"Durham County's Qreat Family Journal" 4 BUWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. JUNE 23rd. 1955 Winner Receives Kinsmen Car 4 ZZ Bowmanville Kinsmen Club put the final touches ta their 1955 Pontiac raff le .,»Monday morning when an officiai party delivered the brand new sedan ta the holder of the winning ticket, Mr. Lucas Nichoils, 33 Prospect Street. The happy ticket winner stands in the centre, at the drive way beside his home following officiai ceremonies. At the left is President Art Hooper of Bowmanville Kînsmen Club, with Campaign Chairman 'John Graham on the right. -Photo by Ai Richards Kinme Club Pro vides Entertainment - Games At Annual Karnival Lucas Nicholîs, 33 Prospect chairmen in charge af the Street, a retired employee ai Karnival and the car draw, Goodyear, was winner ai the for their untiring efforts. 1955 Pontiac at the draw heid Attendance at the two-night Saturday evening at the Kins- program feli somewhat due ta mnen Karnival, in' the Memorial prevailing hot weather and the,, Arena. He held the winning fact the event was heid in- ticket, number 10410, purchas- doors. ed fromn George Brooks, Hydro Billy Wade, young drum tmpioyee of Bowmanville. soloist irom' Courtice, ,was. the The draw was made offic- anly* feature artist on "the con - ially by Mayor Nelson E. Os- cluding program Saturday ev- borne, befare a fairly good ening, the car draw being the turnout. President Art Hoop- major attraction. er presided and in an introduc- President Art Hooper noled tion aiso thanked Bowmanville afterwards that he was pleased residents for their support ta ta see that this year the car the Karnival. had been won by a Bowman- AIl praceeds ai the Karnival ville resident. wiil go ta aid in retiring the In support ai the Karnival debenture issue covering in a parade was held iast Friday stallation of artificial ice in evenihg down Liberty St. the Memoriai Arena. through Bowmanville business President Hooper stated last section, along Temperance St. Monday that returns were stili ta the Memorial Arena. ta be brought in from ticket The parade was led by the sales and he was hopeful that High School bugle band, head- the club wouid show a fair ed by its drum majorettes, fol- margin. He expressed apprec- lowed by the Rayai Canadian iation toa ah members of thce Army Cadet unit at the High club and toalal committee (Continued on page seven) Salvation Army' to iïyChange 0f ficers Here Legio nBa nd Gives ScroIl To J. Foote Major John W. Foote, V.C.. M.L.A. for Durham, received an unusual honor Saturday evening in the Legion Hall when he was formaliy present- ed witb a testimonial scroll caniirming him in the office ai Honorary President ai the Le- gian Pipe Band. The presetitation was made on behaif of the band by Pipe -Major, Dauglas7 -Blote.----- The scroll was inscribed an a piece ai caifskin drumhead by Drum Sergeant James Tay- lor, in private life a sign paint- er. It was suitabiy framed. The presentation coniirmed the appointment ai Major Foate ta the office, ta whicht he had been elected almost two years ago. Mrs. Foote was alsa present during the presentation. Major Foote, in repiying, stated he had received a fa'îr number ai plaques and testi- maniais in his time, but added the Pipe Band plaque would be given an bo-nored place on the wall ai his study. Trinity Choir On the Air C - ----J - A IÀ Lieut. John Ham, in charge1 At the age ai 16 he was a 4bundaay A.MV. of Bowmanviiie Saiv a t i o n member ai the Earlscourt Sal- Army since August, 1952, wil i vation Army Band ai Toronto, The choir ai Trinity United leave with M'\rsz. Har and their and went on many of the sen- Church under the direction of infant son, John Douglas Ham, ior band's tours, includingý Mr. Arthur Collison will be early next v eek ta take up Maryland and West Virginla.' heard over Oshawa radia sta- his nexv appointmert at Orilixi. He was guest soioist at the tion CKLB this Sunday morn- 'Ihe transfer bcco.,nes effective Music Congress ai the Saiva- ing, June 26. Tbey wiil be fea- June 30. tion Army, held in New York tured on Mel Smith 's program, FaeelCity severai years ago. Sunday Scbool ni the Air, arewil Prior ta moving ta Tweed, rom 10.05 ta 10.30 a. services ww he xvas sergeant at the S.A. Temscwsrcre w the S alv a- training college, Taronto, and weeks ago. The choir xiii bel tion A r ni yobainag ed i cision. rrTWJheard in four hymns and Mrs. Citadc 2i sag e nrre MrartLloyd Ayre sings the soin, Suinday, a 1Stebbings nf Belleville, wlho "Beautiful Garden ai Praver". 11 a. n.ii ar was then in charge ai the Mr. Collison and Mrs. Ayre 7 p m.Garionoque Salvation Ariv are also interviewed during thŽ p.in.Citadel. They have one daugh- broadcast. Bowmanville listen-, The poi tel-, Judy. ers wili want ta tune in on th;s lar youn1 S. In Tweed he was a charter programi Sunday morning ta A. afi ec e r', member ai the Kiwanis Club, hear Trinity Choir. on the air. many 1rend,ý(Ls and assisted in many musicali here, will po Lieut. John Hanim drtkns succeeded by Lieut. Wm. A. hpymmre.Fr Bron, ivo on s frin While in Bawmanville Lieut. ir Brigade Trwnd.one ron Ham inaugurated the weekly Tweed.radio broadcast from the Cît- During Lieut. Hams stay in adel 'Showers ai Biessing'!P uts O.,>ut Blaze Bowmnvile e ha ben jhe ard every Sunday at 6:30, Presidenteai the Bowmanville p.m._over station CKLB. Ministerial Association for theý iu.W.A rw,\h i w m ln pastoneanda haf yars succeeds Mr. Ham, has been j He had been stationed in Tweed three IWbat might have grown' inta! a rie m b e r yoars. He is a talented music- a seriaus fire was averted by i4n and vocalist, and has beenl Bowmanville Volunteer Fire af Bawman- guest artist at many enter-. Brigade 1at e last Friday even; villeLions tainments in Tweed. ing %,ben they attended acj U~ Club and bcd ta the iarm ni Thomas Thomp- taken part i son, an No. 2 highway. A grass1 alltcomw!,_Boy SCOUtS fiesatdi a swmpha p a r ti cularîy~ tank ai water was required ta; witbthe ît- amer LJ andle the autbreak. izens' Com- j irv Fire Chief Lucius Hooperc mittee. H eý I ' stated the Brigade xvas caliedf wvas musical:I iIs Frirlay at 10 p.m. On arrivai tboy 1 director af found the blaze well underway Mr.Hm the local S.A. Bowmanvllle Boy Scouts in a swamp back ai the farm. Mr.Rm band and a wilI make a town-wlde pick- They were farcedto make their talented musician. During !lis up campaign in their Paper way thraugh the farmyard. t atay here the local corps bas Drive, to be held next Fr1- and across an adjoining fieldi achiveda 50perentincrase 24 TheScots, ta reach the swamp. The fire -j - eieveda c50 ercbentincroes, dyJn 4.TeScus igbters spent a fuil bour at leinapcosertyabilio we- formed inta teams, will start the site. in papery aso ws work at 6 p.n. coverint res- mTade. idential streets of the town. Mr. Tbampson had been ex- Lieut. Ham . expressed is ' Scout officiais are urglng the tending a drivewav into the J sincere tbanks for the ca-aper- j co-operation of ail citizens sw amp and had started the l atian be bad receivedi fron tot have oid papers and f ire ta clear the grass.C Bowmnanville rezidents fronm magazines tipd and placed 1 It's a gond thing there was1 ail walks ai lufe, and statedi on boulevards In front of j na wind," Chief Mooper com-ld he would leave with raay thiwhomes.- mented. i What's it feel like to win a new car? That's a hard ques- tion ta answer, said Lucas Nich- ails, of 33 Prospect Street, win- ner of the 1955 Pontiac sedan held in conjunction with the Kinsmen Karnival, last Monday morning when he was formally presented with the shiny new model. "I thought it was another ticket ail the time," he comment- ed, with a wide smile, "and then I was puzzled about my neigh- bar up the street; but I finaily found the winning ticket." As praaf he praduced it, ticket number 10410, which he had purchased anly Tuesday of the week previaus from George Brooks, of Bawmanville. A brief ceremany was held Manday morning at the entrance ta Mr. Nichails' home, President Art Haoper farmaliy presenting the keys, while ticket sales Chairman John Graham receiv- ed the winning ticket and- check- ed with his caunterfoil. License plates were alsa supplied, ta- gether with the usual car service warranty. "It's a straxige thing," said Mr. Nicholîs, "but anly last Satur- day marning 1 received a Fath- er's Day card irom my youngest daughter." He proudly display- ed it. The front contained. a horstshoe and shamrock, while a rabbit's foot was inside next ta the printed text. "It sure must have braught luck," he said "I received it Saturday marning and won a car Saturday night." He paid the required $1 ta make the transaction legai, John Graham receiving the money, an behali of the Club. Mr. Nicholîs added his wife is at present in Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville, but when she cornes out, he said, they plan a txip, somewhere ta the north. "It won't be too far," he com- mented. Oniy a month ago he had bought a used Morris car, which stood in the garage at the drive- way beside the home. He in- tends making this a gift toaia grandson' The winner, who confesses ta being 79, but does not look it; conciuded he had not yet writ- ten his daughter ta advise the luck he thought her card had Large Number Attendi Annual Decoration Day Service at Cernetery Bowmanviile paid fitting trib- ute ta its dead ai bath Warlc Wars in impasing services held last Sunday aiternoon in Bow- manville Cemnetery. Church, municipal, Legionnaires, ex- servicemen and ail other com- munity and serrice organizations were well represented. The program was arranged by His Warship the Mayar, Bow- manville Town Council, the Bowmanville Brapch of the -anadian Legion, B.E.S.L., and Bawmanville Minîsterial Assoc- iation. The parade iormed up before the Legion Hall on Queen St.1 Eat 2:30 p.m., and maved off, headed by the Legion Pipe Band. Legionnaires followed, with a color party, with the Union Jack and Legion colors separating the two giuQp4--ýoL.service2en. Led by the skirl ai the pipes, the body marched via Queen Street and thence ta Bowman- ville Cemetery. Members of the Ladies' Aux- iiiary also turned o' t in strength, with a bus ay I able for thase unabie ta take part in the march ai well over a mile. A planked platiorm, under heavy shaded trees, in a central Art Display Coming Here Week July 4th The travelling Amateur Art Display ai East Central Ontario will be in Bowmanviile for the week ai July 4th. Comprising some 60 amateur paintings, the display will be exhibited in the Lions Community Centre, and is open ta the public. The dispiay will be open each evening irom, 7.30 ta 9 p.m., irom Manday ta Friday inclusive, and may also be seen an Wednesday afternoon iroin 3 ta 5.30. The exhibit wili be shown in 17 eastern Ontario centres in ail, and bas already attracted much interest in such places as Belleville, where it officiaily opened an April 15, Napanee, Trenton, Lindsay and Peterborough. Four members of the Baw- manvilie Adult Art Ciass ai which Mr. Arnold Hodgkins, A.O.C.A., is instructor, have paintings in this display. They are Merlin Siute, Elizabeth Knox, Mrs. A. M. Paterson, and Williamn A. Stewart. Amateur art is- attracting more devotees each year and the dispiay will be well worth one or more visits irom thase interested in this medium. Some members ai the Art Class will be present at ahl times while the display is on exhbi- tion in Bowmanville. Jack and Ji Hold.sAnnui A most pleasant week-end 1 was cnjoyed by twenty-six cou- ples ai the Jack and Jiil Club at Bayview Lodge on Sparrow Lake. This is the fiith year the club bas taken advantagi. ai the good time and excellent food provided at 'this summer lodge. Swimming, dancing, tennis and water bahl were enjayed by ail and many took part in the sparts competitions which were orgauized by AI and Anna Strike. The winners were as ioiiows: Morse shaes singles-Keith Sic- mou; horse shaes doubles - Ken Maguire and Bud Moses,5 ladies singles in darts, Lyjnn 1 Oke; mens singles in darts, s, Bud Oke: d o u ble s i darts. Gwen Black and Ken 5 Maguire; ladies '-ng pong, Pat I11 .part ai the cemetery, was centre aio the service. Civic representa- Stives, dignitaries, and members ai the Ministerial Association, were seated. Members ai the Legion iarmed in iront facing the piatiorm, with the Ladies' Auxiliary ta their leit. The "Caîl ta Worship" was delivered by Rev. A. W. Schaafs- ma, ai the Christian Reiormed Churcb. At the close, the hymn, "Thou Glariaus God Before Whose Face" was sung. Rev. H. A. Turner, ai St. Paui's United <Continued on Page seven) B.H.S. -Teachers Reçei-ye ,Gi-fis From Staff A Picnic beld on Monday evening, June 20, by members ai the High School staff at Or- ana Park was an enjoyable ai- fair. It was made a rather spe- cial occasion by the staff mark- ing the 25th anniversary ai Mr. L. W. Dippeli's principal- ship in the schaal. Ai Witberspoon read a hu- morous poem he had written ta fit the occasion and presen- tation ai a giit ai a man's lea- ther sbaving case ta Mr. Dip- peul was made by Mrs. Agnes Lewis. Mr. Ken Mathews wbo is ieaving the staff ta go ta Oshawa was also remembered With a paem, written by Jack Ross, and a parting git ai a cigarette case. Swimming, tennis and a pic- nic supper were enjoyed. L.Q.L. Band WiIl Lead Church Parade. 1 Graduates Second son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W rmble, ai Bowmanvilie, who has successfuliy passed his training period and was graduat- ed as Constable with the R.C. M.P. at exercises held at Rock- cliffe, Ottawa, June 13. Born in Bowmanvilie, Const. Trimble at- tended public and Bowmanville High School. He is at present stationed at Headquarters, Otta- wa. Besides his parents, he has four brothers and twa sisters, al ai Bowmanviile. Steel Now In Place at B.H.S. Addition Erection ai the steel super- structure during last week has enabled workmen ta make ra- pid pragress on addition ta the Bowmanville High School, Superintendent E. R. Lloyd, in charge ai work at the site, stat- ed last Friday. With the steel girders In place; he said, erection of the walls will go forward without any hold-up. Ail materials re- quired for the project are ai- ready available, he added. The hot weather seemed ta be the oniy compiaint. Bricklayers were in full op- eration Friday morning, wor-- ing up from the cancrete base already campleted. Fire Brigade By Prompt Cali Fire, believed due ta deiec- tive wiriug, caused seriaus damage ta an upstairs roatu and attie roof at the home ai Howard Burgess, Westmount, early Tuesday aifternocon. Prompt action by Bowmanville Volunteer Fire Brigade avert- ed further loss. The outbreak was iirst not- ed by twa C.P.R. sectionmen. E. McQuade and John Korri- gan, who went into the home ta warn the residents. A 'phanie cali was ruade immediateiy ta the Fire Departruent. Receives Degree 10e PER COPY MTTMRPP 9~ t, -- ---- - ~ e, Chamber of Commerce Discuss Many To pics for Town Betterment jA real possibiiity of indus- triai expansion exists at pres- ent for Bawmanville, President Elmer Banting toid the rnantli- ly membership meeting at the Balmoral hotel Monday even- ing. This he said, was primar- ily the provision by the town, through any co-aperative ef- fort, of buildings for rent, ta prospective industries. "Whether or flot the Cham- ber, or generaily, ail groups, are interested in investing money in their town, I leave with you," he said. He knew, he said, of one firma which at Present was anxious ta lacate in Bowmanvilie, and would " mave in to-morrow" if a suit- able factory building couid be available on a rentai basis. He suggested formation of a syn- dicate ta finance such build. ings, and stated it would prove Ia reai investment with immc- diate returns. The matter was left over for further consideration and dis- cussion. Mr. Banting, in outiining the suggestion, stated he had con- tacted Ontario Department of Planning and Deveiopment and' had learned many indus- tries are interested in locating in areas where rentai build- ings are availabie on a suitabie site. From his own researches, he added, he could cite parti- culariy Ajax, and other towns and cities in the province which naw had endorsed this plan. A concerted and fully co-op- erative effort must be under- taken at once by bath business- men and ail others interested in Bowmanville, ta see that It does nat lose some ai the ad- vantages it naw holds. Members expressed real con- cern at the fact that since the by-passing of the town by the four-Jane highway, taurist trade had, ta use the wvords of the President, "become a thing af the past." Alternatives ta pro- vide a full program ta recover some af these visitars mnust be undertaken, he said. Just what these alternatives may be was ieft ta a iurthcr meeting, but provision ai an adequate park, xvîth full tour- ist facilities, was a major ob- jective, members pr es e nt agreed. Severai possible sites, which might be obtained by turchase, were already listed,, members were advised. The meeting agreed ta pro- ceed at once with erectian of an attractive sign, four by sixc feet, on a steel paie, at bath east and west entrances ta the town. Included on the mnarkers wiil be - Bowmanviile - a Good Place ta Live; Good In- dustriai Sites," over the name ai the Chamber af Commerce. Volunteers came forward ta wark evenings Wednesday and Thursday af this week ta com - plete re-decoration ai the new' off ices af the Chamber in the Town Hall. It was also pro- posed ta erect suitable signs an bath the post Office and Town Hall ta show the offices loca- tion. President Banting told the meeting pio less than 17 al.plÙ- cations hiad been received forÉ the position of Secretary-Manc (Continued on page seven> Public School Students Present Fine Musical Concert at Town Hall A rather smail crowd ai ed bsard and I have enjoyed parents, fiînds and youn-ger working with them." Next brothers and sisters attended year Mr. Peters wil be irDP the annual Bowmanville Pub- structing iunrmusic in the high lic School Concert in the Town sehoal only. Hall iast. Wednesday night, Tbree prizes were presented June 15.' It was rather a pity at this time ta thase pupils that mare aduits did not lend who had sbawn the greatest encouragement by their pre- application and advance dèring seuce ta these young musiciaus the yýear. The fk'st wein tàt who showed a marked advance the maliiest member, Michael aver Iast year's performance. Leddy, and was presé-nted by The baud and instrumenUl- Mr. Peters. Tbis prize is fin- ists were massed on stage, anced out ai the collecjlons re> about 31 in ail, and opened ceîved eacb year at the con- their pragramn witb a lively cett. The Club "15" prize., march wbich they piayed xith. presented by Mrs. Ralph Ames, enthusiasm and goad execu- president, wvas woan by Howardj thon. They were led by Mr. Rundie. The Home and Scbuol D. C. Peters who deserves Association prize, presented bir great credit for the way lunVMe president, Mrs. D. Parkç whîch he bas develaped tiiis was won by Bihl McKnight. graup since its organization Shinîest Horn only tbree years ago. He bas There was one more prize, been assisted by Mr. Abbîe which Mr. Peters started last Darch wbo bas also doue very year as a "joker" be explained, fine wark with the yaungsters.1 but it realiy caught ou with Mr. Darch conducted the con- tebaud. This prize wasfor cluding group ai numbers by th shiiest haru and was a the baud. dollar bill donated by Mr. String Class Peters. 'You shouid bave seeii nbe string class bas also these borns a week ago," lie made great, strides since it was said, "and now look< at thern." begun hast year. A graup ai They were truhy dazzling, but beginners periarmed fi r st, Erwin Gill's was judged the playing a mediey ai nursery best over stifi competition. rhymes very creditabiy. Four A string tria ai beginners, ai the older pupils, with Mrs. Michael Leddy, Bruce Heudry John James at the piano, gv (Continued on page fiiteen) a piesi ea.~i i C tio o' -LJ . UtS Iý Polka." The quartet was co . - pased oi Kare-i Bragg anîd A full winter's practice en- cithWesti, lute; Claire Mut- abled Bowmanville Five and ton, carnet. Dru Bnd a ak anîm ~John James played a trum- Ijre pressive performance at their pet solo, "Melady of Love" with . iirst appearance ai the year, real skill, technique and feel when they went ta Ajax for M, ing. Me received bearty ap- Fali a the .O.. CurcbParde astplause, but did nat offer an the .O . . Ch rch Para e l st encore. M is m other, M rs. Joh a R obert E Sunday, June 19.Jaeacmaidhm tth sustaîned Tbey wil lead Bowmanville Jpiao xvben he t th LOL Curb ardetabc Last Year With Band an excavati held Sunday. The band's sche- tion sitea dule will also include an p In a brief intermission, Mr. Sehool lasi pearance at Lindsay, leadinýg Peters announeed that this haa Admitted the local L.O.L. In the July 19 been bis hast year witb the Memorial 1 parade, wbich will be heid this band, and be gave the young charged on year on July 9. members credit for warking' same day. The band has a number ai' hard. "I feel a littie sad an Ewensi new members and once againý parting with the ,band," Mr. work ta will be under the leadership1 Peters said. 'They have work- ground, on ai Baden Pingle, wbo has spent! Manvilie C several years with anatheriasb-ot band. Tbree drum majorettes a,-ot wili alsa appear with tbe band. Teen-Towners ionwh LU wall aift& Il lubGrdon Clemence Ashton IM I Set tor il l beldest son ai the late Mr. and % const ruct i Mrs. W. C. Asht, Sha' 1 osalPo IIgraduted recently irom Iowa,!ig Doings Hshal, Pc cilA III rul hs hed ta andve K e ci Stete ie hisdeAe of oltr iTeen-agersinBwav Lucs;mens ingpog, tofa Philosophýv (Ph.D. in exper- need not camplaîn ai 'nothing B. Runde Luca, me's ing ongStUimentai Statisties iii' Animal In- ta do in this town" nnw. Dur- James and Keith -Siemon; dustry) from North Carolina ing. this summer, starting right shufile board, Gwen Black and State Cnllege. He bai previaus- I now~, they will bave sa rnuch Tom Rebdcr. Iv graduated iroru Kemptville'oifered them in the way af re-1 Install At the dance on Saturday College ai Agriculture, Ontario creation that they wiii bave ta evnig hee er smelukeAgicltra ëllge Gelhtae Stophoce couples as iollows: Elimination and Macdonald College, St. Tomorrow (Friday), for in-So dance, Marie Moses, Bob Stev- Annes, Que. Dr. and Mrs. Ash- stance, tbere is a dance at Wes t ens, Lyn Banting and Bob ton have been in Canada visit- Beach pavillon. Buses are op- Yesterd, Muttan; spot dance, Marie Mo- ing his 'brothers and tbeir erating at 8.15 wid 9.15 froni ville Pub] ses and Tom Rebder; birthday families: Mr. and Mrs. Newton Garton's terminal returniug at mien wver dance, Jeanne Siemon and StuAsbton, Napanee; Mr. and Mrs. 11.15. These danoes, kuown as stop llghti James; anniversary dance, Pat1 A. L. Ashton, Trenton; Mr. and 1'Teen Time", will continue King and and Len Lucas.1 Mrs. John Ashton, Pickering;! every second Friday through- This busy The couples ail ga tbered on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ashton, out the summer, if suceessiul. had a ci Sunday marning for a churcb Toronto, relatives and friends Teen Town bas muade bi-, school chi service couducted by Dorotby mn Bowmanville and Newcastle. rlans for a wiener roast, bay- Year but and Don Morris. They were as- Tbey aisa visited Mrs. Ashton'si ride, dance, marshmallow roast, it was StI sisted by Lenore and Bob Coul- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cax and! and in general "a real happy stop llght son with Marion James at the bier sisters and brothers in! time". to finish off their sea- staled. piano. Everyone agreed as tbey Toronto. Truly anather Durbarr son on Saturday af tbis week Local in leit on Sunday evening tbat it County boy bas upheld the tra- at the Wcst Beach. Maywagans f ed te, usg had been a gaod two days in ditions ai bis native caunty byj wiil leave the Lions Commun - tion at spite ai sore muscles and sun- making gaod in a big way ini ity Centre at 8.30 p.m. for thej they bec. burned noses. . his chosen profession. lakefront. the lighti Wo rkman is- 2d After a t B.'H. S. Eweu, 25, ai Toronto. a mild concussion. tripped and fehi over tion at the construe- at the District Higli ;Tbursday morning. ta Bawmanvilie haspital, he was disi- nthe evening ai the was measuring up be dane, an the bebali ai the Johns- Company, wbo hold xact on tbe new ad- ien be tripped over tion near a concreie ie new building, it ted by E. R. Lloyd, lent in charge o! in for Bradford- ort Hope. Me was haspital bere. The scaused bv strikin4 'hen he feu. Dr. H.. attended. New Lights Jay the Bowman. lic Utilittes work- re buzy Inutalling ts at the corner of d Liberty Street&. îy Intersection has ,rosslng guard for ldren for the past Scouncil felt that ich a busy corner it. should b. AIn- notorluts are warn. e patimular eau- this corner umit ome famillr wtt t4te~nî~rn ,VOLUME 101 Receives Lucky Charm ,Wins Kinsmen Car, 1 Const. Lyle R. Trimble Saves 1 Il bian 10e PER COPY ig House