PAGE six T1 CNDA TTSA, OMN!LOTRC_ HarolId GuIIy Speaker At Rotary -Honoring Dr. George James Thse regular meeting of tise flowmanville Rotary Club held at the Balmoral Hotel Friday noon was transformed into "Dr George James Day" as the Bowmanvllle Rotarians, sev- eral visitars tram other Rotary clubs, and liflang friends af Dr. James paid a surprise tri- bute ta hlm for thse hanor lie recelved reccntly by bcing given an honorary degree of Doctor ai Laws at Queen's Un- iversity. Dr. James, who is a charter member and a Past President ai the Bowmanville Rotary Club, was seated at the head table with Harold M. Gully, a former Bowmanville boy and liielong friend, who was the speaker. Also at tise table werc Rotarian Tlm Wilson, a past president, af Oshawa Ro- tary Club, another aid fricrîd of Editor James who was re- sponsible for arranging the meeting; President Keitis Jack- son, and Rotaian Dave Morr- son, another charter member o! the local club. Rotarian Morrison intmoduc- ed Mr. Gully as a for-mer Bow- manvihle boy who isas maoe good in tise big city ai Toronto where hie was Public Relations Director for Sihvcrwood Daim- les Limited for many years;. Mm. Gully a past president of thse Toronto Rotary Clut, vi.s- itcd thse Bowmanvihle club an- nuaily tisrougb the years, b2 said and is well and favorably known here as a very witty speaker. Very Witty Address M. Gully fully lived up ta this reputation in tise early portion ai bis addmess as lie mc- minisced about bis younger days when he grcw up on Cen- tre Street with Dr. James, who lived only a few doars away. He gave a vemy amusing e- sume aifiis duties, trials and tribulations as pipe organ pumper at tise Metisodîst Cisurch in Oshawa. Aiter keeping his audience in constant laugiter with tise atories ai his yauth, Mr. Gully became sligitly more seriaus as he paid tribute ta Dr. George James on mceiving an isanor- amy L.L.D. degree from Queen's. "I think At was tise late El- bemt Hubbard who said same- thing ta tise effect that whcn work, study and play are ai- ternated in praper proportions tise argans ai tise mind are last ta fail, and death for sucis has no termors", Mm. Gully stat- ed. Maybe Dr. James' practie- of tisis pattern bas kept himof tise slab for nealy 70 yearsf," Mm. Gully said. "Tiseme is no accolade Ma tise weekly press mare Impor- tant than being made Presidenti ai tise Canadian Wcekhy News- papers Association. One mamn- ing in 1937 1 was aver in tise garage getting tise slip covers geased wben my wife called up ta say tisat Harry Nichol- son, Editor ai Printer and Pub- isher, wanted me on tise phone," tise speaker said. "Mm. Nicholson wanted ta know if I, as a eceptacle for evcîy word uttercd by George James, wauld write a sketch af Editor James ai Tise Canadian Statesman as he had just been ehectcd President af tise Cana- dian Weekiy Newspaper Assa-, ciation. They wantcd this for a lead article in tise next issue af Printer and Pubhisiser. "I said I would do tisis for tise sheer lave of it (which wasn't my usual approacis ta a paying job) so I threw off tise isalter and began ranging down tise corridors ai tise past. Outlines His Career $'To appreciate greatness, some greatness is necessar.y. I am handicapped isere. Tiien those wvho stand tao close ta tise picture sec onhy tise marks. I have re-read wisat I wrote and here is a part af it: "Same ai aur readers down i Digby or out un tise frozen frontiers of tise Klondike may wonder where Bowmanville is. Well-it does nat nestle among. tise hills, boasts ai na bhood- stained battlefields Pnd suni- sets are no different there than out youm way. It just sits where it has sat for many generatians on a featumeless fringe ai Lake Ontario. A ceek and a derelict dock mark tise spot. 'Tisere aur bero edits and publishes Tise C a na dia n Statesman. Ta give you some idea how thse James boys take competitors into camp, tise Canadien Stetesman in its 100 years bas absorbed seven oth-- I newspapers, nameiy: Thc Sun, Tise Observer, Tise West Dur- ham News, Tise Bowmanville News, Tise Newcastle Indepen- dent end Tise Orono News. Be- sides; severel otiser newspapers were bomn end expired witisaut. tise James boys laying bends on tbem. 'Editor James is no sluggerd wherî it cames ta public inter- ests. He was the first Secre- tary ai tise Canadian Club, member of tise Board ai Trede, Tise Hotels Association, Odd- felhows, Canadian Foresters, Palestine Chapter af tise Me- sanie Lodge, Advertising and Sales Club ai Toronta, Direc- tom ai Class "A" Newspapers. He is a charter member ai tise - Lander Hardware 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-5774 New Ronson Electric Shaver with flexible head 24M5 1 week Free Trial Narthrite Pens 35C Banker's Pens 79o - 98c Pepsodent Faute and Brush - 59o -Flnash Holders- 3.60, 4.00 Sun lasses Aviation style ----99c Te-ne-Ray Glasses-. 4.00, 5.00, 5.95, 10.00 Polaroid Glasses - 1.98 IRatary Club and was its Presi- dent. 'Lilce hlm father befare hlm, he has been councillor, reeve and mayor of thse Town ai Bowmanvllle. He is affection- ately called by thse epîthel "The Old Grey Mayor." He has snow in his hair, but no frait in the heart. He is an at- tenuated Methodist (United Church now) and was Treas- tirer the job he took over tram bis îather. Had Varied Experience 'As a young man, Editor George James vislted the large American cities, there ta gain knowledge and experience. He is able without confusion ta paint out the distinction be- tween Caruso, Leftie Louie, Madame Schumann - Kelnk, Paderewski, Gyp the Blood, and others. He was an.athlete and kcen]y interested in sparts. He was thmee years goalie for the Ail Saints Soccer Tcami, and they won the Toronto city champianshi p as long as he was an it. H e was goalie also for Argonauts hockey team. 'He almost became a Doctor (legitimate). The University af Toronto actually had him. in- side., Shaw's Business College put the business buffer on him. The J. J. Gibbons Adver- tising A.gency had hlm for ai- mast thrc years. He was busi- ness manager af thse Brantford Daily Courier prior ta the Ex- positar amalgamation, but he came back ta Bowmanville. 'Like mast successful men Editor George James has no sidelines. Like tise pearl, he came up from the bottoin. Since a boy settîng up the quacks in six point type, lie bas stayed close ta the job. He is a hard worker. He wastes no time making faces at bis competitors. Wbenever possible he figuratively passes aut a kiss with a future in it. His circulation gains have been nmade by the process af peace- fui, penetration. He is less dis- tinguished for thse brilliart things he does than for the damn fool things be daes not do. 'He is genial, modest and frank. Not afraid ta cali a man a skinflint if he is anc. He has a charming wife and family and a beautiful country home. His organizatian is Ai."' "As a pastscript", Mr. Gully declared, "I see George in the penumbra of his pioneering father, M. A. James. They spoke flot with the mixed clarity and fuzzîness of thse aver-educated, but with thse gravel ai aur common speech they reared an enduring mon- ument ta the family's name. Let's give thse Doc thse 21 gun salute". Speech Warmly Received Mr. Gully's tribute ta Dr. James was receiv&çd with pro- longed applause by the Bow- manvilie jRotary Club members and their guests, and Rotarian Morley Vanstone expressed the thanks af the gathering ta the speaker. "This meeting honoring George James is ane af the meetings that should go down in the history of this club", Mr. Vanstane declared. "There is no anc wbo could have expressed aur feelings better than Harold Gully, and we thank him for doing sa". Dr. James expressed bis thanks ta Tom Wilson, Pub- lîsher and General Manager af the Oshawa Times-Gazette, for arranging tise meeting, and ta Rotarian George Maody for his part in it. "Tis has been a great moment in my lufe, and I appreciate it more than I can say,," he stated. "I owe a great deal ta Rotary, and At is anly fitting that this tribute shouid came at a Rotary meeting. In niy younger days, my partici- pation in Rotary activities gave me needed self-confidence, and I alsa have tried ta live up ta thse Rotary Motta, "Service Above Self". "I took me 10 years ta catch up ta my brother, Norman James, wbo was a Rotarian in spirit long before me. I had ta dig in ta catch up ta him in the matter af being of service ta others," Dr. James stated. Fred o. Wood Receives His 30 Year Pin Fred 0. Wood, another vet- eran employee of Goodyear, jolned the group of service pin holders when he was honored wlth his 30-year pin last month. The presentation was made by plant manager Char- lie Cattran before a group of other pin holders. Fred Wood was born in Virginla, Ont., an Lake Sim- coe, and flrst was employed wlth Gooodyear in 1919. He left In March, 1920. He return- ed ta the plant in 1925, and has a record of warking ince then In one department. He has three daughters, two married, and is an ardent basebail and hockey fan, Introductions at the gather- ing were made by Jim Pres- son, wlth Georqe Watt pre- senting an outlhne af Fred's service with the campany. Child Drowns On Week-end Lake Scugog Mark Brisley. two-year-oid; infant son af John Brislcya Newtonbrook, Ontario, 'wa among tise fatalities listedae tise week-end. Tise ciild was found Setur- day aiternoon floeting face down in front ai a neigisbar's cottage et Scugag Point, Lake Scugog. Mm. Bisley was work- ing iin front of tise iamily cot - tage attise lake wisen tise child wvendercd off, and was missing in a few moments. Oshawa Fime Depatment and volunteers failed ta revive tise chid. Coroner Dr. J. A. McArtisur, af Blackstock, pro- nounced tise deeth accidentel drawning. j ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Weemn, / Lamea and Susen, visited Mm. and Mrs. A. M. Weamn, Clare- mont. Mms. M. J. Hobbs attended thse executive meeting of tise Oshawa Presbytery Waman's Assaciation held at Simcoe St.' United Churcis, Osbawa. Mrs. Palmer, Mm. and Mrs. 4 C. M. Focklem and iamily, and fnicnds af Toronto, wemc Sun- day visitors af Mm. and Mrs. H. Grubis. Mm. and Mrs. Walter Smiths, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston, Enfield, Mm. W. C. Stainton, Toronto, were cahiers at Mm. Chaude Smith's. VIe fetv ty Mm. and Mrs. Arthsur Wrigbt, usefciety Barrie, Mm. and Mms. P. Tre- Domninion Store, Bowman cisc, and girls, Oshawa, were June 23 - 24 - 25, 195 visitars ai Mm. and Mrs. Nor- man Wrighst. Mm. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and family visited Mm. and Quick - Easy ta Prepa Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Bowman- vils5 H. Milîs, Cisester and K A N PO Bruce, witb Mm. and Mrs. Ce- cii Mils, Maple Grave. York 12-oz. ti Mr. and Mms. R. J. Ormmston, B in campeny with Mm. and Mrs. àO O N Llayd Asiston, Haydan, visited U a N witis Dm. Williams, Caesamea. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Reid and York - 12-oz. tin family, Pickering Beach, were Sundey visitors at Mm. and LU1 C1M ridge, Toronto, Mrs. Bell York 15-oz. tin Haines, Lindsay, were week- end guesis af Mr. and Mns. Mrs. E. C. Asiston at hem home with Mm. and Mmc. O. C.___________ Ashston. Rev R. M. Seymour deliver- G a ne ed an inspiring sermon as a G a a te chose ta bis ministmy in aur cisurcis on Sunday evening. Choosing as bis tcxt Mark 1 SWIFT'S : 17 and his subjeet, "I will make you ta become fishers af men" explaning tbat thedis-rm u tansformed values and a set The veteran weekly newspa- ai higher motives and a broad- DEVON RINDLESS per publisher pointed out that ened, expansive horizons. Al many people try anly ta do seemed in accord as the even- f the big things, and overlook ing was perfect climatically B AO things which add up . to, and assembled ta receive aur pas- become, the big thing In the tor's final message. The Junior SWIFT'S COTTAGE STI long run", he asserted. Chair gave an apprapriate an- He also paid tribute ta Har- themn, 'Gîve Me 011 in Mv I1 always been an inspiration ta leader, Mrs. R. Seymour, and /I Rl him.1 a double duet was rendered by SWIFT'S VACUUM PAC Many Congratulatory M~essages Misses Mary Griffin, Nancy Secetay Rx Wltes radWaod, Elenar Heard and Car Secetay Rx Wltes r3droi Wright entitled "Yau'l congratulatory messages and Neyer Waik Alane" with MiSs io telegrams from a large number Gloria Wright at the piano 1 of Dr. James' fÉiends including Mr. and Mrs. H-. Stevens vis- BURNS SLICED Dr. Hugh Templin, Publisher ited Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith, othFrus es-crdL.Oaa.CkB. Cainan, Publisher of the Mr W. C. Stainton, Toronto, 1 Picton Gazette; John Martin, spent the week-end with hîs C o e Public Relations Director of sister Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens. Massey- Harris- Ferguson Ltd.; Mrs. T. M. Siemon visited R. G. Everson, of Johnston,Mr and Mrs Russell Gilbert Everson and Charlesworth, Mrd Miss Annie Mountjoy, Pre e v n Public Relations, Montreal; Bowmanville an Sunday. Harold Garner, Publisher of~ Mrs. E. Kennedy, Bowman- the Peterborough Examiner; ville, spent the week-end with William Telfer, Managing Di- Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens. Crown rectar of the Canadian Weekly __________ Nexspapers Association; C. V.- E L S Charters, President of the Ltd., Brampton; W. H. Martoi, $ 5ýSE L R Publisher of the Belleville In- telligencer and 1. H. Macdon- r r G o y a aid, General Manager of thelI E T I Publishers Association. ý Suggestions Visitors at the meeting rwere Foster Russell, Publisher f Suggestions forwarded by the Cobourg Sentinel-Star; 16 employees of Goodyear rc- CERTO IR S Ford Lindsay, Editor of the sulted in mare than $75 being Oshawa Times-Gazette; W. Il., distributed as awards by the, Noakes. new reporter of The suggestions Committee last! Canadian Statesman; Ratarians month, it was reparted. A A AI Collins, Bill Minette, Mac Top award, $10, went toa a~ R " McGillivray, Sid Hopkins, comparative newcomer ta theP A IRA W A XI Eric Jones and Stan Everson plant, 17-year-old Clifford AIl- af the Oshawa Club. dread. Other employees wha President Jackson made a received $5 awards were:-An- birthday presentation ai a Ro- drew Crombie, Joseph Childs, tary spoon- ta Rotarian Bruno Charlie Nesbitt, William Bar- DRIIBEI JA Miller, and Attendance Chair- rett, George Purdy, James man Keith Billett presented a Coyle, Lamne Kerr, Lloyd Pas- one-year perfect attendance sant, Clarence Bell, Orville pin ta Rat arian Ted Mann. He Hooper, and Walter Hawes.U V I A thanked Mr. Wilson, Mr. Gui- Two shared $5 awards were IU TU JA ly. Mr. Moody and everyone made: Jack Baker and Archie who had made the testimonial Masters splitting one; the dinner for Dr. Georg-e James other being shared by- Deanf buch an outstanding succcss. Grilla and Benson Nichoîls._ Four onvule 55 IT'S NEW - DELICIOUS READY IN A JIFFY MONARCH Chocolate - Lemon - Caramel Sponge Puddings )are - 12-oz. tin KI LOAF 41c1 33C1 ONGUE 55C1 161 29C1 dQuality Meats Franks 1b. 3 7c lb. 49c YLE CRYOVAC Boneless lb. 65c c - fi-oz. pgk. Meat 30C - 6-oz. pkg. iarn 47 C Req ui rements Small - Doz. Med. - Doz. $1,55 $1069 IIUID botle25c TALS 2 Pkg. 25c 1 RINGS Pk9 c RINGS Voz. 27c plays, wlll be an view. Play performances. begin atý 8.30 p.m. and in event of baci weather are held in Strachan Hall, Trinity Coilege. OBITUARY ROBERT HETHERINGTON Bathing Caps 69c-79c.98e Noxzema Lotion 39c-75c-1.00 Wildroot Shampoo '73c size - 49o Flash Bulbs 17c, 18c THE CANAIDIAN STATESMAN, 'BOWMANV=.E, ONTARIO action, can attest. Earle Grey Earle Greyhave made a very worthwhile P layers HoId contribution ta Canadian drarna 7th Fe tivapany in 1946. Tours af Ontario centres are made each autumn, especially for the benefit of Thse seventis season oi the higis scisoal students. Thse Com- ]Carle Grey Shakespeare Festi- pany has vlslted, Bowmaniville val, which was the first, and for several years xiow and for several years tise anîy, played ta Packed houses. Shsakespeare Festival in Can- Three Sunday evening can- ada, opens in Trinity Coileqe ce rts'o! Elizabethan music, fre Quadrangle on June 27. He!d ta those attending tise Festival. in the open air, uslng the type in Toronto, wihl be presented af stage which Shakespeare on tise open air stage, an July himself used, and surrounded 3, 10 and 24 with sucis aut- by lOtis century style buildings, standing artists as tise Marcus the setting is ideal for tnis Adeney Ensemble, John Sidge. justhy enowned festival. wick's Englisis Madrigal Sin- Phays this year are '#Tie gers, tise Klemni Hambourg Two Gentlemen of Verona" String Graup (heard in Bow- fram June 27 ta July 9;, "Mac- manville hast week), and Par- beths" for one week, July Il tia White, contralto. ta July 16; "Tise Merchant af There are also two fre lec- Venice" for two wceks, July tures at tise Royal Ontario 18 ta. July 30. It is believed Museum an Tuesday, June 2ki that this performance of "Thse et 3 p.m. - "Presentation af Two Gentlemen of Verona" is, Siakespeare's Plays at tise tise Canadian premiere ai thci Globe Theatre"; Tuesday, July play. 12 at 3 p.m.-"Daily Lufe in Presentations are af a higis Shakespeare's Time." Many ar- calibre, as all who have seen ticles made in 16th centuryr the Earle Grey Company in England and mentianed in tise ROYAL - 2-pkg. Sale 9-oz. pkg. Butterscotch - Choc. - Vanilla - Coco Crem. ;21Uc Instant Puddings 26C Ogilvie's White - 17-oz. pkg. l CAKE MIX 35c Serves 4 in a Jiffy - 7'zo z. p kg.L ]KRAFT DINNER 2Fo29C Richmello - 1-oz. jar SALAD DRESSING 35c Lynn Valley - Standard- 'oz. tin CUT GREEN DEANS 2 For 33C For 29c Regal - Hot or CoId Drinks - PAPER CUPS Pkg. af 6 2 or 25c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Arizona - Vine-Ripened and Sweet - Jumbo Size 45 CANTALO UPES 23C California - Sweet Eating -Heaping Pint Box BEAUTY PLUMS -25( California - Sweet Eating -Heaping Pint Box APRICOTS 25C) . c Lai Grown - Arriving Fresb Daily STRA WBERRIES LOWÉST MARKET PRICE. - I No. 1 Virginia - UnwashedI New Potatoes 10 lbs..55c1 DOMINION STORES LIMITED Clark's - In Chili Sauce - 15-oz. tin BEANS with PORK '2 Ricbmello Orange Pekçoe Pkg. of 30 Pkg. of TEA DSAGS 39c 75 é Freshly Ground ]RICHNELLO COFFEE Lb. 93C Du ches PICNIC KITS E.25C 1.95 size Breck Shampoo Now 1.49 Large size Bryicreem with a Comb -69c Colgates Tootis Faste- 2 giant size -- 89C 40e size Noxzema ---29e Spray Net and Sbampoo- Bath for 1.75 Gilletto Razors Avoid Sunhurn 59e 89Ce-1.29 - 5.00 Desert Tan 1.00 Autostrop Razor -__ 1.50 Skolex - -__ 1.00 Nivea Cream - 63c, 1.10 Shavint Drushes 490 to 5.00; Skol ____ 55e Kodak Cameras - flash models 5.90 to 17.95 CQWLI NG'S MA 3569 DRUG- STORE TRUSSES IW!L1SDAY,_RJNE29r&, lM St., Bawmanville. -1ise matiy beautiful flowers were a- tri- bute ta the esteem and akec- tion la which the deceased *as held. Pahîbearers were six ne-* phewst Keir and Clive Lamb#, Bill Lycett, Joe Staples, Char, les Hetheringtan and Hector, Hetherington. Interment W481e in Bowmanvllle Cemetery. 1 Tise sudden passing of M,. his widow,-îMatilda La;ib, for. Robert Hetherington on June merly ai Verulamn Township; a 14 came as a shock ta bis daugister Geraldine (Mrs. J.. family and friends. Wisile Lawson) Welland, Ont.; tw'o 1working in tise garden, Mr. sons, Robert Carlton of Niagara 1Hetherington suffered a heart Falls, N.Y., and Ronald af seizure wiic proved fatal. Bowmanville. Also a brother, Tise deceased was born In Charhie, Cannington; and two Verlam Towshi, Vcto,,sisters, Mrs. Albert 'Pogue Veulm onsisip , 1Victria(Libby) and Mrs. Fletcher 1Mit- Colio n lte William187,nisecisell (Lucy) bath oif lenelon1 son ai tiselterWiam nd HeFells Tisese are ail who rd;' Maar iet Hinheingtn. Hle rmain of a family of 12. 34had s anivred in tv he o Friends and relatives attend& Goodyear Tire and Rubber Ca. dtefnrlro Niga bere for some years befare his Falls, N.Y., Lindsay, Bobcay. retiremnent. He enjayed garden- geon, Feîîelon Falls and Can- ing nd pen man boms nington, as well as Bowman- ing anville andandistrict. this pursuit. He was a mcmr- ville and district. ber af St. Paul's United Churcs. I could neyer tisink well of 1 Funeral service was conduct- mnan's intellectual or mnoral ed on June 16 by Rev. Harold ciseracter, if he was isabitu4lly Turner et tise Nrtiscutt anîd unfaithiul ta bis appaintraents. Smith Funemal Home, Division -Ntsaniel Emnmons. 6