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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1955, p. 9

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s-.-. ~ . - - - ?HtTRSIDAY, MARH 7thi. 1955 Do You Remember 50 Years Ago When Bowman ville Basebail Team Won Game & $200 from Peterboroý .<Eowmanvllle has always beer Iiist and formost a baseball tOwn. Local old timers in sport circles seldom gather to gab and reminisce about the gooc old days, wien the centre ef sport activities was at the Dril shed grounds, (now Carlisle SAvenue), before someone brings to minci a certain basebal game. Those were tic days, around tie turn o! the century when the Midianci Basebal League was of some import- ance, with teams entereci from Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port ]Hope, Cobourg, Lindsay and ]Peterboro. Native of Bowmanvllle Just to show our youngcr readers how serious basebal was taken in town fifty years aga, Harry Cherry, a native af Bowmanvile who has been living in Schenectady, N.Y., for many years, sent the editor a letter some time ago and en- choseci several clippings report- ing basebail games af the carly days. Harry is now hovering around tic octogenarian class, but evidenthy stili retains tic youtiful spirit wiich he dis- playeci whcn phaying basebal here back in the 90's and later in the Unitedi States wicre lic has since ,ived. Side Bet of $200 According to ane of these clippings, back in July 1905, just 50 years ago, enthusiasm andi excitement were running up ta tic boiling point. Peter- boro andi Bowmanville were tieci for first place, and each team had won its game on their own home grounds. This oa course stirrcd up great rivalry betwecn tic two teams andi their jubilant followers who claimeci ticir respective tcam was best. As a result of the ar- guments it was decided that the two teams shoulci play an exhi- bition gamt in Oshawa for a g ide bet of $200. and the win- ýeto take the gate receipts. S Bear in mind in tie two pre- viaus league games Bowman- ville defeated Peterboro hae 14-1, and in Pterboro thc fol- lowing week Bowmanville was defeated 6-2. Petarboro fans and players came ta 9shawa by a special G. T. R. train while the Bow- manville contingent tra'vllcd' by regular train, band wagon i bus, bath livcry stables were solci out, as welh as many citi- zens driving their own horse andi buggy. This was the era before the automobile craze. According ta tie newspaper report other towns in the Midi- landi Leagua wera also well ra- Ipresenteci making it one of the largest crowds to wîtnass a basebaîl game at Oshawa park. Supporters of bath teams wara carrying "good sizeci wads" to bet an their favorite team, statas-the write up. Win One-sided Game Without going into too much detail about the game, inning Goosie Osborne, Pitcher by inning, Bowmanvillc won by tic lapsideci score ai 10-3. Tic victars scoraci nina runs in tic first two innings whih put tic game an ica and squclcicd tic entiusiasm a! tic Liitlock sup- porters. Aiter tic second in- ning Douglas, tic Pctc's putch- er, was relicvcd ýY Qurnian who only allowcd one run for tic remaining seven innings. For Bowmanvillc, it said, "Goosie" Osborne pitching was master a! tic situation andi kept tic uits too well scatter- cd ta give tic Petes any chance 1 ta sin." Higginbotiam's catch a! Connor's fly in hait field was tic fiehding sensation ai thie game. The Local Lina-up Bowmanvillc uine-up an this meniorabla occasion was com- posed ai Fred Martyn, 3b; Har- ry Wallace, c; Harry Cherry, 2b, Ah Strawger, ss; Cecil Os- borne, p; Billy Wilcox, nf; Jim Williams, lb; Lucius Hooper, cf; Hubert Higginbotiam, cf. 0f. tic aboya players six arei Harry Cherry Sldes to Zari still living: "Goose" Osborne andi Fire Chie! "Ham" Hooper, in Bowmanvilhe; Harry Cherry in Schenectady; Jim Williams in Port Hope; Hube Higgin- botham in Toronto, (at presant basking in the sunshine in Flor- ida) andi Ah Strowgar living in thc U.S. Mention shoulci be made o! Gordon Bith, stihi living in town, wio was spare pitcher at this game andi helpeci win his shara ai the games during the season, bcing a powerful pitch- er and a gooci batter. "Deacon" Sanders Manager Wm. Sanders, grocer. better known by the nicknames ai "Deacon" andi "Bucky", was manager ai the Bowmanvillc team at this perioci. The bet was concocted by "Deacon" and George Graham, proprietor af the Oriental Hotel, Peterboro, Ham Hoopar at Bat wiose son "Chris" Graham, wvas a member ai thc Peter- bora team, playing first base and later was catcher. Welcome Champions Quating from tic repart il says: "On arnival home from Oshawa by tic 10.20 train the Typical Examples. K.*tson's Amana 73 King St. W. Bowmanville 0 oh Plan MA 3-5578 q'w <AIIA E"VQIMUWM~A N L ~--. -~ V mILLé. ONTAMOI .ZU.>PAGE NTN home team was met at the G. T.R. station by an immensel concourse of citizens, and tie two town bands, the Durham Rubber Co., and the Dominion Organ & Piano Co.'s They es- corted them uptown by a big torciligit procession. The streets were crowded on either side by citizens who cheered themselves hoarse as the vIc- tors passed %long the principal streets. Cecil Osborne, pitcher, was carried on the shouldersI af some enthusiastic citizens' from the station right uptown. On reaching tie town. hall square tiree hearty cheers were given for the pitcher, catcher and manager." ' We are Indebted to Harry Cherry for bringing this mem- orable game to our attention, a summary of which we are glad to pass on te this generation to see how they carrieci on "back in the good od days.."j George Potter High Scorer Durham League Palmer Motor Sales have crept up inta third place in tic Durham Bowling Leagua whici winds up play tuis Friday. Thc Bowmanville Foundry taam continues ta keap a tigit holci on fîrst place, andi McNulty's Sports have a comfortabla mar- gin in second. George Potter was thc hat- test bowher in tic îoop last Friday nigit, rackîng up lie high single ai 316 and tic higli triple ai 811. Bow'ville F'dry-- 31349 62 McNulty's Sports -- 31298 55 Palmer Motar Sales - 30600 45 Forasters -------------- 29831 45 A.& P.------------- -29806 341 Maple Grave----- 27937 31~ L. O. L. No. 2384 281.48 10 Enniskillen No. 1 277.59 29 Enniskillen Na. 2 ---- 293170 27 Hampton -------- 29260 '27 Tyrone ----- -------27827 -20 Blackstock 26847 15 Top Ten Averages George Elliott 233 Bill Poiley 230) Bill Hearl 219 Jim Levitt 211 John Slemon 210 Russ Halîman z()05 Hap Palmer 9-04 Bill Wcstlake ..-201 Ted McLaughlin 203 Howard Patter 2o,3 MORRISH A sacial evening was enjoyed an Wednesday, Marci 9th by Morrisi Willing Workers at tic home ai Mr. andi Mrs. Coyte af WclComa. Fourteen tables ai cucire wera playcd. Tic usual prizes were given for iigicst. and howcst scores andi hucky cup. Plentiful rafresiments iwcre scrved. A hcarty vote ai thanks was given ta hast, hast- css and daugiter fer tic use or ticir spaciaus home tiat aven- ing. 1 jMrs. Edna Barraclougi, Wes--' leiyville, visitad on Friday ai- ternoon witi Mrs. M. J. Os- borne, Mrs. D. Haines andi Mrs. Wm. McHohm. Mrs. F. Anderson and Mrs. Wm. McHolm, spent Thursday alternoon in Orono witi Mrs. Ciarlie Bebee, sister oi Mrs. jAnderson, wio is stili in bcd suffening from a broken uip at tic home af daugiter Ruth. It wilI ha a few more wceks be- 'fore Mrs. Bebce will be able ta bc out ai bcd. We cxtend aur best wishes for a compîcte recovery. We ofier sincera sympatiy ta Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ellis whose son Elford was serious- ly iurt in a car accident wien visiting . friencis in tic States. Wc trust Elford wîhl pull tirougi, make a specdy rccav- cry andi a saie return home. Mr. E. Syrnons was taken to Part Hope Hospital reccntly whcrc ha is ras ting comfortably. Wc trust ha will heabale ta re- turn home feeling vary muci better withihi a few days. Wc arc sorry ta report tiat Mr. Mcli McHolm hlaci a most unfortunate accident tic athcr day when cuttingc down a tree whici in ialling re-bounded, knacking Mr. McHoIni dawn breaking a leg. XVe extend aur sympatiy for this untimehy ac- cident and hope it is nothing more serious than a dlean break. Sunday School was held aIs usual, attendance wvas thirty- nine. Tic superintendent Mrz. D. Haines conducteci, Mrs. IL. McHolrm- was pianist and all teachers wcrc present. Mr. F. McConnell acted as secretarv in the abzence of Mrs, Harold Osborne wio is sufcning frora a savane cold. Ellinor Village, Ormond Beach, Florida. Deur George, We have seen a gooci deal of Florida since we arrived here a little over six weeks ago. I~ have visited St. Petersburg, Bradenton, Fort Myers, Miami. Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach. We are now located at this village for the month aof March five miles from Day- tona. We are just five minutes wahk from the ocean, where there is a lovely wide sand beach. Thc weather was a littlc cool on the first part of trip, but has been lovely and warrnt the hast two or three weeks. Have en- joyeci the flowvers and treeà immensely andi of course the warm sunshine. Hope everyone is fine at home. As ever Yours, A. W. Pickard. More than 150,000 Canadians recelved free blood transfusions tirougi tie Canadian Redi Cross lu 1954. Courtice was tagged with a 10- minute misconduct and a match misconduct. and Glen Pîckell of Courtice also drew a 10-min- ute misconduct. Fans wishing to see some real hockey action are urged to go down to the Arena tonight and see the windup of these two tight semi-final s series. There is no admission charge but a silver collection is taken. A creative economy Ls the fuel af magnificence. - Ralph Your time, your energy, and your money makes Redi Cross service possible. If you haven't the time or the energy your money can help carry on the work. There are no deaci ends. There is always a way out. What you learn in nc failureL you tiiize in your next suc- cess.-Henry, Ford. Because a messenger pigeon can carry only a tiny slip of paper with a fcw« words on it, a pigeon fancier living near Windsor, Ontario, decided to w'ork on an idea he had. That wsas txwcnty years ago. This weck he was able to announce a successful conclusion t&, twenty years of experimiental cross- breeding. He bas succeedcd in crossing pigeons with talking parrots. The new breed can flot only fiuid its way back to its loft but wiIl deliver verbal messages too long to be written on the ordinary message slip. 17fron"1 GOLDEN ALE B R E WE RY LI1MI1T E D M- ---- M-M- --M- ------ Fair s Team Capture Legion Dart Hon ours "F" team under Captain Jim R. McKnight 51 Fair captured the champion- P. Bathgate 51 ship of the Bowmanville Le- C. Anderson _____ 51 gion Darts League by defeat- W. Bates----------46 ing "H" team under Captain The league is finished except Ernie Perfect. In the serni-fin- for singles and doubles, and ais Fair's team had downed these are now being played off. Don Brook's team and Perfect's It enjoyeci a very successful squad had finished of Jîrn season in its first year of ex- Firth's team. istence andi it is hoped that the The last four teams playeci league will be bigger and bet-. off for second division honors ter than ever next year. with "D" team under Captain Follwn r heidvda Cliff Anderson emerging as s owing are the:inditdul winners by downing "A" squad incor ecords: Motadouble. under Captain Ross McKnigh.Mot oblnu for year-Jim,3. In the semi-finals Anderso ostdulsutorya-m team eliminateci Pete Bath- Fair, 20. High score, three gat'scre ad cKngh'sdarts-Jim Nickerson, 140. tgamt eut Bi Bates' squad. High score basebal, 9 innings- tea pu ou Bil Btes sqad.J. Firth, 30. High team score Final league standings were basebaîl, 9 innings-C. Ander- as follows. son's team, 68. Hîgli score base- J. Fair --- 59 baîl, 3 darts-Jim Fair, 9. High E. Perfect 56 team score, one inning basebal D. Brooks 53 -C. Anderson's team, J. Fair's J. Firth------------ 53 team, tied, 14 each. Four Teams Fighting To Enter the 'Finals in Town League Hockey After losing the first game of their best-of-three phayof f series in the Town Hockey League to Foresters two weeks ago, Miller's Taxi came back stronger than ever hast Thur,- day night to down the C.O. squad 8-3 andi tie the series at one game ecd. Jack Whiteman andi Harvey Lunney starred for thc Taxi- men as each turneci in thre goals for a hat trick apiece. Don Childs notched one goal for Miller's andi assisted on two of Whiteman's tallies. Morley Richards completed the scoring for the Taximen on a pass frorn Tim Cox. Larry Dewell put the Fores- ter.s ahead h-0 in the first pe.- lad when lie notched thc on]lv goal af that frarne. Jim Levitt got the Foresters second mark- er in the third on passes from Mary Brooks and Larry Dew- ehl, and Cinit Ferguison notch- ed their final counter on a pas froni Bob Craig. This series fini-zhes tonigit (Thursday) andi the winner, will meet the winner o! tic Front Street-Courtica semi-fi- nals. These latter teams are very evcnly matched andi bath of their playoff games ta date have endeci in stalemates. Last Thursday nigit thcy battlcd tu a 3-3 tic. Front Street Takes Lead Frant Street starteci stronf with twa goals in thc first per- iod by Ray Preston andi Don Rundie. Courtice made it 2-1 in tic second on a goal bv Bob JoIm1ion tram Grant Heron. At 4.45 ai tic second thcy ticci up the gaine 2-2 on a counitar by Barry Johnson, andi want aicad 3-2 at 18.20 on a second goal by Barry Johnson with Bob John.. saon drawing, an assist. Front Street put an the pres- sure ta pull tic game eut af thc fire and Ray Tuepai saved tic, day witi a goal set up by Don Rundle at 19.18 tiat gave tic Front Streeters a 3-3 dead- lock. Tic third frama vas a rugged anc witi cigit penaltie,, handeci aut. Geralci Sayers cf Are you a"Do-It-Yoursef "Driver ? Or would yoze ratherbhe waited on hand and foot? E -N*m Rather shift for yoursef .. . or let Powerglide do it? Shifting's smooth and easy Powerglide, tea, is better than with Cievrolct's ncw andi finer ever this year. Smoother, stur- Synchro-Mesh transmission. diar, and jackrabbit quick on Gcarshift and steering contrai. the getaway. Its the most shafts ara conccaled in a popular automatic transmis- single, attractive housing. sion* in Chevroiet's field! Do ail your own clutching . . . or save effort and gos wih Overdrive? Clutching is casier than ever with Chevrolet's ncw, High Capacity Tri-Fiex Clutch. Tic new pendant-type pedal andi singie diaphrag-m spring re- duce tic amaunt of foot pres- sure required, while other new advances ensure positive clutch engagement. Rather rail your own., Chevrolet gives you separale crank controls both for win- dosss and ventipancs. This is yet another of thc mnany great convenjendes offered by Chev- roiet - newest of ncw cars. The "free-whealing" affect of Chevrolet's new Touch-Down Overdrive* elimînates much of tia clutching necessary at city driving spceds. And on the highway it reduces angine specci by 22% - graatly in- creasing fuel economy and re- ducing engine wear. or just push a button? Lika ta adjust any one window -or ail four of 'emi-wýith the mare push et a button? Auto- matic window and scat con- trois* arc available on Bel Air and "TNo-Ten" modeis. *OptioriaI at extra cout. Automatically - Chevrolet's steoling the thunder from the high-priced cars! Position the seat yoursef . .. or let eiectricity do it? Cbevroiet's big, beautifuliy upholstarad iront seat moyas Up and forward or down andi back int your most cam- fortable position. Tiara's more intarior room this year for hips, bats and shoulders. No neaci te worry about elec- trical equipment running your battary down in a new Chev- rolat. Ib givas the resarve power cf a 12-volt electricai systcmn - easily capable et meeting your car's demands. Appiy the brakes like this . . . or have power moka it easier? An improved braking system and naw swing-type pedals make il a cinci ta stop your Chevrolet on tic proverbial dime. And Cievrolet's amaz- ing naw Anti-Dive contrai gives you "hcads Up" stops! What's new and improvad about Chevrolet? Evcrythîng! Chevrolat Power Brakes* are hetter than ever-let you stop swiftly and safaly by a simple pivot of your foot from accel- crator ta brakec pedal. Rather hava standard stcering . . . or the extra case of Power Steering? Hew easy and sure can stear- ing ba? Try this new Chevro- let and sec. Chevroiet usas a bail bearing svstem ta dut fric- tion ta a rninimtim-iind ta gel reaily fast stecing response. z For parking and siaw-speed turning, therc*s nothing quite so easy as Pover Stccring, ef course. (jood nesss: Chevro- icf's ncwv linkagc-tvpc Poscr Stcci-ing,' is reduccd in price! motoramw 7 À GENERAL MOTORS VALUE The Bel Air 4D..r Sedon. You'fl find your favorite moo'.I omonu Ch.vreot'a ompl.te lino of Pish.r Body becutie. ROY W. aOldsmobie Cars 1 Chevrolol COURTICE C.175S5G i NiCHOLS -Chevrolel Trucks DO WNAN VILLE Unbelievable but true..0j A New Amana Freezer PLUS Amana. Bonded Food Service Means Economy Io You FOR A FAMILY 0F 2 or 3 3 MONTHS SUPPLY $10.00 per wk. FOOD AND FREEZER FOR A FAMTLY 0F 4 or 5 3 MON-:HS SUPPLY $12moo per wk. FOOD AND FREEZER FOR A FAMILY 0F 6 or'7 3 MONTHS SUPPLY $15-00 I per wk. jFOOD AND FREEZER A Continuous Supply cf Low Priced Food is Guaranteed AHANA- Guaranteed Io Oufperform Ail Others You will receii'e absolutely free a beautiful set of menu cards ini a plasticizad recipe file box when our Food Counsellor cornes out to your home with your Passort. If You Live in the Areas Serviced by this Newspaper Phone Bowmanville MA 3-5578 1 A division of the Bowmanville Frigid Locker System TM CýAMADI« STATF-«UAlW- lthwuAmvwTv. ^mopAlipr#% 8 7ke? -»eme o

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