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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1955, p. 5

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- ~ Au, Min ister of Highways Ouf fines Work Done .Ourham County Roadsl THE CAKADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMI£AVILL. ONTAM«O 1Four Generations taxes. "The Frost' governmer.t Celeb rate is giving good governrnqnt t claredt"Iarn very proud to bepr pf a team that*includes imen like Premier Frost and Hrn. John Foote"'. fMr. Allan ideciared that no provincial leader had everj ! fslly. tlian Premier Frost. "He Seventy-five per cent mure Buat Roadal% Canada 'i eiof O ntarvno atthe ho- contraCts have been called for Although there are many they vote an tecinefforo thnlast, Hon. James N. AI- the highways of Ontario, Mr.teIou indofte or lan, who was appointed Ontario Alian said, this province stffliof the Frost governiment giving Minister of Highways in Janu- bas the best of any in the Doni- good goverriient ta everyone ary- of this year, stated at the inion. 14, is the great size of the i h r v n e ,h r e . 14j ogressive Conserative nom- province which creates most The' lighwprovince eredl5 <Pnation meeting heId in Orono of the Department's difficulties. iThe HighwaysCharnsSte- wi Iast Thursday night. The state of New Jersey has ihnnd Proressby eChoseSta-' ýpeaking at the meeting dur- the sarne number of cars as phvendnProgesivte Coserva- Ing which Hon. John W. Foote, Ontario , he pointed out, but tv addt i h etFd V.C.. was picked to contest its size ls oniy that of five On- hrleti gradu ate fO.A.ad Durham Riding for the thihd !ario counties. The tremendous wa s an grîuturo Oa .CHs oa consecutive provincial election; increase in the density of au- tîveanforiutw ya representa- the Highways Mnstr-outîin- tomobile traffk h as also in- tis infornnvifleand Hs h has ed the expanded program creased the Department's main- bee in unicipandolitiaso Which his Department wiîî un- tenance and construction prob- te pantm20iyears. He as dertake in 1955. One hurdred lIems. ethed ato the rovincie al Le neW miles of King's Highways He pointed out that in 194.5 gsîte in 19e51,oni a e will be graded, lhe said, V00 there were only 611,000 cars msae .inter5o ' H nghwa miles will be hard-surfaced and registered ini Ontario, b ut this Januaryo! is e iar.in 'weil over 500 miles wili be re- figure has now grawn ta l112 I{e as ofthanked fr hs n surfaced. "If this program i ilo. "ene orln continued, within a short tirne highways to move this gr-2at eitn adifomiv a- it will flot oniy help unem- density of traffie", he declared, dress by Alex Carruthers, poyment, but get Ontario',; Mr. Allan stated that the President of the Durham Pro- highasi best shape Frost government lias gone fur- gressîive Conservative Associa- ethey have eveî- been in", Mr. ther in assisting the miunicipal- ti 0n. Allan declared. ities to buiid roads than anv In regard to Highway 7A, a governrnent had before. In flatter of direct concerfi ta the undeveioped north of the 1~ xnany in his audience. the province we pay a greater sub-InteE io sM l speaker asserted, 'We w-dl re- sidy than. 50 per cent to heip On tlie happy occasion ef tiA'2 - ofuher' rnember 7A. I promise you thzt these small munic ipalities", begaddueMs ellen M~ larie L'îtxLon t :I James 1257 Kingston 'Rd..- 1 won't forget it". He stateil deciared. A stretch a!f 36 miles Torond-da3.hter.j that thé foilowing amounts have 0of new road is being built into H. Cain on April 7th, Mrs. John Luxton posed with three TorontoMr3.JOnt., been spent on the roads o! the new mining territory at genet-ations of lier family. , On the riglit is lier son, OscarDarM.Jms Durham County in the past fe-% Blind River. John Luxton, the bride's father; on the lef t is lier grand- hn a amc for send-J years by the Frost government. In Norfolk County the courn- son, Wessley John Luxton, and beside her is the represen- veIn15-2 12000 92.3 ycueli dpigaplcvrv interested to read Mr. H. $1,728,000; 1953-54, $,616,000. of building black-top county tative of the fourth generation, Robert Wessley Luxton. G.- Hutcheson's letter and rel -Photo by Carsona Studio, Port Hope hm3ecso h odSoe ïïais t lias askedth oen hlpyuepeay. In Bawmanville, 1 was able r en oads tch textgavern-hepoupoeay ment to glean oniy appraximate to atc ths etracx- He pointed out ibat the gov- dates about the life of Mrs. ....... . ..... enmnt.jut ame as alScobel and was obliged toj The gavernmeit is also planl- grants, etc., than it takes i in rticl n"Wîo1crs. "M inr taass u onps by taxps. "If you pay out 1maie, mistake was caused by assum- putting tiieni in the same cate- YOU MUSt collect more', M.jig(rnl)ta h o gory as towns as far as bride Alian said. -l wonder if thej and girl adopted by the Hib- I bildngis ancrnd. Wepeople wha make extravagant berts were braught up toge- want ta help the township,, requests of the government te, although one passed away counties and towns ta have realize tlîey are just asking us in the early 1920's and the better roads, and we wili spend ta spend mare of their own ather now writes a very liveiy1 between 43,000,000, and $50.- maney. We are very fortunate letter from Port Perry. 000,000 on these municipal and in Ontario that aur taxes have M.Hthsnmse h county raads". Mr. Allan stat- not increased." aiMsr. ucesn thefronthe' Increased Capital Construction He outlined the main source.si but the fine black walnut trer, On te Kng' higway hao! revenue. which the gox-' said ta be as aid as the house. On te Kng'shigwayhoerfiment has. These are $140,- looks Eit fa lest another fi±ty s p eciai an nmaintenance and $100,000,- etrnment for rentrng it tii black walnut is now rarey 000 o capital construction. It right ta collect personal li- found in this part o! Ontario, OUSDEO ITRIRis taa bad that the four-lane came tax, successian duties etc,, thougb it used ta be qu te OUTSIDE OR INTERIOR ~controlled access bighways $88,000(,000 from gasaline tax, omnnthnrhe srs cause so much disruption to $2f),000,000 freim automobile i-ommo the nothknser. 'the fa4rms through whicb they censes, $45,000,000 from tioo th e ae must pass, the Highwavs Minis- sale o! liquor, $23.000,000 frorami infiatta h tersi.H oneouhw prvnilsceso uis name "Leighton Cottage" see.ns P A I N T ievr ta te ms b uitan 1500,0 fo teDece ae en ogoti oany FineQuaitycannot be placed where bigli- The provincial budget is onîy knawn as the "aid Scabel ways now exist or they lose $388,000,000, he said, wbich - homne". The terni "Manar" is Ail Co our -G u ran ee t e c nt oli d cc ss1hi h s just one-seventh o ! the budget arc litecturally correct and the main feature of these high- o! the federal government. He without pretensions; a style $ 3 5ways. 'Progress always re- painted out that o! 442 billion deriveci from medieval days quires sanie disruption amil dollars coilected in Canada ii when 'a large, undivideci, barn- l e2 a 0C grief", he asserted. "We hope taxes, Ontario cantributes ai- like hall served as home foi' * : that ou i il co-perate ,vithi most one-haf. the lord-o-the-manor and pro- Gallon Quart Lis in'keeping these new high. .vidèj shelter for his serfs, ways on a controlled access Pays Back 40-45e horses, pigs, 'grain etc. in basis'. "The - Ontaria government timnes of danger or disaster. lI o w iii n v i ~ ~~~The Highways Minister took pasbc1ewen4 n later times, skins and clath exception ta a promise made cents o! every dollar collected hangings pravideci some pri- B om av î lebx' Mr. Oliver, the Liberal ta the municipalities". the vacy for the famiiy, and later leader, ta take over ail suburb- Higbways Minister said. "Clarke 1 -stili, the manor-style1 home anI roads as King*s Highways Township receivcd oniy $6,223 was divided inta Éooms on if bis party gaes inta office. in 1943, but this had been àn either side of the central long S u rp u s Sle s 1ý -f this .poiey was, adopted creased ta $30,092 in 1954" . f hallway. "Willaw Acres" is 42 King St. East Phone MA 3-3211 1 county road eft ta naintain", creased amounts paid ta the Mr. Hutchesn's story o! ie ________________________________________________he Faid. "This would be fine municipalities, the Frost 'gov- Hîbberts' romance andi his own for lhe suburbs but it wouldn'î' erriment bas not had ta increase happy childhood with theni, - onfirms my impression that-- 1 ust as some aid houses have an atmosphere o! repression or tragedy-the opposite is true o! this one, for evidentl.vy the aid Scobell home has bepli steeped In loving-kin dness f or mare than a century. Sincerely yours, Lake Shore, CIlarke (Intended for last week) The Lake - Shore Ladies K.S. and C. Club met at the home o! Mrs. Bill Jaynes. The next meeting will be at the home o! Mrs. W. Halmes, May 25 nstead o! on May 18 as planned. Please note. Having completed four yearsi off Electrical Engineering at the1 University o! Toronto, Mr. Lloyd Martin is taking an ex- tended tour o! England and Eu-' rope. With Mr. and Mrs. Gbrdon Martin, Doris and Alec on the first weekend o! May were: Miss Mary Margaret Bonathon, Miss Doreen Watts. Miss Mar- ilyn Bath, Miss Joyce Martin, Mr. Bill Shecdaon, Mr. Geor-ej Kerr, and Mr. Lloyd Martin. f Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skeldin«i andi Betty accampanied bv Mxx and Mrs. George Skeldiijg Jr. and Me. Russell Powell and Miss Maureen McIlroy spenti Sunday in Toronto. Mr. andi Mrs. Ai! Wilkins and family,Oshawa, were Sun-1 day afternoon visitors at th e home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. Mrs. Ken Dean attended a, reunion o! former pupxls of, King Edward Schooi o! Barrieý held at the the King Edward Hôtel, Toronto, on Saturday. Mrs. Ed. Dean and Mrýs. Har-1 ry Austin, Orono, were Sundayi visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Kený Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak and Gary,, Toronto. spent Sun- day with Mr. and « Mît. W. Hohuies. Mrs. W. Holmes, Mnr. Paul Hotson andi Mrs. Ch.#s. Alt- cfred spent Mondity afternoon with Mrs. John Hendry, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Ai!. Brown v'îsited Mrs. H. Brown at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hespér Dean, Orono, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Brown. -Mrs, Roy McKay, Mrs. George Englehant 'and Sharon and Mr. Jim McKay, Bronte, Mr. and Mrs. Les. Al14xted andi tam- J ilv, Orono, and M. and Mrs Miurray, Porter anýd fml Newtonvii le, were visitors on' Sunday with Mr. and Mns. Ro.. hin Aldre4. ON TARI O Victoria Day May 23rdl Your co-operation is requested over the week-end of May 20 to 2 3. Commencing on Frday evenng and continuing ta Monday evening hundreds of thousands of Ontario motorists as weiI as thousands from the other 'Provinces and from the States will'be "taking to the road". The exercise of Care, Courtesy and Common Sense wiII prevent most accidents or collisions which resuit in fatalities, human suffering and financial Ioss. Even though "you are ai careful driver" keep your mind on thie job of driving. This is no time for sight-seeing while driving. "Don't Hurry" remember HURRY KILIS. Do your part ta make this, our frst long summer week-end' holiday, ACCIDENT'FREE. minister ONTARIO DEPARTéMENT OF HIGHWAYS i BUY TWICE AS MUCI FOR HALF AS MUCH Tluuusday .Friday *Sciturde.' ý'Great B r ato larafc of Ladies' Children 's Wear Ladies' COATS!. Full length, f tilly lined Regular to' $25.00 ON1SALE i Wools, Gabardines, Taffetas Begular to 7.95 ON SALE $2-.98 Ladies' COATS! Regular to 39.95 ON SALE -adies' DRE&ÇSS Regular f0 16.95 I K I Girls" COATS! with Matching Hats Regular f0 9.95 ON SALE $3.98 Ladies' Oversize DRESSES!8 Regular fa 14.95 ON SALE 1~ s2.,s Io Exchanges and Misses' A1-Weather COÀATS!e Begular 19.95 to, 29.95 Sizes 10 to 20 ON ALE sloÔ oo Gab: Strides and Checlced Patterns. Regular to 7.95 ON SALE Ladies' SUITS! Regular to 39.95 OQN SALE Misses' and Women's DRESSES! Regular to 25.00 ON ALE Boys' COÀATS! Gabardines or Flannels Sizes 3 f0 6. Regular fa 9.95 O N SALE .s3.9as Sub-Teen Sizes in G irls' DRESSES! Regular ta 10.95 ON SALE No Refunds 3resIinl.s Ladies' Wear BOWMANVILLE PAGE FIV a ~.- -- *1 i y b p I I s m FA t 1 ON SALE Misses' Misses SKIRTS! ; 1 SLACKS'e ON SALE Ail Sales- Fînai

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