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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1955, p. 13

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Lions Club Ce bmutos Birthduy Lions CIui Reveals 2 Commun it -1'*KNOW 8 ONTARio TRAVM. ROOM lit. *67 COUME EST.. TOROUTO. OTANJO. 1 PLEAIM SENS PAS A FR11 ROAS NI PAND 1 RAVU. UWORMATION AMOIT ORTAU.I -1 -------.------ Omaio Dpaituao of Traoi à &Péubv .. ---------------------- M ,His tory Sevi 0 Years of 'y Service of makes a very enjoyable pas- lub Urne. Great books can be re- and read many trnes wîth increas- 20 ing profit and pleasuro, And lub se ]ot us hope that the few p minutes takon at this tie, ta ver- recail the first twonty years of ield this club's history, may be pro- en- fitable to us al-profitable in of its past, we might be inspir- to ed te ever increasing efforts ail for the great future which s0 art surely lies ahead. If the stary Dry. can do that, I amn sure you 1er. os Firet Contact Wlth Ltonism of The story starts twenty years )-%n ago in the spring af 1935 when1 on aur first contact with Lianisin ,ave came irom the efforts af the ain. Extension Committee of the ian- Port Hope Lions Club. Art ,en- Smith of that town, a brother amn of Lion Aub, vlsited here with re- Lion Vern LaChance, organi- ;p- zer for Lions International. A ,hut numbor ai those who were ta of become our charter members oc. discussed the advantages of go. this association. and agreed tae' neot !orm a club, and ta limit its ins charter membership to twenty- ýght five membors. Valuable assist- irst anco in the arganizing was giv- is en by our two sponsoring ing. clubs - The Port Hope Club ' the and the Toronto Central Club. ge, After being organized in "~~ i - ý1i1e April, the first regular meet- 1 < 4 * -ing of the club tookp lace on <'. '~ May 7, 1935, in the Bowman House. The speaker of the Tjae seven charter rr evening was Dopt. Dist. Gav- Lions Club who are stili act wu ernor George Bosnell of To- above at the 20th Anniverga: ronto Dan! orth Club. Ho in- stalled the charter ôficers and in the Lions Community Ceni later addressed the club an the received 20-year pins from ' subject af lionism. To George during the anniversary celeli went the honaur of givi*ng.ta Our niembers their lrst pic- ture of Lionism, its code af borne, Norm O'Rourke. Ethica and Objects, and its The completo stary of aur ideal of organized service ta accomplishmonts in Lionismn aur community; and you wili throughout the years, in carry- agree that none could do it ing out the directives o! Lions botter. From George, our char- International - Service ta aur ter members recelved inspira- Country, Our Province and aur tion which was ta remain with Community-is a story that >them through the years. every member should know. Charter Night Beld This summary will attempt ta Charter Night ai the Bow- mention anly the highlights. manViille Lions Club was held Annual Carnivals Held Monday, May 27, 1935, in the Throughaut the years cur Badminton Club. Speakers for chie! fund-raising activity has the occasion were Past Interna- been an annual carnival. t1onal Presidont Harry New- Grand draw prizes have in- man, International Counsellor cluded a refrigerator furniture, Jack Conneli and Mayor Rosa 'radios, a cottage, cars and Strike. The Charter was pre- mare cars. Total net proceeds sented by International Con- have încreased steadily from seller Tam Wiloy of St. Cath- a meagx'e boginning at the erines and was received byr Cream , ai Barley Camp in aur Charter President Lion 1935, the proceeds of which are The Charter Officers and $2,000 net was a figure we members wore as follows: haped for, thon il rose ta $3,000, Presden-Dr.W. . Biks;ta $6,000, and finally in 1951 Presden-Dr.W. . Biks;under the magic touch ai Lion ist Vice-Cecil H. Dudley; 2nd Deac, we reached the helghts Vice-Aubrey j. Smith; 3rd with same $23,000? Tickets Vice-Alex McGregor; Secre- have been sold from British tary-Chas. D. Searle; Treas- Columbia ta Nova Scotia andi urer - Frank Jamieson; Lion sauth ta Flarida. Added ta Tamer-Bill Oliver; Tail Twis- tepoed ri anvl ter-tu Jmes Dirctor-W.have -been the profits af dozens H. Hil. Percy Cowling, Dr. R. ai activîties. 1 recall the fol- E. Dinniweil Joe O'Neill.,; î ng Members-J. J. Brown, Win. J. ',ng Bagneîl, Ted Chant, Emk. A draw for hockey tickets ta Crawford, Lyall Crabb, Gea. Maplo Leaf Gardons has been L. Davidge, Ev. Hoar, Alan conducted each winter since Knight, Bort Martlock, .jir 1939 netting from, $300 ta $500 Marr, Roy NichaIs. Vern Ott, annually. There have been IMaurice Breslin. numerous Turkey raffles and IIt is interesting to note at ln recent years communîty Ithis time that ton af these sales returning $150 ta $300. Imembers wore te serve thraugh Another return ai about $300 the years as Club President, has been received af late from and while nine charter nierni-aur Annual Minstrel Show bers have moved frorn tawn which has also resulted in Sand three have been remaved much fun for those taklng by death, we have still seven part. th ai the originals on aur active Within the past year the ta- en membership. Throughout the tal maneys raised and distribut- yeara aur club has leaned ed, since 1935, by the Lions kg heavily an our charter mem- Club- ai Bowmanville reached - bers for advice and active lead- the praud figure ai One Hun-1 Lership and much ai the club's dred Thousand Dollars. I sug- _succeas has been as a result af geat that in a cammunity o! the strong foundation they this size wo can feel justly ~built. Ail hanaur ta aur char- proud ai the accomplishment. kg ter mombers. We believe that every dollar Flrst Fund-Raislng was properly earned, and care- A previaus meeting in May ful n ieyset sya. the club oranize for its Sorne Service ProJeets been I arînn wp. and in one1 1935-36--Dr. Bert Birks year had a total o! 2700 on-r 1936-37-E. M. Crawford tries. 193-3-E V.Hor1 The Lions Bicycle Saiety0 1938-39--J. J. Brown Club organized by Charlie Car- 1994-D .A. crer ter in 1939, with over a hun- 1940-41-T. M. Chant dred members, brought aur I 1941-42--S. R. Ja=es club much publicity acrosa thes 1942-43-A. J. Smith province and made aur tawn,9 1943-44-A. M. Thonipson particularly aur Young, very9 L 1944-45-E. L. Oliver safety consciaus. (Incldentally,c 1945-46-C. W. Carter wth the ever-increasing traific 1946-47-R. Stevens this is a field where aur clubn 1947-48-E. Riddalls has a great opportunity fora 194849-. Brough service at the present timo.) h 1949-50-R. Kent War SerVicesCommlttee e 195-51N.E. sbaneWith the autbreak af war ino 1g5-52-D. H. Williams 1939 there was set up ini thee 1952-53-H. L. Goddard club a War Services Commit- 1953-54-B. Vanstone tee, under the chairmanship afil 1954-55-J. M1arr Bert Parker, which continued f Six club secretarios served throughaut the war years and t Sthroughout this periad, Charlie thraugh which mast of aury Searle Vern Ott, A.ndy Thamp- club's activities during thatjû los.. kari RidàolIa, NSOU On- peiod wuee hannuU.ed. Itsla ren Original Me mbers 'oôf Lions Club members of the Bowmanville are: Lions Dr. R. E. Dinniwell, Aubrey J. Smith and tirve in the club are pictured Member-at-Large E. V. Hoar. Standing, lef t to right: E. L. ury'Meeting of %the club held Oliver, Stuart R. James, D. Alex McGregor and the present tre last Thursday night. They President, James Marr. The club was organized in May, Secretary Narman O'Rourke 1935, and has been very active in cammunity service work bration. Seated, le! t to right, sinco that time. -Photo by Carson Studio, Part Hope greatest service was the send ing ai cigarettes overseas. B; 11944, this rose ta a poak ai 29, 000 cigarettes per month t more than 320 troops whas names were listed with us. Gra tlfying, indeed, Wore the. aver tseas lettera received, particu larly those from. prisoners-al war where cigarettes as a me dium o!fexchange, in somn cases, meant 111e itseli. Other war activities includ ed the sending averseas af par cols and carda, and support fa a rost rooni dawn town fa tranaient; service mon. A Blaad Donor's Committe organlzed ail blood donors, arn made arrangements for thei regular trips ta Oshawa. Thi Lions arganized a local cam rnlttee of the Navy Leagui whtch was very active durný the war, Wlth Alex McGirego as its first chairman. Suppor also was given to the Roc Cross, British Child War Vic tima, Food for Britain, anc simular warthy causes. Senkier Property. Bought Proviaus ta the end of hos tilities, the club once morn turned ils attention ta loca needs, and in 1945 purchasec the Sonkler praperty as a fu ture Community Contre anc Lions home. This was consider. ed a tremendous venture a, that tirne, and 1 well remem. bey the many discussions, prc arfd can, on the question~, b3 aur members. The propert3 was taken aver in the fallai 1946, and has been aur majai activity sijxco that time. Aitei having mnet firat at the Bow* man Haouse, thon at the Bal. moral Hrotel tili 1937, and ther at the Sons af England Hall, aur club iinally had a home which was truly theirs. Our fanmer fiondahave been aasistod thraugh Lion Ed Summers Swine Clubs and Po- tata Clubs. Throughout we have had much fun ovor Ed',c clubs-at aur expense, and il was always a fonlorn hope by the club members that the club might sametime redoive a' divi- dend in the !arm. ai a hog or two !rom the thousanda that must have begn produced. Through the years aur Sight Conservation and Blind Com- mittee have given substantial support ta the local commiittee ai the C.N.I.B. and with the valued assistance o! Dr. Birks, have di.stributed ta those in need, hundreds af pairs o! free glasses. This past year we pravided for an operation an a baby, blind froni birth. T.B. Seals Sold The Health and Welf are Committee, some years ago, or- ganized, originally under Ray Dilling, tl)e annual sale ai T. B. Christmas seals which pro- duced $1200 ta $1500 annually and have resulted in three T. B. surveys taken in the county and in the purchase ai X-Ray equlpnient for the community. This canmpaign was recently taken over by a county argan- ization. In 1946, the club final span- sored its annual concert son- 'ls, by which autstanding Can- adian talent was braught ta Bowmanvlle. giving ta the many intenestod citizena an appontunity they would other- wise miss. Notable in this con- rnectian were the several an- poarances o! the famous Bell Singera. Included with this group could be the support given Ray Dudley in two ne- citais. Our biggest oxpenditune off money taok place lwa yoars ago, when under the guidingý hand af President Deac, this beautiful auditorium was onect- ed. It will remain as a centre,. of which aur club and aur community may well. be proud. As yet unmentioned are such Individual activities as the follawîng: The equipping of! the Lions Ward in Bowman- ville Hospital in .1938 and again in 1950, along wlth a fine don-, ation for .quipmenit for the 1- operating roam; the presente y tion ta the tawn ai trafi -_ lights in 1941, the«cane ai ju ao venilea roleasod froin cour ;e public speaking contesta, th i- Planning af Memorial Parl - and the purchase of equipmer - and a wading pool for it: play fground equipment for Frank lin Park and for the Commu:i ýe ity Centre; praviding- a li guard at the beach-these ar -but a few. - Won Many Honors r Such endeavouns. did nc nr pass unnoticed by Lions In th district rit large. Honouns, sut] ýe as few other clubs achievE d have came ta Bowrnanvill Ir Lions. Within the short spac ýe ai seven yeans thxee af ai t- membens wero elected ta higî ,e- office o! Governon in the per g sons af J. J. Brown, Exu CnaQ x< forcI' -and -Charlie Carter- In, -t district which for part o! thi d periad stretched from Mîdîi !- ta Tonanto ta Montreal wha d ather club could make th! boastt Yet. possibly as' procl that il is flot by individusl but as a team that aur clu eproved its wonth, wo can pain J with pnîde ta aur winning, twi îyears in a now, af the Rynarx Shield as the best club in Dis ci trict A-3, and displayed at Ilý -back are praficiency award twon In zone campetitian in ne cent years. Thnoughout the yeara ou: club morale has beon extrexut ly high, flot only because t a ur objectives and accomplisl rmonts, but as much, I beliève rbecause af aur capacity for fur - ad goad feilowship. Where L -there a botter singing club ci one whose membens crin thral more quips and gags? Wherx could you find botter bulletir editons than George Miller ci Don Williams, yes, or even Eaî Riddolls mad Nels Osborne-i botter stary tellers than Ed >Summers or Stu James. WherE 'could you have a botter tlma than with othen club mombexý at Chriteau Wembley, Peterbor. ough Past Presidents Night the Mînstrol Show sing-song. or the club dances and the La- dies' Nights. , as Good Morale Yos, aur club bas good mar. ale, strengtherted and sustain- ed by the knowledge that we hold the esteem and good wî]l o! the comrmunity which wE are here ta serve. And that about brings us to the end ai aur slary-to this wonderful occasion when we tcelebrate aur 2th birthday, honoured as we are with1the presence af Past International President Lion Dodge. I sup- pose an histonian shauld stop thee-but permit me toa dd one more thought. Our club has been singularly blessed thnaugh the. yeans in the amaîl numbers o! mombers we have bast lhrough death and also thraugh transiens and retiroments. We romomben with sorrow the paasing ai Lions Fred Nelles, Charlie Bantiett and Bill Bagnl ad. durini the prist year Charter President Bort and International Caun- sellor J. J. We regret the loss ta aur club a! former presi- dents and outstanding leaders In our club - Charlie Carter, £m. Crawford, Earl Riddolls and Ted Chant. ILions, these mon with yat , have built a great heritage-x heritage o! service af which these twenty years need be anly the beginnlng ai a con. tinuing and wonderful future. It ia your privilege and mine -ta prove that il la only a be- ginning. - TOm CARIS LIiffmTIiil SATUW wm 1owi IeCourt House irt1 tCk imt ente ny tos $40,0 fe Prlmnay sketches of the are proposed counties administra- studied by the property com- mittee of counties coundil last lot week. The plans were also te viewed by memibers of the .h Northumberland and Durham 'e, bar association. The bar asso- le ciation has stayed action on a 'e writ ta compel the counties ta jr provide better court accommo- Ih dation and the counties count- r- cil at,-#s session in April ta- W- vored a new building, to re- a place -rentect. ,quarters ini the his town hall. id The plans submitted for iat study last week were q1iite *is tentative and the committoo Of, decided the architect's draw- Ils ings indicated a building which ub wou]d be too costly and some rit changes wero recommended vO with a view te lowering the *d cost. The counties' council 1- wants a building whlch will ;he not excoed $400,000. i-s Canada's labor incarne reach- lr ed an afl-time peak of $1l,900.- L.000,000 ini 1954. of 1h- , Stafford Bros. )w Monument ai Works re Phone Whitby n MOhawk 8-355Z M 318 DundanSt E., Wib or FINE QUALIT dM MONUMENTS AND re MARKERS IC -recise workmanship and ir caretul attention to detail t, are your assurance when gs yau choose from the wide a- selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock. Lander Hardware 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-5774 I.. 'J'- i USESCARS &TRICKSý 't gea 'our what inoan ~.. \'45~ FORDk MOIARCH DEALER IVERY USID CAR AND TRUCKC TUAI RATES THE A-i SION HAS BEU Recondiffled by sepertsri ceme, fe appecrance and performance. lnspected and chockd for safety. Prlced for ovtstanding value. Tvuthfully end accurately advertised. Wan'anted by ypur Ford-M@narch Dealer end backed by his reputatlen. f. A great s oul prefe:rs m oderation 6 Z? Irc A 6. 8 S.C.".A.D.6S S Zhe J4ouse of $eauram * * 0 .0 .19 .6 g *- ea eb *-0 40 *0 » *a Menz who tkink of tomorrow pratie modéeration todayj valum, -Muni. . f IM, CANADL« STATESMN. BOWMMMnJ.ý,& - ONTAIUO -- PAGE - TIMTIM - F -

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