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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1955, p. 7

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THtTRSDAY, 3VN~! î8th, 1055 ________________________________________________________________________________ *VS~~ ~ ~ ALM~JLJ PAGE SEVE~ T~ ~AWAflTAW WPA9'W~MAV ~ V P~1Y~A ~ Sisters Ai M~iss Joy Dale, Toronto, was Wight. Mrs. Wight is return-i - a guest of Mrs. W. O. LaBelle ing with them ta spend a few for the weekend. days. Mrs. Ceeul Lloyd, Toronto, is Miss Eleanor Moody, daugbter spending a few days with ber of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moody, i1 sister, Mrs. Clair Allen, Scugog 'home f rom Albert College, Street. Belleville, and will be on the Weekend guests with Mrs. M. staff of Bigwin Inn, Muskoka, E. Leask and family were Mr. L. for the summer.j I Gassel and Miss Sheila Cassel, Mr. and Mrs. George Can- ". tcener. St Trn field, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. ",brs. Florence tesTrn Francis Lee, Mr. and Mrs. W. ta. visited ber sister, Miss Ruby Lee and Mary, were in Lind- Aldwartb and also ber niece, say last week owing ta the Mrs. Cyril Allin. deatriý of Mrs. Lee's sister. Mrs. P. Leach and Mrs. G. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Braden, McMurter are attending thie Re- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gibson bekah Assembly at the Royal and Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams York Hotel Ibis week. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mr. familv seG. Funday itho cottage on Catchacoma Lake. n. fand Ms. G. F. Jam isnMstauec odada hi their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Marjorie Mutton and Miss BonnaMary Griffith Mont. Bickle and family at Can- Miss Joan Luxton went ta Can- ton, vocation Hall on Monday to see Miss Banna Mary G Mr. and Mrs. A. Kilpatrick Miss Marilyn Miller graduate with high o rsfmW me lefIon uesdv fr Qubecfrom trie Atkiason School of ghnr rmWm wbefthey willdaembrk on a Nursing, Toronto- Western Hos- on June 2, was awarded the thretmontrihlid ma inong- pital. IScholarship for post-graduat( land, Brussels and Paris. Missing from the pbotograph ing. Her sister, Miss Gwen P Mr.Wm.Shote isrepeset-of trie Club 15 Reunion which 1 list for the degree of Bachelor Mr. W. Shoter i reprillt be scen in Ibis issue, are ing Florence Nightinzale Lodge wl of Toronto and was awarded aI the Grand Lodge of Ontario,j Mrs. Grace Crombie, Bowman- teSho fSca ok IndpenentOrdr o Od Fe- jville, and Mrs. Evelyn Tullock, teSho fSca ok Indeendnt rderof dd ol-Oshawa. They arrived afler the Rev. J. E. Griffith of Castleto lows, at the Royal York,' Tononto. picture was takea. United Church, Bowmanville Mrs. F. C. Lehmann and s0n Witb Mr. H. H. Casbourn for Bii, Br . oklvn , . ae hectheri weekend wene all the mcm- Mr. Cecil Karp is able ta ha vistin be maher Mr. Eginbers of bis family: Miss Irene. around on crutches follovwing Casbourn, Hamilton; Mr. and an accident carlier tbis montri Mrs. Sid Casbourn and son at tbe Bowmanville Foundry Gregory, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. brriisepoe.Mte Harld asbur, Jnet Hurimetal escaped from a mouil ST. JOHN'S and Ricky, Sarnia. auhro and burned trio bottom of bis Mis Jon Brtetdauhte o fot. r.Karp xvas in bas. Mr. and Mrs. H. E atltpitl all last week rcccivirîg C HURCH bas passed trie first year of th 'î treatment for trio bura. Physcal a n d Occupational ayPrhlsno r (Anglican) Tberapy course at trie Univer- ary Parkill, sotng ofpMr- sity of Toronto with bonoî-s. iJamne ParkrthelBActan Sper She was trie valedictorian of itaeto roBy ria i i .. jtrie gnaduating class aI Bow- Scbool, and Mrs. Parkbill, bas S cn ieraiiu manville Higri Scbool last successfully completed therie Seodafr iii 1year. . . year of a tbree-year course in Mrs. Cregritn H Radio and Television Arts aI Mrs.-E. reigton iggin- 1trie Ryerson Institute of Tecri- 8:00 a.m.- hotbam, Calgary, Alla.. wbo bas nology. Ho will be employed HOL COMUNON been attending a students' re- tris summer as an operator by HOLYCOMMNION union at Albert College, Belle- trie Canadian Broadcasting ville, stopped off at Bowman- Corporation. 110j.. ville on Friday ta caîl on old Aogtseaeni trie 1 fiens. he as otoed ereHaines - Ondrovick wedding at HOLYCOMMNION fnom Belleville by Mn. and Mrs. Ridgetown on May 28 were Mr. HOLYCOMMNION H. C. Higgiabotbam of Toropto Iaad Mrs. Cocil Belîman, Bow- and Rice Lake. avlean agtrJi o 10 and 11 a.m.- Mr. and Mrs. Garnet c manvulp; isse Md arignblcrJanf anc in Vernon, B.C., attending Bowmanville; Mn. and Mrs . Rus-I CHURCH SCHOOJ trie Canadian Seed Growers' Iscîl Osborne, Miss Betty and Convention b wbich ho is a'Miss Madeline Osborne, New- delegale. Tbey will also g0 casîle; Mr. and Mrs. John Hilîs, 7:00 p.m.- bo Vancouver, and will vis'l Hampton:'Mr. and Mrs. Stuart relatives in Edmonton and Daw, Port Credit. EVENING PRAYER Regina, as well as stopping off BoLasonfMr..E at variaus ather places of in-f Leask, Bowmanville, was suc- __________________terest on route.1 cessful in his second year ................. ~examiaatioas in Electnical En - égineerng at University of To- ronto. Bob bath lasI yoar andc SPEC IAL REVIVAL SERVICES! winn ub ea fU fT iAJ.rr~r- Iwbicb roceived trio Mu]ock NOW VV ON! VVHEKRECup. This year oach leamrn PE T CO T L H RCHmember rcceived a pwe 21 ONTARIO ST. N.ngvd.wic Rev F.B. ifildPasorMiss Lois Wilson wbose mar- Rev.F. . Ffied, astr nage toMn. Alan Clark of t *> i a.. -"DEICAIoNoronto0 takes place on Junep 0l"EICTO F CHILDREN" ) 25, was guest of bonor aI ad EVAGELSTI Isurprise miscel]aneous sbowerb X~~e 7 .-.*I on June 9 aI the home of ber ' l» mother, Mrs. Reg Wilson, 105 >AI 8 p.m. Tuesday Io FridayX Seugog St., wben Mrs. Brooksm :~ Yo are Evangeiist L. B. Kicinstuber. Yuaeinvited to bear her convincing and unique messages - Jesus Svor ealer,BatsrEe io *and Coming King (Continued fron e. Bowman >ALL WELCOME CCF ____________________________________No.__ 1 West 27 No. 2 West '68 No. 1 North 31 Trnt nt d~ 'rn No. 2 North---- 12 TrniyUntd h rc o. 3 North- 27 No. 1 South - ---55 Minister, Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. No. 2 South ------------- 65 i Total 285 (416 11:00 A.M.- Newcas No. i-1 -- --18 "Tell Me Why" No. 2 ----------------------- 18 Total 36 ( 23 7:00 P.M. - Dariingt "Th Ma Wo H od inkd imslî No. 1, Providence 13 "TheMan ho H odwiked imsef' o. 2, Tyrone ----------- 19 No. 3, Maple Grove 77 lVednes;day, June 2n9-A 4Ap-m- No. ,àHmptn 3 ~Sci&£/-ersona/ Phone MA 3-3303 i The gymnast team of the Bawmanvillo Boys TrainingI School Cadet Corps, trained bv Bill Bagneli, Sports Director of the school, bas won the high honor of being selected as the best in the Eastern Ontario Area of the Cadet Services of Canada. 22The B.T.S. gymnast team of 22boys put on a demnonstra - tion at the annual Cadet ins- pection nt the school last Fri. iay evening and were markedi by Capt. F. Evans, Cbic'fj Training Officer of the Arca. i Yesterday (Wednesday) a wire was received notifying Resuits )m page one) iavilie P. C. 16) 1281 (1358) stle !3) ton I I I I I 13) -- - N o. -3, Lchr' jNo. 4, Kendal ------- 8 MAPLE GROVENo. 5, Orono North_ 151 ~No. 7,Oak -------- ANNIVERSARY 1No. 9, Orono South --- 28 L Sunduy, June l9th Total 103 ( 78) 71 Services at 2:.30 pm and 7.30 pm. or4Hp Guest Speaker: Ttl --- 89(18 5 REV. W. C. S IfH .AB.D.Can of Grand Bond, a former pastor otl 4 26 s Guest Soloist - Mirs. Lloyd Ayre, Bowmanviiie Hope and %peciai singing by the Sunday Sehool under the Total 76 (109) 6: '~leadership of 31r. L. Coiiacutt and Mrs. Ted Hoar. Millbrook Offering- in aid of the Sunday School funds fi Total 21 ( 28) 3, WEDNE-SDAY, JUNE 22nd - 4:30 p.m. 1 Manvers SUPPER w~iii be served until ail are ser'ved Ttl8 9 , At 8:15 p.nî. a VARJETY CONCERT wiil be present- f ed, including a prize winning one-act play entitied fl Cartwright *'SbeliI Be Colning 'Round the Mlountain" by the -Total 49 ( 24> 4, Port Perry Y. P. U.~, and the folowing artists: td-ne ol ~- Accordiondist '%,r. McCoy, Burketon; t oMaie ABowmnvillP4o(ls Quartettes. Biiiy Wade, drummer; Rev. F. J. Jackson, BomniIe4(1 magician, Tyrone, and a monologue by H. R. Foiey. i~ Orono -----O ( 0) Adults-Supper and Concert $1.25; Concert only, 50c Port Hopie 0 ( 3) Children-Supper and Concert 50c: Concert oniy, 25c Tota4l 4 '~JComialete Totals 1492 (1769) 72, Lib. 104 153 143 110 114 149 130 - I Reg. Size M9ç 104 88 cnm M 107 108Ecom 8 211 (161) 196( 322) 97 87 -./- 129 81 126 122 "2 112 116 106 80.FO .70 221FO 87 7829 827 (858) -785 (947) ~ oSET 112 88 63 32 _______________ 53 40 71 26I 133 87 ( 60 36 KLENE 24 22 67 43 % 86 88 SOFTER 69(785) 462 (621) SRNE 73 (1514) 1339 (1052) 55( 638) 182 (221)! 32( 579) '539( 539) 345 ( 310) 61( 73) 20cIss6"x' 200 tissu.s 9" x 2W, 553 ( 680) 179 ( 210) MN IE1"1" 35c 148'( 454) 103 ( 147) 20( 14) 5( 0), 16 5) 31 5), ex 16 11( 5) e < 45( 30) 16( 10) We Deliver Z39 (7389) 4765 (5110) T-rial. Eversharp Hydro-Magie Sclîick Injector Bazor Cleans ilsoîf automnatically, changes buades automalical- ly, smoothes dowa skia auto- matical. Complote RAZOR KIT witb 24 Hydro-Magie Blades in Tr avel Kit, oly ----- 1.89 jYardley Toiletries i Yardley Shaving Bowl 1.50 Yardley After Shiave Lotion 1.25, 2.00 Yardley Invisible Talc 1.25 Yardley Cologne for Mon $2. Yardley After Shower Powder - --1.25 Sun GMasses Glaremaster Clip-over 69e IAviation Special _ - 99e IPolaroid ------- - 1.98, 2.98 Fits-on -------- _2.50 Tcne-Ray ---- 5.00 ta 10.00 Slipover _ ---------- 4.00 Pen, Pen - Pencil Sets Waterman's Pens- 1.95, 3.95, 4.95 Pen and Pencil Set- 5.45, 6.95 Up Paper Mate Bail Pen-- 1.98 North-Rite Bail Point Pen 35ce MacDonaid's EXPORTS Caaada's Fiaest Cigarette 20's 33e 25's 41c 1)1 I]' pgR i DfEiipIN[et GET FAST RELIEF with UGN PILLS FOR THE 959) KIDNEyS DAD will appreciate the many refreshing shaves he will get from Mennen Skin Bracer Trie most used Afler Shavo Lotion 65c - 1.30 Give Dad Shuiton's Old spice Shuiton After Shave Lotion --- -. 1.35, 2.00 Shulton Eleetrie Shave 1.25 Shulton Smooth Shave Bomb ..- -1.25 Shulton Shaving Mug 1.50 Refil85e Cameras and Filmsý CAMERAS Brownie Hawkeye Camera Flash Model- --- 7.95. Hawkeye Flash Outfit 15.50' Holiday Flash Camera 5.90 Duaflex 111 Kodet Lens 17.95 Duaflex 111 with Kodar f8' lens . - --26.751 Pony Camera "828" --- 34.50 '«135" --35.75 FILMS 120, 620 Verichrome, rail 47e DuoPak of 2 rails -----89e 127 Verichrome, roll -4-c42 1 DuoPak of 2 rolîs 79ce Cigarette Lighters A u e - -- ------------------- 1.00 1 Ronson----------------- 4.50, up Zr nnp ---------- 50 B111f olds New William's Lather Shave. Ail round zippered type 1.00 45e - 65e Genuine Morocco, 2.50 value for 1.79 Rubbersrt Shaving Brush Englîsh Morocco, 4.00 value by Rubberset. Badger bair, for ---- ------ 2.50 casing with bristle care. ý AdmiraI ----- --- -250 up m400 alue - ----298. SPECIAL I.D.A. BRANDS A. B. S. & C. Tablet s - 19C 10's rg.23 Idalsal Tablets 5k e. 9 .300's Rg 9 I.D.A. Brand SACCHARIN TABLETS PAPER NAPKINS 14 grain 15e- fr 9e10's15e 500's 39o 15e -2 for29e lOs % grain I.D.A. Eeonomy 100's 19e 500's 49c WRITING PADS .D.A. Brand WAX PAPERI Reg. 15c -- - 13c, 2 for 25e in dispenser box - 25e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MeGr 1eg o r, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store 8 ýàjRýN- ,wa Mr'. Bagneli that his teamn had W i ners been awarded the Strathcona N ew~ Park ird Win ~~~Trust Challenge Trophy pre- <oniedro paen) phiysical training demonstra- Cniudfo paen) tiqn on annual ceremanial in- building, and a refreshment spectian. booth in another. Beside these Considering the large num-ishectaenwicM.ad be.r of high schoals and private'stectaei hhMran sckiools having cadet corps in! Mrs. Luke White and Mrs. Eastern Ontario, this is a ve ry! Wbite's mother, Mrs. Della high honor for the B.T.S. gym- IBauîd, will live for the sum- nast team. It reflects great cre- mer months. Mrs. White and dit on the training given by Mrs. Bould will act as manag- Mr. Bagneil as well, since he eresses of the park. only has the samo group of Lifetime Dream boys on his team for -one year The idea of a park such as or less, whereas many of t he boys on high scbool gymnast Ibis bas been in Mr. Clemens' teams are togethor for threc mmnd al bis lîfe, but lhe bas o pfur years, been so busy wif h bis manv In ail, 30 schools including other enterprises that ho onl'y collegiates conipeted in Easterr. got araund ta developing it Otario for tfiis trophy. last Faîl. Mr. Clemens was a drover for many yoars, abhd wvas born on the Scugog Road O rono Girl in the tn osocuidb old "Toîl Gate Hill". At the age of 20, Mr. Clemens built W ins Pln thie bouse opposite the old gra- vel pit further south, occupiod Miss Gwen P. Griffith for many yoars by the Allin .Zifit, ef, hograduated Tri p to B. C. onti am 's College Hospital, Toronto, Connie Tyrroll, 12-year-old In 1897, Mr. Clemens moved eDr. Marion Kerr Memorial daugriter of Mr. and Mrs. ta Oshawa where hoe carriedl e study in Obstetrical Nurs- Charles Tyrreli, Orono, bas o uies ehstrefo P. Griffith, headed the honors won a plane trip ta British Col- stores and an implement blisi- lumbia in a contost rocentiy noss there now. Ho looks about rof Social Work at University sosrd b h oot 20 vears younger than ho is, ponsred y th Torntodrives bis own car, and is on d the Alumni Scholarship of Ex-eninc Tolegram. the job eevdy They are the daughters of jFîrst prize was a trip around . ceydy on foreso f rn the vorld, but Connie and Hazel Caused Damage a frme pato ofTrilU three boys were close ta the To date Mn. Clomens bas O.top with trie prize of a week spent $20,000 on deveoaping his long visit to British Columbia, lifetime droam, and ho isn't Pearce, Mrs. Ernest Hansen bcginning Julv 1. The contest finisbed yet, Thoro will be a and Mrs. James Kennedy were was open ta boys and girls baIl diarnond for anc tbirig. hostesses. Gucsts weno friends from nine ta 16. They had ta Levelling, clearing out brîîsh and neighbors of trie bride who obtain 10 Tely subscniptions ta ta make trie lovely parkland is employ ed at Stedman Store, ho eligible; next they bad ta which now ruas along the Bowmanville. answer questions followiag a creek, and plaating of trocs Mrs. Edaa Anderson, Grand series of articles on Canada was begun last Fail. Hurricane Conductress of Ontario O.E.S., by John Fisher, and finally Hazel last October blew sorte bas returned from spending ali tbey wcre rcquired ta write an of the trees rigrit out, and week atteading Grand Chap- essay on "My Hopes for Can- and caused damage amauntiag ton Sessions of Vermont at ada." ta about $2,000. This spring, Montpelier. Also attendîng Connie is in Grade 7 at Or- ton, ta 20 mon have been om-i from Ontario were: Mrs. Wal- ana Public School. Her father ployod aIl the limie in getting1 ter Elliott, Stirling; Mrs. Edna is thie well known druggist of the park and buildings ini Dobbs, Grand Martha, Belle- Orono. shape. for trie summer season.t ville; Mrs. Ida Broad, D. G.M., Madoc. One of trie high- lights of the sessions Mrs. An- derson reports, was bearing COMPETI Mrs. Mary Ncvery of Mass, 'i considered anc of trie most outstanding soprano soloists in trie United States. Strangoîx eaough. Mrs. Nevery's husband cames from Belleville, Ontario. B.T.S. Gymn Group Wins >dependent District Cup TIVE PRICES PLUS PER LVALUES AND REMIN ALL THIS WEE At the north end of the pro- ings and description of the perty, overlooking the creek new property recently acquir- an ilalows ofch erefu tower- ed by the town and the board ind a rlow of euifuweelant tthie north ofthe school. As ing telteBr plnt- soon as these details are made ed y te lte ertFoserisavailable the fonce will be a very attractive cottage in erected immediateir. SnoNw which Mr. Clemens plans to re_ g~i1b side for the summer. It is made fencin ilb erected as an entirely of cedar pales cut interim measure. fromn the surraunding W.oods, A. S. Baker was am-arded peeled and stained to a mellow the cotatfrfiihn9 f natural tint. Inside, the onlyi the grading and seeding of the lumber brought in is in the haldaodfrt fteVn ceiingandflordoo jabscent Massevs' shoal. and the ceiingandflordoo jabslawns inifront, at a cost of and other trim. being cut by, a $150. machine set up right on ic ota frhepninf property. There are two fire- Cnrc o h anigo places, and ail in ail the col two classrooms and the base- tage is as attractive and com- ment lunchroomn at the Cen- fortable a structure as one rlScol asaade1aJ could wish, set in beautiful; H. AbernethN at a cost of S805. It was decicied not to instaîl a Purkaundings. new slap sink at this schr"l1 Par A Asetberause of the higch oost. A This park is a real asset ta price for repairing the roof of the community and is baund Central School was received ta attract visitors fromn far and fromn a Toronto slate roof firnn wide who want a day in the for $2,650. Although the roof open. Already Mr. Clemens: iý In poor condition. i is felt has had inquiries from Hamil-i that this price was fairly steep ton and Toronto people who and Norman O'Rourke. Chair- want ta bring a buslaad for, man of the Praperty Commit- an ail day picnic. Rates are tee., vas instructed ta get more very reasonahie. For buses. prices. there is no charge for the bus! The Property Committee arc, or driver, and passengers pay als-o to get prices of making only ton cents. Admission for minor renairs at the Ontario a carload is 50c. For use of the Street School. The Secretary pool the charge is 25c each for xvas instructod ta write to the adults, and 10c each for child-! Cauncil asking that considera- ren. tion ho givon laying ne\V Darlington Township has in- sidowalks an streots approach- creased rapidly in population ing the Ontario Street andi and a good doal of open couni- Vincent Massey sehools as a try is naw buiît up. It is a safoty moasure. splendid thing ta have suc ha hundrod acre "green belt" pro- In the x-oar ended March 31, servod for the sake of beautyi 1955,I taxes collected ta pay the and enjayment by this increas- 1 uni'vo'rspl aid age pension te- ed population, as well as pro- tallod $291 million while pen- viding a recreation spot f or so payments totafled $333 more distant city dwellers. million. >VIfDE Father's Day is Sunday, J une 19 IYLCREEM To show your appreciation of "Dad" in a tangible THE PERFECT way present him with a littie gif t on bis day. HAIR DRESSINO ilteDeueRce handsome lors CUTN SHC Razor Set 1.59 l' CST01 SCHCK Gillette's Father's Day Gift Give Dad a Custom SCHICK Pack contains five lO-blade handytubes -the world's most compact, dispensons - - hony tbes mast powerfui and the ouI y 10 and 20-blade dispensons! shaver that's Super-Honed50-$10 1 for Super-Shave. Schick of-50-8.0 Sc hool Board (Continued from Page one) remedied to Mr. Scott's satis - faction. Nothing can be dlone about the permanent fonce u n- tii the surveyors send in draw- G el ie t( p ir ýd TRUMMAY. 3MR loth, 1035 T1CKRE T S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamshiv Cansult JURY & LOVELL 3owmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 RSONAL SERVICE NDERS EFFECTIVE SPECIAL LOW-PRICE OFFE-R!i With 10 IN DURA BLE Gillette Blue CASE Moades In Dispenser iRegular MÂACLEÂNS PEROXIDEÊ TOOTH PASTE SINGEASANTJI PhneM-59 TEM CANADIM STATESMAM- rvT,&wm R - 1

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