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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1955, p. 7

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--'~' TEE CANADIAN STATESMAM. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIOPAGE SEVEII cousinsM.dMs. Edgar week-end motor trip ta Ottawa jthe Public Library for mnany I I Richard P. Bowles of Nestieton TlOnyW " Bedford. adMs and admired the thousands of vears. .Later she gave loving Li bera ISand the meeting concluded with Fe asst harswr r. Gorg Ledler Hail.tulips in bloom on the lawns of and devoted care ta her parents, - aaa lydb r.f tovstdhssseM.adteParliament Buildings as well Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott, at (Continued from page one) Johnada" J a edys is ie iiAede oe no a visitedna hM itr r n as the many other beautiful at- the fainily home at 174 King St. sioners. a Mrs. W. J. Henderson, Sunday, tractions in the Capital City at East, where she lived for over He mentioned specific inal-tesokepr a ted ongland for two monecth s'i hor- is seasgrn of the year. 65 years. Miss Elliott is now stances froh-i his own knowv1- Only Looks LongerMaie hd ptRstn Ph re M -30 nday Atenio hobwiss Arths anolen-g her days resting at edge ta show how the high- Saunders McKay: *"I see the Peae' nbrhubn' ob Mrsy. E. Pasn teddti obcrf hwiicneto Strathaven", located on King ways department had squan- papers are sayin' that a married stnebuwensefudta à&.. and Mrs. 9. H. Papineu IVisitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ontario Women's Institute Of with Eastern Star Bazaar, Oct. St4at ee apyr'mny a nnlvslne hnasnl ehdli e ahn h and'Mr. Lottu Papineau spet William P28eataLionsr Community Centre.feMrs.e G.dA.aydilondstoLiore-Cothough Cettwererwater.A."Wemane.onD'ye-thonkh that'setrue?"'WwentetD'ythehnnasont'andrus?"d the Mr.n Ltuainatu pen t Wll iam D rowe areG hNr brthrs fier Conerene eld May al Anyone interested in displaying ceived a dozen beautiful red don't know and probabiy neyer Ris friend: "No' a bit o't. It hinit d itet h n he Je.en J. B ro n als itn Ds. N.J. and G.duN.O... Mupheal3pthe.eoia al or selling crafts, write or phone roses ram her gn Ronald on will knaw the cost ta the prov- only looks langer." S Mrs. . J.Brow is isîtng Epanol andSudbry. .A.C, Gulph.Mrs. Geo. Thrasher, 103 King Mother's Day. He is now ince of the infamous highway srpin"iî~cm. her son, Major Wm. Brown and Mrs. Don Morris, Mrs. Ailan Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Grahami St. East, Bowmanville, MA 3- serving on H.M.C.S. Sioux in scandals," he stated. Mrs. Brown and children at Strike, Mrs. Bob Stevens and and daughters were Sunday 3669 for information. 20-1 the Far East. Ronald is a bro- His concluding remarks out- Otaa Mrs. Tom Rehder have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Miss Gloria Robson who. is ther pf A. Eugene Cale, Ruth lined in brief the 25 point pro. ,.Mr-. Arthur Wallcer has return-. holidaying ini Buffalo, N.Y. Thompson and attended Anni- studying Physical & Occupa- (Mrs., Ross Jackman), Louise gramn of the Liberal party j7 home after an enjoyable D.WM.RdIadDr .versary Services of Courtice tional Therapy at the Univer- (Mrs. A. J. Allin, Cobourg), which hie felt was net only a R~I.Last weekend Mr. Gardon El- spend two months interning at Cale who was killed in Ger- which returned local autonomv ' ro adian Dental Association Con- liott of the High Schbol staff the Ottawa General Hospital. many' in the Second World 'ta municipalities and gave vention in Toronto this week. attended the International Guid- Miss Robson then returns ta War while servîng with the every taxpayer a better break Miss Ethel Luxton and Mr. ance Conference held in Belle- Toronto for twa mare months Blacý Watch. Ronald's wvife, In Mr. Oliver's platform con- and MHot ar Edf no ville. Guidance counisellers froni interning. ,Marion, and four children are tributions ta haspital building Linitedl C hu c andothr fiens fom er-New York State and Ontario The following are the winners living in Victoria, B.C. His wilî be increased, enabling ST. JOU IS onto visited Niagara Falls over were present.Mran of tickets ta home gamesof te mn p es tano thlatie Ron- muc ede osialfclities. osrc the weekend. MsR.L odnMran TootMplLe f thmba n frend pl a d elwate will muchne hsiciaiis tal fcnstruct Mrs. Gea. W. James was in Mrs. Hr L. ore, M.adToro nt M a e th aid 'expects ta be home next Housing legislation will be im- f CHU RCH Weto onStra tedn rs .W oe ii Mr. nd t a ile doraw hCldbyls al rvd seilyi the the wedding of her nephew, and Mrs. Bert Wilkins, Caour- Friday: Carl Utelk, Toronto; Irv- The editor was pleased ta rentai field. Assistance will be udy (Àntlican)Mr. Rb.W. Woods and Miss tice, and attended the anni- ing Brooks, Bowmanviile, 2; have a friendly caîl an Saturday provided for unemployment SUNAYAFE RDorothy May Burgess. , versary services at Courtice Lamna Cochrane, R. E. Mann, fram Mr. and Mrs. Ephram Han- relief and other improvements SUDYCongratulations and very best United Church. Jack Kellough, Cobourg, and na and charming little three- made in municipal, provincial ASCENSION DAY wishes ta Mr. Herb Moyse, a Archbishop W. Barfoot of Ralph McIntyre. year-old daughter Pat of Toron- relations. 8 ..-former popular caretaker Of Winnipeg, Man., Primate of Messrs W. R. .Strike, Allan ta. Many will remember Mrs. The Liberals will aise take A n n iv e rsr ROYCMUIN B.H.S. who celebrated his 77th the Church of England in Can- Strike, Markus Roenigk, Rabt. Hanna as the former Helen on the task of scrutinizing pro-1 BOLY COMUNION birthday on May 17. 1ada, and Bishap and Mrs. F. H. L. Stevens andLewis Roenigk Pritchard, for many years a vincial government expendi- Mrs. Andrew Hawkins, Rame, Wilkinson, Toronta, were guests Oshawa, are on a fishing tnp faithful mémber of The States- turcs much mare closely than 0am.-N.Y.; Mrs. Cecil Laundry and of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Raenigk ta Algonquin Park this week. man office staff. They were ac- has been donc by the Conser- 5 CHURCH SCHOOL Mrs. W. Maxwell, Bancroft, on Thursday. *rhey are also anxious ta see companied here by her mother, vatives. The money saved by (Senior> spent several days with their Mr. Michael Vetzal, Odell st., haw their ladge wintered hap- Mrs. Gea. E. Pritchard wha has careful planning and ecanomy udy1 i m.-At the annual convention of ing course at the Ontario College cottage such as happened a months laaking after hem daugh- new Libemal platfarm. The CHURCH SCHOOL the Ontario Weekly Newspaer of Education and has been ap- year ago. ter Lillian <Mms. Fred Hughes), balance of the money needed who has been in poor health. could be obtained from the Afron Srie ~ 4 (Junior) Association held in Ottawa last pointed ta the staff of Toronto Mr. and Mms. Alec My. Birks, While in the city Mrs. Pritchard over-size $50 million surplus Airon Sr week, Bill James was elected lst Northern Vacational School McMasterville, Que., have just is assisting in the Dentonia Unit- without any need for increasing Il a.m. - Vice-President of the graup. where he bas been assigned ta returned from a trip taeasue hrhCor.As nti aain MONIG RAERMr ndMm, la Whias eah utmoie ecancs b-and Cuba in which they attend- happy family party ta brighten Mr. Hellyer urged every Lib- E eig Sri Dedication of Memorial to and son Dane have returned ginning this September. cd a - C.I.L. Convention. While up the editor's sanctum. was eral i Durham ta get out and Eeig Srie73 Dr. G.C. and home after spending the winter Mrs. T. E. Higginbotham and away their three children, Master Jimmy Hughes, grand- work ta elect their candidate Mrs. Bonnycastie with bis sister, Mrs. Adolph Mrs. J. C. McLean enjoyed a Scotty, Peter and John, were son of Mrs. Pritchard, who is the when he or she was selected. Koldofsky, in Hollywood, Ca.if. looked after by their grand- "apple of her eye", and we don't The Tory government in Te- ~ GUEST SPEAE 7 p.in. - Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornish, parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. blame ber for Jimmy is a finereti sn dfad c- EVENING FRAYER John and Marlene, Mr. and Mms. UFRETTABLE., Scott and Mrs. W,. H. Birks, looking fittle lad and doing weîî rtaif it sn' fa td chrner Glen Hughson and David, Toron- -IFII I fUL*. Bowmanville. at school. apposition ta bring about good ta, spent Sunday with their as the prayer learned at Two busloads of ladies froni______________ gtovernment. At the moment E'I. H. A\. I4E L J/ pour mother's knee! Bowmanville, and one from there are only six Liberals in 1 -Maple Grave attended at Massey T I C K E T S Toronto. Unless there is a Northminster United CucOhw Hall, Toronto, an Tuesday even- TO EVERYWHERE much larger group ta control ~~egj ~ing ta hear Mrs. Eleanor Roose- AiRi rSemhp and criticize expenditures, E d dvelt speak, under the sponsor- Airnsal teamh Frost and his extravagant ~~.UN5~~~U soiation.th Uonie buioseAs- i C&o l L spen ding departments wiîî con- SPECIAL MUSIC AT 1OHSRIE sohmltip Bo nvie Natio s s-&LO E L tnu qru id S>uIILI y S c oo carried 29 ladies from St. Paui's Aomnil otin e of trunk wil.tnd *E.,WENWW.WUnited Chumch W.M.S. and Aux- f5 en St .M -78 Avte ofthankust wseend -__________________________ '7'f. M iliary and 45 members of thedtateg stpakrb Ut Business and Professional Wo- men's Club and friends. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONALSRVC ANNIV RSARYRev. H. W. Pointen, B.A., B. SERVICES Paper. Eac4 issue keeps anc will hntuhwt the weekly events wilbe held on I~gA. . ingBowmanviîe and surmound- 'igdistricts. The news caver- us acieoma age is excellent. The editorials Sunday, May. 29than te eursreie- ««-E ES ES ~and terf atsain terCo- ai 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. (D.S.T.) adl members of the States--__________________________________ with' Mm. and Mrs. Norris White, 3 SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERSEFETV Durham Street, Bowmanville, *rag..ALL THIS WEEK Re . avd F'Su me swere surprised at their home on AIhC Rev. Davi F:Sum ersSaturday evening, May 14, by of Westmount, Oshawa, guest minister ocasions -of their 25thyo hedn Special Music by the Junior and Senior Choirs anniversary. Cards, flowers and- andgfs eercvdb thei sonpl RusllaSun lasses ...IDA es tls ae under the leadership of Mrs. J. Bakergfswr eeve ytecul THE OSBORNE MALE QUARTETTE fiancee, Miss Helen Jean Stacey AaLatrr' icnine ie of Ebenezer, wilI assist at the evenîng sevc.of Oshawa, provided a beautiful- 'An assortment of glasses Any ipr.Brn w. u h r, i,. rats uu t m audu t shg sbouquet of roses, and presented 39 O NSN' 1,0-O aea c L ntégi 1ff' rcetsrclsM.and Mrs. White with the j , 15 nsl tSpecials gif t of an electric fmyem. ,.'Aito pca 9 M onday, M ay 3Oth Miss Vivian Bunner and Mrs. A iassio, Kîddîes ___AScA29 IP L U Muriel Symons attended the Glse o Ide 5,2eTBES iieague Footbiall Came Convocation and graduation 1/' 1 POLAROID TONE-RAY Fast relief for ercises of the United Chumch INA E headache Training~OTI 'c.la alto NRAAL Styles for Highest quality S00's - reg. 89e Solia vs CouliceStreet United Church, Toonto, 590cMe 0 t 00 CONCERT AT 8:30 TO N G T Among the 12 graduates of the SQUEEZE J3TTLE 1.98 .9 T N I Hschool was their niece, Miss ýFiti-ofl 2.501 Slipover - 4.000 ith o m nt HalElsie Bunner of Wiarton, Ont. REALGlaremaster Clipover - 69o PAPER B W AVLE Miss Bunner will be received 9,4tuo 02t: PRICE ____________________ THORNTON'S CORNERSý ÇOMMUNITY B MAV LEat Sudbury in June when the ,,.Wie Hamilton Confemence meets Bo f7.-rg 7 ASSOCIATION will present their popular play TOWN HALL there and will join the staff of For Boxr oftcto 15e - 2frg 29eNOA the Church of Ail Nations ini.FrSnunPoeio 5 o 9 "' E A RV R "at Toronto in August. AND TREATMENT "LE NAs poie ntRtiVmERS"ewenac The Statesman joins with ber Noxzema Suntan Lotion IE $ ID an asoprvie ntrtinen btwenacs.many fmiends in Bowmanville SACCHARIN ADMISSION -Aduits 50e Children 25C O ' l and elsewhere in extending FiC1 (A L LOW.PRICE OFFERIV in squeeze bottie ------1.00 TABLETS I L JI1 8oOCiocis cordial congratulations ta Miss AzwVelvetta Suntan Cream -65e 1, grain Maude Elliott on reaching hem r ~ fSutnBontn ____15 100's, re.20( 15c B ~ U 87th birthday on Tuesday, May Acriflex ---- 60e '500's, rg 5 9 Everyone lecm 7th. Many of aur citizens will With 10 UAUE Nivea Skin Cream 63e, 1.10, 3.00 PEgai Elliott when she had charge af Giloette loue ~ AI Tantoo --- tube 65e - Bomb 98e 1009s, reg. 23c -19e ONUTAIE Enniskillen Sunday School111--------Wlias -- kl5c 5,10 Blodes la ilas -Sol5e 5,10 500's, reg. 65c - 49eRESTTN à ML NO ILESM kWIaNDa-B%0% àNGIf Pate-_s, oms Creameula 45c_ tube- SprsPormeStariing ai 3 p.m. A Free Lecture on 25 3 Way $have ----- 69e Race fo Chldrn uner 2 yars25eRegular 1.25 size LaUes foOTAL GAMdEn ATe 6:3 PM C risia Odo-Ro-Nio Spray Deodorant MS LEGEFOBL AEA :0PXC rsin Science a1.20 value otef SIJPPEH STARTJNG AT -4:30 entitled 13ATHING Whoor Cooau90 until ail are served "CRSTA SCIENCE FULFLL CAPS S.0haluoe 0)_-___ 9 FIC CONCRT T 800 .M.GOD'S HEALING PROMISE" Seiberling CteHadCem61 Courtice Circuit Young People will present their play JOHN J. SELOVER, C.S.B., *,ft Howland I.D.A. Health,Sails, "Wild Ginger" of Long Beach, California *,lrtoft<IW Adult's Child's Enisstl __________________ Mtn _____h styl MUSIC BY BILLY WADE Member of the Board of Lectureship af the Mother *~OU 12 4c 1.29 1.2 M ~ in______ Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientîst, 4 c0 Admission in Boston, Mass. ___________________________________ AmDULTSe nyo ihCocr ___$2 THE ,MASONIC TEMPLE PRÇSCRIPTIONS A SPECLTY YConcert only 50e 91 Centre Street Oshawa CHILDREN - c i Supronly or with Concert soc_____ Fr. SOc, a 0I u reg or Pastor: Rev. R. M. Seymour Sec'y: Donald Wearn Fa.E e in ,2 A lx M8G rg o r D r u g Superintendents: Edgar Wright, E. A. Werrv atL 8:15 pODALL N. I We Deliver YorLcl L rug SoePh-oe 359 TEM CANADUN STATESMAN. DOMMANMIJL ONTAPJO PAGE Slivmq

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