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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1955, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN 1r1 TURIJITUN I~t1Y¶Bf~ A ~T ~ Counties Council Revert To Previous Assessment. Rate Now 12.3 6 Mil/s Reverting to the previous as- been ta strike the rate on the sessmçnt because of threat of assessment of the previous legal action, counties council er whhgismucpa at a special meeting beid mt year, ich gmeies munica Cobourg last wcek struck a tax ecnthsae ides of tha ta rate of 12.36 milîs, based on raepftor the wasuigyattr. an assessment of $3à3,384,70(1 rt orteesun er Esriier this year the coun- Down through the years the ties approved a new equalized eqoalized assessment each yearl assessment of $61,535,000, after bas been based on the sssess- the urban municipalities had ment of the previaus year ia struck their own rates, withi arriving at the rate and muni- the resuit that Cobourg, for in- cîpai counceils, being thus fore- stance, figuring on a rate of warned, have been forearmt:d. around $37,000, w-as confronted However, when out of a bîtie later witb an increased asses- sky, the counties council set the ment wbich wouid have jump- rate this year on the cornent ed the rate up ta $70,000. Last assessment, the urban muas- year's rate was 11.5 milîs. cîpal councils were caught wîtb The urbsmn . municipalities their assessments down, ta sgneod ta appeal the ne s-prphrase another expression. sessrnent bylaw an the grounds Disturbed Meeting that tbe estab]isbed custom bas It was a disturbed meeting Ot Counties councîl whîch met ta de-ai with the assessment 25-DAY SPECIAL Tejorlilmrnes en L w ROUND-TRI aware that the urbn ui- RAIL FARES extent that they were initiat- L~!u.m.. TO ....... ng legai action ta appeal the1 assessment. The monicipalitiost Eastern QUEBEC of Cobouîrg, Part Hope. Bowv-1 (EAST OF' MEGANTIC-LEVIS-CHARNY) Brighton h-ad filed assessment and the MARITIMES appeals. Opinions vaiced hy rural ne- presentatives fromn P e r c yt Cramahe and neanby Haldi- 11-înd township, indicated th3t 1 a~7( they felt that the tîrban ont _ cils were not viewing tbe aý- 1 etsituation la prope.n Pest ive. Tbe rural tmunici-c -~~palities feit that tbey b-ad heen i '4.putting up with an tînfair as-b _ ' sessment for many a long year s and that, under the re-assess*. ment, they were getting a bet-b Enjo'y a refreshing sun-15111ed vacation long eraddue lta a 'Down Eas;t" this year.logved.a Inexpenoive holiday tares give yo In noply ta the suggestion 25-day limit with stop-overs per-mitted. tbat the urban representatîves- should have kept their respec- tive councils posted on what xvas pending, caunties clerkv Ken Symons was asked if hem JUNE 2Oth TO SEPTEMBER 5th had heen querried by urbarne Consult any Coadion Pacifie Railwoy agent councils and he answered that, e sine the couacil b-ad nat yet r( mlet ta bring down the budget, a he w-as not in a position of au-1E tri,41 thority to answer tbem except ta voice the unofficial opinion c that the assessment likely tl *INTER-COUNTY SENIOR BASEBALL a!e *GAME7 h *Thiursdan, Line 16th H Bank Nîghi n *The first 250 ladies entering the park will receive : ý a sealed envelope containing anywhere from 5c to $10: i Kitchener vs. Oshawa Merchanîs GAMES8 si F ridav. aune 17h i tir Pot of Gold Night b Gaiî vs. Osawa9 Merchant s v.( * aaursday, J ne 2rdW St. Thomas vs. Oshawa Merchants w KINSMEN CIVIC t M* MEMORIAL STADIUM se] OSHAWA *il' Vu**uuumuuuum muuemmu***.............*w' ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ari This Week at the Royal THUR. - FR1. - SAT.- JUNE 16 -l17- 1 "De vil's Canyon"e (Technicolor) DALE ROERTSON - VIRGINIA 31AYO as s L What a BALLI What a BRAWL! LEO GORCEY --Hutîz HALL dIEBWRY BOYS.4I A N ALLIED ARTISIS PICTURE Thurs., Fri. - 7 and 9:35 Sat. - 6:30 and 9:15 MON.-TUE.-WED. - JUNE 20 - 21 - 22 "Betrayed" (Technicolor) V'ivid War Il Spy Drama, starring CLARK GABLE - LANA TURNER VICTOR MATURE Tiîne - 7 and 9:10 k .1 Garden Party At Yelverton, Realized $275 Yelver-ton's annual chunc gardon party, biessed wil loveiy if somcwhat sticky, sur, ny weather, w-as again crowî cd with success. The ladiesc the cammunity h-ad mostc the gentry pressed inta servie toa sssist la catering ta the 32 guests wha s-at down ta sur Layai followens frorn a dis tance, as xxeli -as ail adjoiniji communities, p-aid tnibute b: their prosence to the fsmct tlma Yelx'erton possesses more thai ber share of good cooks--ai honoun which 1 we continue ti hs-ag about uinabashed. Pnoceeds Yor play and con cent arnooated ta the gratify ing sum of $275.60 whicb wl ho credited ta the church trou sury. The program eaommittee is t( be commended on their selc tian of entertainracat. Thougi admittedly no svid "play fan' we enjoyed the play "Gettint Billy's Gomît" presented b]_ thme "Friendship Circie" of th Newtonville, Kendal and Stark. ville appointments, since il was well acted and appreciat- ed by a rnast necoptive audi- ence. We hesitate not at ahl ir recommending this play tc any seeking this style of en- lertainmont. Between sets variaus musi- cal numbers were rendered tc tho enjoyment of the -audience -amely duets hy Miss Elva Reid and Master Gerald Hal- .owell accornpanied hy Mns Lou Halloweill numbers bh, VIns. Morley Robinsons, solo- sts, and several informaI sel- ectians hy the "Four Goons"'- Meossrs. Frank and Hugh West- euser. Stan Hoy and Maurict -lallowell. No respite for the ladies af- ter this session-On Manda v nigbt tbey ester ta a banquet here. OBITUARY MRS. W. H. RAHM One of Burketon's aider re- dents passed away on dune 1 ýn the persan of Mrs. Amelia .nn Rahm. She wsms 84 at the me of ber deatb and h-ad coen in good health up until oout a month and a haif ps-e- rous. Mrs. Rabm was horn la Dar- ington Township, the daughter d the late Mn. and Mrs. Georg-e ýAvery. On - Dec. 5, 1888 she vs onited la marriage with Viiiiam .Henry Rshm, the vedding tsking place at Hay- Ion. They lived for son-me ,esrs in Tyrone, thon moved 0 a fsrm nean the Union 2hooi, Bunketon. Tbey retined oBîrketon where Mn. Rahîni cd on Sept. 24, 1944. Mrs. Rahm's interests were entred ilalier home and fam- y, but she ws -an active 7oker ln the United Church md Women's Association, .mketona s long -as hon beaith nrmstted. She ioved ber gnr- en and was able ta attend ta even 1ast yoar. She preserv- Sthe fruit and honnies from ie gai-den as usuai last yens' d was greatly disappointed is spring that hon strengtb id i-ot permit ber ususi gar- ning activities. Up uatii recently she was le ta enjay readiag and sow- g, anîd ber Bible w-as ber iily campanion. She enjoyed ýeping up with commonîty* ýws by xvay of,-he Canadian îtesrnan. F5une-ai soi-vice w-as con- icted by Rev. R. Seyrnour mst eNonthcott and Smith Fui- .l Chîmpel, Division St., Bow- nx-ille, ai-m une 4, xitlx ny fniencîs and irolaU'es a-- ading fnom this distric-t, sntlord, Brampton, Brontu, )ronto, Weston. Belleville, -awa amnd Lindsay. Pailbearens were Messrs. ýn- Westlake. Cvnil Avery, k Niddery, Norman Weich,, ronce Pediar and Liax-il1 ,i-y. Interment w-as ia Beth- la Cerneterm'.I 'bore wei-e m-aay eatîtifui ai tributes fnom Burketon -nds and neighbors, Deaco :cotive, Toroato; Tyronel ends, Tyrone Club 49, and iny athens fram. relatives d frieads. unviving are six ehildrea: ronce, Weston: Cecil, Burke- iLilia, Toronto; Mrs. Flan- ýe Pedlar, Toronto; Georgýe, ckxxater; Walter, Tyrone. r leaves aiso 19 graadchild- suad 26 gi-eat-gi'andchild- *A brotber, Cl-aront-e Aver), Arizona sîlsa soi-vives, and sisters. Mns. Geamgina Nid- -.Hamnpton, MIrs. Frank stiake (Ida) Salina. Bm deý it ed thE ani t h dii dei I ng di keE ne- Sta duc the era mal tes-m Bre Toi OsIl p Toi duc] Cli Ave esdý T fiai f rie Exe fric miai an d Si tan; ene( Bis( S h i cul rnn of twa dery Wes A lite ot pleasure makes exl'eri the strongest i md frix-olaus t It iast.-Edvard Bulwer-Lyttan. a WA.TADS r that four iiifornial meetings L A f ~~ x~ould bho heid on negulan mee- rV 1mgn nights during the summer at' Cottages on other location,, ID and that aprize would be giv- 7 ~ e t ML on tu the croaups staging the Dark, dreary lays dcpresg bcst anc. canaries. 100. They just don't Ho m-ade a binthdax presen- feel like singîng. But now-good tation ta Kin AI Mather aîsd nevs or anrycolraura! 'coans-atulatcrt Kmn Clarke Wil- nes fr anay cloatuas!If son on an excellent carnpaign they'll arrange t0 hawe the bulletin hc hsad put out for a bottomn of their cages lined wiih Kjm ma -ecking cicetion in alumîinumn, îhey'll sing ihrough District8.. the darkcst day. The light Kinsmen lxîeBnown, Jack ~---.- ~ .- - ___ Sîminis and John Graham out- ~-I reflecîed tram the sparkling linon ciasfon the Kinsmon <__ mets! foil cýixes their souls that Kaiiî-l on dune '17 anti 18 at springtime lift. th(, cnerjaIîslArna.~~* Pecople tind cndlcss hotischold Kn>em um' \cning sud __.: IHarx'ex Roxxe led the sintt uses for siumninum foil. Sa docs snadKnHcm a u-\' indusry-for everything tram gesînt-tArs .\- fire-tighîting cloihing tîaphoto---- - flash bulbs, ta vurapin for caady and food. Canada tis,d 8 mrillion pomîndmof ai 'Il.i\i s ar. ALUINUIItNI OIAN F 1 AD.LTD. (ALCAIl; No a ana -hFmaîlç1 i a a>tMce-: Imenit lske-.% Outil s- ttuha-lmppi- iest tinîîe ot lite' xx lihout hi: Ipropamnil ta act-opt Its tatouje,-- tuaI consequences. , ila Lyon Phelps. 'i hTHE MILDEST BEST-TAST'ING CIGARETTEI !6-et, 11MS nue- would be increased. Chelper For Time Being Council members arguedc the merits cf the assessmen with rural representativi claiming that they were givE an unfair deal on educatic costs and county roads cost Rural representatives counte ed by saying that the morne things were placed on an equ.; able basis, the urban munie palities commenced to talk la, and separation. Result of the discussion wt the decision that it wouldb cheaper for the time being1 wash out the bylaw setting th assessment for the .year. A 1956 assessment with du notice could flot be conteste on legal point of faîlure to coin ply with the custom of basin the current rate on that of th preceding year. ELL IT THR an id ye ac uA onGraduate From Oshawa General Hos pital of Lillan Mae Marsh, took p'art BURKETON nt, awa Collegiate on Saturda3 Wednesday evening June8 res evening. Ms ar ilr the W.A. meeting Nvas held ren r. nd Ms. arrvMilerMrs. Clarence Avery's hon ionChicago, Mr., and Ms Ivan with a good attendance. ts. Gunter and familx-, CoHUII. Th-e joilv workers held tht eZ_~with the Roy Turners ana jLune jmeetingý at Mrs. Geoa ntBlake Gunters. Alisons, when a special featW Lit- Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorreil a Aiscelancous !iîower, w ci- have returned from their giv en for Miss Loy ic Hanthr( RW honeymoon trip ta the Eas3t a bride-to-be Jiîne 18th in t Coast and Newfoundland and church. Congratulations. ,"as were charivaried by the yaung After nine years here R( be ~~~~~~~people on Friday inight.R.M eorwilcn. to Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Gra-R.M Se ouxiicd ýhe ham and Mr. and Mrs. Fred his farewell service Sund Toms. Enniskillen, are visiting dune 19 and it is hoped the .ue friends at Port Huron and wil bc a good attendance. ed Michigan. Mrs. Tom Bailey and M n-Miss Doris Hamilton, R.N., Carrije Rbrsn sa he. andi Dr. Normnan Mortimior, Mi. weie visiting and attend, and Mrs. Daug Hayes, Toron. church. ta, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mns. L. Cochi-ane. Mr. ai Hamilton. Mrs. S. Peddier, Toronto, w. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Rahmr, friends. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rahmn, Mn. and Mrs. Holî-oy, Hanm spent Sunday at their cottage tan, Sundax. visitors with Y. at Belmant Lake.an r.JTopis ÎZMr. and Mrs. Bill Vivian andanMr.JTo ki. famlyTyrnewit th Frnk Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hiîbbaý famins.yoewt heFa. and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins.Slingeî-iand with Mr. and Mi With Mr. and Mrs. Harold B ubîdadfriv McLaughlin on Sundav xvere-- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ca Mr. and Mrs. Stuart' Dai-eli, in hMs .Cre hMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slein'. Mn and Mrs. Dick Lott. Osý thMr. and Mrs. Wiibeî-t Tomnsaa ihM.ad nsHr n. and Xilmna, Mr. Keith Van Strîîtt. n-Camp, Miss Joyce Graham and M.adMs edrTi Mr. Harvey Graham. wvith relatives in Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Veirnon Henrv Mran M-sE.Aa ce and chiidren, Lindsay, with comipanied Mi-. and Mns. E 2 Mrs. daines Hlenry. Cochr-ane ta Peterboro a P. Mr. J. Avery ik visiting reýa- Kingston. tivos ln London. Ms .SrtEnsil igMr. Jack Smith iN home frorncle n s.E.ri, Enisjl )ySt. Josephi's Island. Mr. Ru- elcdo nins sc'il Lamib. Linds-ay, and M r. J. Hooey, Camei-on, were with Miss Jean Ford and M 1 n Mrs. T. Smnith and Mr. J. Smith Ruth Cornish, Toronto, wîl toon Sunday. Mi-s. R. For-d. Miss Agnes Nina Johnston, Burketon, and Miss Joyce Elizabeth Bragg, Boxv- Mr. and Mrs. Poey Collins Mis. E. E. Shantz and Mv i-manville, weie among the graduating cia ss of 29 nurses of Oshawa General H-ospital alttonded lieu sister's wedding Merlin Shantz. Tyrone, vil ý1'at Columbus on Saturdav. 1Mi-. and Mrs. H. Martyn. ion n une 8. Graduation exercises were lic Id in the Oshawa Collegiate and Vocationalt Institute. Miss Johnston is a datighter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnston, Burketoni, and Miss Bragg is a daughter of Mr. and M i-s. Otto Bragg, Kingston Road, East, Bow- ao manville. -Photo by J. E. Phippen, Times-Gazette Staff, Oshawa Five eneraionsBLACKSTOCK y M r and M rs. W all ce a r- Mrs. Clarence Marlow andl Mi-. _____Al and Mrs. Lewis Swain attend 1 t d the funer-al service of Rev-. "~ 0 ~R. G. Carruthers at St. Curhi- 'e >11bert's United Church Thurs- day eveniing. Mr. Carruthers was a former ministen here and we extend sincere sympa-î thy ta bis widowx. a Rex'. and Mrs. Fred Riding, Barbara and Pauil, Union City, Pa., with Mrs. W. A. Van Camp. Mrs. Fred Bailey is visitinig ber daughter, Mrs. N. Henry and farnily, Janetlile. Giad ta scecMr. Harold Mc- .1 Quade home again and loakîr2g Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith, To- WOLNMNOTEFEH I1M. EBRIFE ronto, with Mr. and Mns. W. HAD A NEWJ ELECTRIC ELAN KET To KEEP US WARM" Archer. Mrs. Archer went back t ta the city with thcm for a fev days. Rev. and Ms-s. M. R. Sander H .U sncewithwa Mr. and Mrs.lat Pictured above are five generations of the famnily LewiMsr]w andn. ndy Mrs. I TE of Mrs. Annie Powers, 92-year-old resident of Manvers Sanesnwa on stSseakerMn Station. Mrs. Powers is on the right of the photo and next at Cadmus Anniversary. ELECTRIC WIRI NG, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION to, heÉ is her daughter, Mrs. Laura Hornci', and lier grand- Rev. C. W. Hîîtton tank the. ATHORIZED Bx3~ son Wilmot Horner, bath of Manvers Station, Next is services at North Parkdale 348 ELCRC Boxa360 Mrs Pwer' rea-ganddaghtrMrs Sanly cCaechunch an Sunda.-. MA 353 CEN ERAL 0 EETI omnil MrMr.en' ratgandduhtr Mrs.SalyMCb, M.adMs. Wiibent Wcnry,Onai [Lotus, and her gîeat-great-grandsan, Stanley Alex McCabe. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wenry and 38 King St. E. HOME APPLtANCE DEALEROnaj Four generations of a famnily are rare enough, but five Canal, attended the decorsîtion geneatin Iictresareinded nusal.service at CavFn on Sonida,-,. geneatin piturs ar ineed nusal.Mn. Carl Wright, a UnitedI chîînch ]sîyman, altended the ClubPlanFor Confenenco Pt Port Hope. K n m naMr. and Mrs. HssnoidKvd ere's w6f fo buy.. KinsmenClub Pln For ad Bohbic are visiting tTl son burig. I M. and Ms. Leslie Gibson Kariva Ju e Kj 7 18 -Toronto, with Mn. and Ms An intenesting classification selîsKn Ricbards ai o show- isghuer eyMn.anCMrs.n talk by Kin Ross "Ace" Rich sd slides showing the proper ton Van Camp, gradu-ated fnorn aîds w-asan outstand ng feu- way ta plant and prune trees 0uîhGnnlHsia tuîe of the regular meeting ofi and shrLbs.] FGudelph ecfolopitarlatovn tihe Bowmanvîle Kinsmpn1 He xxas introduced and, attendod bhon graduation at Club on T iesday night, dune'thani ed by Progîam Chairman Memorial Hall, O.A.C. Gujel )It 7th. Ko th Lathangîe. -Mrs. Stophon Saywell, Mr. Kin Richardsw] o a salcs Car Ticket Sales and Mns. F. Werny. Mn. and m-n fan the H .C. Downl arn Pro ident Art Hoo cn m- Mrs. Stanford Van *Camp, Mns Nurîsery Company. bsought nil mVnCmM.adMs along bosîtiful colored slidesl pressed on the Kinsmen n-mir.VnCmp n mdMs ta ilustatethe -an prooî- beirs the neccssitv for thern ta! Percy~ Van Camp, Mr. andl Mrs. wh ich s compe rany psou .1 get out la the 'timne between Arthur Baile. themeein aa th Knsmsa Mrs. Weslev Bradbui-n i addtio tapicunig to ma1 Karnixal on June 17 and 18 i -siting in Toronto xxth Mnr. [e 1 . . 1 3th at nie, ron,. te iLic t day Lre d fith rp. MIr. B. nrs. r- sh- rry -k, ne- ind 'i. t'Il THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. DOWMANVILLE. ONTAIM IMTT1:?Iznà%r wmtv 1 1 1 1 PAGE rouRTZM 1 6«t*t/« k p

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