PHONE MA 3-5778 "Sorry, sir: 1 didn't behind the exhaust 'II didn't know" is a po( iever hear it from our to know and they DO kn inside and out. The tini, and the huskiest truck wîork! kImiIIs< NLA 3-3231 Cowrnanvi BOWMANVILLE ............... PAGE TE!Ç Solina Instif ut e Holds Grandmothers' Meet Solina: About fifty ladies and cliidren enjoyed the Annua] Grandmother's meeting of So- lina Women's Institute on June 19, 1955, in the basement of the church. During the busi- ness period presided over by the President, Mrs. Wesley Yellowiees, it was decided ta again show at Oshawa Fair. COMMittee for same ta be Mrs. G. Lcask, Mrs. H. Pascoe and Mrs. B. Tink. It was aiso decided that 'u- stead of aur regular July meet- ingLwe wauid have a bus trip. The secretary and President ta be in, charge of same. AI! wishing ta take advantage of the trip, kindly leave your naine with either Mrs. E. Cry- derman or Mrs. W. Yellowlees. ,Our August meeting xiii be an evening meeting when Ty- rone ladies wiii be our guests. Mrs. C. Hamer presided for the pragram when Mrs. J. Ba- ker favored with two solos, "Bntng Me Red Roses" and -~Roses". The Grandmothers' Rhythm Band, conducted bv Mrs. R. Langmaid, brought a smile ta the faces of everyone present. Readings xere given b3' Mrs. T. Baker and Mrs. B. Hooey and Mrs. W. Yellowlecs and Mrs. E. Crvýderman gave splendid reports of the District Annual held at Hampton. Mrs. Selby Grant, aur District Pic- gident, brought greetings and gave an address on Institute work wbich was enjoyed ail. Special lunch xvas ser banoning the Grandmoti and prizes wene given ta oldest grandmother pre. Mrs. Moorey, the ane with lucky cup, Mrs. Brummell, the one with the mast gr. children, Mrs. H. Gorr. Everyone agreed that Gra mothcr's Meeting is av special day in tbe Sauina W( en's Institute. NESTLETON 1 by !rved bhers Sthe sent. ithe and ,andi- ,and- very arn- The Nestieton W. A. and W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. W. C Hutton, Biackstock, June 16th with 21 ladies and sorne children present Meeting in charge of Mrs. R. Sadler's group opened with the theme song. Devotional, "The Vine' was read by Mrs. W. McCoy. Hymn "Take Time' To Be Holy" was sung with Mrs. W. Steele at the piano. Roll call-"'Some- thing of interest from The Ob- server. Ladies decidedtod some painting in the baseent Mrs. Bowers, Mrs. Sadier and Mrs. Mairs \vere the commit- tee appointcd to look after it. Plans were made for an ice, cr*earn and cake social on July 22nd. Program committee -V Mrs. J. Hedge, Mrs. A. Williams and Mrs. W. McCoy. Studv TME CANADUAI(STATESMM, BOWMANVffM ,ONTAbO THURSDAY, JUNE 23Md. 195 a a: a, ai c OBITUARY ANNIE LOUISA BRAUND Rev. T. A. Morgan, pastor af r. Trinity United Chunch, had charge af the service on Thuns- day, June 16, for Annie Louisa Braund wha passed away on June 14, at Cobourg in ber 79th yaar. Mns. Braund was bonn at Kingston, Annie Louisa French, and was the last af ~ - ber family. Han fathen and brother werc bath casualties ai war. - - As a cbild ai 12 she became a pratege ai the late Miss Mary Beith, whose home was latan Bawmanvile's iirst bospital. She livcd with Miss Beith and attended the South Ward school and St. Paul's Church wharc she was a membar. She marriad Henry Bnaund, Oshawa, but livad most ai han lic min Bowmanville ut the Shome af the late William Mut- ton. About twalve years ugo sha want ta stay with friends fleur Onangeville ion a faw years. Sha then returnad ta Bowmanvîhle and Darlington Township and was living ut Courtica with the late Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Gaaning whan ii- ness nacessitatad hanramovai k now you were bourg Hospital whara she pass-, whe I esêd t" Many aId friands and naigh-1 cantributed seveal beautiful1 or excuse and you'Il floral piecas ta han memory.( Courtica W.A. also sent a flan-i men. They're paid ai tnîbuta.1 ow cars of ail kinds; The palibeauras wcre Gar-1 iest foreign mnodal - natt Mutton, Lea Mutton, Wm.E - are ail in the day's R. Mutton and Hanry Batîcît,1 Bowmanvilie, and Taîbent1 Gaaring and E. Johnson, Cour- tica.1 la gal Interment was in Bawman-E VIlla Cemetary. lie 72 Scugog St. Every step ai pnograss is a1 step mare spiritual.-Mary Bu- -ker Eddy. ________ àeie st L For only 35 ents' worth of HERBATE 2,4-D you çan etear out lhe weeds in an acre of Corn. HERBATE 2,4.D saves vou time and Money ... helpe you get bigger and mare profitable yields. HERBATE 2,4-O, applied at recommended otage of growth, kilse mort broad -leaved weeds with no risk of crop damage. It kills sensitive weeds oýtright and controls mare r.iatat oneq.-. panîcci by Mrs. Gilmner,« delight- ed the audience with a solo and Vins. S. Rowe read twa paems, "The Othar Feilow's Job", and 'Don't Be in Too Much ai a -urny", aach ai which bad a ýine thought for practical liv- ing. Tha highlight ai the pro- gram xvas a very liva repart ai tha racent District Annual Clonvention in* Hampton, given by Mrs. Wm. Raid. During the social hour Mns. Pearce and hanr group scrved a daliciaus lunch. The lucky nup and saucer pnize wenftat Mrs. W. Mulligan. c bI Book was given by Mrs, Cairns. Pragram-piano sala b Nancy Huttan, reading, Mrs. 1% Steele. A citizenship item rea by'Mrs. G. Johns. Mrs. R. Sad 1er put on a contest wh'ich wa won by Mrs. W. Jackson. Col lection $4.95. Treasurer's repar showed a balance an hando $242.40 wben ail bis wer paid. Mrs. Hutton and MrE Sadler's group scnved a daint, luc and cup af tea. All weri Igiven a vote of thanks and clal for another splendid meetinga the parsonage. Next meetiný July 2lst in charge af Mrs. G Bowers' group. Sorry ta hear Mr. Elmer Nes. bitt has been on the sick Est Hope he is better now. Mrs. L. Joblin spent Monda3 evening with Miss E. Thampç son, Blackstack. Mr. and Mrs. Lawnence Mal- colm cntertained the QuartettE and their wives an Tuesday evening. The men arc. practic. îng ta sing at Haydon anniver- sary June 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hewlett calcd on Mr. and Mrs. L. Job- lin Friday and took them t Valentia ta visit Mr. George Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson and family, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird and family, Bnooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stutt, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Middleton and Gardon, Malton, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Vine. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and famiiy were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs Eari Argue, Manvers Sta. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mal- colm and Miss Ana Malcolm. Stratiord, cailed on Mr.-and Mvrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin were supper guests with Mr. anc Mvrs. Bert Hewlett, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolmi and family attendcd the Farm- er's Union Picnic at. Orono on Saturday Mrs. E. Brown, Oshawa, bas flown ta Albenta ta visit ber son, Mr. Haviland Marlow and other friends. We ail wish her an enjoyable trip. Sorry ta hear af the drawn- ng accident at Seugog Paintý on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pency Brad- bury, Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. Elmer Nesbitt and Mr. L Joblim attended the Cart- wright District Orange meeting- at Tyrane on Monday night. Miss Marilyn Gibson, Green- bank, visitcd ber cousin's, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm. Mrs. Sam Brooks and Mr Grant Brooks, Bowmanivilie, also visited them. No service in the United Church June 26th. Several Specialý Services HeId ~~At St. John's Church, Blackstock >rt Including FareWeiI to Bishop re r. Blackstock: Two special ser- gift of the Diocesan Board of ty vices af interest were held dur- the W.A. re ing the week at St. John's An- Following this short cere- Ip glican Church, Blackstock. On mony,a the Rector, on behalf of at Sunday, June 5th, the Knight- the Parish, gave a short mes- g ing Service af The Church Boys sage of appreciation, fanewell,1 Î e boys when seven of the aid- and gaod wisbes ta Bishop and1 .rboswere initiated into the Mrs. Beverley, and after the S.Knighthood of The League. Bisbop's rcply Virginia Colley, t. This is the culmination af ane aged 3 ycars, escorte-4 by Miss and a balf years of steady work Jean Venning, presented Mrs. kyand play each Fnil night i the Beverley with a lovciy corsage Panish Hall. The Sylabus recog- af pink rasebuds. Pnizes the iact that bath wonk A social hour followed, at I_ and play praperly combined go which refrcshments, provided te ta that character.tanining which b the ladie oai the W.A., wereE ýis anc ai the pimary purposes seved byth girls and boys of1 ai the . adCBL At the appointed moment inthG..adCBL the special service in Churcb, tunder the symbol ai the Crusa- der's Cross, (the C.B.L.'s awn BURKXETON ýo Symbol) laid in full vicw on ýe the Holy Table, the 5 Crests There was a very well-at- ai The Order were present- tended service at Bunketon n cd to the successful candidates United Church on Sunday d in turn, aiten each in turn had nJue1tothoc , made bis vows ai loyalty and mornîn uelto h c n service. casion when the Rev. R. M. r. It is an impressive service, in. Seymour preached bis iarewell five pats:-lst. The Vigil; 2nd. serviemon.kon a highpaytif-h ni The Litany; 3rd. The Vows; 4th.* fenent pattern in order that fit- rThe Knighting and Arming; ting tnibute might be paid by 5th. The Going Forth., thecocngregation ta Mr. and i The Church was wcll filled Mrs. Seymour. The order cf and the candidates carricd aut service had been arranged by their service with precision and Mr. E. M. McCoy, choinleaden. 1 mcaningiul dignity. Mn. A. E. Ribey prcsided at 1i1 On Tuesday evening, June the pî4lpit, announced thea L7th, the Annual Visitation ai hymns and nead the seipture the Lord Bisbop ai Toronto, Rt. lesson. Mn. McCoy led in pray- d eRev. A. R. Beverley M.A., D.D., er. Thc combined junior and m together with the Rite af Con- senior chairs, unden Mr. Me- firmation, took place in Chunch Coy's leadership rendered aa at 8 p.m. Six candidates, Myrtie requcsted selection "The Lord's Evelyn Whitiield; Francis Mar- My Shepherd." ilyn Staniland; Phyliss-Ruth Mr. McCoy sang as solo, thej Prosser; Elinor Pearl Shemilt; sacred sang "Came Unto Me".L Gerald Maurice Asselstine and This was fallowed by an ad- y Alan J. Assaîstine, were pre- dress ta Mn. and Mrs. Seymour CI sented for this centuries-old by Mn. Ribey, on bahaîf ai the 1 Rite, dating back ta New Tes- officiais, members and adher- l tament times, the Scriptures entse ai the chunch, in whîch n, -thamsclves, appaintad for read- ha referred ta the great zeal, d 1ing ut the service setting the untiring efforts and sterling r, anîgm uand purpase af the Rita Christian pensonalities c c in the New Testament writings. and .Mrs. Seymour and their V The candidates wone their daughter Margaret who hadG uniforms ai thc Girls Auxiliary made themseivas the centre aif and the Church Boys Leagua, this cammunity and had made and in addition the girls ware thair influences count far good the traditional white veil for in cvcry phase ai aur commun~- head-covering. ity lufe. Before a full churcb the Bish- Mn. McCoyr, speaking on be- op preached a simple but spirit- balf af the Sunday Schooi, uallIV' maving sermon spcciaily paid tnibute ta the influence ai for the yaung candidates, but Mn. and Mrs. Seymour upon equally applicable and unden- the very yaung and the aider standabie toalal present. children ai the Sabbath School, Followmng the service, in and indicated that soma ai the view ai the Bishop's retire- younger leaders had received ment at the end ai June, a re- their earliest instruction in ceptian was held in the Parish this departmcent ai the church Hall at which every memben ai duning Mn. Seymour's paston- congragation took advantage ate. A photograph ai the paston af the oppartunity ta wish Bish- in bis clanical gown, and rcm- op and Mrs. Beverley flot only cently takan in the church, was a word ai farewell but also ai presentcd ta Mr. Seymour by personal good wishes for fihe years ta came. A chant ceremony was also bald in the Parish Hall during which the Bishop presented cen- tificates ai promotion from the Junior Auxiliary ta the Girls Auxiliary ta Jessie Edna Sbem- i1f and Frances Marilyn Stani- land. To Frances Staniland also came the special bonour ai be- ing prasented with G. A. Pin, in recognition af ber baving passed ahl the courses necessary far that purpose. In cach such case the G.A. Pin is the special Newtonville W.. Hears Reports 0f Conventions ... Newtonville: The regular meeting ai the Newtonville Women's Institute was held Wednesday aiternoon, June 15, ut the home ai Mrs. J. Pearce, with an attendance ai. twenty- thnac. Mns. W. Milligan, the prasident, conducted the busi- ness paniod, during which sev- eral matters wene discussed. It was decidad ta dispense with the July meeting, and thuf $5.00 be donated ta the Blind. Mrs. Miligan spoke af the Mr. McCoy on behaif of the chair. Suitable responses were mnade by Mr. and Mrs. Sey- mour. Preaching fram Mark 6, verses 1 ta 10, and using as his su4bject "Fishers of Men", Mr. Seymour delivered a soul-stir- ring message which will long be remembered by those who were pnivileged ta hear it. After the service it was ob- served that Mr. and Mrs. Sey- mour, xvho are retiring from the active work of the church after the pastor's farty years of service in variaus parts of Canada, received many warm- 'hearted hand ciasps and were showered with the gaod wishes of their parishoners. Many from here attended the presentation and social evening for Rev. and Mrs. Sey- mour at Enniskiien June 17th. Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Da- vey, and Lois. attended thec 25th wedding anniversary at Tyrone for Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Davey. Recent visitons with Mr. and Mrs. R. Davey were Rev. , Hilliar and Mrs. E. Hilliar, 0f Tennessee, U.S.A. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Wilson, Trenton, called on friends Sun- ýlay, before leaving for Eng-1 Mrs. F. Vigar, Norwich, Ont-, with her daugliter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hubbard Mrs. B. Hubbard was in, Dundas, wvitli Mrs. E. Frenchl recentiy. and visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Slingerland in Osh- awa. Mrs. J. Carter spent a few days in London and Toronto with relatives. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Enwin West and children, Cobourg, with M'r. and Mrs. Kenneth Roblin. Congratulations ta Mr. and VIrs. Clayton Weirmain (nec Lavica Hanthnon) who werel narried June l8th in th'?ý church by Rev. R. M. Seymour. Mrn. and Mrs Weirmair Wil livc on their farm, Elmwooid, near Owen Sound. The wed- ding account xviii appear in next v.eek's paper. Mrs. W. Bryan spent Sunday ,vith Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer, Oshawa. 2 OV F Dead Stock Removed Highest prices pald for Dead, OId and Crippled Farm Stock. TELEPHONE COLLECT Cobourg 1787 NICK PECONI, PETERBOROUGH 2-2080 %VZRK .AL UJUb VLUeIll*straed-Pontiac LAUuRENMr Nsport Coupe There'Éns no mistaking #his -'beauty OJut ofthte medley of modern motor cars, one car stands out. Whether vou see it a quarter of a mile clown the highwuy-on watch it flshing past in the line of traffic-thene is absolutely no mistaking the beautiful new Pontiac. Coming, passing or going, it's the ane car that carnies the great stamp of individuality. And this wonderfu difference"in fa'#or of Pontiac goes far beyond appearance. Thene's the same Superiority in performance. Put the Strato-Screak VS, the Strato-Fl'ash VS or the Big "6" through their puces on the getawavju,,st once-and you'il se that you never need do that again! Hcre's spirit to Iift ânybody's spirits! Steering is so easy and steady that you almost drive with your mind. The ride is as level as a level itîcîf. This is a great car. It's new from the ground up. And naturally, this gives it a big advantage oven ail other cars fromz every conceiyabie standpoint. Why don't you get a Pontiac? Corne in today ... drive a Pontiac away! Once you take the whcel-and get aur deal- it's an irresistible combinacion! Ltd. Motors MA 3-5585 /. Summer Special NYLON COMB & BRUSH SET 1 LARGE AND 1 SMALL BRUSH 1 LARGE AND 1i SALL COMB Three Attractive Cdlours 98C JURY & LOVELL -i. - t~ o. 1~ w- ,* v 't a C4I- MCP Sodium is especially recommended for weed-kill in peau and other sensitive crops, including corn and also grain cropa seeded to legismes (ezcept swect clover). HERBATE Amine 80 works more slowly than Esters . ..-*a safer near 2,4-D susceptible crops. Especially suited ta weed control in cereal nurse crops. HERBATE Edft 64in highly effective for con- trol of 2,4-D susceptible species of bruoh as welI as eà Wtt, for yow epy of 14 C4-I- L UMIDE BUIIL C-I-t ApajIw Chemimb sDe9onmsnLTéret% Chubui MntretlMlli A Goodyear to HoJd Picnic At Cobourg Members of Goodyear ]Reereation Club are look- ing forward to one of the maJor summner events of their program-the annual Picule, to be held next Sat- urday, June 25, at Cobourg. Soe400 members of the club, with their familles, are eXPected t., take part in the proffam. A Peanut seramble wlII be &, fature of the day. Soft drinks, ice cream, apid chocolate bars. wili be available for the young- siers. Tra.nsportation will b. provided wlthout charge, by buses whlch M'djl leave the plant at 12 nqn.Other members who .i~nY bY car wlll re- ea caahpamen~tet agricultural chemnicalsa ', , , f a ,C 0 0 d1 0 N -0 0h C a-m1 6 1 Robson 166 King St. E. '1 She la survived by one bra- ther Fred W. Reynolds and one sister, Mrs. Clara Armnstrong, bath of Bethany; a nephew, Charles Ieynolds and, four nieoes, Mrs. Gardon Adams, Mrs. Arnold Vogan, Brantford; Mrs. John Chalice, Miilbroakaà and Miss Catharine Reynoldfl af Bethany. The funeral service was held from 'ber late residence on Monday with Rev. T. S. Gault afficiating. Pallbearers were Charles Reynolds, Harry O'Brian, Ail. fred Jobnston, Walter Thomp. son of Peterbordugh and Mani. son Cathcart of Springville. Burial was in the family plot af the Presbyterian Cem. BecaueterysPi i ioo. Yo Ko Whit Bec ae Cit'ç 5x6 PicjeSuplisfou Kebg inw... MemcPlate i :Rayo reinifolrgHoe, ortage, oap r iie Cum s in ailracti o u wis Thloos e hna wo di nSon ndtorks 2 doz. 25ce Poneyaer apins hing orsackin, paks *o brhea pe abeCots 4x6- 2ce M~WiePprTbeCot,10fe 6ice A 2-pice fo r elbig $icnic 1 OBITUARY MISS EMMA 'flEYNOLDS Miss Emma Reynolds aged 77 years died at her home in the village on Saturday, June 1l, following a lengthy illness. Daughter of the late Charles Reynolds and bis wife, the for- mer Cathanine Johnston, she bad lived al ber lifetimc here. A member of the early Pres- byterian Church and later af St. Paul's Anglican church, she bad contributed faithfully ta aid the work of the Wom- an's Associations as long as bealth permitted. 0