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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1955, p. 10

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~~AGN ~~~'ZI Ç N i S A A IX«A~ . 3BOWmàAlVLLZ O" TM O ?HUMSD A, U lt, 15 A A V ,A .- Sixth Annual Reunion c f Bowmanville Graduate Nurses Enjoyable Event t. -- ~ 'r - -, -. ~-, ~fl ~ '4i--i -r ZION Mr. Iv'or Gerry. Toronto, Mr. an-d Mrs. Raîph Glaspell an-d family, Ty*rone. MNIr. and, Mrs.- Ray Scott and~ family. Kedron. at Mrs. F. B. Glaspel's. Mr-. and Mrs. Douglas FleU>" and family, Miss Pearileah SSauina, ýIr. and Mrs. Arthur Youngman arnd sons, Tyrone, Mr-. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- lowlees and dlaughters, Sauina, at Gerry Glaspels. Mr. R. Schwarz. Oshawa, at Hans Geissberger's. Miss Ruby Morris and friend, Peterboro, miss Rota Lumsden New Glasgow,. NS., miss junej, Lumsden, Lindsay, at Johnj Monahan's. Mr%, and Mrs. Wes Cameran at Stanley Coverle.),s, Ebene- zer. ý4I Mr. and Mrs. George Sonley, Toronto, at Fred Camerons. Misses Jean and Bertha Pas- c0e, Toronto, at Frank Pascoe's. Rev. G. Telford, Oshawa, Reverend and M r s F. j. Reed and Malcoim Reed, Hampton, LN-nda Scott, Ked- ron, Gw'en Glaspeil, Tyrone, at Alex McMaýster's Mr-. Jim Hamnbly, Miss Helen Stejphen, Oshawa, at R. C. Stainton's. Mr-. and Mrs. Boy Williamq, Port Hope, Mr-. and' Mrs. Law- ronce Henry . Mc.r Melville Tye, B o w m n -. oron o; M s. M e H e z, F irvi w , P nn.; M rs. A n ni O rr S au t M th ateH am ilton, B ut ery , B o w mdviM rs.Ms.C lar-e an TD.Hrtld-Fvernusnes h rauati romth iro wrnu te an- o ,NtocMstl;Mae Hei, Farview, Henn o;Mrs nieOrrga ult Mguo rs. Ruth l3ate ra Butt er Boutaxll\ Fanciles r.Cri s ty o vilenHosput hdna wnerfuths ie reîdcia n gettirng caught te. lMalre; MsMaronYoung, ornto MsEdîh ray, oro o Mui, CurtichotoElie Ald arsowmnvr SteldaoHiPotwHoke u o n g t h e n . e s sa t er p h n n u e a l e nio n, h el do u n ,9Th r n t Ms rs. L ll a E n e r o w a v le , h w ;M rs. D i o h y A n d e r o , T r n ; M s u h P r i , N w a t e r . C t e i e T r l n o ,a r d W r ' , K n s o o d a t h e i o n C o n r n n i t C e t r e G u s t s o f h e n u r e s t t e d n n e T o o n t ; M s . e s t rJ o e , M r s . A u r a S q ai r , e M r s . E l i z a b e t h i l i M o t n Wars . B e t y B o u g hoBo wa v l l . T h I r da r o w : M rs . ih al u , r . u s e iP e k n ss f f r hel at i .rn w re ou of th do to s w o ere co nec ed wit tE anF Ed s e m a yd Bor nanvd ei . e codr ow: in , nM rs. E m m M s.E tel Ha mlynArs. Minreh d th ; F o ve rs. .C. M a rtyn, r d a h at atctn F i a G aIduialDr V . toeyu r.sC. W. loD. H .Rnl dcrbHmton;aMds. Lois LyDctt, B Hm tn r cnvill; Mss uthV. . S oj-yr. e o C. W. SemofrH . .nder.i oly va ihahro]doth rnii n si eoî and Dr. Haold Fegusn T e eunon coninu d hro gh ut he hanco ck, ne cate BoMson Ruby Ter Hamptoo; M rs Lga CBou n F egsn. rEve ynd Aderth M r*s ea Proht, all of Bowe nacie. ____ -Ph.tonbdCarson Studo, PorttHoper.s.aWilliam iceBMaslePe i to i h : r s B s s e t e h e s o , e w c a î e ; M Sh m l y o u n g d T o r o t o ; M s . Ga M ra c e B ar o d a ] e re O s h a w ; M s a n u r ,1 r E l m n n r g r , O h Miss Marorie Meean, adai Mrs. Williamith Mr.andoMrs ( rwanvle G uate IN u rs t e s Plce cads fIc thi soMi- t . WNFJeLDtts Jlohn And Larea invstd M- r . W ehal oin e a- o-- o hai ht cW ih hr a sed anesMi-s.aTd McBride, camp-iMion and MusseasDewrliinMsthA.sF.pSpncerahad.iandecover ArrshuH.GC.auvlbert ChasFredhaoband and Isa ton, and atended onoratien9Hmpfour wucrseWcdcap commilfo-tune toicaandboihbfihcToMonto, aare hhher'moOshawal, Ohawa, at ans Geiss of t e B wmanill dotors blak ba d a d b arin th dM is itMa r . M an , Bs Wlack- r anill .E . wi .h M r and M s who were connected with 'lie year of graduation. The doc- Ga. John. Ip aid Bowmanville Hospital. Tie toi-s' place cards Were in 'l M-adMi.egrPrsot Ms.R etan r.G Reunion began with a dinner foi-m of a familiar "uittle black and Glenn, Mi-. and Mrs. Don- Carson, rn, iiedM.ad in the auditorium of the Lions bag". and naines were inscrib- aid Prescott and Maiion, visit- Mrs. A. Hils. Commtniy Centre, with 35 d in gold letiers. The lovelY ed M. and Mi-s. Murray Pre's- Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hardy graduate nurses aitending. dinner was served by Scugog cat, Toronto. and boys, Goderich. Mr-. and Mrs. Tom Buttei-y, president, Street group of Triniy W. A. Mrs. E. W. Pascoe stayed. a Mrs, R. Paterson and girls, ic p re sid e d a n d w ith h e c a t t he G r-a d u a e s a zte n cie d fi-r nm f w d y i h h r n e e rs a l r v i s J n o head table wére thi-ce past Faii-view, Penn., Sault Ste. fwdy ihhrnee c.MpeG-vMs aeHd-~ presidents, Mrs. D. R. Ail- Maie, Milton, Toronto, Oi-- G. Bowman, also visiting with kinson, Miss Joyce Woodley, *dread, Mrs. Kyle Squair and angeville, Oshawa, Courtice, the W. Pascoe family and Mrs. Bowmanville, Mr-. and Mrs. A. Mrs. Hai-od Muir; and Docto.s Newcastle, Hampton, Tyrone' W. J. Ormiston. Richards with Mr. and MrS. C. W. Siemon, V. H. Storey, and Bowmanville, Mai-vin Pi-escoit spent Suin-i C. W. Woodley. Hai-aid Ferguson and Howardl In the afternoon Mrs. Mae day with his grandparents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks,A Rundle. The first thi-ce of the Lamb Hetz of Fairview, Penn., and Mu-s. Hoskin Smith, Hamp- Oshawa, visited Mr-. and Mu-s. doctors lectured to nurses in showed pictures of her homne ton. onWisn the aid hospital when tr-aininîg in the United States and also Mu-,hndMlso . F .Ba classes were held there. Train pictures she had taken in On. visjitcd Mr. and Mr,. John Lii- ing classes were hegun by the tari-b. er two agtr were TVPfl1icap, etrbrogh î first superintendent, Mrs. Flou-. present with hier ai the Reun- Mcs. Georgina Niddery Hamp-- ence Smythe, about 1916. The ion.' Afternoon tea was enjov - w t1 k ' graduates, who had reason ta ed and the gathering broke LÀ M.adM-.Ahr iî nset e ce i *respect and honor her memory, reluctantly in the laie afier- visited their son Gordon and Mi- and Mi-s. W. Rahm. -furnished the superintendent's noon. Mi-s. His and family at Han- M.adMs Walter Rahm,A office in the new Memorial Responsible for this veac's non. s. Georgina Nid,,iery, visited Hospital when il opened in Reunion were the executive Mr. and Mu-s, W. Vivian and Mi-s. Allie Mai-k and also cali-fo a 1951. composed of Mrs. Tom But- fami]y xisited Mr. and Mu-s. e d on MradMr.L John- Doctors and nurses alike tei-y,, president; Mrs. Emma Frank Hoskin, Blackstock. son, Lindsa. aid times and reminiscences tarv-treasu-e; executive com- cille and Douglas, with Mrs. BrolnviidM-.adM. fiew thick and fast. Tablesimittee of Mrs. Cecil Tomlin- John Lillicrapp, Cannington. N. Woodley. LineMCy seme d aed i noytae lng av- Wdeon, M be, Hoy am p hnon,cr- M -. and Mrs. . ave r Ce- Mr. and -Mrs. M .E W ELto faadg u y pitlicalai-s of purple and gold, Newcastle, Mrs. Alfred Perrin, and boys, Richmonid Hill, \'i, children, Courtice, Mr. and r with paper streamers flowei-s Newcastle. The saine executive ited Mi-. and Mrs. H. Stainton. î Mrs. A. Hicks and Kay, Mr., and candies cacu-ying. out this was re-elected for 1959-56. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook,,.adMs udH s oMa- avileMss Esihe Hicks, Gly n-, What better way to honor Dad on lis day than May and Ricky,' Cobourg, weirc$ with a lsiggif t of jwley See ourbi selec~. Suiidav vîsitors of Mu-. and Mi-s. D, Gavel. tion of handsorne jewellery gifts of surprisingly_______ A Lo k a T e eJJackie and Glenn Ellis, Ma- Iow prices- and choose your gift now! Look t Th se , 9 ý doc, are helping Mr. and Mris. Floyd Robhins who aremn- ing ta Bowmanville East t iBeach. L O W P R IC E S anrsQeet.. and Mrs. R. Palmer and rl cliildren, Enniskillen, with Mr. wek t hehoe f r.and T. Tbri11 Father on newas.IohnsBowman- T on n w 1 .5jville. î 7vnn R g Mrs. John. Broome aitended * OSO rHfR eterTae International I-arvester Hope last week when Rev. L arge biaZifld and many oter famnousCL K Stanley Snowden was ordain- A4k.brns M c. ai-d Mrs. Wilmer Hardy, - ounting. 37 Fir n $4.50 up taes e es 1 ~ ~John and Gordon, Goderich' i bUY' ---8 FREEZERSspent the weekend with Mr- AND. dy M-.and M .Rchs.an od AND were dînner guesis on Mor- eOne of the lairgest turnouts.*rigtn6Deu- foi- the Orange Church Parade! * -- 1 , -1.. RFI EAOSw-as attended here Sundav"', Shaver inorning. The Juvenile band $- More room fhan any other refrigerafor grows bigger and better vdy > ~-- aeDdral haffl- 8 2 cu. fi. RefJackasor relivehlm a reingtn 8.2 cu. fi. Refrigeralor .vhic-i ston, ppe Mr. R.H. ATCH AN F reezer across the top O n yS e h n of G r i , et ne ,ak h s wa h lo k i e --------E--P$ 2N h M er withn thmrs . -oodne . and s ar f om and Pe ci S ts« A r1l hFr, cenfor Dad. Penss. .tHickst 9.6 cu. fi. Refrigeralor Horr tront, cacd n Mu-s. . H.3.5 UP BAND Freezer across the top, roli 20 9heMehme C F w dc, hM.anMr.t 12 ~~.a nd d iie openinrohall Mill-thei Several famisies fromrbmi-e 12ou. is.eitoget lourfrezr adsoc pwthtepTniuospl red tClemens, ons.awa,î' F e z ad en te o pa rde n sh o ev n the w i ter f r .pi Wni . H doei-fu r nt.l paîlor '11 O n y $2 00.peGweek M pLE GR, OV E r . Mt' t IGr nLELECTRIC SHAX FR TIE ofIMr.andeLINKS aM rsLe anker ' v.2ad9,illOhe1Crue Sevr al milar, T ro, vi'îinetuîc W v 12 cuh ci. FreezerriMi-. and Mu-s an A tootv Mis ided odenso te %J1H1 jPEhR S 'JITT No stetm og t OM Creeeran sto p thteplniulsppyre een wi hawa. and i-sl roemot iawon iie Mi-.andV IG H E PHONE MA-----5----- fors. C n . e r ~- and njo gar en resh pro uce n t e wi ter o nly $ 2 .0 0 p er week~, MA L R V LCTI HVR T 1 >,&cm Tm

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