-~ .--.~- - . -~ -~ ----.----- -.- THURSDAY, JUNE 16th, 1955 THXECANADlINSTATESMA.N BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO Cluassimfied Ads Make Pe Cards of Thanks NOTICES IN MEMORIAM rand Mrs. Frank Purdy NOTICE BARRETT-In loving memory wi'Én" to thank ail those who IN THE M ATTER 0F SECTION 'of a dear mother. Anmie Bar- telephoned or sent cards and 390 0F "THE 'MUNICIPAL rett. who passed away June 21, letters on the death of her moth- ACT" (R.S.O. 1950, CHAPTER: 1947,. er, Mrs. William Findley, Bob- 243), The depth of sorrow we cannot caygeon. 24-1 andi tel IN TH-E MATTER 0F ant appli- 0f the loss of one we loved so Mere words are inadequate ta cation of the Corporation of the' well; express our gratitude to eachl Township..of Darlington for ap- ý And while she sleeps a peaceful and everyone who hias he]ped us proval of its Restricted Area By- sleep -rough the davs of illness and law., Number 20)22 and being a e eoyw hhawy rrow with beautiful f]owers. "vlwta regulate the charac-, e emoyw halawy ords of sympathy and deeds of ter, location and use of buildings -Ever remembered by the fam- tinns.and structures." 1h-. 24-1* Mrs. A. Svvindells, Appointment For Hearing i Roy and Marion. 24-1*i THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BATTAMS-In loving memory BOARD herebv appoints Mon-i of a dear son, Harold Battams, We wish ta express our sincere day, the 27th day aof June, A.D. and father, James Free, killed thanks and appreciatiari ta aur 1935,. at the hour of 10 o'clack; in Seeley's Bay, June 19;, 1941. Mary friends and neighbours for in the forenoon (Daylight Sav-i God called them home, their beautiful floral tributes:, ing Timie) at the Township of i It was His will, special thanks ta Dr. Witzcl and Darlingtoni Hall in Hlampton,, But in aur hearts nurses of Mernorial Hospital, also Ontario, for the hearing o! al They bath live stili. ta Rev. J. Kitchen for his con- parties intercsted i'support o! -Sadly rissed by mother and soling wards in he death o! a or opposing this application. dad, daughter and san-in-law. loving father and grand!ather, Dated at Hamptoni this '4th 2- William A. Curtis. clax of Jonc A.D. 19.55. _____ 2- William, Angus. Edith, Violet,' J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk. BEECH-In Ioving premory of »grandchildren. 24-1 24-1 aoui brother Alymer H. Beech who passed away June 17, 1954. The familv of the late Mrs. W. THE CORPORtATION 0F THE Everýy day in some small way lH. Rahni, 'Burketon, wish ta TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON MeImories o! yoo corne aur. thank everyone who was s0 BY-LAW No. 2022 way, kind ta hier doring lier illness, (Lnder Section 390 of the Though absent you are ever also for messages of sympathy,1 na beautiful floral afferings receiv- Municipal Act)nea ed from neighbours. relatives A BY-LAW TO AMEND A Stlvmeda. siilvd and many friends: specil BY-LAW 0F THE MUNICIPAL vi d er. eed thanks ta Rev. R. Seymour for COR PO~R A TIO N 0F THE ovistr nl rote em beed -b his consoling words 'and help TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTOIN:Ssesadbohr. 2- in aur sad bereavement of a 'BEING BY-LAW No. 200(3 AND loving mather. 24-if BEING A BY-LAW TO REG- BEECH-In toving memary of ULATE T HE CHARACTER, Alymer H. Beech who passed C M N EV N S LOCATION AND USE 0F a Y in Sunnybroak Hospital, BomavileChra ScitvTURES. Time may heal the braken Home-baking sale in the Hdo TIIE CORPORATION 0F THE hatd --droYcars rnav make the wound Shop, Thursday afternoon, June TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON i îess sa',re. 23rd, at 2 p.m. 2- ENACTS AS FOLLOXVS: But it cannot filthc lonri 1. Tliat Bv-Law No. 2003 o! For the loved anc gane before. Home bake sale at Hydro Shop tOe Corporation of!flie Township1 Who shaîl say the grief is an cutý nFia ueof Darlingtun nforesaid, passed! lessened Rev. F. K. Malane, 17th from 2 - 4 p.m., sponsored 9nd Septemer. 19,54, shaih bei Tho' the smile may bide the St.Jahn's Church, Newcast] by Bawmanville Skating Cluib.]Inmel'ded and the ssnie is hiere- tears, 23-, bv am(-nded 1w adrlîng th'xieto 'Mcmuries keep the wound stili of 'effO presented to him by (floigSction 12 therein) 'at the Lions Community CE ï4RseveFrda\, on 1 ai fhlwîg:To spite tOe passing af tOe of the Hoix' Name Socictyv , p.n*for recital of dancing by' 13. Minimum nisi.c of huiid- yas f1iy. 2-.Ft Malann o te iClating shc Hallsudns l. rene îHarv'ey r ng lot a c nnd inriuni area Loxingly remnibercd by' lit- aPr iMiiî (1f theCatholie M in ownHal. Amision ),C. of builclirt" lot xvhich w eStellaad miy ,- 23-2 mrust ha kept free o! build- counitries. The ueautiullyy ings shail bc as set out. in BRYAN-In ever laving memarY artist. Thomas McHugh, anc Hamptn Suday ehoa Au- a Schedule hereinto an- of Walter Henry Bryan, who cnrqtoso h w h flivrsay, undx',Jun 26 r exed being Scheclule "A" passcd away suddenly, June 19, §Lervices 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p ap artxx ch Shisduylesa fo M a1n4 July Ist, sports, supper and' apr o hs yLy.IMn a loncly heartacheN tcs Variety 'concert. 2-1 TRIS BY-LAW SI-ALL TAKE Otten a silent tcar,DrSievsoic ilh _____EFFECT FROM AND AFTER AlwaYs a beautiful memorv Dr.oStrni Junffe 28t lforbl rerfEatrStrra-RECEIVING THE APPROVALI 0Of the anc I loved sa dear. ilds. ue 8h o hl OrerofEstrnStrsta 0 F THE MUNICIPAL BOARD..' -Lovingîx' rernembereci and -, '.---24-____________ berry tea and home bakirîg sale READ A FIRST AND SECOND, sadly missced by his wife, Ethel,. Dr' Ferguisonis'office will be on Fridav, June 24. 2:3(0 ta5, TIME TRIS 7th DAY 0F APRIL,2-I closcd train and including June et St. Paul's Sunday School 1955. 25 ta about Julv 14. 24-4* room. Tea, 3.5c. 24-2 R. W. NICHOLS, Reee. GOODALL-111 lovung memory' The office o! Keith A. Biliett, Maple Grave Annîiversar.v. W. E. R eexe. o! a dear wife, Grace Helen Optometrist. xill be closed from Sonday, Junc 19. Services at CRNDE. ' Goodall, who passed away an Jone 19 ta Julv 4. 23-2* 2:30 and 7:31> p.m. Wednesdav, lek, June 17, 1948. ________ June 22nd, supper and variety 24-_Sad1lv misscd by hier husband. Dr. Keith Siemon wiil be on cocet.Fo fllprtcuar sc,1John Goodall. 24-11:halidays from June 25 ta August ad. on page seven. 24-1 :UY T lvig emr o!Ist, inclusive. The office will GUAY-In I ing emor of e closed frram June 25 ta July Reserve Friday, Navember oj-/ ur dear baby Susan Lynn, who lst. During JuIx' Dr. A. Sylvest- 4th,15,fo 2:t6 .. passed axvay June 17, 1954, age er xvii> 0e in Dr. Slemon's office 1955. far om 2:30i t a 6 pc .m. od o ne and a haf yeas. at 38 Centre St. 24-3* the Lions Cammunii.y Centre DEPARTMENT OF HIGHIVAYS One year lias passed away and We are now maitutacturing under the auspices of St. THE' gone einblcsbohntrckg Jaseph's Church. ~~~Silcone ac\ve loved su well reenbocsbahntrokg 24-t"s huch HIGHWVAY IAPROVIEENT Wstknfo u oeo and standard, and would bc ACTr I arth pleased tooserve yau with a goad Bingo torijghi. at 8 i.n.,1 PUBLIC NOTICE With Jesus Christ ta dwell, praduct at a reasonable price. Memorial Park club house. $5STip Cnsrutin.Phne39W jackpot. Eucbres heid every I EREBY GIVEN thai pur- -Sadly missed by daddy, murn- ipCosrconPon32W Wednesda-* at 2:30 p.m. in club suant ta Section 92 of tlic Hiý,h- my and three sisters, grampa and Port Perry. 0t house. ESponsored by Memorlal wav Improvement Act and Nannv Al1du'ead and Godmoth-ý Cedar Park open for swim- Park Association. 24-1 Aniendments, an Application 1 er Mrs. Cecil Finley. 24-1 ming and pirnics. One and one- w'll 0e made by the Departrnenti liait rnilesv north casi. of Harnp- o! IlighwavNs ta the Ontario HEARL-In loving memarx of toui. Largcst swimming pool Decoration Day will be hetd MncplBad oo0 p ur dear mather who passed around. For- information cal et Hampton Cemei.erv on Sun- praval af the closing o! flic fol- away, Juiîe 13, 1953. lTs ahr akM ~26 day, Jonc 19. Services will ha lowing ronds in the Townîship of O happy hours we once cnjavyed,j or F. J1. Cleniens afi'r 6 o'clock, at 2:30 p.m. in flic Nort.h Cerne- Clarke, iii the Cotint'Y'oo! Dur- ri-Iow sweet their memnory still, R A 5 - 1 R9. 24-41i tery. Mr. P. Shields of Boxx- hum, at or near the Controiled But death lias left a loneliness- manville Training Schaal xiii Access 1ighvyknuxx n as High- ThexorId tan neyer fi. Dr. E. D). HubI-bai'd lias niaved bc guest speaker. In case af wax No. 115.. -Sacliv mussed by Mollie anîd (o (lic, late Dr. Birks' residence ramn set-vices will bc held in tOhe I. Part o! the road allowance Jack, -Reg., Eileen, and gr'and- ai. 13'_ Wellington St. Office church. 24-1 between Concession 1 and Con- children. 24-1"ý hoiirs arc 2 ta 4:30 p.rn. every cession 2. a fternoon excepi. Wednesday and Attention hobbyvistsi Art and 2. Part af' the rond througlh JARVIE-In loving mer o!o Suaî v, and 7 ta 9 p.m. Tlues- Hobbyerafi. Show in cannectioniConcession 2, knoxvýiî nas the oldlRobert Jarvie. xvho passed 3wa day and Tliursrlny evenings. Dr. with Eastern Star Bazaar, Oct. Kingston Rond. Jn 6,15.Huhbai'dsIleh ume e 28 t îoîsComuat enre 3. Part of the rond aliowance 1 God knexx(thaOch was soffcring, mzilis the sanie, MA 3-5910. Anyone interested in displa.vîýngibeltxveen Lots :0 anîd 31 in~ Con- TOut the huIs wcî'e bard ta 23 -2 or selling crafts, write or tele- cession 2, climb, phonie Mrs. Geo. Tlîrusher, 1(13 SurO Application w.ill ho heard Sa He closed bis weary eyelids Kilts wr invented by' an King St. East. Bawmannille, NIA hy the said Boar'd iniftle Counicil And whispered. "Peace Oc Aherdeen ],d.%,xvhiî got a . girl'st $~~69 fr uîornahan 2-1Cliamber in (lie Conieîunity Hall tOmne." . kîrt uta azuar but whosc --at Newcastle on the 20t1i da.\ -Ever renîcnîbcrcd by wife onoi', tId xvas a bo. Pantypool Arînix'ersary Serv-lof Jl, 195.5. AT THE HOUR'and fanîil -1W.._ sentati9n to Father Malane Tlort. Il VvStreet, M'est, ! TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE E ASK .* DEAD STOCK removed fr o ot your farmr pronîptly for sanitary liatrs. dnmî Jà, -I) egiar' offmc TENDER FOR SIDEWALKS disposaI. Telephione coileet: Ca- DATED AT TORONTO, On- -Tendeu's wil0e rcecved b _ bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3636. tario, tlîîs ist dus' o! Juime. 195,5,10 ndvine nil5 01.. MAEIL Gordon Youinp Limited. 60-tf James N. Aliauî. Tuesday, June 28th, 1955 Minister o! Highxvxs. for the construction o! the fol- Tenders Wanted '24-2,r < uvî'ucent sidewalks: ~' TENDERS Lost from Libery St. ta approx- TOWVNSHIP OF DARLINGTON ai.ely 464 feet east o! Liberty St., Tende~rs wi'll Oc receux'ed 1- ONE sinaîi brîllhant eacring on 4 feet in wmidth. the undersigned focthie sUPPI iv Kîn Strect. \'alued as gift. On the west -ide of Liberty of a 19.5i (ruck uintul 12 noon. 1 Phoneie MA 3-2343. 2-ei f'm oe t aAlbert. St., June 29th. 1955i - - appraxumatcly 250 feet, 4 feet inI D ..c Speufiatins ndt c n d e r RoYal Theatre. Phione M'%A 3-5694 Approximatciv 3,000 bocal xu aciS, Seige forns max' Oc obtained fromic '24-i feet, 4 -feet in width. bcing re- undersikined.I- ----- - placeents and repairs on 147 Spadina Ave. AUI bidders umust ose Townî- FEIMALE cat. paî'hiv Pe- rsian: variaus streets in thc Town ship Tender Forms. black, xwhte anud ocaunge. FiuiderI Specfications may bec obtain-1 Toronto, Ontario Lowest or any tender no lapese Phone 2'411 Newcast1cle ld ai. tOc Clerk's office. Con- vti'essari'iIv nccepted peward. 24-1 tr'actou' must. state price perl RSDN ATE . J. D. HOGARTIH. - - sqluarec foot and date thc work RSDN ATES Clerk-Treasurem. ION June 2. twa bloc tr'uck racks will- Oc complctied. Lowest or J. Rumack, C.A. Township o! Darlin gton Oct xveeu 41h Con. o! Clarke and any tender flot necessarily ac- W .SieCA L.R.GRHA. Bovnuanyvilîc. Findeu' please 1etd H. Temple, C.A. Road Superintendent . !uotfv- Chas. R. Kno\ Ocono. Bomanvilc. June 14th, 19.55.1A.MneC. Towniship of Darlington. Ont. Phione Necvcntîe 3206. A. J. LYLE, Clerk. JA.MneC Toronto, were at their cottage this weekend. Kinsmen I-bld 1we are glad ta welcome Ms Ther IarnvalBell, Toronto, back foc theOcm Thei Kar ival Mr.and Mrs. Art Young, diToronto, visited Mr. and Mcs. C. ~AII ~ Martin. iThis vveekend Miss Wanda Hobbs, Toronto, with Mc. and Mrs. R. Chater. The gala two nîght Kinsmen; Ah 1the sehool ehildren are Karnival ai. the Memorial Ar- getting excbted now the holidays ena on Friday and Saturdax':arc Oece. Soouî (Oece will bc nighls will gel under way with no more peace and qulctness be- a mammoth parade on Fniday: twcen tOe hous of 9 tili 4. We evening beginning ai. 7.00 p.ni. would like ta congratuilate Mrs. Teparade will begin ai.the 'G Miller an tOc excellent job corner of Concession aund Li- she Oas donc ai. the scbool tOus berty St. will move down Li-x'ear. We sincerely hope ta see jberty ta King, up King to Teni- bier at Leikard again uext year. perance, and doxvn Temper- ae tOch Memacial Acena. Taking part in the paradear the Boys Training Scîmool Bumrd, fY urk I E the Bowumanville High Shol ro eT RE Band, the B.H.S. druuî m aj"r ettes, the Eastern Ontari ceapion gyrnast tcm frmALL THE lIME aOm...ud 0 omn Eerybody gets a bit rn-down nov and ville Girl Guides, then, tired-out, heavy-headed, and aîaybe Before the Karnival itel! bothered by backache. Perhapa nothing ges under way, tOc drum m&_seiosl wroni, just a temporary toxic joettes wil put n a dispiax' i condition caused by excts acids and of tOc precision drill and bý- 1astes. That's the time to take Dodd'a ton twu'ling whicb made suli Kidney Pui. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, a it witb (bse w o attendecl and so help restore their normal action of tOe cadet inspection a f ev removng excess acidsanad wastes. Then weeks ago. These girls put 01 you feel better, sleep better, work better. a very clorfl show amd wiîî Get Dodd's Kidney Pis now. Look for be w lh wortb seing.1 the blue box with the red band fit il Gymnastic Display Idnggists. You can depend on Dodd'a. 1~2 The champ ion gymnait teuin from the Boys Training Scho will lso give a fine display of , gymnustici. Other attr'aciiuç ,q ' ~ slated for Friday evening are Il~ K shows by Jack Millau'd, acc-" , vrimpersonator, and "Tle ~ If, Countrcy Four", wbose close harmonies have rmade a big it t seveal local ffairs. Bl. ly Wade, tOe well-knowmi six-j year aid drummer from Coui ýý ice amd M . M illrd will p- i* peur on Saturday night. L ESKARD ARE VOUPNEeMBORS IR D ~ OF SEEIN5 '<OU BECAUSE '<DUR SETS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beck, OUT'OF OR'DER? LET US SERVICE IT! Mc. and Mci. L. Sumpson, Toron- t, and Mr. and Mc. Don Mac- sîmal and sans wcrc Su..--y visilrs with Mr. and Ms. E MwmY L E S re. and Mns. Rosi Rabbins RADIO) TV SERVICE and Gai> werc Sondav visitons wih Mr. and Mns. Art Robbis. Expert Repairs to AUl Makes Socry ta beau' thai. Mnsier P. 3 Silver St. MA 3-3482 Loueki bas (Oceuncasies. We: wish im a spedy rcovry. BOWMANVILLE Parish Priest of St. Joseph's Church, Bowmanville, and tle, is shown a bave xvith the illuminated address and purse y' his parishion crs and other friends at a parish dtance held ,ntre last Friday night. At left is G. H. Wilson, Presîdent vho read the a ddress, and at rigml, Mrs. Joseph Cooper, ?Jamen's League, xvho presentcd him with lime purse. ortly for a trip ta Rame and sex-cial other Eurapean illuminated address was prepared by the welI-known id was inscribe d with the names of the members' af the ZION The Rosery Mr. and Mrs. William DartU IC.bw Sr., Mi'. aund Mrs. Ross Dar.IF i B.m800UIC s 3 c Judy anîd Jay, Woodville, Mcr.lnF lBo m81 c2 3 and Mcs. Ray Dan. and Bruce, F E West Hill, ai. Henry Daci.'s. Ths W e ndF T Mrs. Hans Geissbergu' ai.- T i e k n tendcd the Nursc's Graduation Tea ut MeLaugohin Hall oni Carrying an thc long anîd 1Fe e Tuesday lasi.. fine tradition establishcd 0by. .. ~ e e i Hans Gcîssbergeu', Jr., is takýý- his parents, the late Mr. aun'd ing a six wccks' cour'se an diu- Mu's. HerO Fletcher, AI. T. sel engines ai. Toronto. Fletchier will xvelcomc visii.or.- c n m Mrs. Boyd Ayrc was hostcsF ai. "TOc Rasecy", Qucen Street, ah a miscellancous showcr ou: Baxvmaîîville, this Saturday Thursday cvèning for M is s and Sunday. Joan Margan. Thc bride was The thousands o! gorgeous . prescntcd witb a beautiful Col blooms in thc beautiful raseBea t sage and seated iii a nicely de- gacdeuî wiillOc at tIhe peak o f coî'ated chair'. Miss Gianma1 theiu' lox'elincss this xveckend. Morgan ass'istcd lier sister L'%Ix h s a sigbt beyand descrip- Reliabilit reading thc cards as ench par- tiomi, and al lox'cîs Of the ccl was opened. Joan thammked Qucen O! Flowers, tOc rose, - thc ladies for thic îovely gifts. xxill receîx'e a warmn weicornc :wîth the famous Wideman, Islingtoui, and MrS. Tîmere arc appcoximai.cly 280 r" r" T~ Jack Leach, Toronto, paured varicties, aver 80 o! (hem nexv ±eu sî ufh tea wbcn lunch xas serxed. - Ois yaau. In oaie block alone 'eu se"U i Congratulations ta Mr', ail([nue 1,0)00 bushes, blooming for Mcs. William Rutherford (JO ie firsi. time this year. Gaate Morgan) on their marriage Thc Rosery" a eu G aaîe Saturday ai.tOchehome c, h aot 5years aga by 1\11r. bu'udc's par'ents. Fletclier"s parents, and con- Zion W.A. meeting was hîlcli lstaiii wock anîd devcîopmcne Five Years ut tOc parsumage, Haumîîtou., have made it famoos as a w'ith 26 members, txovo 'sitoî: beauty spot. AI. Fletcher grexv- and five cliildren ai.tendiui'..tp witlî roses, anîd is ncx'er Mî'rs. D'a't apened thc meeting Im1appie.r tOa whcn Oc is work- xviih tOc W. A. motta followcd' ing xvith thcm. Ai. presen. Oc Three door shelves feekarfieao by pi'ayeu'. Rail cal> was an- 'us emplayed with Alim & Br çarfieao swered by Smtîn irHtirntn cggS. n Big freezer chest holds 32 lbs. voýu'Il be proud to own at Fatber's Day". Seriptura xvs lias ouîly leusure lmouî's ta give apietmtwl laat rend y Ms. M. Atkius. Mi-s. ta (le rose gaiden. One can * Roomy Quick-Chill tray aysprie ayou. lesat L. Bahl gave ltme devotionni and iimagine (lie work Oc msipu-t ptl upiey prayer bhy Mrs. J. Cruicýk- ini in (hase "leisure boucs". as- * CLoeyclrsligTm a en ragd sbanks. It was decidcd tc, doni- susted by Ois xvife, ta achieva 'eyclrsyigTun amnsarne ate $300 ta thc General Cburcm theu perfection a! "Thc Roserx'." to suit your budget, if Fuond. Mrs. Someî'viile, Cour- Tcfmla oc' ows C O M E I N; dcsired. tmcc, gues. speaker, took as 0cr , 50 ai.tered Oy Hurricane Ha- therne, "A Woman o! tOe, î1,' el and a subsequent hugli wi:nd SE E 11«rTO D AVIy Testamnt". Mî's. Garfield' Tre- rlast Fall, (bati. i.bas (o bc ce- bus (rip ta Toronto, x'in Dnt fail ta take adx'autage several ladies enjoved. Mrs. o! the Fietelmers' inîvitat.ion ta rteto thm'c v'ocal solos accompanied (liii Sa(uc.,dayand Sunday. lev s on S r ie!:1~ by Mrs, uut eihrge', -- 33 King St. West MA 3-3883 Jr. Deliciaus î'cfceshmemîts were .cu'ved by tOc group, Mî's. M.hln tîmis is Youlb mas. won- Atkins, Mci. L. BaIl, Mrs. Hen- fderfu1: (liati.t kuiows nai. fear. 'y DacI, Mci. J. Ccuicks>mauîk. Oum bebdif o! the ladies, M's .. VlucNab extendcd thauîks to lic group for a aice a!teu'aaoî. i'Oanks was exi.ended ta Mis. Reed for opcning lier home, for thc meeting. Jîîly gcoupî vIns. T. Sobil, Mrs. J. MacNalî>,Ca rveth M otors cir. Russell Sti(on. PHONE TO-DAY Newc as tle Ford & MonarchSae &Srvc ESTIMATES on your Heating or Plumbing Used Cars and Trucks . 1954 METEOR 4-door - s 1895.00 _____________1954 FORD NAINLINE 1700.00 &C m ay1953 CHEV. 3/4-ton PICKUP 1050.00 &hree Compunanys 1952 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 4-door 1150.00 EMpire 6-4643-4 1952 PONTIAC 4-door- - ' 1250.00 Llened Trsts1951 FORD CON V ERTIBLE w 450.00 in Bankruptcy150 0 J, umck1946 STUDEDAKER 1/2-ton PICKUP - 32560 PAGE FIFTEEN 6