eve- lyn Banchard fan remembrances received by them fnom the Branch during their illness., A letter was ncad by the Pre- sident from the Sistens ai St. John the Divine at Bnacebridge, explaining that thein supplies ai clothing wene exbausted and that tbey are making an appeal ta all auxilianies for more good used clatbing. The members discussed final plans for the card party which tbey arc sponsoring next week, and the meeting was brought ta a close with the serving ai reincshments. NE WTON VILLE Miss Darotby Stapleton, only daugbter ai Mn. and Mrs. George Stapleton, is in Wellesley Hos- pital, Toronto, ion an aperatian. Mrs. Chas. Garland and Mn. and Mrs. Harold Tramner and lttle daughten Sally, Toronto, were recent visitons with Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Pike. Congratulations ta Mrs. Gil- mer-Smith wvbo vas 86 yeans young an Monday, Feb. l4tb. Mn. Bud Joncs, Montreal, and Miss Shirley Jefis, Napanee, spent the wcekend witb bis par- ents, Mr-. and Mrs. Wîhlis Joncs. Mrs. Roy McKay, Bronte, witb Mn. and Mrs. Murray Port- MnýI. Nanman Holman bas been transierred ta Oshawa Hospital for funthen tneatment. The W.A. ai the United Cburch catered for the Masscy- Harnis-Fenguson nigbt held at Sid Lancaster's garage on Fni- day, Feb. llth. The Loyal Orange Lodge ai Newtonville, under Mn. Ray- mond Bruce as District Master, appreciates the fact that Bow- manville L.O.L. bas now become a part ai the Clarke Orange As- sociation. Mn. Bruce icels that this move will work out ta the benefit oi the distnict. W.M.S. Meeting February meeting ai the W. M.S. was held in the home ai Mns. John Pearce on Tuesday aitennoan with 10 members and two visitons present. The meet- ing opened wvith worsbip ser- vice. Plans were laid ion Day af Prayen. with an invitation ta Presbytenian ladies ta join. Pres- bytenial was dîscusscd and plans made ta attend. Plans ior the Spring Thank-oiiering Service on Good Friday wene alsa made. A hetten af tbanks rcceived by Mns. Raymond Bruce ia Korea wvas rcad. The town ai Jasper, Alberta, bas an altitude ai 3,470 feet.* Canada has about 175,000 miles af surfaced roads. Hears Excellent Talk By Mrs. M. C. Fisher Th eulrmetn f theRoyal Crown and the jewels NewcstleUnited Cbuncb was îng emblematic af the virtues beld in the Board room aof the of lufe. cburcb on Thursday aiternoon, Mrs. Butler, in a few well February lth witb a good at- cbosen wards, expnessed the tendance af members and sanie tbanks ai the group ta Mrs. visitors. Fisher for her very fine mes-I The pragrami was in charge sage. of Mrs. Clarence Allin's graup In the absence of the Presi- and tbe theme of the devotional dent, the first, vice-president,i service was "Friendsbip". Mrs. Mrs.' Herbent Toms presided Archie Glenney opened the ser- for a short business period dur- vice witb a most suitable poerm îng whicb secretarial reports on the subject af Friendship and wr ie n h ru ed Mrs. Hare read the scripture er epgîvedn nd te graup ead- passage "The Parable ai the uner etaedn pni ojecsbeig Good Samaritan" witb commen- wundeakebythergnaups. It tary by Mrs. Clarence Alliri. wsdcddteewudb The lavely solo number "Build no meeting af the Association ing for Eternîty" was beautiful: during Marcb but the various ly presented by Mrs. J.D. graups would meet separately Brown. witb piano accampanu- for the anc month. ment by Mrs. Garnet Rickard. The April meeting will take1 Mrs. Glenney then called the form ai an Easter meeting upon Mrs. M. C. Fisher who with Mrs. Ives af Bowmanvilie gave a very fine address taking as the guest.speaker. as her subject "The Royal Cor- At the conclusion ai the meet- anatian", and "The Coronation ing a social balf hour was very of the King af Kings". Mrs. mucb enjayed by the members Fisher spoke particularly af the. present. Some Things Kendal Needs Discussed at Institute Meeting Kendal: Kendal W. I. meeting was beld Wednesday evening, Feb. 9 in the Sunday School room with Mrs. Kennedy pre- siding. In the absence of Mrs. Stoker in Sunnybroak Hospital, Mrs. W. Mercer acted as secre- tary. Mrs. Jack Stapleton was pianist. Mrs. Kennedy welcom- ed aur visitors of the evening. For the roll caîl, "Wbat ouiý community needs and wbat aur community likes", each one was supplied witb paper and pencil to write down their ideas, which were later read and prov- ed most interesting. Some of them were: Be more friendly, drap in and have a cup of tea and a friendly chat, you will be surprised baw it lifts ane's day -while anather added: 'Bring your knitting'; Let's have less speeding for aur children's safety; We need more leadership and mare workers in churchi groups, W. I. and communjty affairs; A children's kindergar- ten frram 9.30 - il a.m. could be arranged witb mothers tak- ing turnis as teacher. A recreatian centre, hobby nights, more social gatberîngs and card parties for haspital funds were mehtioned. What interested many was a skating rink sa our youngsters could skate at borne. While it was agreed the latter was too large a praject for a few women ta bandle, all warking together would stand a good chance for success. How many would be HAYDON Mn. Jim Walker, Guelph, Mn. and Mrs. Ron Greer and farn- ily, Oshawa, 'visited Mn. J. Walker and Mn. and Mrs. Ken- netb Walker, on Friday. Mn. and Mns. J. «Shackleton and family, Salem, were tea guests of Mn. and Mrs. W. Blackburn on Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family. Toronto, called on Mn. and Mrs. Henry Ashton on Sunday. Cpi. Bernard Houseman, Camp Borden, spent the week- end witb Mrs. Houseman and Wayne, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Ganrard. Claytan Read was at Camp Borden, aven the weekend with the Oshawa Tank Union Regi- ment. Mn. and Mrs. G. Bodnar, Hampton, Mn. J. Liptay, Is- lington, Mn. and Mrs. Joe Host, and family, Hampton, at Mn. and Mrs. J. Liptay's. Ian Graham spent the wcek- end with his grandparents, Mn. and Mns. W. Rahm, Tyrane. Mrs. Bernard Houseman v.- ited Mn. and Mrs. R. Aungen, Enniskiilen, on Wednesday. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Patts and boys spent the weekcnd at Col- lingwood when Mn. Potts' par- ents, Mn, and Mrs. Thomas Potts, celebrated their 55th wedding anniversany. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Shemon and Mn. Milton Shemon visited Mn. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bowmanville. Synipathy is extcnded ta Mn. and Mrs. Norman Avery in the loss ai their bouse which wvas burned down early Sunday marning wben furrniture and their clothing were hast in the fire. Mn. and Mrs. Avery and baby are staying with Mn. and Mrs. Chanhie Rankine and their twa littie girls, anc witb an aunt in Oshawa and the other in Toronto with ber aunt. WV.A. Februany meeting which was cancelled last week on ac- count of iilness in the cam- munity wvill be heid on Thurs- dav aitennoon, Feb. 17 at the home ai Mrs. Chalie Rankine's. .The social evening of the adult Bible Class wili be held t at the home ai Mr. and Mrs.1 Lloyd Slemon's on Satundayi evening, Feb. 19. Mii. W. Thonipson arrived home inoni Toronto on Thurs- day having v'isited Mn. anal Mns. Lloyd Tbampson and other, ,iniends.1 Owving to the i!i ess of se!h.ool: teacher M-sBouch, school i aié~ been cIo:ýeâ Monday and Tucs- da.1 interested enotagh ta work for it?1 Mrs. Kennedy explaîned thg vaniaus extension services wbicl are available ta tbe commun ity tbrough aur W.I. under tb( Dept. ai Agriculture. She als( sbowed many of tbe bulletiný wbich can be secured freca, Mn. Summen's office in Bow. manvilie and which are we] Worth having. The motta for the meeting wa! "Stant wbere you are and Witt what you have". Letters were read fnom Dr C. McLean and Mns. Penny Woodbnidge, thanking the W.1 for the blanket. Miss Smye ne, qucsted tbe W.I. belp finance F trip for the 115 girls and lead. ers af Durbam 4-H Clubs. The.v are planning a trip ta Torantc by bus at Easten and a tour o. tbe -Tip Top Tailors. Five dol- lars was voted for this besideýc the $2.00 for Jr. Homemaking expenses. The penny collection was tak- en up following the sick visit- mng committee report. Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Low were named as nominating commit- tee ta bring in a alate oi officers fan next meeting when tbe con. venens are also ta have thei reports neady. The ladies joined in singing the Institute Raliy Sang. While lunch was being prepared a contest was held ta sec hovw many wards could be formed from the lettens in 'Stacking'. Mns. Martin Mandera received a wrist pin cushian for getting the most correct. A tasty lunch was served by Mrs. Moore and Mrs. W. Mencer with the ladies also enjaying the usual social chat. t ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, Wayne and Terry, Donald Gat- so, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Ginn, Cadmus, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. We are very sorry ta know Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery, ai Haydan, had their bouse ta- tally destroyed by an early marning fire on Sunday. Keith Ellis, spent Sunday witb Eddie Blake, Maple Grave. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Staîn- ton, and family, were at Mr. and Mns. C. Milîs, Port Perry. Mr- and Mns. Gea. Wilson, Toronto, were Sunday dinner guests ai N. Wilson's and K. V. Svaneielts. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Thamp- son, Stouffville, were Saturday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. McNairs. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Walker, and girls, Bowmanville, were witb Mr. and Mns. R. Griffîns on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fergu- son were at Mr. -and Mrs. Keitb Ferguson's, Bowmanville. Mrs. N. E. Wright is visitlng with Mr. and Mrs. L. Keith, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sander- cock and family, Orono, were at Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Kr'- dron, were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mns. Allan Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lamb, Caesarea, with Mr. and Mrâ. Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fockler and family, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Grubb. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Na- pier, Toronto. Rev. R. M. Sey- mnour, Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Vir- tue, with Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Dead Stock Removed lghest price. pald for Dead. OId and CrIPPled Faim Stock. TELEPHONE COLLECT Cobourg 1787 NICK PECONI. PETEEgIROUGÙ 2-2080 te ie is t ts h s r Bowmanville Couple Wed Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lunney eut the wedding cake at the receptian which followed their marriage an Priday evening, Jan. 28, at the Manse of St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville. The bride is the former Beverly Anne Allison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Narman Allison, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Lunney, all aof.Bowmanville. 'The y< -F Tyrone Hall Good Progress In Past Year The annual meeting of Ty- rane Community Hall was beld in the Hall witb an attendance af 12. Walter Murphy was elected chairman of the meeting and conducted the business af re- ceiving reports af secretary and the treasurer and the election of trustees. The secretary's re- port told of the renovation af the Hall in September, and ex- pressed appreciatian ta the fol- lowing businesses for discounts given an gaods purcbased or work done: - Oshawa Wood Products, Abernetby Paint Sop,.. L. A. Parker and Sons, Plumbers; Tom Barr, Leslie -Brooks. F. L. Byamn and Vir Brooks, F. L. Byamn and Vir- tue's Store and Garage. Thanks was also extended ta ail tbose wbo in any way help- ed with the project wbich took many haurs af labour. The treasurer's report shawed1 an expense accaunt af $851.151j and receipts af $862.81 (in- ý cluding last year's balance of j $14.00). Of the receipts $337.001 was abtained from donations Ashton. Mn. and Mrs. Keith McGil, SBawmanville, were Sunday 1visitons with Mn. and Mns. R. McGill. Mns. Verna Wood, Toronto, with ber parents, Mr-. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Stainton visited Mn. and Mrs. Garneti Towns, Peterboro, Mns. W. J. Stainton, returned borne wlthl them. Camne ta Enniskillen Circuiti Bazaar on Friday, Feb. l8th.. Mn. Edgar Wright, Mn. O. C.'l Ashton, and Mn. John Siemon, sang with the Bawmanville:;i Choral Group in Toronto on;. Sunday in Eginton United! Cbunch and on Tuesday in the! Kiwanis Festival. i The Mission Band met in the1 church basernent an Sunday, i Feb. th with 38 present. The' meeting opened with the cahi! ta warsbip, aiter wbich every- i body repeated the Mi_Èsion Band' Watchword and Purpose . Al poem was given by Linda Yeo, i and a stary was given by Mrs. 1 Alvin Boyd. The afiening was taken up by Garny Beckett andj Bruce Milîs. The W.M.S. met in tbe Sun-.' day School noom Fcb. 8tb with' a lange attendance, Mrs. E. Trewin, pnesiding. Devotional period was in charge af Mrs.! M. J. Hobbs with Bible read- 1 ings an the different iorms ailj eanly evangelism given by Mrs. F. Toms, Mns. N. E. Wright, Mrs. Rowan, and Mrs. E. A. Werry. Rail caîl was in the ionm ai a Valentine exchange., Fînancial aid was voted for thej Training School for Leaders. Graup leader Mrs. L. Lambý had charge ai an interestingl program. Reading by Mns. T,1. M. Sheman, on a famous evan-l' gelist "Senonita Jorgehina Lo ada," readings by Mrs. F. Toms, '"Looking On Jesus," and "A:re You a Quitter?" Piano solo thýe beautiful "In a Monastery Gar- den,"' by Mrs. M. Stainton, Stu- dy chapter, "-Growth ai tlW4 Churcb," capably taken bv; Mns. A. Boyd witb assistance ai Mrs. J. Slemon, Mrs. M. Stainton, Mrs. G. Yeo, Mrs. H. McGill and Mns. M. J. Hobbs Mrs. Boyd then led a discussion periad. Mrs. O. C. Ashton dis- cussed atest news ai United il Nations and pertinent point~ pertaining ta the Presbytenialai meeting. Mrs. M. J. Hobbs ap- paintcd delegate for Presbyter- iai meeting Feb. 23rd Tinity' Church, Bowmanville. Lunchd was served in the iorm a Valentine Tea. Much credit is çL1te ýtilf, goup for the tastelyjUy a decorated tables and* dainty The Orono Newsj Gardon Agnew, Editor Phono 3621 Social and Personal I United Church W.A, Mrs. E. Connery spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Meneiley, and Mrs. Chas. Awde. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Found, To- ronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dane Found and Mary. Miss June Glanville, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. Glanville. Mri. J. H. Swain, Toronto, is visiting Miss Mary Somer- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Staple., Bowmanville, called on Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hooper Sunday. Miss Audrey Billings, Osn-1 awa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood spent Saturday wlth Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Brooks. Oshawa. Mrs. Fred Cornish, Morrish, visited Mrs. Carl Tennant. Congratulations ta Mrs. Eliza Storie on ber 94th' birthday, Feb. 17. Mrs. Storie lives with ber niece,- Mrs. Dave Hooper and Mr. Hoaper. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. L. Lowery left last tweek for a vacation in Florida. Miss Shirley Porter, Osh- awa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. West, Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Forrester at- tended the Vogele - West wed- OBITUARY ANNA MARGARET ROY There passed away suddenly on Jan. 25th at ber late re- sidence Anna Margaret Thomp- son, daugbter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Tbompsan, WEDDING WEBSTER - ELLIOTT oung couple will resicte here. orno The marriage ai Miss Helen Photo by Ireland Studio, Oshawa a The deceased was a memberElitauteaiMsElot _________________________ be resyteian Cbuchand the late H. G. Elliott, form- Dixie, Ontario, and an adberent hérlv ai Toronto, ta Mn. Ermest and sources other than rentals. af the Orono United Churcb: Webster, son ai Mr. and Mrs. W. Tbe cost oi lawering the The late Mrs. Roy was in- Webster ai Part Granby, took ceîhing, rewiring, repairs ta fur- berese nmsctruhu place at 'the home ai the bride nace and redecorating was e lifetime. at Part Granby on Saturday, $45.00leaingtb ater 40000 She was barn in Orono and February 5tb, wîth the Rev. S. as cunnent expenses. exception oth eage w it n J. Pike oificiating.inmrie Two trustees were elected ta Coaksville. fv er The bride, giveninmrag serve for two years-Mrs. Jas. Widow af the late William by ber mother, wore a most Delaney and Walter Munpny. Swan Roy, she is survived by bocming bad nclth sit ii Tbey with Mrs. Elva Beckett, one daughter, Margaret (Mrs. cacoa sh reade n ad with Archie Virtue, and Albert Wood J. H. Arnatt) teacher at Bow- cocoed a tnown asandbeadren are the trustees for 1955..Some manville High Scbaol, and twocuse batamch nd ar discussion followed ne: financ- grandcbildren. Bill and Anne ied a nasegay ôf russet baby ing for funther repairs and a Annott. 'nmns. The bnide's sister, Miss new funnace. Any funthen su- 9%e service was beld îrom Margaret Elliott, ber only at- gestions are welcome and yaur ber late nesidence, Orono, ser- tendant, looked lovely in grey support needed."Don't boa-- vice being conducted by Rev. with dusky rase accessonies- and boost." John Kitchen. carnîed pink baby mums. ________________Pahîbearers were four nep- A reception followed at the bews, Roy Colville, William bnide's borne, after which the An honeat man wîll neceive Roy, Rex Thompsan and Taylor couple left for a wedding tnip to neither money non praise that Penningtan and two cousins, Cleveland and other points. is not bis due.- Benjamin Kyle Squair and Lawrence Guests irom out ai the district Franklin. Squair. came from Toronto and Ottaw a. TELE VISIO'N AT ITS BEST!. THE AADIA by loctohom IihNwEETOMTCCASS ri" Vel S Hall" si steady. Truly a You'll E S As ShoN i Ive t Vision Picture! A beautiful console TV with !Large "Concert ;peaker, Sloping safety glass, removable for dusting. Crystal-clear, picture. "Noise-suicide" circuit for interference-free F.M. Sound. a niasterpiece for your home. be proud to own - An Blectrohome. $ 3 9 . ' ýwn, Model T-128B -__$3 99__ Telviio S rvce Protection$ Tele isio Serice Cqmpany PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TO ANY MAKE 33 King St. W. Phone M A 3-3883 el ding on Saturday at Kim. boumne Park United Church, Toronto, and reception at The Variety Inn. Miss Norma West is a niece of Mr. A. E. West. Mr. and, Mrs. Kennedy Gray, 1Cadmus, visited Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Jones and Debbie, Bowmanville; Mrs. E. Hall. Port Hope; Mrs. M. Mc- Holm and Miss M. Beckett, Morrish, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones. W.A. Meeting The regular mebting of the W.A. was beld Tuesday after- noon in the Orono United iChurch. There were many , ii- teresting discussions at this jmeeting, after the minutes and jreports were read by the cor- responding secretary and the convener of the Visiting Com- mittee also the Literature com- mittee. L Mrs. Neil Rainey took the de- votional and had as ber subject: "Hands that Serve." The de- votional closed with a hyma and prayer. A note of appreciation from the C.G.I.T. was read also the W.A. donated $20.00 to the Fund of the United Church Training School which is to be opened in March. 1The feature of the meeting was a Life Membership present- ed by Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn ta Mrs. I. Winter. Mrs. E. Raincv also presented Mrs. Winter widi the Mernbership Pin. 1Iil*. Winter gratefully replied to this honour given to her. Jury & Lovoil Phone MA 3-5778 Eyes Examined -G lasses Ftted ý - 4&1 &IP l .--- ý a TM CANAD" STATESMALN, BOVIJANVMLE, ONTMO 4'. -'-4b7, .ýV-' -.»» THURSDAY, MM. 17th, 1955 PAGE-TlIMTM

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