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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1955, p. 7

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'y- j . TEUIRSDAV. TEB. l7th, 1955 Miss Gertrude Ross, Owen Sound, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M B. Foster, Horsey St. _fj r. Kenneth Mitchell, Toronto, «bnt Monday with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Mitchell. Mr. Scbuyler Edsall, Hartford, Conn., vîsited bis sisters, Mrs. 'V. R. Oliver and Miss Anne Ed- sal, on Fiday. Winners of Lions Club hockey tickets draw are: Feb. 19-BilI SNorman. Jack Geddes; Feb. 26- 1Vorm O'Rourke, Jack Ross. Mrs. Fuller Cator is staying with ber daugbter, Mrs. Editb Hobbs at Maiton, in hopes she may gain better health in tbe near future. Miss Jo-Anne Stuckey o! Ac- ton and Barry Inscoe o! Cooks- ville, spent the weekend witb her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Alidread, Liberty St., are among tbe many from this district who are en- joying a winter holiday basking in the sunsbine and warmth o! Florida. Contests seem ail the rage' these days in newspapers. S^ to keep in line witb this pleasant pastime you'Il find "Name The Song" Contest on page 11i of this issue. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson and Brenda Jean. Marmora, vis- ited with Misses Florence and Leta Jackson on Sunday. Many relatives and friends also called during the day. Mn. and Mrs. Ward Hoffman and tbree children, Burlington, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James on Sunday when a family party was held honor- ing Mrs. James' birthday. The Ontario Good Roads As- sociation annuai convention is being held next week in Toron- to. Ail of wbîch means another outing for the municipal Reeves and Deputy-Reeves at the ex- pense of the taxpayers. Mn. John James, M.P., was in Montreal Tuesday night, Feb. 15, to make an address at McGill University, as a representative A)of tbe Federal Government. Also on the panel were Tim Buck, L.P.P., and Alistair Stewart, C.C.F. Col. Lyall N. Carn, 42, of Port Hope, bas been appointed Com- I nander of 13 Militia Group witb ieadq uarters in Kingston, Briga- iier M. S. Dunn, Commander Xastern Ontario Area. announc- ed. He is a former Commander of 6th Infantry Brigade. A colon, sound movie film of scenes in various European countries was much enjoyed at St. Paui's Men', Club iast Fni- St. John's Church (Anglican) ]Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. 8 arn. - KOLY COMMUNION MATINS SCOUT AND GUIDE PARADE EVENSONG PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 21 Ontario Street North Rev. F. B. Fi! ield, Pastor Sunday, Feb. 201h 10 ar.- Sunday.-Sehool Ila. . "The Christ Centered Life" 7 p.m.- "The Judgement Seat of Christ" Friday, Feb. 181h 7 to 8 p.m.-K.Y.B. Club for aIl boys and girls 8 P.m.- Bey. R. Peel Returned Missionary from Transvaal, Africa. Mr. Peel will show a film on bis work in Africa. "Corne - Hear - See the good things of God" THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMIANVILLE. ONTARIO Lively Scene in Comedy Now at Town Hal!i iday evening. The film, supplied: by Dutch Airlines and taken on a cruise of the 'plane, The FIy- ing Dutchman, was kindly shown. by Mr. Jim Stutt. Don Laird, the 1954 Junior Champion of the Central Ontario Badminton Association will go' to Toronto on February 26 to, take part in the Ontario Junior I Badminton Championships to be! held at the Strathgowan Tennis Club. He will play in the Junior "A" men's singles. Tucked away in the 'Wanted" icolumn of the Minneapolis Tribune of recent date, appear- ed the following advertisement: *Wanted, apartment; la r ge enough to keep young wife busy so she won't go nome to mother, but small enough to keep moth- er from coming to live with us.". Aluminum storm scneen win- dows and doors seemn to be the coming tbing. In fact tbey are already here and from the com- ments of those who bave in- stalled them they are a greatý improvement over the old, *wooden ones. Read mtre about these new fixtures on page five. Mn. Grant Brooks, son of Mr. .and Mns. Sam Brooks, Prov- idence, and second year Arts student at University of Toronto, necently appeared in the Vic- toria Operatic Society Production of "The Mikado" at Hart House. He gave a fine performance as the Wandering Minstrel, one of the leading roles. Mn. Wilfrid Carnuthers is in Ottawa this week attending the annuai meeting of the Canadian Horticultural Council beid atthe Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, as a member of the executive of the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association. Mrs. Car- ruthers accompanied hlm for the weekend when she visited ber sister, Miss Edna Hughes. A letter to the editor from Fred Orpen of the Duffenin Race Tracks, Toronto, says Ed. Young- man was absoluteiy igbt in bis comment in bis column iast week on the incident of the de.ivery horse cbewing a gadget off bis motber's limousine back in 1911. He adds, "Tell Mn. Youngman that be must have a memory like an elephant in onder to remem- ber such an affaîn." Bowmanville firemen were called fate last Thursday after- noon to put out a blaze in a boarding car of a railway work gang on the C.P.R. siding just west of Vanstone's milipond. The lire, wbich started from overbeated stovepipes in the car, burned a bole in the roof. Fine- men worked fromn the roof to queil the flames and keep tbem from destroying tbe car. Mr. George Warren, native of Newcastle, witing from Swift Cunrent, Sask., in rene.wing bis subscription to The Statesman, says: "We have bad cjuite a nice winter here so far, not mucb snow and flot too cold. I look for the paper every week to see if there is anything in it that migbt cause an Irishman to look for a figbt." Whicb comment would indicate our octogenanian subseiber still bas plenty of pep. The Memorial Park Auxiliary held their monthly meeting oni Friday with Mrs Devitt in the chair and 22 members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Treas. report was read with encourag- ing resu its. There were plans made for a St. Patrick's tea and bazaar. The bingo fans will be glad to know that air-condition- ing will be installed for this Fri- day. Meeting was elosed and lunch was served. We would again like to invite folks to telephone in or send in news items for this Social and1 Personal Column. You know, if you have visitors, it is nice for other people to know about. If you've been away for a visit or are going, your friends would like to know about it, too. Every- body is news and everybody is people. Just give us a ring or send in the item. We can't write news about things we don't know. Phone MA 3-3303. Stanley Durant,, the eldenly man who obtained- up to $300 from several local residents early last yean with promises of set- ting them up with jobs in a non- existent oil distributing company was sentenced to serve nine months on a charge of obtaining money under false pretences at Supreme Court hearing in Co- bourg last week. Several local people gave evidence in the case. Mr. Durant stili must face trjàl on a similar charge in Toronto. Mrs. F. L. Byam, Tyrone, re- ceived bruised ribs and a shak- ing-up when the car drivenb ber busband was involvedn a collision with a Cab 500 taxil driven by Wilf Lambert at thel corner of Liberty St. N. and1 Trinity United Ministen, Rex'. T. Arthur Mor 11:00 A.M. - "Commilment Sunè (The Junior Choir wilI 7:00 P.M. - "This is the Da Organist, Mr. Arthur Collison, 'Mus. Church ýrgan, BA. day"l sing) 'I Bach., L.R.S.M. This is just one of the hilarious scenes from the1 day) and Friday evening. Pictured above are Anna Strike three-act comedy, "See How They Run," now being as.Penelopre, the vicar's wife; Ted Mann, a spy who helps presented by a talented cast at the Town Hall. Sponsored- to mix things up; Ron Simpkin, an old flame from by Bowmanville Rotary Club, directed by Keith Jackson ' Penelope's past; AI Witherspoon. another local cleric. and featuring a local cast, the play p'Fovides a wonderfui -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope evening's entertainment and will continue to-night (Thurs- Concession St. at 3 p.m. yesten- day (Wednesday). The taxi was proceeding west on Concession St. and Mn. Byamn was diving nortb on Liberty St. when their cars collided in the intersection. Both cars suffered damaged front fenders. Mn. Rex Walters, Manager o! this area of Rural Hydro Com- mission of Ontario, attended the annual Area Managers Confer- ence at tbe Brock Hotel, Niagara Falls, Ont., on Feb. 10 and 11. Representatives from the bead office and nine regions o! On- tario were present. Delegates. were taken on a tour of Sir Adam Beck No. 2 power instal- lation on Saturday morning. Mrs. Walfers accompanied ber husband and visited relatives in Niagara Falls, N.Y. Eacb week The Statesman ne- ceives the United Counties Health Unit report listing the number of communicable diseas- es in each municipality in Non- thumberland and Durbam. Sel- dom do we find any cases ne- ported from Bowmanviile wbich wouid indicate this is an excep- tionaily healthy town, on else the local doctors are too busy or maybe tbey neglect to carry out their responsibility of send- ing in their reports. Last week's report listed 59 cases from Il towns and townships, but again Bowmanviile was among the missing. The Editor was deligbted to receive a caîl on Fniday fromn bis old pal and neigbbor in their youtbful days, Hubert Higgin- botbam wbo is now living retir- ed in Toronto. "Higgie", as he was famiiiarly known by bis friends, was one of the best ahl- round athietes of bis day. In basebali be was outstanding as a pitcher and wbile accountant in The Standard Bank at Chat- ham, was offered a professionai contract by the Pittsburgh Club wben "Mooney" Gibson was catcher and Honas Wagner was playing shortstop. He aiso bit the beadlines playing hockey in Toronto with the Argonauts in the Senior aNHA. series wheni Fred and Cbad Toms, Jimmy Cosgrove, Chanlie Morrow and others were on the team. We well remember Lou Marsh, famous sports editor of The Star, tagging Hube in bis first game at the old Mutual Street rink as 1 the woodchopper fz-om the north", îndicating he played a strenuous game - whicb he did. In later years be devoted bis energies to golf, curling and swimming, but be bas bad to ease up on these sports, not be- ing in the best of health. This week he and Mrs. Higginbotham plan to leave for Sarasota, Fior- ida, to spend the balance of the winter basking in the sunshine as weil as doing a bit of swim- ming. Movie Club (Continued from page one) a recent holiday at Watkins Glen, N.Y., Le Mans, France and the Isle of Man, Bill is a Sports Car fan as weii as cam- era fan and his talk and film illustrated a good tie-up of two hobbies. Many questions wex'e asked about the cars in bis film as well as bis camera tech- nique. Thie third, a 16mm sound film was a Disney production, loan- ed by Harold Wagar, "Baby Bathing Time". This film de- ligbted ail and was a most en- joyabie extra on our program which concluded with the show- ing o! a l6mm reel taken bv Forrest Diiling in Fiorida ne- centiy. The meeting came to a close with the usual discussion o! 'the films taking place over coffee and cake. Officers for 1955: President, George Thrasher, Bowmanville; Vice-Presi dent, Gordon Law,ý Oshawa; Sec.-Treasurer, Leola Thrasher, Bowmanville: Pro- gram Director, Richard Britton, Oshawa: Publicitv Directors. Earl Wilson. Oshawa; Lillian Dilling, Boxvmanville; Trans- portation Directors. Scott Mc- Colm, Oshawa; Reg. Hardin, the Boys Training Scbool gym- nasium on February 22, and this gave nise to a challenge from Kin Roy Swindclls b said he would organize a teamn from the remaining Kinsmen - - to beat the regular team. This 'ilchallenge was enthusiastica0vaccepted by Kin Bill Dadson on behaîf of the basketball tea'n, .1and Kin Swindells then an- Girl G ide N wS rage a igorous practice for bi.s squad members for Saturday1 This Sunday, Feb. 20, is be- nigbt. ing observed as Girl Guide and Boy Scout Sunday and we bave been invited to attend the Morrn- ing Service at St. John's Cburch. Ail Girl Guides and Brown- les are to be on hand at 10.30 at tbe Sunday Scbool Room inJ full uniform. The only excep- tion being Brownies of the On- tario St. Pack. This Pack is onl z a month oid and all uniforms are 'flot yet available, but weI would be very pleased to have ail girls attend this Service wliî F ranklin Park Group Makes Plans Foi Coming Season- On Monday evening, Feb. 14, a meeting was beld at the borne o! Mn. and Mrs. Horace Moses~, Lamb's Lane, to select new off- ficens for the North Ward Park Association. The foliowing are the new executive: President, H. Moses; Vice Pres., A. Sameils; Sec.- Treas., Mrs. J. Cuddahee; Corn- mittees -Grounds and Equip- ment, K. Nichols, S. Adams, R. Adams. M. Conway; Publicitv and Public Relations, Mrs. AL. Frank; Finance, H. Gi, Mrs. J. Cuddahee, Mrs. M. Conway; Recreation. Mrs. H. Moses. In order 'to raise funds for funthen park equipment a so- cial evening will be beld in the Lions Community Centre on Saturday, April 16. There will be entertainment, dancing, cards and lunch. Ti.'\ executive ex- tend an invitation to ail their fnîends to corne and enjoy an evening o! fun. Kinsmen Club (Continued fronm page one) such a bigb degree o! feilow- ship. Kin Roy Swindells, wbo was chairman o! the Inter-Club Meeting and Barbersbop Quar- tette Nigbt o! District 8 spoti- soned by the Bowmanville Cluo at Whitby on Februany 1, thani:- ed bis assistants Kin Irvý,n-e Brown and Don McGregor and ail members o! the club for the very excellent co-operation tbey bad given hlm in staging thrs event. Kin McGregon reported that the club bad realized $1'21 profit on the event. Cornrittee Members Thanked President Hooper expressed tbe thanks o! the club mem- bers to the committee for an- ranging this most enjoyabie event whicb he said had rai.sed the prestige of the Bowmari- ville club tremendously both at District and national levels. Kin Gary Venning led a dis- cussion o! plans for the La- dies Night meeting o! the club and it was decided to bold this annual event either at the Clutb Bayview in Whitby or in Osh- *awa. Deputy District Govennor Nicks reminded members o! the Zone C conference to be beld in Cobourg March 4 and 5 and urged tbem ail to attend. Treasurer Howard Sturrock gave a financial report whieh showed thèe club in a beaithy condition. Chairman Jobnny Graham o! the Kinsmen Car Draw hande'i out books o! tickets to all mem- bers. The draw for the 1955 Pon- tiac will be beld in connection with the annual carnival o! the club on June 17. Minutes o! the iast executive meeting as read by Secretary Larmer revealed that Kmn Ra'- Lathangue bad been cbosen a s the chairman o! the Elmer the Elephant Safety Campaign ne- placing Mr. King. Basketball Challenge Issued Manager Irvine Brown o! the Kinsmen Basketball team inited memnbers to attend the&r playoti game witki Trenton ut If jý 56ET' FASIT RELIEF wMith GIN PILLS FOR THE Reg. Size 590p Economy 890 Modess St'and new in everpy waly. 12,$ 40c' 179cMI 8EGULARt - SUPER *JUNIOR Alex. We Deliver Birtbdays were celebrated by Kinsmen Li Parker and Clarke Wilson. The draw was won bv Kin Howard Corden and Kin John Graham was critic "o! the meeting. Guests at the meeting were Gordon Wilcox and Boyd Wool- ey of Bowmanville. President Hooper lnformed club members that Ronnie Richards son of Kin Ross "Ace" Richards is very ill in Mem- orial Hospital. PAGE SEVEN Hamilton had to Represent lOntario csocial 1& £Personal PýpMA 3330 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS WASH CLOTHS Quality cloths ini lovely designs and colons. 19c value. for 25e I.D.A TOILET TISSUE A fine qualitv, pure white extra soft tis- sue - 750 sheet îolls Reg. 2 nolls 25c 2 roils 23e IDA. Itilîty HOT WATER BOTTLE Guananteed for tvwo years o! satîsfactory service. Reg. 1.79 1.29 I.D.A. COLD CREAM SOAP Top quality toilet soap deiicately scented Reg. 2 cakes 25c 2 cakes 23e Richard Hudnut EGG CREME SHAMPOO Plus CREME IS Special $2.75 Value __$2.00 FREE! 47-Day Trial Size STOPETTE Buy the regular 1.25 size Stopette and get the 47-day trial size with it. Both for $1.25 HELENE CURTIS SPECIAL Lanolin Discovery in the negular 1.75 Aenosol together witb a 1.50 value roll type bain brusb 3.25 value for 1.98 COUGH and COLD REMEDIES Bronchida Cough Syrup A fast effective cough, svrup to give quick relief to those deep chesty coughs. 8 oz.-- -----.--75e Vicks Vapo Rub --- -----53c, 98e Buekley's Mixture - 50e, 85e Buekley's Cinnamated Capsules------------- 35e, 79c M1ntholatum - 43c, 89c Pinex Coneentrate - - 75c Pinex Prepared ----- 50c, 85e Pertussin ------------- - 69c, 1.19 Mason's 49 -- ------ 45c, 75e Smith Bros. Cough Drops ---- 10e Vieks Meditrated Lozenges ---- 4-9c Idaphedrin Nose Drops __65e Musterole ---53c, 59c Tonics Idaphos - !.D.A.'s own tonile - for nervous debility - if you feel tired and cross try Idaphos - 16 oz. -- ----- ---- -, 1.25 Geritol ----------- 3.29, 5.49 Dr. Chase Nerve Food 79e, 1.98 Wampole's Phospho Lecithin 1.25! Fellows Syrup --- 1.59 SPECIALS on I.DA. BRANDS Milk of Magnesia - 29c, 49c 16 oz., 32 oz., reg. 35c, 60c A.B.S. & C. Tablets --19c 100's - reg. 23c Beef, Iron and Wine - 79e. 16 oz.» reg. 1.00 Olive Ou ----29c, 44e, 79c 4 oz., 8 oz., 16 oz., reg. 35c, 55c, 98e I.D.A. IDASAL SACCHARIN TABLETS TABLETS 5 grains ý14 grain Acetylsalicylic 100 reg. 20e 15e: acid for relief 500 reg. 55c 39e of pain 1, grain 300 tablets 59c 100 reg. 23C 19eý .500 reg. 6549eý Delsey 19c, 2 for 37e Personal Hygeine Etiquet Deodorant --ý- 53c, 7 5ce Kotex - Modegs, 12's 40e, 2 for 79ei 30's 98c, 48's 1.531 Tampax - -- ---- 43c, 1.49 Lysol Disinfeetant 43c, 79e, 1.50 Quest Deodorant -- -35e Special! 1Noxzema 10 oz jar, 1.25 I.DA. I.D.A. SHAVE WAX PAPER CREAM Heavy dut.' wax Gives a rich paper in dispen- f i n e bubbie ser box with lather for a metal cutting cool, smooth edge shave 49e tube 1 100 ft. roil 29e. Baby Needs Johnson's Baby Powder --35c, 59e Bayswatcr Dlaperash --95c, 1.89 Doe-Lon Baby Pants ----69e, 89e Helnz Strained Foods 2 tins 19e Twin Tips - - ----- 29c, 49c, 98e Hankscraft Bottie Warmers- 3.25, 3.95 FISTOOTH CH~ECK.AA Drui Phone MA1 DEN ASTE 2 FOR 29Ç 3-79 anou ln Easter Seal Campaign Hamilton, Feb. 14-A cbeery iast Christmas Carol Services. 1l-year-old youngster wbo bas He bas sung at many other worn a crippie's hip brace sinre cliurch and civic ceremonies, he was stricken by polio six! and George Veary, bis cb&'r years ago, yet has trinimpliedi master and teacher, says hieil over bis handicap to become I improving steadily as a singer. goaltender of his scbool's hoc- For the pa.st four years ho key team, will be Ontario's has attended camps operatedt "Timmy" for 1955. by the Ontario Society for Crip. As symbol of the nearly 9,00(0 pied Children, which also ad- children wbo benefit from the ministers a wide programn of work of the Ontario Society for other services for handicapped Crippled Cbildren, Alexander children,and hee bas earned bis "Sandy" McDonaid, pupil of Red Cross senior swimming Onteora Scbooi, is looking for- award. Swimming, according ta ward to being chief guest at, the Societv's nurses, bas aided the Sports Ceiebrity dinner,, him consfderably, bis affected February l7th, whicb opens the1 leg. whieh once was two and annual sale cf Ea.ster Seals. a haîf inches shorter than the Sandy hopes to meet Harry normal leg, now being less than Lumley, goalie of the Maple one inch shorter. Leafs. at that dinner, and that Sandy rides a bike, fitted hy very wish reveals the kind of hîs dad with extra wheels sa a lad wbo becomes the ninta it won't tip when hie stops; boy chosen ta represent On- plays the piano, bas his own tario's handicapped youngsters darkroomn for photography. and during the sale of the Easter hopes to go to college, though Seals which finances the.'pro- hee basn't decided if he'd prefer gram of treatment and training to be a lawyer or a minister. directed by the Society. Sandy And hie hopes. too, ta meet has neyer admitted that polio Marily-,n Bell when hie goes ta prevented him from doing any- Toronto because of lier work tbîng. in helping crippIed children to The oldest of three children swiýY1. of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McDon- And, finaily, the new 'Tim- ald of 373 Thayer Avenue, Hamn- my" hopes to be able to céo ilton, Sandy xvas born in Vie- something to belp other young- toniaville, Quebec, when Iis iSsers like himself. The Rotary dad was with the Royal Cana- Club of Hamilton, ini co-opera- dian Air Force. When hie was lion with the Society, has hein- five, and after the faniilv mov- ed hlm by providing special ed here, lie contracted polio, braces, shoes and other things spent a year and a bal! in hos- hie has needed. Noxv Sandy pital, and now wears a high wants to belp it, and the more bip brace. ihian two hiundred other clubs, In the past six years Sandy' including the Bowmnanville Ro- bas accomplished tbings that lary Club. who participate in could be the envy of any boy. the Society's work, in boosting He made up ail lost time at the sale cf Easter Seais so that scbool, is now in Grade 6, amci no liandicapped boy or girl in bie is descnibed by Principal J. Ontario will be without help. Harris of Onteora School as an- exceptional pupil. He lias fol- lowed in his dad's footsteps as Men are disposed to live hon- a boy soprano, sings in the estly, if the means of doing se Christ Church Cathedral boys' are open to them. - Thomas choir. and was soloist in the Jefferson. "Timmy" This Year. I PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MeGoregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store

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