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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1955, p. 8

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T CANADIAN STATESMAN. -EOWMA2qVULE. ONTABIO THURBDAY. .T!1N~ lRth. 1031 Ed Youn The Stateami In 1905, 1 wrote ta a mnan living in Toronto. ply. contained the obsi that if, 1 developed my gift of perception, sonr would be on the stai mnetropolitan daily newi Twenty-five years 1 submitted an article tc rontb paper, which w turned with the comme] it was too late for the and flot good 'ehough weeklv besides which,i ed I suffered from a Iack of education. Anotehr twenty yea, ged by, and Mrs. O. EdvN Toronto, arranged for article with the same This time, the publishe: a little more polite. ai the piece had menit, but flot meet with theirj taste. Then. a haîf centurn Mr, Owen~s wrote tho: phetic %vords, the Toron asked for, printed. an, for an article which ai in the May 21 issue. cheque is printed or prettv,, paper. it seems a to ca:'-h it. Ma vbe VII fr to prove to future genE that. although it tool years. 1 finall 'v made the Perhaps. in another years, other large dailf reek mv written e1 which will have to be sg on asbestos from where by then- Now that' the dust Provincial election has - didn't like either the Grits ori iTories. And the gaad aid Cn- mies just hated the whole sh'e- ginan's Colurnn bang. Nobody had ta put us Jwise about the Commies-they mn's Graus R.»tà Coluimit shoulda tised Lifebuoy! the l Crauter, on C.F* R R th norning alter the election, entl- i, soul be afeta ameautgave a very nice eulagy of Les is cfl- t shidg. saeet eeu e'3Fr-ost, and bis election victory: ire- ofhdn.We h atewsTheri announced the hymn for ;ervation in full swing, one çandidace the day, "Safely .Through An- natural called another a 'Churkeï- ahrWek.Tehuori neday I doose", which is an imaginary the incident made the day. start 'f cf a bird. part chicken, part turkey, off retty good. ,spapen. part duck, part goose. Because* * * rater, 1 he was "chicken" on heaith ana :a 'To- hospital insurance; he would On June 4, Butch and I were Ns - "duck" a gnun potil guests of Kendal Orange Lodge, ?nt that. question; refuse te talk "t'sr- when four honourable veterar.s ýe dai'. key" on campaign issues and wene guests cf honour. and' for th~e his election platform was a big 'were each presented wt it prov- "goose egg". Guems that's what t certificate commemorating theirf serjous you might call a pretty fowl" long, faithful membership. Re- tag. gai-dless cf what organization rs jg- n th raio, thugh t hey belonged te, it is comfort- lrs jof Onthpeaigspeakers wereh, ng te find people whose faith vard ofmostplesingspekerswer in their ideals remained un- a trial Mr. Crockford, Liberal, whe shaken for more than a hail' daile. sounded lîke a human buzz icnuy rs were saw. Mr. MacDonald, C.C. c ne f h mtoso te nd said who had something te say, araOan ge Order coladsud t wouiv'i knew how te say il, k rag ud adsol reaers hehan'tbeaenBit'y1Beecli, be applied ta ail mankind, i.e. Codr% e nrv ativII ejie i,, 'Equal rights for al men, with v f Cod bataion l9t) hojien hv special pivileges te none." s er o- w aonl n 16.Ater sen g in The folks whe pitched in to se heo- frsont 1.Ate erig nmake the evenîng such a suc- ta Telv hmfot ie trencs for cess are te be congratulated. d pai?1 quite a while. Billy was tle ppeaed lard to yungforfrot in~.Besicies the delicieus banquet, Th'a ' duty. Wato a aughfr!rntln-we enjoyeti the boy's vocal The; duy. Wat lauh! trie from Kirby; the flute se- n such Mn. Downer, Censervative, las and Mrs. Hart Loweryýýs ;shainc added teOour geo-historical work on the piano (isn't sheÀ 'ame it. knowXledge b.v tellhng how four. nice loekingi Visiting Kendall erations of the townships in his riding ý ,, always a deli ght, because the' k fifty ceme by their unusual namesý: folks arounci that neck of th' Lgradc. Tecumseh-after the great In- w,%oeds neyer act 'starchy orI rfif1v dian Chief; Essa-hîs wife: ýformaI. ies wi;l Adjala and Tossorontio-thein *î piniens. two sens.ic A couple of Saturdays aga, :ent eut For seme strange reason the :1 was orciered te meet a natur.e Gnits trying te become elected. the . Orone Tree Nursery, andi The Grits seemed anneyed atshwte rudheGnr of the jthe Tories' smug ai rs. The ashow oethemaroedthe G aar - settled, iC.C.F. -acted as though thev asa roeet. Get our ig meeting, which I regretted, be- cause people who beiong te Jnature study groups are keen- For ad ad th res * ., Ily intenested in ail conserva- tien matters. MiIk, that's besti Things to make a fine Dad glad On the best Day lie ever had.. Your loving git ... then a treat : Delicious miilk can't be beat! Glen Rae Dairy MA 3-5444 Bowmanville I presumed they wouid feel sere at being thwarted, andi blame m0e for the mixup, so you can imagine how pleaseti i wias te receive a very nic-' letter of regret frem Dr. .Sa6- 1er, on behaîf of the Club. Anyone in Dr. Sadler's social position, 'studying the feelings of a civil servant, and gracicus e-nough te bother sending him a hand written letter, is a gen- tleman cf the very first gradie. 'Pity there aren't more Lice hîm! Rev. Jas. Semple Appointed Padre At Reformalory Friends in this district, of the Rev. James Semple, fermer minister at George St. United Church, Peterborough, wili be interested in a report that he has been appointed chaplain of the provincial reformatory at Guelph. Mr. Semple is retiring fnom his ministry at Trinity United church in North Bay. The change takes effect at the endi of this month. His six years at George St. church followed Il years at Bridge St. United church in Belleville. Since leaving Peterborough he has been five years at Trinit. church in North Bay. T 1C K ETS TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamship Consult J uRY d&LO'VELL 3owmanville _____________________________________ 15 Ring St. W.- MA 3-5778 DON'T try to bout the truuffic Iight TFHIN-you may save 30 seconds AND - you may lose your life Remembery;our signal light is GREEN Reiem ber the RED wil be against you FOR ONLY 30 SECONDS T HINK-Are 30 seconds worth saving at the risk of killing yourself-your passenger - spother motorist - a pedestrian who lis moving on his GREEN. THINK SLOW DOWN and STAY ALIVE ONTARIO aEPAa yMINTy 0F NIauw A YI HO& Jet N.m A#06 mbàow Darlington Coun cil Awards Con tract For Hot Mix Asphait Darl:ngton Township CounI- cil met at Hamnpton Jue 2 with ail members pî'esent anti Reeve W. R. Nichels pesiduin,. W. B. Bennett Paving Ca.1 Ltd., w'as engaged te mvy a 2- inch thick bot mix pavement on the Towvn Line Road frcm King St. north to the CitY Lirn- its at $7.50 per ton of asphait. Citv. of Oshaw'a is Io pay 51, per cent of the cost cf tise', work, cost o! thie supervision anti cost cf treating the î-oadý with prime dust layer by Dai - Iington Township, a ntd ftse work te be superviseti by Ci!.'l of Oshawa. Jet. Crawford asked Council te dlean eut ditch on West side of road at Lot 23, Con. 4. Re- ferredti t Road Cern. with pow.- er te act. No action was taken on pro- posai -cf Bell Guiniock & Ce. te give agreement cf sale of! Public Schooi debentures. A delegation fnom the 7'ih. Concession asketi Council to improve the 7th from Scugo.I- Road East. By-Law te regulate the ereet ion and provitie fer the safe:.y of buildings and structures was passed. Clerk is te apply, to Munici- pal Board te have hearing on B 'y-law 2022, witheut indîvi- dual notice. Clerk was instructeti te wni 'c Counties' Roati Engineer, Mr. Two Students Ordained at Bay of Quinte Port Hope - Two divin i:y students were ci-taineti minis- ters of the United Church of Canada at an ordination ser-vice' Wednestiay night June 8, ils Port Hope Uniteti Church. The two were David John Harry Cook, B.A., a gradu-atc of Qýueen's University' wlse comes from the Kingston pre.ý- bytery; and Stanley Ewart Snowtien, B.A., B.D., of Mapie Grove Circuit, a graduate c the University of Toronto. Both divinity stutients had completeti their seven-yeari course at thein respective uni- jversities. They wiii now, as or- dained ministers o! the United Church, go eut te take a charge. Presiding at the service, at- tendeti b-, 500 laymen anti clergy, was Rev. H. C. Wolf- raim, M.A., B.D., of Lakefieid, president cf the conference. The candidates were presenteti by the confenence convener of celieges anti students. Rex'. S. L. Osborne, Th.D.. principal cf the Ontario Ladies' Coliege, Whitby. The devotionai adtiress was matie by Rev. Dr. A. W. Black- wooti e! Columbus, Ohio, a United Presbvterian mnrister. He atitresseti the ordinands, choosing as his text the pic- neunicement of Paul te the church in Corinth: "And now abideth Faith. Hope and Love But the gneatest o! these is Love." In addition te the fetienal gev- ernment's Nationsal Film Boardi thene are more than thirty pni- x-ate companies making mo- tion pictures in Canada. YOUR EYES and OSHAWA Vision! previeus copyrights Optiometrist Disney Bldg,. 31 King E., Opp. P.O. Phane RA 5-6143 297. In weaning the correction fer astigmatism it is alwas much better te have the lenses'secunely adjusteti te ciseposition. The.v must correct an errer in the par- ticular merîdian and it is es- sential that the 'v be helti securely te position. Those whe are wearers e! a lens correction shouid be mnindful of the neces- *'sity cf keeping framles tagt ened anti prepenîx' adjusted te position that the most possible * m-service mav be available. (Copynighted> Totten. asking Counties te beri: a'frer the paving job at Enon.-- killen. Lettens from Mr. Allun ansd IMc. Scott, and Petition re ti!c drainage %vas laid over to spc' cial mieeiii. Mn. Allîn requested tisat trhe Township dlean up roadside b.v his farin. Referred ta Roanis1 Corn.- Mr. Allun brought up tàse matter of leasing a gravel beach te the Township. Refer- ced to special meeting. Clerk to nvestigate possîbil- ity cf preparing by -law to cur'b nuisaince of dog-s running a' large. Weeti Inspector was giveis authoritv to hire men witiî rnewens toecut weeds on roaci- sides, and purchae a portablc sprayer te spray weed patchi'ýs, on roatisides. Clerk xvas instructed te ask Mr. Gregg, Dept. of Agricul- turc, if he is able te make a surve 'v o! water course on Gr'a- vel Pit Road. Roati Supt. pi'esenteti bis ne. port and accounts for Ma.' te- taliing $18,976.52. General a"-_ counts tetailing $13,579.58 were passeti. Special meeting will he heid to deal w'ith unfinished busi- ness. New conceaied safety step-. An important safety feartire - e.Ieps, sîay h-ar oficle anîd nud. Out of sight îvhcn doors are closed. IleYelverton Garden Party on June 26 when L.O.L. 82 hold POU1TYPUUL 11'nridav evening. If you preffer their Annual Parade with ser- strawberries meet us at Ponit','- vices at 2.30 p.m. in the United It' is with a great deal of re -1 pool Church on Tuesday, June Church. gret that we note the passing 12lst at our Strawberry Fesii: Sna iior norc of Mr. Henry Blakely of Mil.- 1 'Val. On Suhday, June lOth 'at undav isitons Mr.îndur om brook and formerly of the1 7.30 p.rn. the congregation mnt nlddM.adMs Marsh District. Deceased died 1 will have a chance te welcome Bill Malley-, Bowmanville, Mr. sudenl ofa hartattck nda former pastor. Rev. Hanceck. and Mrs. Herb Potter, Toron- the funeral was held from 'lie Support your church by attend- tM.adMs atelL»- Marsh. Church on Saturda1y, ing on June 19 and 2lst. ery, Kirbv. and Mr. and M%.À' June 4th and xvas verv large- Rprsfo eptlso Elgin Buddt of Simcoe. ly attended. Prior to moving to that Mrs. Hector Beggs is mak- Cîiesworid aon Milbrok he had been a very ing geod progress after hier e Highway 35ar in very bad successful potato grower. He icent operation. humor due to dust conditions. was known as the "Potato Quite a number of our local It is hoped that oiling comn- King" of Manvers an d al cf'1Oanee attedd the L menices at once. southern Ontario having had L hrc aae nrne e o' A much better crowd attend- the highest yield (well over Sunday morning. Ail roadsed the L.O.L. Dance on Satur- 700 bus.) ever attained in the lead te Pontypool on Sunda:y. day evening. 500 Bushel Club. A good citizen J_______________________________ and a staunch Conservative hie was ]oved and respected by10 ail. To those who mourn we extend our sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penwar- den have returned from their honeymeon and are taking up residence near Tynene. A pres- entation and dance in their honor at Tyrone was attended by several fnom our village.---- Congratulations and good luck. f Mr. Robt. Corbett who is in his 9lst x-ean xvas the oldest voter te the polis here on Thursda.v. Refusing te be driv- en hie alked te the hall to mark his ballot. Several from here attende Millbrook Fair on Wednesday., Our Toxvnshio Council with hiCh silkl hats and ridi ng in a 11)12 higllv dccorated and pla. carded Ford car won first prize in the parade. One of these pla- cards must have caught the eyes. nf the ' Judges as it wa.s written ini bolti iettcrring. We1 travel by "Ford" today. We 1 travel b v Foote" tormonrow. We 'Armistrong," next dav. This car owned and driven by1 Dr. Longfield of Bethany is in II goodl running condiiion. Th2ý Warden w ho xvas riding in thei fron~tseat had the hionour rJ cranking the car on severpl oc.cas:on w Vhich causcd great, amusement e.wroite. The Cavan (Blazer-) Council travelled h-, trieiz vith a.-olorful floa t with Reeve (Long Termi) Hor- ton in charge. Amaizing new-formula DURA-HIDE does a whiter, longer last- Alten a verv listîess carco- ing job In one coat thon two coats of many ardinary points i paign with net, much interesti You'll hardly believe your eyes wfien you sec how DURA-HIDE's shown voters turneti eut to sensational hiding power and bnilliant uhi;cr white can beautifil vote on Thuîx-day. A rather hoe light vote was polled w.tîh yourhoe Pont plool poli showing Arm- Just one coat of DURA-HIDE covens solid ovcn any' colr -etet strong 10, Fonte 107, Ford 4,2, black. Hides ail small checks and cracks. Pros ides a tough, weather. Wvhile the Township wentJ resistant surface that lasts seasen after seasen. In every way it does a Armstrong 83, Foote 553, Ford better job than any white house paint 5,ou'vc cxcr uscd. With heavy "Frost" reponted ovei- most cf tise Province nu serious diamage is reported lb- callv. With tihe forecasters re- pnrtingc several weeks ahead of fis likely arrivai most evervenee xvas prepareti when it matie its appearance about 9 p.m. on Thursday aîsd continuing untîl well aiter nidnight. Several frorn here attentied Selt-cîcansing, non-yellowlng properucs in IUIA-t-LL)bl iivp keep your home bright. It's easy te apply. Docsn't sag. Try it! Mode by the makers af famous Fin-gIaze Colorizer points in 1,322 colors. LaLinde-Pr Haordwamyre 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-5774 The latest in cab, comfort and safety -More durable con.1 struî'to, s eir seit kaeîjon niany new conveniences. New panoaric windlsliell- T'oir a bro Ifr.-i1r'% ie%'ofeiith r(Ead. ANnîi îbc's more glasi or"a ail aroillid. Power steering - Makes driv- ing vei-y ,nuv'ieair. Ih re. du ,'es ul ttviini 'L lIl t a41 , . li a s 91< - ailiabll as an extra co.ýt Ophtin on cens iii niodel,-. CANAD2A' NU. i1'LRuct< King-size 12-voit electrical system - Ceuni on quiuker stairts eveil mît u(lebl tliîer. antl stili hiave a iiusiky eserve o pow er. Power brakes-They're stan- dard on h,-avy.luty inodeir.. op- tiemmal on >ornîe etier redels. Pe )r ra ke', gr,-a l v redorie dri,.e-r fatigue and effort; add to rafet),. NICHOL - Chevrolet Trucks DO WNAN VILLE More durable framnes-Of â4. inch standiard %vidîth. with cern- pletelv parallet side ineinhers - huilt to take tough geing. - ------- ----- --- - ------------ ------ New Overd rive - Saves gai, culs5 engine weai-you caiî have Overdrive on i,4.-ton models. A niai value for its extra cost. Truck Hydra-Matic-Ts unhent- able for stop-and-go drîving. Available at extra l'est oni ail haîf. tliree.quianîer, one-ton and forward.uentrol inodels. ROY W. Chevrolet mOldsmohile Cars COURTICE your money can buy THURSDAY, T=Z I@th, 1039 'W PAGE MORT THZ CANADLALN STATESU". - BOWI&ANVff£& ONTARIO Trffek$ , e. .2

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