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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1955, p. 14

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122M VT AA nAID * A ~TW A q BIv»N . - - TR Trophies are Presented At Annual Banquet of Town Hockey League Trophies in the Town Hoc- key League were presented ta the winning Courtice team and players at an enjayable turkey banquet held at the Elmnhurst Hatel, Newcastle, Saturday night ta wind up the seasan. In the absence ai President Fred Cale and Vice-President Jack Gay because ai business reasans, Secretary-Treasurer Jack Regan acted as chairman for the presentations. He painted out that the Town League had enjayed a very suc- cessful season with good close campetition which had provid- ed înteresting games for the fans. He stated that he had been happy ta be ai sanie service ta the league. Mr. Regan then called on Glen Pickel ai the league champion Caurtice teami, who stated that Caurtice had been very grateful ta the Town Hockey League for lettîng Cour- tice in two years aga. "We didn't want ta win it the iirst year, but we decided wc miglit as well last winter", he said jokingly. On behali ofai a the players, Mr. Pickeli thanked President Fred Cale and the other members af the execu- tive for their work on behali oi the league, and Tim Cox for keeping the records and pravid- ing The Canadian Statesman with details af the games. .$150 Bank Blance Mr. Regan Teparted that there would be $150 in the treastiry ta start off next fail aiter the cost ai the banquet and trophies was paid. He call- ed on Jack McNulty ta present the McNulty Sparts & Cycle Trophy emblemat:c ai the champianship ai the Town Hoc- key League ta Murray Osborne, Captain ai the winning team. Mr. McNulty cangratulated the Courtice squad on winning the crown. He stated that an pa- per, the Miller Taxi team, which was runner-up ta Cour- tice, loaked stronger; but that a' good team effort by the Courtiéce players had given them the title. Jack Miller, spansor ai the Miller's Taxi squad presented Glen Pickell with his small in- dividuai trophy and stated that his teani cauldn't have last ta a better bunch ai iellows. Bill Neimish, coach ai the Courtice teani, presented the individual trophies ta Bob Johnson, lead- ing scarer on the squad and ta Norm Sayers, wha was sec- ond-high scorer. He also pre- sented the small traphies, en- graved with the names ai the players ta the remaining meni- bers of the teani: Bill Gearing, Bob Osborne, Bruce Down, Murray Osborne, Archie Cour- For King-Size yields of Extra FanceyApples - for mrater, disease -control . per. dollar per acre, it's CAPTAN 50-W! This remarkably eftective organic fungicide controls the following apple diseases: SCAB, BROOKS FRUIT SPOT, FLY SPECK, BLACK POX,, BLACK ROT (Frog Nye), BOTRYOSPHAERIA ROT, BITTER ROT, end SOOTY BLOTCH. CAPTAN-50-W the, r.markoble organic fungicide giving =USTANDING DISEASE CONTROL' CLEANER, SMOOTHER APPLES I GREATER YIELDS 1 BETTER STORAGE QUALITYI CAPTAN 50-W is aiso recommended for: PEACHES. Brown Roi, Scab. CHERRY: Leaf Spot, Brown Roi. STRAWBERRY: Botrytis Fruit Rot, Leof Spot. ais. STAUFFER MAGNETIC 1170,v SUIPHUR PASTE "the creamt of suiphur postes l" MAc Ng!c "70" Sulphur Paste is a suiphur sprèy for the control of Apple Scab and otlier fungus diseasea. Extremely fine particle size and high (aver 68%) suiphur content co 'mbine ta inake MAGNETiO "17W'~ the most effective fungicidal suiphur formulation available. Quick setting and- super-adhesjve, it assures top protection even'through heavy raine. CANAbNAN INDUSJTRIES (1954) LU.ITED Agriutural Chemicals Departanent Halifax - Montreal - Toronto - Chatham, Ont. VIGOR OIL Courtice R eceives Hockey Trophy The Courtice team which won the championship of the Town Hockey League was presented with the MeNulty Sports & Cycle Trophy emblemnatic of the cham- pionship at the banquet held at the Elm hurst Hotel, Newcastle, Saturday night, ta wind up the seasan. Jack MeNulty, donar of the traphy, is shown at left presenting it ta Murray Osborne, Captain of the Courtice team. Each mernber of the team also received individual trophies engraved with their names. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope tice, Scotty McClelland, Barry Johnson, Grant Heron, George Osborne, John Petersan, Lin- ton Heran, Bob Muir, AI Thonipsan and Gerry Sayers. It was announced that Don Childs oi Miller's Taxi had won the league scorîng champion- ship. Executive Re-elected The same executive; Presi- dent Fred Cole, Vice-Pres. Jack Gay and Sec.-Treas. John Re- gan were asked ta serve again next year, and -the gathering voted ta add Jack McNulty and Tom Carter ta make a five- man executive. The matter of adding mare teanis ta the league was leit ta the execu- tive and Mr. Regan stated that, ~two aother teamn's had annaunc- ed they were interested in joining. Eric Courtice thanked Jackl Mlier, sponsor ai the Miller'1s Taxi team, for the great inter- est he bas taken in the league over the past two years. 1 OBITUARY CHARLES W. MeFEETERý Aiter a brief illness ai less than a week Charles Wesley fMcFeeters passed away, April 28, at his home at Palermo, Ontario, in bis 78th year. He was born at Salem, Darlîngton Township, son ai the late Da- vid and Hanna Honey McFee- ters. He served bis apprenticeship at blacksmithing and was eni- ployed at Bowmanvillc with James Morrow and later car- ried on his own shap at Hamp- ton for several years. Later he moved ta Palermo where he did welding jalong with blacksmith until he rctired., He is survived by bis wife, the former Lucy Pell and two daughtcrs. Mrs. Ray Inglehart (Elizabeth), and Charlotte Mc- Feeters; also a sister, Mrs. George B. Bickle (Margaret), Bowmanville. The funeral service was held April 3th with internient in Palermo United Church cern- etery. Aýttenàhing the funeral ironi this district were Mrs. G. B. Bickle, Bowmanvjlle. and Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Drew, Osh- awa. announces the opening of 'ifs New Service Station Two miles North of Newcastle on Highway No. 35 Firee Glasswuir. given away with the purchase of six gallons or mare cf gasoline Viqor Gasoline and Motor 01 _;il at reasonable prices ST6VE OIL-for your convenience, in small quantities available at the station Open, Evenings and Siwdays Goes to Japan Richard Coulton Berkinsha President ai the Canad Council ai the Internatio Chamber ai Commerce,v head the Canadian delegat ta the cangress ai the Interi tional Chamber in Tokyo IV 15-21. A native ai Toronto,1 Berkinshaw is presidenta general manager ai the Gc( year Tire and Rubber Campa of Canada Limited. i c YELVERTON ai ratepayers' convention, I gather. The benediction closed thîs chapter. The program, in charge ai aur Superior Officer (Cornie Mal- colm), consisted ai a barrage ai Mother's Day readings; a tribute ta mather by convenor; "Nobody knows but Mother" by Peggy Stacey; "Housecleaning" by Lamna Wilson and anather maternai autpouring by Mrs. Sheckletan. A fine lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Jake Van Dam, Mary Moore and Ruth Wil- son. June meeting ta be held at the -Art Rowan's. Mother's Day Service A large cangregation was La m-ftIE5DAT, MAT 12th, 1951. present on Sunday ta pay tribute on Manday.- Mrs. Ralph Malcolm called to and ta honour Mather's Day. The Malcolm Clan gathered ta pay her respects ta her mother, The Sunday Schaol, caached by honour their parents on Moth- Mrs. E. Henderson at Bethany Mrs. Ralph Malcalm, ,did a fine er's Day and father's birthdav,; on Sunday. job of taking airer the service, at the Victar Malcolms, Nestle- The Bert Viser family were following the special arder ao. tan, on Sunday. 1peeta h .E oisn service pravided. . Visitors at the Gea. Heaslipsen tteGiE oisn As is the custam the baptismal were sn Grdon and Miss Nor- onSnday for the special rites were conducted when four een Greening of Toronto. occasion. infants were accepted ( a rath- Mr. and Mrs. Art R awan and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ er lean year this one). Those kiddlies were guests of Mr. and participating were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Roy Jackson at Little T 1 C R E T S Vance Wilson and daughter Britain. TO EVERYWHe.,kE Jane Mable, af Toronto; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stinson Air, Rail or Steamishlp Mrs. R. G. Buschlen and daugh- attended the service at Janet- Consult ter Suzanne Marybelle; Mr. and ville Sunday evehing and were JUIlRY & L OV EL L Mrs. Gerald MeGill and daugh- present ta witness the baptism 3owvmanville ter Jennifer Joy; Mr. and Mrs. af their little grand-daughter, 15RnS.W. 'A -7 Murray Malcolm and daughter Bnnie Lu Walker. 15Kn t .M -78I Darlene M arie. Quite an aggre - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gation af pinafores! Special music was provided by the school. A duet was con-V\ 1i t a rtl e tributed by Master Kenny Wil- son and Dale Stinson. ï a ar th Miss June Kerr favoured ,with a solo and the choir with an anthem in unison. These' selecho a c s y u w l tions by the school were much c aes y uil appreciated and enjoyed. Rev. Bonsteel gave a short but force- fuI sermon well worth remain- ing awake to hear ieng ls awketaher.JJ / I( liJ il i m Many week-end visitors werey on hand ta cammemorate Moth- er's Day. The Vance Wilsons, Billy, Joy h se a and- Jane, and Miss Mable Geary af Toronto, at the David andf Jack Wilson's with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wilson in attendance. The Rolland McGills af Linýd- say with the Gerald McQill's. Mr'. Margaret McKay, Toron- ta, with her parents and the Stan McCabe's. The Cliii Snyders and Davy Jones with the Hugh McGills. Congratulations ta the McGills on the birth ai a new great- grandchild, Rickey, ta the Rod- ney Jones. Mr. and Mrs. George Heaslip .. 95 with her mother, Mrs. Fleming 1OU maY flot uorrow at ail this year, but during195 at Hillhead. airer 1,000,000 Canadian families - one aut of four - Mr. and Mrs. R. Voss af Peter- wiIl borrow fram consumer finance campanies. boro with the Ernie Lanes and Miss Em Henders. Olten this is the average family's only source af prompt The Geo. Clarkes of Port maney help ini an emergency. Perry spent the week-end at their cottage here'. But cash credit is no magic wand, na Aladdin's Iamp. That Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Malcolm, is why Hausehald Finance - Canada's largest consumer Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMuflcn were Sunday dinner guests af finance company - -advises its customers flot ta barraw un- the -Murray Malcolms. Iess a loan is the best solution ta their problerm Miss Em Henders and Mrs. Bertha Lane accompanied the By making only loans that help people ta help themnselves W. J. Malcolms ta Port Perry ta Household Finance lias become Canada's mst recom- attend a presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henders an their mended consumer finance company. Today in 170 brandi 35th wedding .anniversary, Sat- offices from coast ta caast, we niake helpful boans tô mare urday. adM Fd S o families than any other campany in aur field, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Page and son with the Gea. Pages. OSHL IAC stock were Supday evening sup-____ per guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Har- ~~ old Stinson. CAN'S LARGEST AND MOST RECOMMENDED CONSUMER FINANCE COMPN Mr. Floyd Stinson ai Warren ADSPN Paving C. starts back ta wark ......... 1797PV*55 PLYMOUTH taw dian ,nal will ition rna- Miay Mr. and :od- ýany W. A. Hald Meeting Following close an the heels ai the grand opening ai the Hall, the local W.A. met at the home ai Mrs. Ruth Wilson and Mrs. Annie McQuade, with a large attendance. Mrs. Hugh McGill taok charge ai devotional. Scrip- turc xvas read by Mary Moors; a reading by Mrs. Jas. Sheckle- ton and one entitied "Our Fath- er" by Ruth Wilson. Business session in charge ai President Mari. Stinson had a long agenda. Secretary Mrs. Bernice Gibsan read the min- utes. Follawing the rail cail business included (1) Church Garden Party on June 10; (2) catering ta a wedding breakfast in July - an event that threatens ta be a "posh" aifair with every- anc even wearing shoes in sum- mertime. In iact ta be accept- ably attired the gentry must be aver-dresscd,- the ladies samne- what under. None ai these 12 gauge afiairs. (3) Catering toaa banquet in connectian with the Publi Speaking Festival - a sort 'r The Super-Efficient GILO - NAGIC Ou HBealing V!AKES VOUR PRESENqT HEATING EQUIPMENT TWICE AS GOOD Save. You Money an Your Fuel Costs Phone or consuit, JACK BROUGE PLUIMJING - HEATING Division Street South BOWMAINVILLE Phone - Office MA 3-5615 flouse Phone MA 3-3#64 Plymouth Betvedere Hardtap Plymouth Savoy Suburban Plymouth Belvedere Convertible 'j j I t Long and Iow... rakîshly angled fore and a.... Motion-Designed for The Forward Look... smartly taîlored wîth new high-style fabrîcs and two-tone colours You see Plymouth everywhere, for mare and more fashion- minded motorists are selecting this long, low beauty that measures more than seventeen feet from bumper ta buniper ... barely five feet from roof ta rond! You, too, wiil like the glamourof the 1955 Plymouth modela -completely new, inside and out! You'il enjoy new higli-style interiors, new casier riding, new easier steering. You'il see mare through the new swept-back windshield that really wraps around at your eye level, as weil as at the bottom. You'il thriil ta the lively power of the new Plymouth engines. Everybody likes the quick, smooth getaway of these higlier powered enies . .. as weil as their thriftiness. PowerFlite automatia transmission is available, too, at extra cost. Sa are ail the latcst power assista ta make your driving wonderfully easy and convenient. You'll be money ahead because the new '55 Plymouth is flot only econamical ta run, but also priced with the lowest! Smart buyers ail over Canada say it's the big value of the year! Mlanufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corpqration of Canada, Limited SEE YOUR CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH -FARGO DEALER NOW FOR THE SMARTEST VALUE 0F THE YEARS PaUmer 20 King Street E. otorvll Bowm anville Pho n e MA 3-5487 SalnesM-58 - - 'i I i~ j J PAGE FOURTEEN p ýl J; L TIM CAMAnTAM _qrpaqqrqowAw rd% 0 oued ue Co* Motor Sales

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