100 Girls and Boys - Groups - Trios - Pairs - Solos Ticketi for Reserved Seats - - - $1.00 - 75c are now available from members of the Clubs and McNulty's Sports & Cycle Sbop PAGE SIX TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Comm ittee Formed to Act for Hope Farmers ln Highway Land Deals A committee of four Hope yer's fees and other expenses. Township farmers was appoint- Meeting Weil Attended ed at a meeting in Welcome The meeting Friday night,i last Fridav nigbt to represernt held in the Welcome United all the farmers and property Cburcb Sunday Scbool, attrac- owners in the Township who ted 58 interested persnns, in- will be affected by tbe forth- cludlng seven from Clarke coming extension of Highwaly Township and several property 401 fram Newcastle to Port owners from Hamilton Town- H-ope. Tbe committee was em- sbîp and the northern section pawered ta approacb a lawyer of Port Hope as well. It was ta act as agent for Hope Town- held under tbe sponsorsbip of ship property owners in making h ura eerta o gt settlements with tbe Ontario culture, and President Edgar Department of Higbways for Nichols acted as chairman. Ce- ]and which must be purcbased cil Belyea, Economist of the On- by the Department ta put the tario Federation of Agriculture new faur-lane higbway tbrough. wbo bas been studying the mat- The Hope property owners ter of land exprapriation by vllmeet again in the near lu- the Department of Highways, turc, and iu the meantime, thc i Hydro and other Public bodies. committee; made up of Edgar addressed the gatbering ani NichaIs, President of the Dur- answered questions afterwards. ham Federation of Agriculture. Before tbe meeting was f in- George Martyn, Leo Bevin and isbed the Clarke Township pro- Gardon Kellagg, ahl of Welcome, perty owners bad asked the %vill study a map of tbe routc Durham Federatian ta caîl a of the hîgbway and determine similar meeting of Clarke Town- just wbich Hope Township pro- ship property owners acrass perty owners will be affected wbose lands the extension of bv it. These will be sent a notice Higbway 401 will cross. This of the next meeting and in all meeting was set for February7 probability. will also be asked 19 in Newtonville at 8 p.m. in ta pay a membersbip fee ta tbe the Orange Hall. committee ta be used for law- Mr. Belyea pointed out that BI1NGO0 Newcastle Community Hall Monday, February 21s1 8:00 p.m. ADMISSION 50e - EXTRA GAMES ITHREE JACK POTS TOTALLING $90.O0 1 Proceeds for Lions Welfare Work DAILY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Local Agent:- HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 there seems to be no set ,pattern in the approach and methods used by the Department of Highways, Ontario Hydro, or other public bodies in obtainiîîg the land needed for highways, hydro power lines etc. In Essex Counity the Department had ex- propriated the land first, he said, then sent notice ta the 1 farmers some time later that their land bad been expropriat- ed. Several weeks later tbey had sent the farmers an offer for this expropriated land, and iii most cases it had not been too generous. "Some of these farmers then asked the Department if theyI could go ahead witb their I planting program", be stated. -Tbey were told that if they did so they would be taking a chance. This seems like an un-. fortunate situation to leave anyone in wbo is dependîng on bis crops for a living". Payment Should Be Just Mr. Belyea stated that he believed the property owneri sbould be left as well off in cases where his land bas been expropriated for bighways -as he was before bis land was tak-~ en - and not just financially either. He believed that he sbould be paid for the intangi- ble lasses be suffers such as in- convenience. possible loss of markets and the necessîty of perhaps buying other land to take the place of that *given up which might be harder to work. "It has been establisbed in lati. aver a period of years that if a persan is forced to give up his land or leave bis farm he should receive 10 per cent extra be-- cause of the fact. In late years it has been established also that the farmer has the rigbt to re- ceive bis own valuation of his farm", Mr. Belyeà declared. He stated that the price should be that which a willin,! buyer would pay ta a willing seller, but added "this principle doesn't work out in cases such as these." "It seems that those who hold out the longest «et the most money. It's a straîght horse-trading deal", he assert-I eIn cases such as the Seaway Valley near Cornwall wberc Hydro is expropriating large areas of land, Mr. Belyea said, a special committee had been set up. The farmer may also take bis case ta the Ontario Municipal Board if he feels that the price paid for his land is flot just. "Actually, altbough this is an expensive procedure he does not take much risk in going before Municipal Board Ibecause most recent decisions have been made in favor of the fariner", he declared. "Some- times it takes a year and a haîf to get a judgment, however". Many Questions Asked Mr. Nichols, Mr. Belyea and several others present took part in the question- and-answer per- lad and discussion whicb fol- lowed Mr. Belyea's address. One praperty owner told Mr. Belyea that tbe new highway would divide bis farm and cut off a small parcel of 30 acres from the main portion of bis farm. He asked whether he would be paid for tbe 30 acres in addi- tion ta the land actually used for the bighway - a 300-foot wide strip. Mr. Belyea replied that the Department of High- ways usually pays only for the actual land used for tbe higb- way. Mr. Nichols stated that in some cases the Department will buy tag ends of property such as this. Charles Osborne, a Past President of the Durbam Fed- eration of Agriculture wbo was present at the meeting, stated that in bis neighborbood near Ebenezer wbere Hîghway 401 went through tbree years ago, the Department bought such small portions of tbree farms and still owns them. In answer to questions from those present, Mr. Osborne told of bis own experience witb the Department of Highways wben 401 was built across bis land. He stated that be bas not yet settled with the ,Department, but observed that be still bas access ta the highway from bhis praperty, perhaps because he had held out. He stated tesat there lmha been a bigvariatin j 1 Friday, Saturday, March 4 BOWMANVILLE - OSHAWA FIGUJRE SKATING CLUBS -5 I DflPVDfflT shawa, witb Mrs. W. Bryan. LESKLUJ.I.LILUOL-8Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams at Pet- 1 erboro with Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. James Jones, Toronto, A birthday party was held at Carter. bas been spending a week with the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mr. and Mrs. George Carter,à M.adMrs. G. Eade and fam-ÏOlan on Saturday evening in Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Cargilli ily. bhonour of Mrs. Olan's father, with Mrs. Carter and family. Mr. and* Mrs. J. Lomago,' Mr. Jack Worr of Port Hope We are sorry ta learn of the1, Pickering, were Sunday visitors 1 vbo- was celebrating bis 8th f ire whicb destroyed tbe farmn with Mr. and Mrs. R. Sutcliffe; birthday. The evening wasj home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman and family.1 spent in progressive euchre Avery, Sunday morning. MargretEverttToronto, with the bonored guest winning1 Marg S aet Ever adt, .first prize. We extend ur con-, spGen. udywt M.adMs:gratulations ta Mr. \Vorr and: Bethan 'V.M.S. E. Green.wish hlm many more years. Mr.E. Spry spent tbe week1 The barn on the farm of Mr., Holds Feb. Meeting in Toronto and St. Thomas l- George Winn was mysteriously' iting ber sisters. We are sorry burned recently. Mr. Winn is Bethany: Mrs. Otto Spencer ta bear of the illness of ber nwrsdn nteJh a-etrandtemmes0 h nephew Larry, and wisb him a t on frmdnearn KeJnd Pt-henWoen's iinae rs oietyo speey rcovel~.burned barn was on Mr. Winn's the United Church for their Glad ta bear that Norm Bair- farm on the Clarke - Manvers February meeting with Mrs. stow is making good progress boundary. He came out recently George Waddell presiding. Tak- after bis recent operation. ta find his barn in a shes. ing part in the worship service Many happy returns ta Mr. Progressive eucbre was enjoy- were Miss M. Rodwell, Mrs.E- George Moore on attaining bis ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs.1 gar Beer and Mrs. Allan Beer, 95tb birthday. Mr. Moore was !Douglas Logan on Saturday. with Mrs. Waddell and Mrs. T. born in Croftow, York, England Mrs. Sid Powers was the winner Jackson leading in prayers. in 1860, and came to Canada in: for the ladies wbile Mr. Bob Mrs. T. Jackson gave a repart 1909. He is spending the winter Sexsmitb took the gentlemen's of the Presbyterial meeting held in Toronto visiting bis daughter. award. A pleasant evening was recently in Peterboraugh, spoke We ahl hope ta see hlm back'had by ail. briefly on Christian stewardship again this summer. and discussed the allocation of Leskard W.A. met at the home ~ ~ the branch funds. MVrs. D. Lowes1 of Mrs. A. Tennant for the Feb. St. raui s Betnany gave items on missions in Kore-a meeting, with 18 members be- and Miss Rodwell spoke briefly ing present. Pres. Mrs. A. 'N. A Meetingi an Temperance. Loucks opened the meeting witb . Mrs. Mansel Wright gave a The Lord's Prayer. Devotional Bethahy: St. Paul's Anglican short talk on the life of Pastor was in charge of Mrs. G. Eade. Church Woman's Auxiliary met Lozada, serving in the Argen- Topic was given by Mrs. C. at the home of M rs. William tine and who is the author of Grant, "God's Representative, Phillips with Mrs. Allan Grib- the prescribed services for the You." Mrs. Clare Martin gavei ble presiding and 17 members annual World's Day of Prayer. a reading "Your Faitb is Your present. In Bethany tbis is ta be observ- Fortune." Business being con- ed with a joint service of An- cluded, a pleasant social #our Mrs. T. S. Gault read th-2 glican and United Church la- was spent with Mrs. Tennant scripture lesson and a chapter. dies on February 25tb. and Mrs. Thampson serving re- from the current study book. Mrs. G. M. Longfield took freshments. Vote of thanks was Several donations of material charge of a chapter from the passed, thanking Mrs. Tennant for bazaar wark were received. study book "Growing Together for the use of ber home. It was decided ta danate $10) of the Church in India". "The A dance was held at Leskard Ita the Junior Auxiliary of the disunity is a sign of weakness Scbool and a goad timne was hadchi. and brings considerable criti- by alI who braved the intense A missionary praject for the cism. The Bible Society still cold ta attend. Special thanks year is ta supply clothing for an continues its work of transla- to Mr. and Mrs. Lowry and Mr. Indian boy, with Mrs. T.. S. tion. It should be our earnest and Mrs. Neal, musicians, and ta Gault and Mrs. Gribble appoint- prayer that churches may be "Mac" Ransbeixry for calling off. ed ta look after the purchasing. cansciaus of their oneness witb Box of chacolates was won by Mrs. Carl Smith gave a read- Christ." Mrs. Davey Sr., and Mrs V.* ing on Sunday schools in New- After the close of the meet- Allen for lucky tickets. Thank foundland. ing, lunch was served by the you, one and all. . Lunch was served by the bostess and a social hour enjoy- hastess, assisted by Mrs. Effie ed. does. Mrton, Mrs. Herb. Kennedy He pointed out that th- and Mrs. F. W. Reynolds. Mrs. Tefehwtrsraeo fre hudakfr-opn- R.*W. Price invîted the ladies ta h rs-atrsraeo farershul as fr omen meet « id her home in March. Canada constitutes over six per 1 -1 - - 1 - - - 4- - --r - - q been worth in the past and for what its potential earnings would have been bad the farm-1 er been alowed to keep it. "When the highway went across the Brookdale - Kingsway Nur- series in Bowmanville, Mr. Scott bad an inventary of what bad been sold off the land ln the hast tbree years ta present ta the Department", he declar- ed. "It's only business. We should be doing the same thing". Evaluations Being Prepared Mr. Behyea was asked if he had any list of values of differ- cnt types of farmn land sucb as orchard, grain crops, pasture etc., and replîed that he is working on such a list at the present time ta guide the On- tario Federation of Agriculture and farmers in cases of this kind. George Stephenson, R. R. 2, Newcastle. asked if it were possible ta get an injunction ta prevent the Departmrent ofi Highways fromn crossing the property owners' land until an agreement were made. "'I tbink we should arganize and get a lawyer ta represent us", he declared. "It may cost us a few dollars, but the settlements made in Mr. Osborne's neigh- borbood and in the area nortb of Newcastle for the Peterbor- ough highway show such a wide basis of settlement thatl it scares you. I believe the an- swer is for the farmn graups in each township affected ta or- ganîze and get a lawyer ta re- present tbemn".î Mr. Osborne stated tbat one farmer north of Newcastle bad definitely kept the Department fromn even putting in a culvert before they had reached a set- tiement witbhlm. Another property owner pre- sent stated that the route of the new highway between Newcas- tle and Port Hope had already been set, and was shown on a may at the registry office in Port Hope. Another property owner fromn Welcome stated that be had planned to make improvements ta bis praperty, but is prevented from daing so by a document filed at the Port Hope registry office by the Department of Highways on De- cember 15. He was flot aware of it, be said, until December 23. Mr. Nichais painted out, that once the map bas been re- gistered as a route, the Depart- ment can prevent the property owners fromn building or from selling lots along it. Mr. Belyea stateci that be believed the pro- perty owner bas six months ta file claims of damage after he bias been notified bis land bas been expropriated. '4Perhaps they can ignore the property owner if he doesn't file bis dcaim", he said. Believed Already Expropriated A property owner present stated that he believed the land was autamatically expropriated once the survey was made, as the gavernment had autharity ta do this. It was at this paint that the meeting decided ta seek lega]ý advice and ta form the Hope Township cammîttee ta obtain this acivice and act for ail the property awners concerned. The Imotion ta form this committee was made by Mel McHolm and seconded by Harry Beckett. Mac Walker suggested that the cammittee should adopt a name for the organization and have their lawyer draw up papers ta legalize it. Mr. Stephenson reminded ih IHope property owoers of the necessity of sticking togetheîr and also of the need for quwcl action, as some properties along the route of the new highwav have already been purchased. iThe meeting of the intersected IClarke Towvnship property on e rs for Febrtiary 19 was alsio decideci uix. Mýr. Stepheiisoîi ioved avot of thanks on hehaif of the Imeeting ta Mr. NichaIs for or- Igauizing it. and ta Mr. Belvea for caming fromn Toronto to âspeak. Bethany Guild Discuss Plans For Chancel Guild Bethany: The Ladies' Guild of St. PauI's Cburch were en- tertained at the home of Mrs. Carl Smith, witb Mrs. Charles Reynolds presiding and Mrs. T. S. Gault leading the devotional period. There were 16 mcm- bers present.' The Treasurer, Mrs. Gault reported the sum of $14.30 received fromn a pro- gressive eucbre party held re- cently. There was mucb dis- cussion over tbe forming of a Chancel Guild and the purchas- ing of new frontals, drapes, etc., the details left in the bands of a committee. Plans were also made for a Cburch family night ta be beld in the near future. Another pogressive euchre party will be beld at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith en February 21. Tbe ladies accept- ed a request ta cater for a wed- ding in April. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. C. Reynolds, Mrs. M. Smith and Mrs. H. Morton. February Clearing Sale .Paints at 30% to 50% off These are flrst grade paints ln dlscontinuedl shades and lines A Real Money-Sa'ver Corne in whlle the chokce la good Abernethy's Paint & Wallpaper 85 King St. W. MA 3-5431 THURSDAY. FEB. 17th, 1955 BETHANYthe viilage. has bcen Ml at her home *wai Leonard Cavano, Haveloc!k, taken to the Fairweather Nu-s- spent several days last week ïn M enMilro n r- with Mrs. Wm. Cavano. d ay. Miss Gayle Bristow. Miii-l W.~ alter Thornpson, Pe- brook. was home for the week- terbjough, spent several days end wîth her mother, Mrs. Hil- last week with the Thoiinp.-:uîl liard Bristow. family. Dr. J. J. Hamilton arrived ',\r. Ross Davidson, Jan,ý- home from the Civic Hosjhtal ille, bas been appoinied th--e Peterborough, on Tuesday. i new clerk-treasurer of Manvecs Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Neals township. anid daugbter Shirley, Toronto,: At the weeklv bad praci$ were weekend guests with Mr* and Mrs. Clarence Neal. held Xenesday nigbt. tle ' n1y embers hecard with regret -)f Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ye Bandmiaster Ronald Williaiti- were in Toronto on Wednesdav son 's intention of 'retireine;,. attending the hardware mer- Mr. Williarnson or.ganized tie chants' convention. Bethanv Band and bas done Airman Gordon Wood, wîth very fine %vork witb this group. the RCAF at Clinton spent th2± Erne5t Vic'tor, (if Peterborouqi weekend with bis parents, Mr. has becu appoiuted as the nev and Mrs. Rupert Wood. Bandnipster and on Februar,!' Mrs. Marie Yhonkus, Kitch- l6th, the niembers of the band ener, is visiting with Mr, and are holding -Open House" in .Lrs. Frank Martichenko. the Orange- Hall and interested Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smillh citi7ens are jnvited to attend a have moved into their newly practice sessiuri and meet tlie built home at the west end of newv Baudmiaster. Take Vitamins For Good Hea (1h For Adulis Wampole's Extract --- 1.25 Scott's Emululon $1,00- 2.00 Waterbury's Comp. -- 1.25 Alphamettes 1.00- 1.85 Mead's Cod Liver Oul -- -1.00- 2.25 Enerjets 5.95 For Children Infantol 1.00- 2.00- 3.25 Haliborange - 1.00 -1.75 Trivisol - -1.45 -2.45 -3.85 Cadol -- 1.00 - 1.65 - 2.90 A.D.C. Draps .... 1.60 - 4.25 Clearasil Pinex Pinex Dodd's for Plznples Prepared Concentrate PRIS 69o - 1.19 50C - 85o 75ô 590 Aquarnarine Home Permanents One-A-Day Lotion Multiple 2.00 value Toni - 3 strengths 1.75 12 -.0 42 1.5 Silver Curl --- -__1.75 _ _____ Tont Curlers --___ 1.29 Crxea Hudnut's Quick 1.75 Medlgum Creamfor coughs Special Prom -----1. 5 1.25 flobbi Pin Curi 1.75 390 Nyail Creophos Geriiol Stops Bronchial Couchs Multiple Vitamins Tonie Lge. Boile 1.50 1.39 - 3.29 - 5.49 Hol Waler Botiles (guaranieed) 1.29 - 1.79 - 2.19 - 2.49 COWLI NG'S PHONE '"~ OE WE FIT MA 3-5695 DRUG STOR TRUSSE$ e e I 2 i L j', I NT ER ES T Do you want to build an extra roomn, put on a new roof, instali new heating, build a garage, do some painiting and decorating, or any other long awaited or necessary repairs or alterations? Whatever you need, corne in and talk to us about a Horne Improvement Loan ... now obtainable on a prornissory note, repayable in rnonthly instail- nients. Up to $2,500 on a single house-S6,25O for apartment owners --can bc repaid over 3 to 5 years according to Joan size. Cali in at your nearest branch, we have more than 680 conveniefltly located w bere you. any of our officers will be glad [o give you full details. THE CANADIAN BA NKÇ0 F COM MERCE M1 93 p ant money for home improvements SPECTACU LAR ICE CARNIVAL Memorial Arena, Bowmanville TWO 1955 CHAMPIONS 0F CANADA ICE BALLETS SENSATIONAL SKATING GORGEOUS COSTUMES PICTURESQUE STAGERY d - , --, - Ck. - ý 1 'q' ,,j -ý-T BURKETON Burketon W.A. held the reg- ular meeting Feb. 10 at the home of Mrs. J. Carter, with the Pres. Mrs. Bert Dean in charge. Mrs*. H. Trick read the Bible lesson and prayer. At the business session Mrs. Dean reported sev- eral ladies had belped with the work and repairs at parsonage. $50.00 was voted ta the parsan- age fund. Members invited ta the bazaar and tea at Enniskil- len Friday afternaan. Lunch xvas served by Group 2. The Secretary, Mrs. H. Larmer, of- fered thanks to ahl. Next meet- ing tai be at Mrs. Raymond Davey's, Marcb lOtb. The crokinole and Valentine party by the Jolly Workers' Club, was well attended. Prizes were won by the following: Mrs. E. Caugbill, lst prize:, Mr. Wm. McLaughlin, 2nd prize; Miss Lorraine Stephenson, booby prize; Mr. Leslie Argue, door prize. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks, 1Oshawa, spent Sundavr witb Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bryan, Oshawa, with Mrs. Grant Car- nochan. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer,J FOR PROMPT SERVICE Have your Wallpapering and Painting Done Now FREE EýT1MATES Corne in and see the "BIRGE COLONIAL COLLECTION" of Irnported Wallpapers at ABER NETHY'S iPaint &Wallpaper il Phone MA 3-5431 Polyvisol 1.85 - 3.10