------w- M" APRIL l4th, 1953 THE CA14ADIAN 51'ATESMAN. BU WMAIl VAJ4. UâIAIUC PAc~ t.I..LVEM Dr. J. Hamilton Attends; Be#hany Family For Over Six Generations B1ethany: Dr. John J. HamI- ton of Betbany is a very proud and happy doctor and thinks he has established a record for medical statisties in his liUi- time as a practising physician in this village. On Easter Sun- day, April 1th, he br îht a new baby into the worJ Da- 'vid Ross Carr, son of Mr. and Mnrs. Creighton Carr, w'ho ar- rived in Civie Hospital, Peter- borough. With the birth of this baby, Dr. Hamilton can say hie has attended six generations during bis practice years and lias attended the birth of thrce generations in one family. Dr. Hamilton bimself was born in Bethany, son of Fran-1 cis Hamilton and his wife Mary Ingram. He attended the Beth- any public sehool, Port Hope High School and graduated ini inedicine at Toronto University in 1905. He went to Chicago, Ill.. for a yean as Intern in Lakeside Hospita], then sperît a year in contract practise. He came back to his native village in September 1907 to establish his office and one of his firqt patients was Mrs. Richard Johnston Sr., an elderî'la, whom he attended cea The Statesman SoId Ai Following Stores Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Storc, Newcastlci T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskille T. M. Siemon, Enniskile F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barrori, Hampton Trull's Store. Courtice A. E. Ribev, Burketon H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreil, Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal ,! Gilbert Food Market, Millbrool, Henderson's Book Store. Oshawa * * V« - Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 2011 W. J. Berry .ack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Silop Jury & Loveli Goheen's Handy Stoile The Statesman Office I times befoce ber death. The next in line in this family re- cord was Richard Johnston Jr.ý who lived ta the ripe aid age of 90 years and bis wife the former Sarah Kenney, who also attained a lifetime o! 90 years. Tbey bcd a family of four, eacb of them claiming Dr. Hamilton as their famil.v doctor. Their aldest daugbter Rubena nîarried Thomas Jack- son of Bethany. Their first daugbter, Violet bad the bonor of being the ficst baby that Dr. Hamilton usbered into the vil- lage. Almost twcnty-two years, later she marcied Ross N. Cerr and tbcee yeacs later Dr. Hemn- ilton marked twenty-five years of practice with the arrivai of their son Creighton Cecr. This nîew baby is the son o! Creigh.- ton Carr and bis wife, the for- mier Shirley McGee, who aLso wvas anc of Dr. Hamilton's "Be- bics". Dr. Hamilton is scventy-sev- en vcars of age and remarks that 1955 is going to be quite an evcntful year for hlm. On the 20th of this mnonth be and Mî's. Hamilton xvill observe their Golden Wedding Annivecsary and in June he hopes to attend a ce-union of classmatcs who graduated fcom Toronto Uni- versity fifty yeacs ago. NESTLETON The Nestîcton W.I. met in the basement of the United Chucch in charge of Mcs. W. Jackson's group group on April 6th with 18 ladies and some childrcn present. Roll call was enswer- cd with "a suggestion for pro- maoting peace". Current events wece gix'cn by Mcs. Cccil Wil- son. The motto. "Not wbat we teke, but what we give; not how we pray but bow wc live" xves given by Mrs. H. Vine. Mca. George Johns, Citizcnship and Education convener was in charge of the progrem. Plans wcre made to have a speaker on Apx'il 25th and invite aur neigh- boucing Institutes. Plans were also made for the new pro- grams. The saine officers were î'e-elected. Receipts $304.45, ex- penses $24588; balance on hand $58.57. W. I. bad a very suc- ccssful year. Mrs. W. Jeckson's group served a dainty lunch. Baptismal Fn Mrs. Wilfred Bowles very kindly Fon inx'ited us to her home for the ý Phseted Bethany, next meeting, May 4th, in charge:~ ofMrs. L. Joblin's group. Ah nte huc ladies to bring plants or bulbs'ntd C uc for sale at this meeting. Miss Dora Weidenbam, R.N., Bethany: During the Eastel and Miss Margaret Steele, R.N., Sundqy service in Bethany Un. Toronto. visited Margaret's par- ited Churcb a very beautifu' ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. baptismal font was presented Mr. and Mrs, Win. Steele were to the congregation by Mns super uess wth r. nd rsWalter Price in memory o hei Hupperdgeuestswith tur. adMr.husband. who for many yearz Howad Mculle, Lous. was a faitbful member of thE Mr. Francis Icwin, Toronto, Çburch. Mn. and Mrs. Reg Middleton and Tefn a enmd Gordon, Malton. spent the week- MrTOe nght, uingmadeo endwit Mr an Mr. H Vie.which was collected and treas- Mrs. Kenncth Minshall, Wayne ured by Mr. Price. The shaft is and Ronnie are visitîng ber par- of Kentucky red cedar In na- ents at Watecford. tural colour, the base and top Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd lunten are of buttennut finisbed in and Nola, Port Perrv; Mr. and light oak. The font supportsa Mrs. Merrill Van Camp, Black- silver bowl or laver. suitabi; stock, spent Sunday evening inscribed. Mr. Mervy.n Porteous with Mc. and Mrs. L. Joblin. unveiled the font, witb Mr, Mr'. and Mrs. H. Vine, Mr. Milton Weatherilt presentin, and Mrs. Chas. Vine, Mr. and the gift ta the congregatior. Mrs. Reg. Middleton and Gordon, Rev. R. Bonsteel conducted the Malton; Mr. Francis Irwin, service dedicating the font to Toronto, were Sunday supper the glary and praise of God guests witb Mr., and Mrs. Wilfred and in honour of the faithful Vine. and devated life to wbose mern RemeberW.A an W..S.ory it is erected. "Almigbty meg Aril2st indthe Unît-God, Our Heavenly Father, meein Apil2stintheUntwithout whom nor word or cd Curc baemen. i chrgewark of ours availeth, but who of Mcs. K. Sarnells& group. dost accept the works of our Service in the United Church hands for the service of Thy on Easter Sunday wvas well at- Church: have respect unto the tended. Mrs. Lawrence Mal- prayers of Thy servants who colin placcd beautiful flowecs in now. dedicate this Font to Thine the church in memory Of 1ber hlonour and for the praise and father. Mr. Ralph Sadier, Mr. glory of Thy name. Accept and Victor Malcolm and Mr. L. Job- consecrate it, we beseech Theet lin sang "Ivor. Palaces" with as wc set it apart for its hoiy Miss Anna Samells at the organ. uIse in -the worship and service Mr. Marwood Veale. Mr. and of Thv Church. Grn th Mrs. John Veale, Hamilton; Mc. wboever shahl be baptized witl and Mcs. Ringham, Toronto, water may also receive the visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fallis. Baptism of- Thy Holy Spirit Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler and being rcceived into Tii: and Gloria. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Churdh. may ever cemain faith- Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin fui, redeemed by Tby Son and, spent Thursday evening witb sanctified by Tlw' Grace. And Mi'. an'd Mrs. Kcnneth Samnelîs ]et this font witncss to the and Miss Anna. hiearts of aIl who wocship he:', Mrs. Alan Wilson and Mrs. of the covenant into whih Ralph Sadier spent Wednesday througb baptism they have en- in Toronto. tcced witb Thec, that theyma Mr. ad Mr. KenethSam-renew their, vows as they woiî' Mc. nd rs.Kennth am-ship and ever seek faithfuIiv elis attcnded Mrs. Fred Rogers' to fulfil tbem until the da'funeral on Thursday at Oshawa wrben thev shaîl see Thec farc and were supper guests with to face and glorify Tbee in Mr. and Mrs. John Hall. Thine Eveclasting Kingdom." Sympathy is cxtended to Mrs. Jas. Samelîs and Norman in Mrs. In conclusion, Mr. Bonsteel Rogers passing. Wc also extepd addcd his personal thanks to sympathy to Mrs. Lawrence Mal- Mrs. Price for the lovclY gift, colm in the passing of her fath- which will indeed be treasur- er, Mr. Sam Brooks. at Bow- ed by the church members. manville. The sacrement of baptisrr Miss Doris Gordon, Lindsay, was then administered to Rien- and Mr. Melville Semelîs. Osha- ard Beamer Bonste el, infant wa, spent the weekend with Mn. son of Rev. R. R. and Mrs. Bon' and Mrs. Kenncth Samelîs and steel. witb Rev. H. W. Pointer Miss Anna Samelîs. -of Woodville, chairman of the. ei d rs. er 'S e is in a ay as Ir' ig n. le to )d il ty ýr ar ir ly îe 10 le t .1l -i. jy 1- Lindsay Presbytery, conducting FIll Walk Beside You," andj the service. 1" 'Oh Perfect Love" during the The choir sang two anthemas sgning of the register. 'Wbat More Could Tbe Saviour Given in miacciage b'. hec la- Do?" and "Hallelujah. Christ the", tbe bride waUs lovely in1 Anose!" with Miss Jeanne Coul- a gown of white tulle avec taf-î ter of Pontypool at the organ.I feta, xith strapleis bodice, thei The flowens on the altar were waltz length skint made with' the gift of Mrs. Lyall Dawkins a front lace accordion pleated (nee Doris Driver) of Buckeye, panel. The accompanving bol- Arizona, in loving memony ol. ena jacket wvas of metcbing lace bier parents, the late Mn. and witb Pcter Pan collar and on Mns. Alfred Driver and fron't sleeves. Hec chepel veil of tulle Rev. and Mca. Bonsteel in mem- and lace was caugbt ta a crown ory of tbeir parents, Mr. and of seed pearîs and.sequins. She ýMrs. Bonsteel and Mr. and Mnî. carrjed a nosegay arrangementý Beamen. Of ced roses and white carne.- tians. Miss Cathecine Reynolds was * lAI er sister's meid of honan and Yelveton . Au sbe wore a gown of mauve nv- .1 lon net. balter neckline, witb Apri Meeingthree tiered waltz length skirt and matching jacket. She car- Yelverton W. A. met Apnil 7, nied a basket arrangement cf et the home of Mn.. Howard yellow carneýions. Malcolm. Moira Page teck the Bnidesmaids wece Mrs. Rab- devotional which conaisted Of ert Bolton and Mrs. Ernesît use of a bymn, the scriptune by Yaungman wearing street Janet Spencely, an Easter read- length fcocks of gold silk sha n- 1 ing by the .convenor. Business tung and turquoise crepe, with session, cbaired by the Pres- matching jacket. They ware ident, included roll call, with.a floral bandeaus o!ftny uti nean complete membership inl colored rosebuds and cacied attendance; distribution cf ma- baskets o! green and pink car- teniais ta members fan trans- nations. formation into useful and sale- Phyllis Youngman was the able, articles and discussion on tiny flowec girl, wveaning a the usual tnivia connected with cherming drcss o! green nylon, sidelines of this energetic fe- with matching bat. She cecnied nmale anganization. May meeting a nosegay of vaciegated 'mumai. at the home of Ruth Wilson and Alex Jackson of Bailieboroi Mrs. Annie McQuade. Program 1 w....th, Pi-iniiqqt lgh I ConvenoIlMiss Em Hendens eaders a--ii ve n po---M-,i-Anather Spm-iiýng":_ ý-. -dithweî'c Robect Bolton, Toronto a pom, "noter Srin". Rthend Rosýs Johnston. Bailleboro. Malcolm contributed an Easter Following the ceremeony a poem, "The Cross was His Own',rcpinwshl nteTw followed by contests bv Enrepin l es hela In the bTown estine Robinson and the cori.ren- Hall. ec a eing the bid'of or. cinnemon crepe with bat o!f The meeting was fittingly clos- ed by an ample repast senved by hastesses Mesdames Bernice Gibson, Lula and Eileen Mal- colm. WEDDING - CHALLICE - REYNOLDS Easter lhues. ferna. narcissus and daffodils formed a lovely altar setting in St. Paul's Cburcb, Bethany, on Saturday, April 9, for the wedding o! Margacet Jane <Peggy) Rey- nolds, daughter of Mn. and Mis. Charles W. Reynolds to John E. G. Challice, son cf Mrs. Challice and the late Williami Challice of Millbraok, with Rev. 'P. S. Gault hearing th,ý nuptial vows. The wedding music was pIe',.- ed by Mca. Leonard McNeil of Peterborough. Before the cere- mony, Mrs. Ernest Lamb sang A GOOD NAME TO REMEMBER WHEN CONSIDERINO &IFE INSURANC& amber sequins and brown ac-! straw bat and matching navy cessories. The groom's mother. and pink accessories. Her cor- who also received was wearing, sage -,vas of pink Sweetheart navy blue crepe with nav'y hat roses. and accessories. Bath mothers1 On return they will live at wore corsages of yellow roses. the groom's f arm home, south !Guests were present from Lon-i of Millbrook. don, Owen Sound, Barrie, To - _________ ronto, Ridgewav. Akron, Pe-1 terborough, Millbrook and Beth- While the right to talk may a.ny. be the beginning of freedom, Leaving for their honeymoon the necessity of listening is trip, the bride was wearing à what makes the right impor- smant navy blue suit, With pink tant.-Walteï Lippmann. Bowman ville Boy Scouts PAPER DRIVE ularting ai 6:30 p.m. Frîday, A prit 15 Citizens are requested to bave their papers tied in bundies and placed on the boulevard in front of their homes. Proceeds froni this Paper Drive wviII be uscd by the Bowmanville Boy Scouts Association as their donation to the World Boy Scout Jamboree to be held at Niagara Falls, Ontario, this year. George E. (Tod) Spuiceloy BER. 2 DETHANY. ONTARIO Phone: 3RIZ s-. h - - - OLEIN RAE. DAIRY LEADSAGI . WITH NEW ' Squacre Botties emnd Hooded Caps Over 40 years ago Glen Rae was the f irst dairy in Bowmanville to put milk for sale in bottiez sevQrai years ago Glen Rae was the first to bring Homogezd Milk to this district - now Glen Rae leads again with the new Hooded Caps and new Space-Saving Smnall Top Square Botties. adopted by Glen Rae Dairy over the past years to bring you a better product in more sanitary containers. These two steps are oniy a f ew GLEN RAE MILK AND CREAM wihl now corne to you in the new type, Srnall Top, Square Milk Bottie that has been adopt- ed by the National Dairy Council as the standard bottie for Canada. CAPACITY IS EXACTLY THE SAME - one quart or 40 PHONE MA 3.5444 TOmDAY for' DAILY irfect Milk Protection with the EASY TO USE. . . *First put the palm of your hand on the top of the bottie. *You must then lif t the skirt of the cap a littie with your fingernails - in order to loasen its grip on the bottie. *Then it's easy to turn the cap and lift it off without crushing and spoiling it for replacîng on the bottie. f, fi uid ounces is the same as the old type botties. The amount of cream in each is also the same but- because of the high shouider on the new bottie it appears to hold iess. SPACE SAVING in your ref rigerator is one of the chief advantages of this new bottie. DELIVERY 0 -NO DRIP - the special neck of this gpouring and will not drip. bottie f acilitates easier PLEASE RETURN TO POUR f rom the new botties - grasp the bottie by the sides and slightly below centre. You will find this easier than tak- ing it by the neck - especially for youngsters whose hands are naturally flot as strong as an adult's. ON THE WEEKEND we feel you will be particularly pleased ,with the space-saving advantage of the new bottie. 98 King 'St. W. RAE Bowmanville YOUR OLD BOTTLE.S AND HELP US COMPLETE THE CHANGE-OVER DAIýRY Phone MA. 3-5444 The New Space Saving Sm ail Top Square Bottie GLEN PAGS Y"Vzm ýl