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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1955, p. 12

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Con gregations Hon or Rev. and Mrs. Seymour At Farewell Part y * Fiday evening June 17th -was chosen as the date by the three pastoral appointments of Bunketon, Enfield and Ennis- kfien ta honour their beloved rninisten and his wife. This oc- casion had a double signifi- cance as Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Seymour are leaving after nine years of devoted secvice ta the Enniskillen circuit and also bnings to a close a period of -ever 40 years in the ministry for Rev. Seymour. Rev. and Mrs. Seymour very Innacently arrived at the * church shed in Enniskillen .wholly unaware of the sur- prise in store for them. Rev. Leading outdoors authority King Wbyte wrt&- "Something.for Ereryo ne" "Il ha.s been my good foriline to have flshed and hunted from British Columbhia tb Newfoundland-from the far fwoth to thte GuI<f Caiforniia and central ,iiexico... Nowhe-re lune I lied il bette,- than rùjht here in aur own, provinceof rOntario. V'itdoor O>ntario hm s oret/ing for everyoffe". Why flot become a "tripper"? Pack the family in the car and set off on1 1Seymour had pneviously con- sented te be chairman for this 1concert and Mrs. Seymou: .was ta conduct a sing-song. 1After about 150 friends had as- sembled, Mr. Seymour was in- formed that he was ta be re- lieved of bis duties as chair- man as the party was in hon- our of the Seymours. Mr. E. A. Werry very ably then took oven as master of ceremonies and follawing a few remarks announced a vei-y entertaining pragram, begin- ning with a sing-song of three favourite songs with Mrs. G. Yeo at the piano and Mrs. Seymour leading as she se of- ten bas done during the per- iod with this charge. Mr. Mc- Coy of-Burketon sang a de- lightful solo with Miss G. Dean at the piano. Two splendid negdings were given by Mrs. G. Bowman, Enfield and Mrs. R. Larmer, Burketon. Mr. Me- Cay played accordian solos and directed a sing-song. A humor- ous skit composed by Mrs. F. McLaughlin with Mrs. J. Grif- fin and Mr. Allan Werry pla:'- ing the roles portrayed a cou- ple on their way to Florida in a trailer who becamne de-rout- ed and landed in Alaska where they were welcomed by thrce Eskimnos viz: J. Slemon, E. Wright and 0. Ashton and Ga-! ry Beckett as a brown bear, who were complete with furs, ice. mountain goat and bear skin kindly lent by Dr. Ben- tham from bis collection of curios. Following a humorous pana- dy sung by the above men- tioned trio, they escanted the honouned couple ta the plat- form. After anothen song by the tria, with accompanist Mrs. E. Wright, Mrs. Rîbey of Bur- keton and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Enniskillen, gave a corsage and boutanniere ta the guests of honourwhich were donated, by Mn. and Mrs. K. Svanefelt, of the Enniskillen Greenhou- ses. A beautifully worded ad- dress by Mns. A. Prescott, of Enfield, who in spite of bier nability ta attend due to the fact she is confined ta a wheel chair because af a spinal in- ury caused by an accident wo years ago, was present in nind as Mns. W. Bowman, read the address whîch ex- ressed se well the fine lead- ership of bath Rev. and Mns. Seymour have given so un- tintingly in a score of ways in Ill phases of the chunch and aommunity life. On behaîf of the three com- munities Mrs. Lamne Simpson, Enfield presented Mrs. Sey- mour with a lovely black lea- ther purse with money and Mr. Russell Dean, Burketan, presented Rev. Seymour withj àhand made and initialled lather wallet aLnd on THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVnlLE ONTARIO TffUIRSDAY, JUNE 23rd,- IUI 1 New President Bay of Quinte Port Hope: Rev. Douglas Woodhouse, B.A., of Arnprior, was elected president of the Bay of Quinte conference of the United Church at the an- nual meeting held in Port Hope last week. Mr. Woodhouse succeeds Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, of Lake- field. The new president is this year celebrating 30 years in the ministry, being ordained in Montreal in 1925. He has served for the past 16 years in Arnprior. Two Marmora ministers were elected ta the positions of sec- retarv and treasurer. Rev. R. K. Crawford.. B.A., B.D., was riamed secretary while Rev. J E Glover, BA., was re-elected o the conference treasurer's post. Rev. Ellis Snelgrove, B. A., of Sydenham, is assistant- ecretary. Conference press represen- ative re.elected was Rev. Lawrence H. Turner, King- ton, formerly of Newcastle. New High ln Membership Bay of Quinte a tw or hreedayMaster Jini Rowan also gave The 3lst Bay af Quinte Con- a to o thee ayRev. Seymoun a gift froni the1 fenence of the United Church pilgrimage to places Boy's Club. af Canada, formally adjounned you' ve heard about but Rev. and Mrs. Seymour bath at Part Hope Priday afternoon, replied expnessing their appre- with the news that more new likelyhaenvrsn ciation for. the gifts, the party . ens had been received -n your own Province. and the nîne years they bave into the church in 1954 tban enjoyed with this circuit. Mrs. even before. You'll find it a rich G. Yeo, also presented a gîi'i Conference statistician, Rev. profitable experience and to Mrs. Seymour for Miss Mar- E. D. Snelgrove of Sydenham, garet Seymour who was un- told the remaining members of youTI "Know Ontario able, because of duties, toata- the 4-day confenence that 3,058 Better". tend, pensons were received inta the The membens af the casis af United Church fnom the Bay Accommodation is bath Enniskillen plays direct- af Quinte Canference dunsng abundant. Rates are ed by Mns. Seymour who were the past year. Dresent joined in a chorus, "So Mn. Snelgrove said that 58 * reasonable. Long, It's Been Good ta Know per cent aI the new adhenents You". with Mrs. Lamne Lamb came ta the church by way of Send the coupon beloW accompanist. Lunch was serv- church school training. and lannow oured."This past year also saw us n d lan nt how our tde each a new igh in the num-j njyentrouhuh ber of schools giving tentper-j * yea. BE HANlance and missianany instnuc- K NOW Bethany' Girls Sofibaîl Club * w-on their garne here on Thurs- Ladies Guild of O~ dav night against Newtonvillel with the score 12-7 in theïr S ~ ~ favor. On Friday nighith1,e ra s e an 5 5 ~~~Men's Basebaîl Teani were de- ue M etn SETTER IN ~~feated by Millbmook, the score Jn etn 16-3 for the visitons. ehn:Te ais ul :55 ~~Recent guests with Mm. and of thay h ais ul Mrs. A. H. McMaster were Mn.OS. Paul's Church were en- and Mns. D. R. Cutis of Pict on. t S ith for theinhJue ofMet- Cree ~~~Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCowan af FloithfraerJn et Toronto and Mrs. C. Whittaker ing with Mrs. Douglas Smelt C', o Monteal.as co-hosîess. Mrs. Charles R 10 ofMnreLal. nod NrhReynolds presided and Mrs. T. .tg0W. ms. ilaHammnd.Nomi S. Gault led the devotional per- -. .. 'Battleford. Sask.. is visiting lie brthe Isial Sto 'iod Mrs. H. F. Rayson and Mrs. n L C Reynolds wene appointed to 4. Iand other relatives in the &S- look after h ucaigo O,,a cPovn .trict. Mms. Harnmond, who is fotl the churchgo alonee ewfrnal fr tcur O T RO RA E.her*p. fie r ond heo i and it w as decided t a donate ROOMwhon se hs ua sen sncein punchasing a Power mower. ONTAIO RAVL. ROM 73. 8 wom se hs nt sen ,,,e A ocial houn was enjoyed 67~ COLLEGE ST.. TORONTO. ONTARIO. 1 he lefi this district 4 er during which the hostess as. PLEASE SEND ME A FREE ROAO MAP ANDO1ago. sstdb Ms. T TRAVEL INFORMATION ABOUT ONTARIO. g issWinifrd esbtt as .wJ. T. C.obuun, reure from holidays spent .m akadMs m inOnlliawîthMn. nd M orY Smith senved lunch. . .......... .... ............... I Robent Doake.. Thene will be no meetings RAME ned r isigased held during July and Augusi. reoey oMs iyTop Mrs. Charles Smith offeed ..re...e...ta.Miss.Lily .....- I er home for the Seiptember ..........I son. wýho underwent an oper- metig ation in Civic Hospital. Peter- meeting. ________ .............. brS. hicks3d8 ,eBrian of Dear Readen, night thinking, r.UAV ~Winnipeg, Man., Mrs. Stewart right feeling. and right acting ----- rHogg of Keene, Mm. and Mrs. -bancs iv, purity. unselfish. Hon. Loois P. Ccl*, Q.C, M.,,,er. Donna, Larv, Bnenda and Ed- intellectuality, and happiness die aof Fraserville, wene guests Mary Baker Eddy. "'I knsw ysu'd fiuid i t on THE mé a wi Findtbenumb.r ek*asabook Bethany W.. Has Busy June Meeting with Mr. -and Mrs. John White on Wednesday. Mrs. Marie Yonkus of Kit- chener is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fiank Martichenko. Mrs. James Neals, Fever- sham, is vigiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neals for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Finney motored to Buffalo, N.Y., for the weekend. Under the direction of Band- master Ernest Victors of Pe- terborough, the Bethany Corn- rnunity Band presented a very fine concert at thec Athietic Park on Sunday. Norman Lowes, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lowes. Friends are wishing a speedy recovery to Dianne Mulligan who is a patient ini St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neals,1 Feversham, spent the weekend1 with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cari'.1 The Woman's Association ofj the United Church held a very1 successful garden party on Fnî-c day evening with many pres. ent from outside points. Fol-1 lowing the bountiful supper the Young People's Dramatjc Club of Bethel presented their humorous play "George In a Jam'. Between acts the Miss-d es Wilma and Norma Jakeman entertained with several vocalc selections. V Business Directory A cco unian cy, WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant l4 Ring St. E. Bowmanville (Above Garton'!rBus Station) Phone MA 3-3612 r. BUNTER AND COMPANY Certified Public Accauntants 64 King Street E. Oshawa 5-1621 Successors taO. S. Hobbs I ( t a a r e v e 1Chiropractic SI G G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. ;pecialty Paper Praduets Bldg. 63 Tempenance Street Phone MA 3-5509 ffice Hours: By Appaintment DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 Ring St. W. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 moon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 Hiouse Phone - Newvcasile 3551 From Estate The Woman's Missionary So- ciety of the United Church held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel, with Mrs. G. Waddell presid- ing and leading the worship service. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. H. M. Jake- mian. Mrs. M. Porteous, Mrs. O. Spencer and Mrs H. Coppins led in special prayers for the success of mission work in Africa. Mrs. G. M. Longfield report- [ed a bale of clothing, two large quilts and seven crib quilts sent ta headquarters for distri- bution. A cheque in the amount of $200 was received from the estate of the late Miss Elsie and Mrs I. G. Hefkey. Toronto. The June meeting of the Bethany Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. T. S. Gault, 'with Mrs. Thomas Jennings presiding. Roll cal] was answered with the name Of an industry in Durham Caunty. Secretary Mrs. R. W. Price read the minutes of the Previous meeting and carres- pandence which included an- nouncement of the holiday week July 8th ta 22nd at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, especially arranged for Institute members; the re- port of the Auditor, Mrs. P. Neals; thanks from Mrs. M. Finney for a box of fruit dur- ing illness; from Mrs. Edgar Beer expressing appreciation of the Red Cross Home Nurs- ing Class for the prograni an- ranged in their interest and an invitation ta attend a meet- ing in Millbrook regarding ar- ranging a sub-group of the Canadian Cancer Society. After much discussion it was decided ta apply for the short course on "Program. Planning"e with "Choosing and Using Fab- rics" as an alternative. Mrs. T. Jennings gave a brief report of the district annual meeting held at Millbrook. It was de- cided ta continue with improv- ing the kitchen cupboards in the Town Hall basement and Mrs. R. W. Price was appoint- ed ta arrange with a carpenter ta finish the doors. also to pur- chase 24 more place settings of dishes. The program featuring Agri- culture and Canadian Indus- tries was in charge of Mrs. Gault, who gave a most infor- mnative paper on McDonald College which is this year cele- brating it's 50th Anniversary. Mrs. Hugh DeGeer and Mrs. Douglas Smelt, leaders of the Junior Girls Glad I Canner Club, told of their work during he vear exhibiting catton blouses made by the members, Ilso their class record books and annaunced that Miss Elea- non Rowan, who has complet- ed eight units of club wonk, vins a trip ta Guelph at the Mrs. A. G. Wright, Hamil. ton, the former Jean Muir Toc of Bowmanville, passed away at her residence 41 Inglewood Drive, Hamilton, on Friday, June 3. Mrs. Wright was a sis- ter of Miss Olga Tod of Bow- manville, and a daughten of the late Thomas Tod and Em- nia Windatt. The deceased was born in Bowmanville, and t aug h t school at Maple Grave for a short period before training as a nurse at Grace Hospital, To- ronto, from which she graduat- ed in 1913. In 1914 she married Mn. Arthur G. Wright, who was also born in Bowmanville but left here in his eanly years for Brantford. Mn. Wright is pre. sident of Dominion Foundries and Steel Ltd., Hamilton. Two sons, George and Thomas, both of Hamilton, also survive, and seven grandchildren. A broth- er, Windatt Tod, predeceased ber in 1916. ilton, Mrs. Wright lived a very fulil and active life and will be mucb missed in the commun- ity. She was a member of Cen- tral -Presbytenian Ch u rc h where funeral services were conducted on June 6 by Rev. A. L. MacKay. Interment was in Woodland Cemetery, Hamn- ilton. -- Bethany W.M.S. Receives $2001 expressed the thanks of the inembers to Mrs. DeGeer and Mrs. Smelt for their efforts with this 4-H Club. Mrs. Rupert Wood gave a reading 'Get A Hobby" an amusing account of the wri- ter's struggle with handicraft. A cantest was won by Mrs. De Geer. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Price, Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Jennings. Mrs. M. Finney expressed the thanks of the members- ta Mr s. Gault for the use of her home and ta aIl those who assisted with the program. There wiUl be no meetings held during July and August. OBITUARY IRichardson. It was decided ta Mrs. J. R U.Jd 1 contact Rev. A. J. Stead as'R.iolg guest speaker for the summer C lbae e missianary service. C lbae e Mrs. T. Jackson gave a short taik on stewardship. Mrs. H. 0h Br da Coppins gave items of interest 9Oh Brha on work in Trinidad and Miss The Statesman joins with L.- Weatherilt repar'ted on the her many friends, although work among the Orientals re- siding ini Canada. few are still left In her native Mrs. Manseli Wright, Mrs. tawn of Bowmanville, in ex- G. M. Longfield and Mrs. W. tending cordial congratulations Rowland gave interesting in- to Mrs. J. R. Holdge (the for- formation about mission work mer Loveday Cotton) who will in Angola, Africa. This year. observe her 90th birthday onI marks the 75th anniversary of. June 24th at lier home, 1571 the first mission station in An- Wychwood Ave., Apt. 7, T1or- gala. There has been much onto 10. Mrs. Hoidge 's tin progress made. Comparisons frail health, but she has the were given of the different i loving and devoted care of her situations in which our mis-f daughter. Miss Marjorie Hoidge- sionanies work today and those who holds an important exe- of the early graup. There are cutive position with the well 49 United Church missionaries known investment f irm of A. serving in Angola and manyo E. Ames & Co. Limited. A the Africans are now serin son, Reginald Hoidge, who is as ministers of the gospel and1 an architect, lives in New York as doctors, nurses and teachers1 City. among their own people. 1 For the benefit of our voung- At the close of the meeting er readers they might 'be in- the hostess served lunch and a social hour was enjoyed. Protect Your Crops Against Insects and Diseases With )Vlygara QUALITY PRODUCTS, Niagara Fungicides and Insecticides are specially formiulated for effective,' econom- lcal control to help you get bigger and better fruit and vegetable crops. FUNGICIDES KOLO FERBAM KOLO SPRAY IN SECTI CID ES NIAGARA D.D.D. NIATOX 50%/ D.D.T. MALATHION ARSENATE 0F LEAD PHOSKIL (PARATHION) Cal your Niagara Dealer for fuil information on Niagara Protectants *11 VOfiNiagara Brand iot Spray Co., -imited BURLINGTON, ONTARIO NIAGARA FERBAM ORTHOCIDE (CA PTAN) Now GOOD YEAR presents a DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis hame 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phane MA 3-5604 j DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowinanville Office Houns: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Satunday Clased Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Lega STRIKE and STRIKE Bannistens, Solicitars S Notaries Public W. R. Sinike, Q.C. A. A. H. Stnike, B.A. 40 King St. W. Bawmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barristen, Solicitor Notany Publie King St. W. - Bawmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 JOHN REGAN, B.A. Bannisten Notary Public 33 Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3292 MSS APHA 1. HODGINS Bannisten, Solicitor Notany Public Temperance St. » Bawmanville M ortg a ge s LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 Finst mortgage funds Residences - Farma Business Propenties I O p f o me ir y KEITU A. BILLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-3252 Office Hours: 9 amn. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday except Wednesday. 9 - 12 Evenings by Appaintmnent JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist J7& Loveil Bown=iaayW 71d 'Iis t a brand new Goodyear quality tire. 3e > n racopeeatyu a mz'mo Fully guaranteed. match em. 2. Made with Goodyear's exclusive 3-T cord 4* Maco available ini white aidewall at slight extra and Grip- Seal construction --means increased cofit. blowout resistanoe-fewer puncture delaya. BARGAINS IN REGULAR TIRES TOOI __ LOW-PRICED HIGH QUALITY-LOW WHITE SIDEWALL PRICE-PATHFINDER SUPER-CUSHION S2IZEAi. 6.70-$46 Ah* Site 7.10Sx 13OR TOUR MONEa FROM TUE DEALER WHO SELLS <iODy EA terested to know that Mrs. Hoidge is the eldest daughter of the late Steve Cotton whe many years ago owned and aPerated a dairy farm 4nw known as the Boys Training School. This fact of aricesteryv may accaunt for Mr. Cottôuý' ilustrious grandson, Harold M Gully, being associated with the Silverwood Dairy Co. for many years. If you read the account of Harold's address given at the R.otary Club in this issue you will see he also is posessed of an overabund. ance of the milk of human kindness. Another well knowd maexn.. ber of the Cotton family the youngest daughter (RthodiW the late Mrs. A. J. Saunders who was a music teacher bacls in the 80's. ,An Aberdonian was found in a condition of collapse in the bathroom. He had fainted in Mns. L. W. Dippell enter- tained in honor of ber daugh- ter, Miss Manion Dippell, ai a ttrousseau tea on Saturday af- ternoon and evening. Miss Dip- Pell's niarriage ta Mr. Ray- mond Rogers Muimhead of To- ronto, wil] take place this Sat- urday afternoon in Trinity Un- ited Church. Receiving with Mrs. Dippell and the bride-elect was the gmoom's mother, Mrs .S.-R. Muirhead of Regina, *Sask. ' Mrs. Fred Gilbert, Mrs. Ham-1 er Fisher, Mrs. J. C. Weir, al I of Toronto, and Mrs. W. Sin- clair of Timmins, poured tea ini the afternoon, and tea as- sistants were Miss Marjonie Mutton, Bowmanville; Mrs. Carl Hochmann, Miss Maria Clarke, Oshawa; Miss Judy Been, Toronto. Pouning tea in the evening were Mrs. C. E. Rehder, Mrs. V. H. Storey, Mrs. M. M. Ger- ry and Mns. W. H. Hoar. ail of Bowmanville, and assisting in the tea rooma were Miss Patsy Smith, Mrs. Morley Vanstone and Mrs. Agnes Lewis. Missi Peggy Dippell, sister of the bride, showed guests ta the tea roani. Mrs. Fred Knox welcamed guests at the door and was in charge of the guest book. As- sisting. in the vanious raoms wene Miss Janet Dale, Miss Mary Southey, Miss Nancy 1\'3sters, Miss Wilma Richards and Miss Catherine Teeple. Fonming the centre-piece of the tea table was an arrange- ment of pink roses and camna- tions cascading from a simu- lated engagement ring, flank- ed by candelabra. Among the out af town guests weme Mrs. M. A. Nea], Orchard Park, N.Y., Mrs. A. R. Vingin, Miss Barbara Virgin e n f a 1 1 - 1 1 1 - i'l T rousse au Tea HeId in Honour an attempted to put squeezed toothpaste back into the tube. 16-4 8 D. Woodhouse

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