1~ t '. - 'For 'Hidden, Treasures, 1 - bring 'yo ur' Key Io Hoooer's Jewellerv - - - - - --W, It may win you oni Valuable Trea. 1.-.1847 Rogers Bros. Silverpiate - 34-piece cabinet. 2-Tbr.oe-Piee Tea Service and Tray - B 3.--Carving Set - By 1847 Rogers Bros. 4L.Six-piece Place Setting - Knife, For] Teaspoon, Salad Fork and Dessert Spoon. .- Salad Set - Eight Beautiful Salad Fori S.- Demi-Tasse Set - A set of 8 Coffee Si prises. Be sure to corne in to try your key iou 28 King -,St. w. Bowmanvil rned man, .ound loney vices, im- food, pire- state. since py il ad- t f ding, come little oern ippy it is and s in nner an t of ires.j an of a .ned ink- two ýrth- eof fard de-. col-R was I ent d Ita., r the I >rta.- the ri the w pro- a] ilth, ri Erea H ent, hî ro- M nie Cl .en, SI :)ne PutW on ad ard he M A-Gi he ba ýul- o S-fu alk tic ng. an- Ye am av of ils gri an ec, os- as -c R. Bo tal Cli rer c as prc Mr aut frin Nci fu toi ta has in be: ha: w't senz mei Cro No] Har Sec 6 t- w -I ie of these sures 1service for 8 in a handsorn. Y InternationaL rk, Srnail Teaspoon, Large . iJ poons, also other wonderful ir giant Treasure Chest.j Jewellemvy &~ GUeft Shop lie MA 3-5747 1 TUE l..MrfAAÀL~ W ALI.A<. I VILLO1Ut-OZ '-..'W G Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. John Wright on the birth of a son Robert John Jr. (Bob- bie) born May 10. Mother and son are reportedly doing well. Father though, recuperating slowly, is again taking naurish- ment of bis awn concoction.ý As per usual your correspo n- dent committed at least two "faux pas" ih reporting Cburch Hall opening last week. (1) error: Potted plants were don- ated by Moxon Gardens, flot Marion Gardens of Janetville, run by Mr. Harold Moxon. (2) 1 mistakenly referred ta a mandolin as a banjo or such like. Having suffered the tor- tures involved in being an in- nocent bystander while ane brother started tram "scratch" <or should 1 say scrape?) ta learn the art a« violin playing wbila the other in Jretaliatian purchased a guitar. Bath these instruments came equipped 1 feel sure withostrings derived from cats wbo had lost al nine, with duodenal ulcers or some other form of insiduous intestinal disturbance wbich continued ta torment long after their demise. This first sally with their musical overtures 1 endured witb my customnary (?) stoical silence. Ever since that ordeal I have viewed any- tbîng with "strings attached" witb utmost suspicion whîch no daubt belps to explain my aforemenltioned ignorance of stringed instruments. As we, the Harvey Malcolms, accompanied by Miss Truurs Boon, sojourn ta .Cooksville this week-end the readers and 1 are bebolden ta the "mater" for providing any additional news capy; which makes tbree generations of correspondants wbo bave contributed ta The Statesman. (My grandfatber, the late Peter Wright. of Nes- tleton, was flot an infrequent reporter of news to the paper.) misses Jean Armerod, Toron- ta, and Catherine McCrae, Lindsay, were entertained Sun- day at the G. E. Spenceley's home. .Mr. Cameron Vance, Toron- to, visited the Norman and Jack Wilson" Mr. and Mr. Ralph Mal-. AL.A ý ý ý 1 lop% IL à & 1 1 -.1 --- ---- . à 1 -- ,Yi ~ ~ ~ Phn NA 3-3303v r. tiso I Robt.. Baigrave fplnt Sunday with Mr. amd Mns. Dalton Brown, Fleetwood. Mr. and Mrs. -W. J. Malcolm and Miss Emma Henders spent a pleasant weekerid at Dr. Hen- ders' cottage on Lake Catcha- coma. .Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore and- Iancy with'-Mrs. Bert Eng- lish, L>ndsaV.. The Rae Malcolms, Janet- ville, with. lMr. and Mrs. Wm'. McCabe. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rowan and children. called on Mrs. Aus- tin Fallis and Lloyd, Ballyduif. Syinpathy is' extended to Mrs. Ed. Lawson on the death of lier aunt, Mrs. Wm. Patter- son, whose funergl- they at- tended at Orono on 'Thursday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heaslip journeyed to Toronto Sunday to visit ber sister, the Erle Ross'. Thus endeth the news! Now to feed the pet, lamb. 'Tis something, baby-itting for a pet lamb. Pýost S cript - Home again! Twice or thrice a year the H. Malcolms go ta the H. Boons of ICooksville and vice versa. On, Sunday wve head the 80 odd miles there and unknown ta us. they head ta Manvers. Two hours later we arrive in Cooks- ville while they arrive in Man- vers. 0f course ta top it off we met on the road but rush- ed right by without recogni-. tion. On arrivai there we head for phone ta caîl home and phone rings before we get there as they call Cooksville. Con. fusing but amusing, eh what! After another 80 miles we dici ,finally get together. A mix-up in a million! Christmas concert in. Decemn- ber. Mr. Balgrave who wilr slng two groups-of nuinbers At next, wek's concerts, is a young. bass-b aritone who bas been a Festival winner "in Brantford, Hamilton, Strattord and 'Ch!- cago. He has also sung on radio, incMding- the well krrown program, "Opportunity Knocks." He bas also been a soloist in presentatians of "The Messiah" and "Elijah,"- and has been saloist and assisting artist in various concerts. 1Among Mr. Balgrave's sel- ections at next week's concerts -here will be 'Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes" arrang- ed by Willan; "Suaent Worship" by Handel, and numbers by Schubert and Schumann. His accompanist will be Mr. Don- ald Himes. - Z Happy Choice for Graduations New and Lighter AIRPLANE B AGGAGE By McBRINE Fashion smart in super-tough Duralite-5, scuff - rýesistant, colourfast, wipes clean with damp cloth ITARTAN FLITE BACS FOR MEN AND WOMEN John Stuft Shoes 15 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5839 Bowmanvile 'PERFORMANCE, NOT PROMISES"'15 ýSTILL THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE MOTTO ibese are Perfermares . For higher- income from dairying, legs.1 O'To give producers a voice inpodc lation allows producers by collective bargain- maretng Onaro ow astprout ing to obtain best possible retu rns. Ontario' advanced legislation of any province. j fiuid milk Price formula bas maintained price stability. For the befferment of rural living, the province makes special grants toward the building of community halls, arenas, skating rinks and swimming pools. 864 projects have been developed under thîs policy. To lighten the farm load and brighten farm homes, the province pays haif the cost of new rural hydro lines. Over 85" of alI farm homes have hydro. For more.profitable returns, the Depart- ment of Agriculture, through its Livestock Branch finances a sire-testing program; milk- testing service and provides assistance'in the Fradication of Brucellosis and Warble Fly, To increase theproductivity of the land, new seed varieties have been introduced and policies adopted providing for a sound land use program.,, To'open up farm arecs in Northern Ontario, the Ontario Department of Agricul- tuire gives special grants toward the clearing and breaking of land; assistance in the pur- chase of livestock; veterinary aid and farm water supply. To promote scientific, high-return farm- ing, constant studies are'carried out by the .Farm Economics Branch, with findings avail- able to ail farmers to assist in the lowering of production costs. UndIer a fatimer Minister, F. S."'Tommy" Thomas,, and -with farmers like W. A. "Bill" Goodfellow of Northumberland and J. N. '<Jim". Allan of Haldi- mand-Norfolk in the Cabinet, rural Ontaro has an important place in the* Progressive Congervative program. & Vl Your Progressive Conservative Candidate Jo 1 1 et in Durham County is hn 'W. Foote 1 Spring Concért Gue4t. solaist at the Spring Canç rt af. the Bowmanville -Cboral Society nexct week will be Mr. Robert Baîgrave of Brantford. The concert, which wilI be given in the Town Hall at 8:15 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, May 26 and 27, is under, the direction of the leader, Mr. Hugh A. Martin of Toronto. Formed in January, 1954, this grou 0 fowmanville and district usingers has alrearly given two pleasing concerts,I one in May of Iast yaar. and. a m Phone MA 3-3303 re*ýý. IL, Ki IL' 1