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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1955, p. 3

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- -~ ~ - ---- -.- . - ----- -------. - - r THURSDAY, J'UTqE lth. 1955 were guests at the Gilbert - Lee wedding in Northminster I United Church, Oshawa, on Th ro o N w Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrinder and Helen attended Decoration Day service at Groveside Cen- I etery, Brookhin, and visited at Sand Mrs. Albert Randall Mrs. F. B. White on their 5th Mrs. Ed. Bromeli«s at Whitby. tNdtI.Loreen, Whitby, spent th-i weddin .g anniversary. Visitors: weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mr'. Harry Hooper, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Baker, Herb Murray. 1 s visiting Mrs. Chas. Awde Mrs. George Meintosh and Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hoope:. Carol, Toronto, at Mr. George and family, Ottawa, visitedi Mr. and Mrs. Junior West Hemlin's. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Duncan. and fami lx are staying with Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer and Mrs. Florence Phillips, Lub-iMr. and Mrs. A. E. West. children at Mr. Neil Malcolm's, bock, Texas, is visiting lieri Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cornih, Blackstock, at Messrs Ge o.1 daugliter, Mrs. Perey Lunn an-d Norwood, visited Mr. Wm. Schell's and D. R. McRae's,, - I~r. Lunn. Cornish and Mr. and Mr-s.lAjax, and at Mr. Ralph Craw- 1 Ir. and Mrs. Albert Chai- Henry Cornish. ford's, Whitby. *"'s, Toronto, spent several iioswt Mran r. r.nd r.TmBke >ýî1s last week with Mr. anri isîoswt r n r. M.ad Ms o ae Mrs. Perey Morgan. Mrs. Clf D. M. My]es were: Mrs. Henry'land family at Mr. Keith Orm- Dunlp, ert. sentSunay'Smith and sons, Ronald, and iston's, Ebenezer. withlMpanderts. Morgan.ey Barry, Gravenhurst; Mr. De!- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry, wihMr. and Mrs. Frdoron ,bort Martin, Wellsville, N.Y.; Enniskillen, at Messrs S. E. OhastdMr. and Mrs. e ro- Mrs. Wm. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. and Wes Werry's. Csha.wviid n.Sund . Potts, Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- Mis. Kellyon obourg, . Jack Davis and daugliters, gomery at Mr. L. Bradley's, ited Mrs. J. E. Richards. Bomnie.knnsiln Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton Congratulations to Mr. and! Mr. and Mrs. Mel Bertrim attended anniversarv serv;e Mrs. E. H. Samuel on the birth and children, Haydon, Mrs. J. at Cadmus and visited Mr. and of their daugliter, Lisa Blancli, Westlake, Mr. Bill Westlake, Mrs. K. Gray on Sunday. at New Mount Sinai Hospital, Mr. and! Mrs. Frank Moore, Mr. Ross Taylor, St. Cativ Toronto, June 8th. Bowmanx'ille, Mr. and Mrs. N., arines spent the woekend with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Tonnant Fice and! Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor. visited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fred Dart and Doris, Taunton, Mrs. Thompson and famil", Darch and their new grand- at Messrs Frank Westlake's, from Province of Queber i1., daugliter at Scarboro on Sun- Sr. and Jr. visiting her mothor, Mrs. Muir1 day. Mrs. Addie Tink and Mlz' and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Glan-' Miss E. Tourjee and Miss V. Dianne Tink attended Ebenezor ville. Tourjee, Toronto, visited Mrs. anniversary service and visited Sunday visitors wilh Mr. andl Tornton Wilson. at Mr. Hilton Tink's. Mrs. Harry Rowe wore: Mis. Mrs. George Butters is visit- Mran Ms.BueTk Win. Lynchi anc daughterýý, ing Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saun- Mr.eN and Ho. rbie atiu., Lucille and Catharine, and! dors, Bowmanville. LO Jacksoln's, Brooki. r sons Bob and Harry, Mr Rev. .A. Eustace, Pembroke,0.Jcsn, rol. Davidson, Woodbridge; Mr. attondod the Bay of Quinte Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fl,,tt, Alden Haw, Mimico. Conferonue in Por t Hope îl.,t Murray ac! Marie at Mr. ChS. 1 Mir. R. A. Taggart. Toronto, weck and visited in Orono ()n Langmaid's. is visiting his grandson, Dr. R. Frida 'y c\voning. Mr. and Mrs. RoY Larigmaidi J. Taggart and Mrs. Taggart. Mrs. H. Murray, Mis. J1. at Mr. Will Moffats, Orono. Mrs. J. E. Gamoy returnced Major, Mrs. C. V. Wilson, M-ý. Miss Lena Taylor. Bowman- home Tuosday from Englanri. G. Watson and! Mrs. K. Gain,.- ville, at Mr~. E. R. Taylor's. Mus. John Mor-ris spont the by visited Maybolle Rebekah Mse laadenCy weekend in Ottawa. Lodge in Port Peury last week. Mse l-aac enCy Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson. Mus. K. Gamsby, MrsIl.douman, Messrs Helmer Frei-1 Thornhill, spent the weekeiid Allen, Mu. Elvin lewett. Mr. taoc Gore itne, s- with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. White. Fred Graham and Mu. Wm. J. awa, at Mr. E. Crydeuman's' Mr. Alden Haw, Mimico, vis- Riddell are attending I.O.O.F. Mus. S. Rundle, Miss Jean t ited Mrs. Howaud Walsh. anc! Rebekah Grand Lodge at Rundle. Bowmanville, at Mr. Mi;. and Mrs. Gordon Lea- Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ross Cryderman's. l men, Judy and Paul, Scauboro this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Boweo,, Jct., visited Mu. and Mus. Wrn. W.A. Anoîversauy Sundav, Orono, at Mr. A. J. Balson's. T Lea men. June l9th, at Oî'ono Unite~d Mr. and Mus. Haury Knox ~.Mrs. Luther Barrabaîl re- Church. Rev. Dr. Hunnisezt and Dean at Mu. Hilton Tink's,P *lurned home last week froîn of the Fred Victor Mission. Ebenezer. visitiog relatives in the West. Toronto, will be the guest Mi'. and Mrs. J. W. Dyer and e Congratulations to Mr. and! speaker. Elizabeth. Oshawa, at Mr. RayC TE CANADIA1q STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIO PG HI Married 'in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. William Andrew Kudia are shown following their maî'riage ini HoIv Eucharist Chuuch, Toron- to. The bride is the former DiÎvs Rhona Evans, daugliter of Mrs. Evans, and the late Mr'. E. C. Evans, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mus. Leslie Kudla, Toronto. Pascoo's. Mc. aoc! Mrs. Wes Yellow- Mu, and Mî's. E. Spires anc! bees, Harold and! Murray were chilclren at Mr. Peucy Bent's,1 Sunclay dinner guests at Ivii' Oshawa. AIt Allin's, Bowmanvjlhe. WEDDING Rev. A. E. Larke White and! pink 'munis andc peoniies decouated tle altar cf St. Peteu's Church, ParrO E ucaiv Sound, Mvonda, ,lune 13. frO d c to the wedding of Marie Gweîî- dolyn Turriff. dauglter of Mi Port Hlope - Rex Aier' E. W. D. Tuuriff. Toronto, ail Lauke, mîîîser of Spring\vý:le th 1te Ms. Turiff. and! Roi>- United Chîrch. is the incoming etM etJones, sorth)fM,. ýchairman 0f the confereice coin Gilbert Jns Nrh Ba, imittee onl Chrisian F.;cation fomerly of Bowmanville.' an'i for the Bayv of Quinte C'nfer- the late Ms. Jones. Rex. E. nce of the United Ciiurch. A. Wesh performec! the doubl- Re. Lloyd Soî'en of St. ring ceeîemooy aoc! said thu .Iameq United Chîîcch, Peieî'- nuptial mass. borough, is secetary. aoc! Rex. Miss M. Dwyer played thie Richard Bonsteel. Betlai pas- xxedding music anc! acconi- touaI charge, is treasurer. panied Miss Gwen Caofeil Departinent of counisellors is xx'bo sang "On This Day' , I onstituted as foliows: Oh Beautiful Mother,". "Ave I Chi ldî'en's Work -- Western 1Marie" aond Panis Angelicus. Section, Mrs. B. W. Sxxitzec, Given i nmaî'riage by hec Peterboroughi; Eastern Section - father, the bride woue 'a bail. Mis Haroiîd Gî'iffen, Carleton lerina length go%,wn of pink Pla'ce. panaglaze with matching ban-. Boyvs' Wlor-k-Westeirn Section. deau aoc! carcied a iiosegay ofi Dougalas Vaisex. Peterborouîgh: jpink roes. Eastern Section, Rex'. Hauold MisLois Kenny was brides- 'Giffen, Cauletonî Place. maid aoc!w'as gowned in toc- Appointments quoise crystalette witb matcti- The following appoiniments ing head du-es's andc! arried a vvere also made: nose-av of ced roses. Board of Governors of Five Mi'. 'Bernard Jones, Oshiawa., Oakq Chuistian Wockecs' Centre,. was best man fou lis brotlier.lParis, Ont.-Rex'. A. E. Larke. The î'eoeption was beld in Springville, Rex'. R. R. Bonsteel, St. Peter's Pauish Hall xwherc _____________ I t h e b r i d e 's g r a n c !m o t h e î' ue - j1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ceixcd tle guests xxeaîing îîaxIblu e she oî' xit b at to natci ,nk arnd cors-Žage of piok carnations_ YO U N G 1 $lie was a-sisted by the' groom s aunt, Miss M%e Bot- trou., Bowmanville, who choose, T R E 1 beige n ' lonî xvtb small pui 1-it aod corsage of pink carn tions Mu. Len MeCautîx' of Norih Bav, brotler-in-laxv nt the groom, vvas toast master at the wedding dinner. For travelling the bride don- nec! a nax' blue gabardine sui" xith navy aocnd k ceso-S FLAVOR FED les. On their return the younig couple will ueside in Paui'y 8Stoi15 Ibs. Sound where the groom is mneat manager for Doniliiîî Oven-dressed Alsk Že~ ~ a~i's~P H IL FIN N E Y IA B E KN LI M Y 'S Alask MAPLEsstGRnOVE-Paint & 'Nallpaper kon aoc! Nocthxvest Tecritories Dial MA 3-2309 Phone MA 3-5431 and about seven times their pop ulation. Bethany, O. Tidnan, KingsIon. Board of Christian Education -Rex'. A. E. Lauke. and Don Wil- liams. Belleville. Aiternate- Rex-. Lloyd Shorten. Instuîctor of Religion in Pet. ei'borouiglî Teachers' College, representing the Unitedl Church iii Canada---lRev. H. G. Dougl4-s, Kn.ox Churdli, Peterborough. Officialil' accredited chelegates Io 11-e international Sunday Sehool convent ion at Cleveland, Ohio. 'Jiy27-31 inclusive-Rex'. George ConnoliY, Field Secre- ta iv of Christian Education. 01- taxx-a: Rex'. Lloyd anc! Mrs. Shor'- teîî, Pe;eroboroutgh; Douglas Vai-. se" and! Mus. F. W. K. Hauris, Quart Galion $2.20 $7.25 Roses Lose First Game To Orono Orphans 10-4 Bowmanville Roses dropped the first. one in the thîrd and their fiust gamne in six starts in two in the fifth for their total Orono last Thursday night whien of four. Tbey could garner only the Orphans jumped on three five hits off the deliveries of Bowmanville pitchers to bam- Keith West, Who pitched nice nier out 13 hits and take a 10-4 bail foi' the winners. Roy Falls verdict. doubled and Gord Sellers, Don Most of the damage came in1 Gilhoolv ai Yut nd the seventh inning when the ClitFegson stroked singles. Orono batters got the range on Bowmanville still leads the YF'rank Hooper. Who weot to the Lakeshore League with five Smound to relieve starter Gord wios and one loss and! Orono 1 Sellers. Sellers had given up is in second' spot with four wins p yjven hits until that inning but and two losses. These two téams 'Alowed only two ruos. Junior s0 far have shown that tbey are ÇVst and John Sbetler started the class of the league. /off the seventh witb singles, R H EI j Mercer and Rae West walked Bow'ville 101 020 000 4 5 3! Wakely and Ar'mstrong singled Orono _ - 000 020 80x 10 13 7ý and Keith West tipled to ac- Bowmanville - Gilbooly, 2h; count for the eight runs whicb Hamilton, cf; Cox, rf; Gallaglier, crossed for Orono in the inniog. lb; Yourth, 3b; Giuardi, Fer- Oniy Five Hits guson (7) Ford (9) ss; Button- The Roses plated one run in shaw, Stainton (9) f; Falls, c; Sellers, Hooper (7) Ferguso0n Oroo-Mrce, I:.Rae West, nsPAPA MO4 PAYS - Junior West (7) 3b; Wakely, ss BU E 0 OOSNIT MINO Dean West, cf; Armstrong, lb; I f zu :5,Coroish, 2b: Keith West, p; SI4ELI.ING OUT FOR THE Trawin, Harrison (6) rf; Shet- MODPRATELY PTICED. er, c. PRECRIPIOft SERVICE AI Umpires-Devine, plate; Hilîs, fiU RY .bases. LOVELLt ZION (Hope Township) Friends and neigbbours of this commun ity extend deep- est sympathy to the widow and! relatives of the, late Mr. W. j. McCullougb, whose heaî'ts were W saddened to learo of bis pass- ing lastuMondax' evening. Mi. 2huloub Who lias loig < ~been a loyal and highly re- speeted member of Ibis eoin- munity will ho sadly mi5sed. Miss Audroy Tufford and, John Meneilley attended tîhe Anderson - Pidgeon xeddiîg ~2 ~ heid at St. Paul*s Puesbyteuiarîî ~O~TR~1M~Ks ~.Church, Peterborough recent-ý _____ly Audrey beinga brides-I To Pay Past ('OTT'KT Due Bis The C.G.I.T. aoc! Explorer Sgroups anid their leaders bac! Pk o oîioldat 7an enjoyable picillr at the To Cnsoidat Soinasèbool grounds on Sit E l lMonith Iy da afternoon. Foiiowving thel Paynients poilf1 a short worsliip service1 xý as hec! b ' Gladys Yellowlefs adc thon evervone enjoyed thq pienie lunch Witb 18 present. 4o% The missîonacv progi'am pe For Honie eiiied hy Mrs. 'Ves His foi, Repars $ Suîîday Scbooi inciuded a RApairsvocal 0so l bEdgar Weruv andJ Sa tr reac! by Mus. H. Knox. Solina comniunlîx' is antiei- mi pating wvitb keen interest the For New observance of the church's BU Purchases centennial anniversauv witi- special services to be 'held on kJuix'- 10 aond 17 with fornierI e jmunisters speaking. On Mon-; day, July 11, the picîic re- SFor Any un'I U ýIiIii feature a programn Emerencyarci sports in the afternoon al Emergencythe school grounc!s xith a pienie supper in the commun- Coin: nToa e Me are plablx' 10report Try he Bllvu Wa that Mî's. Isaac HardY' is con- Trvalescing fvrbyfoilowing on a iO lier recent operation in Oshawa Oý Hospital aoc! trust she ma\- Pay from Income Plan soon enjov lber usual gond i health. 1 The Thi'ee Ms iad a social B eAlv le 'i e-cinlg of games at the school1 B1iv e ,rounds on usa evni Fi O nce Dooilx' Pasce, G.H (W LO,!> rSe eral lfrom Slina attend- G H INIl "<O Mgr d t>e Hi oký - Lamoiaiîî p:- S29!j %amcoe S Dial 5-1121 Il oic on Saturda ' vatternooii al OSHAIA j ve r e tt Mountio.ý 's picnic grounds. à,&. aMrnd '4rç lyg NYLONS 88 Ladies"- full fashioned- nylon hose in 51 gauge 15 denier f irst quality hose. Popular summer shades; also, a 51 gaug'e 30 denier name brand hose, sizes 9 to 11. OnIy 88c pair Nylon Briefs 49 ea. 2or9 Dainty nylon brief s with lace trimmed elastic legs. In white only. So wonc?erful "a buy you will want several pair.1 Curity Diapers 3.99 doz. Your chance to save on a reg. 4.95 line. So absorbent so easy to launder, s0 easy to dcv. COTTON EYELET SLIPS 1.77 Cool, comfortable, straight-cut cotton slips with generous eyelet trîm and shadow panel. Sizes 32 to 40. CHENILLE SPREADS 25% OFF Regular 10.95 no8l.75 Luxurious chenille spreads with a close baby chenille nap. Solid colours and white, white and colours with multi trims. Full double bed size. Your chance to save on the wedding gift for the June bride. CORDUROY OVE RALLS 1.98 Here is an outstandiiîg value in corduroy overails made of quality Ameî'ican corduroy by, a leading children's xvear manîufacturer. These are subs of a regular 2.98 line with such minor flaws that you wvill have trouble to find Ihem. In sizes 6 months to 6 vears. Ail have bib style with sturdy elastic in the back. Some with domes on legs. KIDDIES NAVY DENIM JEANS 2 -6x 99 An ideal summer weight jean for holiday wear, both boy's and girl's. Zipper fly on boy's and fancv plaid trim on the girl's. Buy seVeral pair at Ibis economx' price. KIDDIES POLO PYJAMAS 99 Kiddies suimer weighit polo pyjamas. Ideal for the hot nights ahead., ipnk. blue and yellov with novelty design-crn top. Sizes 2, 4, 6. 52 x 52 PRINTED TABLECLOTHS 1.59 Here is a regular 1.98 value in printed cloths iust in, time for shower gifts. In red, blue and green. FAMOUS "LOCKWOOD" Muslin Sheets 4.98pr Here is a real buv in white sheets. Durable muslin quality for lots of service, in an 81 x 09 size that means tops in value. Ideal for June brides. SUNSUITS 98 Sturdv plaid dcnim sunsuits. A spectal of- a regular 1.3q line. In popular 2, 3 and 4 year sizes. Boys' Shorts 98 Boys' summer shorts of a dcessv cotton wîth linen-like weave. Real washability and wearing qualities. In b]ue or brown. Sizes 3 to 6x. Regular. 1.49 value. COAT CLEARANCE Walkers are clearing their Spi-ing Coats at greatly reduced pîrices. Corne in and look around for 91,99 Full Iength coats Reg. 22.95 for 11.99 ni m - ----- ----- t -Oum El

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