THU SDA , EB.l7h, 95 ~!A ~ AflA ~ @' ~P2 A~ ~~?D ~ - ~ .~ - ~ aCe~ j 4l fl3Slfll *flJ WLONTARIO*I~P k Thorndyke 'and E. Barrow- Enioying* SquaresP Dance at, Party Anglican Church ,at Blackstock leiders e tescol o Holds Annual Vestry Meeting ante ewfml, r n Blackstock. The annual Ves- ber~s and friends hase contribut- Tys. Adrian and baby Anna try of St. * John's Anglican ed substantially to the regular Marie. The three oldest child- Churh, BacksockAa elwrk of the church. ren are attending school and Churh, lacstoc, *wahel 7heSunay Shee, Grlsexperiencing for the first time' in the Parish Hall on Monday AUWlie S unoay Sholirlsn the joys of an ungraded school. evening Jan. 3lst. There was a Church Boys League have nlot good representative gathering only maintained membership of the Congregation present, and a wide ranging and lively with the Rector, the Rev. G. activity program in which the'y m F r m * ~Nicholson, in the chair, aré ail self supporting, but have ~ F r m Officers elected for the en- aLÏo contributed to the wider S. S. 4, FARM FORUM sun er wr: Rector's field of the Church's work out- S..Ne4 alnt Fr Churchwarden, Mr. F. H. Stan- side the Parish. S .N.4Drigo an iland; Peoples Churchwardeni The Church acknowledges Forum was held at the home Mr. G. T. Saunders; Lay Dele- t indebtedness to the leaders of M r. and Mrs. Art Found with gate to Synod, Mr. H. Hall;an assistants i each of týea attendance o 17. The hostess Substitute Lay Delegate, Mr. G. organizations for their painstal-- served a lovely lunch after the Staniland; Vestry Clerk, Mr. H. ing and devoted service. Addi-_ following discussion: ~"Hall; Envelope Secretary, Mrs. tions and improvements te tho? 1. Do you think farm price W. Lamb; Auditors, Mrs. G. Church property during the supports should be designed to SWolfe and Mrs. H. Crawford; year include an oil burner for protect the farmer against dis- Members of The Parish Coun- The Cburch; a pressure pump astrous drops in price, or should * cil, Mr. C. M. Smith, Mr. J.atheRcoy outdoor toilets they be high enough te encour- SHamilton, Mr. G. Wolfe, MISs at church and Parish hall; newv age increasedi production, or SE. Pa'rr, Mrs. T. Smith, Mr. W. large cinema screen at the Par- should they be in between?. SN. Campbell. ish Hall; full new set of cup- We think that price supports Sutined interest and pro- boards and drawers for the should only be high enough to j grss ws rportd i ailde-Parish Hall. kitchen, and the protect the farmer against is 'Wl, partments. The W.A. showed a Memorial Gift of a Font Basin. astrous drops i price, but no particularly successful year, Nineteen fifty-four has been higher than absolutely neces- both in its Missionary outreach another year of further advance sary. We believe if the prices and in its support of the local and successful happy co-opera- were supported to the point work of the Church. The Mens' tion, which will encourage where increasedi production is Club has maintained ilsstn- vry member to step into 1955 encouraged, we would defeat ard and as well as provîding wîth anticipation and confi- the purpose of price support. It entertainrnent for its own mem- dence. seems necessary to control our surplus. Il. Do you think we in Cana- En is ilmiii h H ld her da should set support prices higher than prices in the avail- Square-dancing was a feature of the Valentine Party enjoyed by the two  ISe[* 'Vic able expert market? senior classes of Central Public School last Friday ex'ening. Pupils of Mr. T. Turner Annual Ch.ristian îouin ervce Yes. We are net interested in and Mr. L. Swatridge organized and plan ned the party themselves. Here Berta producing at a price* to equal }Iiggon and John James are coming through the arch made by Larraine Jamieson Our Christian Youth Service about 60. young people assem- expert prices with our wage and Joe Kennett, Lynda Morrison and Bill McKnight. was -observed on Sunday even- bled in the church basement for standard. Because our surplus is -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Ing, Feb. l3th in the church. hour and lunch provid- such aml prcentage of our Twentv-eight young people par- ed by the C.G.I.T. and served tgoaloduion e elieve i ticipated. Five members were by four young married couples. good biessr to accupusa low- ar es Hod ntre t t aryunable to attend. A vase of beautiful snap-dirag- ta er rîe o our supl usniya Ga e od It re t a a tTeservice opened with a ons presented by Mr. and Mrs.tansI9utolqaniy t proessional hymn announced Svanefelt added a lovely touch. expert prices. The countries ____________ that we would like to expert by Ted Yeo 'Crown Him Witn to have a lower state of econ- Many Crowns", when the young mn r o bet a h people filed up the aisles -te LE VTTF price we require to produce our the choir alcove where addi- W S E L E prociucts. tional chàirs had been placed to accommodate the large. Woman's Association meet- III. Can you have an effective group. The caîl te worship was ing was postponed to Thursday prîce support program without given by Ruth Lamb followed. that members mîght attend the increasing barriers to interna- by a short prayer by Bert Wer- funeral of an old frîend and tional trade? ry. The Psalm read responsive- neighbor, Mr. Hasiil. We find it difficuit to arrive ly was led by Gloria Wright. Fifteen ladies were present at a "yes" or "'no" answer to RayAshon eadtheScrp-with program in charge of this question. It is necessary te tRayLeson DoadtWear gav Mrs. A. Ford, the theme being expert in order to steady our the announcements for theI "Friendship." Scripture was economy and we have te allowv week. The use of the offerin'g read by Mrs. Thorndyke and goods to corne in to maintain was explained by Chester Milv explanation by Mrs. Murray this expert. Barriers have to and received by Carrol Wright Payne. A poem "To a Friend", be kept low enough to allow a and Ted Yeo. The prayer of was read by Mrs. Ford. Mrs. required amount of imports and dedication of the offering was A. Thorndyke read letters froin yet high enough to keep out made by Mary Griffin. The ber cousin in Nigeria thanking goods to undermine or home aim and purpose of the Chris- friends for gifts at Christmas. markets. It seems to be too big tian Youth Service was explain- The story book was read by a problem to salve by one ans- ed by Grant Werry. Mrs. Clarence Nicholis. wer. The guest speaker, Mrs. Ste- Business was conducted by phen Saywell of Oshawa, was the president while the ladies introduced by Mrs. 0. C. Ash- q.uilted. Instead of Valentine ton. Mrs. Saywell gave a verv gifts members brought an art- challenging message for both icle for sale realizing abouti subject. "Finding God through Several articles were brough F AB Service, Beauty and Church for the summer garden party Leadership." Mrs. Saywell's land Mrs. H. Barrowclough re- address delivered in hier love- ported on wool purchased and Games such as crokinole, checkers, bingo, ludo and this miniature bowling ly manner was interesting witnà progress made with the afghan. i F E S T.< 2~gamne were a centre of interest in the hall of Central School on Friday evening, iîlustrative stories. Ronald Ash- The yearly donation was voted O F February Il. The occasion was a Valentine party held by the two senior classes ton ledi in prayer. Irene Fergu- to the Sick Children's HospitalI with between 65 and 70 children. in attendance. Musical games, square-dancing, son and Lorna Wearn announe- - and the Red Cross. Plans were 1 anid, a very important feature, lunch, con sisting of hot dogs and chocolate milk, were ednktne, o hymons. Maeedrgot ad frrokiSnle p.arlthe also enjoyed. Pupils of Mr. T. Turner and Mr. L. Swatridge organized and planned a delightful solo "The Song the ladies signed a Valentine card WE the party themselves. Shown above are Bill Barton, Ross Turner and Danny Angels Sing." Shirley Milîs and to be sent with a gift to Mrs. Bickell taking a turn at the bowling game. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope K-en Kelly, of Bowmanville fa- Hayden. Delicious refresh- voured with a pleasing duet, ments were served and ail went M ail fo M y Valentine. avr m people sang an anthemn, "Give Trail Rangers met FridayS PC Ross Davidson Me 011 in My Lamp." Expres- night for flute practice and o sions o appreciation were i4ade Sunday morning presented the by Reva McGill and Clarence church with a very acceptable . . .C.I.r.-Ireasurer CekStainton to the guest speaker gift - an electric heater toeu s l iy and musical aftists who assis!- warm the regions far fromein le T u s Manes Mnicipal Counil ed. Nancy Wood presided at theý stove. This was a happy, thought met inBean Fe.thwh piano throughout the service. of theirs and coming from the Allan Beer in the chair. Benediction. as the toes. heart s we] Deputation of ratepavers from At the close of the serv,çe C.G.I.T. met at the home cf northern part of township asked Berniece Best on Monday even- council's support in their effortsinwihMreAsncndc- 3"TB STCT N ta have the county road com- J JIing. Dhaiscssio nhedu r 3" e-ATCOTO mission make saine improve- Iging a lDisccoumssions e Special ------ -- ----- ment in the OpsManersand a new bymn was chosen to 36" PRINTED WASHABLE boundary road. lan osi a ncag Delegation representing localoflerni Worsip asnd h arge Special ------------'------- Bethany Band addressed council ofBernecter Betad er. A i 42" ASSORTED CREPES on possibility of obtaining gov- by theouteroleade. D isce pca ---- --------- ernment and municipal assis: asnd ute eideon the Dsces Spej andth reaideroftheevn- 36" SPORTS DENIM in 12 tance. ing working on handwork. of Highwa.v 7A under provisions Water, the Farm Necessity'. BROWN'S ta~I determine whichi children1 of Warble Flv Control Act, at"C ntU dr adI.I BROWN'S w~ould be eligiblefo thç bonuki15 per head, and Harry B._________________t. awards on turne for- the picni.: Preston was aw-,arded the con- ruarY meeting of irw. n Junc. Mr. Bowen agrcF'd! tract to spray ail cattie north of ae and School Club -,vas thai this would be possible, ;r> Highi\a%' -dA at the same rate. My ExhaustPp he di t the school Februarv 8. in future the awards will boa Percy Jakeinan and Clifford t ou SPk ipes Mr. Simpson reported that lie made at that turne. llus were appointed inspectr I.~J had checked ,vith Mr. Bowen Tt was decided that we should! und'er the Warble Fly Con.trai__ DUUO m k in s" wvhether it %ould be possiblei hold a uchre pauy' at thO Act. '" iReeve Allan M. Beer and Councillor Lewis McGill were You car rnay have smre appainted a committee ta ar- trck f Its own! If nmre iange for cleaning townshipofte are not to your Iik- s hal. $5wa utoiding, better let us look into the rato I wsatorzdUcmatter. We're special-M i ta the Salvation Armv. tt tcrn h ido seihool March 31. tricks that cost you mileage, 0olowing business Mrs. Sin- PM SAtlFF F 1 Uie and rnoney! ........... Iclair conducted a gaine ocf IP S F E E I leuchre, prize winners being: LIM I T E D PF 82 high lad.v, Mrs. June Pitt: high .ONDON - CANAD) n k m ' - ~ gent, Archie Brown: consola- ------I-- tins lad\,,Miss Wvllene 'Wil- R N ' ** ** tqr. .,M Ba ROO son, gent, T. Wilson.J CK E UO The people of Newfoundlard Plumibing and Heating M 3-21 7Seg t. FD CoreoiFredy eviefr 4Yar ie in 1,300 communities, scat- MA 3-5615 BOWMANVELLE MA -3372SuoSt Coureous Frendl' S rvic fo 74 earsI _ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___5 9__K ing St. W . tered 1 along the island's pic- Division Street S.owavil ture.sqlu 6,O-mâie coastlie. Over One Hundred Attend d Shower For Recent Fire Victirns The residents of Maple Grave community united on Wednes- day evening in an effort ta re- store same of bte possessionsi last by Lillian and Roy Con- nors an Thursday marning, Feb- ruary 3rd, when their bouse burned to the ground. A sbower held at Maple Grave school was attended by more than one hundred friends and neighbours who showered the Connor-q family with every bousehold gift imaginable. Many gifts were forwarded ta the occasion by those who could not attend. This made the gifts and cash donations number close ta twa hundred. The evening was opened by a few wards fromn Rev. Somer- ville, who mentianed how for- tunate it had been that no lives were lost. A sing-song wvas led by Mrs. Ivason Munday with Mrs. Wm. Laird at the piano. Following the opening of the gifts Mr. Leslie Collacutt entertained with several fine piano selec- tians. Mrs. G. Beech, Mrs. J. Hoît- by, and Mrs. K. Flint should 1 congratulated on the organiz tion of the successful evet along with the ladies who pr Montreal is the world's larg- est iland port. MSiafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whltby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., lVhitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when You choose from the wide selection of imported and domnestie Granites and Marbies in stock. 's !a- -'t OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 Local Agent: HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR tic SE TIMELY :r1END- ALS Friday-e iy on ly1 PRINTS -Yr ,E FLANNELETTES S------------ --- Yard shades - - ---------------------- ------- Yard in assorted colours - - -- --- - --- --- --- Y a rd ITINGS AND SKIRTINGS iree groups . Special Yard 2.98 'Yard 3.91 n offers you FREE your choice of mit Jacket or Skirt PattE ïai length from our new collection. bizes 10 Children's Styles in ail our new books. ig for CHUBBY CHILDREN featured :ROM OUR DRAPERY1 "c ho m ni ll Bowmanville Phone MA 3 I i 5000 YARDS o£, top quality vat dyed preshrunk 48" DRAPERY FABRICS in every coiour imaginable Regular values up te .14.50 a yard. SPECIAL -- ~-~Yard 39e 39c 100 69c 1029 89C r n - 42. )EPT. .098 ry 98C N -3609 50" Imported Drape Sateen Lining Regular $1.49 a yard. SPECIAL - -------- Yard TOW Tw T.- , lý lý , ý 1 1 ýi > -'Y- - THURSDAY, M. 17th, 1955 TEM CAMAnTAN qrAim.-.uAv ite%.uAmq7..v-im o%%"Aisrp% ail il