T ** ~ w-' ?HURSDAY, ME. l7th, 1955 THE LArIADIAN 5TATEPSMAK, EOWNVLLE OTm«O 47 KING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE IEd Youngni The Statesinan'a G . NA 3-56511 IRoom 35, Memorial Hospital Bowmanville. ~Ayalumnus o! a hospital se. _,urn likes ta show aperatia: scars, and talk about the en- forced visit. Your scribe la no exception. V've aiways thought hospitals were wonderful pla- ces-for the other fellow-not rme. Feb. 7 saw me chccking in nt the Bowmanvilie "bouse af 1correction," where I was bedded j. down witb Curt Vanstane fora ward mate in Romr No. 35. It ail started on Jan. 13, wher a large beech log smackcd into xny righit hind leg, injuring the knee. XÇ-ray pictures didn't showi any breaks, but that pesky knee got steadiiy worse. At bome,wben I wished tc ascend tbe stairs, I sat on a step, put my hands on a step behind me, then "hitched" back- ward, with Butch holding the ankie of my hum leg ta prevent ft bumping on the stairs. Since then, I've met a couple of "lushes" who dlaim that îs precisely their method every time they corne home "tight". Hospitalization impraves a fellow's education, like the nur- ses referring ta people penspin- ing. Took me two days ta fig- ure out that it was a two dollar Word meaning the same as sweating,which is what we cal it hack on the ridge. When chccking in at the the hospital the clerk asks lots af pertinent questions. For cxam- pie, when she cnquired as ta my last admittance ta hospitai, she seemed startled ta hear mne rcply that this was my first tnip-ali aur babies having been born at home. When she asked what reli- gion I espoused, and I replied that my religion was trying ta foilow the Golden Rule, she ]ooked as thaugh she thought mie balmy. The nurse instructed us ta sponge bath ourselves al aven, wbiie sitting up in bed. It was1 'Worth a good day's pay ta sec young Curt ignore the soap and1 water in order ta dry dlean hisi legs on a towel, hecause he feît1 that, it was unwise ta overdo1 the ablution business i cold1 weather. I backed hlm up withi the argu~ment that I expected ý ta wade in the erick hack homei shortly after May 24. The nurse1 tan's Column xrass PRootà Colnmnit apined that tbe hospital w J, saving plenty on the soapN . were flot using. 3- When arriving, I walked ýn good three bundred feet, fro > the parking lot into the bas.: ýo tai, yet, just because Doc Rui it die said I was ta stay in be i- the nurses insisted on whe )t chairing me ta the ward- mere thirty feet. Made me fe n~ like a ninny! Sa I offered1 ýf give the nurse a ride, if she d hop in. 0f course, the fi a that she was young and quil pretty didn't influence me. n Having read Padre Nicho. oson's effusive letter in Th eStatesman a fortnight ago, I ar ýticipated a chaice at meal timE 2of everytbing from caviart filet mignon ta tbree i steaks. You get a choice airigh -if you don't eat it yau ca: leave it. A nurse came in with a tra of glasses, enquiring whatI like ta drink. Well, naturally, asked for Scotch and soda-.-a] I got was apple juice. Now miii you, I'm not bcefing about thi place, (it's really swell) jus trying ta give a true pictureo what prospective custome: might expect. I was instructed ta strip anc don a gown, whiie the nursi discreetiy withdrew. What ai parel ta have such a dignifiec name! It only covers your front and in order ta fasten the tiek behind your back, if you arE flot a contortionist, yauwil' likely develop hardening of thE arteries of the elbows. Just thén the nurse came in, saying brightly: "Ail ready?"1 says "yep!" Then I glanced down ta make sure that the gowî was well past my knees. Hea- yens! What a shock! The blam- cd shorty shirt wasn't cavcring rnuch more than my vaccinatioi marks. It had either shrunk in the wash, someane had bobtail- cd it, or the manufacturers had gyped the hospital on the yard- age. Since writing the above, I've had a trip ta the "torture cham- ber" where the hospital brass put a wralkîng cat on the gam- my ieg, from foot ta well abave the knee. This was done because tuie latcst X-ray showed that a piece o! the bone (with liga- ment) had been broken off. Sa-o-o-o, the knee must be im- mobilized in order that the broken parts can stick them- was we &m ipi- an- ~ei -a ta act tt 01- les ta ýht an av Id I lis ist ýrs e P1 I 1 n -1 Darlington Township Council Calis for Several Road Tenders Appoint Twp. Officiais e mentVîion n. IlIcluded in your Darlington Township Council - paper. There was a schooner met February 3, with ail mcm- sbuiit there named David Fish- bers present and Reeve Roy -er, built 400 or 500 feet narth Nichais presiding. eo! the east pier. The Harbor Ca. Grant o! $100 was made ta e Salvation Army. aowned a dredge and two mud Letter from Inspector of Le- scows, also a derrick scaw for îal Offices re survey in Lot 35, ]ifting tmeswn hy ui i..on. 2 & 3, Darlington, was ne- the piers. ferred ta Committee an Legisla- There was a cemetery on the tion and By-Laws. 4bank, east a! the piers, an the Letters from Oshawa General lake shore. When the barbon Hospital and Bowmanville Mcm- was built some o! the remains anial Hospital were laid aside were moved ta the present cern- for further study. etery and the bank was serapcd Letter from the Ontario Dept. down ta fi in east o! the pier. o! Highways concerning through I remember some o! the marble bighways was laid aver ta next siabs that were stoned in the meeting. hanse stable back o! the eleva- Grant o! $75 was made ta tor. Durham Central Agicultural At that time they bad twa Society. hanses ta elevate the grain an Road Supt. was authanized to the north side o! No. 1 elevator. order 16 signs reading "Road Thene was a shed wîth an up: ICiosed. Use at your own risk." right shaft and a wooden cross Percy Werny, Fred G. Smnith timber with one horse hitched and Fred Partner were appoint- on each end. That was about ed committee ta attend Town- 1876. 1' often drove thé horses ship Re-forestationi. and gat 25 cents a day for 10 Foflowing Standing Commit- haurs. tees were appointed fan 1955: Later when the banley trade Finance-Werry, Stevens; Roads with the United States increas- & Bridges-Vice, Osborne; By- ed they put in steama power and Laws and Legislation-Stevens, made an elevaton of No. 2 ware- Werry; Township .Pnoperty bouse. Schools-Osbonne, Vice. The first time I was down ta A proposai ta set up a sep- the harbon the Propeller East arate roads account was discuss-2 was laid up there awned by Me_ cd and refcrred ta Finance Clelian & Ca. It was sailed by Comrnittee.1 Capt. Gea. Tait who lived in a bouse east o! the barbon, after- ward awned by Pat King. Duning the beight o! the ban- iey trade I bave seen as many as six vesseis in Bawmanville harbor et one time. Some were for Erie, Pa., and Oswego, N. O r e Y. IIn the season of 1886 1 was on the Schooner Vienna. When the barley trade started in the flw e carried 15 loads from Bowmanville to Oswego and 10 loads of coal back. I could give you more of this news but you would get tired of reading 't. Respectfully yours, Albert Norton Editor's Note - If the harbor story brought old memories ta rny oid friend Ab. Norton h,*r letter also started off a flood of pleasant memaries to the edi- tor. The writer of the above letter is Capt. Albert Norton -who sailed the Great Lakes for rnany years until bis retirement some years ago. Each winter he would corne back to his native town and would often be seen with his oid pol Art Minegand, both being members of the j Masonic Lodge here. Ab. is 1 probably the oldest living mrn- ber of Jerusalem Lodge, hovpr- ing close to 90 years o! age. There were two ather Norton boys I remember, Rance, who was a conductor on the C.N.R. flycr between Montreal and Toronto for rnany years, and Tow who was employed off sea- son for McClelian & Co., when he wasn't away sailing on the lakes. The Norton home was on Liberty St. South, across the street from the "Rag Castle". On one o! my trips ta New York around 1907 I recail meet- ing Ab by chance one evening coming out of the aid Madison Square Gardcns after watching a heavyweight boxîng bout. Hc suggested we go across the street ta the Savoy Hotel where another Bowmanville boy, Wes Shaw, was night cierk. As ex- pected we reminisced about the aid home town and some of its '.characters" weli into the wee hours of the morning. The next day Mr. Shaw toak the yauth- fui editor across the Hudson ta ciimb the Statue af Liberty. On that same trip I met another Bowmanville boy, Tommy Brown, who had becorne quite fanious in the theatrical worid with the six Brown Brothers, saxaphonists, who were being featured at the Hippodrome. I remember anc atternoon Tom-. mv entertained me at the *Wýhîte Rats Club", a rendez- vous for theatrical folks. Oh, Sweet memorieâ!-G.W.J. to own a. beautiful VIT Council will ]et tenders for 8 miles o! surface treatment, for 8,000 yds. o! gravel and ail mix for surfecing noads; fan 20,000 tons o! gravol, cnushed, stock- piled and deiivered on Town- Ish ip roads. Council requested permission !nom the Dept. o! Highways ta tender for a new diesel grader. By-lews were passed appoint- ing Building Inspecton, Weed Inspecton, School Attendance Officen, Livestock Valuators, Fence Viewens and Pound Keepens. Cierk will orden a supply of warhie fly powder. Councillor Chas. Osbarne was appointed Council Repres- entative ta the Durham Coun- ty Federation o! Agriculture. Gannet B. Riekard was appoint- cd ta Durham District High School Board. Council wiil petitian Board of Transport Commission ta eneet an oven-head bridge et the in- tersec$ion a! C.P.R. and road hetween Lot 28-29 in Darlington Township. L. R. Graham, E. F. G. Vice and J. D. Hogarth were appoint- cd delegates ta the Good Roads Association Convention. More than 5,000 moose and 28,000 deor wene taken by huntens in Bnitish Columbia in 1953. selves together again. Well, al I hope is, everything will bi okey doke by tree Pianting Urne Butch bas repeatedly hintec that I'm making quite a fusw, over a bit of a acre knee. It'ý alright for ber to taik, she'à oniy had busted ribs, tori chest muscles. varicose veins 9arthritis, bad kidneys, puni heartga[li bladder, and appen. ixrmved, broken arm, five periods of hospitalization, be. sides mothering severi children, But don't forget, by gollly, I've got a acre knee. Don't iet any reader ever think that flowers, cards, Jetters, visits are wasted on any one who bas the misfortune to be hospitalized. Believe me, they help very ma- teriaily in a patient's recovery. Guess it is the nice thougbl that, behind every littie cour- tesy-someone cares. At this time I'd like to say a sincere personal thank you ta ail at the hospital-from chair- man Joe O'Neil. ta Eddie the orderly. Everyone treated me swell. I've olten thought that if I had ta go ta bospital, Bow- manville would be my choice. Well, I've. been there, and for ny rnoney, it's tops. Apart from the friendly, efficient service, I like the wonderful esprit de corps. For the liue of me, I can't figure out wby Clarke and Manvers Townships don't sup- port the bospitai with manetary grahts, yet bave tbe gail to send theur indigent patients there. .local Nursery I-ls ;s For As Many Rabbits e Any rahbit bold enaugh ta The hunters are aliowed ta keep venture on the property o! the the rabbits, in addition ta ne- LBrookdale - Kingswey Nurseries ,ceiving the $1.00 after Mn. Scott Ptheso days is in grave danger has seen tbem. The only stipu- to! onding up a dead duek. lation ho makes are that the t Since just before Christmas, hunters first ask permission ta eNorman Scott, owner o! the hunt on the nursery pnoperty enursery, bas heen paying $1.00 and thon ho carefui while do- for every rabhit shot on or nean ing tbeir bunting. *the nursery property, and he He bopes that eventually the h as already given out $65 ta plan will boip ta reduce the trahhit bunters. thousands o! dollars damage *The reasan for Mn. - Scott's su!fered annualiy hy him and war on the local Easten hun- ather district oncbardists he- nies is that they are so destruc- cause o! the rabbit pest. tive ta the young fruit trees in Most o! the buntens are yaung bis orchards east o! town on the people fnom Bawmanville, be narth side o! Highwey 401. The said. and John Bird bas been cattontails girdle these yaung one o! the most consistent, hag- trocs, and the jackrabbits arc ging a few o! the animais eacb even more destructive, teaning week. Hunters from Oshawa a!! large strips o! bark and kill- have aiso brought several doad ing tbe trees.. rabbits ta coileet the rewand. The Brookdale - Kîngsway Mn. Scott thinks that the nea- awnen bas tried several meth- son for the increase in rabbits ods o! eomhating the rabbits, in- i, rodent yeans is that hunters cluding the use o! nepeliants bave been kiiling off the ned and fencing bis propenties. The foxes which forneZi kept them repeilants bave ta be so0 stnong, under contrai, thu, upsetting bowever, that they crack the the balance o! nature. 'We hark and kill1 the trocs. It 's don't allow the buntens ta kili passible ta keep the rabbits out skunks or other small animaIs hy fencing, but the sizeofo! is who do no barm-just the rab- onchards bas grown ta such an bits," ho deciared. "The rahbit extent that the cost o! fencing is one of the very few animais them ail is pnohibitivé. that you can't say a good word Started Last Fali for. They serve no useful pur- Ho conceived bis plan fan off- pose whatsoever." fering the $1.00 baunty for Any local people in whom the every rabbit shot lete hast feu hbunting instinct is stili strong and placed a notice in The Cen- and who want ta put it ta pro- adian Statesman meking the fitable use cen do s0 any time offer. In tho nine woeks since in the wîlds a! the Brookdale- thon ho bas paid for 65 nabbits. Kingsway nurseries. Choirs iuests at and Mrs. Jas. Spinks.1 James Spinks and Mary AnniTrinit Darcy were married in the Methodîst Parsonage, Port Per-A ay n Jan. 30, 1895, by Rev. R.I/A re G Cade.i Tbey moved ta Treherne the A failowing March and farmed V .Au .dffSs with rg .ýnEVAPORPATED bILL- ~. ~pgcui~~edsuga.t l uice an Ddof aIegOI ]uXCO ancd rirÂd of 2 0roUgG Se ý~jgceIatOTcofltro,îI for t reezi Wb4iP ecipotcted1riunl vti 9j rtifAl fruit iuice1<, t x ~ U e xt u g at r tl o l s o a c 1 i x i d te, i1 n fl g sugatdislVS whippeld evoOrcteý[dnk Pourfi into freeZUgtOYax4 i1i * Yo xxiY cid cLMT olorixigt j~aotIigîchpPa fruit or ufIL t tebaBC Gip to'4 " l te =l-k c kes ai est cakes cLucd irostitigstaste bettet.Its ~ oodl for you. . .. .. .. .. ... For mer@ deiicio us Evapora ted Miik reciese write te Marie Fraser. DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU A Division of Dairy Farmers of Canada ,409 HURON STREET, TORONTO There's a fresh, crisp, modern beauty about the glamorous niew Chrysier that's sheen delight ta the oye. Its long, iow, luxuniaus silhouette is only a hint of Chrysler's riding superiority that is drarnatically confirmed fromn the moment yau relax in its unsurpassed comnfart. But, you know, thene's a'speciel picasure resenved for you alone ! The deep sense of personal pride and satisfaction that is yours who own a Chrysien is a rewarding expenience in itself. This reward is not aIone the satisfaction cf commanding the siîken smaothness of Chryslen's great power. Even more than that, you'll enjoy knowing that yau have the car that exemplifies the most advanced stying concepts, tnanslated into metal with uncqualled craftsmanship. It is ail part of Chrysler's Motion Design for The Forward Look that gives this superb car the look o! going places, even whcn standing stili. Discoven for younself what a constant source af pleasuro this magnificent motor car can be. YO0U R C HR Y SL ER-P L YM0U TH -F A RGO0D EA L ER NOW 1 PALMER 20 King Street E. MOTOR Bowmanvilie Phone MA 3-5487 SALES À v i - 1 Ch or aiSociety Receive Praîse Toronto Church Forty-one members o! Bow- manville Choral Society and Mrs. Albert Cole thein accom- panist, were guests o! Eglintor United Cburch, Toronto, on Sunday evening. Unden the di- rection o! their leader, Mn. Hugh Martin, and with the church anganist, Mn. Douglas Bodie accampanying, the Socie- ty sang thnee numbors during the service. Tbese were "Lift Thine Eyes", "Hark Tbe Giad Sound" and "Thou Who Art Al Hoiy". Pnior ta the service Eglinton choir. served supper ta tbein guests. At the conclusion a! the service, tbe Choral Society sang a few numbens foilowing1 which the Couples Club a! the church served lunch in the church parlons. This was a spe- ciel service, rnarking the 252-i year o! Dr. W. G. Johnston' s ministry te thet congregation. Lly -rewarding LA. PARKER & SONS PtUMBING * HEATING * Ot BIJRNERS r PACM Mn tirea. Both Mr. and Mrs. Spinks 'Members o! the Senior and were born at Blackstock, Dur- Intermediate Chairs and the ham Caunty. The former on iMusie Corhmittee o! Trinity May 2, 1871. and the latter onlUnitcd Church were guests cf iNov. 6, 1874. They have two the Wornan's Association at a daughters Mrs. C. Winch o! Tre- dinner and social evening last berne and Mrs. G. Guest, St. Thursdal-, Feb. 10. James, Man. Following the banquet Mns. .In the afternoon and even- Laurence Goddard and Mns. Art ing a reception was held for Baker led in.- some enjayabie fricnds and neighbors wherc gaines. A unique feature which 150 were present. caused much merriment was A dinner was held et 5.30 by -What's My Line", patterned candle iigbt. The dinner table after the tclevision show. Mrs. was centred with a cake with, Art Baker played the part cf sixty candies and eut flowers. the moderator, John Daly, and A presentation of a lovely the panel xvas compased of Mrs. ýicestofsilvcrware fnom the Stuart James, Tom Park, chest 0!Walter Woolley and Miss Maie community was made, the ad- garet Allin. "Guests" cf tbie dress being read by P. R. Hen- pragrani were Mrs. Wesley selwood and the presentation Caxvker, Mrs. H. Pollock and by Mrs. A. E. Ladwick, alsa two Bill Buckley. electrie table lamps fromth the Russell Osborne, president or teSenior Choir, expressed the family as well as the beautiful appreciation o! ail for the deli. gifts fnom the United Church ciaus banquet and entertain. Auxiliary and the Women's In- ment . Mr. Arthur Collisori, or. stitute and from relatives and ganist and choir master, aise friends. Ie xpressed his thanks, and Rev. Many congratulatony mes- T. A. Morgan added a fewv sages wcre received from Her, words. Mrs. Forbes Heyland, Majesty the Qucen; Prime Min- president o! the W.A., respond- ister St. Laurent; George Dnew, ed.i P.C. Leader; G. Coldwell, C.C.1 Regular choir practice was F.; Gea. Hees, President Con-, held foiiowing this social time. servative party; G. W. Weir, ___________ Liberal M.P.; Lieut.-Gavernor McDiarmid; Premier Campbell; ýQîîebec is Canada's largest Duf! Roblin, Conservative Lead- province, wvith In area equai ta er, F. Ferg, M.L.A., also fnorn) he comn md areas o! France, the Shearers, Victoria. B.C.i GermanY and Spain. Former Cartw right Couple Celebrate Diamond Wedding The borne of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Spinks, Treherne, Man., was the scene of the Diarnond Wed- ding Anniversary Sunday, Jan. 30, the happy couple being Mr. Dean George, I received Statesman containing the bis- tory o! Part Darlington, also your letton. It sure brought back aId memonios o! the barbon as I can rememben it 80 years aga. There are some things I wii T - 128 Crawley Ave., Buffalo 7, N. Y. a copy of The ý y 1