?EUESAY, JNIE23r& 1953 THE CANADIAN- STATESMAN, BOWMAXVMLE, ONTAMo PAGE TM=14 NOfOGKAMP - KUPERY * On , Saturday atternoon, June .w Genhanda Maria Kupery, ~aghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ger- rit Kupery of Newcastle, be- camie the bride of Bernardus Aibertus Hoogkamp, son of Mn. and Mrs. Herman Hoog- kamp of Fergus. Rev. Jacob Dykstra o! the Emmanuel Re- formned Church of Whitby perfonmed the double ring cenemony. Peonjes in fuschia, pink and white shades deconat- ed the church for the occasion. Mrs. White of Brougham play- ed the wedding music. The bride chose a gown of white lace and net oven white satin. A short lace boiero with full length sleeves and scal- loped Peter Pan colar was wonn oven the fitted lace bod- ice. Hen headdress was a sequin studded tiara with fin- gertip veil of net and she car- ried a bouquet o! red roses and white baby 'mums. Miss Beatnice Kosten o! Whitby was maid of honor and bidesmaid was Miss Victoria Visser, also of Wbitby. Tbcy were gowned alike in aqua onionskin gowns in ballenina length, featuring a V-neckiine with extended pointed waist- Uine and full skirt and ful length sleeves. They wore bandeaux of white net and carried pink roses and 'mums', and yellow roses and 'mums Huy respectively. Mn. Hendrick Hoogkamp of Newcastle was best man, and ushers were Mn. Albert Seg- ens, Bowmanviile, and Mn. John Hoogkamp, Fengus. A neccp- tion followed, heid at New- castle Community Hall. Foi- lowjng a short honeymoon at Niagara Falls, the couple wili reside at King Street, New- castle. The bride is employed as a bank clerk at the Newcastle branch of the Canadian Bank of Commence, and the groom does installation work for T.V. Enterprises of Oshawa. SMITH - DOWSE Columbus United Church was the scene of the marniage on Saturday afternoon, June 18, of Verna Joan Dowse, daugbter of Mn. and Mrs. Wal- ter J. Dowse, Columbus, and Frank Trewin Smith of Rag- lan, son of the late Mn. and Mrs. Fred L. Smith of Ennis- killen. Peonies and orange blossoms decorated the chut-ch for the ceremony whicb was performed by Rev. Roy H. Rickard. Mrs. Wallace Scott played tbe wedding music and accompan- ied the soloist, Mrs. Ralin Wescott of Brooklin. Given in mat-nage by ber father, the bride was cbarming ina ballerina length gown THRILLS! CHILLS! SPILLS! Oshawa Kinsmen Club and Oshawa Ramblers' Motorcycle Club Present i 1955 Ontario Diri Track Motorcycle Champion sh 'Ps SEl! These Death-Defying Riders Racing Against Time With Speeds Up To 100 Miles Per Hefur Riders from QUEBEC, ONTARIO and U.S.A $1#000.00 Aduits _____75e CASH PRIES! Children ____25c (Proceeds for Oshawa Kinsmen Club Charities) 'Y i 0*0 in their attractive new labels Yes! - Wilson's fomnous Ginger Aies are as smart in oppecrance ouside the bottie as the contents are sparkling inside! The Public clwoys prefers Wilson's Ginger Aies - for their deliclous flavour -their matchl.ss sporkle-and their greatest value! Get them viow in, tfeir shining new labels! Wilson's DRY GINGER ALE and Wilson's GOLDEN AMBER GINGER ALE. P.S.-and Wlson's CLUB SODA bas a new dress, too! THE GREATEST VALUE IN. GINGER ALES 30 OUNCES FOR 18c OR 2 FOR 35c (PLUS DEPOSIT) Ni-Z Ml' Li Several HoId Showers for Marion Dippeil Among those ententaining for Miss Marion Dippeil, who this Satunday, June 25, wil] become the bride of Mn. Ray- mond Rogers Muinhead, wce Miss Madeline Osborne and Miss Wilma Richards. A cupý and saucer showet- was held at tbe fonmen's borne, Newcas- tle, wbcn 20 girl friends of the bride were guests. On June 11, Mrs. Fred Knox, Mrs. M. M. Gerry, Mrs. W. H. Hoar, Mrs. V. H. Storey and Mrs. C. E. Rehder were host- esses at the home of Mns. Knox,- Lowe Street, Bowman- ville, wben the bride was pre- sented with sevenal pieces of ber dinner china in Royal Douiton, Kingsmere pattern. Miss Adele Cooper To Her Marriage On Thursday, June l6th, Miss Adele Cooper, Orono, was re- cipient o! many useful gifts at a miscelianeous sbower at the home of Mrs. Hanny Met-cen, where about forty relatives, friends and neigbbours wet-e gathered. On ber arrivai Adele was ushcred to the chair of honor in the archway o! the adjoining room which was dec- onated with pink and white streamers with belis. She was then presented with a corsage o! red roses by ber niece littie- Wendy Met-cen. Assisted by co-hostesses Mrs. 0. Cowan and Mrs. Jack Mer- cer, the bride-to-be then open- cd the many gifts. Adele in a few wehl chosen words thanked ber friends graciousiy for the iovely gifts. Tbe bostesses then led in sev- enal amusing games, after whichI the guests enjoyed a social chat Iwhile a deliclous lunch was serv-c ed. Your favourite Beverages now hai# e spanking new Wed in' St. John's Church j The Oro p Mr. Mac Smith of CBLT, Toronto, visited Mrs. Neil Smitb on Saturday. Miss E. M. Holmes, Osbawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Row- land last week, 1 Miss Gloria Pigott spent tbe -weekend in Roseneatb. Mrs. J. R. Orrninston, Ennis- Skillen, visited Mrs. J. D. Brown -and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Milîson. Miss Audrey Billings, Osbawa, spent tbe weekend wîtb Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wiggins and Gregory Glenn, Don Milis, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples tbis week. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. O. Cowan and Laura were Mr. and Mrs. Robent Ard and Mrs. Jim Ard, Kirby; Mr. and Mns. Jack Cooper, Miss Margaret Flintoff, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gil- bank and Mn. and Mrs. Laurence Nelson, Woodbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller at- tended anniversary service at Pontypool on Sunday evening. Miss Shirley Porter, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clougb, Tren- ton; Mr. Arthur Clougb, Belle- ville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Major. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryson (formerly Anna Marie Sbenwin) on tbe birth of tbeir daughter, Jenette Marie, on June l6tb. F/S and Mrs. Chas. Walker and family, Trenton. spent tbe weekend wýith Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn1 and family and Mrs. Fred Tam-1 blyn visîted Mn. and Mrs. Han-1 old Smith, Niagara Falls, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, Buf-. falo, N.Y.: Mr. L. Virtue, Port Perry, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Bail. Mr. W. H. Hooper, Toronto: Mrs. Chas. Awde and Mr.* and Mrs. D. G. Hooper wene dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry, Tynone, last week. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tbompson, Cobourg, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Waddell on Fnid-ay. Congratulations to Mrs. J. R. Hoidge of Toronto on her 9Oth birthday, June 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Jones ax.d family and Mrs. Wm. Uglow, Newtonville, visited Mn. andi MVrs. Cecil Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray and David, Cadmus, spent the wveekend wîtb Mr. and Mrs, eg Sutton.; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman and Kenneth Edward visited Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cbatterton and Mliss Jili Chapman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood, Mrs. A. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Y'oung and Sylvia, Peterbono, attended the Decoration Service at Hampton on Sunday and~ were supper guests of Mr. and vlrs. Harland Truli. Mrs. Jack Mercer spent Tues- Lay in Oshawa. Mrs. Roy Bryson, Hamilton; M'r. and Mrs. Dalton Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bryson and son Ken, Toronto, attended. the funenal of Mrs. Wm. Morrow of Peterborough. Interment was in Orono Cemetery on Saturday. 'bey were guests of Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay. Don nd Billy, Islington, visited Mr. nd Mrs. R. E. Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dean at- tnded the manriage of the r niece Miss Gertrude Harris Io MIr. Ronald Wahn, at the United Church, Sharbot Lake, on Sat- rday. Miss Ann McIntosb and Mrs. [ugh McIntosh. Madoc, spent, 1ec weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Nm. Miller. Mrs. Ed. Higginbotbam, Van- ,uver; Mrs. Colin McLean, A]- Derta: Mrs. Hart-y Cryderman, [ns. Lawrence Cryderman and [r. Frank Cryderman. Bowman- ille; Mrs. Hart-v Jose, New- astle, visited Mrs. Fred TaM- lyn last week. Mn. and Mrs. James Ball witb [nrs. L. Pears and Linda. Bow-, nanville, visited Mr. Len Pears nSunnybrook Hospital, Toron- n. anind ond he was mucb im- fashioned on princess Uines of white irnported French lace with back insert of pure silk, and thnee - quarter length sleeves. Her headdress was of match- ing pure silk studded with pearis, from which her finger- tip veil fell. She wone a single strand peani neckiace and car- ried a white Bible crusted witli red rosettes. ýAttpnding the bride were Miss Marion R. Palmer, Osh- awa, maid of honor; Miss Joan Bellinger, Toronto, Miss Gale Legerton, Scarboro, nieces of tbe bride, as junior brides-.. maids. Miss Palmer worýe shrimp pink lace and nylonI with headdress of matching velvet and carried a cascade oM Queen Elizabeth yellow roses. Miss Bellinger was in yello w. nylon chiffon and carried aj cascade of Aristocrat mauv el roses, wbile Miss Legerton waE gowned in ice blue on similar lines, carrying Queen Elizabeth yellow roses. Eacb wore a gar- land of flowers in ber bair. All tbe bridai attendants wore a single strand of pearîs. Mr. Ray Smith, Oshawa, act- ed as best man, and usbers were Mr. James M. Bellinger, Toronto, and Mr. Glenn Smith, Raglan. The bride's motber received the guests in the Sunday Scbool room of Columbus Un- ited Cbuncb, wearing flowered > navy blue sheer with matcb-: ing accessonies and corsage of ned roses. For travelling north on tbeir boneymoon trip, the bride chose a cornflowen blue linen dress witb wbite acces- thq sonies. On tbeir neturn Mr. j and Mns. Smith wiil reside in Brooklin. b Il SALEM Pense trip to British Columbia There will be no churcb ser-- 1! the first week in July. vice at Salem this Sunday as iCongratulations to Mr. and it is Haydon Anniversary. 1 Mrs. Arthur Saunders on their Salem W.A. will meet at the 48th wedding anniversary. parsonage, Tyrone, today, June Mr. and Mrs. Albert Randaîl 23. Mrs. C. Daw, Hampton, will1 and Loreen. Wbitby, Mr. Jas. be guest speaker. Alldread and Mr. Geo. Alldread, Miss Nancy Hall returned to Tyrone; Mr. Cecil Alldread. Chatham with ber fatherMr. Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Ronald Hall after visiting her Mrs. Herb Murray on Sunday. grandparents, Mr.an Mr.J Mr. Jack Bairstow feil off, his Hall. roof on Monday and broke bis Mr. and Mrs. G. Shackleton 1; leg. He is in Memorial Hos- and family witb Mr. and Mrs. pital, Bowmanville. H. Cryderman, Maple Grove. Congratulations to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist, Mur- Mrs. H. Luxton on the birth of ray and Katby, with Mr. and Mns. H. Foley, Maple Grove. Raymond and John Twist vis- ited Carlos and Jim Cryder- man. Mn. and Mns. K. Shackleton and family with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Little, Agin- court. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Lehman (nee Joan Craig) who were married Sat- urday. their son, June 2th. Mrs. E. H. Samuel and daugh- ter returned home from Toronto mi on Friday. jRev. Dr. Hunnisett and -bis -sisters. Miss Hunnisett and Mrs. -Peacock, Toronto; Rev. John Kitchen were dinner guests of IMr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples on Sunday. 1Decoration Day services will be held at the Orono Cemetenv on Sunday aftennoon, June 26th be in attendance. A Rev. Dr. W. A. Hunnisett of tbe Fred Victor Mission, Toron- to, was the guest speaker for W. A. Anniversary, Sunday. at Orono United Church. June Meeting of Blackstock W. M.S. Blackstock Auxiliary of W. IM.S, was held June 8, at the home of Mrs. Gordon Stnong. \'etngopened witb a poem-n read by Mns. Hill who tooki charge of the meeting in the1 absence of the president. Mms. 1Alex Johnston took the de- v9tionai stressing the 75th an- niversary o! the Angola mis- sion and offening prayers for said mission field. A few mom- ents of silence was noticed in memory 0Y f Rev. R. G. Carru- thers, a former pastor who passed away this week. The rolîcaîl was answered with! the name of a mission station.ý A committee was elected to I g make plans for a baking sale.1 1, Mns. A. Johnston's. group ý etook charge of the following! progra m: A solo by Miss Phyl- lis Stnong.; Mrs. Roy Tayloriý took the study book chapter' concerning the missionanies and tbe cburch in India; read- Sing by Mrs. McKee, "Being a Friend". Mrs. Russell Mount- joy gave a paper on Steward- sbip. Mrs. Johnston expnessed Ithanks to ail wbo had helped with the program and to Mrs. Strong for the use of ber borne. Brighten up your Paint Job with one or more of the SModern Home Trim Colours Ssuch as Rockei Blue, Grove Green, Coral, Lime, Sunshine Yellow, Oakwood, Envy Green, or inter-mixes of same IDEAL FOR FRONT DOORS Just what is needed to make an ordinary job look really smart from $2,50 quart J. H. Abernethy 85 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wil- liams, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mns. Lorne McKee. This community was sadden- ed on Saturday by -the sudden passing of Mr. E. Smith Fengu- son'at Brockville. Before mov- ing to Bowmanville Mr. Fer- guson lived in this community. Deepest sympathy goes out ta' his wife and daughter and re- latives and fniends. Mn. and Mns. Norman Rob.- rer, Kenneth and Barry, at- tended the wedding on Satur- day of their niece Miss Betty Lou Feltz and Mr. James Vi- vian of Mitchell. Cadmus supper and concert was held on Friday evening and was quite successful. The three-act play put on by Tbonnton's Corners Commun- ity Association was well per- formed. Billy Wade, Countice, witb his drums were aise en- joyed. Your Better Hait Sandy (reading papers): 111 say Donald, what does 'your better haîf' mean?" Donald: "I dinna ken, Sandy, The Greatest Drapery Event 0f The Season Town Famous For Their Quality Cusfom-Making wli NOW- make your DRAPES r FR E o Chage!FOR ONE IFREEof Chrge!WEEK ORLY Starting Tomorrow THURSDA Y WITH YOUR PURCHASE 0F NATERIALS SELECTED FRON BOWMANVILLE'S GREATEST DRAPERY VALUES- 15,000 YARDS 0F NEWLY- CREATED MATERIAL TO CHOOSE FRON. - -'<i~"-~ PATTERNS BY THE WORLD'S LEADING DESIGNING ARTISTS, VAT-DYED, PRE-SHRUNK 48" FABRICS You Cannot Beat Th ese Prices Anywhere!, SPECIAL FEATLJRES This Amazing Offer *You get top-quality vuNtom drape making *Lined or unlned, as required *Any width of drapes *Any number of widths Drapery Fabrics o IN 48-INCH IDTHS Abstracts - Florals - Scenles 32 Distinctive Hand Prints, Etc. SELL FO UCH HRIGHR THAT SFO U ORIGR PRICE. FREE CUSTOM MAKING 48" Wldth FREE CUSTOX "Be Sure and Bring Your Window Measurenients" Town KING ST. . BO MANV LLEUONT ALEXANDRA PARE OSHAWA FRIDAY JULY 1 I 2:00 P.M. abrie DRESSES IMPORTED, TOP QUALITY 48" SATEEN DRAPERY LINING Reg. 1.39 Tard SPECIAL 98c YARD Fabrie Mr. and ivrs. lhans Bergsma are shown following ieîr marriage which took place on Saturday ' afternoon, une 18, in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville. The ride is the former Donothy Lewins, daughter of Mr. anc nrs. George Lewins and the groom is the son of Mrs. ieuwe Bergsma and the late Mr. Bergsma of Enschede, lland. They will reside in Bowmanville. -Photo by Robent Carnuthers, Bowmanviill 1 il CADMUS Mn. and Mns. James Gray, Brian and Linda, were Sundayl supper guests of Mn. and Mrs. Anthur MeMabon, Lotus. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Johnston visited Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Hopeson, Toronto.. Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Kerr, St. Catharines, were guests of Mn. and Mrs. Oscar McQuades and Mn. and Mrs. James Kerr. Mns. Schwartz and family were Sunday guests o! Mns. MaKay. Port Hope, were guests of Mn. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray. Miss Lonrene Wanrack, Hamp- C-iul 1 59 4 1 NL i KING ST. W. ý a.m. BOWMANVILLE, ONT.