M1R~SAT. MAT 101h. IOS MU e4CNAM M- STAW.IA1L SÔWMANVWLtL O NAMD PARE YJvJLlk. &rdon ÂgIIw, EdilorPhno3621 Socwil and Personal Mn.- andagxn. decil Canvti tre l Claremont on Montiay tee dng tic funenal ai h;s t r.R. Sam Chambers. jSund ' vsitons witi Mn. anti rg. enïy Bowen wene Mn. n ti n arl Totitianti chilt- n Netonville, Miss Vivian oydM.Eric Founti anti Mn. Founti Little Bitain, Mn. iIM .Bll Bancharti anti týa aifNeýwcastle, Mn. anti Ms.. tAnoLfyKelsey anti chiltiren 5 n. John Kelsey anti orge of Woodville. Mn.Wlam McKeowan speuit ,tndy ln Toronto. Sunday visitons witi Mr. andi rs. - Gardon Agnew were Mn. nd Mns. Don W illiams, Nancy nti Daviti t- Bowmanviile, Mn. uti Mr$. Chas. Gilkes, Beverley Ions. Sale ý1êts $56 for .ereýë bral Palsy. The May meeting ai th e Iewcastle Lionettes Club was elti lest week et the home af s. Marion Knox with thin. soen -members in atteniance. Pie ràeeting was couducteti by ,he Pirebidert, Mrs. Helen Car- reth. A téport given on the recent )ake sale anti tea helti by the 'ub revealeti a total of $58 1ter expenses hati heen reaiiz- ti aud sent ta the Cerèbral alsy Council in Oshawa. Ib ras dtecidetidtiat the membens vould, serve sandwiches and offee o the members ai tne Aons «Club who wene warking nu tic installation of thé play- ,munti equipment in tic local ka joint projecb of the twa tubs. Donatifrua af prizes to the1 mFiteen ladies met et -tic home: et Mr. Carroll Nichais lest Thurstiay aitennoon for ticý neçular meeting ai tic Wom- an s Association. The proranmi was lu charge of Mr.. Nichais Éssistéd, by other memibens ai ber gnoup. Scniptune anti pray- er were by Mn.. W. Tufford anti e reatiing by Mn:. L. Holti- away, and sQIa by Mn.. Nichais. The business wes conducteti by, thc presitient, Mn.. A. Austin. Altiaugi maney neisiug la not- tie primany purpose af tic W. A., means ai raising lb buiketi lange in tic business tiuscuts- siens, fan the ladies anc unii- ling ta let their usuel giftstet tie generai work ai the chunci suifer because ai tie unusual local needs ai this yean. A sale ai baking was plauneti, anti quiltinga for tic btwa following weeks. One ai tic tops was- donateti by Mn.. A. Haldaway andi tic other pieceti by Mn.. L. Haîdaway. Several-Inteneat- ing articles werc handeti in for tic gartien panty and noll cal was answereti by excieuge ai slips anti plants. Tic busy ai- ternoan wes closeti witi ne- iresimerits servati by the gnoup, On Wednesday evenin g et lait weck four ai tic C.G.1.T. witi their leaders spent some time et thc church cleaniitg out tie corners wiene .irubhery hati collecteti leaves anti consiti- enîble pruning was necesseny. Mauy gardons are well on the way anti folk--anc auxioua te sec iow muai. tiey wilho nretrendt by the iraut ai tifs menday night. Thene is a pro- fusion ai hlossaoxs on plum anti apfple trees se tipre* is profise ai inuit anti ne danger ei un- employment for tic farmn pop- ulatien this fall.- There wert 53 qt Sunday uchool wlth Clarence NichlI& ecting as Siipeintendient ln tic babnce ai both tie pupernten- dent andti is assistant. Donna Ougitreti was-organlat as Mur- iel- Austin was on a trip te ae the tlowers of tic Niagara dis- trict, and Its arcierds. There was e canaierably irnellen number ait chunci sen- vice ln the. evening, but Mn. )Wdings message, that '*No «an-an*nlive ta himseW'", was a good reminder that ail we do Mdt say heu an efiect for good, or'bad -on some ont. lite. A lovely basket af daffodis and apple blossoms. anti, a inuall, green vase ot bleetiing heart made. biIat .beaut.y 4Athe »s. R. R. Péirce anti Mr.r . Un. Albert Pearce and 'Pi'uViitet in aToronto an tce, who has been a patient SBt. Mary'. Mos tal. Mr. anti Mns.. larry Lax ci oHope, wcire recent guests thM. n mI .Dn Mr. and Mn.. John Rickarti Gempanleti by Mr. anti Mrs. OYd Whittlngton of Oshawa, Mit last weelçend et Minden. Un.. Pred G. Cauci spent the ekenti in Ottawa visltiiig it Mr..and Mn.. Jack Rab- DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.xn. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 moon Saturtiay *Claseti Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Le g a STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike. Q. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE-C. MASON. B.A. Barristar, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanvilllc Phonos: Office MA 3-5688 Resitiance MA 3-5553 JOHN REGAN, B.A. Barrister Notary Public 33 Temperance St.. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3292 NSS APHA L. HODGINS Banister, Solicitor Nôtary, Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville M o r-t g a g e s Business Properties LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First. mortgage funds Rlesidences - Parme Op tom efr y - EWTI- A. BILLET Optometrist 141 K.in&, St. B. - Bowmanvilllc Telephone MA 3-3252 Offce Heurs: 9 arn. teo 6P.m. Manday te Saturtiay excep$ Wednesday, 9 - 12 Evenings by Appeintment jury JOHN A. O0ENB Ontometit & LoveliBowmqavMel Phono MA 3-5778 1 *Piano Tuùing Professional Piano Tuning AARTEUR VOLLISON and Bobby of Shaw%î and Mr. anti Mis. W. B. Agnew. Ja-Anu, Alan anti Nancy af Millbroak. Mn. antiMr#. Carl Gaulti andi family spént the weelçénd visit- iug with relatives in Newman- ket. Mn. anti Mn. P. Ir. Rare spent Sunday viaiting ini Tra- ton snd Brighton. Mrs. H. R. Pearce la visitlng witi ber daughtcr anti son4- law Lieut. anti Mn. W.' J, Hoc- kin et,.Camp Bordén.. Tic open meeting - of tie Newcastle Horticultural Society originally scieduieti for last Tuèsday evening ait which re- ports were ta ho heàfd frôm tie delegetes ta the Ontario Convention ha. heeli poitpancci until May> 24ti. The Rev. Dr. James Semple and Mrs. Semple. ai Narti Bay, Mn. William Hamilton anti Mn. R. J. Chandler ai Peterborough were guests ai Mn. anti Mrs. Charles Woo anti iamily on Wedxiesday. A delightiul showen was helti on Wedneray evening May llth et the home af Mr. aud Mrs. Cecil Finley for Mise Manlene Edwertis by Mrs. Fln- ley anti Carolyn Etiwerds. Af- ter the apening ai the gitstheti bride-to-be expresseti hen sur- prise anti appreclatiofi. Thei evening closeti with the serving of deliclous reinreshrmçnts. Seriouply i11 for oitly one week Ella Lenone Flintofi, wi. tiow af William Jàmes Belson, passeti away et the Oshawa Generâl Haspital on Satunday, May 4, lu hon, 75th yenr. A daugiten ai bhe -late Mr. snd Mn.s. Jol.n Flintoif. the deccaset wes honi in Darling- tan townhhip on April 2, 1880. Sic was marnied in Oshaw;t on Otober 26, 1904 anti hati hbeen a nesident ai the district ail her lfe. Sic was a enic- ber of Caurtice Unitedi Churci and hati liveti et Courtice for .'iPredyeceaset by bier husband an March-29, 1942, Mrs. Baîson is sunviveti by twa daugibens, Mrs. G. Vinson (Della) andi Mn.. E. Geening (Editi) anti twa sons Frank anti 'Gardon Balson al ai Courtice. Alto survivinq are a sister, Misa Alvina Flîntofi (Ett) ai Taunton, a brother, Walter Flutoffai Taunton anti four grand-.cildren. Rev.>L. M. Somerville, min- ister ai Cauntice Unitedi Chunci, couiductedtheti memonial ser- vice et tic Armstrong Funenal Home on Tuedey'May 17. In- termeet was lithe ietuily plot ini Ebenezer Cemneteny. WESLEY VILLE CHROME SETS - W.-A. Har Reports at May Meet The regular meeting et te Womin'a "4hsodiion of the Unitedi Churoh wAs helt inif hé Sunday School PLoomn on Thurs- e.afterzion, May lOth. with ii W . Brunt conduclni the werihip service. The Sciipttura Leison was reeti by Mr&, Gar- net Rickarti, andtih1e auedita- tion v0a given by Mns. Cecil- Cerveti. A -most sultabie anti seas0nal pôéM, e*titled, *'Hôuè.cleaning" 'wau reati by Mns. Jôhu Rickird.' Ifttéresing Anticoucisé ré- parts af tic testions of the Women's Associationi Ptèeb- térial hélti receutly in Ajaxc were given ta thc metnbers. The repart oan tice morning session waa given b y Mn.. George Walton. whiie Ms.. Clarece Allin, gave tic report ai tic aiternoon session. A short business sessiôn was conducteti by the President, Mrs. J. H. Joie during wiich a motion wai passeti autionîz- iug the payment ai bilîs pre- sented, amounting ta approxi- mately $900 antia, commnittee wa appoinitedti talook aven the chunci hymu books anti make whatever atiditionai purchases they feit uecessany. The Rev. M. C. Fisher ad- dressedthebb ladies in the inter- ests ôf Camp Quin-Mo-Lac a summar camp for young pao- pIe anti the Pive Oaks Cinis- tian Wonkana' Centre. Tie membêrs voteti the sum af $20 towand this prajeet. At the close af the meeting a dainty lunch was served anti a social hlfheur eujoyed by tie niembens. OBITUÀRY M8S. ELLA L. BALSON Durhamn Central'Fair'at Orono and ta the Newcastle Ilorticul- tural S ociety were authorized by the Club members, to ha giveli at the 1955 shows ci the two organizations. I. Consieergblg time was sporit by the mnembers discussing the part ta be played 'by 'the -club at the Annual Lions Club Car- nival being lield Pon J'ly 8th. The Lionettes wlll aàaipx op- erate a booth at the Carni^Val and will sali ticketà fdr à draw. It was anneuineed the next . Meeting on Juné làth would ba * thé Ènnual Mother and Daughter Banquet tô be held in the Lions raom. It 'weà &lsô anmaunced that thé mffin~bers of the Club had been, invited to attend and asslst in ,the lù- *stallitton of OQfficert of the Cobourg Llonettes boini helti on Xay l9th. A number af the members intimated, their in- tention ef making this inter- club viÈit. At the close of the. meeting, Mrs. Dunreath Walton and Mrs. Helpn Carveth served - liciaus refxeshments. BEDROOM SUITES CHESTERFIELDS EASY PAYMENTS - TRAPE-INS ACCEPTED Order your HYbrid Seed Coin NO w!e A. W. GLENNEY NEWCASTLE PHONE 2771 St. tGeorge'1s Church -News The Evênung Igranch acd'St. George'tàhWoman't, Auxiliary met in te1arlgh Hall on Wed- nesday evenlng gay llth. Tie méeting -opened with proyers, followéd b y reports from thp traturer, Porcas Secretary and the Plower Fund comrnittee. Reporte: on the 6th annuel, meeting of the Woman's Auxil- iary held in Toranto recently were gliven by the Branch Dale- géteS, Mns. Vi Neilson and Mrs. Gladyl Belsey. A report on -the atlvties af the "Little Help- cr8i" was given by the Presi- dent, *Mrt. Dewdney. Therel weré two- néw members wel- comned into the group, Mrs. tllénna McKeowan and Mr&. Stella Hamim. The, reMainder ai the aven- îng was spent by the members In sewir. and knitting, and conti1uded w*ith the serving of refreshments. On Tuesday, May lOth, a happy event taokp lace in St. George's Parish Hail when the xenbers af the Choir and the Girl's Auxiliary combined ta hold a shower for Caralyn -Ed- wards wha is ta be married in June. Carolyn, who has been a very faithful member of bath the Choir and the G.A., receiv- ed many lavely gifts. among them a table lamp fram the G. A. members. After the bride-to-be had ex- presseti her surprise and thanks, galbies and charades were played with much enjay - ment. The evening concluded with refreshments and the sing- ing of 'Auld Lang Syne." Business Directory Accouniancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accauntant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville <Above Garton's Bus Station) Phone MA 3-3612 3. HUNTER AND COMPANY Certied Public Accountants 64 King Street E. Oshàwa -5-1621 Successors taO0. S. Hobbs Chiropractic_ 0. EDWIN MANN, D.C. 1 Ofici- Chiropractar Specialty Papar Praductg Bldg. 63 Temperance Street .Phone MA 3-5509 Office gours: By Appoîntment D e nt1al DR. W. MX RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 0 ar..ta 12 noan Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 Noaise Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Heurs: 9 a.m. te 6 p.ni. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 M.-KENDAL M.anti Mn.. Lamne Peeden anti Jean visitati Suntiay wth Mn. anti Mrs. Bert Thompson. Mn,. Luxon, Mn. anti Mn. Ray Hughes anti Gloria, speut bie weekeidat tice jfrmen's cottage on Lake Kushog., Morris Pattait anti Alvin Lowes, Peterbora, wene witi Mn. adMns. Norman Patton, Satuntiay. Miss Kathleen Jackson -is ne- cupenatixig fnam han recelit op- enation in Memonial Hospital, Bawmanville. Mrs. Jessie Tremaine visiteti with her sistan, Mis. M. Robin- son fan the weekend. Mrs. Swanbrick bas returneti from visiting ber tiaugiter, Mns. G. Pnice, ai Prestoni anti Mns. Tiarne i. feeling botter since ber neturn fnom Oshawa. Mrs. M. Robinson, Mns. Percy Burioy, Miss Ketie Stewart anti Mns. N. Kennedy, parsan- age committea for Kendal chunci, atended the meeting I'm the taziest, Most Successful Gardener' in the Neighborbood!1 With the ROTO-HOE tb help me, tardening la the. plessure lb ahould be. Tt net oniy gaves ail thc hard work, but gi'ves me the beat gardcu I've ever bail. Tou ask my neighbérs! Thc rotating steel "tceth" of the ROTO HOE break up thc moil, rcady for seedlng, in ONE operallon, without ehanging, Implements. Wlth- mowbsg, snew biowing and dozens of year-round Jobs. There are tire. modela t. ehoose from, wlth 2 and 3.3 h.p. (4 cycle) engines - and prltca are really low. Write f or free literature aud the mre ef your narest deal- er, teday. DISTRXUTED IN BASTE19N CANADA ST: Falcon Equipment Company Ltd., 33 Leyton Ave., Torento là. Ont., and 2875 St. Joseph St., Lacuine, P.Q. LOCAL DEALE& W.]I. BRO WN King St W. MA 3-54012 Bewsnvile f ZION There were 15 chiltiren hep- tiod at the Mother's Day ser- vice: Lloyd Garry, soxg et Mr. -and M.ByGlffar&; ]Patrice Louise4, déughtcr ot Mr. andi Mn. W. G. Bôttreil;' Sheila Lou:,de ughter of Mr. and Mn.. Grant Williama; Pýiyllia Paul- lue anti Connie Elizabeth, daughters af Mn. aind Mn.. Byron Nesbitt; John, Vernon and Elizabeth Marilyn. mson and daughtér af Mn. anti Mn. Or- ile Bull; I4ouglé.. Ralph, Lorrie Charle. Winoton Phlhlip, Gvjendolyu Q1aryandi Nancy Anne Day,, soril and daughters of Mr. anti Mn. Ralph Day; Debra Lee anti Gardon Cecil, son andi daujhter of Mn. anti Mrs. Pinsent; Gregory Evan P., son -of Mr. and Mn.. Haearnan. Congratulations te Mn. andi Mrs. Jim Stainton on the ar- rivai of a youtig son, Davi James. Baby Stainton la lun the Slck Children's Hospital, Toronto. Mno. Bort Bayley, Mn. anti Mns. Bob Heugicu anti Bobblé, Tarante; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoekin, Thornton's Caméèra, et Ray Camneron's. Mn. anti Mns. Tom Samison, Mr. anti Mrs. Clifforti Saffisan anti Joan, Toronto, at Russel Perkins'.' Mn. anti Mns. Wes. Cemeran at.Ivan Cochrene's, Countice. Mr, anti Mrs. Tom Currie, Miss Marie Killen, Hamnilton, at Robent Killen's. Messrs Bert Beckel anti Keith Stainton at Hastinigs. Mns. Keith Stainton visiteti Mrs. Clarke Moore, Oshawa. Mr. anti Mrs. Howard Abhott, Carol anti Murray, Bunketon, at Percy Davitison's. Mrs. Fred Ashton anti Merle, Mrs. Penwonthy, Toronto, at ' Russell Perkins'. Mn. andi Mrs. Nelson Fice at Frank Westlake's, Sr., Salins. Mns. Bert Beckel visited lier parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. ROSS, Oshawa. Miss ' Grace Stainton, Osh- awa, at Russell Staintan's fer the weekend. Mn. anti Mns. Leslie Hoskin, Mr. anti Mrs. Ray darneron. Janeen anti Judy vislted the Bnimacombe family et Osaca. Misses Dora anti Jean Bal et dollingwooti. Miss Pearl Leach, Sauina; Mrs. Elsie O'Neil, Oshawa, at Norman Leach's. Mn. anti Mrs. T. Sturteneggen anti iemily, Graftan: Mn. sud Mns. Brnie Frey, Cobourg, et Hans Gejashenger'a. Mn. anti Mns. Robent Killen attentiet a Generai Matons banquet when. Mn. Killen ne- ceiveti bis 25-yeer ring. I iMn. Franik Gilmer returueti home frn. Sunny brook haspi- tel on Friday. Miss Drury, Tarante, spent the weekenti with ber sister, Mrs. Ernest Eley. Mn. anti Mn.. Jack Glaver, Joan ant iBlly, Oshawa, spent Suntiay witi Mn. ati Mx'.. Han- ny Wade. TbE xriiahy 'friceitla.oaiMiss Jennie Thampuon will ho sorry ta learn tiat sie is a patient at tic Fart Hope hospital. Mra. -John Lancaster, who spent. the wlnter with members of hon femily., bas teturned te han own homne fan tic summen. Mn. andi Mrs.- Leninox Vasey, Part McNical, spent tic week- enti wibi ber parents, Mn. and Mns. Wmn. Stepiaton. Mn.. B. F. Elliott who was ln e Peterborough- hespitai fan an openation retunned home on Tbursday Muci u*nprovedtinl heelti...... M~r. anti Mn.. Laurence Sa- veý , Oshawa, spent Sunday winMn. anti Mrs. Clelanti Lane. Ronald Hetherly who is with4 tie R.C.A.F. et Namao, Alta., is home fon a short holiday with bis panants, Mn. andi Mns. Jack Hatherly. Mt. anti Mrs. Wehnert, Cour- tice, spont Suntiay wlth Mn. anti Mn.. Andnew Reicineti. ýMn. anti Mrs. Clintan Farrow anti son, Glan. spent Suutiey wibi fnientis et Little Bnitain. Little Garry Staplebon, son of Mn. anti Mis. Don Stapleton heti his tonsils removeti et Memoniai Hospital, Bowman- ville on Tuesday. Mn. anti Mns. Willis Jones spènt Suntiay with Mn. anti oi. Wallace Marlow, Black- stock, anti Mn. anti Mn.. George Griffiu, Omemee. Sunday visitons with Mn. anti Mn.. Murray Ponter were Mn. anti Mrs. Frank Glaver, De- trôit, Mici.; Mrs. Glover ai Ta- rento, Mn. anti Mn. W. N. Por- ter ai Manvens anti Miss Vera Porter, Peterbonough. Mn. anti Mns. Milton Kimbeli anti ber motier, Mns. Gilmen Smnith have vacated their vil- lage cot'tage anti gene ta th4t lake fer the surumer. Mn. Ruhy Relid bas dispaseti af her Bowmanville pnoperty anti meved ta her new cottage bene on Monday. Miss Danille Lancaster spnt tié weekend witi Mns. MRqti Hampshire, Port Hope. The W.A. anc holding their Auuivensany service on Sun- day, May 22 et 7.30 p.m. Rev. John Kitchen et Orono will be tie guest speaker. Music by tic W, A. choir. W... Meeting May meeting ai the W.M.S. weî held Tuesday aftennoan, May- lOti in the home ai Mns. Arnoldi Wede. Mn.. Bruce anti Mrs. McQullaugh volunteeneti ta kuit mitts fan bale, Mns. Lan- cater dônatedtheti woal. A box for gits ai useti or new clt- ing' la ta ho piaced ini S. S. nogm ta be sent ta Fred Victor Mission. It waa- decideti ta spon- sor thc Globe anti Mail filmn, "Welcome tic Qucen". The Woruhip Service was .in charge oi Presiderit. Mn. Cec:l Robinson taok charge af the atudy book. Ton present. As ot Merci 1954, an estlma- ated 67,500 full-time students we , enrofled in uuîve sities andi colleges acrosa Canaàe. For- the fourbh y car li a row C4uadlan .travdilers 'r' 1954 ,Dnt more iu ether ceuntnies théxiioreign traveliers spent, lu cana"d - $380»D0'000 a1;iaut MAPLE GROVE $unday.,:Séhool anti 'thurci aeyee t te regular time on Sud,1 .30 p.x. anti 2.40 p.m.ý Quite a numben tram this community attendeti CoÙrtice Suaday School Anniversany services on Sunday anti heardi &L former pastor, Rev. H. C. Linsteati, Stamiord. Maniy also tok in the supper an Menday evening. in Newtonvilc Mendey even- ing.< Mr~. andi Mur. Clarence Ther- tell wcre li Bowrnanvilie Set- urtiay and visited Mrn. Grant Therteli who underwent an op- eration. lègny frienda anti relatives franm icre attendcd the funerel service for Mary Ann Lawcry, wilecai the late Wm. Pettcrsaiî, et the home oi her claughter, Mrs. Wm .WezuiapiKlrby, on Thurldsy, May 12. Mns. Pat- ténson llved al ber lUie In his cothmunlty, exccpt the lAit few yèars when shc nesidet i wth ber daughtèr et Kttby. Shé hti always becu e very help- lui anti hghly esteerned resi- dent, rcady to lend a helping, band, ta iellghbour, church andi comrftUnity. Thc liany hebuti- fui fi weis bespoke the high regard In whjth she wes helti by àl. Our sympathy la extend- ed to her son, Rôts, of Part Cre- dit anti her diughter, Doris, lCirby. Interment was in Orona cemetery. Kendal folk# are hoping for enathér fine Sunday, such as t lfest for May 29, when the lHemronti argai. presentet in memnory ai the late J. S. Me- Leaft, will be dedicatéd in Ken- dal United Church at 2.45 p.m. Rev. Roy Rickerd ai Columbus will be the gueit speaker anti Newcastle choir, assisteti bv Miss Helen- Spicer, saloist, oi Toronc, ;vill provîde special inging. At the close ai the ser- vice a mnuuician fromt the Heintzman Co. will give a re- citai on the ongan. Evenyone la cordlally invitedti t attend. Guesta with Mr. and Mn,. Blake Alexander for the week- end were Mr. and Mrs. Hfolland, Mn. anti Mn. Thompson, Mrs. Fletcher andi Miss Betty Flet- cher, Mn. and Mrs. Archie Blue and Robent Alexander. Mrs. George Clark, Toronto, who came down for Mrs. Pet- tenson's funeral, want back with her husband. Sunday. Mns. Allen Foster visiteti friands ln Teeterville last week. Mrs. Paul Mercer, Arthur andi Paul Jr., oi Guelph, visiteti ber parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Warren. Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Boyd and fnienti, Toronto, visiteti fnientis for the weekenti. Thene was a fine turnaut ta the annîversen7y play "Getting Bily's Goat" which was put on in the hall by the young folks ai the Fellowthlp Circle. It was rnuch enjoyed by the au- dience anti we hope-the young foliks have many mare success- fui performuances. NEWTONVILLE Mr. ttiand Mrs. Lorne Todd i Newtonville, Sunday. Friends from Northern On- tario visiteti Mr. and Mns. Per- ey Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell, Part Hope, spent Thursday evening at Mr. Morley Robin- s9n's. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hait, Toronto. visited Mrs. F. Stone. Mrs. G. Plum, Toronto, spent the weekend et Mr. Arthur Me- Kay's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Shutka, Osh- awa, at Mr. M. Shutka's. Last Thursday afternoon quite a few gathered at Shiloh chunch and spent their time impraving the yard. Mr. and Mrs. Lloydt Barnes, and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow, recently. The yaung people of the Fellowship Circle have, been invited ta present their play, "Getting Bu y's Goat" at New- tonville, Burketon, Camnpbell- croft andi Oshawa. Mr. andi Mrs. Bert Trlm spent the weekend at their cot- tage. Shiloh annivensary has been arranged for June 5th with service at 7.30 p.m. Recent visitars With Mn. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell were: Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Falls and fam- ily, Mr. anti Mrs. Ross Hallaw- ell and Jack, Bowmnanville, Miss C. Stewart, Mrs. Thos Falls, Kendal, Miss Colleen Falls and Mr. Jim Dicksan, Ta- ronto. ENFIELD Mrs. N. Taylor, Mn. Stanley Taylor, Bunketan, visited at the Stinson home. Mr. anti Mrs. FranklinTu.,- blyn andi family, Hamilton; Mr. A. J. Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tamblyn andi dauiihters. Or-j ana; Mr. anti Mrs. Rolanti Smith, Miss Myrtle Smith, o ronta, were visitors at W. Bow- man' s. Mr. andi Mrg. F. Abernethy, Manilla, Miss Joyce Abernethy,1 Peterbora, Mr. and Mrs. Ray, Webster, Toronto, vieitet Mr-. and Mrs. Milton Samis and Miss Miss Elsie. Mr. andi Mrs. Hugh Beaton,' Tan Beaton. Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Oshawa, hati Sunday tea with the G. Bowmans. Mr. and Mrs. Will White, Oshawa, Mrs. G. W. Lee, Whit- by, visited at E. Lee's. M.ns. Lee is staying for a few days. Congratulations ta Albert Vos on his promotion ta ACI, and on obtaining high marks on his recent examinations at Camp Borden. He is naw sta- tioneti at Trenton. W. A. met at the home af Mrs. Fred Griffin with an aver- age attendance. Mrs. George Irwin conducted the devotional. 33 King st. West Easy Terins The business items were go nu- merous that' the program was shortened. hirs. Ted McLgugh- lin gave a tàlk on inteilor die- corating, using many. illustra- tions throughout her distotirse. Tbe ladies 'ehjoyed 'this niensély. also thk inqèal b the hostess, Mrs. Griffin. The south group served ae gerog~s lunch. It was alie good There will be no church ser- vice here for two Sundays on the occasion of Enniskilletj and Burketon Anniversaries. Joe Cooper - 136 King St. E. Bowmanv Ille. PHONE MA 3-5815 Aise Mirrors - Table Tops Bathroom Cabinets MY BEAUTV 5ECRET 85 1NO SECRET Ar ALLq i SIMPLY BUY ALL- M~Y CosmETICS AI. LOVELL'S Replace yeur ed unit with thls whally new concept of burner design. dependability, ecanorny. Corne in oir phane for fuit facts. Se BliCn fer wuuuEIIi'leot't SERVICE eating and Plumbing 55 King W., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3348 .iMUUUMUUUUUUUUUUMCEUUUMUI Television 0 0. at its best - Full Guarantée 9 0 MA 34883 STARK VILLE z JOHN HE ATLIE »FURNITURE King St., Newcastle Phone 36 21"i G.E. Ultra-Vision TV Reg. $298.00 - Now on sale with 20-foot Antenna-$290 Admirai 40" Eleciric Range Double Oven, Reg. $4U.95 Now on Sale .For Home Entertainment REMEMfER - The Circus Cornes to Town Every Week on Television For Tops ln Value - Buy Your New TIV Sét from Television Service..,, Complete Servce and InstaUation Facilities J r4l.