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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1955, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMANVTLL~ ON'TArnO terrible blow, and it began ii the UnThreeStaesesgaies Giver f. before we felt it here of! r e D l g t s G v C u r ntL course.. Perhaps there will g nover be as many people go toR e i oisas in the pre-TV eîrors fAn iv rs r andi Yet most people. we under'R p rso n ie a y s,. I stand from those who have T- fid that after a few montn.ý Con fidential ~ Io no on tt1 oi Convyention ai Chicago! M %".9 i î heatre. But if ail that is offer1 By Elsie Carruthers Lunney od. in the main, is thirc oT'd atprsdnsofe u ha hl heUN x PICIN!C ATSHRN jcfo huh mnagodW think prrsonally that Hol- Howard Rundle, Mel Dale and International has clubs in 89ý the orkPioeerand Histori- cial problemn for theatre own-, pay bcst at the box offico, Convention of Rotary Interna- External Affairs, gave an ex- cal Society la st week which we ers. It is a dîsappoîntment 10 they sav. But that is becatisr tional in Chicago from May 2J- collent address at one meeting think might interest a number the more or less averake per- people have rapidlv accepted a dune 2, reported on the con- he attended, Mr. Dale said. of ou.ThpSoîet an Ih ison who used to enjov y . poor standard of! plav. Thete vention at the regular meeting Rtra oly Vntn York County Women'sIn- gond so nfot an Oscar w'îî'lire exceptions, we know, in on Friday. to]d o! an International Friend- tuesar hldngthirfitha ner necessaril.%, but fairly gondboth movies an clvision r udepitdotta ship meeting with Rotariansi eno!îmn.I cms1 i hî ahthe first and the 2.9th from Australia. New Zealandl Museum near Newcnarket, on 1 Theatre owniers will tell ymipicture pioducerslhav.e a gret, covnioashad beotheydntChrca- awhSch mpre im atOnethns Saturday, dune 18, beginning i hat the onlttype of movie advlantilg in One way' over toa idbe edi-Cia he mrse i ttýi.; at 2.30 p.m. ' - the, can make 'money on to. television prodticers, in that go and it was also very fittitig meeting was the vast size o There will ho tableaux of day is the poor girado Weseri they oiilvý need Io make a veî- Ihat the Golden Anniveî'sarv some o! the Rotary districts pioneer lite icuîg fri n iitd tpe )aist tain numbea- ot pictures a Veîii; Convention ho held in that in these counitries. One district, activities, pionoor crafts. pîre- everylhing is sonie kind uof lria TV Pr'ocîtîcers.musý,t birthplace o! the organization.in usaiahoadpdth paration o! fond, recreation. Western now and almiost everY jult on a show a week or some- He told of atfending a meni- tuitions of several students at- including square dancing. 1ac lor bas 10 plaY in theni, orrtinmes oftencr. Material is uised oî'ial service at which a wreath tending university. addition, for those vcho have, flot at ail w-e suppose -e.g.111) ai a frighicn ing rate. Th.s was placed on the grave o!f ntdSao Vc-rsdn not seen it, there is the museuni Adolpb Men.inu, David Ni\-crnt *is nit te case for movie pr'o- Paul H arrîs, founder of Rotaryv Richard M. Nixon had madea itself. You bring ynur o% n FOrIb le bigger tlieatrcs \witlh dîîceis, and we cant help International, who passed speech at one convention meet- fond, plates, etc.. hut thero dreIllte ver. large suîeeîîis, te Ibinking tuaIt there are manyv, away in 1947, and another sp51- ing, ho said, in which ho prais- tables and hot water availablie. odge-Podigc of Bible tind sin ni ani gond storigs which have cial service at which his widow ed Rotary International for If sounds like a niost interest- portraYcd iin extraxagan'v nc\elcr been nmade iint films. if and the suc-viving char'ter promoting friendship among ing arternoon and we oniv lîke the -Prodigal Son', ,sani- 110 011<' tries Io0 e(vate taste, members ot the Chicago Ro- the* different countries of the wish we could attend, but thts son and Delilah' ,and iOther, it wiîl coller remnain statir, ayCu woehnrdD. world. This spirit of interna-1 doos flot appear possible. j \ ou cao readilv tbink of, ar-e which is a sad state, or w'i1î Rundle also described a largo tional fricndship is one of the For those who live M TOr ýu ce;sfL and poptlar.ie w \V(se. And by clevat- stage show held for the Rotai-- most important weapons in ronto. bus tranisportation Io10 tie Sowbal docs tbis inc,» gw-e ceitîîlrotma olasfn hoe h ol preserving woî-ld peace, the pienieIcave 30 Prnce Ath;u Hz's) verag fastehevilplislidvhor attended the whconventionh coVice-Presidentside said.d Street at 1 p.m. and retui-n face dow~n so far by à combini ion 1\v( bave. our course. sonie which was presented at t.hc is$20 T rsrv sat ei o nfuncs hl 1wmin-v oo 3rtil moi0.1u1i Chicago stadium. Over 250 ac- There wci'e so many Rotar-j ' our remittanco to Mir. H. A. of people (cant njny onflY thislownIbis size at ans- rate,1 thc.y trMro.pr i hiVug anso all at ofth worth Knowles, Box 511, Gencral Do- type of tare? If so. it is a jli- are 11.iit' l'-ina efforts, stage show entitled "Anniver- Motr. Vastone statcdtatihle lix'orv. Toronto and vout- tick- r ible adis.ýsion b10 bave te ibait a taste foi- theni is no' sary Album". Ho also told o!Rtrfalwhc ne h et illho aiod 0 yu. o ake Wbî ae be nflencs iiilt tnp amnîg those who several business sessions which convention was held in sevet-al het l at soed o! o t.Wpo ue w'b W combied theinuence ly mglte.oyteiif ho attonded. hotels in Chicago. The Bow- hope hat ome f you'\ý,lio re -iich ombied t brin it eill ' V iiiilitmanvil*le Rotarianse Roar attendedde intcî-ested in things ilistor-icd.l about, and doos Hci]]y,id IîbcY woîild give tlîem a try. Prominent Speaker Heard the one at the Conrad Hilton ,%vill go and have a gond lime. really nreed to make so man - j A receitt Anîerican movic Rotarian Mol Dale described Hotel and found it very enjoy- S. *extrernel,- bad movies? The.ie w%\hicb b as been revicwed as one business session at which able. IVHAT ABOUT THE MOIS r usin Jih occur tc, i'gýood', \we foundc crcakingiy Paul 'Hoffman o! the Studebak- Spirit o! Frie'ndliness Tolernotaux-nue interested in the suh- slow cuîertainimcnt tîntil it er Motor Companyv and the Th ovrn fstandards in ject todax-. w as lbree-quarters over. The1 New Zealand Ambassador f0 Mr. Vanstone statod that the the netim t field, parti- Tbeîe 's no doubt Ihait Itpb- characlerization. nior erove r. 1 the United States were two oe dignity o! the convention evenîs cularly- movies, bas beeni a Siib-- viýion bit the miovie indîistrx- a strlliî-k us as being overdrawi the speakers. At this sanie and the strong spirit of fîiend- and more eniotional than mo.{ concert the Saskatchewan Gel- liness and fellowship could ront, real lite people would likely den Jubilee Concert singers hl u aeavr tot ever bc. This was "East o! prnx-ïded the entertainient. impression on anyone attend- Eden.' Of -ourse, if may have Mr. Dale outlined an Inter- ing it. followed the book closely, and national Friendship meeti'ig President Keitb Jackson in- the author, Steinbeck, is apt witb Rotarians from India, troduced the tbree delegates f0 pi-oduce such ýharacters. Pakistan and Japan. At thiq and fhanked theni for thcir F We couldn't help feeling that meeting it was revealed that very fine reports. Ho also wel- witb the basic core o! the story many Rotary Clubs in Indlia comed two guests, Rotariaîîs i f work on, ça much btter mn- have adopfed whole villageq Eric Jones and Harold Sproule vie could have been made and look after ail the welfare o! the Oshawa club, and made ffrom it. By this we do not ne- work in theni. Comparing Rn- a bîrthday presentation to Ro- ]esayl presumne f0 criticîze taîv International 10 the Unit- tarian Morley Vanstonc, a fl PMi-. Steinbeck, who has a tai- ed-Nations, one speaker point- member o! the club since 193fJ. ont for realismn if you like Rotarian George Vice con- realism. But what may re.îd ducted the Rotary Basebal well in a book, doos not a1- usiness ielr Draw for tickets for homeN ways film in the saile way, be- games o! the Toronto Marole cause what we see hits us wîth Leafs and the following were grete ipat ndail these Accoun an c y the winners: Ruby DeweiE. t to r !i~~~~erky movonients and whirl-Wle eerAfDwl wînd changes o! mood are apf WM. J. H. COGGINS Howard Rundîe, Harold Cor - to seem a little incredible. nish. Oshawa; Ted Bird and An audience reaction whicli Chartered Accountant Bob Cale. we tound startling, and which T64 King St. E. BowmanvihleE st ejwe think bears on the subject (Above Garton's Bus Station) Tesigsnwacoucd o! îowering o! average taste, Phono MA 3-3612 by Rotai-ian Bob Stevens wilhs wasoberedasweatened- Rotarian Dave Morrison as ac-i wais obvedInas e attended J. HUNTER AND COMPANY companist. the mnost starkly dramatic Certified Public Accountants moments, involving human 64 King Street E. emotions, the audience laugh- Oshawa 5-1621 ed. If was shockîng. Those Successors to O. S. Hobbs scenes were not poorly donc, j- they were perhaps thehbest in C h ir op ra cfc Il [J I[the film. We feIt it xvas another on f ojr tt npon _n _ __agmettta attempt should be made ta G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. educafe people ta botter on- Chiropractor tertainiment. We are losing our Office: sense o! values. Specialty Paper Produets Bldg. I 63 Temperance Street I (VlT'TTT1'V Ofice hono MA 3-5509 OfieHours: By Appointment r C a MWILLIAM A. CURT19 D e n f ai After a few months' illness there passed ta rest on Wed- DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. riesday, May 18, in Memor:al Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Hospital, Bowmanville. Wîl- 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville liani A. Curtis iin bis 84th vear. Office Hours: Hoexvas born in Manvers Town- 9 a.m. f0 6 p.m. daily slip, on o! Fanni Lowery and 1 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday on can -fuLRLCeter William Cui-fis. Ho was united Clnsod Sunday in marriage to Emuly Beaman Office Phone MA 3-5790 in 1907 and tbe'. farnied in House Phono - Newcastle 3.551 Manvers tilt 1927 whenth- moveci to Keudal district. Tbey DR. E,. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. farnied there fuI about 10 y-cars Ofc nhshm ago ,%ben ho was confined t f 0 0 Liberty t .-Bwanville r wheel chair due to the loss ot Office Hocîrs: a lg.9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily sgThe funeral was held fi-om 9 a.m. f0 12 noon Wodnesday I1i11~'p ms Morr-is Funei-al Parlourq. Bow-- îsdSna Of Sc aram manville, on May 20 witb n lsdSna t ermrent in Orono Cenieterv. Phono MA 3-5604a a New Service Station Twvo miles Norh of Newcastle on Highway No. 35 Free Gicussware giv'en aw-ay vwth the purchase of six gallons or more of gasoline Vigor Gasoline and Motor'Oil j~ at reasonable prices STOVE OIL-for your convenience, in sînali quantities .av'ailabIe at the station Open Evenings and Sundays Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phonos: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 JOHN REGAN, B.A. Barri ster Notarv Public 33 Teniperanco St., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3292 NISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public ýTernperanco St. - Bowmanville jMorigages LEROY HAMWILTON - (OONO Phone 1 r 16 First mortgage funds Residences - Farms Business Properties 0Op fo m eiry KEITH A. BILLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanvilje Telephone MA 3-3252 'Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday except Wednesday, 9 . 12 Evenings byv Appointmnent JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist Jury & Loveil Bowm anvui. Phone MA 3-5778 OBITUARY REV. R. G. CARRUTHERS Rev. Russell Garfield Carrii lhers, a United Church mini- ter, died Wednesday, at hi- home, 43 Fairbanks Ave., Yor< He xvý,as born in Pickering Township and educated at Whitby High School and iu. University of Toronto, whcreI( hoe graduated in 1915. He too:; postgraduate work at Queci's University, the University of Chicago and Pacific School of Religion, Los Angeles. During his ministry, he held pastorates at Morven, Napanc, Blackstock, and Seagrave in Ontario and Kinderqley, Luiis*- den and Indian Head, Sask. He spent 16 years; in the xvest, thcni ýreturned 14 Nyears ago to be-1 corne pastor of St. Cuthbert's United Church, York Towr.- ship. He leaves his wife, the for- imer Irene Wigle, and a sister. AnQe Carruthers of New York City. The funeral service was held June 9, at 8 p.m. in St. Cutil- bert's United Church. Inter- ment will be in the Osha-,a Union Cemetery on Fiic"" morning. Gladiolus. Show Again Being HeIdI At Brampton 1The Fourth Canadian Inter- national Gladiolus Show wiIl be held for the second year at the Memorial Arena, Bramp- ton, on Wednesday and Thur3- dav, August 24th and 25th. The Show wilI again be Lin. der the sponsorship of the Tn- ronto District Gladiolus So- ciety. Of the 15 officers and di- rectors we fail to find one from Bowmanville, although this town has some of the best known 'G lad" growers and "_x- hibitors in Canada. How corne, this oversight'? This is the largest exhibit cf gladiolus in Canada, and visit- ors and exhibitors from ail! parts of Canada and the Unit- ed.States will be in attendance. The Show chairman will ho Harold T. Wright of Hutton- ville, and the supervisor of judges, the well-known groxv- er and hybridizer, G. H. Ficlit of Georgetown. The Arrangement Division. which attracted so much atten- tion at the Show last year, will agarn be under the chairmar- ship of Mrs. C. E. Easterbrook. There is not the least flower but seems f0 hold up its head and to look pleasantly, in the secret sense of the goodness of its heavonly Maker. - Robert South. tho 'rTRSDAY, JUJNE 16th, 1953 iLast year payrnents from tax!ministration costs and contri- revenues for federal unc-nmoilo"-1 bulins to the fund, totalled $00 mernnt misuranee, including ad-, million. I . - ____________ The new ightweight minerai aggregatel1 Architects, Plasterers, Contractors and Mous. owners who have tested MICAFIL ail say it is: ou asier te bondie - becauseweighsonly8 Ibs. percubicfoot. *lests longer - does flot absorb moisture, dries without worping or buckling, does flot crack, dissolve, disintegrat. or rot. *affords greater protection- against sub-zero cold or intense heat, against fire hazards, favours iow insurance rates. Replaces sand in modern gypsum plastering construction. See your BISCO Dealer or controctor today! Also MICAFIL Home Insulation _ ANOTHER SEE YOUR0 eeBUILDING DEALER NOW MATERIAL 54.3 s Plants * e uts: YOUR BISCO DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE] McGregor Hardware KING ST. W. MA 3-3386 Iruckîing There's no doubf about if.., GMC makes a powerf ut first impression with its stroamlined styling, "driver- designed" cab and new raked-back windshieid. But that's flot ail-for back of ail this class and comfort is a tough rugged truck thats leader in power and performance. GMC has the biggost range of engines in the industry-3 V8's, 6 Big 6's and 3 Diesels. Frames and axies are new for longer, trouble-free service- wheelbases are shorter for easier turning-and theres the widest range of trucks equipped with Hydra-Matic*automatic transmission in the business! Plan te meet this ail new truck sensation ut your GMC dealer's foday-it's posltively the "Big Wheei" of the frucking business i THIE SIGN OP GOOD Limited sol"' 1 usinese!1 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUS BUSINESS GMC-955-D Robson 166 King St. E. Motors Ltde. MA 3-5585 -~ - T ~ p riRg PAGE POUR- THE CAMADIAPT STATESMAN. BOWNIANVELLE. ONTARIO KING ST. W. MA 3-3386

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